Believing in Destiny (AU,CC,Teen/Mature)BookII,Pt5 4/25 [WIP

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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Hey Guys (waving to all) I am Baaaack with another new part. Hope you guys like it.

Thank you for the amazing feedback :D


xmag wrote: Liz being how she is because he healed her ? then, what about Maria ? she was healed too !
Yup, that's what Michael says and he might or might not be telling the truth :wink: But Michael did save Liz by giving her a part of his energy. Maria is changed too and she has powers but the way Max healed her is completely different from what Michael did to Liz. Remember, Michael is not a healer like Max, though all the aliens, Michael, Isabel and Tess can heal a bit.
As for Liz being ALL human and Michael calling her Rina, you will find out the answers very soon.
SmileeUk wrote: So Max could sense his mate when he was young but she died? That doesn't explain why Max could sense a black hair girl when he touched Michael's pod.

It also needs some explanation about Liz's connection to Max.
Max CAN sense Liz, as you would all have guessed by now, but Liz cannot sense Max. As to why he sensed Liz when he was young for a short while and your other questions will be answered soon. There is a good reason for that :wink:

Sternbetrachter: Alex will be alive in this fic :D
Hey! You are back :D and I am glad that you love this fic :D
And nope, Liz wasn't the other one in the pods :wink: though Max did get a flash of a brown haired girl floating in the pod. I hope this doesn't confuse you but it will be explained soon.
Behrsgirl77: Hey Tanya! I am glad you are doing well and Thank you so much for Betaing this part :D

Part 30:

“Don’t you just hate it when people try to control your life? When they assume that you are going to live by their expectations?” Liz demanded rhetorically, as she sat with a loud thump opposite Max and Maria, in the quad.

Maria looked at Max for a second, who was watching Liz sympathetically, before turning back to Liz, completely confused by the thoroughly annoyed expression on the usually calm and serene Liz.

It had been two weeks since Claudia’s death and both Maria and Isabel had pestered Liz, till she had started hanging out with them. Though she was reluctant at first, Liz soon started enjoying their company and the fact that it irked Michael gave her an extra sense of satisfaction. Since last week, Liz had started having lunch with Max, Maria, Isabel, Kyle and Tess accompanied by a reluctant and forbidding Michael, who spent most of his time glaring at Isabel, Maria, Max and Tess in turn.

“Liz…” Maria began but Max shushed her as Liz ranted on.

“They have all these dreams and aspirations for you, which they expect you to fulfill not caring whether you want those or not. They decide your whole life even before you are born and heaven forbid if you do not follow their precious planning. It’s ridiculous. I mean, aren’t we a person by our own right? Don’t we have our own hopes, desires and feelings? It’s our life after all. I hate …” Liz stopped, as she saw Maria frantically holding one of the vials under her nose and Max watching it partly amused and partly in concern.

“It calms you down,” Maria said seeing Liz’s grimace and continued to hold the vial under Liz’s nose.

“I am fine Maria,” Liz said sheepishly and then glanced at them shyly. “Sorry, for…”

“It’s okay Liz,” Max smiled at her gently. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Liz shook her head and then sighed deeply, “Its my father.” She glanced at Max who encouraged her with a smile. “He had always wanted me to go to Harvard. You could say it’s his lifelong dream.” Liz unconsciously smiled as she spoke. “He put up this poster of Harvard in my room when I was five and said that it was the place where famous scientists went to. That was the first time I decided I wanted to be a scientist too.”

“You don’t want to go there?” Max queried softly, sensing a deep melancholy feeling.

“I wanted to for a long time. But dreams change,” Liz closed her eyes not wanting to think why hers had changed. “And my dad doesn’t seem to get that. So we had a big, ah… you could say, misunderstanding today.”

Maria sighed at the love struck look on Max’s face. That man was a goner. She had never seen him happier than he had been this past week. In spite of Maria’s convincing that she felt dandy with kick-ass powers, Max had been guilt-stricken when he had learned that Maria had changed because of him. To make matters worse, Max had been horrified to realize that he had used his powers in front of Liz and had gone to speak with her wondering why Michael didn’t say anything about it.

It was a pale and shocked Max, who had finally told Isabel and Maria, that Liz didn’t remember a single thing that had happened that night. Max had been really depressed for a while, thinking of the night with Liz, their amazing kiss and the fact that Liz didn’t remember any of it. It was then he remembered the flashes that he saw in her head. Maria was certain that Michael was lying and Liz might have changed, which could probably explain why he saw those flashes in her head. Knowing better than to tell Michael that he got these flashes when he kissed Liz, Max, in fright, had finally demanded Isabel and Maria to leave Michael alone.

Seeing the frustrated look on Liz’s face, Max gently placed his hand on top of hers on the table, reveling happily in the warmth that spread across his whole body at the contact. Last week in the lab, Max was as usual mooning over Liz when he had accidentally brushed against her. A tingling sensation had begun at his nerve endings with a buzzing sound in his ear and all of a sudden, he had felt alive, his senses sharper and his energy focused and he had felt more connected to Liz than ever before. For a second, he could almost hear her thoughts. At first he had been puzzled and scared thinking that she might have also felt that. But seeing no reaction from her, he had been disappointed as well as relieved, certain that him being different had something to do with it.

Connected, Max thought giddily. He had long since figured out that somehow he was sensing Liz’s intense emotions and feelings and not Michael’s. To say he was relieved that it was not Michael was a huge understatement. He had been grinning like a fool the whole day when he realized it, not even mentioning why to Maria or Isabel. It was his little secret and he assumed it had something to do with Michael giving Liz a part of his energy. He didn’t want to analyze it much; he just wanted to bask in the feeling.

“Hey, just give your dad a little time. He might come around,” Max comforted her. He had been sensing her anger and aggravation since morning and just wanted her to let go of it.

Liz shook her head exasperated, “No, you don’t understand…”

“Liz, its okay to live your own life, to follow your dreams. Believe me, I know how it is to have your whole life mapped out in front of you, taking away your free will, choices and decisions.” When Liz looked at him surprised, he murmured, “Long story” and then continued on. “But he only wants what’s best for his little girl. Yeah, he will be disappointed for a while but I am sure he will agree with you eventually. Just remember Liz, we make our own destiny.”

“Thanks,” Liz murmured smiling, as Max softly brushed her palm with his thumb.

“Aww…” Maria said happily, seeing the staring match going on between Liz and Max.

“I bet it goes on more than ten minutes this time,” Kyle added as he sat opposite Maria.

Isabel gave him a sharp jab for his comment pushing him aside and ignoring his groan, sat between him and Liz.

“God! This is making me nauseous,” Isabel said waving her hand in front of Liz and Max. “Remind me again, why we thought this was a good idea?”

“Come on Iz. Aren’t they cute?” Maria gushed out.

“Maxie!” Tess’ whining voice broke them both out of their trance and they both blushed looking down, at getting caught.

“Damn! Only two more minutes,” Kyle muttered looking at his watch and twisted successfully avoiding another jab from Isabel but gave a sharp yelp when Maria’s foot met his shin.

“I missed you,” Tess said as she attached herself firmly to Max’s left side.

Seeing Max’s grimace, Liz couldn’t suppress her smile and she giggled out loud.

“What’s so funny?” Tess demanded, glaring at Liz.

“It could be you,” Michael said pointedly, as he joined them and sat near Liz, sending a warning glare Tess’ way.

Resuming his usual glowering at the table’s occupants, he picked up a fry off Liz’s plate avoiding her swat and took a bite. He immediately spit it out grimacing at the bland taste, as Liz smiled at him cheekily. Fortunately for him, none of the aliens had brought Tabasco to the school yet as they brought home made lunches or the Crashdown food with Tabasco already added. But Michael wasn’t sure how far his luck would run coz one look at the bottle, Liz would definitely know about them. That was one of the main reasons he didn’t want her having lunch with them.

Tess scowled at Michael and Liz for a moment and then turned back her attention to Max and the others. Something in Michael’s knowing expression, made her sure that he was the one who had stolen the crystal from her room. But accusing him, that too without proof, meant she had to tell them that she had the crystal in the first place. Since Michael hadn’t confronted her about it yet, she couldn’t help feeling that he knew more about them all than he was letting on. She had also learnt from going through Maria’s memories that Michael had somehow healed Liz. But how could any alien just give part of their energy to a human, without having a connection first? If so, how had that connection between Michael and Liz formed? One thing Tess was certain. She wasn’t the only one here with secrets.

Maria observed silently the speculative looks Michael was throwing Max and Liz. She would bet on her life, okay maybe not her life, but definitely Kyle’s, that Michael damn well knew why Max and Liz seem to have this whole look-into-my-soul thing going on between them.


“Did you find anything yet?” Max asked, stopping for a moment and wiping the sweat off his face with his sleeves.

“Yeah! 1 dead snake, 2 live scorpions and a few bones,” Kyle muttered sarcastically, still digging the sand near the old radio tower. “Are you sure, this was the place in your stupid vision or whatever.”

“It wasn’t stupid” Max said annoyed “and yeah, I saw this tower only.” He hadn’t wanted Valenti to join them but he couldn’t deny that Kyle was useful. It would have taken an awful lot of time if he were the only one digging like mad.

“This sucks!” Kyle threw the shovel down and marched angrily towards the huge cluster of rocks, where Maria was sitting with binoculars. He and Max had been digging for the past one-hour in the hot sun without any results and he was sick and tired of it.

“Why do you get to be the lookout and we get to do all the work?” he demanded angry.

