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Family Matters - Chapter 20 - 06/21/2023

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:58 am
by Parker1947
And now,

That is where we found the situation as Kyla could only look with a smile as she repeated her earlier phrase, “I thought I left this scene back when I left European soil,” she said with a smirk, “I mean, Mom” she said with a smile as she looked at both her mother, and Kyle, who she knew was now single. But this was not something she expected to witness when she was finally coming home after months away from home. “Should I give your two some more privacy?” she asked with a laugh. “Because I can go over to Lucy’s place, who I hear has now moved to town” she said with a look at the stunned looks at her mother and Kyle. “Kyle?”

“Mikyla,” Kyle thought. Someone who was gifted in many ways, that was just like her mother. But they did not look alike. Nothing a like in resemblance despite their height Kyle thought. Because Isabel had stuck to the blonde hair that everyone knew her to favor, except a brief time when he was a senior year when she wanted a change. She had graduated, and she wanted something that was different. It was just as she got involved with Jesse Kyle now thought. So, she took a turn as a brunette. There were a lot of attempted changes that year he thought. Maria changed her hair too, but that was later Kyle thought. As graduation approached.

And she was at a loss because New York had not worked out as she had hoped. But once they were on the road and fleeing for our lives or their lives because the government did not want me, he thought. I was along, for the ride.

As he remembered he was a non-entity to the goons back then. They did not think I could be like those they chased. Of course, they mistakenly believed Liz was one of them but then she was in some ways, but she was too human in many other ways.

And on the road, Isabel changed back to being a blonde so that the powers that were looking for them would have a harder time, because Isabel was a brunette on the tape. She let her hair grow, and she was a different person. Still very attractive Kyle remembered thinking, but Isabel was still hung up on Jesse, and wanting to find a way to go to Boston to be with him and when the calm settled down, she was the first one to go…

And there was no reason why I would stick around as the group started to fracture as Michael and Maria headed off and settled in Nashville. While he found himself wandering back to Roswell but stopping and finding Sue Ann in the process. We were engaged and married in no more than a split second, he thought. Dad did not even come to the wedding, he thought. As the cover of his new marriage had allowed him to finish the journey back to Roswell.

There were questions asked, but not enough to get him in trouble. But once home, he and Sue Ann, like Isabel and Jesse before them realized they did not know each other that well, and that meant their marriage was doomed, but before they could call it a day. Sue Ann became pregnant, and their son was born. And they both tried to make it work.

Because Kyle did not want to be a weekend father, and he knew what it meant to have a parent abandon you, it hurts he thought of the relationship he was never able to have with his mother because she left, and I stayed with Dad.

But eventually, it was a marriage that was not going to work. And they split and became much better co-parents than spouses. Next to Isabel. The ability to help Sue Ann with the parenting of our son has been the best relationship I have had he thought, even when she married Doug early on, he thought. He had not known how that would have worked out, but it had worked well.

Everyone knew their places.

And Kyle was adamant that he would be there for his son.

He just wished his chance at finding happiness had worked as well, but then he was never that happy as he was in his friendship with Isabel and once, she was single and out of her marriage with Jesse, and unsure if she ever wanted to put herself out there for a romance ever again, because she was seeing Max so dejected, and her own heart was bruised by her marriage to Jesse.

But she had wanted to be a mother and was determined to go through a sperm donor route so that the potential father did not know the quirks of her history. Kyle hated that idea. And so, he had suggested simply as a lark, and I do admit to being a little drunk at the time he thought. That I be the donation for Isabel quest to be a mother.

Isabel had been shocked. And even knowing the potential headaches, eventually she would warm to the idea, and so they formed an agreement that he would help her become a mother, and he would have no formal role in the child’s life. No child support was expected.

Isabel had her alimony and divorce coming from her dissolution of her marriage, since Jesse in Boston was making buckets of money, and wanted to help his former wife get settled back in Roswell. So, she could raise her child without needing any support from Kyle, and Isabel had not wanted to put that between them. It was enough that Kyle was offering, she thought.

And then a child came from it, and we are now looking at that child.

Someone who does not look like me, but Kyle Isabel thought as she looked at her eldest child, and only child she gave birth to.

She looks like Kyle she thought.

But studious like me, but also in sports as she thought of what her daughter was signed up for during the summer, once she was home from her studies in Europe. Except she did not expect her to be back.


“Mikyla,” Isabel said stumbling to think coherently. “What are you doing here?” she asked of her daughter. “How did you even get here?” she asked, as she had many questions as to why her fifteen-year-old daughter was now home instead of being overseas where she was supposed to be for the following week.

“It was heating up over there,” came Kyla’s response. “You know what I mean?”

“Oh,” Isabel murmured I have not been keeping track of that she thought. I wanted to think that life was becoming normal again. “You did not try calling the house, did you?” she asked but then remembered she had not been good at answering the machine, or checking her phone because she had been so mixed up, and dealing with everything with her brother and father these last days. “You should have tried calling?”

“I did, repeatedly,” Mikyla smiled. “You did not answer, so I got tired of leaving messages, and they bundled us up onto planes faster than we thought they would, and so, when I got back into the States. And New Mexico. I took a bus from Santa Fe,” she said as she looked at the concern on both her mother and Kyle’s face. “I managed okay, because I have gotten used to traveling these last months,” she said as she knew she had been able to do the one thing her mother had not been able to do which was travel she thought. She had managed to get out there in the world and see something greater than New Mexico, and even Arizona.

She now knew there was more out there.

And she wanted to get out there again.

With the pandemic far behind us Kyla muttered to herself. “So, I repeat, did I interrupt anything?” she asked once more. “Should I head over to Lucy’s place?” she asked, “Even though I don’t know where she and her parents now live. But I guess I can head over to Grandpa Evans place,” she said. “I mean Uncle Max’s,” she said since she knew that her uncle did own the family house, and her grandfather only just lived with him.

“No,” Isabel said as she came out of the shell shock state that she had been in.

“That is good because I figure that I have missed a lot of drama around here?” Kyla asked as she did not know if drama was unfolding between her mother and Kyle either, or she did not know what to make what she had just walked in.

Home sweet home Kyla thought. There is always drama somewhere she muttered. Which is why it was a breath of fresh air to be in Europe, and among kids her own age. Which was something she had not been in a year by the time she hit the European bubble, because it was almost normal to see kids sowing their oats and being refreshingly normal.

“I guess this is my cue to leave,” Kyle said softly as he looked between mother and daughter, and knew it had gotten close there, but the last thing they should be was confusing anything and making it complicated, given what was going on in their group. “I got that last postcard of yours. It sounded as if you had an adventure.”

“I did,” Mikyla nodded. “I loved it. It makes me want to travel after graduation,” she said with a big smile. “When I have the time, and I don’t have to study all the time.”

And it was a smile that Isabel liked seeing even though she knew she would now have to get used to the fact her daughter was not only fifteen but also now quite capable of moving around on her own, how can that be, she thought. Because she remembered that tiny baby in her arms, but for the moment, she smiled back, and Kyle took it as another cue to leave as he turned around to face the door.

Figuring that Kyle was looking to go, which is probably a good thing because I do not want to think of what might have happened if we had not gotten so busted. “Thank you for coming over,” Isabel said with a smile. “Sorry we did not get to that movie.”

“Maybe next time,” was all Kyle could say.

“Yeah, maybe,” Isabel said softly, as Kyle opened the door and walked out, and she was left to wonder what had just happened. And why is so surprising to me?

Kyla could only laugh as she had just been watching how her mother and Kyle reacted to each other. “So, what have I missed?”

Yeah what?


As nearby, “Thank you for dinner Mom,” Maria was saying to her mother as she and Amy exchanged a hug, as she and husband had finally departed from the Deluca/Valenti household and were planning on making their way home. So, that they could catch up with their daughter who should be hopefully home by now. Although they all knew Lucy had a mind of her own, and therefore, it was anyone’s guess whether she was truly heading home. Michael and Maria had stayed longer. Even though the topic was on the top of their minds was not discussed either at dinner, or once impressionable minds were no longer in the house. Because Amy formerly Deluca just wanted to revel in the fact her daughter was home in Roswell to be able to come over for dinner when the mood strikes instead of having to plan months in advance or having only her granddaughter visit for a planned visit. Always deeply planned, so the fact Michael and Maria were settling back in Roswell after so much time away pleased Amy.

She knew how her daughter and Michael vanished. She did not know why it had happened until Jeff Parker summoned her to the Crashdown behind closed doors, to give a story. A story that had many layers. One that she was late to come too. And it did not make her happy because she had been late to the botched graduation ceremony because of a disaster at the house. When she got there, she walked into a nightmare, and her daughter was gone. It was apparent that families were asking questions to the ensuing mayhem. She saw that Jim was not even there also, because he had gone back and took the first step in getting back his rightful job. Because he had shown up later, although only as a deputy.

But you have to start somewhere.

Yes, you did. But when she arrived at Jeff and Nancy’s apartment and got the full story, although there were entries left blank in the book she thought. But it held a unique story. One that she did not believe until she got confirmation from Jim on some of the substance of the story. How could you believe it? she thought now as she watched her daughter and son-in-law walk down the sidewalk, further away from her.

And she remembered how for that year before things settled down. She did not know what side was up, and she did not even get her daughter to tell her what was going on. All she knew was her daughter was in love with Michael.

Who was an alien human hybrid? Who knew they existed? Amy hadn’t. And her daughter’s involvement in all of it was because of a shooting that involved Liz. I remember hearing rumors of something hinky going on, but I would never imagine it being true. Still Amy knew her daughter was safe and normal, but she fell for the rogue and gruff bad boy in Michael Guerin, and once she knew what was going on, whether she believed it or not. Still, it made a lot of sense because Michael was unique.

And always had been unique.

Amy did not always see whatever Michael provided her daughter, although I can see why the bad boy gruff would be appealing given my own youth. Still Amy had to deal with her daughter gravitating to it without telling her while her life was suddenly changing in ways her mother could never understand until I did. But before Amy had read Liz’s journal, she had every reason to believe that everything was starting to settle down. Although I was not always around to see it. And I did not get my daughter back in this town.

Because Maria and Michael had settled in Nashville. And they had only come back for visits, nothing more permanent.

But now they were back, and she was thrilled to have them back. And especially to have her granddaughter in town because she knew she missed out so much on a child who was so much like mother, right down to currently her hair cut that she had in high school.

