All His Fault (AU,M/L,MATURE) (Complete)

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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Brand spankin' new part. i hope you enjoy.

Chapter 38

“Max!!” Liz made a mad dash towards her fallen boyfriend with Maria hot on her heels. “Max, oh my God.” She breathed as she dropped to her knees beside him, cradling his heated form in her arms.

“Wake up sweetie. Open your eyes.” She coached his as she stroked his face. He didn’t respond and he remained limp in her arms.

“Call an ambulance!” Someone screamed in the background. There was a world of commotion, but Liz was oblivious to it all as she stared down at Max’s motionless body.

An overwhelming amount of fear washed over her at the sudden thought of losing Max. This couldn’t be happening again and she didn’t even know she was crying until she felt Maria’s arms around her, trying to comfort her and pull her away from Max. But she shrugged out of her hold and hung onto him until the ambulance arrived minutes later. She ignored the paramedics as she hopped into the back of the ambulance as they loaded Max on the stretcher. She refused to budge and the paramedics gave up, thinking it’d be better to have someone who knew what happened ride with them. Liz’s eyes roamed the faces of her friends, each one of them watching silently as Max was put into the ambulance. She meet Maria’s worried eyes and she nodded to her, silently telling her that she’d watch over Max for her until she got to the hospital. Finally her eyes came to rest on Justin and Sara and her heart tore into pieces at the saddened look on their faces. She gave them each reassuring smiles, keeping eye contact until the doors were closed and the ambulance pulled away.

Liz walked down the familiar hallway with two cups of hot coffee in her hands. She tried to keep her mind from wandering to the last time she was here just a few months ago when Max had just barely escaped deaths door. She’d been worried then and she was worried now. The second Max had collapsed Liz had rushed to his side and pulled his warm body into her arms. She had hoped he would stir as she stroked his cheek, but that was three days ago and his gorgeous amber eyes had been closed ever since. Liz had thought that his meds were the cause of Max’s collapse, but his doctors said it was from dehydration, malnutrition, and sleep deprivation. Basically, his body couldn’t function on the lack of sleep and food Max was getting and since he’d just stared on his meds, it didn’t help him too much. The doctors said that he’d wake up once his body had a chance to rest, but that was three days ago and as the days wore on, Liz got more worried.

Liz returned to Max’s room to find Maria asleep in a chair in the corner of the room. She couldn’t blame her; it was almost three in the morning. Setting the coffee cups on the night stand, Liz resumed her position in the chair beside Max’s bed. She took hold of his limp hand, intertwining her fingers with his as she reached up to stroke his bangs away from his eyes. Liz stared down onto his features and she couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. It hurt so much to see the love of her life lying in a hospital bed, so helpless and fragile.

“Max.” She whispered, hoping that he’d hear her and respond. Her fingers stroked his unshaven cheek and she waited for any sign that he’d heard her. He didn’t move and Liz leaned down to place a delicate kiss on his cheek

She laid her head next to his as she watched his chest rise and fall with his deep even breathing. She was tired of seeing him so broken and she wished she could do more for him. She was tired of worrying if she was going to lose him day after day. He wasn’t taking care of himself and the fact that he’d collapsed only proved that.

“Baby, you have to stop doing this to yourself.” She mumbled against his cheek. She knew what Max had been through and she knew that it took time to get over it, but how was he supposed to if he wasn’t even trying? How was he supposed to move forward if he was constantly taking two steps back for every step forward. But then Liz felt guilty for thinking that he wasn’t trying. Max had never known anything other than his dark world that he grew up in. He’d been taught that he was to be the way he was, seemingly lower than everyone else. And maybe that’s why he couldn’t help himself. It was sad because it made his recovery all the more difficult. But it was impossible for him to get better if he didn’t help himself and the question wasn’t what more she could do for him. It was what he could do for himself. And maybe if they could get him to start believing in himself, there would be a fighting chance.

Another part of her was angry with Max. He kept doing this to himself and to everyone around him and it was like a never ending cycle. The look on Justin and Sara’s face when Max was put into the ambulance broke her heart even more than what it already was. And Liz found herself volleying back and forth between anger and sympathy.

Suddenly, Liz felt the drowsiness of sleep come over her and she nuzzled her nose against Max’s cheek before bringing his hand up to her lips and placing a soft kiss on his palm.

“I love you.” She whispered. Just as she was about to drift off to sleep, she felt Max’s fingers flutter against her hand. Her head shot off the pillow to gaze down at his face. “Max.” A smile threatened to form on her lips as his head rolled to face her and a frown creased his brow. “Max, wake up sweetie.” She said as she stroked his cheek.

“Liz?” He slurred, speaking for the first time in three days. Liz smiled upon hearing her name and she waited for his eyes to open.

“It’s me sweetie. Wake up.” She encouraged as his eyes cracked open.

“Liz? What happened?” He questioned groggily.

“You passed out three days ago at Justin’s birthday party from dehydration, malnutrition and sleep deprivation.”

“Three days ago…. I’ve been out for three days?!” He asked, his eyes widening. Beside them, Maria stirred, her eyes resting on Max as she came awake.

“Max?” She groaned out sleepily.

“Hi Ria.” He said with a slight wave of his hand.

“Max, oh my God, you’re awake!” She shrieked as she threw herself into his arms. Liz left to get a doctor and after checking Max over, they were told that Max could go home that afternoon.

Once they were alone in the room again, Maria wasted no time in tearing into him. “You scared the shit out of us Max! Why the hell aren’t you taking better care of yourself?!” She scolded. She placed her hands on her hips, fully expecting an answer, but she was met with his silence.

Max lowered his eyes, knowing he didn’t have a reasonable answer. “There is absolutely no excuse for you to be starving yourself to death! This could’ve been more serious than it already is! Do you know how much damage you could’ve done to yourself, especially since you’ve just started your meds? You need the rest and food you’re obviously not getting! It’s time for you to wake up and start taking control Max or else you’re just going to fall so hard that no one’s going to be able to save you. You know I love you chico, but you’re really pissing me off.”

Max only nodded, knowing that an “I’m sorry” wouldn’t satisfy this time and the fact that she was screaming at him was totally justified. Again he’d just screwed up and if he didn’t shape up, he’d lose everyone that cared about him. He looked at his loving girlfriend who sat next to him, stroking his hand and he knew he couldn’t live without her and if he lost her over something that could’ve been prevented, because he couldn’t get his act together, he knew he wouldn’t survive. He needed to change something and he needed to change it soon.

“You’re right. I’m messing up and I need to do something about it. I didn’t mean to put everyone through this… how are Justin and Sara?”

“Scared for you. They wanted to stay at the hospital with you, but Phillip and Diane are letting them stay there until you get better.” Liz explained as she stroked his hand with her thumb and Max took comfort in the simple gesture.

“Everyone’s fine Max, We’re all just worried about you.” Maria said, taking on a softer tone. She hated having to scream at him, but it seemed like the only way to get through to him and she was going to do whatever it was to get him through this.

“You okay?” Max opened his eyes to find Liz staring down at him. He nodded his head, but stopped as he felt a painful dull thump. “You okay?” Liz asked again as she settled on the edge of the bed and felt his forehead.

“I’m fine. I’m just having a little craving.” He said. He’d gotten home a few hours ago and he hadn’t had a chance to relax because as soon as he walked through the door, people were surrounding him, trying to make sure he was okay. The Guerin’s, Alex, Michael, Stephanie, Justin, Sara, Amy and Jeff came over to make sure he was okay. While he appreciated all the support, he just wished they’d all just leave him alone right now.

“Do you want me to get you anything?” She started to get up, but he grabbed her hand, pulling her back down on her bed.

“I really like it if you could just lay here with me.” She nodded without hesitation and slid under the covers and into his arms. Max pulled her close and immediately noticed how tense she was.

“Are you angry with me?” He knew she was. Ever since he’d woken up, she’d been comforting him and by his side every step of the way, but he could tell that she was withdrawn and he knew something was wrong.

“Yeah I am.” She confessed. She propped herself up on her elbow and gazed down at him. “You know I love you Max and I stand behind you in everything you do, but… I just don’t get it. I don’t understand why you keep hurting yourself like you do and you’re not even realizing that you’re hurting all of us in the process.”

“I know.” He murmured.

“Then why don’t you change something?! Why do you keep making yourself sick like this, leaving us all to worry about you?! You say you want to get better and start living your life, but you keep doing these things that completely contradict that! And I just don’t know what to do anymore!” She couldn’t understand how he knew he did these things to himself, but did nothing to change. How was it that he knew he was hurting himself and everyone around him and he did nothing to stop it?

“I know Liz. I… I don’t know what you want me to say. I know I’m screwing up and I see myself doing this to myself and I can’t stop it.”

Liz shook her head as she sat up and leaned up against the head board. “You know Max, there’s only so much we can do for you! If you don’t start taking control, you’re never going to get over this and I know you can if you took care of yourself!! You have to help us help you Max!”

