Forever Changed - [AU M/L MATURE] {COMPLETE}

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by Hybrid-Angel »

Thanks for being patience guyz, i know i really jerk u guy around posting these chapter erratically. :roll:


Chapter 41

“What are you doing here?” Max almost snarled as he hobbled into the room with me trailing him and holding his other crutch.

“Came to check out your new place.” Mr. Evans snobbishly looked around at the empty apartment. “I could set you up in a better place than this--”

“Dad! Don’t.” Max snapped, coming to stand eye to eye with Mr. Evans. The tension was so thick it seemed suffocating to be in here. Phillip Evans caught sight of my movement to stand behind Max and then looked back up to his son.

“I'd best be off then.” He spoke impassively, grilling me with his eyes as he said it. He began to head for the door while I gladly step out of his way but Max stopped him before he reached the door.

“Isn’t there something you need to say to Liz?” Mr. Evans turned back to us as Max came to stand behind him.

“I believe an apology is in order don’t you think?” Max was presenting a pretty tough façade even when holding his balance on a crutch.

Mr. Evans turned around looking once at me then at Max, giving that knowing Phillip Evans stare, the one that said ‘back off’. But Max didn’t back down. I fidgeted in place as the two men had a death glare war, obviously something unsaid was passing between them, and I just wish I knew what.

Surprisingly enough Mr. Evans looked at me with pressed lips, fury coursing through his veins as he grudgingly ground out “I apologise, Elizabeth. It was wrong of me and wasn’t my place to pressure you.” He spoke insincerely, through gritted teeth before spinning on his heels trying to carry his falling pride.

Max slammed the door behind him running his hand over his eyes in obvious exhaustion. I waddled up to him placing my hand on his bicep where it hung over his crutch. He looked at me finally with those beautiful eyes.

“Thank you.” I whispered, finding nothing better to give then those momentous words. Max smiled back in appreciation. I knew Max and his father weren’t on best terms and the way he stood up for me to ensure I got an apology from that old bastard was something I would never forget and always be thankful for.

“It was nothing.” He beamed before hobbling over to the kitchen with a bag of forgotten groceries.

I just watched as he made his way around to kitchen opening and closing cabinets and drawers obviously seeking something. “What are you doing?”

“Trying to find…a pot or something.” He said as he continued to limp back and forth through the kitchen, I watched in bewilderment as he even looked in the fridge.

“Why?” I walked over to plant myself in the barstool.

Max popped up his head from under the bench “So I can make you dinner. If that's okay?”

He gave me hopeful eyes and I couldn’t say no. “Sure, that would be great.” I smiled back at him trying to hide my over flowing joy that he wanted to be in my presence for much longer.

“I’ll just get the rest of the shopping while you hunt down the kitchen implements.”

Three hours later Max and I had attempt dinner with what objects and instruments we could find only to trash the idea and calling up the Flying Pepperoni for a large pizza.
Strangely enough we carried on like the past six draining months had not affected us in the slightest, I believe it was because we lived it and that was enough. Who wanted brood over how much pain and sorrow we put each other and ourselves through? I sure as hell didn’t, living it was enough.

So our conversation was light hearted while we nibbled on pizza, occasionally laughing about old times and what happened at graduation. Nothing touching on the subjects of Mr. Evans, Tess or our angst-filled lives, just pure, light hearted conversation. I almost hesitated to feel completely happy.

Now sitting here next to Max with his large hands on my belly feeling the baby kick, I let that ball of shinning hope and love grow larger because only a few weeks ago I was sure I wouldn’t have Max look at me like this again, talk to me or touch me the way he is now. I can almost feel my heart expanding with relief, joy and love.

“Whoa, I think we got a future pro-football player in there.” Max smiled in excitement as he felt another kick.

“That sounds about right.” I agreed with a chuckle as I also placed my hand over my bruised insides. “I’m pretty sure it’s ready to kick its way outta there.”

Max just continued to watch my belly was fatherly amazement, it was his first time to really acknowledge this little person we created and that proud Papa pride glistened in his eyes every time the baby made a movement.

“Have you thought of any names yet?” Max looked up to me for the first time in a while since we sat on the sofa feeling the baby together.

It hit me then that I never really did think of any names for our child, it’s not like I’ve had the time to experience the whole joy of it really with the depression and all the heartbreaking things going on.

“No, I haven’t really.” I replied truthfully bewildered that I had passed up the thought of even considering that our baby needed a name, a personality. The idea kind of made this pregnancy more real.

“Have you?” I asked when I saw a flash of hidden truth in his eyes.

“Yeah, kinda.” He said sheepishly while softly caressing my stomach where the baby was.

“Well c’mon, tell me. What have you thought of?” I prodded, interested that he had names in mind.

“Well, I thought if it’s a boy, maybe Igor.” Max said with a playful smirk.

“Max, our baby isn’t a fairytale monster. He needs a real name.” I said in a deadpan tone, trying to hide my smile.

“Hey, Igors are sturdy. No kids will pick on him.” He threw back sarcastically.

“No, they’ll just dress him in a robe and make him call everyone ‘Master’ in a sloppy voice.” Max tsked at my remark as I smiled self righteously.

“No appreciation for the classics.” He said while leaned back more on the sofa.

“Igor isn’t a classic. C’mon what did you really think of?” Max fell silent at my question and a thoughtful look played on his face before he brought his eyes to me.

“I thought maybe if it is a boy,” he took another moment to look down obviously uneasy with what he was saying, “we could call it, Jeremy.”

He spoke his late brother's name with much difficulty and it seemed that it would always be a continuous battle in his heart to never let his turmoil rest when it came to his baby brother. Max kept his eyes on the floor, taking a lot of interest in looking at his the cast on his leg.

Max seemed distant for a little while so I took his hand in mine to focus him away from that pain to look into my eyes.

“I would like that.” I softly smiled to him when he brought his pained eyes to mine.
“Jeremy Igor Evans; has a ring to it.” Max finally jumped out of his dark place to laugh at my light remark. It felt good to make him escape that place and laugh with me.

“So what girls name did ya think of?” I asked; finally bring us out of a serious moment. “And please steer clear of the fairytale, horror story names.”

Max chuckled softly “So I guess Thumbelina’s out of the question?”

“Maaaax.” I whined throwing my head back in flippant frustration. Max just laughed as he watched me huffing, before I let my head flop onto Max’s shoulder in good-natured pleading to stop his teasing.

“Are we disturbing something because we could just leave?” And that’s how Michael and Maria found us, tangled up in each other smiling and giggling with my head resting on Max’s shoulder as one of his hands absently rubbed the my tummy.

“Oh, hey guys.” I said while Max and I slowly drifted out of our close proximity to greet our suspicious close friends.

“What brings you by?” Max asked as he stood limping over to the door without his crutches.

“Well since you just moved into your new place we thought we’d keep you company.” Michael said playfully as he looked over to me “But I guess that's already taken care of.” He finished smoothly giving both of us a mocking glare

This earned Michael a slap from Maria before she handed Max a cactus, which he stared at in bewilderment before stepping aside for them to come fully into the apartment.

“Thanks Maria, come in.” Max shut the door behind them as they surveyed the new place.

Michael emitted a low whistle “Nice place, Maxwell. Kinda big, planning on a roommate any time soon?” Michael received a burning glare from Max.

“Well I since I have a child on the way I do kinda need the room.” Max quipped back folding his arms over his chest, still glaring at Michael.

Maria merely waved off the testosterone building between Max and Michael and walked over the sit next to me giving me a sisterly hug and a rub on the belly for the baby.

“We really weren’t disturbing anything were we?” Maria asked in a low tone even though Max and Michael could clearly hear her.

“You weren’t. Max and I were just discussing baby names.” Maria squealed in girlish excitement as I smiled at Max as he hobbled back over to sit on a chair Michael brought over for him. Michael then planted himself on the floor in front of Maria and I.

“Igor’s a sturdy name.” Michael said before helping himself to some leftover pizza.

“See!” Max swung out his hand to Michael in gratitude proving his point.

“Ah, Maria help me out here.” I looked to my long time best friend for assistance.