“Coz I was smart enough to choose to be the look out,” Maria then shrugged and ignoring Kyle’s incredulous look resumed looking though the lens.

“Unbelievable,” Kyle muttered as he walked towards the jeep where Isabel was bobbing her head to a song. “And what’s your reason for not helping us, your Highness?”

Isabel looked at him for a second as if he was an idiot and then said, “Are you kidding me? You will be like sweating and there are snakes, scorpions and what not?” She shuddered dramatically. “Besides, I don’t wanna break my nails.”

Kyle gaped at her with his mouth open and then snorted. “Fuck it! You are the alien. I don’t even have to do this. I quit! Adios amigos.”

“Stop being such a baby Kyle,” Maria said, going past him towards the jeep, to get a drink from the cooler they had brought. “Be a man and join Max there.”

Kyle snorted, glancing at Max for a moment, who was still digging around steadfastly ignoring their squabble.

“Please! Its not as if you are doing this for free,” Isabel began irritated.

“Did you hear that?” Max interrupted her suddenly, cocking his head to a side.

“Hear what?” Isabel quizzed looking at him blankly.

A few seconds later, all of them heard the sound of a motorbike coming closer to them.

“Who is it?” Maria asked fearfully.

Kyle looked at her pointedly. “You are the lookout.”

“Shit!” Maria exclaimed as she ran towards the boulder. But by the time she climbed it the rider had reached them.

Reaching up to remove his helmet, Michael casually greeted them, grinning. “What’s up?”

“What are you doing here?” Isabel asked him narrowing her eyes.

“I followed you all.”

Maria, who had by now come back down, looked at him suspiciously. “We have been here for an hour.”

“I know,” Michael smirked at them. “I would have waited longer to see you all sweat more like pigs,” he gestured towards the holes in the sand, “but I got to get to my shift soon. So, just thought I would come and check it out.”

Kyle suddenly exploded, “You mean you were simply sitting on your ass for an hour instead of helping us?”

Michael grinned again unrepentantly. “You never invited me.”

“Why you insufferable…” All three of them started reaming him when Max yelled suddenly.

“Enough!” He then frowned at Michael. “What do you want Michael?”

“I know whatever you guys are searching for is something alien. So what is it?”

“Why should we tell you?” Max demanded. “You don’t tell us all of your secrets.”

“Like what?” Michael queried casually.

“Maybe you should start with who Tris is?”

Michael immediately stiffened and asked tightly, “From where did you hear that name?”

“So you do know him.” Isabel added triumphantly.

“How do you know that name?” Michael repeated his question.

“The painting in Liz’s house.” Max said truthfully. “I…I recognize that place.”

Michael visibly relaxed knowing that they didn’t really know anything else. “Ekshira,” Michael whispered softly then clarified to the others. “That’s what the place is called and it’s on Sardenia. It was one of my earliest memories.”

“You expect us to believe that you are Tris?” Maria asked incredulously.

Michael snarled. “That’s the truth. My full name was TrisaRath but usually everyone called me Rath.”

Max looked at him puzzled. Michael had hated when he called him Rath, so how come he was okay signing his name as Tris?

“So who called you Tris?”

“My si…family,” Michael said impatient. “Now if that is all, I want to know what you are searching for.”

Max sighed, focusing on the matter at hand and began. “I had some sort of vision of the army hunting someone like us, and whoever that was buried something alien around here somewhere near the old radio tower.”

“That’s it?” Michael asked skeptically.

Max glared at him. “I know what I saw. I have never seen this place or tower before yet it is exactly the same as it was in my vision. So I am definite that something alien is buried under here somewhere.”

“Okay, okay,” Michael held his hands up. “Say I believe you, how did you have that vision?”

Kyle also looked up interested, as Max hadn’t said anything about how or why he had the vision. Max fidgeted nervously not wanting to tell Michael the real reason and die an early death. For he was certain, that though Michael seemed okay with him being friends with Liz, he definitely would blast him if he ever found out that he had kissed Liz, that too when she was drunk and he was supposed to look after her. Sure he could always say the truth, which was he had no idea how he found himself in the amazing kiss with her in the first place, but he didn’t think that Michael would buy it.

“I…uhm…I am not sure but I have been having this vision for some days now,” Max cringed internally as to how much of an expert he seemed to be at lying nowadays.

Michael looked at him suspiciously for a moment and then nodded his head. “Okay, but we need more help, preferably an alien.”

“And you think the home planet is going to beam you some?” Maria asked sarcastically, as Isabel sniggered.

“No,” Michael smiled at them triumphantly. “But one will arrive in approximately two minutes.”

Much to everyone’s surprise and Michael’s smug look, they all saw a car coming towards them and a few seconds later Tess got down from her SUV, a bit uneasy that everyone seemed to be expecting her.

“You called her here?” Maria asked him, glaring at Tess.

Michael rolled his eyes. “No. Little Miss. Sherlock here has been following me around like a puppy for the past two days.”

Everyone gasped as Tess muttered a strangled “What?”

“I figured it’s only a few minutes before she herself came to take a look at what’s going on here.”

Tess finally found her voice and denied angrily. “I wasn’t following you.”

Michael snorted at that. “I have been evading skins for the past year and you think I wouldn’t notice a stupid little alien like you?”

“How dare you…” Tess began furious that her plans seemed to be foiled now.

“Stop It!” Max suddenly ordered them and then looked at Tess. “Aren’t we supposed to be working with each other?” When Tess opened her mouth to argue, he continued wearily, “Look, you both can deal with it later. Right now, we need to find something before it gets dark.”

Liz looked through the files in the cabinet hurriedly before Whittaker returned. After an intense search online, she had finally found that Sheila Hubble was the wife of an alien hunter and had died around 40 years back in 1957. Pierce was an alien hunter and since she got a flash about Sheila Hubble from Pierce, Liz was certain that something alien-related had happened to Sheila as otherwise Pierce wouldn’t have been interested in her to begin with. Hence her current search in Whitaker’s office for files dating back to 1957.

A headline suddenly caught her eye.

Miraculous Escape for Crashdown Waitress

Giving a quick read, she found that last summer, a waitress had been rumored shot but it was a false alarm since the bullet that had missed her by inches was later found in the wall. However, a tourist claimed that the waitress was in fact shot but someone went up to her and saved her. Getting curious, since the article didn’t mention any names, Liz made a mental note to look it up later. After about 30 minutes, she stood up frustrated. The files here didn’t go back any further than 1980. The older files were probably in the FBI archives. But how could she access that?

Getting a sudden idea, Liz sat in Whitaker’s seat and switched on her computer. The FBI logo with a password prompt came on. Biting her lip, she closed her eyes and concentrating, started touching various things on the desk willing a flash to appear. She had never been able to control getting flashes or premonitions so she hoped it worked this time.

‘Vanessa, honey, you are beautiful.’


Liz scrunched her face in disgust as she quickly removed her hand from the desk corner. This was so not what she had in mind when she started looking for flashes.

‘This is member 1283 of the Universal Friendship League reporting as scheduled.’

Liz frowned at the image of Whitaker talking to someone on the phone. What the heck was the Universal Friendship League? She stored it in her mind as one more thing to check out.

Just as she was about to give up, her fingers skimmed the keyboard sending her a flash of Whitaker typing something. Concentrating on that longer, Liz finally grinned figuring out the password. She quickly typed in the password and heaved a sigh of relief when Access Granted flashed on the screen. But her relief was short lived and she quickly turned pale when she found out what she was looking for.

Autopsy Report of Sheila Hubble:
Cause of Death: Subject’s internal stomach organs were fried to a crisp, including the 2-month old fetus, with the rest of the body untouched.
Identification Marks: A silver handprint found on the Subject’s stomach. The mark mysteriously disappeared after a couple of days.

Liz felt like throwing up as she started reading the report in more detail. As far as she knew, the only alien alive around 1957 was the one currently masquerading as a Hollywood Director. Though Langley was many things, she would never have believed him to be a cold-blooded killer. God! Why had he killed an innocent pregnant woman?

Before she could read further, she heard the sound of a door opening on the outer office. Panicking, Liz hastily closed the reports and tried deleting what she had seen. She couldn’t remove the log that would have already been filed that Vanessa Whitaker signed in at this time but she could remove traces of what she had looked at hopefully.

Kyle tried not to be too impressed with the display that Michael was showing. That arrogant ass could have easily come and helped them to do it the easier way instead of allowing them to dig around endlessly.

Michael had both his arms stretched out and as he concentrated, the sand grains below easily loosened then rose up swirling in the air, giving the impression of a gathering sand storm before finally settling to the side. After watching Michael for a few minutes, Max had concentrated for a long time and had finally succeeded in emulating Michael though the amount of sand cleared was lesser than that of Michael’s. Both Isabel and Tess were moving the piling sand far away, with a wave of their hand.

Kyle looked at a surly Maria glaring at Michael and tried to control his laughter thinking over what had happened. Maria had naturally wanted to help, with her newfound abilities, but she seemed to put more sand back into the hole than removing from it. Michael had outright laughed at her, which had resulted in Maria blasting him gleefully. Max had finally put a stop to that and Maria had gone back to sulking around and glaring at Michael.

“How much longer is this going to take?” Isabel called out wearily.

“I am sure its somewhere here…” Max abruptly stopped as a bright light shot out above, from one of the holes.

Everyone quickly surrounded it as Max carefully unearthed an oval thing having two swirling symbols with a dot in between, on top.

“The communication orb,” Tess said excitedly and Michael looked up at her sharply.

“OMG! Look at the sky,” Maria suddenly yelled and everyone let out a gasp as they saw the same symbol on the orb, shining brightly in the sky.