“I realize that now, more than ever. I’m sorry it’s taking me so long to realize that and I just don’t want to lose you over this.” He said. He lowered his eyes as he played with a loose string from the bedspread.

Liz sighed, her anger quickly deflating at the sincerity in his voice. “Max, I’ve told you a million times that you’re not going to lose me. I’m here to stay. By now that should be pretty obvious.”

Max smiled at her attempt to lighten the mood and he opened his arms for her to lay down next to him. “I’m sorry I yelled at you just now.” She said as she curled into his arms.

Max shook his head, brushing off her apology. “I deserved it. I’d yell at myself too because I needed to hear it.” He reasoned. “I love you, you know?” He mumbled as he pressed a kiss into her hair.

She smiled. “I know.” Liz knew she’d never get tired of hearing him say that. After everything they’d been through and considering how long it took for him to finally say those words to her, she’d be happy if those were the only words he spoke to her. She couldn’t get enough of it.



“Have you thought about your trip to Florida?” He asked hesitantly.

She nodded, lifting her head off his chest to lie on the pillow beside him so that she could face him. “I’m not going. I think it’d be best if I stayed here.”

Max frowned. He wasn’t blind and he knew Liz really wanted to go. He could hear the bit of disappointment in her voice that she tried to hide and he knew that he was the reason she was staying. And he hated that.

“I’d rather stay with you.” She added.

“Liz, don’t do that. I know you really want to go and there’s no reason for you to stay here anyway. I’d hate it if I was the reason you missed out on that.”

“I’m not staying here because…” Max raised his eyebrows knowingly and Liz gave up on her protest. “Okay I am staying because of you. But I’d just spend all of my time worrying about you.”

“Liz, you’re going to worry regardless if you go or not. You don’t need to baby sit me. You’ve been so mixed up in all my life that you haven’t had a chance to live your own. I promise I’ll take care of myself and I’ll be as healthy as an ox when you get back.” He said as he leaned in for a kiss.

“But two months Max? That feels like forever and I’ll be worried.” She whined, coming to her last resort to win this conversation.

“That’s why we’re going to call each other on the phone every night just to check in. And if you feel that you’re getting too worried, you can call me anytime you want. The phone bill will look like hell, but we’ll manage.” He said.

“But I’ll miss you.” She pouted.

“And I’ll miss you. But you should go and have fun. There’s nothing to do in Roswell during the summer anyway.”

“But…” She tried to come up with another protest, but she fell short. “You promise I’ll speak to you every single night?”

“I promise.”

“And you promise that you’ll take care of yourself?”

“I double promise.”

Liz let out a long sigh and she couldn’t figure out whether she was happy about this or not. But Max was right about one thing. She had been so surrounded in everything going on that she hadn’t had the chance to live her own life. She didn’t regret being with Max or doing anything she had done, but she did miss just being her own self for awhile. And while she’d be worried like crazy, maybe this was Max’s chance to clean himself up while she got back to a bit of normalcy.

“So it’s settled?” He nodded and again pulled her to his chest. “I leave in four days.” She whispered against him.

“Well then we’ll just have to spend every waking moment together until then, now won’t we?” He smiled.

The four days seemed to fly by for Max and Liz who were completely inseparable. Wherever Max was, Liz wasn’t far behind and vice versa.

“I’m not sure I want to do this.” Liz cried as she clung to Max’s hand when her flight was called for the second time. “Max, are you sure you’re going to be okay?”

Max smiled reassuringly, trying his best not to let his eyes tear up. He knew it was pathetic, but he didn’t know how he was going to get on with is day without having Liz by his side. But it was only for two months, he told himself. And until then, he was going to work on being a better person for her and himself.

“I’ll be fine Liz.” He said as he pulled her into a tight embrace. “I love you.” He whispered for her ears only as he pressed his lips to hers in a passionate caress. He tasted her tears as they ran down her cheeks and dropped onto her lips.

“I love you.” She declared tearfully. She pulled away and turned to Maria.

“Have fun chica. Bring me back some phone numbers of some cute guys.” Maria said the two girls embraced.

“Bye Maria.” Liz laughed.

“Have fun Lizzie.” Jeff said as he engulfed his daughter into a big hug. “Call me once you make it to auntie’s house.” He instructed. “I love you.”

“I will. I love you too.”

Her flight was called again and Liz stepped away from the small group. She reached up to kiss Max and whisper her love once more before picking up her bags and disappearing into the crowd towards her flight.

Maria noticed Max staring off where Liz had just walked off and she wrapped a supportive arm around his waist. “You gonna be okay?”

He looked down at her and smiled. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.” He said.

It was time to get his life together.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

A/N: Hey guys. I just finished this part like five minutes ago so I apologize if it really sucks. By the way, this story is winding down (finally :roll: ) there's only like four more parts give or take a few plus an epilogue so I hope you enjoy this. Thanks for all the feedback, I really appreciate it.

Now, on with the story.....

Chapter 39

“Why do you think everything’s your fault?”

Max sighed, having been asked this question a million times already. It had been two weeks since Liz had left for Florida and while he talked to her every night and sometimes during the day, he missed her like crazy. He figured it’ll get easier as the days went by, but he found that that wasn’t the case. He’d gotten so accustomed to having her by his side all day, every day and he was having a hard time breaking that habit.

Even though he was the one to give the final shove into Liz leaving, he didn’t think he’d survive it. If only he’d kept his big mouth shut, Liz would be in his arms right now. But, Maria, along with Alex and Michael had convinced him that this separation was good for the both of them and that they’d made the right choice. And he knew they were right. Liz needed a break from the chaos that was Max’s life, regardless if she wanted it or not. Max wasn’t stupid. He could tell that she was growing weary of the same old routine of seeing Max falling prey to his past. Max needed to learn how to care for himself without Liz tending to his every need. He needed to better himself and he couldn’t do that with Liz doing it for him. It was all up to him.

“Max, did you hear me?” Dr. Patterson said, snapping Max out of his thoughts.

Max blushed. He knew how easily he could slip into Liz land. It only took a second. “What was the question?”

Dr. Patterson smiled sweetly. “Why do you think everything’s your fault? Why do you put everything on you shoulders?”

Max shrugged as he fiddled with a loose thread at the hem of his shirt. “I-I was always told that it was my fault. I mean, why wouldn’t it be?” Max looked to Dr. Patterson as if he was waiting for her to answer. When she said nothing, he continued. “Why else would all of this happen to me if I’m completely faultless? I must have done something wrong to deserve all of this. It has to be my fault.” He said miserably.

“Just because your step mother said that it was your fault doesn’t mean that it was. Max, your step mother obviously had some physiological issues. Have you ever thought of that?”

Max shook his head as he tried to wrap his mind around this new information. “Your father probably had mental problems also if he could treat you and his other children the way he did. They both were alcoholics. Lauren had her own problems, but she took it out on you which was wrong and not your fault. I’ll even go ahead and guess that she had some issues with drugs since you told me she died of an overdose of pills.”

“But, she only started to drink because Isabel was dead and that was my fault.” Max cried helplessly. “I don’t understand how no one but me can see that.”

“Well maybe that’s because you need to start seeing it our way.” She countered gently. “You’ve gotten nowhere thinking that this all your fault, but maybe you should start looking at your situation from a different angle.”

Max frowned in puzzlement. “What do you mean?”

“Well,” She set her notebook aside and leaned forward in her chair. “Let’s say your girlfriend Liz was pregnant with your child. She’s young right? And young mothers have a higher chance of having complications during birth.” Max took a deep breath. He knew where this was headed. “Now, Liz goes into labor, but there are some complications and she losses a lot of blood. She dies but your child survives. Do you blame him for Liz’s death?”

His breath hitched, that story hitting too close to home. Even hypothetically, he couldn’t stand the thought of losing Liz.

“I want the honest truth Max. Do you blame your child?”

Max squeezed his eyes shut even though his tears escaped anyway. He thought back to his father and how badly he treated Max because he was blamed for his mother’s death. And Max always believed him. It was his fault.

“Do you blame him?” She asked once more. Gradually, she witnessed him shaking his head in a negative response. “Okay, now. What if the roles were reversed between you and Isabel? What if you had been the one to walk out into the street and a speeding car comes out of nowhere? Your sister is standing on the porch just as you were. Do you blame her for your death?”

“No.” He sobbed out.

“Then why do you blame yourself for the same things? Max don’t you see the wrongs in what your stepmother and your father has done and told you? All this guilt that you harbor isn’t justified. And you need to start letting it go.”

Max nodded. He knew she was right. He needed to let go and now was the time to start.

Max rushed to the phone the second it started to ring, knowing full well who it was.


“Hey baby!” She greeted.

“Hi.” He breathed. Max sunk down onto the couch, feeling relieved to hear her voice.

“How have you been?” She asked.

“You mean since this morning when you called and asked the same thing?” He teased.

“Haha, don’t make me hang up on you.” She threatened.

“You wouldn’t do it.” He challenged.

She was silent for awhile. She knew he was right. “You don’t know me.” She whispered in a defeated tone.