“I don’t know, babe. Sounds kinda cool to me.” I threw myself back on the sofa in a huff as a chorus of swirling laughs could be heard from Maria last remark.

It was the first time in ages we had been together like this, just hanging out and laughing much like we used to before everything happened between Max and me. Obviously Max and I had brought everyone else down with us when we were going through our messy break up and the heartbreaking events following.

I should apologies to them later for dragging them through that roller coaster ride of emotions. But now all I wanted to do was laugh and talk and just be with the people I cared most about in the whole wide world. Through everything I went through with my parents and Max, Maria and Michael were by my side and by Max’s side too which I found out early this week.

My friend’s never shut me out like my parents did, Michael took me in and wrapped a brotherly, security blanket around me and Maria stood by me with no judgments or harsh words. She just provided the warmed hearted and wise best friend I’ve always known and cherished.

And Max, he loved me even through the bad times. He helped me and never abandoned me or his responsibilities as a father, well not in a selfish way anyway. He freaked out in the beginning, but he was entitled to. With his family problems I think more so, but he stuck it together eventually like everyone else did.

And what’s killing me right now is that look at how I repaid these people. I was selfish, cruel and completely in the wrong most of the times. These people loved me and all I could do most of the time was throw it in their face and then want it back again.
Maria never complained and stood by me, Michael bit his tongue about how I was treating his best friend and Max just loved me even when I ripped out his heart, put it in a blender and hit pulverize. How could I ever make it up to them? After everything I did they deserved what ever they want.

They loved me when they probably thought I didn’t love them back, they stood by me and helped me when I was being stubborn.

They loved me . They were my real family.

“Liz, what’s wrong?” Max snapped me out of my thoughts with his question; he was now kneeling in front of me.

“What?” I asked in honest confusion before I felt a tear collect in my mouth.

“You’re crying, what’s wrong?” Max asked in utter concern, wiping tears from my face.
I realized then that I had completely tuned out of the continued conversation and just got lost in thought, thinking about everything that my friends have done for me.
Michael and Maria eyes were also locked on me and I sniffed as the love I felt from them washed over me. For the first time I felt lucky in my life to have such people around me.

“Nothing, I was just…” I sniffed again when I felt my damn emotions take over “thinking of how much I love you guys.” I whimpered sniffing unattractively as Maria handed me a tissue.

“Stupid hormones.” I smiled a teary smile as Michael, Maria and Max laughed at the truth behind my tears. Max framed my face with his hands brushing lose strands away from my face.

“We were just saying that we should catch a movie like we used to, up for that?” Max chuckled as I quickly wiped back the tear trying to compose myself.

“Sounds good.” I smiled warmly into his eyes as Michael and Maria had already made a way to the door.

“Better steer clear of the sappy movie otherwise we’ll be knee deep in Liz’s tears.” Michael quipped at Max and I and walked out the door before I could retaliate.

I helped Max stand up handing him his crutches before he helped me up as well. Max started to swing out of the doorway but I grabbed him making him turn at the last minute.

“What’s up?” Max looked at me in confusion obviously readying himself for more tears.
“I meant what I said before.” I made Max duck his head trying to hide a smirk of joy from me, he brought his face back to mine.

“I know.” Was all I need to hear from him before he stepped aside for me to walk out first.

“Now c’mon we better get a move on before Michael starting huffing about wanting to see the damn credits before the movie starts. Plus I wanna see if Van Helsing’s Dracula has a charming servant by the name of Igor.”


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Post by Hybrid-Angel »

Okay i won't leave u guyz hanging when i got the chapter here in my hot lil hands. :wink:


Chapter 42

Two months later…


“What? I’m just saying that your ‘going slow’ thing has gone on for long enough. I mean you know you love each other, so it’s time to speed up a little before you’re ninety and have dementia and therefore not remember who the other person is.” Maria lectured as she dumped dirty Crashdown plates in the sink.

“Thank you Maria for that lovely display of support.” I spoke in a flat tone before giving Maria a big toothy grin; she equally reflected that smile.

Maria had been on my back for the past two months about Max and me taking our relationship further. Her theory was that the love was there, the sparks were there; why deny it? It seemed like she hadn’t been paying attention for the past eight months. Ever since that night after graduation she and Michael walked in on a perfectly innocent sitting position at Max’s apartment she was convinced that we should cut the crap and get to the goods and there was no good reason that was stopping us.

Well I got plenty of reasons, I broke Max’s trust, he broke mine with Tess, we shattered each other's hearts into dust and we damaged the most sacred thing to both of us, our friendship.

But that still doesn’t stop the nagging voice in the back of my head screaming to just kiss Max every time I see him, which is everyday.

Michael says we're particularly attached at the hip now, he also doesn’t see why we should continue to keep our distance.

I mean, yes from their stand point they see me staring at Max when I don’t think he's looking and they witness the lingering touches and hugs we give each other. But that’s the physical aspect, isn’t it?

Over these past two months Max and I have grown a bond like we used to have, ever since that night after graduation we just fell in sync with each other again. Like knowing what time he gets off work or that he’s still waiting for his acceptance letter from the colleges he applied to without his father knowing.

We have lunch together, talk and laugh at each other like we use too, go to doctor’s appointments together (he waits outside of course), learning more and more about each other each day. Like what happened when we weren’t together, Max told me that he visited his brother’s gravesite for the first time since he was buried, and that when he woke up in the hospital with me over him he felt the baby. He told me he thought he was in heaven because having me that close seemed too great to ever have again.

Just little things that meant some much and would have made a difference back then if we had just communicated with each other. And that was what we figured out we never communicated our feeling through this whole ordeal. Max and I promised to always tell each other our problems and never bottle anything up again because keeping it from each other never solved anything.

“Hey, Gidget.” Maria snapped her fingers in front of my face.


“You spaced out on me there. What were you thinking about?” Maria asked dumping more dirty plates in the sink where I had been washing up.

“That Max and I are friends again and I don’t want to screw it up.” I finished by blowing suds at her but Maria didn’t even flinch.

“Why can’t you just move in with Max already?” Maria finally whined heavenward before jumping up to sit on the bench next the sink. I leveled her with a knowing look.

“Fine! Live in denial. I don’t care.” Maria crossed her arms over her chest “But don’t stand there saying that you don’t yearn to kiss Max every time you see him.”

“You don’t know me.” I weakly replied before Maria gave me a satisfied smiled and headed for the door.

“Well Cinderella, you keep slaving away at the sink while I serve the cute boys that just walked in.” Maria shook her head making her silver antennae wiggle before I got a handful of water and threw it in her direction making Maria squeal and run out the staff door into the café.

Over the past two months a lot has happened in my life, Dad is continuing his therapy and has taken some time off work and put me in charge which is minimal work but still gives me an income. Mom has finally lifted this burden from her shoulders and is going on overdrive with baby clothes and gifts. She finds it now her purpose in life to spoil her unborn grandchild.

Maria still has a possible chance at a record deal in New York but she found another love in aromatherapy for pregnant woman. I became her guinea pig when I, Liz Parker the skeptic, science geek admitted that her peppermint mixture really helped with the small bouts of morning sickness I used to get.

Maria swears she'll make millions with the stuff, as long as Alex becomes her business partner since he’s smart in that area and now is going to try and get into business school after another year of going to Sweden and other places. But he says he won’t leave till the baby's born, which I’m thankful for.

Michael has now given up on his scholarship and wants to become a police officer. Of course his parents don’t approve and want him to experience the benefits of a scholarship before he chucks it away to become a servant of society. But for someone as intimidating as Michael I think he could do it.

Max thinks he's crazy and secretly wishes he had the choice of being something other then what his father expects him to be. Max got into Harvard thanks to the strings his dad unfairly pulled at the school. But Max threatens that if his father talks to him about it then he’ll leave without a trace. A tension between them and an unspoken word has floated between them ever since Max left the hospital. I still don’t know what exactly was said between them, but a definite power shift has occurred.

Max doesn’t really speak about it and I don’t really want to hear about what his father says to him because if it upsets Max to a certain degree I don’t wanna prod him when I know he’d tell me if it was something important or really hurtful. I trust him.