Amy took some amusement in it, despite what kind of DNA her granddaughter had in her. Still, she was giving her daughter grief. It was everything a mother wanted for her child. To be able to be a parent, and to get back what she had put out herself.

So, she was happy to have the Guerin family back in town. And been happy to have dinner with them because it was something normal. She had missed out on so much over the years. So, she was happy as she closed the door on the warmth in the late May evening. As she turned and saw her husband settling down in the chair by the door to the living room. “They are off.”

“So, I see,” Jim said.

“Can I ask you something?” Amy asked her husband of 10 years. Theirs was a marriage of second chances, okay, maybe we had a few more second chances than most she thought because for so long they did not make it work, until we did.

“What?” Jim asked. Making sure, he was close to the phone in case the department called because his trusted senior deputy was on the night shift, and Jim had it off. But one could not be too careful.

“What was the look that you were exchanging with Michael?” Amy asked as she sat down on her own chair, nearby. “Is something going on that I should be aware of?” she asked because ever since she came into the secret, she never knew what to expect. Because anything could happen, although it had been calm over the years.

Of course, it did help that her daughter and Michael lived elsewhere, but still, you have to wonder now that everyone was back in the same vicinity. Given the kids knack of finding trouble she thought as her daughter as her kid, even though there was a newer generation who were almost the ages that the original generation once was…

“I don’t know what you mean,” Jim muttered even though he knew what his wife was talking about.

“I think you know,” Amy smiled. As town Sheriff. She knew her husband had a way of keeping information under his control until it was needed to be let out, and usually she did not bother with it because she knew eventually it would be divulged to her if it was truly important, but something in the way Michael and her husband were looking at each other, it gave the impression that something is up.

Now that she was in the know, she was also hypersensitive about it.

Am I seeing stuff that is not there? Amy wondered.

It was possible.

“Jim,” Amy muttered.

“It’s nothing that you have to worry about,” Jim said with a sigh. “It does not even involve our family, any of them. Michael is sensitive about some information he found out, which I knew part of, but it does not involve us, so you do not have to worry about it,” he muttered. “It’s for the kids to deal with.”

“Are you sure?” Amy asked.

“Yes,” Jim smiled. “If it involved our family, I would tell you.”

Amy was not so sure he would but believed him on this one, so she walked into the kitchen, and finished the cleanup.



Maria and Michael were taking the opportunity of a beautiful night and being alone. With their seventeen-year-old already at home, we hope they both thought. But they knew Lucy, and chances were that she would make it home, she is not that wild, Maria thought. She did not rip off a head of a snake and have Armageddon reign down on you like Liz did by being a victim of that shooting back in high school Maria muttered to herself. Only then did things turn out of this world she thought as she and her husband walked the park and took their time. The reason for coming back was to get away from the stress of Nashville in the pandemic, and slow down and try to have Lucy have a normal life for a change. Finish high school and plan for her future, assuming there is a normal anymore she thought.

Personally, Maria did not know if there was one. But she hoped for her daughter’s sake there was. But she was happy for herself that they came back. Because years of being in the music business had started to take its’ toll. And while she loved writing music, she had been good at it. And even became a major success in singing, but it was not only her songs she had written. She had written for other people. And she had proven a hit, and that was something she was planning to continue to do, because you can do it almost anywhere.

Especially these days, and in this world she thought. It was a lot different than when we were in high school. Because you can zoom your writing partners, or submit songs for viewing and life goes on, but she knew it had been a hectic life even when she was not on the road and able to be home with Michael and Lucy at night, and on weekends. So, the opportunity to come back to Roswell was a needed one.

A breather she thought. As she looked around. “The town has grown so much since were teenagers,” she muttered. “It is almost like it is a different place,” she thought. “But still there that essence. It’s good to be back,” she smiled. As she knew she was vastly changed from the teenager who did not know what she was going down and had followed her boyfriend onto the road because the authorities were after him, I did not have too but I wanted Michael she thought. “I did not think I would ever really say that” she said with a smirk.

“Me either, hearing you say it I mean” Michael said with a smile. Because he knew how much they had a mutual longing to get out of this town. And unfortunately, life had its own ideas for what their life would be back in those days. Fortunately, we have been able to create something that I don’t think in any scenario back in high school would we have thought possible.

“I was happy in Nashville, but I do have to say that Roswell is a little more peaceful” Maria sighed. And it was not because it was a lot smaller than Nashville.

“Maybe you should not be putting that into the air,” Michael muttered. “You don’t know what you will stir up with a comment like that…”

“Nice one Space boy,” Maria said as she secretly prayed that their life would not get so crazy as they continued to walk as they took a leisurely pace back home. It was not often they had this chance to take it slow. Because everything was so fast paced in their old life, except for the last year but that was a drastic slow down, now, all she wanted was to revel in normal. Assuming that is possible.

She was not so certain it was possible, but one never knew.

“It is definitely a change of pace, coming back here” Michael muttered because it was a different life but then he could not help but think of what he had learned earlier on, “Even if you don’t think of the drama that might be getting stirred up,” he muttered.

“That is something I wanted to talk about,” Maria was saying as a text came onto her watch, and she took her phone out of her pocket and checked the device, “Lucy is now home.”

“Good,” Michael sighed at the knowledge that their daughter was at home, waiting for them. “I guess we better get home?” Because we do not want to leave Lucy home too long to her own devises, he thought, even though he knew they had in the past. As he thought of how independent their free spirit of a daughter was, truly a version of her mother, and not so me, he thought of their daughter and Lucy’s quest to be unique. It was something he liked, and even though they mostly trusted their daughter, Michael could not help but think that he had a lot on his mind right now, and he wanted to be home and deal with it in privacy.

As it still rocked him to know what he now knew.

Something that he knew his wife did not, if she knew, she would have told me.

“She’s fine,” Maria smiled. “Anyways, I was saying. What was going on back at Mom and Jim’s house?” she asked because it was something that was nagging on her, and she did not like feeling like something was nagging at her, especially not given how everything had been back in high school, and yet, she knew something was going on.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Michael muttered even though he knew.

How could she not ask? he muttered to himself as Michael knew that it was a miracle that dinner was as peaceful as it was, and it was obvious his wife had not known what he knew about the events of nearly two decades before, when Liz upped and left her marriage. Michael knew his wife had not talked with Liz much in those early years, obviously for a reason he now knew. But it was surprising that Maria would be in the dark.

Because Liz and Maria talked about everything.

Ever since they got hit by lightning together,
Michael muttered. It was not every day that two teenage girls would fall in love with aliens from another planet. And no, it was not some long and delusional dream because it was very real and still unfolding to this day, and he was now coming to terms with the new added dimensions to it all.

A fact his wife did not know or hoped she did not know because it meant she would have kept it from him.

Although he would not blame her, if she had, because of what it all meant.

Because I do not want to know what I know…

And from Maria’s side of things, she knew something was on her husband’s mind. She could feel it all through dinner, with the way he was looking at Jim as if they had a mutual secret. One that she and her mother did not know, and in particular, her.

Space boy knows better than keeps secrets from me Maria thought. She knew they had a rare marriage in that they knew everything about each other, and even if they tried to keep a secret, the other was bound to know it before too long. Usually it was him, finding out from me, she thought, because he has his ways.

And usually, she did not mind them because it meant that he could see all of her, in ways very few women could claim. Only Liz had a more intense and unique bond with Max, Maria thought. But it means, Michael and I know each other she thought. “Space boy,” she tried as she smiled at her husband.

Oh, geez Michael muttered. “It’s nothing,” he tried, but he knew he was lying because it was more than nothing, and he was not going to get home in one piece if he did not speak up and tell his wife what he did know.

“I am sure it is,” Maria sighed. “But something is up, and should I not know” she asked. “If Jim knows, and you know, then why don’t I know?”

“It’s complicated,” Michael tried.

“I am sure it is,” Maria answered once more. “Everything in our damn lives is complicated and most days of the week I am perfectly fine unless Lucy is doing something she shouldn’t, but I don’t think it is about our daughter, is it?” she asked. “You would not have allowed her to head home on her own, and since we have only been in this town a few days, I have to wonder what it is all about?” she asked. “If it’s important,” she muttered. “And you can’t say it is not because the way you were looking at Jim like you used to back in those days?”

“What days?” Michael asked, but he knew. And how did I look at him?

But both of them knew.

Because those days are hard to forget both thought as they knew they were damn lucky to have gotten out of town after the botched graduation in one piece because it was not looking like they were going to in those early days, when Jim was not their ally, but their enemy. We know we are fortunate to count the town Sheriff as in our corner. “Michael, tell me.”

“It’s just something I found out and I also found out that Jim knew before me, and did not tell me or Max,” Michael muttered. “We had to find out the hard way, or Max did. Because it does not concern me,” except when it does because Liz took the bullet for me, he thought. And knew he should be grateful, and he was, but like Isabel, that feeling was mixed, and complex and came with a lot of emotions because of what Liz had chosen to do, in hurting my best friend.

But also saving our hides.

Although unlike the others, Michael could hold a grudge.

And they all knew this…

“So, this does not involve our family but Max?” Maria asked. As she was trying to figure out what was going on, and what Michael was keeping from him. “Not about our family?” she thought, as she tried to mull what her husband might be keeping from, because one of their reasons that their marriage was working was that I know him she thought. As she also thought of the big and truly complex family of insiders they had in their lives. Although are we not one big happy family she thought of the alien chaos she had tried to run from back in senior year of high school.

Back then, Liz was tied to it more than I, Maria thought. I thought I had my out.

But boy was I wrong.

It turns out Liz was able to get away, and I could not. Maria thought. As I am the one who married and stayed married. “Michael,” she sighed as she knew she did not regret that she had chosen Michael in the end over whatever her future could have held if she had let Michael leave her here in Roswell. “Tell me….”

“Fine,” Michael muttered because he knew his wife needed to know. It’s not my secret, and does not even mess with my life, he thought. I am not Max, he sighed. Someone who lost his wife and daughter because he did not know how to fight for them. As he looked at his wife, a was prepared to tell, but before he could spill, they heard a familiar voice. “Hey Space beings,” and they twisted and saw Kyle walking their way.

Both were surprised to see him because he did not live anywhere near them, or this area.

But Isabel does Maria was quick to murmur to herself. Michael was oblivious to vibes that Maria was getting from her stepbrother.