“Ah but I do babe.”

“Max.” She whined. “Don’t tease me. I miss you.” Max could just imagine the small pout forming on her lips. He grinned goofily into the phone at the thought of his adorable girlfriend.

“I miss you too. But I hope your terrible need for me hasn’t kept you indoors all this time.” He teased.

She giggled and it warmed his heart. “I’ve been tempted to do just that…”

“Liz…” Max said in warning. He didn’t want her to get out there and just stay in the house and mope like he was just doing. He wanted her to have fun and hopefully forget about the drama in his life for awhile.

“But, I haven’t. My aunt and I went to the beach this morning. Max we have to come out here together and see the ocean. It’s so gorgeous and romantic; especially when the sun is rising over the water.” She babbled.

“Sounds like you’re liking it down there.”

“I am. But I don’t understand how it could be so hot so early. It was like seventy degrees already when we got out there.” She queried.

“You’re still used to Michigan’s summer climate. Down in the south, it gets hot fast.” He laughed. “What else did you do today?” He laid back and listened to her go on about having breakfast in a restaurant that overlooked the ocean. Her soft, rich voice soothed him and he loved nothing more than just to sit back and listen to her talk all day.

“We might just have to lock you inside and keep you away from all the prying eyes.” Max teased her when she finished telling him about some guy that kept hitting on her and asking for her phone number.

“Well, same goes for you. How do I know you haven’t snagged a few numbers while I’m gone?” She ribbed.

“Well I’ve gotten a few.” He joked, knowing full well that he wouldn’t be able to look at another girl let alone get a phone number now that he had Liz. Not that he was that much of a ladies man before she came, but he knew that Liz was it for him. He was goner and he loved it.

“You have?” She queried, deciding to play along.

“Yes, but neither of them are as beautiful as you.”

Liz melted over the phone. “I love you. You know that?”

“I know. I love you too.” Damn he missed her!!

“So how’s everything going at home?” She questioned after a moment of silence.

“Fine. Did I tell you that Stephanie, Justin and Sara are moving to Roswell?”

“Really? That’s great, when are they moving?” Liz smiled. She was ecstatic that Justin and Sara were going to be close to Max. She loved the two kids like they were her own brother and sister, but she loved how Max was around them. They seemed to take his mind off his troubles for awhile and for that she was grateful.

“She told me they were supposed to move into a house on Citrus in three weeks. She said that they’d been house hunting for awhile now and they’d thought it’d be a nice surprise for me.” Max’s grin widen at the thought of being closer to his brother and sister. They were what he should’ve been and he lived his childhood through them.

“How’s counseling going?”

“It’s going. My therapist said I was responding well to my meds, especially since I’m starting to eat and sleep like I’m supposed to.”

“You’d better be.” She said sternly. “How about your nightmares?”

“They’re not as bad.” He sighed. “I wish you were in my arms right now though.” Ever since Liz had left, Max had found it quite difficult to get to sleep without her. Usually she’d sleep over at his place, or he’d go over to hers. He missed her small body pressed against his at night.

“I miss you.” He said.

“I miss you too, but you said that already.” She giggled.

“Yeah well, now you won’t forget it.” He chuckled.

“What are you up to now?”

“I’m about to head over to Maria’s. She wants us all to suffer through five chick flicks. I’d rather eat your cooking.” He teased.

“Hey! I’ll hang up!” She threatened.

“Liz, you and I both know you’re not going to so you might as well stop saying you will.” He laughed.

“Yeah well, at least I cook better than you Mister Flour and egg shells all over the kitchen floor.”

Max laughed and he and Liz continued their conversation well into the night just as they had been doing since she’d been gone. When they reluctantly hung up, Max headed over to Maria’s to find her, Michael and Alex waiting for him.

“Um… it’s like one in the morning and you’re just getting here.” Maria said as she let him pass so she could close the door.

“Sorry, my phone call with Liz kind of ran late.” He said with a blush.

“As it does every night.” Alex snickered.

“At least he has a girl to talk to.” Maria quipped.

Alex crossed his arms over his chest. “Hey! Serena and I are just on a temporary break.”

“Alex, bro she was making out with another kid in the Crashdown the other day.” Michael said.

“She’s only trying to make me jealous. That girl wants me. She wants me badly.” He retorted with confidence. “It’s only a matter of time before I win her back.”

“Well good luck with that.” Max said as he flopped down on the couch.

“Are we ready guys?” Maria asked as she flipped on the DVD. The guys groaned, but one glare from her shut them up. “I said are we ready!?”

“Yes.” They answered in a less than enthused tone.

She smiled sweetly. “Good.” She flipped on the movie and they sat back and enjoyed the rest of the evening.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Surprise, surprise! It's a new part and it didn't take me months to finish it. :lol: I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 40

Max groaned in embarrassment as Dr. Patterson diverted the conversation to his fear of intimacy once again. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to talk about it, because he did. He wanted to get it out in the open and find a solution to his problem. But he couldn’t help but blush every time the topic came up.

“So how are you and Liz doing? I mean how were you doing before she left for Florida?” Dr Patterson asked.

Max shrugged. “Well, we um…it’s like I can be intimate with her, but when she’s intimate with me, I completely freak out.” He explained. “Does that make sense?”

She smiled gently as she nodded her head. “Actually, it makes perfect sense. Max, what you need to start doing is trusting Liz.”

“I do trust her.” He stated immediately. “It’s just that I slip back into that place in my mind and it’s hard for me to control it.”

“Well, you have to realize that Liz is not Lauren. Liz will never take advantage of you. You should concentrate on her and only her and start familiarizing yourself with her touch. Liz and Lauren are two different people and you need to remember that Lauren is gone and she can’t hurt you. It’s just your memories that are keeping you back. They can’t hurt you and you have to take control of them.”

Max nodded as he tried to soak everything she was saying into his mind. He was determined to get better before Liz got back so they could move forward with their relationship. He had a little over a month until she got back and he was going to be better. He wanted to give himself to her. All for her.

“Now. I want you to close your eyes.” Dr. Patterson started. Max did as he was told. “I want you to think back to a time when you were with Lauren.”

His eyes flew open his face contorted into shock. He wanted to forget about those times and now she wanted him to purposely think about it. “What?”

She looked at him with patient eyes. “They’re only memories Max. You can’t live your life being controlled by your memories. You have to take control.”

Max looked uncertain as he bounced his knee nervously. However, he nodded anyway, knowing he had to do it in order to get better.

He closed his eyes, focusing on one of the many times that Lauren had violated him. Immediately, he was pulled into his own dark memories and he was back in that house; just a little boy shivering from fear in the corner.

He was being shoved against his will onto a bed; a rough callused hand came over his mouth to silence his screams.

Squirming unsuccessfully, he felt heavy blows to his face as a fist came down hard. Bleached blonde hair and cold blue eyes appeared above him and he fought the urge to cry out in fear.

Dr. Patterson, moved to kneel in front of Max, she grabbed hold of his hands, squeezing them gently. “Max? Max, you know this isn’t real. You’re in control.” She said to him as he began to whimper helplessly. This was the worst part of her job. Having him confront his demons and seeing him in so much pain; she hated it. But he had to go through it in order to recover. “Max, I want you to listen to me okay? You need to focus and then I want you to think back to when you’ve been with Liz. Take control Max. You’re in control.” She coached.

With a jerky nod, Max tried to pull himself out of the hole he was quickly spiraling into. But he couldn’t do it. He keep seeing those harsh blue eyes, looking down on him with so much hatred it made his skin crawl.

He needed Liz. He needed her warm touch, her comforting embrace. He just needed her.

“You’re in control Max.” He heard Dr. Patterson whisper.

He repeated it in his head like a mantra as he tried to get away from the horrid eyes. He concentrated on Liz and tried to surround himself with her warmth.

Suddenly, the eyes above him flickered, changing from the icy blue that haunted him to a soft brown. The blows to his face stopped and the callused hands that groped him transformed. He found himself being caressed by small, soft, gentle hands as the bleached blonde hair straightened out, changing color from blonde to brown. She smiled at him and he immediately relaxed. Her hands weren’t the ones of a harsh violent woman, but of a gentle loving girl who only wished to help him and love him completely.

“I did it.” Max whispered triumphantly. He had taken control. He was in control.

“Open your eyes Max.” Dr. Patterson whispered.

Max saw Liz smile brightly at him once more before she blew him a kiss and disappeared. He opened his eyes to find himself in Dr. Patterson’s office with her kneeling at his feet.

“Are you okay?” She asked.

Max nodded, letting one tear of joy fall before he sobered up. He could really do this. He could get better. It didn’t seem impossible to him anymore and that in itself was an accomplishment.

She smiled proudly at him as she stood and moved at to her chair.

“Congratulations Max. You are now in control.”
3 weeks later

Max staggered into his apartment, somehow managing to kick off his shoes, shrug off his light jacket and walk towards the couch all at the same time. After another exhausting day of work, and a grueling job of helping Stephanie, Justin and Sara move into their new place Max was bone tired.