“Shit!” Michael cursed as he quickly folded his jacket around the orb but the light still shone from it.

“What’s wrong?” Max demanded seeing the frantic look on Michael’s face.

“We have to get the hell out of here now.” Michael said as he started waving his hand to fill the holes with sand. “We have no idea who might have seen that fucking signal. If there are any skins nearby, we are dead not to mention government agents. Hurry up!”

Within five minutes, they had cleaned up the place and were ready to go back.

“We need to go to someplace near and stay low for some time before going back home,” Michael said looking around them quickly.

“The pod chamber,” Max said swiftly. “Its nearer than our homes yet far enough from this place for anyone to connect this both.”

Michael nodded his head, “Okay. Drive separately. I will make sure no one’s after us.”

Congresswoman Whitaker paused with her hand on the doorknob to her office, her gaze drawn towards something shining in the sky.

A feral smile lit her face, as she recognized the symbol of the Granolith and the Whirlwind Galaxy, lit up on the sky. She quickly pressed the speed dial on her cell phone.

“Member 1283 reporting for the Vilondra project. Targets confirmed and alive in Roswell.”


A/N: Just a short note to let you all know, that my fic, Say You'll Be Mine, will be updated later today :D
check out my fic:
Believing in Destiny
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 63
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2004 7:27 pm

Post by foreverdreamer15 »

A.N: Things will start moving soon from this chapter and Liz will find out the truth about others very soon :wink: So just hang on for a couple more chapters :D

Thank you

Actually Alex is in Sweden but he is alive :D
Ace Roswell

and Lurkers

And of course, thanks to my Beta Behrsgirl77

Part 31:

“How do you know about the orb?” Michael demanded Tess, as soon as he entered the pod chamber.

Tess rummaged in her backpack and held up a similar orb as everyone looked at her stunned.

“That’s because Nacedo gave one to me,” she said excitedly.

Since the break-in at her house, Tess now carried all of the alien things with her always.

“And you never told us?” Isabel asked angrily.

“Ah…It slipped my mind.”

“With a head like that? No wonder,” Maria sarcastic mumbling elicited a smile from Michael, who quickly schooled his features when Maria turned in his direction.

“Are there any other more surprises that perhaps have slipped your mind?” Max inquired, his lips tightened in anger.

Tess seemed to hesitate for a second then she mutely got some oddly colored stones from her bag.

“The healing stones.”

“What do they do?”

“It is used to heal when any of us gets sick.”

“I thought you guys don’t get sick?” Kyle asked puzzled.

“We don’t,” Tess replied, “with human illness’.”

Isabel shuddered mentally, as the possibility that they might indeed get sick with something alien or even die sunk in.

“You called it a communication orb? Whom do they communicate with?” Michael demanded impatiently.


There was complete silence for a minute that was broken by a choked “What?” from Isabel and “Holy Buddha!” from Kyle.

“Bitch!” Maria yelled suddenly. “Maybe she is lying again.”

“Is this true, Tess? I swear if you are lying…” Max began heatedly.

“I am not,” Tess interrupted Max sharply.

“How…how does it work? Isabel whispered, half excited and half scared that they can communicate with their planet.

“I am not sure but Nacedo said something about the four of us concentrating our powers on the orbs.”

Michael loudly snorted at that and grabbed the orb from Tess and stopped abruptly at the sudden flash.


A bright blue light shot out from the orb and the next second, the image of a furious man, with wounds and blood on his body, appeared in front of him. A green shield surrounded the man and he was looking straight into Michael’s eyes. Suddenly the man doubled over in pain clutching his stomach as his shield flickered before finally disappearing. This time when he looked up, his eyes were completely petrified with fear, fear that wasn’t for him and his lips whispered a name, “Ava...”


“The stupid brat!” Whitaker muttered, storming into her office fuming, after her phone call.

She had wanted to smugly inform Nicholas that she had found the Royals. But she was told that Nicholas was too busy to come to the phone and finally she had been forced to reveal the news to one of his lackeys. And what had the ungrateful bastard done when he heard the news? Whitaker gritted her teeth thinking of the conversation with Nicholas.

“I am telling the truth Nicholas. The Royals are here in Roswell,” Whitaker said frustrated, wondering why Nicholas couldn’t get such a simple matter into his thick head.

“Really?” Nicholas drawled superiorly.

“Yes!” Whitaker nearly growled. “I saw the Granolith symbol glowing in the sky and we both know that it could only happen if Zan was near.”

“You see Vanessa, that is just not possible…”

“Why the hell is it not possible?” Whitaker angrily interrupted the annoyingly nasal voice. “I am telling…”

“Never ever interrupt me,” Nicholas warned in a deadly voice. Then after a pause, he continued jovially,” Now as I was saying Vanessa, it just is not possible because I…” he gave another dramatic pause much to her irritation, “captured Zan last night.”

Whitaker’s mouth hung wide open and she shouted an incredulous, “WHAT?”

That still pretty much was Whitaker’s reaction. She couldn’t believe that Nicholas had somehow captured Zan when Zan is in Roswell. Now if only, she could find out which one of the three guys Rath hung out with, was Zan. Then she would prove to Nicholas that she was right!

Nicholas had ignored her seeing the Granolith sign saying that Rath might have activated it since he was the Granolith Protector. But he had eagerly consented to send some men to Roswell as the sign meant that the Granolith was somewhere near Roswell. To make matters worse, the harvest wouldn’t be ready for at least a month and they couldn’t risk attacking any of the Royals, without new skins and consequently more powers, till then.

“How I wish I could kill…LIZ?” Whitaker nearly shouted in fright, seeing Liz in her office. “What are you doing here?” she asked suspiciously, looking at the files in Liz’s hand.

“I was looking at some references for the notes that I took at yesterday’s meeting,” Liz explained apologetically. “I am not that familiar with the things discussed so I was hoping to read these files. In fact, if you have some time, I have some questions for you about…”

“I am sorry Liz but I am really busy this week,” Whitaker hurriedly muttered. “Maybe you should look into those files and then we can discuss it next week.”

“Okay,” Liz replied with a bright smile and mentally heaving a sigh of relief walked out of the room.

Whitaker stared at the door long after Liz had gone. Now there was another mystery. She still wasn’t sure who Liz Parker was. After finding out Rath, they had all naturally thought that Liz was also one of the Royal four except that the damn shape shifter had shown them proof that he was raising the real Queen. If so who was Liz Parker?

The whole workplace was bugged with security cameras, except her office, of course, and not one time had she seen Liz use any powers. In fact, Whitaker had also seen the girl spill hot coffee over herself and then rush into the bathroom to wash it off. When Liz came back, there was a brown stain on her shirt which if she had been an alien, she would have removed easily. And now Rath seemed to be friends with 3 boys and 3 more girls and Nicholas claimed to have captured Zan. Whitaker tiredly rubbed her forehead, Just who the hell were the real Royals?

A sudden thought formed in her mind. How many pods were sent on the ship?

“OMG! What did you do to him?” Maria screamed, looking at the statue-like Michael, with his eyes wide open and unblinking.

“What?” Tess asked enraged. “I didn’t do anything to him.”

“He is either in shock or dead,” Kyle commented, as Isabel gasped and glared at him. “Maybe this is how you die.”

“Kyle!” Tess looked at him annoyed.

“Maria, I am sure he is fine. Let me take a look,” Max simultaneously tried to calm down Maria, who was now slapping at Michael’s face as Kyle, Isabel and Tess looked on in horror.

“Maybe you should try getting that thing away from him,” Isabel icily said to Kyle. At Kyle’s disbelieving look, she defended, “It probably only affects aliens. You are human.”

Maria quickly pulled the orb from Michael’s hand and Max finally pried a frantic Maria away from Michael. He then tried to form a connection with Michael, concentrating on his eyes.

“Zan!” Michael gasped out clutching him tightly, as he looked at the familiar amber shade of his best friend. What was he doing simply standing here when everyone was dying? “Hurry! We have to go and save Ri…” Michael stopped confused, when a short blonde threw herself at him babbling something about him being okay.

“Michael, are you okay?” Max at last found his voice, after the shock of Michael calling him as Zan wore off. “It’s me Max.”

“Maria!” Michael exclaimed, wondering why she was clinging to him crying hysterically but his hands automatically came around her. For a few seconds, they both held each other with the others looking in relief. And then it dawned on him when he saw the orb in her hand. At the same time, a now somewhat calm Maria realized that she was hugging Michael. Both of them swiftly flew apart from each other.

“Ah…I am fine now,” Michael said, avoiding looking at Maria, who was also doing the same.

“What happened?” Isabel asked.

“I had a flash, a memory, when I touched the orb,” Michael explained and when the others looked curiously at him, he continued, “Uhm…There was fighting and bloodshed and I saw Zan. I think it was our final day.” Then not wanting to go into the details, he quickly changed the subject. “Tess is right. The orb is a communicator.”

“You mean, we…we can talk with someone on our planet?” Isabel asked softly.

“Yes!” Tess exclaimed triumphantly. “Each pair has to hold one orb and then the power of the four square will activate the orb.”

Isabel took one of the orbs excited as well as scared and then gave a pleading look to Max, who reluctantly went nearer Tess to hold the other one. Seeing Michael unmoving, all of them expectantly turned to Michael.

“Are you guys fucking crazy?” Michael bellowed incredulously.

“Michael, this is the only chance to communicate with our planet.” Tess began.

“Oh, Yeah? And whom exactly would it communicate with on Antar?” Michael asked furiously. At the gradual looks of comprehension on the others’ faces, Michael snorted.