A fact of life that surprises us to this day Maria thought as she remembered a day when she could not stand Kyle, and actively shipped for her best friend to go another route, what did I know she thought. All I did know was that Liz and Kyle would not have been together.

They are better friends Maria thought. “Kyle,” she said of a fact that was going on ten years. Ever since their parents had finally come to their senses and gotten married, which makes us family.

Because she and Michael lived elsewhere until a few days before, they never really had seen Kyle as much. Because Kyle was always in the middle of marriages, or divorces. “What are you doing here?”

“I was nearby,” Kyle said as he was not going to be open to where he had been. “Are you headed home?”

“Yes, we were at Mom and Jim’s” Maria murmured. “You were missed.”

“I doubt it,” Kyle said. I have enough of those dinners he thought, as they had taken a sad uncertainly since his divorce, and the knowledge he had struck out so often at marriage. Dad got it wrong once before he got it right, he thought, Although it took a long time to have Amy give him a chance, but he knew he had his chance to be there, “I had other plans,” because he had been invited to the family dinner, but he had passed it up because he had not been in the mood, and because he had found himself at Isabel’s…

Anyone we know?” Maria muttered.

“Maybe,” Kyle said without anything more to go with it because he knew his stepsister was playing around for information, while Michael is oblivious to all of it, he thought. Or does he had more on his mind. “So, have you heard?”

Michael groaned, because by the looks of his wife’s stepbrother. It was easy to see that Michael knew Kyle knew, which meant the secret was not going to stay a secret for long, even if it was a secret, just information not given to my wife by either me or her best friend.

“What have I heard?” Maria asked, ready to play the game. Because she was in the mood, and she could not possibly know what the men knew.

“About Liz?” Kyle asked.

“What about Liz,” Maria asked, as her antennae were up now, and she knew something was going on. “Is there something I should I know that I do not know?” the blonde human asked of her husband and her stepbrother, who was just as normal as she was, but had been saved by an alien. Don’t even ask why Kyle did not change.

No one knew why.

“Just everything,” Kyle smiled. “You mean Michael you did not tell Maria?”

“Will someone tell me what is going on?” Maria asked. “What should I know, and what do you know, you two that you are not telling me?

“It’s nothing,” Michael tried again. “It’s none our business, I don’t know how you do know Kyle but it’s nothing, and we should leave it Max and Liz to work out on their own without us interrupting them.”

“When have Max and Liz ever worked things out without it being hard and complicated?” Kyle asked. The story of Max and Liz is indeed long and complicated.

So much happened in a span of nearly three years They all would think.

Maria now sensed something was up, and she did not like the not knowing. “What is going on?” Maria demanded of her husband and even her stepbrother because she now knew the were in on some information. Something I do not know. “Someone better tell me right now, otherwise you will not like what I will do.”

“Fine,” Michael muttered because he knew he had to be the one to tell his wife. “It’s just…”

“Space boy, just tell me, okay.” Maria muttered.

But Michael was finding it hard to say, because he had not come to terms with whatever it meant, and because he had not talked to the source of all of it. So, Kyle was the one who blurted it. “Liz took a deal with the government and that is why she walked away from her marriage with Max,” he blurted. “And to make the situation worse, Phillip Evans knew all about it and did not tell Max where his wife or what she did for all of us, or most of Isabel and Michael” he murmured. “Liz sacrificed herself for everyone…”

“What the hell,” Maria asked, stunned.

…yeah, it was very much of a what the hell type of situation.

Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 20 - 06/21/2023

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 12:38 pm
by Superman86
Looking forward for more. Hope we see more of Mazda and Liz soon.Anyway, Have a safe vacay.

Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 20 - 06/21/2023

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 3:33 pm
by totallizfan
Now that Maria knows the secret....she won't let up on Liz until she gets the full story.

Enjoy your vacation.

Family Matters - Chapter 21 - 06/30/2023

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 9:20 am
by Parker1947

And it was a sentiment clearly Max could echo, what the hell but for him, it was because something very different had happened. Something he had not anticipated for, but it was something that just happened he thought because there is not other excuse for it. Except to know it happened, and how he was going to deal with what comes next.

That is an excellent question Max muttered to himself as he sat up in bed and looked over at the woman he once lived. Max don’t be an idiot, you still love her, he thought to himself as Liz’s eyes were shut, and hopefully she was asleep, because he did not know how to have the conversation because he did not know what to say.

What can I say? Max asked himself again. You are gunning for heartbreak, and a glutton for punishment he moaned to himself. So, why did you do it?

Because it was Liz.

One minute he was pissed off. Hurt, angry and disappointment. All mixed up in the same emotional burst that came with the discovery that he had been lied too, okay lied too is a harsh one he thought. I was deliberately told false information, or those in the know kept it a secret and did not fill me in.

And the next he had screwed up. Hardly a life changing screw up he thought at the thought he had fallen into bed with his ex-wife. Someone he loved before he even knew what love meant, and when he was still new to everything that was of the planet, and then at sixteen when he had finally given a chance to love her, and at eighteen when they married.

But they were divorced at nineteen because Liz lied to me and walked away and what do I do with how upset I feel.

We end up in bed. After having mind blowing sex he thought.

Sex was never an issue Max mused Once we had it, he thought. Because for so long they had not given the chance to have that part of their relationship. Thinking they were too young and should wait.

Except he knew so much would have been different if certain history events in our insane courtship had happened instead of stopping right before anything could have happened, he thought but that was not today’s problem.

Todays was the fact that he had slept with the women who had destroyed him when she had walked away and taken their chid with her.

All because she told him that he was too dangerous.

But it was all a lie he thought. She walked away because she took the word of a rogue government agent and did not want to fight for our love he thought.

Granted, he knew with Claudia. The whole situation would have been murky, and complicated, and did he really want to go on the run with child, or staying and fighting an mystery organization who wanted to catch him, and terminate his life, along with his family, and with Claudia born, it meant a new generation that would have been targeted, if Liz had not pulled one over on the agent he thought as he thought of the child he had never gotten to know.

But that does not mean I want to be told I am too dangerous to be a father to my child, or a husband to my wife he thought as he looked over the woman who had captivated since they were children together, and now they were old, and she was as captivating as ever, but he was kicking himself for going there, when he was pissed off at her.

This is not the answer he told himself as he got up with one more look, and having to resist the temptation to touch her, and wake up the desire that was never going away. So, he got out of the bed, and walked into the bathroom.

And, once he came out, he collected his clothes, and walked out of the room.

Leaving Liz behind.

Doing something that he had never done before, and only Liz had done as her eyes opened up as she heard the door slam shut, he did that on purpose she told herself, he had to have she muttered to herself as she sat up herself and looked around and knew she had done it this time.

She had finally done it; she had finally screwed up big time.

As if any of her other screw ups had not been meaningful, but this time she knew she had been asking for trouble. Because it gave her a world of trouble.

Because the heart is not something you play with, she thought. Because we did too much of that back in high school. And now it was two decades from those initial days that were full of confusion, but also wonder because it was all new. We are too old to be playing games she thought as she remembered the feeling of being with Max.

She hated how he made her heart race.

When I am the one who left. I should be as hard as Fort Knox in terms of what is takes for him to get through my barriers, she thought. But I had to do this…

I had to let it happen she muttered as she did not get out of bed in hopes of stopping Max from leaving her, which was unusual in their whole unique journey. I am the one who usually leaves she thought.

Instead, Max got out of bed, and walked away. And she did not know how to handle it, but she also remembered that she had to account for both of her children because she was forced to remember how Claudia had taken JJ off somewhere, and she had been supposed to call when she was ready for him to come back.

And she went and made things more complicated. And she did not know what the next step was, “I need to stop this,” she muttered. “This has to make sense,” she thought as she finally did get out of bed, but went right into a shower, and was trying to think of anyone but Max, but that was proving impossible.


What was proving impossible was the fact Claudia knew her mother had not reached out to her yet, and they had walked over to the Guerin house, but it was dark. This was before Lucy got back to the house, and now she was having to babysit her little brother until she knew if it was okay to take him back to the motel because she did not know what she would encounter if she took her brother back, before she knew it was okay too, only for all hell to break loose.

It surprised her that her mother was out of the range of communication, because it was not like her mother. She knows to check in she thought so in lieu of not going back to the motel just yet, they had gone for a long walk. And stopped for some ice cream at a joint that was newly open, and they enjoyed it, “So, what do you think about all this,” JJ said in his child glory because he was too young to know all of the forbidden barriers in the story, and what exactly happened and who had been betrayed and hurt, and who had won. And who did not, but all he knew was that he had an older sister who did not have a father, but now they were in a town where her father lived.

He did not know the story of his mother and Claudia’s father. Despite his normalness, JJ had always been inquisitive and needed to know information. Claudia figured it was because of how hard it was for his early days, not that JJ remembers it exactly she thought because he was only a baby when he came into her life, and her mother adopted him. But because he knew his sister was also stalling instead of taking him back to the motel. He found himself in a need a topic to discuss with is big sister.

Because we can only talk so many movies he thought. Because there have been none, and I have experienced more streaming stuff than my sister he thought because Claudia had been living with her grandparents all semester until now, so there was not a lot of pop culture that they could talk about so naturally they gravitated to the strangeness of their lives. And the fact they were settling in a new town.

She was quite used to it, but JJ had grown up most of his 10 years in Boston, so this was all new to him. “What do you mean?” Claudia asked, and for once she did not know what her little brother was getting into because it could be almost anything, almost she thought.

“You have a father?” JJ asked.

“Given the fact we were born at all. It always will mean we have fathers,” Claudia smiled as she knew her little brother was trying to interrogate so that he knew what was going on, since he’s only 10 she thought, there is so much he does not know because he cannot possibly understand it yet.

“Yes, we do” JJ agreed. “Although I do not know mine.”

“I am sorry JJ,” Claudia winced because she knew how it defined her brother’s life to be a product of a single parent. And the fact his biological family was dead, and there was a lot of hurt in those early experiences before he was rescued.

“Hey, it’s okay Mom told me,” JJ muttered as he knew only so much that Liz thought he was able to comprehend, and therefore he did not know every gritty detail of his biological family, and how he came to have a new family. “Mom loves me, you love me, and I have a good life, but I always thought you were like me, and your biological father had died or something” the ten-year-old asked. “But he did not?”