He leaned back against the couch and flicked on the TV. Liz should be calling him soon and he couldn’t wait for her to call him and tell her about the progress he’s made with his counseling.

But as he waited, he found himself growing even more tired as he stared blankly at the flashing screen and within minutes, he was out like a light.

Out in Florida, Liz hugged her aunt once more before running off to catch her plane. She showed her ticket when asked to and boarded the plane, overly eager to get back and see Max. She was leaving Florida a week early than she was supposed to; she couldn’t stay away from Max any longer. She missed him like crazy and she couldn’t wait to see him.

Once she was seated, Liz laid her head back, her thoughts wandering to the good time she’d had out here these last few weeks. She felt normal again and she had to admit she enjoyed being about to go through the day without worrying about if something would upset Max. But if Liz was really honest with herself, she knew she couldn’t live like this. Not without Max. He had become such a big part of her in such a short time that she didn’t feel right having fun in the sun while he was back home still dealing with his demons. Max was her other half and she couldn’t be without him.

Once the plane landed, Liz claimed her luggage with minimum problems and called for a cab. No one knew she was back in town. She wanted to spend this week hiding out with Max. She could feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins at the thought of seeing him again and she actually squealed out loud causing the cab driver to look at her strangely.

Liz smiled bashfully before sinking back into her seat. She then felt silly for getting so excitedly. She’d only been gone for a month and three weeks and it wasn’t like she never talked to him while she was gone, but she couldn’t help herself.

She reached Max’s apartment thirty minutes later and she knocked purposely, eager to she his lovely face. He didn’t answer and she willed herself not to worry. She pulled out her key chain, found Max’s and unlocked the door. After lugging her stuff through the door, she closed it behind her and went it search of Max.

She didn’t have to search much because she found him asleep on the couch, his legs propped up on the coffee table and his head rest against the back of the couch. Liz smiled as she stepped closer.

He wasn’t as pale as she remembered him to be and he’d put on a little weight. From the well defined muscles bulging in his arms even as he was relaxed in sleep, she knew he’d been working out.

He looked so good.

She stepped in front of him and climbed on his lap. He didn’t even stir even as she brushed back the hair on his forehead only to have it fall right back in place. She was content to just sit there and watch him. This was her Max. He was getting better and she could tell just from looking at him.

Liz leaned forward and pressed kissed his closed eyelids. He shifted, seemingly slowly coming into wakefulness. Smiling when he mumbled her name, she brushed her lips against his, caressing them until he responded.

“Liz?” He whispered as his eyes blinked open. “Oh my God I’m hallucinating!” He said, truly believing that Liz wasn’t really there. “I knew I shouldn’t have sniffed that damn Cypress Oil Ria gave me.” He muttered.

“Max wake up.” Liz giggled, as she brushed back his hair. “It’s me. I’m really here.”

“Liz?” His eyes widened when he realized Liz was really here. “Oh my God! You’re here! What are you doing here?” He crushed her in a tight embrace which she equally returned.

“I came home early. I just had to see you.” She mumbled before pressing her lips against his.

“When did you get back?” He questioned against her lips.

“Just now.” She trailed a finger down his cheek, noticing that the dark circles and his gaunt features had mostly disappeared. She pulled him close to meet his lips with hers and she couldn’t describe how overjoyed she was feeling to be back in his arms. As the kiss turned more passionate, Liz shifted, laying back so that Max could crawl on top of her.

“I missed you.” He whispered as he stared down at her.

“I missed you too.” She repeated before she pulled him back down to her. She felt his tongue teasingly sliding across her lips and she immediately parted them, eager to reunite herself with his sweet mouth. She moaned as he nipped at her lips before he trailed down the column of her neck, worshiping her soft skin with his tongue. Just when she thought she was going to explode with desire, Max released her and she came down from her high as if someone had just poured a bucket of ice water over her.

“Max? What wrong?” She asked, afraid that she’d done something wrong. He didn’t answer her and instead, he surprised her. Getting to his feet, he grabbed her hand and tugged her off the couch.

“Max, what are you doing?” She questioned he lead her into his bedroom.

“Liz, I missed you so much.” He started. Taking both her hands in his, he kissed her knuckles before continuing. “I’ve been going to counseling a lot now and I… and I think I’m ready.” Liz’s eyes widened at his declaration. “I mean. I don’t think I’m ready to… to go all the way yet, but… but I think I’m ready to step forward in our relationship.”

Liz smiled a mile long. “Are you serious? I mean, are you sure?” Max nodded shyly, ducking his head to hide his blush. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Max whispered back. And before they knew it, they were engaged in a heated kiss as if they had been away from one another for years.

Max’s hands traveled down her slender body, caressing every inch of her that he touched. When his hands reached the hem of her shirt, he pulled back from her so that he could pull her shirt free and then buckling her bra and sliding it off her. Liz did the same, pulling his shirt over his head, revealing his muscled chest. He looked so much better now than when she left.

Max let his hand wander down to the button of her shorts. “Are you sure?” He asked.

Liz nodded immediately. “Are you sure?”

After several deep breaths, Max nodded in confirmation and he began to unbuckle her shorts. Soon, she was standing before him completely exposed. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered. His eyes roamed her body and he was truly in love with an angel.

“Um… so what do we do next?” He asked bashfully.

“I think you have to…” She trailed off as her eyes dropped to his pants which he was still wearing. “Do you want me to…”

“No! No, I-I can do it.” He said. He hands shook nervously as he reached for the zipper of his pants. He felt his cheeks burning in a blush and he hadn’t even taken anything off yet. “Um… c-can you turn around?” He asked. He felt completely stupid for asking considering what they were about to, but he couldn’t help it.

Liz smiled reassuringly before turning her back to him. He heard the zipper and then the sound of his pants dropping to the ground with a soft thump. When he gave the okay for her to turn away, he said it so softly, she could barely hear it. But she wasn’t prepared for what she saw.

Max was simply gorgeous. He was amazing to her. She approached him slowly, as she reached her arms out for him.

“You’re beautiful. Simply gorgeous.” She hummed as she slanted her lips over his. He kissed her back with as much fervor to match hers. The two tumbled onto the bed, with Max shifting so that he could take her stiff nipple into his mouth.

Liz cried out in pleasure as she arched into him. She could feel his hard arousal pressing against her thigh and she ached to touch him, but she wanted to go at his pace. She didn’t want to scare him off.

“Max…” She groaned. His hand trailed between the two of them, resting against her soft curls. He released her breast and looked up at her for reassurance.

“Are you sure?” She smiled reassuringly as best as she could in her state. He gently pushed a finger into her. With his eyes trained on her he slowly pumped his finger in and out, watching as she arched off the bed in pleasure.

“Oh God!” She cried when she felt him adding another finger. But she gasped in surprise and ecstasy when Max leaned down and replaced his fingers with his mouth, using his tongue to drive her completely insane.

Deep tremors shook through her body as she came moments later. Curious, Max wrapped his lips around her as she came.

It took her awhile to come from her high and realize that Max was now laying beside her, his own arousal pressing against her stomach as he peered down at her.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that… I just… I just couldn’t help myself.”

Liz shook her head quickly as she a shaky laugh escaped her lips. “No. Max that was… that was amazing!”

“It was?” He questioned with childlike innocence. Liz wanted to laugh out loud. How could someone who had just done what he did to her look so innocent and naïve?

“Are you ready?” She asked she pushed him backwards and started to crawl on top of his chest. He hesitated before he gave her a slight nod. He didn’t realize how nervous he was until it was his turn. Now he didn’t feel so ready.

“Relax. I’m right here. Just say the word and I’ll stop.” She whispered as she brushed her lips against his. His hands moving to caress the bare skin of her back, Max responded immediately.

‘I’m in control. I’m in control.’ He repeated to himself as Liz trailed her lips over his jaw and down his neck. His kept his hands at the small of her back, feeling her soft smooth skin to remind him that Liz was not Lauren. He trusted her and he wanted to do this.

Her hand brushed against his straining cock as her teeth skimmed over his dark nipple. Having never felt this way when he was touched so intimately, he gasped.

‘I’m in control. I’m in control.’ He repeated as Liz traveled lower. Finally, she reached his rigid member and his body tensed as her hand came around him.

“Max? Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?” She asked when she felt him tensing underneath her.

Max breathed deeply, as he tried to keep himself from losing it. He concentrated on Liz’s small hand around him, handling him with such care which contrasted greatly to what he was used to. He willed himself to get under control and it wasn’t until he was sure that he could go on that he gave Liz the okay to resume.

She stroked him gently, driving him wild until she leaned down and covered him with her mouth. The feel of her hot wet mouth around him had him tensing even more and he hissed out her name in bliss.

“Liz.... Liz… Liz….” He chanted as she took his large member as far as she could in her mouth. Gripping the mattress, he squeezed his eyes shut as he gritted his teeth. He couldn’t hold it anymore and with a heavy grunt, he came for the first time ever willingly inside Liz’s mouth.