“Michael, I am sure we would be contacting our people or supporters not Khivar.” Tess said firmly. “Besides, it’s been fifty years. What’s to say that Khivar is even in power?”

“Look. You guys may actually be stupid enough to think that everything is dandy up there and they will give you a Royal welcome the minute you correspond with them but I don’t want to send a fucking signal to the whole fucking world that aliens live here.”

Saying that, Michael stormed out of the pod chamber unable to believe how brainless everyone was being.

“Michael, I need to say something to you,” Liz finally cornered him in the Crashdown kitchen, after two days.

Liz had tried contacting Langley but she had been unable to get hold of him and was now desperate to tell Michael about Sheila Hubble. Mysteriously though, she had seen neither hair nor hide of him till now.

“Not now Liz. I am really busy,” Michael flipped a burger on the grill and continued wearily, “Can’t it wait till later?”

For the past two days he had been arguing with the others, mainly Tess and Isabel, who wanted to activate the orb, and trying to find out the whereabouts of the Granolith. Fortunately Max was on his side and also refused to activate the stupid orb. Michael had recognized the symbol emitted by the orb and was completely certain that the Granolith was nearby. So, he was also thinking of ways to get Liz to touch the damn crystal again. Plus, there seemed to be something weird going on with Maria and with the strain of avoiding her and the new waitress, Michael was mentally exhausted. He just wasn’t in the mood to have any conversation with anyone now.

“No it cannot,” Liz replied shortly, controlling her anger. She was sick and tired of him keeping secrets from her. “It’s Urgent.”

“Liz, my shift ends at 8.00 and after that I have plans. So I will…”

“Here’s the order, Mickey G,” the new waitress, Courtney, sauntered up to him swaying her hips gently.

She lightly traced her finger on Michael’s bicep ignoring his stiffening and giving a quick glance to Liz; she began huskily, “So all set and ready for our date tonight?” Bringing her mouth near his ear, she continued, “I, for one, cannot wait for tonight.”

Then giggling, she turned around and flicking a triumphant glance at Liz, whose mouth was opened in a perfect ‘O’, she walked away.

“Plans?” Liz gritted her teeth, her surprise quickly turning into anger. So this was what he had been doing for the past two days. “That is more important than talking with me?” she asked slightly hurt. “How long has this been going on?”

Michael brushed it away, “Nothing’s been going on. She’s really annoying...” Michael trailed off.

He cannot simply tell that something seemed to be off about Courtney and he was only trying to find out some information.

“I am not an idiot Michael,” Liz snapped. “I don’t care what you do or not. But what I want to talk to you is important, so you better make some time.” And without giving him a chance to speak, she continued angrily, “I got a flash from Pierce…”

Michael’s shocked “What?” was followed by a quick crash in the front and a voice yelling, “You Bitch!”

Both Michael and Liz looked into the café through the order window, only to find an angry Courtney sitting on the floor with dishes and drinks spilled all over her and an amused Maria standing over her.

“Oh, I am really sorry Courtney,” Maria began, though not a bit apologetic, “but the tray just slipped from my hand. How clumsy of me?” she giggled as if it was a joke while Courtney glared at her.

“You dumb blonde…”

“I would watch my mouth if I were you Courtney,” Maria said smoothly, with a warning glint in her eyes. “Now if you will excuse me, I have hungry customers waiting,” she finished brightly and walked away casually, but not before throwing Michael a triumphant look.

Liz looked bewildered at the slight stiffening of Michael’s shoulders but before she could ask what was going on between him and Maria, he swiftly grabbed her shoulder and pulled her to the privacy of the lockers.

“When did you meet Nac…Pierce?” Michael asked tightly.

“Oh! Now suddenly, you have the time?” Liz queried haughtily. “I thought you were busy?”

“Cut the crap, Liz. Where did you meet Pierce and did Pierce do or say something to you?”

“I met him at Whitaker’s office and why would he say anything to me?” Liz looked at him puzzled. At Michael’s stony look, she rolled her eyes and said, “I got a flash of a woman, named Sheila Hubble, from Pierce and I found out a couple of days ago, that she was killed by an alien about 43 years ago. And the only alien alive around that time was Langley. Why would he kill a pregnant woman in cold blood?” She finished breathlessly and waited impatiently for an answer from Michael but what he said was completely unexpected.

“You are going to stop working for Whitaker right now,” Michael ordered briskly.

“What? Are you crazy? Why would I do…”

“Because, Pierce is dangerous and it’s apparent they both are still looking for aliens,” Michael said harshly, though he was more worried about the fact that Nacedo had gone to meet Whitaker.

Nacedo had never mentioned anything about that and now it was obvious to him that Nacedo was the one who had killed an innocent woman. They hadn’t even come out of the pods then, so whom was Nacedo protecting? As according to the shape-shifter, he only killed to protect his charges.

“That is in no way related to what I just told you,” Liz argued.

“It doesn’t matter,” Michael countered back, worried about her working there. "You are..." he began, but he was interrupted by the shrill tone of his cell phone ringing. Looking at the caller id, Michael bit back a curse knowing that Max wouldn’t be calling him unless it was important.

“For the last time, I am not going to activate that stupid orb,” Max began wearily, as soon as Isabel entered his room.

Isabel rolled her eyes, “Geez! Relax, will you? I am not here to talk about that.”

Max mentally heaved a huge sigh but his relief was short lived as he heard Isabel’s next words.

“I want to talk about you and Liz.”

“What do you mean?” Max asked cautiously. “She’s just my friend.”

“Please Max! Give me some credit. I can sense your emotions and feelings about her even through my block, whenever she is near you.”

“Oh,” Max didn’t know what else to say. She knew how he felt about Liz so why was she here?

Isabel sighed. He wasn’t going to tell her unless she told him first. “It wasn’t Michael you were sensing that day, right?”

Max looked down guiltily and decided to tell the truth. “Yeah. It’s not him. I am somehow connected to Liz,” Seeing Isabel’s lack of surprise, he knew he was right. Isabel already knew that. “I can sense her whenever she is near and even when she is not, if I concentrate enough, I can feel her emotions but it’s stronger when she is near.”

“Sense her?” Isabel looked at him puzzled. “You mean, like you can sense me, Michael or Tess?”

“No. It’s different. I mean, I can always tell when she is coming near, even before she comes. It’s like a beacon,” he smiled sappily. “And when I touch her, I somehow feel more energized and I can hear her thoughts.”

Isabel looked startled at that. “Hear thoughts? Is that one of your new power?”

“No. I can do that only with Liz not with anyone else.”

“But how could…” Isabel suddenly screamed looking at the window and Max quickly turned around, to see someone tumbling into his room from the window. Knowing that he had locked his window, Max swiftly raised his shield and warily went near the man.

“Nacedo,” Isabel gasped out, recognizing him, as Max lowered his shield.

“You…all are in danger.” Nacedo painfully lifted his head, as Max tried to lift him up.

“From whom?” Isabel asked shrilly.


“Did they do this to you? How did they find out we are here?” Max rapidly fired his questions, completely scared.

Nacedo abruptly started convulsing, spitting something green out of his mouth. It was only then they noticed green fluid flowing out from various wounds on his body.

“Max, heal him” Isabel screamed terrified.

Just as Max tried to connect to Nacedo, he opened his eyes looking straight at Max and clutched his shoulder fiercely, “They are here.” His eyes then rolled back into his head as his hand fell limply to his side.

“Oh God!” Isabel started crying hysterically, trying to wake Nacedo up.

“Isabel! Isabel!” Max gripped her shoulders, “he is dead.”

Isabel looked at the pale green liquid coating her hands and quickly getting up she rushed into the bathroom and Max heard sounds of her retching.

A few seconds later, a somewhat calm Isabel emerged. “What are we going to do Max?” she asked tearfully. “Did the skins kill him?”

A pale looking Max answered her shakily, “Call Tess and I will call Michael. We could maybe somehow use the healing stones to save him.”

“Save him?” Isabel looked at him incredulously. “He is dead, Max!” she cried out.

“I know” Max replied, running his hand through his hair and avoiding looking at the body in his room. “Will you just call Tess?”

He then quickly called up Michael in his own phone.

check out my fic:
Believing in Destiny
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Hey All :D I am back with another new part! I am going away on vacation for a couple of weeks after this weekend so i wanted to post soon. I will update again soon this weekend.


Yup. That's me. I love to confuse :lol: but hopefully this will clear the confusion. Michael actually had a flash of his past memory as Rath when he touched the orb. The orbs are used for communication and Michael found himself or rather Rath communicating with Zan via the orb the day they all died. Zan had been fighting, hence the wounds and then Zan felt the pain of his wife Ava.
Yeah Michael had a date with Courtney and as for Shiela Hubble, that will be explained later :wink:
You will find out about Nacedo's fate in this chapter :D
Yup :D
Liz will find out about the pod squad in the next chapter :wink:


and to my Beta Behrsgirl77

Disclaimer: A couple of lines are taken from the episode Blood Brothers of Roswell Season 1. They are not mine.

Part 32:

“Okay Maxwell, what’s the big emergency…” Michael stopped abruptly, when he noticed Nacedo, in Edward Harding form, lying motionless on Max’s floor. “Is he dead?” Michael asked uneasily.

Suddenly they heard a strangled cry behind Michael and Tess rushed into the room screaming something. She quickly crouched next to Nacedo and started shaking him mumbling something about how he cannot die.

“How did this happen?” Michael questioned anxiously.

“Skins,” Isabel whispered, as Max tried to calm a hysterical Tess.