“Nope, that was not my life story” Claudia muttered. “It’s an ordinary tale,” she lied Yeah real ordinary Claudia as she continued. “My parents just didn’t work out, and therefore they went their own way.”

“So, you have a father?” JJ asked.

“Yes,” Claudia muttered. Somehow, I was born. “It’s too complicated to discuss with you, and no, I do not know why they were fighting back in the motel, but I do know they have a lot of baggage, and maybe it needs to be expressed because it does nothing to let it all bubble up,” she said as she knew what it meant to bundle of her emotions which is why she had gone to live with her grandparents because she had let it all fester, until it exploded on her mother, and they did not know how to get past it.

As she thought of her unique life. She knew she was different. When you are exhibiting talents and have the ability to see parts of the situation that no ordinary person, you learn early on that you are different. And because her mother had told her about it coming down her father’s side but had not told her much more about the man.

Honey, we did not work out she remembered her mother saying when she would ask about her father.

Why did you not work out? Claudia remembered asking.

We were young, and the situation became too much for both of us, and we needed to move on from each other,” Liz would say.

When she was younger, she bought it. But as she got older, she saw something was off. And finally in a fight about Archie and Colorado and her inability to want university, Claudia wanted to be able to do her own thing, create my own journey she muttered as she saw her mother about to say something, when she Claudia let loose, and let it all out. “You want me stuck. You say I am special. I have the world at my fingertips. But you move us around, and you do not let me go anywhere I want to go. I am going to be eighteen soon, and I have a right to want my own future. But you are keeping me by your side,” she muttered. “And only doing what you want me to do?”

That is not true, Liz thought. “I want you to have a future,” Liz whispered although she did know that the criticism was warranted in that she had been paranoid when Claudia was really small. Afraid of who might see her, and if the government would rescind their agreement and swoop her daughter up to make sure she was telling the truth. I was not. But then how did I know at three months old, the kind of girl my daughter would grow up to be? Would she be like me, or would she be like her father. “I want you to have the best future…”

“Some future,” Claudia muttered. “It is like we are hiding?”

We were when you were a child, but not now “You know we are not hiding. I know it has been a tough year for you,” Liz was saying as she knew her daughter’s senior year should be one of excitement and looking forward to the future, she graduates in a few months, and everything is in upheaval she thought because of a pandemic that had ravaged their world. It has made everything seem so much worse because Claudia has not been able to have the normal experience. “You saw Lucy in Nashville…”

“Like that makes it all so much better,” Claudia muttered of the one person she had been able to see. “My friends travel and do all kinds of cool things and all you ever want to do is an odd market and yes, we see Aunt Maria and Lucy, but they are family, even though we do not get to see them near enough” she muttered. “I want to get out of here and see the world.”

“You can, but you need to go to university,” Liz muttered. “Too much of today’s world relies on a university diploma.”

“Why?” Claudia muttered. “Because you think it will brighten my horizons? she cried. “I do not know what I want to be. I am all over the place. I want to see what is out there. The last year has been stuck behind computer screens, and unable to see my friends, I don’t need to be somewhere where atmosphere does not know what is exactly happening or normal,” she sighed. “It’s not as if you are doing what you wanted to be doing, so why should I do that when I do not know what I want to do, or what I want to be.”

“Sure, I did not go to the school I wanted too,” Liz allowed.
That was Harvard or even Northwestern, she told herself. I did not imagine getting my degree in New York. “But I am following my dreams?”

“Only because you walked away from my father, and took me away from him because he was too different for you, and you wanted to punish him?” Claudia cried.

And Liz winced because she knew her daughter had a lot of baggage because of what she had done, and the path she had taken. Because Claudia was a burgering woman who did not know her identity, and I have kept a lot from her she thought as she saw the pain on her daughter’s face
. Still, I do not know if Claudia would be much different if Max had been part of her life, she thought. But I do have to concede I have not made it easy for her Liz thought. All the moving around…

And the last nine months or so have not made it any better because of a pandemic that had robbed her daughter of all the experiences that a high school student should get, and because of those friends were not able to be seen. And those had the ability have moved around to try to make ends meet in industries that were open…

Archie had moved to Colorado to work in the mountains, now during the winter was working in Aspen in some ski chalet, and her daughter had wanted to go see him. But Liz wanted her to concentrate on the last months of high school, even if she could do whatever course work was left anywhere. Because her daughter was bright and had left the simple carefree classes to the end of her high school career, and the next semester was going to be a cakewalk for her daughter unless she gets preoccupied by her boyfriend and the excitement of being away from home.

Liz wanted the world for her daughter. She wanted her daughter to have the life she had not gotten to have because she had been so preoccupied by events to really have a good experience. I got my degree, but it’s not like I had the time of my life because yeah, I did shelter my daughter to make sure she was protected and now she was looking at her nearly eighteen-year-old daughter and wondering if it was all worth it. “I loved your father.”

“You left him and took me,” Claudia muttered as if she did not believe her mother could love the man she had left.

“It was not because I wanted to punish him,” Liz murmured. “Yes, he was different from me. And so much like you,” she sighed as she was seeing Max in Claudia’s eyes more and more. She might be named after her late grandmother, but she definitely looked like Max,
and it was sometimes painful to look into those eyes and see someone I should be with today.

But I am not, because I hurt him deeply by walking away and taking our daughter with me. “I was trying to protect you…”

“From him?” Claudia asked.

“No, never him” Liz sighed. “He would have loved to know you and he was an excellent father, she muttered. Even though we only had three months together after you were born, she thought. “It was never because I hated him, or because he was like you, different.”

“Then why?” Claudia asked.

“Protection, I was protecting the two of you, and so much more” Liz sighed but knew she could not tell her daughter the real reason why she had walked away from her father. “Your father is better off where he is, and you were better off with me.”

With an armed guard in those initial years, when she was scared that the guard would go away, and they would change their minds, she thought. And make all what she done worthless. Even though some days she wondered if it was worth it.

All the sacrifice. But looking at her daughter, she knew she had to try.

“You protected us by leaving my father?” Claudia muttered.

“I many ways I did,” Liz sighed. “We live our lives at the end of the day. I made the decisions I made because they were the ones, I knew were right,” she murmured.
I wish they were different, but they are not, and if I had not left than we would not have found JJ and brought him into our family she murmured as if that was an easy justification for all she did once upon a time.

It was, but only something that will go so far…

Claudia didn’t think much of it, despite all the love she had for her little brother.
I did not have my father, she muttered to herself as she looked at her mother.

Claudia came the real-world attempt to bring the teenager out of her dream world. As Claudia Diane Evans quickly came back to earth, in a manner of speaking, as she looked around and saw her brother, but no one else.

And she knew she could not afford to be in dream world as she and her daughter had left the fight about her future, and how her vision differed from her mother’s simmer without making headway, and the next day, they had gotten into the car and driven to see her grandparents. So, the plan to go to Colorado was a no go the teenager thought, but in the end, she got her request to not be so stuck, but instead of making a trek to see Archie. She had stayed behind and stayed for the remainder of the semester with her grandparents, not exactly my hunky boyfriend Claudia now thought.

But they were now back in each other’s orbits, and in a town that brought a lot of memories for both of them even though Claudia had been too young the last time she had seen her father to really understand it all.

“Claudia,” JJ asked.

“What?” The eighteen-year-old would say as she focused on her young brother. “Sorry,” she muttered as she knew she probably had given her brother concern when she zoned out like that, into like they had not seen it in their mother in the past, but it was never easy to remember the past. Claudia knew this and knew it had been her decision to come here to Roswell even before she knew she would run into her biological father.

She could have gotten and defied her mother and gone to Colorado, but nope, she came back here, and she was understanding that there was so much she did not understand about everything.

“What is going to happen now?” JJ asked.

“I have no idea,” Claudia muttered as that was one of the more honest things she had said to her brother, because she had no idea where this all goes now.

As they continued to walk.


“Are you serious?” Maria Deluca Guerin asked finally as she stood and stared at her husband of eighteen years, and that of her stepbrother. A relationship that was only legal because their parents finally had gotten their senses together and tied the knot. Which made them family, but they were also friends. Something Maria had not seen coming because those early days were ones where she thought Kyle was too much of a bother. And someone her best friend should not be with, because he was too boring, she thought.

I was an advocate for Max and Liz, Maria thought. What did I know?

All she knew though was that when she saw the mysterious brunette looking at her best friend every day in the Crashdown, he was always around. Max never missed a shift that Liz was present for Maria smiled at the memory. As both her best friend and Max were clueless, and she thought there was chemistry even though the only words they spoke were brief ordering of the usual each day whenever Max did show up.

Which was of course all the time, and he usually sat by his gruff talking best friend Michael Guerin. Michael never understood the appeal to Max of Michael for a friend. Until I knew more of course she thought. But Max and Michael were so different she was sure, but I was wrong. Boy was I ever wrong.

As that day in the Crashdown changed everything.

And now she was two decades from that day. And she was looking at everything differently. Because like Liz, but not Claudia. She had the benefit of knowledge.

Too much knowledge.

And too much experience in the trenches of the alien chaos that began to take over their life on that day.

And now she was looking at her husband and stepbrother as if they were crazy, well, it is a distinct possibility because there was absolutely no truth to what they had just told her, or Kyle did, because Michael became a chicken she muttered. “Space boy, you cannot possibly be right, right?”

Forced to speak up, “Unfortunately….”

“Unfortunately, what?” Maria muttered as she was trying to comprehend what her husband and Kyle were saying, as she was looking to her husband for assurances. Because what Kyle just said could not be true, right? Right, Maria thought. “That is craziness to think Liz would do that?” she asked, as she remembered back to the abruptness of it all, and there was no way her best friend would do that.

She loves Max that much Maria murmured. After battling Tess, and so many other obstacles, why would you take the word of the government.

Why take the word of anyone who obviously had a grudge about the men we love Maria muttered to herself as she was trying to convince herself that it was not true. “Michael, speak to me. Come on Space boy?”

“It’s true,” Michael muttered as he was still processing it.

“It can’t be,” Maria said with a startled gasp.

“It’s true,” Kyle said softly. “Seems like Phillip Evans even knew because Liz told him personally. She was cornered by one of those rogue agents, and they came to an agreement. She would leave Max, and they would leave everyone else, meaning Isabel and Michael alone,” he muttered. “I don’t know all that they had on everyone to get Liz to make the deal because I did not talk to her, and only taking it from Isabel who was there when Max found out from his father.”