A plate slip from my grasp as I realised the last thought that went through my mind. I trust him, I finally feel I trust him. It’s been a long time since I could say that and really mean it. The trust is a little shaky but why wouldn’t it be? Max and I have just become really good friends again after months of torture on both parts. We basically broke everything between us except our hopeful love. And now we’re building, we’re growing and changing.

I finally realized that the plate I dropped back into the sink has spluttered dirty, dish water all over my overalls and some on my pink T-shirt. Since I was almost eight months now my turquoise, retro alien uniform didn’t fit quiet like it use to. I flicked my long ponytail over my shoulder and brushed at the wet patches on my front frustrated at how much of a klutz I had become lately from the pregnancy. Suddenly a towel appeared in front of my face and my eyes traveled the length of the arm up to meet Max’s eyes beaming down while I looked like a soaked rat.

“Here, don’t want the baby to catch a cold.” Max smirked as he turned me around fully to start wiping at the wet patches all over my stomach and arms.

“Ha, Ha, Max.” Max just smiled down at me and continued to towel off my tummy. “So what brings you by? I thought you were working today.”

“I was, till I got the letters from the Colleges I applied for.” Max said in a flat tone, which contrasted with my squeal of excitement.

“And? Did ya get in?” I jumped up and down before becoming aware that Max wasn’t exactly thrilled at the moment and must not have got in anywhere judging by the dull expression on his face.

“Yes.” He sadly answered.

“Aww, Max I’m so…Wait you got in, why aren’t you screaming downtown like a banshee?” Max merely shrugged at my question.

“Max, you got into Med. School. Why the sad face?” I asked but quickly realized why he wasn’t so happy right now.

“You spoke to your father.” I answered for him.

Max moved back to lean against the middle bench nodding his head slowly as he did. He placed the towel on the cutting board and then ducked his head while bracing his arms against the bench in obvious grief.

“What did he say?” I asked as I stepped forward to try and view his miserable eyes. Lucky for me I’ve always been short so Max could never hide his eyes from me when he was standing before me.

“I showed him that I got into equally good schools as Harvard, and I actually got into these schools on my own. But that wasn’t enough for him, he said doctors are under paid when you start out and it isn’t worth it wasting my time learning something I’d fail at anyway.”

“Oh Max.” I quickly stood up on my toes to embrace Max around the neck. Max gladly welcomed my embrace and rested his head in the crook of my neck. I stroked his tense back till he let out the last threads of his anger towards his father by cursing a few times and sniffing back a few tears.

It felt so right to be in his strong arms again, after his accident Max lost a bit of weight but quickly gained it back when we’d go out of lunch or I’d get a craving.

“No matter what I say he won’t change his mind. I’ve tried in so many ways to show him I want to be a doctor, but all he can think about is me taking over the company and walking in his footsteps.” Max’s muffled voice caused me to hold him tighter as I’ve always known about the constant battle Max has dealt with his Dad.

“So that’s why I’m going to Harvard.” Max finished after a long silence making me drop my hands and step back a little to view his serious face.

“You're joking right?” I laughed hoping that Max was just playing with me. But Max shook his head giving a dead serious face.

“But you’ve always wanted to be a doctor.” I protested not liking the defeat in Max’s eyes.

“Being a lawyer won’t be that bad, I’m going to Harvard so I’ll get the best education and a lawyer can make a good living. Plus I could get our baby everything it needs with taking over my dad’s firm.”

“So you're just giving up?” I asked becoming a little upset that Max would fold like this to his dad wishes. Which he never did or would in some way make it work for him.

“I’m not giving up, I’m being reasonable.”

“No, you’re a push over, Max. I mean you’ve dreamed of being a doctor for so long and now you just forgetting about that dream and falling under your father's power again.” I fumed enraged at Max and Mr. Evans.

“No-one can live off a dream, Liz especially when a child is factored in. God, why are you getting so pissed anyway. It’s not like being a lawyer a bad thing.”

“Yes, it is! You’re giving up on your dream, Max. And I don’t want to be the reason you don’t get to live out your dream!” I sobbed, very close to tears.

“Whoa, whoa! What do you mean because of you?” Max held up his hands in confusion “Why would you think you were the reason I gave up, Liz?”

“Because I’m pregnant with your child and you feel obligated to take care of us.” I whimpered, hearing Mr. Evans voice as he spelt out those fears to me that night he tricked and threatened me.

Max quickly pulled me into his arms trying to sooth my erratic breaths that were dangerously near crying sobs. I gripped onto Max tightly just wanting to be absorbed into his warm body.

“Liz, you and our baby are never an obligation to me. Never, you hear me?” Max vowed above my head as I nodded in understanding.

“Plus, I was thinking of doing Harvard just to see if I could stomach it then transfer to medicine if I wanted too. You see the dream's not gone.” Max smiled into my hair before pulling my face away and framing it wiping tear away as he did.

I nodded finding no words at the moment as I realized how close Max’s body was to mine, with the exception of my bulging stomach. Max continued to hold me face in place as his head drifted closer to mine. Our eyes did not break apart the whole time we inched closed together both hesitantly moving our mouths around each other not even touching once. Just dancing flirtatiously touching noses with swirling breaths. It was like we were scared to move closer just in case the moment might break but it was undeniable to just be so close and not take that chance. Clouds of pleasure swirled in my mind when I felt the first light touch of his top lip angled against mine. That feeling alone caused my knees to buckle and my body to turn to warm goo.

We pulled back slightly to stare at each other for the slightest second, almost a last agreement between each other and then our lips connected ever so softly. My lips tingled at the feel of his rough, 5 0’clock shadow. I slid my hands up his chest to rest them on his shoulders then around his neck as the kiss turned aggressive.

My mind clouded with overwhelming rapture as Max slid his tongue into my mouth causing fireworks to go off in my head. God, the feeling was greater then I expected, to have him close to me, feel his warm lips on mine and just having the presence of Max that made me act like a love sick puppy.

This kiss was more then anything I ever felt with him, there was long waited passion, resolve and indisputable love. I angled my face to seek a deep access into his hot mouth finding it pure ecstasy; Max was an addictive drug that you craved every day and needed like air. And Max obviously felt the same letting out a soft moan when I plunged my tongue deeper into his mouth massaging his with mine.

The feeling was electric and overwhelming. My toes curled when I felt Max slide his hands down my sides and then touch the bare skin where my shirt had bunch up. I let my fingers wander into his thick, dark hair trying to pull him closer as our tongues continued to dance with each other.

Max broke away from our kiss to trail hot, open mouth kisses down my jaw line and down my neck. I let my head fall back in blinding pleasure giving Max a better access to my bare skin.

“Whoa!” A surprised exclamation screamed its confusion in my mind, it was too high pitched for Max’s voice. I snapped my eyes open and spotted Maria stand in the order window covering her eyes with a big grin on her face. I pulled away from Max when I saw that we had company, and Max looked down at me in confusion and then followed my eye line towards Maria. Max fully pulled away from me, both of us rumpled and out of breath as I stared at Maria in burning embarrassment.

“So that wasn’t the cooker causing all that steam.” Maria teased, titling her head to the side. I gave her a much deserved death stare but she ignored it, as usual.

“Hey, Max.” Maria cockily said to Max, who in turn gave a little wave to Maria while I buried my face in my hands.

“So much for that denial thing, huh Liz.” Maria winked at me

“Bye, Maria.” I spoke in a tone that spelt ‘Get lost!’

Maria gladly spun on her heels and continued to clean up the Crashdown. All of a sudden I felt very embarrassed around Max, like a tension or awkwardness stretched between us as we both exchanged looks.

“So…what happens now, Max?” I asked moving closer to him placing my hands in my back pockets.

“Well I guess you could come over to my place and we could talk.” Max smoothly replied running a lone finger down my forehead and nose and then softly trailing down my lips.

I closed my eyes for the slight second and then opened them again to have Max still staring warmly into my eyes. “Talking sounds good.” I managed to speak out.

“Okay, I’ll see you when you finish up here.” Max smiled innocently and then turned for the back door leaving me in unadulterated rapture.