Sated, he felt Liz pulling him inside her arms, and he went willingly. With the day catching up with him and exhausted from their activities, Max felt his eyelids starting to droop and he nuzzled his face against her breasts.

“You okay?” Liz asked. She was so proud of him. He had come along way in such a short time. Before she left he wouldn’t even let her touch him and now she was sure it was only a matter of time before he was ready to go all the way.

“Mmhmm.” He mumbled as he began to drift off. “Are you?” He slurred.

“I’m perfect. I’m so proud of you.” She mumbled before dropping a kiss on his forehead.

“Hmmm. I love you.”

“I love you too.” She dropped a kiss on the top on his head as he relaxed into sleep. If it felt that good just doing what they did, Liz couldn’t imagine how incredible it would feel once they actually made love.

She smiled and pulled the sheets higher to cover them both and soon she drifted off too.

There was finally a light at the end of the tunnel.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

There's only one more chapter and an epilogue after this. :( Thanks for all the feedback and I hope you guys enjoy.

Chapter 41

Max jolted awake, breathing heavily as he searched the room, trying to make sure he wasn’t still stuck in his nightmare. He wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand and threw back the tangled sheets as he stepped out of bed.

He glanced at the girl sleeping soundly in his bed and he was glad that he hadn’t woken her up. Max tucked the sheets neatly around her before he shuffled into the bathroom and turned on the faucet. After splashing some cool water over his heated skin, he dried himself, wiping the sweat from the back of his neck.

“Max?” He jumped at the sound of Liz’s sleepy voice, but he relaxed as she came behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

“You okay?” She asked as she rested her head on his back.

Max turned in her arms and pulled her tightly against his chest and kissed the top of her head. “I’m fine. It’s just a nightmare.”

She raised her head to look him in the eye. “You want to talk about it?” Even as he shook his head, she could see that he was visibly shaking. “Tell me.” She said gently but firmly.

“It’s the same every time.” He sighed.

“Are they getting any better?”

“Yeah. They’re not as intense and I haven’t been having them as frequently.” He dipped his head to peck her lips. “Being with you helps.” He admitted.

He didn’t know what he would do without Liz. Besides the fact that he was ready to let go and live his life, Liz was one of the main reasons why Max was so focused on getting better. He simply wanted to be better for her. He would do anything in his power to please her and if having a healthy, not tortured boyfriend was what she wanted, she was going to have it.

Kissing him once more, Liz took his hand and led him into the kitchen.

Liz placed a bowl of ice cream in front of him and he smiled brightly. She began to walk away when Max caught her hand and pulled her onto his lap. “Thank you.” He murmured against her lips.

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Your welcome.”

Max kissed her deeply once more before pushing her off his lap. “Now move, my ice cream is melting.” He smiled greedily as he dug into the mountain of vanilla with his spoon.

“You know, sometimes I think you love ice cream more than you love me.” Liz pouted. He only smiled and Liz punched him playfully before grabbing her own bowl of ice cream.

“So, one more week and we start our senior year. We’re the head of the school now.” Liz said excitedly.

“I know.” Max mumbled through a mouth full of ice cream. “When I was a freshman, I couldn’t wait until my senior year. I just wanted to get out quick as I could.”

Liz laughed. “I was the same way. I can’t wait to start college. I mean just to get out on my own and be independent. You know? Have you thought about where you want to go?”

To be honest, Max never thought he’d live long enough to get to college. And now that he was getting better he never stopped and considered what he was going to do in the future.

“Um… I haven’t thought about it.” He replied truthfully. “What about you?”

She smiled brightly and he could tell that she’d thought about it a lot. “Well, I either want to go to UNM and be close to my dad, U of M because a lot of my friends back in Michigan goes there or UCLA. I can’t decide.” Her smile brightened and Max thought she was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen.

“Max, would you want me as a roommate? You should because I’m over here most of the time anyway.” She laughed. “We should try and get into the same college so we can get an apartment together. After this summer, I know how hard it is to be away from you.”

“Liz…” Liz paused in her ramblings and we she saw Max’s face, her smile immediately fell. “Can we just talk about something else?” He couldn’t stand to tell her that he didn’t see himself leaving Roswell; not after seeing her so excited about college.

“What? What’s wrong?” She questioned.

“Liz I just don’t see myself going off to college.”

“Why? Max’ you’ve got the grades.”

“No I don’t Liz.” Max dropped his spoon and got up to walk into the living room. Liz followed him. “My grades have slipped with everything that’s going on. It’d take a miracle for me to get in to any good college.”

“Max you still can pull your grades up. They’re not bad. All you have to do is work at it.” He was shaking his head negatively even before she finished her statement. “So you’re not going to even try? Are you even going to take the SAT’s in October?” When he didn’t answer, she crossed her arms over her chest and paced the length of the living room. She couldn’t believe this. He wasn’t even going to try. He was just going to give up before he even knew what he was capable of.

“Liz I... I can’t afford to go to a university.”

“Max, there are scholarships, loans, financial aid… you have so many opportunities and you’re not even willing to try them.” She shouted.

Max shook his head. “Liz… I’m sorry.” He whispered, having nothing else to say.

Liz shook her head before she stomped off into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

With a sigh of frustration, Max laid back against the couch. He knew Liz was right. He wasn’t willing to try and get into college. Not only was he afraid of getting rejected, he had just started to get used to his life here without all the drama. He had just started to resolve his problems and then to change everything with college terrified him. It’s not that he didn’t want to go; he knew he wouldn’t make it. And he’d rather shelter himself from the rejection that he knew was forthcoming.

Maybe this was where he and Liz ended. He knew that if she went off to college, she would realize that she deserved something more than what he could give. Although he was trying his hardest to get better and be a better person for her, he still believed that she deserved more. And just the fact that Liz was ready for college and he couldn’t leave the city without being petrified proved that.

Maybe he was being irrational, but it was how he felt.

With a tired sigh, he pulled the blanket from the back of the couch and covered himself with it. His last thought before drifting off was of a future alone without Liz.

Liz leaned up against the bathroom door and she rubbed her forehead. She was beginning to get a headache and she pushed herself up and looked into the cabinet to see if Max had any aspirin. He did and she took a couple to soothe her growing headache.

She couldn’t believe Max and what he had told her. He wasn’t even going to try and take the SAT’s. He wasn’t even going to try and get into college. He was giving up before he even tried and that frustrated the hell out of her.

Even with all the progress he’s made, he still doubted himself. He still put himself below others and she knew that that was part of the reason why he didn’t want to apply to college. She wished she could get him to see that he was so much better than what he thought he was. She wished she could show him what she saw when she looked at him. She saw the most gorgeous, kindest, lovable person she’d ever known and it should be obvious how much she adored him. Though he did tend to piss her off like she was now, she knew he was it for her.

But what would happen when it was time for college? What if she couldn’t convince him to go for it and at least apply to some college? And if it’s anything like this summer, she knew she couldn’t bear to be separated from him. She needed him next to her as much as he needed her.

With that thought, she emerged from the bathroom and stepped into the living room. She found Max sound asleep on the couch, his back turned to her and she easily slid in between him and the couch. She wrapped her arms around him, her finger tracing the scar on his back. Even in sleep, Max pulled her close as he cuddled next to her, his forehead dropping to rest against hers.

Warm in his embrace, Liz drifted off. Tomorrow was another day.

<center>3 months later</center>

Against Liz and Max’s wishes, the argument about college and their future continued to haunt them as the school year wore on. With either of them not willing to back down, many heated arguments caused a deep rift between them. Though they were as in love as ever, anyone could see that the two were having a problem and it needed to be fixed before it tore them apart.

Max climbed up the ladder and hopped onto the balcony that he knew so well. He stepped over to the window and peered inside, seeing that his angel was asleep. It was Christmas Eve and even though he didn’t want to wake her, he had a surprise for her.

“Liz.” Max called as he knocked on her window. He tightened his jacket around him as the cold wind blew past him.

Liz stirred when she heard the knocking and the soft call of her name. She knew who is was before she even looked and she smiled, wondering what he was up to.

Pushing herself out of bed, Liz shuffled to her window and pushed it open.

“Hi.” She breathed as she moved aside to let him in.

“Hey.” He leaned in press a gentle kiss to her lips. “Can you get away for a few hours?” She nodded.

Max waited until she was dressed before taking her hand and leading her outside to the waiting jeep. They drove in silence until Max turned off the road and drove through the desert in the same path he had done many times before.

“Max why are we going to the cliff?” Liz asked as she turned the heater down. Max had put it on full blast and now she was roasting in her seat.

He turned to her with a bright smile and she could only smile back. “You’ll see.” The jeep crawled to a stop at the base of the cliff and Max got out, grabbed some blankets from the backseat and jogged around to help Liz out. He tucked her tiny gloved hand in his and pulled her up the cliff.

“Max what are we doing here in the middle of the night?” Liz queried. She knew he had something up his sleeve, but she didn’t know what.

He laughed at her eagerness. “Just wait.” She watched him as he spread out one of the blankets and invited her to sit with him. Nestled tightly against his chest, Liz let herself relax in his warm embrace.