“Oh my god,” Maria said softly. Petunia, what did you do?


Liz did not know. Sure, she might have known what she did. But she did not know that her big secret was now spreading among the alien fraternity. She did not know to corral the secret, as she was trying to reach her daughter, but it was not working because Claudia was not responding to her calls or text messages, that girl she thought as she was back to being fully dress and pacing around the room, “Call me back, or bring JJ back. All is okay,” she muttered into the phone and threw the phone back on the bed.

She did not know what to do now.


Claudia’s phone had lost power and was in her purse and she did not know it as she and her brother were playing games at the arcade. It was getting colder, and JJ was tiring of all the walking, so Claudia decided to treat her brother to a few games, and the kid was beating her in the games they were playing, “Okay kid, we have to get going, because I have to think Mom is finished with whatever she is doing,” she muttered. “And I have to get home, after all I am supposed to be keeping an eye on our grandparents old place, and I cannot keep it empty for this long,” she muttered because she knew the one thing, she could do for her mother was to keep an eye on the family building.

“Okay, sure,” JJ said as he finished up his solo game, and they left the arcade. “Thanks for tonight, Claudia, I needed it” as they walked the tentative steps out onto a street that neither of them knew very well.

This is our home now. “You will get used to his place,” Claudia smiled. “It’s a small town, and it does not appear to be that bad, so far” she said with a smirk. “I know it has an uncommon amount of drama so far.”

So that she knew because the older generation might disagree.

“I hope Mom figures it out,” JJ sighed as he thought of his mother. “I want things to go back to normal.”

“Normal, what good is normal, Claudia murmured. Everything was abnormal but she knew her brother did not want to hear so she was quick to assure the ten-year-old. “I am sure she will,” Claudia smiled. “The one thing Mom is good for is eventually figuring out a situation,” she sighed after all she has a lot of experience with figuring it all out, “and this has bound to be overwhelming for her too because she has not been back here in a lot of years.”

“Before you were born?” JJ asked.

“Yup,” Claudia said as she knew she did not count Roswell as her birthplace. That honor is elsewhere she thought. But this is as close to home as I am probably going to get, she thought given this place had her biological father, grandparents on one side. And they were taking over her other grandparent’s restaurant even though I miss Grandpa and Grandma Parker.

She had been ready to get away from them after months of alone time, but she did miss them, and she wondered if her mother needed to see them.

Maybe that will help the situation.

Maybe not, because as they turned to head back to the motel, as they went to get the car, they heard some running. “You never liked Liz Michael,” came a loud voice in a fury.

Uh oh Claudia muttered as she and JJ’s ear peaked at the sound of their mother’s name being evoked.

“That is not fair Maria,” Michael muttered.

“You never wanted her to get together with Max, and you could barely stand to see her when she and Claudia did come to visit,” she muttered. “Maybe you are the reason she stayed away.”

Even though they knew he was not the reason.

Shit Claudia muttered as she and her brother were waking into a war zone of sorts. An all-out fight between her god parents as she flashed back to some of the disapproving looks Michael had given her mother over the years. She had always ignored them but now her godmother’s words were bringing the flashes back.

“Whether I wanted them together is beyond this situation. You refuse to believe what is the truth. Your bestie destroyed my best friend and took his daughter away from him without so much of a fight. She took a deal with the devil, and she hurt my best friend in the process.”

Claudia did not know what she was witnessing…

“If she took that deal, then it was because she wanted to save your dumb ass life” Maria muttered. “She is the reason you have a life with me, and your daughter,” she muttered of the one chief way Michael had been different from Max.

Michael got a chance to raise his kid.

Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 21 - 06/30/2023

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 6:01 pm
by totallizfan
Maria seems sure Liz's decision was selfless. I hope she continues to support her.
Liz and Max (slept together)...will their be a baby?

Thanks for the update

Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 21 - 06/30/2023

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 12:09 am
by Superman86
Welcome back, welcome back
Thanks for the update, this is getting juicy Liz big secret spreading amongst the Alien Club, Claudia and JJ growing curious about their mom, but Wowzer!!! Max and Liz (slept together)... Im hopeful to find out too, will there be a new addition to the Evans/Parker bunch? How would Max even handle it or Liz for that matter. Can't wait for more

Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 22 - 07/02/2023

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 9:35 am
by Parker1947
Sacrifice. That was the word of the day. And Maria was in a faceoff with her husband. She did not know the full story. She only had the word coming from her space boy of a husband and her now stepbrother, who were credible sources so I should be believing what they are trying to tell me, and part of her did but then there was a side who wanted to ignore it all. Because she did not want to know her best friend sacrificed her happiness to make sure Maria was happy, or for the greater good and it was not like Maria did not know her friend had already done a version of this kind of sacrifice before, when they were in high school.

Back when before there were higher stakes for all involved. Now marriages were on the line or were on the line and the newest generation had been born, and feelings were highly emotional and so much more were on the stakes.

When before, they were fifteen, sixteen and seventeen and capable of making mistakes and at the end of the day picking ourselves with little lasting damage.

Okay, there was some damage. But now we are all older and should know better than when we were fifteen and our worlds changed in an instant. And therefore, she did not know what to say because this was all foreign to her, because she had not expected it.

She never knew why Liz had walked away from her marriage. She never told me. Except to say that it did not work out she thought. Maria and Michael knew Max was under the weight of what Liz had said to him but not to us she thought as she stared at the man she loved, who was unlike any boy she had ever known.

And I have known a few but she had to admit she had hit the bullseye on the first try, not that we did not take a while to mesh our lives together. As she continued to debate with herself, as she tried to figure out what to say about what Michael and Kyle had told her, and she did not know how she could defend it, until Michael opened his mouth.

“If you are going to defend her?” Michael muttered.

Hell Maria muttered and so she did what came naturally when she dealt with her husband, she fought back. “And if I wanted to?” and I don’t know if I want too… she conceded because how can you defend it, without knowing the full story.

Because Michael and Kyle are unlikely to have the full story, she thought. They only have one side of it, the other side’s view of the situation. Once she knew more, she still did not know what she would think of the situation because she knew how much Liz had loved Max, intensely she thought. Probably even more than I do with my Space boy.

When he was not making me crazy and acting like I would think one way Maria muttered to herself. “Michael.”

“What?” the gruff in Michael’s voice said. “It is true, Liz walked away from Max and took Claudia, all because she made a deal with the government. The same government who wanted to see us dead, or seriously prodded and vanquished from this world.”

Maria and Kyle winced at the distrust and the hurt in Michael’s voice. As the mere mortals in this tale, and ones who were not even changed at all. Kyle could have been, but Maria did not even have any close calls to test the notion. Something was different about Liz both of them knew.

Neither of them nor even Liz knew why it was her.

And only her, and the alien squad.

No one else.

“Michael,” Maria tried.

“What is it?” Michael asked. “You will always side with Liz with everything she does,” he muttered. “It’s always been like that, even when she leaves, and does not talk to you for years” he sighed. “And look at what she has done now.”

“There has to be a reason why she would have done it?” Maria murmured as she looked to her stepbrother. “Was there a reason why she did it?” she asked Kyle. “I know you only have Isabel’s word, but there has to be some reason why Liz would have done what she had done?” she whispered. “She loved Max too much to just blindly take an agent’s handshake and leave her marriage. We all saw them on their wedding day,” she murmured of the small white church in the shadows of the mountains.

That day was magical, Maria knew it was a dream for her best friend. Somehow Liz had gotten her dreams, she thought Sure her parents were not there, and we were fleeing from the law, but they had managed to figure it all out, for once.

“What kind of reason is there for what she did?” Michael muttered even though he did know there was some reason, but he had not been there for when Max and Liz had it out so he did not know exactly why, otherwise he might not be so pissed off if he knew that he was liable for serious time in jail if Liz had bucked the agents and against the deal at any time. I am standing up for my best friend, the King of our land, he thought of his role as second in command.

Sure, this was a different planet, and Max had long ago abdicated the throne and left them all to their own devices but still, you are engrained with a sense of duty no matter what other DNA is in you. Even if he was being irrational right now.

“Michael,” Maria tried again. But Michael currently was not having any of it.

“Don’t okay, don’t.” Michael muttered. “I knew you were going to side with her.”

“I am not siding with anyone,” Maria muttered. Not Liz or you, she would think. “I don’t know the story. None of us really do know, do we, and you expect me to blindly accept that my best friend would just take a government agent’s word for it, without a damn good reason to make such a deal. Michael, there has to be a reason, and you damn well know it.”

“There is no reason as to why she should have done it,” Michael muttered. “She took vows and should have told Max what was going on. Instead, she told him he was too dangerous and a terrible father,” he murmured. “We were too different for her, and he could not see his daughter grow up,” he muttered, and Maria winced.

That is not exactly what she said Maria muttered to herself even though they did not really know except what Max was willing to tell them, and she supposed Michael might have gotten some of it from Max over the years, but still.

“Michael,” Maria sighed. “Space boy.”

“Enough,” Michael muttered. “I have had enough of this. Why don’t we go home to the daughter that I was allowed to raise compared to my best friend who did not get that curtesy,” he muttered.

“No, Lucy is fine, she will be there when we do get home” Maria sighed. “Why are you so ready to convict her for something she might have done without knowing the ‘why she did it?’, Why Michael would she do it. That is all I am asking. As I said before, we know they love each other, and Liz knew more than some of us what he went through in the White Room and therefore there is no reason why she would take such a deal without a damn good reason.”

“Is there ever any justification?” Michael asked. “Would you have done what she did?”

“Of course not, and they did not even come to me” Maria muttered.

“Probably because the deal gave you freedom the last eighteen years,” Kyle muttered.
She took the bullet. Kyle knew Michael had a reason to be pissed, on his friend’s behalf, and the fact the government did have a vendetta, but still he viewed it like Maria. There has to be a reason and said as much. “Liz did it so you two would have each other, because there is no way she would have wanted Max or any of you to go through what he went through.

“So, you say,” Michael muttered.

“That is enough,” Maria muttered. “You never liked Liz Michael,” she muttered. As she was having enough of her husband convicting her best friend without knowing why, she was willing to fight back.

Unaware of the fact they were now being watched.

“That is not fair Maria,” Michael muttered even though it was the truth.