“Tess. Listen to me. Have you got the healing stones?” Max asked impatiently.

“The stones. Yes,” Tess shouted smiling. “It will save him. We all have to hold one and surround him. Our powers will do the rest,” she explained, frantically searching through her backpack for the stones.

Michael swiftly took the backpack from a shaken Tess and got the stones from it. Throwing one to each one of them, he went and stood near Nacedo clutching his own stone firmly.

“Hurry up!” He barked to the others, who were watching him stunned. “What?” He asked, at the disbelieving looks on their faces. “I don’t want him to die anymore than you.” Especially when the bastard has to answer a bunch of questions, Michael finished silently.

Everyone took their positions around Nacedo and closed their eyes, concentrating on him. After a few minutes, Isabel opened her eyes and finding no change in Nacedo, cautiously asked, “Is it working?”

“Maybe, he’s de…” Max began awkwardly.

“No!” Tess yelled. “He is not dead. He can’t be. We just have to try harder. Maybe you are not concentrating…”

She stopped, as suddenly lights began to run over Nacedo’s body and everyone watched shocked as his body disappeared leaving only a pile of ashes in its place. There was a tense silence which was broken by Tess’ sobs while Isabel comforted her.

“Did he say anything about the skins?” Michael asked, looking around worriedly.

“He said they are here,” Max whispered, unable to believe that Nacedo was dead and their enemies were close by.

“Here? As in Roswell?” Michael asked sharply and when Max still appeared shocked, Michael grasped his arms and shook him. “Snap out of it Maxwell. Act like a King. You can mourn him later. What did he mean by here?”

“I don’t know,” Max bit back harshly, twisting out of Michael’s grasp. “All I know is that the skins killed him and Nacedo said they are here.”

Michael nervously paced around, running his hand through his hair that had started growing longer again. I need to get it cut again, he thought inanely. “We have another problem also. I think Nacedo might have been double-crossing us.”

There was complete silence for a few seconds before Tess started angrily, “How dare you? Nacedo died for us and you are saying…”

“He was meeting Whitaker behind our backs after the special unit was disabled. Why would he do that?” Michael demanded, just as angry.

“How…how did you find out?” Isabel inquired, shaken.

“Liz saw Pierce meeting Whitaker…”

“Of course, Liz saw.” Tess scoffed. “For all we know, she might be lying and you believe a human over one of you own?”

“She doesn’t know anything about us or Nacedo,” Michael said furiously. “What would she gain by making up something like that?”

“Maybe, she should stop working at Whitaker’s for a while at least,” Max muttered concerned to Michael, after a minute.

Michael nodded his head, “Yeah. I already…”

There was a sudden bawl from Tess, who stood up and rushed out of the room crying. Max and Michael looked at each other bewildered.

“Unbelievable!” Isabel shot out, mad with anger. “Tess just lost someone who was like a father-figure to her, who was all she had and who had just been murdered by one of our enemies. She is all-alone now and instead of comforting her or deciding what needed to be done, you both are more worried about Liz?”

Without waiting for a reply, Isabel stomped out after her friend, not hearing Max’s confused reply that Tess does have them.

“So what do we do now, oh Fearless Leader?”

Max groaned mentally. “We don’t know who the skins are and they don’t know who we are except perhaps for you.” Michael scowled at that reminder. “None of us stays alone and you should try avoiding being seen with any of us alone. Maybe, you can try mingling with others also just to confuse them. Till we find out anything further, we have to wait and continue acting normal.”

Max heard a distinct response “Typical!” from Michael before he went out through the window.

“Are you alright?” Max gently asked Liz, sitting beside him in his jeep.

They were both returning after getting a few specimens from the lab on the outskirts of the town, for Mr. Seligman’s class. Liz had volunteered to get it for extra credits and not wanting to miss this opportunity to be with her, Max had eagerly volunteered, much to Tess’ annoyance.

“Yeah,” Liz answered distracted, her thoughts on the strange behavior of Michael.

Michael had now started hanging out with the jocks and for the life of her, Liz couldn’t figure out what was going on with him. They both had had another round of him ordering her to quit working for Whitaker and her demanding him to tell the truth. And there was also this bizarre triangle between Michael, Maria and Courtney. Liz finally realized, a few days ago, that Maria liked Michael; though how that was possible she would never know as she privately thought that Maria was too good for Michael, and Michael also seemed to like Maria. Why the heck would he then flirt with Courtney, and right in Maria’s face?

Max smiled at the way she was nibbling her lower lip, her eyes far away.

“So the extra credits would really help, huh?” Max tried to start a conversation.


“My mom is recently on this diet and I had a huge tree like thing for breakfast.”


Max looked at her slightly amused and then continued mischievously, “Did you hear that Michael got caught having sex in the eraser room?”

“Yea…WHAT?” Liz turned so fast as to give her a whiplash. Seeing Max beginning to chuckle, she gave a half-hearted punch to his shoulder and muttered, “Jerk.”

“You should have seen your face,” Max laughed outright then. Seeing her cute pout, he tried to keep his face straight, “Sorry. You seemed miles away and admit it. It was a good one.”

“No, its not” Liz answered seriously, but then spoiled it by bursting into laughter. “God! Can you imagine Michael’s reaction if he hears this?”

Max’s laughter abruptly stopped, “Ah…you wouldn’t mention this to him, would you?” he glanced at her uneasily.

“Now, why would I do that Mr. Evans?” Liz’s eyes twinkled with barely suppressed laughter at the look on Max’s face. Hearing a song coming on the radio, she suddenly squealed turning up the volume. “This is like my favorite song. I love it!”

“Me too,” Max said, as they smiled at each other.

Grinning with happiness, Max turned to look at the road and bit back a curse, swerving wildly to avoid the horse, that had appeared suddenly on the road and finally crashed into some bushes by the side of the road.

“Max?” Liz called out, her hand on her head, feeling only a bit shaken. Thankfully she hadn’t been injured.

“OMG! Max, are you alright? ” Liz cried out in horror at the way Max was slumped over the steering wheel and the blood dripping off his head.

“Why do I get stuck doing these things?” Maria muttered to herself, cleaning the erasers in the eraser room and trying to avoid the chalk dust.

She heard someone trying to open the door and kept silent, figuring they would either wait or go away. But to her horror, she heard a click and the door slowly began to open. She had definitely locked that door and she had the key. And no one could open it without a key. That is, no human could! Completely panicked with thoughts of skins on her mind, she threw a couple of erasers just as someone entered the room.

“Oww…ouch,” a very familiar voice yelped and then, “Dammit Maria! What did you do that for?”


“What are you doing here?” both of them simultaneously asked.

Michael eyed her warily, as he locked the door and went towards the opposite wall, rubbing his forehead painfully. She was wearing a v-necked sleeveless red top, with huge hoops on her ears and a short black skirt. God! Are they even allowed to wear that? Michael thought staring at her perfect long legs.

“D’uh.” Her bangles twinkled as she gestured to the erasers on the ground. “It’s the eraser room. What are you…”

“Shh…” Michael shushed her, turning to look at something through the grate.

Wearing casual blue jeans with black doc martins and a black shirt with the top few buttons undone, he looks yummy, Maria thought dreamily. Sighing, she crept closer towards him curiously.

“What are you looking…Courtney? Figures,” she said sarcastically, looking resentfully at the tall-blonde gorgeous girl in the room below. “Now you have taken to stalking her?”

“What?” Michael turned to her dumbfounded and jumped back a little at the closeness between them. “Of course not,” he spoke irritated and tried to keep his eyes on the room below where Courtney seemed to be searching for something. “I am just…there’s something off with her.”

“Obviously. I mean she is interested in you,” Maria mumbled under her breath.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Michael asked annoyed, his gaze unconsciously going towards her lips. Seeing a smirk form on those luscious kissable lips, he jerked his eyes up towards her smug face. “And don’t you have someplace else to be? Something else to do? Go yak away there.”

“I…What?” Maria spluttered in astonishment, as Michael turned back to looking below at the guidance counselor’s room, his mind on Courtney. What is she looking for in the files?

Fuming, Maria got up and started banging the erasers near him quickly creating a fine sheen of chalk dust in the corner of the room.

“Maria…ahch…” Michael started sneezing. “What the: cough: hell are you: cough: doing?”

“Oh!” she began sweetly. “I do have someplace else to be. Here! And I do have something else to do. This!” and she started banging the erasers again.

“Stop it!” Michael grabbed her arms, coughing.

“Let: cough: go of my arm,” Maria simultaneously demanded, her eyes shining brightly.


There was a moment of silence, as the chalk dust cleared a bit. The next second both their mouths crashed against each other.

“I heard there was an accident near the highway a few minutes ago?” Sheriff Valenti enquired at the reception of Roswell Memorial Hospital. “Can you give me the details?”

“Uhm…Sure Sheriff,” the nurse quickly typed something and recited off the screen. “Max Evans, eighteen-years old, has been admitted for head injury and loss of consciousness at 9.30 AM by one Ms. Elizabeth Parker, seventeen-years old. Both are students at West Roswell High. The patient is being stabilized right now as we speak.”

“Have their parents and the school been informed?”

“Yes Sheriff.”

“Has any blood tests be done on the patient?”

“Not yet Sheriff. But blood will be drawn as part of the normal procedure.”

“Thank you.”

“Michael….” Maria gasped, as he bit gently at her lower neck and then soothed it with his tongue. “The phone…”

“Hmm…. Maria,” Michael moaned, as her hands gently twirled at the hair at his nape. Maybe, I should grow it longer.