Max wrapped them both in the extra blanket he brought and looked to the sky. “It should happen any minute.” He whispered against her. He kissed her neck tenderly and rested his chin on her shoulder.

“Max what…” She was cut off when Max pointed to the sky and she gasped when she saw what he was pointing to.

“Wow.” She sighed. The night sky was shimmering with bright lights. Brilliant colors of blue, green, red and purple glittered in the sky, waving like a curtain in the breeze. The lights seemed to curve in an arc, stretching across the entire night sky. Both Max and Liz looked up in wonder.

“What are they called?”

“Auroras or Northern Lights. This is one of the reasons why I like this cliff. They’re no city lights and you can see them perfectly.”

Liz tore her gaze away from the dancing lights to gaze up at Max. “This is beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here.”

Max pressed his lips into her hair before he twisted her around in his arms. “Liz, I know we’ve been going through some things these past few months and we’ve been butting heads a lot. We have some things to work out but I can’t lose you.” He leaned his forehead against hers and she wrapped her arms around him.

In the past months, Max’s nightmares had been changing. Instead of dreaming about his past, he was dreaming about his future; a future without Liz. That was the scariest thing to him.

Liz didn’t know it, but Max did take the SAT’s. He did apply to UCLA and U of M. He didn’t want to get her hopes up only to be disappointed if he was rejected, so he didn’t tell her. After all the arguments they’d had, Max realized that he could at least try to do something. Why shouldn’t he be with Liz just because of college? Why shouldn’t he try and get into college and better himself? He was the only one stopping him.

“I don’t want this to tear us apart. So…” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box.

“Max, we said we weren’t giving gifts this Christmas.” Liz said as she eyed the box. Her heart beat feverishly in her chest and it only quickened as Max popped open the box, revealing a gold, heart shaped promised ring. “Oh Max.” She cried.

“Liz, I want us to work through this. No matter what.” Max pulled off her glove and slipped the ring on her petite finger. He pressed his lips to her hand before Liz launched herself at him.

“I love you so much Max.” She cried as she peppered kisses all over his face. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He replied as he pulled her in for a deep kiss. “We’ll work it out.” He murmured against her.

Liz nodded her agreement and buried herself in his embrace.

They’d work something out. They’d have to because she wasn’t ready to let him go.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Here the last part... look out for the Epilogue soon. Thanks for all the feedback.

Chapter 42

<center>4 months later</center>

Liz surpassed the urged to scream as she stared at the letter in front of her.

Maria walked into the back room of the café and spotted Liz standing there with a huge grin. “Chica, what’s the problem? The masses are waiting for their food.” Maria said as she peered over Liz’s shoulder to look at the letter.

“I got in.” Liz squealed. “I got into UCLA!!”

“Hey, what’s with all the yelling?” Jeff questioned as he entered the backroom.

“Dad. I got into UCLA!” Liz exclaimed with glowing eyes.

Jeff picked up his ecstatic daughter and twirled her in the air. “That’s great Lizzie! I knew you could do it. Now, which on are you going to choose?”

“I have no idea.” Liz answered. She’d gotten her acceptance letter to U of M last week. Now that she was accepted to her two main choices, she couldn’t decide which one to choose.

“Well, which ever one you choose *cough* UCLA *cough*, I’m behind you all the way.” Jeff smiled.

“Dad, why are you so keen on me going to UCLA? U of M is a great school too.” Liz said although she too was pulling more towards UCLA. It was closer to home and if she absolutely had to leave without Max, she would want o be as close as she could.

“Yeah but it’s not as close to me as UCLA is. I’m losing my baby girl.”

Liz pulled her dad into a tight hug. “I’ll always be your baby girl Daddy.” She told his as she kissed his cheek.

“I know sweetie.” He watched as Liz and Maria headed back into the café. He couldn’t believe his little girl was growing up. She was in love with a man he knew would take care of her, she was graduating high school in two months and she was going off to college. It seemed like yesterday she was running around in her diapers. His baby girl was no longer a baby and as hard as it was going to be, he knew he had to let go.

After the Crashdown closed for the night, Liz and Maria headed up to her room. “So, what are you and Max going to do?”

Liz shrugged. “I don’t know. I think he’s afraid of leaving Roswell now that’s he making so much progress. Just moving to a whole new place and being around people he doesn’t know scares him I think.”

“I can understand that.” Maria stated. “I mean after everything he went through last year.”

“Yeah but he didn’t even try to take the SAT’s. It was like he just gave up. I know he wants to work things out. I mean maybe we can try a long distance relationship, but I can’t be separated from him. It just kills me that he couldn’t even just try. Max is so much better than he gives himself credit for and even after all this time, he still has a problem seeing that.”

“But look on the bright side.” Maria interjected. “He’s better than he used to be. He’s made so much progress and maybe, he’ll come around and go with you.”

“Maybe.” Liz sighed. Liz settled back against her pillows and just as she got comfortable, there was a knock at her door before Max poked his head inside the room. “Hey.” Though it was killing her that she may be leaving for college without him, she couldn’t help but smile when she saw him.

“Hey ladies.” He greeted as he strode over to Liz and gave her a quick hello kiss.

“What? No kiss for me? Max, I’m appalled.” Maria said as she feigned hurt.

“Sorry Ria.” He leaned over Liz and kissed Maria’s cheek. “So, what were you two gossiping about now?”

“This.” Liz handed Max her acceptance letter.

“Oh my God Liz.” He pulled her in a tight embrace. “I’m so proud of you.” He mumbled before he slanted his lips over hers.

“Um… guys, could you turn down the heat a little bit.” Maria said as Max and Liz’s kiss turned passionate and both of them seemed to have forgotten she was there.

“Sorry.” Liz mumbled as she hid her blush in Max’s chest.

“So, which one are you going to choose?” Max asked.

“I don’t know.”

Max nodded as he laid his chin on top of her head. Max had gotten a letter from UCLA a week ago and one from U of M three days ago, but he was afraid to open them. Those letters held his future and he was uncertain as to what that future was.

“I gotta go.” Max suddenly jumped up from the bed and headed for the door.

“Max where are you going?!” Liz called after him.

“I’ll be right back.” He left without another word.

Max returned and stepped uneasily into Liz’s room. “Max what is this all about?”

He didn’t answer. He reached into his pocket and handed one letter to Liz and one to Maria. “Max, this is from U of M.” Maria exclaimed.

“You applied to college?” Liz inquired as she stared at the letter from UCLA. The look of pure shock on her face was both satisfying and terrifying for Max. What if he didn’t make it in? He should’ve just opened them in private before coming to them. Now they’d all be subjected to the disappointment if he wasn’t accepted.

“Max why didn’t you tell us?” Even though Liz wished that Max would have told her that he applied to college, she couldn’t bring herself to be angry.

“I… I didn’t think I could get accepted and I didn’t want anybody getting excited especially if I don’t get in.” He explained. “But after arguing with Liz so many times, I wanted to see if I could actually do it. I wanted to see if I was capable of getting in.”

Liz saw the uncertainty on Max’s face immediately and she stepped up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Max, whatever these letters say doesn’t change anything. Whatever they say, we’ll find a way to work things out; just like you said. I’m just proud that you tried and submitted your application. I love you. Remember that.”

Max nodded and Liz looked to Maria, indicating that she could open the letter she held from U of M first. Max stood by in agonizing anticipation as Maria tore open the envelope.

Liz held Max’s hand as Maria skimmed through the letter. His palms were sweaty and from the paleness of his skin, she knew he was scared to death. Wrapping an arm around his waist, she held him close.

Maria’s face fell and even before she could open her mouth, Max knew the answer. He didn’t get in.

“I’m sorry Max.” Maria said sincerely.

Max nodded, trying to keep himself in check even though he felt as if he could black out any second. He was rejected.

His eyes forlorn, he sunk down on the edge of the bed. He had expected this. But he didn’t know it would hurt this bad. Somewhere in the back of his mind he was confident that he would get in. He knew that if he worked hard enough…

“Max.” Liz moved beside him and Max immediately curled into her comforting embrace. “At least you tried Max. And you still have another letter to open.” She tried to sound cheerful, but that was difficult when she felt the shudders running through his body. She knew he was trying not to break down. “There’s still another letter Max.”

He quickly shook his head. “I’m not ready to know. I can’t handle it right now.” He whimpered against her. Liz held him tight and turned sorrow filled eyes towards Maria, whose eyes mirrored her own.

It took Max another week until he was able to open the letter. He realized that either way, he was going to find a way to be with Liz. It was time for him to get something that he wanted and what he wanted was Liz. He wasn’t going to let that rejection slow him down. He realized that he could always try and reapply to college and it wasn’t the end of the world. Though it had taken him a week to figure that out, he was more determined than ever.

So now he paced the length of Liz’s room as he waited for her to open the envelope.

With her hands positioned on the envelope to peel off the top, Liz looked to Max once more. “You ready?” He nodded rather uncertainly.