Maria did not know what she was saying except she needed to say it. “You never wanted her to get together with Max to begin with, and you could barely stand to see her when she and Claudia did come to visit,” she muttered. “Maybe you are the reason she stayed away,” she muttered even though she knew it was not her best friend stayed away.

“Whether I wanted them together is beyond this situation. You refuse to believe what is the truth. Your bestie destroyed my best friend and took his daughter away from him without so much of a fight. She took a deal with the devil, and she hurt my best friend in the process.”

“If she took that deal, then it was because she wanted to save your dumb alien ass life” Maria muttered. “She is the reason you have a life with me, and your daughter,” she muttered of the one chief way Michael had been different from Max.

Michael got a chance to raise his kid.

Max’s life had been very different.

And now,

And before any of them could say anything more, there were audible gasps and Maria twisted around and Kyle winced when he saw who was witnessing the blowup, and no one really knew how much was overheard. But it was clear Claudia and JJ had witnessed something and overheard some of it, at least.

“What is going on here?” Claudia asked, unprepared for the blow-up she had just witnessed and even though she had not heard all of it. But she had heard enough of it and what she did overhear did not make a lot of sense.

Much like most of my life the now eighteen-year-old muttered.

“Claudia,” Maria winced at the knowledge that Claudia might have overheard something. “Sorry, I was getting a little heated with Michael here and we did not mean it,” she said softly as she knew they had to contain this because the last thing they needed was Claudia to think badly of her mother.

Or any of us.

But because everything was so tentative between mother and daughter, and if anything, Michael, and Kyle said was the truth than it would rip the band aid of a lot of angst.

“I obviously overheard something?” Claudia asked.

“It’s nothing,” Maria muttered. “Right Michael and Kyle,” she demanded of the men. And Kyle was quick to nod, but Michael was not so considerate. “Michael?” she demanded.

But Michael stood silent. Refusing to give to his wife’s demands.

But for this moment, Maria took the fact he was staying silent as a victory, and maybe he would stay quiet he thought. The last thing I need is for him to sprout that nonsense again she thought even though it probably was the truth. “Being back in this town has brought back a lot of memories,” she said to Claudia and JJ. “And not all of them positive.”

“Then why did you say Mom was saving Uncle Michael’s life?” JJ asked because obviously he did not know the backstory. “By taking some deal?”

Shit Maria muttered.


Claudia did not know what to think as she looked at her godparents. She had always known that her godfather, a man she did not know very well because of those years on the road and not seeing her mother’s best friend all that much until they settled in basically one place. She had grown up knowing Lucy’s father had a weary relationship that ran cold sometimes, and obviously for the moment, it’s ice cold she thought with her mother as she looked at Tripp’s father who she definitely did not know well but knew enough to know he was friends with her mother, and that they had a past.

Thanks to that journal Claudia thought. I wonder if Tripp knows? she thought but that was for another day’s discussion. As she was concentrating on this one, even though she did not know what the undercurrents of it all was, as she stood and watched the men and Maria and she could not help but have the sense that she had indeed stumbled onto something, and she did not know how to address it. So, she stayed quiet, but her ten-year-old brother could not stay quiet and ripped the head of the hornet, and too much was exposed as a result.

“Why did you say Mom was saving Uncle Michael’s life?” JJ asked once more. “By taking some deal?”

And Claudia saw how her godmother’s face went pale and ghostlike. She also knew she was not some kid. She knew what two plus two equaled, the truth she thought and she had walked in on enough of it as she saw Tripp’s father looking like they had been caught in talking about a situation that they now seem to want to run away Claudia astutely told herself as she looked down at her little brother and knew she had to get him back to the motel because he needed his sleep.

I need to sleep Claudia muttered to herself as she wanted to think she was hallucinating all of this. But she also knew she was not. I am too smart to think that she thought even though deep down she wanted to. She had heard the animosity in Lucy’s father’s voice as if he was finally revealing how he really felt about her mother.

It did not make a lot of sense of her because she knew her mother was a lot of things, but she was not some malicious human being wanting to hurt someone out of spite. Mom is pretty compassionate when you come down to it, she thought. She took in JJ when she did not have too, she muttered to herself and she knew her mother made friends wherever they lived, and it was a lot of places she thought. Sure, none of them were that lasting compared to what she had with Aunt Maria.

A friendship that lasted.

It was something Claudia herself had not been able to achieve despite some friends she knew she would keep in touch with, but we were always on the move to make lasting ones, she thought. It did not help we were in the middle of a pandemic that tested those bonds she thought as she looked at pain on her godmother’s face, as she exchanged a glaring but lethal look at her husband. Aunt Maria might be normal, but she can be as threatening as any of us with abilities, she thought.

That is why she and Mom were bonded Claudia muttered as she now was trying to comprehend what she had overheard as she was slowing putting the pieces together, what deal she thought did Mom make?

And she knew her brother was too small, and the adults knew how to put one over on a small kid. She had gotten that treatment when I was small too, she thought, but I also had my abilities she thought. I knew how to eavesdrop on, she thought. You learn so much by being able to do that she wanted to smile, but she did not because she knew this was not a situation for it.

“Aunt Maria?” Claudia asked of her godmother.

Maria groaned because as much as she was pissed about the situation and knew she had to talk to her best friend about it, which meant she only had one side to it, and a side that was coming from a slightly biased source because she knew how her husband detested secrets about his heritage. For good reason she thought. He grew up not knowing and she knew he did not like the government in any way, so to think Liz made a deal with the devil to aid them, it was never going to sit well with her Space boy of a husband.

She knew she could trust that it was also Kyle, because she knew her stepbrother was with her, in their alliance with Liz. The humans in this story she thought, but Liz had a different vantage point than either of us she thought.

“It does not involve you,” Maria lied, and Claudia knew a lie when she saw on, it is like my special talent she thought. She saw through things, and she sensed the truth of the matter she thought. It helped me greatly in school and with friends and not so friendly classmates she thought, it also made me a loner at times she admitted to herself.

“I suspect it does,” Claudia murmured.

“It’s a story for another day,” was all Kyle said softly as he and Maria knew this was not going to go over well with the teenager. Now eighteen, and already having a sometimes-fraught relationship with her mother, how could this be a good thing for Liz and her daughter both would think, and they knew the truth, it was not good at all.

Claudia knew she should leave it alone and take JJ back to the motel. But for some reason she could not leave it alone.

JJ only looked up at his older sister and knew instinctively that this was not a situation she should be in, because it was trouble.

But the curiosity in the ten-year-old knew enough to rush this, because it did not seem too cold anymore.

Things are heating up JJ thought.


Things were certainly starting to heat up, but Max would not know what was going on at the park because he was pulling into the driveway of his home, it is my home not my fathers’ he would think as he stopped the car and killed the engine and stared at the house and wondered if he should go in but knew he had too. I am an adult these days he sighed. I am no longer the nearly eighteen-year-old who was driven away from the house because of secrets I was keeping from Dad, he thought. Even when Dad wanted to know, I could not tell him.

Was this pay back Max thought? How can I not ask that? he whispered to himself. Because why Dad could not have told me?

He wanted to believe it was payback, I certainly have given him the ground to keep a few things for me without being upset, he thought But, this, no, this crosses the line Max thought as he looked at his childhood home. I cannot accept it.

The home that had been his shelter since Phillip and Diane Evans had rescued him and Isabel from the system. I always believed we had a close family, he muttered to himself. I moved in to help Mom, didn’t I?

Not like I had much else going on.

But still I moved in to help, and Dad was keeping something big from me, Max muttered as he got out of the car and looked once more at the house. And wondered if he should have taken his sister’s pleas to stay one more night at least, because Max knew Isabel was worried, but Max knew he had to rip the band-aid off, and deal with this, as he unlocked the door. And walked in.

Expecting to see litter, he was surprised to find it was how he left it the day before. Silently he walked through the house, and saw it was all the same, but nothing was the same as he thought. Nothing at all.

Not wanting to say anything, so he did not.

Until his thoughts got interrupted, “Son,” came the surprised voice as Max turned and was silently shocked to see his father more together than he had been in months, of course he would he thought. “You are home?”

“I live here, don’t I?” Max asked a little gruff, “And I pay the mortgage” he muttered as if he wanted to send a certain message to his father.

And it was a message that his father astutely did receive. “Yes, you do” Phillip conceded at the change in the dynamics between him and his son. Because he knew a lot had changed over the years, but now was not how they were just two days before “I did not know where you were?”

“I was at Isabel’s,” Max muttered.

“Which is what I figured,” Phillip acknowledged. Of course, would go to his sisters because Isabel would want to keep an eye on him, he muttered at the bond he knew brother and sister had, that of course was tested, but it was the one constant in his son’s life since day one. “Look Max…”

“Don’t Dad, I have had enough of it all, and I just need some peace and quiet” Max sighed as he just wanted to go up to his bedroom and forget the past couple of hours when everything changed, and especially these last twenty-four hours when everything he had known had seriously gone topsy turvy. “Do whatever you want, because I don’t care” he murmured, and he wondered if it were true that he did not care. “I am not about to be the traffic cop around here anymore,” he muttered. “You are a grown up, and you are able to deal with your own life.”

It is none of my business, he thought. “You can destroy your life if you want,” he muttered because he could not deal with this anymore and did not know how to deal with it all, but he did know that he could not do this anymore, I cannot play these games with Dad again, and he knew he needed time away from all of it. We obviously do not trust each other.

Otherwise, he would have told me.

“Son, if you want me to move out?” Phillip murmured as he broke through the trance of his son’s thoughts, and inner angst. “If that would make it all the better for you.”

Would it?

Max did not know, and as much as he wanted to accept his father’s word. He knew he did not want his father out there, doing god knows what he thought as he knew it had come full circle. Because that was once Phillip’s worries about his children, and we were keeping secrets he thought and now he is the one keeping those secrets.

“Max,” Phillip asked as he knew his son was far away.

“Don’t,” Max said abruptly. “I said what I said, but it also means you can stay.”

“But if things….” Phillip murmured. I want things to be the way they used to be, he thought. “I can find some place to stay because you are right. This is your home. You own it, and you have a right to be here, and I don’t” he sighed. “Your mother would want you to be here, and therefore, I can go elsewhere.”

“No,” Max muttered. “Stay,” was all he said. “Nothing needs to change,” he said. “At the end of the day, what happened has happened, and nothing can change that, and I know Mom would not want me to turn you out of the house,” he sighed because he had kept his father here when Phillip was in his deepest depths of sorrow even when, he had wanted Isabel to take on their father, but nope, he had never done it.