“The phone…” Maria said again, as it continued to ring.

Sighing heavily, Michael reluctantly took his phone out but his face paled as soon as he heard Liz’s words.

“I am so sorry Max,” Liz tearfully hugged him, resting her face on the crook of his neck. “It’s my fault…I didn’t…”

“Hey! It’s not your fault, Liz,” Max tried to calm her but at the same time he couldn’t wipe off the silly grin from his face. Okay, so technically he was lying on a hospital bed as he had an accident and Liz was crying, but Liz Parker was in his arms. How could he not be happy?

“Look at me! I am alive,” but apparently that seemed to be the wrong thing to say as Liz started crying even harder.

Max helplessly tried to comfort her, rubbing his hand over her back and gently kissing her head, forehead and wherever he could reach. Soon, he was peppering her face with soft little tiny kisses as Liz gradually quieted down sighing and she giggled when he planted a big one on her cute nose.

“Oh! How Sweet!” Tess said, disgusted by the display she found. Liz immediately stood away from Max’s bed guiltily and he keenly felt the loss. “First you try to kill him and now you are mauling him?” Tess asked shooting daggers at Liz.

Liz’s eyes widened on hearing that and tears once again welled up in her eyes.

“Tess!” Max said sharply.

“I know Max is too kind to say this, but what if he had died?” Tess asked harshly ignoring Max. “Then you would have been responsible for taking my Max…”

“I am sorry,” Liz’s breath hitched in her throat, as she tried to speak through her tears that were now flowing freely. “I didn’t…”

“Liz,” Max whispered painfully, feeling her overwhelming guilt and sadness. “Sweetheart,” the endearment unconsciously slipped, “I’m fine now. It’s not your fault…”

“Of course it is Max,” Tess interrupted him, as Max glared at her. “How can you be so selfish Liz? God! If something had happened to him, what would I have done…”

“Shut your trap,” Michael growled, coming into the room followed by Isabel and Maria. Liz quickly flew into his arms crying.

“I am sorry Michael. I didn’t mean to…it’s my fault…he nearly died…”

“Shh…are you alright?” But the second he touched her, he instantly knew she was completely fine, just shaken and he heaved a sigh of relief. “Come on,” Michael led a tearful Liz away from the room, glowering at Tess and Max.

“It’s not your fault Liz. He was the idiot driving, not you,” Michael rocked her gently, mentally cursing Max to hell, for driving recklessly that too with Liz sitting beside him.

“No Michael. I…we were laughing…I distracted him…Tess is right…”

“Bullshit!” He was seriously going to hurt Tess and Max, when this was over. “He’s alright Lizzie! You saw him yourself, right?”

“Why do people I love always leave me and go?”

Michael’s heart clenched painfully at her agonizing question. “Liz, nothing will happen to Max. I promise. Nothing will happen.” And he would die to keep the promise this time.

“Look!” Michael said after a few minutes, tenderly running his hands through her hair. “Why don’t you get a coffee or something to drink?” When she seemed to hesitate, he added, “Maybe for Max, huh?”

“Max likes cherry coke,” Liz sniffled, still holding onto him tightly.

Michael grimaced at their obvious closeness. “Alright. So just go, freshen up and get a cherry coke for him, okay?”

“Okay,” Liz nodded, as she reluctantly went away from the comfort of his arms.

“Bitch!” Maria yelled to Tess, as soon as Michael and Liz left. She had heard part of what Tess was saying and her heart went out to poor Liz.

“Why did you say those things to her?” Max demanded fuming.

“I…” Tess then promptly burst into crying. “I am sorry. I thought I had lost you. Nacedo is already dead and I didn’t want to lose you also…you are all I have. When I heard…”

“Oh please,” Maria rolled her eyes.

“Maria!” Isabel chastised her, as she went to comfort Tess.

“What is going on in here?” A nurse walked into the room looking at all of them. “The visiting hours start later.”

“But I am his sister,” Isabel began.

“Maybe you can stay here for a few more minutes. But the others should…sure its fine,” the nurse suddenly went off smiling.

Everyone looked around surprised and confused when Tess admitted in a small voice, “I mind-warped her into believing we all left.”

Before anyone could say anything, Michael strode in with a, “What the fuck did you say to Liz?”

“Is Liz okay?” Max looked worriedly behind Michael hoping to see her.

Michael looked at them threateningly, “I warned you all to stay away from her. And you,” he turned to Tess furiously, as she shrank back in fright, “If you ever again say or do something to Liz or even look at her, I won’t be responsible for my actions,” he finished grimly.

Seeing Isabel opening her mouth, Max hurriedly spoke, “We have a problem.” When everyone looked at him, he continued, “they’ve taken my blood for testing.”

check out my fic:
Believing in Destiny
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

I am so happy you are all enjoying this fic :D and I love your amazing feedback. It makes me want to keep posting the chapters soon!

Thank you
No, Michael isn't gonna follow the wise path :lol: Actually Michael didn't get caught in the eraser room. Max was just trying to get Liz's attention by joking about Michael.
Katie Bee:
You have to wait to find out :wink:
kittens: yeah! :lol:


And a Huge Thanks to my beta Behrsgirl77

Finally, here's the new part you have all been waiting for! Hope you all like it :D

Part 33:

All at once, pandemonium broke out.

“Oh God!” Isabel whispered, scared and shaken, thinking of the FBI and the skins.

“We have to replace the blood,” Tess said determined.

For once, Maria completely agreed with the gerbil. “I am the only human here. You can take mine.”

“Yeah. I will get it,” Isabel moved near Maria. “Then Tess can mind-warp the staff while I switch the blood.”

“Whoa! Whoa!” Michael held his hands up. “First of all,” he glared at Tess, “you are not getting into anyone’s head. Second,” he turned to Maria, “we can’t take your blood. You are a girl.”

“What do you mean?” Tess asked shrilly.

“So what if I am a girl?” Maria demanded simultaneously, irritated. “This isn’t the time to show your sexist tendencies, Spaceboy. You wanna get caught? I am human, so that’s the only choice we have.”

“I said we can’t, not we won’t,” Michael explained, scowling at Maria. “They can tell male blood from female.”

Everyone looked at Michael shocked, as Max mumbled, “He is right.”

“Okay, so we…what?” Michael looked unnerved, when everyone still stared at him.

“You…you are like in remedial biology,” Maria finally wondered out loud, what all were thinking.

“So?” Michael asked defensively, his arms crossed across his chest.

“I mean…if you were so smart, wouldn’t you be in…” Maria stopped, as Michael’s frown got darker.

“Okay. We just need to call Kyle to get his blood,” Isabel clapped her hands to avert an unpleasant situation, wishing very much that Alex wasn’t in Sweden right now. He was a pro in handling such problems.

“We don’t have time,” Michael said brusquely. “I will just change the blood.”

Once again, there was a stunned silence directed at Michael.

“Change it into what?” Max asked him skeptically.

“Into human blood, of course,” Michael looked at them puzzled. “You just have to increase the composition of the red blood cells and add more leukocytes or white blood cells, depending on the blood type you want. Of course, the energy in our blood can easily be changed to platelets, plasma…” Michael trailed off at the look on the others’ faces.

All of them were gaping at him with their mouths wide open.

“Wow! I…” Maria crept closer to him and lightly touched his hands and face much to his astonishment. “Who are you and where is the dumb Michael Guerin?”

Michael gave a disgusted growl before walking out of the room completely annoyed.

“Isn’t that the Sheriff?” Tess inquired confused to see him coming out of the room marked “Hospital Personnel Only”.

“Yeah,” Michael said darkly, wondering what the Sheriff was doing in the blood analysis room. “Keep watch here and unless absolutely necessary, don’t mind-warp. Got it?”

“Yes,” Tess threw him an infuriated look.

Michael had had no choice but to use Tess’ help to avoid anyone seeing him changing the blood. He knew, first hand, how dangerous it was to go into another’s head and didn’t want that happening to anyone if possible. For the first time, in a year, he wished he had or at least he could share Liz’s power. It would really be helpful now.

Tess opened her mouth annoyed seeing Liz in the room, but soon shut it when she saw Michael’s glare. Max looked anxiously at Michael, not wanting to ask in front of Liz and Michael simply grunted. A couple of minutes later, a doctor and a nurse came into the room.

“Hello Mr. Evans. A lot of visitors?” The doctor asked, smiling at them all.

“Yeah. Can I go now?” Max asked impatiently.

“In just a minute. I am Dr. Vance and I called your parents. They will be here in a short while.”

“Why? Is something wrong?” Isabel looked panicked.

“Well nothing actually, but there seems to be something wrong with your blood…”

“God! What is it?” Maria demanded scared, as Max turned a sickly green and Tess looked at Michael surprised, at his smirk.

“It’s nothing big,” the doctor hurriedly assured Max, wondering at his pale countenance. Is there something more wrong with the boy? “You just are anemic.”

“Anemic?” Max seemed as if he was unsure about what he had heard.

“You have less red blood cells. It’s an iron deficiency,” Liz explained trying to soothe Max and the others who were looking disbelievingly at the doctor.

“That’s right,” the doctor smiled at Liz. “You sure are lucky. At first we thought you were diabetic but we checked again…”

Max choked and his eyes had by now become completely big and round while Michael was openly grinning now. Maria and Isabel looked fiercely at Michael guessing correctly that he had done something to the blood. It was so comical, Michael would have loudly guffawed any second, when he abruptly stopped seeing Liz’s eyes blazing furiously at him. The next moment, Michael found himself being dragged away by an irate Liz, after she had excused herself from the doctor.