Giving him a reassuring smile, Liz opened the envelope and pulled out the letter. Max sunk into the nearest chair that he could find and leaned over to rest his face in his hands. He couldn’t bear to see Liz’s face as she read the letter.

“Oh my God!” Liz exclaimed. Max suddenly shot up with her loud exclamation. “Max you got accepted!” Liz squealed excitedly.

His jaw dropping, Max stumbled back in shock. “W-What? I-I got in?” She nodded and handed him the letter. It was right in front of him. He was accepted to college. He did it.

Max caught Liz’s eyes and just from that one look, he could tell that she was proud. That was greatest feeling. To know that he’d actually done something right for once and he was really moving on with his life.

Liz flung herself into Max’s arms and he happily twirled her around in circles. “I did it. I got in. I got in.” He mumbled in awe to himself.

“I’m so proud of you baby.” Liz said into his neck. “I’m so proud.”

Max carried over to the bed and laid her gently on top of the sheets. “Liz, don’t cry.” He said when he stopped her chin quivering as she tried to keep herself in check. But she was failing miserably and she just let go, burying herself in Max’s warm embrace.

“U- UCLA here we come.” She laughed through her tears.

“Liz, are you sure you want to go to UCAL? I mean… you got accepted to both schools so why should you be tied down just because…” His protest was cut short when Liz pressed a heated kiss to his lips, affectively shutting him up.

“Max, I am going to UCLA. I was thinking of choosing that school anyway. It’s just an extra bonus that that’s where you were accepted.” She smiled brilliantly, her eyes shining with happiness as joyful tears cascaded down her cheeks.

“So… looks like you’re going to be stuck with me.” Max smiled softly. “I hope you don’t mind.”

She smirks. “Let me decorate?”

He groaned playfully. “Liz…” He whined. “Okay fine.”

She smiled. “Okay. Then I guess I can deal with you as my roommate.” She said with a dramatic sigh and roll of her eyes.

“Good.” Max pulled off his sweater, leaving him in his pants and t-shirt. Sliding under the covers, he opened his arms in invitation for Liz to join him.

Cuddled safely against his chest, his strong heartbeat pumping underneath her eye, Liz closed her eyes in bliss. “I love you.”

Max tightened his arms around her and echoed her words. That’s how Jeff found the couple hours later when he came in to check on Liz. He spotted the forgotten letter lying on the floor and he smiled contently as he read it.

He stared at his sleeping daughter, wrapped up in her boyfriend’s arms and even though he hated it, he knew he had to let her go to Max now. Max would take care of her. It’s where she belonged.

With a bittersweet smile, he turned off the light and closed the bedroom door, leaving the sleeping couple in peace.
<center>2 months later</center>

“Max we did it! I can’t believe high school is over.” Liz said as Max pulled her into his apartment.

“Uh huh.” He mumbled as he pushed her against the door, already working on the zipper to her gown. After getting up early to graduate and then going to the graduation party at the Crashdown, Max just wanted to be alone with Liz right now.

“Max.” Liz moaned. “Max, wait.”

Max stopped immediately, pulling his lips from her neck. “I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to attack you like that.” He took one giant step away from her so he could get himself under control.

“No. I just wanted to make sure the door was locked.” She said. She twisted around and locked the door before stepping into Max’s arms. “Now you may continue.” She giggled.

Max smiled as his lips descended on hers, starting off slow and sweet then turning to anything but that as Liz backed him up until they collapsed onto the couch.

Max resumed his task of unzipping her gown and once he did, Liz lifted off of him slightly so that he could slide it off. He groaned in frustration when he realized that she had clothes on underneath it. Quickly undressing her, Max tossed her clothes aside and caressed her soft body with his large hands.

“You know, you have on too many clothes, Mr. Evans.” Liz teased.

“Well, why don’t you help me solve that problem?” By now, Max and Liz were totally comfortable around each other, even though the occasional shyness showed its head; they thought nothing of seeing the other nude.

Max kissed her fiercely, taking her bottom lip into his mouth before crashing their lips together once more. He swiped his tongue across her lip and she immediately respond, allowing his tongue to dance with hers.

After being stripped down to his boxers, Max scooped Liz into his arms and marched into his bedroom. He laid Liz down before crawling next to her.

“I love you.” He whispered as he stared at her swollen lips and her tousled hair. He still couldn’t believe she was his.

Liz rolled on top of him, fusing her lips with his in a zealous caress that left both of them breathless. Intimate caresses were shared, filling the air with excited moans as the two drove each other wild with desire.

While she nipped at the tanned skin of his neck, Max pulled Liz so that she stretched across the length of his body, her warm, wet center hovering just above his stiff arousal.

Max jumped as the tip of his rigid cock brushed against her core. “Max?” She questioned in a moan. It took her awhile to stop quivering before she saw Max staring wide-eyed at her.

His face paled as she shifted and brushed against him again. “L-Liz… I’m sorry.”

Liz brushed his hair, trying to look as assuring as she could. “It’s okay Max.”

He shut his eyes tight as she shifted so that only her upper body was lying against his. “I’m sorry. I can’t.” He wasn’t ready to go that far yet. He wanted to but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

Liz smiled softly before leaning down to kiss his lips. “We don’t have to go all he way Max. Only when you’re ready.” He nodded, again wanting to apologize for making her wait, but she cut off his apology before he could even say it.

Instead, she wrapped her tiny hand around him, stroking him just the way he liked it before taking his length into her warm mouth. With a heavy grunt and her name hissing from his lips, Max spilled his milky cream into her mouth.

After coming down from his high, Max returned the favor and pleasured Liz with his talented tongue.

Crawling up her body, Max pulled her flushed form into his arms and watched as she drifted off into a satisfied slumber.

Max followed her soon after, with dreams of the day that he could finally make love to the angel in his life.

Two months later, inside an airport terminal, the couple stood hand and hand, surrounded by their friends. There were tears of joy and sadness as the flight to California was announced. Emotional goodbyes were said; long lasting embraces were reluctantly split and promises to call and visit were sincerely made.

After one final look at his best friends and the man that brought his angel to him, Max grabbed his carry-on and walked off to the plane.

He was starting his new life; one with a brighter future and one where he could be with the love of his life. The small woman standing next to him, holding onto his hand tightly as they entered the plane, she was his world, his anchor and his home. He didn’t belong anywhere but with her and he thanked God everyday for sending her to him.

He couldn’t believe he made it. One year ago he never would have thought that he would graduate high school and be a college bound student. It seemed so unrealistic to him. Now he was leaving Roswell; leaving all that pain and suffering behind. In Roswell, he was leaving all the doubts, his fears, and most importantly his past. Though he still had a long way to go, he was going to conquer this once and for all.

And after all this time, he finally realized that he was capable of that. He was able to get better. He was more than what he was told he was. He was worth it. And he realized that just maybe, it wasn’t his fault.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Here it is, the last part. I hope you enjoy. :D The song used in this part is Musiq's "Love".


3 years later

“Max, are you going to do it!?” Maria yelled over the phone.

Max rolled his eyes and glanced at his watch for the fifth time that minute. “Yes Ria.” He sighed. “I’m just waiting for her to get home from her class now.”

“Well, do you have everything ready?”


“You have the CD?”


“The roses?”


“The ring?”


“Max, you did not forget the ring!!” Maria shrieked.

Max chuckled as he pulled the velvet box from his pocket and flipped it open, revealing a stunning diamond ring. “Relax Ria you’re more nervous than I am and I’m the one who has to pop the question. I have the ring right here.”

“Good.” Maria sighed. “Max I’m so happy for you. I can’t believe my chico is getting engaged!” She squealed. "It's about damn time!!"

Max pulled the phone away from his ear as she squealed. “Well I’m not engaged yet. I haven’t even asked her. She might not even want to do this.”

“Max, get serious. We’re talking about Liz Parker; the girl that’s totally head over heels in love with you.”

Max smiled. Over the years, Max realized that he had no reason to believe that Liz didn't love him with all of her heart and he didn't love her with all of his. He couldn’t believe how lucky he’d been to find her. She loved him with everything she had and he remembered the day that they gave themselves to each other. Mind, body and soul.

Max grunted as he brought up the last of the boxes and with a tired sigh, he flopped onto the couch in their newly furnished apartment and smiled as he spotted Liz practically skipping into the room. They had arrived in California a few days ago and finally their things had arrived. They were using the furniture Max had in his old apartment and although it wasn’t the best, it didn’t matter. They had something and as long as they were together, it was okay.

“Ouff.” Max groaned as Liz hopped on top of him.

“Max, I can’t believe this!” Liz shrieked. “We did it. We have our own place Max.”

Max only smiled and wrapped his arms around her as he pressed his lips against her cheek. “What should we do now?” Liz questioned. “School doesn’t start for another two weeks and we have that time all to ourselves.”

“All to ourselves.” He mumbled as he nibbled on Liz’s neck. He nibbled down her neck before gently blowing a little air over her heated skin.

She giggled as his warm breath tickled her skin. “Max!!” She laughed as Max playfully licked her neck.