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Post by Hybrid-Angel »

All questions will be answered. :wink:

Chapter 43

“Hey.” Was all Max said to me as he swung open his apartment door, I merely stood thinking about that kiss at the Crashdown that I was still sobering up from an hour and forty-five minutes later.

“Hi.” Was all I could manage at this moment as Max stepped aside to usher me in.

“Want something to eat or drink?” Max pointed to the kitchen, already starting to make his way over there.

“Ah, yeah apple juice if you’ve got it.” I said, coming to stand more in the apartment and watch as Max still hobbled around on his injured leg, minus the crutches.

Max has had a full recovery and I couldn’t be happier, but some of his injures are still apparent. Some still healing gashes on his arms and face are still there along with the cast on his leg. He was due to get it off soon.

“So, I see the chocolate milk phase has worn off.” Max said handing me a tall glass of apple juice. I nodded my thanks and took two large gulps.

Max only thought I was thirsty, but really I was stalling for questions I had been thinking about. Max wandered out to the sofa with me waddling behind him. I placed the glass down on the new coffee table he recently brought along with all the other furniture he filled the apartment with. It looked very homely now.

“Liz, what’s up?” Max asked recognizing my unease, he still read me like a book.

“Nothing.” I denied picking at the buttons on my overalls.

“It’s the kiss wasn’t it, you regret it.” Max queried sadly, ducking his head at what he thought was regret on my part.

“No!” I all but screamed making Max jump a little at my loud rejection of his assumption.

“I mean. No I don’t regret it, Max.” I smiled to him as he smiled warmly back making me kinda lose track of my thoughts.

“I was kinda of wondering where it left us?” I ducked my head knowing that something was coming to me like a step back or an even slower approach at our growing relationship.

Before that kiss everything was right in my head, I was happy that Max and I were taking it slow, even when I did wish it could be more, but still I was happy to let him be comfortable with me and not feel pressured to do anything.

But then that kiss, that passionate kiss, sent me into a tailspin and now I fear that Max might feel pressured into being with me. Pressured into trusting me.

“What’s going through mind right now?” Max asked leaning in closer. I blinked a few times before answering.

“That you might feel like you're being pressured into taking our relationship further.” I looked up to his syrupy golden eyes smiling at me in such a way that I felt like the world had stopped moving.

“Liz, I don’t feel pressured. I just hope that you don’t feel that I’m taking things to fast and that what I’m going to ask is not going to make you freak out.” He bumped heads with me as I held my breath for what he might say. My heart flipped in panic that this could be bad news considering our history of havoc and destruction.

“What is it?” My voice wobbled a bit, anticipating a blow, it’s got to be bad after all I just received the most mind-blowing kiss of the century there has to be a down fall like every other time. What else could it be?

“First come with me.” Max stood up extending his hand out to mine willing me to stand up. I took his hand hesitantly and with one tug Max pull me out of my seat with ease.

“Follow me.” Still holding my hand and he led me down the tiny hallway to stand me in front of his spare bedroom.

The door was closed and I wasn’t really sure what was going on, why would Max drag me to an empty room. I looked around to try guess what we were doing here.

“Max?” His lone finger pushing against my lip to silence me cut me off.

“Liz, having you back in my life means more then I can ever show in a life time.” I watched his eyes soften as he spoke making me feel giddy at his words.

“You’re the love of my life and if going through all those depressing months again meant having you in my life now I’d do it in a heart beat. I want you in my life as much as possible, because I’ve fallen in love with you all over again.” His soft words were touching my heart making it flitter and jump as tears threatened to fall.

“So,” Max moved forward to open the door and pull me into the dark room. He placed my in the centre and then reached over to flick on the switch. And I came into full view of a baby's room. I gasped at the beauty of the whole room.

A cream yellow coated the walls and a beautiful old crib lay by the one window that let the soft light of dusk in. A change table was placed in the corner and an assortment of stuff animals and toys littered the room. Tears ran down my cheeks as I took in the place where our baby would sleep.

“Liz, will you move in with me?” Max asked as he came into view wiping at the tears on my face. I nodded erratically before jumping into Max’s arms.

“Yes, of course I will.” I laughed through happy tears as Max swung me around in a circle before placing me back on the ground. I took a few moments to compose myself as Max happily watched me. I was completely in awe of the room and his question.

“So I guess that means were a couple again.” I smiled up to him where he still held me loosely in his arms.

“Yeah, that what I was kinda hoping for.” Max smiled down at me dreamingly. I chuckled up at him before burying my face in his chest and then standing on my toes to plant I soft, teary kiss on his lips.

“Thank you.” I whispered as he framed my face with his hands for a few moments.

“So, ya like? Your Mom and I have been working on it for a few weeks now.” Max finally said turning to view the room himself.

I let go of his embrace to walk around the room taking in more detail as I went. “You and my mom working together, has the world come to an end?”

“Hey, we made a pretty good team.” Max defended.

I ran my fingers over the old crib almost recognizing it’s appearance, Max came to stand behind me. "That was your old crib. Your Mom gave it to me and said it held both her precious angels in it once.” he whispered in my ear.

“She wanted to keep it in the family.” He finished by kissing my temple and moving back so I could continue to take in the room.

I turned back to Max with tears again in my eyes “I love it, Max. Thank you so m-much.” Max recognized I was close to tears again and with a smile he reached out for my hand walking backwards so he could sit in the rocking chair and pull me into his lap.

“You’re welcome. Anything for my girl.” He whispered into my hair while I nestled into his chest as he rocked slowly on the brand new rocking chair.

Max continued to rock rubbing the length of my arm and the expanse of my tummy calming both the baby and me down. This moment in time was perfect, a family together again in the most blissful way possible. I could not ask for anything more, because right now I was happy.

“So when do I move in.” I asked Max looking up at him

“Whenever you want.” He kissed my forehead slowly “Just give the word and we can start moving your stuff in.”

A goofy smile stretched across my face as I nestled back into his chest “As soon as possible.” I replied making Max tighten his grip around me in affection.

I popped my head up when the thought enter my mind that Max was off to college soon, why would he do all this and still plan to pack up and leave for college, was he thinking of leaving me behind?

Max must have felt my body go slightly rigid at my concerned thoughts because he quickly asked me what was wrong.

“What happens when you go to college? I mean you’ve made your apartment a home and now with the baby’s room. I just can’t help think that your gonna leave me behind.” I whispered weakly as I stared up at him.

“I’m putting a hold on college.” He words shocked me, but I felt this overwhelming relief that he said it. “I can help out with the baby and you and just be with both of you as much as possible. Plus I don’t want the really drive into Harvard just yet, I wanna try and figures thing out about my education and get some things straight with my father and family first.”

“Are you sure your father will let you do that?” I voiced my concern at the lengths that man would always go.

“It doesn’t matter if he agrees or not. It’s my life and I don’t want to be a push over like you said.” I blushed slightly at the memory of those words I basically screamed at him that time in the Crashdown Kitchen.

“But what about money, Max? I know you’ve saved a lot of it, but living off it won’t be enough and…” Max just kept that same content smile on his face while placing his fingers on my lips to silence my growing concerns.

“My now old boss, Brody, has recommend me to his buddy who needs a bar tender. I met him the other day and he hired me on the spot. Plus I’ve applied to help out at the Roswell Memorial hospital; they need someone to take cups of meds around to the patients.” He finished simply.

“Huh, guess you got it all planned out.” I smiled out feeling a little surprise that he’s got a future plan actually now set out.

“Yep.” He beamed down at me, and I could self-satisfaction in his eyes because he was now taking control of his life, he was up front and steering the wheel.

I lay my head back on his shoulder, “I’m happy for you, Max. You seem to know what you really want and have set it out. I’m proud of you.” I lifted my head slight to regard him with my last words and I could see a flicker of joy at me saying that too him.

“Me too.” I hummed on top of my head before kissing my hair.

I felt myself slowly drift off to sleep as he rocked the three of us back and forth. And for the first time in a long, long time I went to sleep with peace of mind and peace at heart.


“Liz, where do you want this?” Max asked as he carried a big box of my old stuffed toys into the apartment.

“Into the babies room.” I directed pointing down the small hallway.

