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Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:06 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
I really enjoyed last night's episode! I need to re-watch it though because I always seem to get more from an eppy after I've watched it a second or sometimes third time, lol :lol:

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 6:55 pm
by Cocogurl
FSU/MSW-94 wrote:I really enjoyed last night's episode! I need to re-watch it though because I always seem to get more from an eppy after I've watched it a second or sometimes third time, lol :lol:
Lol. I'm that way too. I enjoyed this episode too. I'm mostly happy that all of these secrets are coming out into the open because they were driving me crazy. And after this episode, I love Rick, love Glenn, love Daryl, love Dale, but I HATE Shane. I think it's official for me. He's dangerous and untrustworthy and someone needs to tell Rick that. This season's been really good so far, but I hope they find Sophia soon. I'm getting worried about her. And I can't believe that after next week's episode they're going on a break! :(

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:06 pm
by killjoy
I do have to say this about Shane.Now I'm not saying he's stable or trustworthy or things like that.But he is right about ONE thing that Rick is not.Rick still likes to hold on to his pre end of the world moral code.That sounds nice and all and very upstanding....but it's a quick way to get him killed.Shane is right about one's a dog eat dog world out there now.All those nice shiny ideas that ran the world don't work anymore.

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:43 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
Killjoy, I agree, Shane is a complicated character, but the rules of survival has definitely changed/altered most people's worldview. It is kill or be killed with those zombies. I am not advocating pro-abortion, but I don't think I could bring a newborn into that changed world either. too dangerous.

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:49 pm
by Cocogurl
killjoy wrote:I do have to say this about Shane.Now I'm not saying he's stable or trustworthy or things like that.But he is right about ONE thing that Rick is not.Rick still likes to hold on to his pre end of the world moral code.That sounds nice and all and very upstanding....but it's a quick way to get him killed.Shane is right about one's a dog eat dog world out there now.All those nice shiny ideas that ran the world don't work anymore.
Well, I think both Rick and Shane pose very interesting questions about who a person could be in a situation like this, but I don't think Shane is necessarily right. While I understand that the world changed with the zombie apocalypse, I think if you decide to throw away all of your humanity just for survival, there's really no point in trying to survive. Humanity's dead anyway. And threatening Dale wasn't about a life or death situation at all. That was just who he's become now. So while I think Shane does have a point, I just don't necessarily agree with it.

As for Lori's abortion, that situation is a toughy for me and I do think Rick was too hard on her about that. I don't agree with abortion, but that is one situation where I would seriously consider it. I wouldn't my child to have to face the dangers that I was.

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:52 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
^^ Good points Cocogurl :D

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:58 pm
by Cocogurl
^ Thank you. Though, I'll admit, I might feel differently if the world really did get taken over by zombies, but I hope I wouldn't. I do hope I'd be more like Rick because I think it's a little harder to hold on to hope and kindness in a hopeless world than it is to give in to it. That's not saying that I think the people who have given up are weak, it's just I don't think Rick is weak for holding onto his humanity either.

But this season's been pretty good in asking tough questions because I can really see your guy's points of view and the characters as well. I'm probably going to have more nightmares of zombies now that the show's back. I'm a wuss. :lol:

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:02 am
by killjoy
Well I'm not saying you have to be the most evil hard ass bastard.What I am saying is Rick needs to realize that most of the high standing morals he was used to upholding as a cop could get him,his family or the group killed.He needs to learn which ones to hold and which ones to let go in certain times.

Okay I'm not trying to start a fight here :lol: But I'm trying my best to explain what I think was going thru Shane's head when it comes to what he did with Otis.I first off think Shane is not all the way across the crazy line yet.I think a small part of him does feel bad about what he did to Otis...hence his shaving off his head to get rid of the mark left by Otis pulling his hair out(sort of a Scarlet Letter you might say) and the speech he gave about how you have to put your emotions away and do what must be done even if it's hard/wrong(the speech he gave Andrea while teaching her too shoot)

My thoughts are that Shane is telling himself that his shooting Otis had to be done because it was the only way to get the stuff back to save Carl's life...shooting Otis and letting the zombies get him in order to distract them and let him get away.I mean up to a point Shane was staying behind and covering Otis back side and waiting on him to show up....I don't think he ever planned on killing him till the last second when he thought he had no chance.

I think Shane believes he did what needed to be done in order to save Carl's life..that's what he's telling himself.

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:06 am
by killjoy
Plus when they were in the drug store grabbing stuff who didn't see the zombie coming the way she was reaching all the way across the shelfs like that?!! :lol: :roll: :lol:

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:57 am
by Cocogurl
I totally understand what you're saying, killjoy. I'm not trying to start a fight either. It's actually cool debating this. I think I've been driving my mom crazy with all my walking dead talk. :lol:

And I do agree with you're saying there. I think Shane that in his mind, he did the right thing. I believe that whole heartedly. I just worry about him now because once he+ cross that line, there's no telling what he would do next. And his threat to Dale scares me. I wouldn't be surprised if he got a chance, to off Dale.
Plus when they were in the drug store grabbing stuff who didn't see the zombie coming the way she was reaching all the way across the shelfs like that?!!
Oh, I totally saw that coming. I think it needed to happen though. Maybe she'll finally stop looking at the zombies as people and accept that they're dead, dangerous animals. But at the same time, I sympathize. I don't know if I could kill a loved one.

And please, please, please can we find Sophie already! That's the one storyline that's been driving me nuts.