I am not going to be the evil son who turns out their elderly father from his only home Max thought. Even if the town would not know what I know.

“If you think so,” Phillip murmured.

Max did not answer. Instead, he turned around. “Just answer one question for me.”

“Anything,” Phillip murmured.

“Why do it?” Max asked.

“Do what?” Phillip asked.

“Keep the secret. Lie to me for so long,” Max asked. “I might not understand why my wife did what she did,” once again ignoring the word ex. “Even when I do understand it,” Liz did go overboard trying to make me understand. “But I don’t know why you would do it,” he sighed. “You knew how much I wanted my wife back. And how much I wanted to be a father to my daughter. Unlike my wife, you saw what happened especially once I knew what happened to my son,” he muttered a knife wound that still rings through his mind he thought of the last betrayal that Tess had for him. “And you never told me,” was all he could murmur. “So, I have to ask, why?”

Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 22 - 07/02/2023

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 6:21 pm
by totallizfan
Conversations need to happen. Liz and Philip need to sit everyone down and explain.

Family Matter - Chapter 23 - 07/05/2023

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 8:40 am
by Parker1947

Why had he done it Phillip murmured to himself as he stood staring at his son for the deception, he had caused his son. But was it really a deception? he would ask himself now because Liz was the one who left, I just knew more than my son did about the situation she was under he thought and tried to rationalize that it was not deceiving his son when yeah, it was a form of deception he thought as he could tell that his son was overwhelmed, and he hated it for his son because Phillip knew how much his children had to deal with on a daily basis, living with all those secrets he murmured to himself. I would never want to do it.

I could never comprehend what my kids had to deal with he would realize now.

But he would also have to come to realize that yes, he had in my own way kept a big secret from his son as he would find his son looking at him as if he was a scared little boy, finding out that his father was human. Which would be exactly what was going on all this time they both thought. Dad is human, Max thought. I am not he muttered to himself as he was looking at his father through wounded eyes. We will always be different people, he thought.

And remembered back as a small child who was new to a vast and unforgiving land, and he had to come to understand the ways of that world. Saved by a man and woman who would raise them in their home. It was early on that they would see that they were different. Even before Max and Isabel could comprehend it themselves, or what had happened to them.

And they would find out once they were in school that they were different from any other kids in this world, with the exception of Michael he thought but knowing about Michael would come later when they were older. As he thought of how differences reigned supreme in many families, it was natural for any family to think Because everyone is different. And kids are often different from their fathers. And in this case Max murmured to himself as he looked at his father. We are very different. And it was not only because he was adopted, and therefore did not have Phillip’s DNA.

And now Max could not help but wonder if the sins of the past had created this moment between his father and him. “I have to ask, was your failure to tell me what my wife did payback for what Isabel, and I could not tell you and Mom?” Max asked. “Was that why you did not tell me that you knew where my wife was, or where my daughter was?” he wondered. “When you knew how much I wanted to know my daughter, and how much my life was different when I came home alone,” he thought. “Instead of not telling me, you would let me wallow, and later move in and take care of Mom and all the time you knew something that would change everything if only I knew.”

“I never knew everything,” Phillip murmured, but I knew enough he was forced to recognize of himself.

“Semantics,” Max muttered. “You knew hell of a lot more than I did about the end of my marriage, or that my daughter was out there, easy to find if only you told me what was going on. You knew why she had left me, and you picked sides, and instead of picking your son. Which is what most parents would have done. You picked someone who had left me in the lurch. So, I have to ask, was it payback for the secrets, and the fact Isabel and I did not tell you and Mom everything about us…?”

Was it?

“Of course not,” Phillip murmured as he stood stunned at the mere question. It was never payback he thought. Why would it be? he wondered to himself. I wanted my family to make sense, he thought. And it took a lot of years for Diane and me to know the truth but still it would never occur to him that taking Liz’s word and keeping the secret would be about those years when he and Diane did not know. Softly, he could only look at his son. “How could you think that?” he would ask even though he did know why his son would ask, and it was probably a natural question to ask. Even if that had never come to his mind before this moment. “Liz was protecting you,” he murmured. “I might not have known everything, but I knew she would not have left you without a reason, and even if I knew it was a wrong thing to do. I did not want to put you in danger, and I definitely would not want to put Claudia in danger.”

“You are saying that I would have put them in danger?” Max asked as his face drooped, and he looked at his father as if once again he was knifed in the stomach. “I would never want to willingly put them in danger.”

“Liz was protecting you,” Phillip muttered.

“So, she says,” Max muttered. Even if deep down he knew his ex-wife had done it out of a sense of protection because of course she had done it before, it was not something he would want to comprehend even if some of it was slowly sinking.

“Son,” Phillip murmured. “Obviously your mother and I did not know everything that you and your sister went through during those years, but the little we did know that came in those last days and weeks before you had to leave town told us that this was bigger than any of us, and then when she did come to me and told me the extent that the government agents that had caught up to her knew about your activities. So, yes, I believed your wife when she said she was doing this to protect you. Instinctively, I knew it was wrong and I told her so and told her that she needed to tell you the truth, but she was adamant. And at the end of the day, I had to admire that she was doing it. Because she was looking out for you.”

“How can you say she was looking out for me?” Max muttered. “She destroyed our life together?” he muttered. “Because she made a deal with the devil.”

“A devil that had the capacity to bring great harm to your sister and you,” Phillip sighed. “I might not have known everything, but I knew enough about what they knew about your actions so, yes, I was taking her word but given everything that went down, and there was such a massive amount that your mother could see during those days before you had to leave town. So, we could not help but see how big it was, and given they were ready to disrupt our lives to such an extent in the wake of the army base explosion. It was not hard to see that they had a capacity to hurt you if given the chance. So, I was taking the chance that Liz knew what she was doing, even if I did not believe it was the right decision because I believed she should have told you but I believed she loved you and she wanted to protect you, and it was obviously from early on that you two had something rare and Liz would not have done it if she did not believe it was the right thing to do,” he sighed. “So, when she asked me to make sure you made it through this, well, it was the least I could do.”

“With a giant caveat that you were keeping something fundamental from me,” Max muttered. “I lost out on a chance to be there for my daughter.”

“But chances are that if Liz had reneged on the deal, and if you had found her and Claudia that it would only lead to disaster,” he would sigh as he looked at the hurt in his son’s eyes and it was not something he wanted to be seeing. But it was something that he had to deal with it, because had allowed it to happen.

“We could have weathered it,” Max sighed. After all, we had already weathered so much, he told himself.

But of course, there was so much he and Liz had not been able to get through, and it had only gotten so much bigger with time…

“We all want to think we can make it through, but you must remember that you barely made it out of this town alive,” Phillip murmured. “Everything would have been different if graduation day had gone only slightly differently. If Michael had not reached you in time. By the time I came into it, they had already caught up to Liz and she did try to hold off, but she saw what they were capable of, and even then, they were allowing her out. So, she made the best deal she could because anything else would be all the more difficult for you, your sister, Michael, and especially for your daughter who was only a baby.

A baby would not function on her own, Phillip murmured.

And Max knew it.

I missed it all but three months of my daughter’s life, he would think. The girl I see today is someone I did not see grow up.

“Taking the deal was not about saving herself in the end. Because if it was only her, then she might have held out. But by then, Claudia was in his world and Liz had to think and protect your daughter, and I think you know it. You know that she needed protection. You would never have put her in danger. Because Claudia was the unknown factor here, and they had a chance to change your daughter’s life if they had gotten a hold of her and therefore your wife could not have that. Because you guys were adults by then. You could make whatever decisions, but Claudia was way too young, and Liz was looking out for her.”

“I know she was,” Max muttered even though he would always rue not being able to see his daughter grow up, but he did believe his wife would have been the best person to care for their child. It is a unique paradox he muttered. On the one hand I am steamed to know I was kept from her, but then I know it was the only choice that could be made, he thought. Still, I should have known.

I know it is not very realistic he muttered. But I am in pain.

And pain does agree with what logic tells us…

Because I can only see how much could have been different if only, I had known he thought. He wanted to believe it would have been a fairy tale ending so that he could have been there for his wife and daughter all these years, but Liz and even Phillip knew it would have gone quite differently if only Max had caught up to his wife before she had gotten her freedom.

“All I wanted was to make that choice for myself. To know,” Max said as he was coming to that realization the hard way. If I had known, then I could have made the choice to let Liz go on my own. But I was left without valuable information, and he was forever haunted because of that. But it was too much for today, and he was tired of all this, so he simply just muttered an ending to their conversation. “You do not have to leave,” he said softly as turned and walked away, still pained and hurt by the loss he had suffered all those years before, and how much he had missed, and how it had been the only choice that could have been made.

Even if he wanted to believe that they could have fought it and won. We had gotten out of this town, he thought. So, why could we not win the ultimate battle, he asked.

And because he was tired of thinking of it all, he walked up the stairs to the upstairs and slammed the door behind him and collapsed on his bed.

While downstairs Phillip was looking older than he was, as he simply walked into his office and reached for a whisky bottle.

Because both men dealing with the downside of choices made their own way.


While Liz was dealing with choices she had made. She had not been able to stay in the motel room and look at the bed and remember what she and Max had done in that bed not so long before, and Claudia was unreachable because she was not answering her phone. And JJ’s phone was still in his motel room. The boy was not always used to carrying it because a 10 year did not need the cellphone in the same way his eighteen-year-old sister would need it, and therefore Liz had been able to figure out JJ did not have his phone with him.

Liz did not know her daughter’s phone was out of battery power, and it was the chief reason why she could not be found. Of course, she was running into people, so she was being distracted. But it meant Liz was distracted and needed something different than her motel room, and she needed fresh air, so she found herself walking.

And little did she know, or anyone for that matter know that she was near the area that all things were colliding, except for Max who was in a stupor back at his home and not wanting to deal with anything.

Isabel was dealing with the fact her daughter was home from Europe.

So, obviously there were people who were not in this drama on this day but were still in the story in a big way. But on this occasion, only a segment of the small but growing fraternity was in the midst of some angst. But Liz did not know this as she was taking a walk.

She had driven into town, and she had found the park. A place she had not spent much time in as a teenager, there were other places to be, and other places to find trouble she thought. There was always a place for that, she thought.