“What about these?” Alex asked following Max and holding up a box saying ‘Liz’s stuff’.

“Bedroom.” I directed Alex to the bedroom; he winked at Maria and me with a smirk.

“Oh, I get it. Liz I didn’t know you were into that kind of thing.” He said while starting for the bedroom door again.

“Alex, how do you make everything into something dirty?” I asked shaking my head at his humor.

“It’s a gift.” He sighed and left the room with Maria and I giggling behind him.

Michael huffed walking past to head to the car to get another box. He eyed Maria sitting next to me helping unwrap bubble wrapped objects.

“You know, Maria you got arms and legs too.” He pointed out as he walked past and received a giggled from a glare and me for Maria.

“How do you know I might not be pregnant?” Maria tartly referred to my condition as a way of getting out of work

“Then god help us all if you are.” He retorted not even blinking as a pillow was thrown in his direction as he walked out the door.

I giggled as I watched that display of my closest friends all laughing and joking with each other. I missed this so much, just hanging out with the people I care about.

Last night when Max had ask me to move in with him my heart skipped a beat and I felt I couldn’t get out of home fast enough. But that soon changed when I saw the bittersweet happiness that lit up in my mothers eyes as she knew her only child was moving on.

I decided to put the move off for a week so my parents could adjust and we could get everything slowly done. It’s not like I was moving far away, but still I was moving out of my childhood house so it was sad to say goodbye to the memories I have there.

So here I am a week later, moving in officially and calling this place my new home. I’ve never seen Max happier and I’ve never felt happier.

“Liz,” Maria snapped me out of my thoughts “I’m glad to see you look so happy.”

“Thanks and I feel very happy.” I truthfully spoke while staring at my oldest friend and seeing contentment in her eyes.

“You okay?” Maria nodded at my question while reaching for another bubble-wrapped object

“Yeah, I’m just a sucker for happy endings.” She nudged my arm and continued to unwrap the photo frame my mother gave to me on my birthday. The one of our family trip all together to the beach.

“Where do you want this?” She asked as I looked at my childhood memories.

“Mantelpiece probably the best place.” I smiled as both Maria and I walked over to the mantel above the very small fireplace and sat it comfortably next to a recent picture my mom took of Max and I at the Crashdown sitting in our usually booth.

“Looks good.” Maria said as we stepped back to hit some box placed behind us.

“Geez, those boys don’t realise we got a pregnant lady here.” Maria loudly complained.

“Yeah, yeah.” Max and Alex agreed in unenthusiastic tones from the back rooms. Maria shook her hand as I giggled and made my way back to the sofa.

As I went to sit down a zinging sharp pain hit my lower back for a brief second, Maria automatically braced my arms as I had sat down into the sofa.

“You okay, Chica?” Maria’s concerned face looked me over.

“Yeah, just back pain. That’s all.” I reassured my stressed friend who I pulled down next to me on the sofa.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to get, Max.” She asked with her panic still on high.

“Maria, I’m fine. Stop stressing I’m not due for another month and the doc said everything is fine.” I rubbed Maria’s arms to calm her nerves and continued going through my boxes.

Maria nodded and did the same. She had been like this through my whole pregnancy as well as Max, always checking that funny pains aren’t unusual and making sure I don’t lift a single thing or basically do a single thing that they think might harm the baby.

I guess they have a right to worry so much, especially Max. Maria has always feared for the baby’s health because of my bouts of depression and heartaches. Max has every right to fear the worst because I put those fears in him, he lost his baby once and he doesn’t wanna lose it for real this time. Not that will happen anyway because Dr. Jennings says everything looks fine and she wouldn’t steer me wrong.

“Well, that’s it.” Michael said hauling the last box in and huffing out a tired sigh of relief as he placed the box on the kitchen bench.

Alex came into the room followed by Max who came to help me stand as our friends decided to head home, giving me and Max some much needed time alone.

“Liz, my back is officially thrown out so I’m going home and watching the game.” Michael shuffled over to me to ruffle up my hair and then sling his arm over Maria.

“Court me in.” Alex voice came from next to Max as he moved forward to kiss my forehead and then give Max a manly handshake. Michael reached over the hit fists with Max just like they always did as Maria hugged me quickly and clutched her tired boyfriend to her side.

“See ya, Chica. Call me if you need anything.” Maria finished as our three friends headed to the door calling out good-byes.

“So, what should we done now?” Max playful asked standing behind me and moving his hand to rest on my stomach.

“Hmm still got a lot of unpacking to do.” I half-laughed, half-moaned out as Max kissed tender trails of kisses down my neck.

“Or…” He breathed into my ear starting to sway our bodies back and forth.

“Or…we could just make-out on our bed.” I giggled turning into Max’s arms to receive a tender kiss on my nose and then on my lips.

Max looks heavenward in mock consideration of what to do “Hmm, unpack…or make-out with the girl of my dreams.”

He surprises me by taking a turn to walk over to the boxes “Unpacking has won me over.” He said as he turned.

“Max!” I part whined and part laughed, before Max effortlessly scooped me up in his arms and started to stroll towards our bedroom with me giggling in delight the whole way.

Our bedroom, god I’ll never get tired of that. Max kicked the door of the bedroom opposite the baby’s room open then eased me down onto the floor. I quickly realized that the room was dimly lit with thousands of candles everywhere. And when I mean thousands, I mean thousands.

I grasped at the beauty the luminous light caused in the huge bedroom, finally setting my eyes on Max who stood in the middle of the room proudly.

“I knew unpacking that one box was taking you too long.” I scolded as he walked up to me.

“Hey, I’m a romantic guy. I can’t help if lighting a few hundred candles makes my girl’s heart pitter patter.” Max came to stand right in front of me with only my huge belly keeping a safe distance between us.

“I love you, Liz.” Max whispered resting his forehead against mine.

“I love you, too Max.” To hear those words was like gold to my ears, and equally the same for Max as he closed his eyes as if to treasure the sound forever.

I leaned up to kiss his lips so softly wanting to finish that wonderful kiss we experienced a week ago. Up until now we had only exchanged soft pecks and touches. It’s like we were saving ourselves for this moment.

Max scooped up my face and leaned in ever so closely but the ringing of the telephone from beside our bed made the beginning of a beautiful and blissful moment stop. And I swear I’ll kill whoever’s on the other line.

Max laughed at the disappointed look on my face. “Wait here.” he said before planting a kiss on my forehead.

Max walked to the phone picking it up with a gruff hello, but I didn’t hear who could be on the other line as that sharp pain hit me again, this time for longer. I braced my hand on the dresser and held my lower back.

What the hell was that pain? It wasn’t like my usually back pain and….oh god. At that last thought I felt a rush of warm liquid run down my legs as I then held my stomach.

“Max.” I whimpered which made Max snap his head in my direction, his smile turning to a frown of concern as he dropped the phone and darted to my side.

Max placed a hand on my arms, panic written all over his face, as I’m sure I wasn’t presenting the best picture. Holding my stomach, cringing and bracing my weight on the dresser.


“My water just broke.”

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Post by Hybrid-Angel »

Mariael311 wrote:
Have you started on the next one yet?
Not just yet....i little. See i have another 3 as well at the sequeal. :roll:

Thanks for catching up bella and since u said pretty ya go

Chapter 44

“It’s too soon, it’s too soon.” I kept mumbling as Max swerved into the Roswell Memorial Hospital.

God, why was this happening? I’m a month early, something must be wrong. I can’t suppress the negative thoughts that have plagued my mind ever since I stepped into our bedroom and my water broke.

What if the baby's hurt? Or maybe those small boxes I lifted behind Max’s back have affected the baby? It was too early for this to be happening; I can’t be in labor yet. It’s too soon.

I tried several times to mask my own fear and show a brave face, but who the hell was I kidding. I’m scared as hell and I’m not ready for this baby to come out yet.

I just moved in with Max and we’ve officially announced our getting back together. That was a big step and I’m not ready for this even bigger step when I’m still in the middle of the last. Maybe it was a bad idea to get back together with Max? Everything is going too fast now and I think I’m gonna faint if someone doesn’t tell me that everything is okay and that I’m NOT in labor.