“Did you change his blood?” Liz got straight to the point.

“I…what? Of course, not” Michael managed to keep his expression really shocked. When she simply stared at him, he put on a hurt face, “How could you think I would do something like that?”

“Geez! Let’s see, Maybe because you changed Xan’s blood once?” Liz said sarcastically.

“Cynicism doesn’t suit you Liz,” Michael put in mildly. “And I didn’t,” he denied.

“Really? Then how do you explain complete green cells on his blood test?” Liz demanded livid. When Michael shrugged, she continued angrily, “He freaked out and stayed away from me for a whole week. Then he told me you said it was because he kissed me?”

“Hey!” Michael exclaimed indignantly, “he wasn’t supposed to tell you that and he shouldn’t have kissed you in the first place, not after I warned him.” Michael finished nonchalantly.

Liz’s mouth flew open. “This is ridiculous,” Liz hissed out. “I am so not having this conversation with you…”

“Lizzie!” An excited voice called and Liz turned back.

Her frown soon turned into a genuine smile, when she looked at the cute four-year old with blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

“Jamie!” Liz squealed, squatting down beside him. “And how is my little munchkin doing?” She gave a sound kiss on his cheek, tenderly moving the mop of curly hair away from his forehead; his hair had started growing back after his last treatment.

“I not little. I big,” he pouted rubbing his cheek furiously and then crossed his arms across his chest. Michael smirked at that.

“Well, you are right!” Liz exclaimed, as if surprised. “Look at how tall you have grown since I last saw you?” The boy giggled and cuddled into her arms.

“Your hair’s diffewent,” Jamie curled a strand of her hair around his finger. “It’s pwetty.”

“And for that you get this,” Liz said kissing the squirming boy again, eliciting another giggle.

Following her grandmother’s death, Liz had let her hair and eyes to be in their natural color not wanting to revert back to the blue lens and the auburn hair. There had been many stares in school the other day that she had ignored but what surprised her most was the reaction of Maria and others, who had behaved casually not even questioning why her hair and eye color was changed. She had then concluded that they must have seen her when she was drunk. Maria had told her that she had also gotten Max drunk and finally Isabel and her had to come to pick him up from Michael’s house. Liz had cringed imagining what might have happened but Maria had simply told her not to worry. However the twinkle in Maria’s eye had said something else. Liz had then apologized to Max and asked him if anything had happened but he had stammered something, his face turning a bright red before he had rushed away from her.

“Hi Kiddo!” Michael crouched to Jamie’s height holding his hand out.

The boy looked at him shyly and Liz gently prodded him. “Go on, shake his hand. He is my friend, Michael.”

Jamie excitedly looked up at Michael and said breathlessly, “My doggy’s name’s Mickey.”

“I am Michael, kid, not Mickey” Michael explained patiently.

“But Lizzie said Michael, Mickey awe same. She give me Mickey,” Jamie looked adoringly at Liz.

“You what?” Michael finally realized what the kid was talking about. Liz had given the puppy they had to Jamie but, “you named the stupid mutt after me?” Michael looked incredulously and a little mad at a sheepish Liz.

“He’s not stupid. He’s a nice doggy and big like me now,” Jamie crossly corrected Michael, as Liz gave Michael a sharp glance.

“Sure he is kiddo. Sure he is,” Michael muttered, glaring evilly at Liz.

“But he’s sick Lizzie, like me,” he said sadly looking down.

“Honey, you are not sick,” Liz gently hugged him closer. “You are all right.”

“Why do I come hewe then?”

“So the doctor can check you and make sure you don’t become sick again, silly. Do you wanna eat ice cream, pizza?” Jamie eagerly nodded with a smile, “the doctor will check you up to see when you can eat those and if you take the medicines the doctor gives you every day, you can soon eat pizza and ice cream. And after some time, you don’t need to come here at all.”

“Jamie, Jamie…oh there you are,” a nurse said smiling in relief. “Thank God he is here. He ran off before the doctor can come to check him up and his mom is searching the other side frantically. Come on Jamie.”

“But my Mickey?” Michael grimaced at hearing that.

“Jamie, honey. Why don’t you go with the nurse? And I will get your Mickey?” Liz asked gently.

Jamie nodded his head and leaned closer to Liz’s ear. “Mummy says Mickey cannot come hewe. But he came fow me. But he wan off.”

“Okay,” Liz whispered back to him, “I promise I will find him for you.”

Jamie nodded and waved off to Michael and Liz bye.

“You…you are good with them,” Michael suddenly said gruffly.

Liz looked up at him teasingly, “The kids or the dog?”

“Very funny Liz, very funny!” Michael grumbled.

Liz laughed and went along the corridor to find the dog, calling its name, much to Michael’s displeasure.

“Just what did you think you were doing when you pulled that dim-witted stunt?”

Michael cringed hearing Maria’s furious voice and turned around slowly. He groaned out loud when he saw both Maria and Isabel standing with hands on their hips and scowling at him fiercely. He noticed, thankfully, Tess wasn’t around.

His expression must have shown on his face, for Isabel immediately muttered, “She has gone to fix what you ignored.” When Michael raised one of his eyebrows, she hissed out, “Sheriff Valenti. Remember?” Michael just nodded his head not wishing to argue with her that it wasn’t his problem to begin with.

“Do you know what poor Max is going through now?” That was an enraged Maria.

“It was just harmless fun…” Michael justified, though he privately thought the reaction on Max’s face was well worth it.

“Fun?” Isabel ground out. “My mother is in there right now formulating him a new diet with, God,” Isabel shuddered imagining Max’s plight, “more iron.”

Unfortunately, Michael couldn’t control his chuckle.

“Oh! It’s funny for you, is it?” Maria’s eyes flashed.

“Well you do have to admit it’s a tiny bit funny,” Michael snickered.

“Let’s see how funny you find it when you join us for breakfast at 7:30 tomorrow,” Isabel coldly stated before turning back.

“Hey…” Michael began.

“And you better be at their house, Spaceboy or else,” Maria waved her fingers menacingly.

“You just might forget what sleep is,” Isabel finished, smiling dangerously.

Both of them turned back and stomped away leaving a pale-faced Michael staring at them.

All in all, Michael concluded glumly, apart from Max’s little freak-out, this day sucks. Could it get any worse?

Sheriff Valenti sat in his office, staring at the test tube containing blood, in his hand. Max Evans blood, which if it fell in the wrong hands can mean the end of existence of several people I know. He closed his eyes for a moment wearily. He had successfully replaced Max’s blood but he had still been worried. It was then, he had noticed Michael hanging there and had heaved a sigh of relief knowing that Michael was definitely capable of handling any problem if it arose. That boy was a born Soldier!

Sighing, he got up and walked to his private restroom and poured the blood into his toilet. Then breaking the test tube into tiny pieces, he flushed it all, once again covering and protecting those he had sworn to look after.

“This officially sucks” Max muttered to himself, as his mother and father finally left him to go and talk to the doctor again.

His mother had been fussing over him endlessly and had finally announced triumphantly of a complete new diet for him. Max had quickly shared a horrified look with his father, who was none too happy about the latest development. As this would definitely mean, changes in their diet also. Isabel had tried to change their mother’s mind but one look by Diane Evans, Isabel Evans had meekly said okay. His father and Isabel could always eat outside but Max had strictly been forbidden that too.

Of course, Maria seeing the miserable look on her best friend’s face, had chosen that moment to comment, how that diet would benefit one of their dear friends, who also apparently seemed to suffer just the same as Max. Max had simply gaped at her till he recognized the gleam in her eye and for a second, he almost felt sorry for Michael, almost. But then, he was the one who put Max in this position in the first place and so Max gladly looked forward to seeing Michael the next day. If he got his hands on Michael Guerin, Max gritted his teeth imagining what he would do to Michael.

A sudden sound outside his door had him paling thinking his mother had come again. Dad had promised to take her home soon; maybe he hadn’t been able to convince her. Max desperately prayed it wasn’t his mother when sounds of barking reached him. Puzzled, Max went towards the door and cautiously opened it; only to have something come rushing into the room, through his legs.

“What the…” Completely surprised he turned around and saw a furry something going round and round his legs barking madly. He quickly closed his door and crouched down and the dog started licking his face.

“Whoa, who are you?” laughing Max tried to catch hold of it before it went running off again. “Mickey?” he read the nametag. “That your name?” he grinned suddenly, imagining Michael’s reaction when he found this.

A couple of minutes later, the dog simply sat near him, it’s tongue hanging out and wagging its tail. Not seeing anyone in the corridors, Max wondered how the dog came to his room and how it seemed to know him. It nuzzled its nose towards his hand after a few seconds and started whining. Max scratched its ears looking into its eyes and was taken aback by the sudden flash of him playing with a small brown-haired pup.

Max looked at the dog in amazement. The pup had grown up in nearly 2 months. “What’s up guy, huh? Who are you with now? Hey! That’s mine!” Max wrestled with the dog, which had suddenly taken his shoe for chewing. “Bad Mickey. Bad. Stop it!”

The dog unexpectedly let go of the shoe and once again started whining, licking Max’s hand intermittently. Max looked at it puzzled. It seemed to be as if in pain.

“Are you sick, big guy? Let’s see what’s wrong with you, shall we?” Max gently ran his hands over the dog’s torso, at the same time trying to look into its eyes to form a connection. The dog became still, as if sensing Max was going to make him better. Max’s palms lightly glowed as he went deeper into the connection.

“This is will just take a sec. Come on!” Max tried to still the sudden squirming dog, as his hand glowed brighter. “There,” Max finished happily, “All done….”