“You taste good.” He mumbled against her. He continued to pepper kisses against her while she squirmed happily in his arms.

Before long, the kisses turned from mischievous to passionate and instead of soft giggles and deep chuckles, desire-filled moans and sighs of pleasure filled the air.

“Max, that feels so good.” Liz moaned as Max massaged her breasts over her bra. Max grunted as Liz ground her hips against his, awakening his sleeping member and it sprung to life.

Soon Max’s shirt was gone and Liz’s tiny hands were burning a fiery trail over his tanned chest. Liz’s shirt and bra were the next article of clothing to go and she moaned loudly as Max flicked her taunt nipple with the tip of his tongue.

“Oh Max.” She moaned. Max moved off her and looked down at her ravished body. She was so beautiful and he couldn’t believe she was his.

“Max what are you doing?” She asked when he just continued to stare at her. His intense gaze sent chills up her spine and the pure desire in his eyes made her ache for him in places she never knew could ache.

“You’re so beautiful.” He murmured as he trailed a lone finger down her naked chest. Liz shivered with his touch and she squirmed uncomfortably as the ache between her legs increased.

“Let’s go into the bedroom.” He said. Liz only nodded and let him sweep her into his arms. Max laid her gently under the sheets and then climbed in next to her. They lay face to face, chest to chest and Max couldn’t think of any other woman he’d rather spend the rest of his life with.

“I love you.” He mumbled as his brushed his lips over hers.

She undressed him slowly then, cherishing every inch of his exposed skin. Max slid off her soaked panties and returned to her side.

“Liz?” She gazed into his gorgeous, amber eyes and waited for him to continue. “I-I’m ready.”

Liz smiled faintly, not wanting to get too excited. “Are you sure sweetie?”

He nodded. “D-do you have anything?” He asked bashfully.

“I’m on the pill.” She answered softly.

“When did…”

“When we first started getting intimate." She answered. "I wanted to be prepared for whenever we did go all the way.” She explained. Max smiled and kissed her sweetly. “Are you sure?” She asked once again. She would never want to make him do anything he wasn’t ready for.

Max gazed into her chocolate eyes with more certainty than he ever had before. “I’m ready.”

With those two words, her lips searched out his and they poured all the love they had in that one kiss.

“C-Can I be on top?” He blushed feverishly as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

Liz couldn’t help but smile at how adorable and boyish he looked even in the position they were in. The question was so innocent, yet the meaning behind it just made her giddy.

Liz pulled him on top of her, wrapping her arms around him tightly. Liz buried her fingers in his hair and joined her lips with his. Max positioned himself between her legs as he slid his tongue into her mouth. The tip of his hard cock to brush against her hot core and they both moaned in pleasure.

“Ready?” She asked when he tensed slightly above her. She reached up to brush back his bangs and smiled reassuringly at him.

He breathed deeply before answering. “Ready.” He said with a nod. Liz gripped his back, her fingers digging into his skin as Max lowered himself into for the first time.

Liz hissed in pain as Max broke her virginity and he panicked. “What? Oh God, Liz, I hurt you. I’m sorry.”

“No.” She moaned as Max started to pull out of her. She cupped his ass to keep him in place. “It’s normal for it to hurt the first time Max.”

“You okay?” He asked when she seemed to relax a little. He stroked back her hair and she nodded.

Max began to move within her and they moved in an awkward pace until they learned to move in sync.

“Oh Max.” Liz moaned as Max thrust into her.

“Baby, you feel so good.” Max grunted. Their pace quickened and Max hissed out her name as he spilled his milky seed inside her. His cum ignited hers and she dug into his back as her juices coated his member.

“Wow.” Max breathed as he came down his high. He rolled off her and pulled her close against him.

“Yeah. Wow.” Liz sighed. She cuddled into his chest, safe and warm.


“Max? Max!! Are you listening to me?! Jeez, I swear if I had a nickel for every time a man doesn’t listen to me….”

Max rolled his eyes. “I’m listening Ria.”

It was then that Max heard the rustling outside the apartment door and he hurried to get to his hiding place in the hall closet. “Ria, I have to go.” He whispered fiercely as he hurried around the room. “Liz is coming. I'll call you later.”

“Okay chico. Good Luck. Love you.”

“I love you too.” He clicked off the phone and tossed it on the couch.

Out in the hallway, Liz smiled as she read the note that was taped to the door.

‘Welcome home babe. I’ve got a surprise for you.’

She quickly unlocked the front door and gasped when she saw the sight before her.

The living was bathed in soft candle light and there was trail of white, red and pink rose petals leading into the hallway. She couldn’t believe Max had done all this for her.

“Max! Max are you here?” She called, but she didn’t get a response. With a smile still brightening her face, she followed the trail which led into the bathroom.

Again, she was taken aback at the scene before her. Candles were scattered throughout the bathroom, the smell of vanilla wafted to her nose and she closed her eyes in bliss. She spotted another note and a single white rose taped on the mirror and her smile widened as she pulled it free.

‘Push play on the stereo, take a nice bath, relax and enjoy yourself Love’

The tub was already full with hot water and bubbles and she quickly stripped and stepped into the steaming water. She settled into the water, and reached over the side of the tub to press play on the stereo they kept there.

She waited for the beginning of a soft soothing song to begin, but she was surprised to hear Max’s siky, deep voice instead. She decided it was much better.

“Hey Love… um… I can’t really find the words to express how much I love you and how much I love waking up to your beautiful face every morning and making love to you at night… but I thought this song could say the things I want to say. So… please if you have to laugh at my singing, do it before you see me again.” He chuckled. “You know how sensitive I am about that. If I hurt your ears, I'm sorry.”

Liz giggled as the song began to play and Max’s honeyed voice filled the room.

So many things I've got to tell you
But I'm afraid I don't know how
Cause there's a possibility
You'll look at me differently
Ever since the first moment I spoke your name
From then on I knew that by you being in my life
Things were destined to change cause......

So many people use your name in vain
Those who faith in you sometimes goes astray
Through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt
For better or worse I still will choose you first

Many days I've longed for you
Wanting you
Hoping for the chance to get to know you
Longing for your kiss
For your kiss, for your touch, for your feel, for beauty
Your wonderful essence
Many nights I've cried from the things you do
Felt like I could die from the thought of losing you
I know that you're real
With no doubt or no fears
Or no questions

So many people use your name in vain
Those who faith in you sometimes goes astray
Through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt
For better or worse I still will choose you first

At first you didn't mean that much to me
But now I know that you're all I need
The world looks so brand new to me
Now that I found love
Everyday I live for you
And everything that I do I do it for you
What I say is how I feel so believe it's true
You got to know I'm true, love

So many people use your name in vain
Those who faith in you sometimes goes astray
Through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt
For better or worse I still will choose you first

As the song faded out, Liz found herself crying as Max’s sweet voice faded. He sounded beautiful to her and her heart swelled with love. She couldn’t wait to find him and show him how much she cared for him.

She was about to climb out of the tub when Max’s voice sounded through the stereo again.

“I love you Liz. Your surprise is waiting for you in the bedroom.”

Liz quickly got out of the tub, threw on her robe and hurried towards the bedroom. The door was closed and she excitedly pushed it open. The room was candle lit as were the others before it. Balloons and rose petals were scattered on the floor with three balloons floating in front of the bed. She stepped in front of the first one and spotted another note with a safety pin stuck to it.

‘Pop the balloons to reveal your surprise Love.’

She smiled and removed the pin. She popped the first balloon and white rose pedals exploded into the air before softly floating to the floor. She spotted a card that fell with them and she quickly flipped it open. ‘I love you,’ it read. She smiled vividly and popped the next one which was filled with pink rose petals. ‘You’re my everything,’ the card read.

She reached the last one, her heart beating furiously in her chest. With shaky hands, she popped the balloon, this time, revealing red petals and another note. ‘Will you marry me?,’ it read.

She screamed then, giddy with excitement and before she knew it, two strong arms wrapped around her from behind and a beautiful diamond ring was presented in front of her.

Her hands flew to her mouth as the tears streamed down her cheeks. Max kissed her shoulder and the side of her neck before he whispered the words that would chang their lives forever.

“Liz Parker, make me the happiest man alive. Will you marry me?”

Liz twisted in his arms and threw herself at him. “Yes! Oh Max. Yes!!” She shouted as she peppered his face with kisses. She let him push her away gently just long enough to slip the ring on her finger; next to the promise ring he’d given her in high school.

“I love you Max. So much!” She squealed.

“I love you Liz.” He caught her in his arms as she again threw herself into his chest. “Always and forever.”


It’s for real this time. I hope I didn’t disappoint. This is the first fic I started and the first one I finished. I just want to thank everyone who was with this one from the very beginning, everyone who started it in the middle, and everyone who’s just finding this. Thanks so much for all your support and your kind words. It’s taken me a little over a year to finish this thing and I couldn’t have done it without you guys. Thanks so much.


Last edited by sweetbrowneyes on Thu Dec 16, 2004 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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