“Liz?” Max suddenly appeared beside me with the car door open. Surprisingly after Max called Maria and Michael back to the apartment so they could blow out the damn candles before meeting us at the hospital, Max had just taken over everything with calm composure, whereas I’ve been screaming at him to drive fast and that this was too soon.

I must be scaring the hell out of him yet here he stands next to me ushering me out of the car without a single terrified look flashing over his face. If he can overcome such panic and put on a brave face, then I can too.

“C’mon, let’s get you inside okay?” Max gently spoke to me as I clutched onto his side wondering where that scared boy who feared everything surrounding a baby had gone. Only a fatherly man braced my waist and walked me inside.

“Hey can I get a wheelchair?” Max howled into the waiting room area, while I still hung on his side almost near tears as the panic and trepidation was consuming my thoughts every second.

I was soon whisked off in a wheelchair and placed in a room, attached to monitor and drips. It was such a blur when Max started giving every single detail to the nurses and doctor what had happened because I experience the first of what I’m excepting to be bad contractions.

No-one was talking to me and telling what was going on, even now Max was talking with a nurse outside in a hushed voices. Something has to be wrong why else would they speak like that or maybe it was just all the beeping noises surrounding me that’s drowning out what they’re saying.

I’m restless and paranoid and no seems to understand that I’m this close to screaming my head off if no-one starts talking to me. I pick at the neckline of the hospital scrubs and pushed the heavy, itchy blanket of the sterile bed away from me. I feel so uncomfortable right now and don’t know how I fix it.

“Max, what is going on?” I basically yell at him when he enters the room again. He sits beside me at the bed swiping up my hand in his and I don’t like the look in his eye.

“What were you talking about?” I query again, trying to prod some answers out of him.

“The nurse was just telling me that Dr. Jennings had a family emergency and won’t be able to make it.” Max rubbed the length of my arm “But we have another great doctor who will take care of us.”

“But I want Dr. Jennings.” I demanded.

“Liz, I know you’re freaking out right now. But I promise everything is fine. There is no need to panic.” Max spoke with a smile but I could see a slight darkening in his eyes. He squeezed my hand for reassurance and then kissed my forehead.

“But Dr. Jennings knows me and…and I don’t want some stranger stepping in and…” Max placed a finger on my lips to shut me up. How was he being so brave?

“Try to calm down.”

“I’m sorry, I’m being so childish.” I mumbled placing my other hand on top of his.

“Liz, it’s okay. You don’t have to apologize. For one thing I should be apologizing for the times I was childish through this whole thing and freaking out and making you feel abandoned. You didn’t deserve that.” He spoke heavily, like it will burden him forever even though we’ve spoken about it in the last two months and put it to rest.

I let the moment take a meaningful turn because Max and I need to voice our concerns and what bothers us from the mistakes we made. Max pulled the itchy blanket back over my belly and tucked me in with his brooding thoughts over taking him, I clasped his hand again to steer him away from that dark place he goes too.

“Well you didn’t deserve what I did to you Max, so it goes both ways. We just have to forgive and forget, because we can’t move on with our lives if we keep looking back.” It felt good to say that because Max and I are forever going to be in hell if we keep apologizing to each other about the past. We know were both ineradicably sorry.

“Good point. That pain seems to go away when you’re near; just too bad we didn’t realize that earlier.” Max ducked his head to play with my fingers.

“I think we had too, Max. If we rushed into it again we might have made it worse. I think we learnt more by staying away from each other for some time, even when it was bad.”

“So what have you learnt?” Max asked surprising me slightly because that was such a loaded question.

“Well…I guess that I’ve learned to not just shut down on people and assume that not communicating my feelings is the answer. That love really does heal us.” I narrowed it down to the two lessons I thought covered the main areas. I realized that I would shut down selfishly on people and expected others to fix it. And poor Max got the full brunt of that.

“What have you learnt?” I asked Max in return before we could both fall silent in brooding thoughts.

“That we were and still kinda are kids ourselves that went through a teen pregnancy without support and we didn’t ever take a responsible approach to it like we should have.” Max lifted his eyes to mine as he finished.

“And I mainly learnt that it is important to talk to you and open up to you, because that’s all you craved from me in the being of the pregnancy. But I just turned away. I just hope I don’t do anything stupid like that again.” He ducked his head in self-hatred again but I framed his face to bring his eyes to mine.

“Max, we’ve grown so much now and just the fact that we can see where we went wrong before shows that it will never happen again.” I gazed at him with earnest eyes that showed him I meant every word I said.

Max nodded with a smile then resumed rubbing the length of my arms like before. He then softly chuckled to himself as his eyes ran up and down the length of my arm following his hand movements.

“What?” I tilted my head in question as his smiled widened.

“Well just before I asked the nurse how the hell I should calm you down and what she said worked.”

“What was it?” My brows knitted together in confusion.

“That I should talk about something important to both of us like our relationship.” He confessed “Guess it worked because your heart rate has calmed down now.” I looked at the monitor and realized that that uncomfortable panicky feeling I had only moments ago had melted away when I became consumed with Max’s voice and heart. It wasn’t talking about our relationship that calmed me down. It was his warm eyes, his sweet low voice and just his presence that put my mind at ease as he simply breezed around the place taking full control of things like calling my parents and his and making sure everything was okay.

I smiled momentarily till a contraction hit me causing me to grip on his hand and throw myself forward in pain. Max coached me through it telling me to breathe through the pain and rubbing my back. He was being so brave and such a contrast to the person who freaked out that time I fainted and he took me the get checked on at the Medical Center. That time when he totally freaked and went pale and run outside leaving me alone. But now he was by my side constantly.

As the contraction subsided and I regained my breath, I asked him what had actually happened that day. Max pulled a chair beside my bed to sit down, never letting go of my hand as he did. Max took a big breath and dropped his gaze.

“I guess it was because it reminded me of my brother and going to appointments like that with my mother.” I noticed as he spoke that he didn’t stumble on the words ‘my brother’. I nodded in understanding but he wasn’t finished. “And probably that it proved that my life had officially changed.” Max moved his hand to rest it on my stomach rubbing it softly; as I lifted my hand I comb my fingers through his hair.

“You’re going to make a great father, Max. I know it.” Max seemed surprised by what I said; it caused a bashful but proud smile to stretch across his lips.

I loved that I could do that make him blush with a compliment. Max stretched forward to kiss my cheek and whisper “Thank you.” Before he sat down he pressed his face into my stomach and kissed my belly too. “You have the best mommy a kid could ask for.” He mumbled sweetly before kissing my belly again.

A soft rapping came from the door, startling both Max and I out of our tender moment. A tall middle aged man stood in the doorway wearing scrubs and a stethoscope around his neck he walked in holding a chart board in one hand.

“Hi, I’m Dr. Dorian O’Hanson. I’ll be taking Dr. Jennings' place.” He warmly introduced himself stepping forward to give Max a manly handshake.

“I’m Max, the father.” Max introduced himself proudly then stepped aside so he could fully look over me.

“Hello Liz, how are you feeling?” Dr. O’Hanson asked as he quickly skimmed over my chart and checked a monitor beside me.

“Okay, I guess.” The doctor warmly smiled down at me and then proceeded to sit next to me on the bed.

“Liz, it seems that we're a bit early than planned.” I gulped at him and then nodded in agreement. “Now Dr. Jennings pulled me up to speed about your pregnancy, and informed me about the rough time you’ve had so I’m just gonna take some extra precautions.” That uncomfortable terror lodged itself in my throat again as he continued to speak.

“What does that mean exactly?” Max asked from behind the Doctor.

“Well since Liz was a little under weight and did experience some depression the baby could be born prematurely. But since the length of Liz's pregnancy has only been estimated it might be nothing to worry about but still it good to be prepared.”

“Could the baby be hurt in some way?” Max asked the question that was going through my mind, but I just couldn’t find the voice to speak.

“It’s unlikely. But like I said it’s good to be prepared.” Dr. O’Hanson spoke again cordially. He then noticed my completely distress at that moment.