She knew she had found many creative ways. Ways either of her children would be hard press to repeat, except maybe Claudia but then that is still a big unlikely she thought as she thought of her daughter.

A link to Max.

Someone who she had a history that had a lot of pain in it, but a lot of passion and they had expressed that just that afternoon. Why, she was beating herself over the fact she had gone there but it was something that just happened she muttered. We were having it out, and then presto, a bed was nearby.

She knew if that had been in their past, namely that big fight after Alex she thought. Max might not have found Tess. And so much might have been different.

But they had a chance after that, until I blew it.

Okay, I might not have blown it because I was saving the day Liz thought. I was doing the only thing that could be done. Otherwise, Max, Michael and Isabel would have been served up on a platter and their fates were not going to be pleasant, Liz was telling herself. I never could have that on my conscious she muttered as she continued walking.

And she was finding that she was walking closer to possible mayhem.


“Maybe we can drive you two back to the apartment,” Maria murmured nearby. As she was trying to contain the possible fall out. She did not know what would happen, but she knew nothing good could come of it. She did not know why Liz had taken the deal, but she also knew the last thing Claudia needed was to know because everything was tentative between mother and daughter, and the last thing they needed was for everything to fall apart.

Like a brick wall that was holding in so much…

But it was hopeless because a brick was becoming loose. Still, she was trying in her own way to patch things up so she was looking for anyway to end this collision because they did need to be dealing with it, so the only thing she could think of was offering to take Claudia and JJ back to the Crashdown in the hopes that they would not have to deal with it anymore, and she could talk to Liz and find out that obvious why.

About why Liz had done it.

Because Michael was obviously a bad choice to get that information because he was not wanting to give her best friend any rope. Maria on the other hand knew if it was true, there had to be a reason why, and it probably had to do with something that she would have no reason to hate. “Let us go back to the Crashdown.”

“You did not hear?” Claudia asked, looking at the wary look on Michael’s face and knew something was going on and there was a concerted effort to keep the information from her, and she resented it but obviously her godmother did not know about the current living arrangements. It did happen quickly, she told herself.

“Hear what?” Maria asked, really, is there something more? she wondered. I do not need anything more being sprung on me.

“Mom and JJ are staying over at the motel near the edge of town,” Claudia muttered.

“You are,” Maria asked shocked. Obviously, Liz forgot to tell me she would tell herself. So, there is a lot my friend has not told me. The change did not make sense to Maria. Why? she would ask herself, why would she do that?

And so, she asked as much. “Why did that happen?” Maria muttered as she looked over at her husband and Michael was seething. And that was not something that was good both Maria and Kyle knew. As Kyle was observing, he and Maria knew when Michael erupted, it would do no one any favors.

So, he was not leaving and going home even though she should because he had a client meeting in the morning, but he knew that Maria could use some support for this situation that was brewing because of the likelihood of getting out of control, which was becoming a sincere possibility with every moment spent in the park.

“It was easier,” JJ muttered. “I did not have a bedroom,” he muttered as he looked up at his sister who had a giant bedroom, and Claudia only smiled. And now I have the apartment to myself she murmured although I have not been able to take advantage of it because I have been with my brother because my mother has been MIA.

“Then where is your mother?” Michael asked as he finally stopped his silent treatment of the situation and was fully into the conversation, just perfect, he would think. Of course, she twists things around and leaves.

Michael was not one to give her any rope because of what she had done to Max.

Even they would all agree that Max was a big boy and could handle his own life. Which is what he was just telling his ex-wife or even his father earlier that day. But Michael was taking this personally, which is about right if anyone knew Michael’s personality. The second in command. A soldier, designed to protect his King.

Even if Max had abdicated that role years before and did not even really take it on himself in their new lives here on Earth.

But their previous lives sometimes came out in their new bodies, in different ways they would think, and Michael definitely was an acquired taste. [/i]Not everyone can handle him.[/i]

Maria had for many years been able to handle her gruff Space boy. Lucy was a close second because she knew how to weave her father around her finger. So, there were many people who knew how to handle Michael.

Claudia and JJ unfortunately did not because they only had limited time with Michael. Because of their mother Michael would think. Liz stayed away.

And because of that nasty pandemic.

Obviously, now we know why she did Michael muttered so yes, he was seething and found this was on brand for Liz, she likes to runeven if this time she did not run from town, she ran from the Crashdown so it would be harder to find her he thought.

So, that people could not have it out with her Michael thought. Unaware that his best friend had managed to find his former wife.

“Michael,” Maria muttered. Because she knew trouble was on the horizon.

A lot of trouble she thought. Of course, she really had no idea what was coming next.

No one did.

But Michael had stopped his silent treatment, and not even his wife who he loved early could stop him, “Of course, your mother would leave. That is what she does best. Leave,” Michael muttered. “She leaves people in the lurch.”

Uh oh, Maria and Kyle murmured as Claudia could see that this was not going to be a friendly encounter. She should have already left and taken back her brother to the motel, but she found she could not leave it, and maybe she would come to regret that. “What is your problem with my mother?” she muttered.

After all, the 18-year-old had many issues with her mother. And their life together, but still she felt she needed to defend the only parent who had raised her. “Mom simply needed to move over to the motel to give JJ a chance at a good night’s sleep, and better wi-fi for his remaining schoolwork. The apartment will eventually get fixed up, and they would not have to leave anyways, so might as well make the move now.”

“And where are you staying?” Michael asked.

Kyle and Maria could guess, but there was no way they could intercede in whatever was going on, and they knew it was not going to be easy as they saw the trail coming…

“The apartment,” Claudia muttered. “Someone had to look out for it now that it occupied, and so that no vagrants make a go of it.”

“So, your mother leaves you in the apartment and make a run for it?” Michael muttered. “How nice of her, and how considerate of her…”

“I am eighteen-year-old now, and I can handle the apartment and it is not like Mom is going to be staying away,” Claudia muttered as she did not know what Michael’s problem was with her mother. Because it was the side of Lucy’s father that she rarely saw. Because she knew the man was devoted to his only child. Lucy had him wrapped around her finger, Claudia knew, and it was a while since she saw Michael. Never did she imagine the contempt that she saw on Michael’s face. “She did not leave town.”

“She will eventually,” Michael muttered. “Because that is what she ultimately does best…”

“Michael, stop it” Maria murmured as she tried to calm her husband down. “Liz is not going anywhere.”

“She has you all snowed,” Michael muttered, and Maria sighed because she knew this was the last thing that they needed. “She leaves Max and takes their baby and then comes back eighteen years later, and then leaves that child alone. Because it becomes too much, and she moves on.”

Whoa Claudia muttered as she finally was getting her voice. “Seriously, I don’t know what you have against my mother and sure, we have our battles, but she was a great mother who tried to make it through whatever the circumstances that arose with whatever that happened between my parents. We have our quibbles but that is part of growing up and therefore, at the end of the day. I don’t blame her, and you should not either,” she murmured. “I am eighteen now, and I can handle my own life. I can stay on my own, apart from my mother and brother,” she said because that is what she has been asking for in her battles with her mother, but still, she had a form of it these past months “And it is not like I have not already spent the last months with my grandparents, away from my mother, and therefore, I can handle my own life.”

“That is my point,” Michael snidely commented. “She takes you, prevents your father from seeing you and makes a deal with the devil and then she abdicates her responsibility to your grandparents, and now is allowing you to stay at the apartment alone.”

“Space boy, enough” Maria murmured. Jesus Space boy, what is up with you tonight. “You have said enough,” she sighed because this was not something they needed to get into. “How is this any of your business. How Liz handles her children is none of your business, and you need to be careful.”

“I can think what I like,” Michael sighed.

“Yes, you can” Claudia agreed. This is a free world. “But leave my mom alone,” she sighed. “I don’t know why she has made certain choices in her life. Just like Lucy does not know what choices you and her mother have made in her life,” she sighed as she tried to invoke the name of her good friend to try to calm down Lucy’s father. “It’s not your business what my mother has done.”

“It is our business when she takes a deal with the government,” Michael muttered as he was still angry. And was not going to take the invocation of his daughter’s name to slow him down even though he knew he was unreasonably angry, and he should slow down and take it easy, and they are right, it’s not my business.

But it was…

“What are you talking about, what deal?” Claudia murmured. Aware that she was not getting answers as to what kind of deal her mother would have made and how it might have ended my parents’ marriage.

“A deal with the people who did not want us to be here,” Michael murmured. “Who did not want your father to exist, and even you if they had gotten a hold of you” he muttered, and Claudia gasped at the imagery that he painted. “And your mother made a deal with them.”

“That is enough Michael,” Kyle sighed as he stepped to stop this. “We do not know the details of any such deal, so you are talking out of your ass in speaking as you know everything that went down back then. Liz is the only one who can tell us what went down, and we all know she would have done it for only one reason. To save your father Claudia. And you happen to have been a benefit of that sacrifice thank you very much,” he muttered. “I am tired of Liz being the whipping girl for taking a deal that kept you alive. A deal that allowed you and Maria to be together, and for you to be a father. And yes, the deal sucked but it had its clear benefits, and you were able to benefit from them while Liz suffered from them.”

“Max suffered…” Michael muttered.

“Because Liz wanted to keep him alive. And your dumbass too, so that your wife and daughter did not lose you. So, show some gratitude why don’t you.”

“I can feel whatever I want,” Michael muttered because he was not up to feeling any gratitude for staying alive when the concept of the deal is what was getting to him. How can you go into partnership with the devil he muttered? Anything would have been better than that…

But then Michael seemed to forget the White Room and all Max had gone through. And that Liz would not have done it lightly if not for some major events.

“You are hopeless,” Kyle murmured as he turned to look at Maria, who only sighed because this was very much unlike her husband. But she knew her husband had a lot of baggage because of their youth, and even before we met and any involvement, no matter how beneficial was not going to sit well with him she was forced to realize, but still I am sure Liz did her best.

Of course, I do not know what that deal was…

And before anyone could say anything more. They heard a faint thank you Kyle and they all twisted and saw that it was Liz who was staring at them, and most of all Claudia who was looking bamboozled because she did not know what to believe.

“And she shows up,” Michael muttered sarcastically…

Re: Family Matters (CC, Mature) - Chapter 23 - 07/05/2023

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:35 pm
by totallizfan
I hope Liz finally tells the group her secret.