“Liz, you have nothing to worry about. You’re in the best of care, and I promise everything will go fine. You just rest up because you gonna be here for a while.” He reassured me by placing his hand on my arm and I politely smiled back.

“I’ll check on you soon.” He said while exiting the room and leaving me in open terror. Max was quickly to my side again; he noticed the shaking hands that I protectively placed over my stomach. He placed one hand on my face brushing my hair away and the other over my stomach.

“Max, what if….?” I couldn’t even finish my question because my throat was clogged with building emotion.

“Liz, you heard him. He’s just preparing us for anything, he's not saying that it’s definite.” Max soothingly spoke but that didn’t calm my worries as much as I wished it would have.

I nodded slowly taking a few deep breaths before I pushed myself up to lean into Max’s open arms. I pulled away to look into his equally scared eyes but he just kept putting on such a courageous face that I could not help but feel I had my knight in shining armor holding me close.

“I’m scared, Max.” I said in a way that said I was scared of more than just impending parenthood, that I was scared of everything that built up for this moment in time. This was life changing.

“I know.” Max replied, pulling me in for another hug but I knew he felt the same way. I could see it in his eyes.

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Post by Hybrid-Angel »

Well since u put it that way Mar....:lol:

* Okay here it is, the final chapter in my epic fic. Before I post this I just want to say thank to all u feedbackers and lurkers for reading my first fic . I can't explain how amazed I am that you all have enjoyed the ride of Forever Changed and kept wanting more. It's means alot to me, thank u.

And also I'd like to give my beta, Blfy a big thank u for making my fic readable.

Enjoy guyz....

Chapter 45

“Hey honey.” My mother and father came into my room while I munched on some ice chips.

“Mom, Dad where have you been?” I asked as my mother enfolded me in a tight hug. It had been an hour since I got here and already Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel and even Max’s mother Diane where here, everyone except my parents.

“Oh sorry honey. We got a flat tire on the way here and had to change it. But we're here now.” My mom broke away from the hug to brush sweaty strands of hair back from my face.

“How you doing?” My dad asked from behind mom, he stood next to Max and it was obvious that it was awkward between them.

“Okay, I guess. Max hasn’t left my side.” I smiled up to Max who smiled back and then ducked his head. My mom out reached her hand to squeeze Max’s wrist in thanks and he smiled his appreciation back to her. “I’ll just get some more ice chips.” Max took the chance to leave the room and see the others while my parents where beside me.

I looked back to my mom’s eyes that were glistening as she framed my face and looked me over. “What?” I asked as I watched the thoughts play over her features.

“It’s just I can’t believe my baby’s having her own baby.” She smiled in obvious wonderment and then kissed my forehead lovingly.

“Yeah, scary thought huh?”

“Do you need anything? Do you have enough pillows?” Mom started to become all maternal and fuss with my pillows.

“I’m fine, Mom.” I tried to tell her but she was already busying herself fluffing my pillows. Luckily my Dad pulled at her arm prying her away from me.

“She’s fine, Nancy. Give her a little space.” Dad made it through to her so she sat back down beside me.

“Can’t help it if I want the best for my daughter and grandchild.” Dad just rolled his eyes at her words which caused a smile to escape my lips as they finally became the parents I used to know and wanted them to be.

“Listen, I have some clothes in the car for you so I’ll just go get them.” Mom left the room in a flash like she was pressed for time, just like when she busily working away in the kitchen. I’ll have to tell her to switch to decaf. This left only Dad and me in the room with awkwardness stretching between us. Dad and I still had a lot more to get through then what me and Mom went through. I still think some times that he's gonna turn around and be the judgmental and uncaring father he used to be.

But he has actually changed from the counseling and he physically appears different, like this cruel bitterness that hung over him has cleared up. And the biggest difference I see is that he smiles a lot more then he use too. It’s a small gesture but still makes a hell of a difference. Dad pulls the chair over from where Max had been previously sitting and takes a seat. I finally build up the courage to open my mouth.

“D-Dad?” I stutter. He simply replied by raising his eyebrows.

“Were you this scared when you were about to become a parent?” I asked nervously because I was still very hesitant to speaking to him about anything really.

When he chuckled softly to himself I let out a breath of relief, that was a good sign. He moved closer to my bed and had a small smile on his face the whole time.

“When your mother was in labor with Rosa, I couldn’t have been more scared in my life. I had no money in my pocket and barely had a job. Your mom was the only one keeping it together.” He laughed at the distant memory “Then when I held Rosa in my arms, all doubts and worries went away.”

For the first time I smiled along with my dad instead of resenting my sister for being so perfect to my parents and the centre of happiness. His hazy far off stare of beautiful memory then turned to me.

“Then when your mother was in labor with you they told me that your umbilical code was wrapped around your neck.” My brows knitted in confusion, as I never knew that had happened to me.

“I had never felt so frighten in all my life but like you always have, Liz…. you pulled through. Even when you’re in the worst of times you were always a strong person from the beginning.” Dad placed his hand on top of mine and gave it a meaningful squeeze. “You’re the strongest person I know, Liz.” He finally finished making tears well up in my eyes.

My father and I were bonding and sharing feelings, and I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming need to hug him and feel my father’s arms around me. With that thought I leaned forward, wrapped my arms around him, sniffing back tears as he rubbed my back in response.

“Thank you, Dad.” I whispered before letting go and seeing Max smiling in the doorway. He walked in, making Dad stand and meet him half way. Dad exchanged some hushed words with Max and then gave me one last look and left the room.

“What did he say?” I asked wiping lingering tears off my cheeks.

Max placed the cup full of ice chips in my hands and sat next to me with a confused smile on his face. “That I was doing a better job then he did. What do you think that means?”

“It’s means you're taking good care of us.” I chuckled knowing that Dad meant more behind what he said.

“Max,” I spoke as he sat back down in his usual chair. He raised his eyebrows much like my father did just minutes ago in answering attention.

“What if something happens?” I brought my light hearted mood down by dredging these lingering thoughts back up to the surface. Max swept up my hand in his.

“Liz, I promise that nothing bad will happen.” He vowed to me. I still wasn’t convinced but offered him a tender smile of thanks.

“If anything’s wrong with the baby, we can handle it. They can handle it.” He gestured towards the nurses and doctors walking around outside with a swing of a hand.

“I know it’s scary that the baby’s come early. But it’s not something we should think negatively about, okay?” I nodded with tears welling up in my eyes and rolling down my cheeks.

“Do you love me?” He asked and I nodded

“Do you trust me?” I nodded again without a doubt in my mind. “Then believe me when I say that nothing is going to happen to you or our baby as long as I’m around.” He brought my hand to his lips to kiss my fingers and then kissed me on the lips softly.

“Okay.” Was all I could manage through tears.


Twenty hours later….
“Okay, Liz one more big push.” Dr. O’Hanson called out to me, God couldn’t he see I was doing the best I could.

“I can’t!” I sobbed, overwhelmed by the pain and demands circling around me. Can’t everyone just leave me alone! I’ve been pushing for hours now, they should be doing the rest.

“C’mon, babe. Just one more big push.” Max coached me while I gripped his hand like a vise.

“That’s what you said last time.” I growled through gritted teeth while fixing Max with a death glare.

“Well this time we mean it, Liz. Let’s go, one more.” Dr. O’Hanson called out again. I dropped my messy, sweaty head back heavily against the pillow giving one last whimpering cry before trying to fathom the strength to give the ‘last’ push. God, every part of my body ached and I don’t know how women do this, cause I certainly can’t! But as I looked back up at Max’s smiling eyes and listened to him encouraging me with his words I knew I couldn't give up now. I’m finishing what was an exhausting pregnancy. Taking one last breath in and out I pushed again gritting my teeth over the forceful pain and then feeling vast release.

“It’s a girl.” Dr. O’Hanson called out over the most beautiful sounds of my daughter's first cries.

“Oh god, Liz. She’s beautiful.” Max gasped as I closed my eyes and felt hot tears of joy roll down my cheeks. I did it.

After months of turmoil and heartbreak, the only person that stuck with me was my baby girl and now she finally in the world so I can love her and be with her just like she's always been with me. I felt my heart swell as the Doctor plopped the messy, squirmy bundle on my quivering stomach.

“Congratulations Liz, you did good.” The nurse said as she fussed around my baby girl and me.

At this moment in time no words could carry the weight of happiness I felt as my small child was handed to me, squealing for her first breaths of air. Looking down at her small face and tiny fingers a motherly love bloomed more and more with every second that passed. She was beautiful and her proud papa hovered over us crying tears of joy as well.

I cooed softly to her, calming her down and thanking god she was brought into the world because she was the one thing that kept her parents fighting to be together. I thought that day when I took the pregnancy test would end my life but it merely started a new chapter.

“God, Liz I can’t believe she’s here.” Max could barely take his eyes of his little daughter. He moved his hand softly over her wispy dark hair and then two pairs of big, honey amber eyes met each other for the first time.

I bit my lip watching the beautiful moment float between dad and daughter seeing each other for the first time and falling in love. My heart pounded as I watched Max’s features soften at viewing his little girl’s who inherited his dazzling eyes. Now he knows how I feel.

“Hey.” Max simply said to her as she viewed both of her dysfunctional parents.

I moved my head closer to Max’s so it rested on mine as we continued to be captivated by our daughter's presence. I wordlessly expressed my love for Max by kissing him passionately and deeply taking him slightly off guard for those few seconds. His rapture cleared for a moment to look down on me with equally growing love.

“I love you, Max Evans.” I said breathlessly leaving Max in a stupor as he tried to grasp at everything happening at once. He bumped heads with me again, a glistening in his warmhearted eyes and affectionate smile.

“I love you, Liz Parker.” He whispered back moving in for another kiss but was stopped when our little bundle of joy squealed again for attention.

We both chuckled softly looking back down at her as she viewed the world for the first time. The nurse came to stand on the other side of the bed, as we were being interrupted for the first time. The staff that were with us during this long delivery had politely stepped aside to let our family bask in the glow of it’s newest member.

“Do we have a name yet?” The nurse gently asked us making me think of the only wise person in this world that taught me to risk love again.

“How about, Ella? Ella Evans” I smiled down at my daughter finding it suited her best. I looked up to Max to see if he agreed.

“Ella, I love it.” He simply agreed before the nurse took her away again.

I watched as they wheeled Ella out of the room and then looked down to Dr. O’Hanson who was smiling widely I mouthed a thank you to him and he simply winked back at me. I collapsed back against the bed finally feeling the weight of aching pain and fatigue overtaking me for the first time. I rolled my head to look back at Max who was brushing my hair back from my face. He looked like such a proud papa and I couldn’t help be feel so overwhelmed that I started to cry all over again.

“You did it, Liz.” He soothed me with his voice.

“No, we did it.” I corrected him and placed one hand on his stubbly cheek. Max placed his hand over mine and then kissed my open hand as I beamed up to him feeling such a love burn bright between us.

I couldn’t help but think of all the things we went through to come to this place in time. If someone told me ten months ago that I was going to be a mother to Max’s child I’d think they were crazy and need a head doctor quick. Because back then I wasn’t ready for anything more serious then college, I was still a child back then and so was Max.

We went through the ups and downs and still came out of it with smiles on our faces because no matter what we went through it was worth it. We let ourselves change for the better. Looking into my daughter's eyes and I knew that she was the first change that caused me to go through a growth that I never would have on my own.

Our daughter proves that me and Max’s love is real and worth fighting for. It proved we could accomplish and overcome anything because we were now forever changed.
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Post by Hybrid-Angel »

Okay heres the last installment of Forever Changed. Thank again to everyone for reading it. And look out for the sequeal. :wink:


I rocked slowly in the rocking chair nursing Ella to a much-needed sleep; I needed that sleep as much as she did. I hung my head forward, letting my hair fall around Ella much like a curtain as we both drifted off into a daytime nap.

When I felt her small fist tangle in my hair I snapped out of my sleep, becoming aware that the sunlight that we had been sitting in had faded into darkness. It literally felt like I just closed my eyes but I looked out the window to see a starry night blanket over the sky.

It had been three weeks since we left the hospital and brought little Ella Elizabeth home. I gave her my name as a middle name in keeping with a tradition in my family to name the first born daughter after her mother like with Rosa, who got mom's name. Max thought it had a nice ring to it and so did I. Especially when her name had Evans on the end of it.

I looked down to Ella who was wide-awake and probably hungry. She watched me with her amber eyes as I ran a lone finger over her face, I could never stop touching her soft skin. She was totally captivating just like her Daddy.

I started to lift out of the rocking chair but stopped when I came in sight of a white rose petal trail leading from my feet all the way out the door. I grinned goofily, still holding Ella close as I began to follow the trail of petals going out the door and towards the living room.

When I came into the living room, candlelight filled the room with a luminous light. Candles where everywhere and a small table was set up in the middle of the room with a vase full of white roses and plate settings.

I moved forward trying to find the culprit of this romantic scene. I walked up to the table to view the small piece of paper with Max’s writing on it, saying “Turn around.”

Still holding Ella I pivoted on my heels to see Max standing behind me in the shadows in a flashy charcoal tuxedo jacket dressed down with a pair of jeans and a crisp, white open-neck shirt making his appearance all the more to die for. He contrasts with my look of one of his old t-shirts and a pair of sweat pants.

“What is all this, Max?” I looked at him in giddy delight as he stepped out of the shadows and handed me a single white rose.

“I thought we could have a nice romantic dinner, since little Ellie Belly keeps us on high maintenance 24/7.” Max smiled down at our daughter in my arms giving her tummy a little tickle. Ella was definitely Dad’s precious little girl. I laughed as she gripped at her father’s finger with her fist.

“You didn’t cook did you?” I gaped remembering his last attempt when he managed to put baby formula into a pasta dish instead of flour. A complete disaster. That was an interesting night.

“I’m never gonna live that down, am I?” He smiled as I shook my head laughing at the memory of Max’s face when he tried the pasta himself.

“Well, I promise I haven’t screwed up this time.” He ushered me over to the table, placing me in my seat as he took Ella from my arms and settled her in a little crib that he set up next to the table as well.

Max then kissed and cooed to his little girl before mumbled some words to her that I couldn’t quiet make out. He turned back to me and knelt before me brushing hair away from my face as I kissed his strong hands. His eyes looked so absolutely breath-taking in the soft light of the candles that I could be lost in them for hours on end.

“What did you just say to Ella?” I remembered he muttered something to our daughter only seconds ago. I wanted to try and have a meal and give Ella a meal before Max and I got totally wrapped up in each other.

“I told her to wish me luck.” He said simply, not taking his eyes from mine.

“Why?” I asked in bewilderment as I watched his eyes glisten and sparkle. Max then looked down and then back up to my face

“Liz, my whole life I’ve never experienced this kind of love till I meet you and then you gave me the gift of having that love returned. I can’t express to you how much it means to me that not only did you reciprocate my love but you gave me another reason to give more of that love to someone else.” Max looked over at Ella and then back to me.

“You’re my best friend, my lover, the mother of my child and now” Max proceeded to pull a black velvet box from his breast pocket and my heart bounced when I saw where this was going. “Will you be my wife, Liz?” Max flipped open the box to reveal a beautiful sliver band with tiny diamonds encrusted around it.

I gasped in complete shock as tears rolled down my cheeks. I was just asked the question every girl dreams of in the most dreamy way. I couldn’t believe he was asking me this, I was waiting for something bad to happen to make this surreal moment stop but Max just continued to hold the ring in front of me.

“Max.” I breathed out as he plucked the ring from the padded of the box and held it out to me.

“Will you marry me, Liz Parker.” He asked again, snapping me out of my shock.

I took hold of his face and kissed his lips ever so softly. I looked into those beautiful eyes that have always made my heart jump. Max owned my heart and always will because he was the only person in this world who knew me and loved me for who I am.

I stared into his liquid eyes a smiling stretching across my face as I answered.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by Hybrid-Angel »

Hey kiddles,

Sequel is called 'Forever Crying Inside'.

i'm still brainstorming, but i do have another fic called 'Asylum Of Innocence' i just need a beta for it be4 i post it. :roll:

Luv Hybrid