A sharp gasp drew his eyes to the door, as the dog ran up towards the door barking joyfully, seeing his favorite friend. Liz looked at Max, completely shocked, as if seeing him for the first time.

“Liz…I…” Max faltered, his heart thudding painfully in his chest, at the realization of his worst nightmares.

check out my fic:
Believing in Destiny
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Hey All :D Hope you all had a smashing New Year.


I finally came back from my much needed vacation and I was soo happy to see all the wonderful feedback. You guys are Great!
I know it was evil of me to leave it there but now I am back with a brand new part and I will try to clear some of your questions.

Thank you for your fantastic feedback :D

The dog came with Jamie to the hospital but it ran off somewhere inside the hospital. That's why Jamie was searching for it in the corridors and since Max's room was also nearby the dog recognized his smell and ran towards his room. Jamie was sick and is now on his recovery so nope, Max doesn't need to heal him.
As for Liz's reaction, you are in for a surprise :wink:
SmileeUk: The Sheriff isn't one of the protectors. He is human but he knows the truth about Max, Michael, Isabel, Tess, Liz and also Maria. He has been looking out for Max and the others for a long time now. And nope, none of the others know that the Sheriff knows about them. How he came to know will be revealed later.
Katie Bee:
Xan was the first guy to whom Liz was very close to, apart from Michael and he was her first boyfriend. Though Liz really loved him, she wasn't in love with him, which she knows deep down but she ignores it. She hasn't been close with any other guys to realise that what she feels for Max is more, isn't normal.
Liz is confused about her feelings for Max, about the way he makes her feel and doesn't want to acknowledge her real feelings. Remember, Michael himself was able to realise her feelings for Max only when she was drunk and wasn't supressing her true feelings. One more thing, she completely believes that Langley told her the truth, that the remaining Royals are dead (there is a reason why she believed Langley but that will be revealed later). So the idea that Max might be more than a human is just impossible for her. Hope this cleared it up :D
As for Tess, whether she is an imposter or not, you just have to wait :wink:
Ace Roswell
Katie Bee
Welcome and I am glad that you liked it :D
stardreamer323 wrote:Okay so first things first, if they can change their blood so easily does that mean that liz changed her blood in class or is she pretty much 100% human?
:wink: You will find out who Liz is in the next chapter and that will pretty much answer this question.
stardreamer323 wrote: What powers does she have? What's all this about the shape shifter proving he has the real queen? Does whitaker mean nacedo and tess? What's with all these memories of liz being in love with zan in the past life?
Well, Liz cannot be mindwarped and she can talk telepathically with Michael plus she has the basic powers of molecular manipulation (she changed the color of Michael's couch once) and her other powers will be revealed soon. Yeah, Whitaker did mean Nacedo and Tess. And Liz loved Xan, who was human. She doesn't have any memory of being in love with anyone in past life.

As for your other questions, most of them will be answered in the next couple of chapters. Your theory is good but in the flash, Zan was afraid for Ava, that someone had hurt his wife Ava not the other way round :wink:
Nacedo was double crossing both the skins and the royals, he didn't mention to the skins that there were eight pods. The skins believe that only the Royal four was sent and hence Whitaker was confused when Nicholas said that he had captured Zan. That was when she realised that Nacedo was tricking them. There are no dupes in this fic, but Nicholas knows how Michael/Rath looks like and he doesn't know yet that more than four pods were sent. So when he captured one of the other podsters, he assumed that he had captured Zan. More will be explained in the next chapter. Yes, Liz and Michael's past will also be seen soon and Tess is scared now that she has no one since Nacedo's dead and the others still do not trust her. Plus Nacedo was the only one constant in her whole life and in her own way, she loved him as a father.
Hope that answered most of your questions :D and thanks for your feedback.
Katie Bee

And a huge thanks to my beta Behrsgirl77.

Disclaimer: Some of the lines in chapter 34 are from the Pilot of Roswell. They are not mine.

From Part 33:
“This is will just take a sec. Come on!” Max tried to still the sudden squirming dog, as his hand glowed brighter. “There,” Max finished happily, “All done….”

A sharp gasp drew his eyes to the door, as the dog ran up towards the door barking joyfully, seeing his favorite friend. Liz looked at Max, completely shocked, as if seeing him for the first time.

“Liz…I…” Max faltered, his heart thudding painfully in his chest, at the realization of his worst nightmares.


Part 34:
Liz stared at the scene in front of her, completely stunned and a little confused too. She blinked her eyes a couple of times, hoping that it was just a trick of light. Nope, there still was a glowing coming from Max’s hands that were on the dog. OH GOD! Is Max an alien? She couldn’t avoid the sudden gasp at that realization, her mind beginning to race at the implications of what this meant.

She dimly heard Max say something to her but she was now trying to take huge breaths to calm down and avoid panicking. There must be a perfectly logical explanation for what just happened here. It couldn’t mean what she thought it did coz if it did then Max is….No! She wasn’t even going to go there. She simply had to ask him what happened and Max would explain everything to her. Yeah! She just had to ask him.

Max watched her warily, standing still without moving, not wanting to scare her away from the room. He could feel her shock and confusion and mild fright, which seemed to be increasing rapidly. Max desperately prayed for some intervention. Heck, he would even settle for Michael or Tess. Before he could say or do something to prevent a full blown panic attack he felt her fear dissipating and curiosity rearing its head and then she took a huge breath as if reaching a decision.

“Ma…” Liz cleared her throat, “I…just…I mean…what did you just do?” she rushed out, ignoring the dog dancing at her heels.

Any hope that she might not have noticed anything dashed to the ground as Max gulped wondering what to say and even Mickey sensing the tension sat on its heels quietly. Max nervously avoided her eyes thinking of a suitable lie to tell her.

“I saw a glow…light from your hand?”

Max closed his eyes at her words knowing that he can’t lie to her now and suddenly he didn’t wish to. He had yearned to tell her since the first time he saw her beautiful doe-shaped eyes look at him, since the first time he touched and shook her hand, since the first time he felt he truly belonged here on earth. He wanted her to know the truth. Neither Maria nor Alex had taken the news badly. Hell, even Kyle, the stupid jock, had come around and he felt it, felt it in his heart that Liz Parker wouldn’t run away from him, would accept him for what he was.

“I healed the dog,” the words easily came and as soon as he did, he felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from his shoulders.

“What?” Liz croaked out, frozen to the ground. This isn’t happening! This isn’t happening! It’s a bad dream…

“I…I’m different,” Max wet his dried lips, finally looking at her. “I’m not from around here.”

“Where?” Liz whispered, her heart threatening to burst out of her chest. Her mind, fortunately, felt completely detached from her body.

Encouraged at not sensing any fear from her yet, Max slowly pointed his index finger up.

“Up north?”

Max pointed higher as Liz’s eyes remained glued to his finger.

“Canada?” When Max only looked at her silently with those dark soulful mesmerizing eyes, she began “Alaska? Greenland? Iceland?” and then desperately, “North Pole? ”

Max’s eyebrows shot up, as his lips curled up unconsciously. Wow! She sure knows the world. Shaking his head, he sighed before going on another route. “The 1947 crash was real.”

Liz looked at him blankly, her frustration beginning to rise. God Dammit! I know the crash is real. I was in…. Suddenly, she started to pale as a sick feeling began in her stomach and his next words confirmed her worst nightmare.

Max looked at her vacuous expression, “I…Wow! I’m not sure how to tell this…but uhm…yeah I was in the crash. So uhm…I’m…uh you could say, an alien. Wow! It feels weird saying it actu…” He trailed off seeing her reaction, his attempt to joke failing miserably.

God! Oh God! No! No! He is not… Liz started walking backwards looking everywhere wildly but him, not noticing the devastated expression on Max’s face. Liz knew instinctively who he was. Skins couldn’t heal. Only one person had the power to heal, which meant Langley had lied and Zan…Oh God! Zan was alive and standing in front of her. Oh God! Her mind seemed incapable of forming any other words.

Near her, Mickey started whining sensing something wrong.

“Liz, I know this is scary but don’t…” Max rushed forward feeling her fear and horror, flinching visibly when she backed away from him. Mickey growled at him, standing in front of Liz and Max stopped advancing. “I…I won’t hurt you. I…” Max’s voice cracked agonizingly, his heart lodged somewhere in his throat, as he whispered shakily “I love you!”

Barely listening to Max, Liz shook her head at the eerily familiar scene; only then, she had been the one laying her heart open and explaining to a terrified Xan the horrible truth about her that had ultimately killed him. Xan! At the thought of him, she could no longer control her tears, which quickly spilled forth from her eyes as she fumbled behind her to open the door, not moving her scared eyes from Max.

Max’s heart constricted painfully as he saw the silent tears trailing down her cheeks. She was completely petrified of him and he had no idea how to convince her that he was good. That he wouldn’t even dream of harming her.


“I…I got to go,” Liz mumbled opening the door and then rushed out not hearing his broken plea of, “My life is in your hands now…”

Max looked stunned at the door for a second, before his expression completely crumpled and he sank down to the floor, his legs unable to support his weight, tears of anguish on his face.

Michael sat back on the couch wearily, relieved that no one else was in the waiting room. He wasn’t ready to leave the hospital till Liz was also with him, which meant till Max was discharged. He sighed, closing his eyes planning to catch a quick wink when the door was suddenly burst open. Irritated, Michael got up and turned and immediately became concerned at the sight of a scared Liz.

“Mich…Michael…Max…” Liz hiccupped tearfully.

“What?” Michael asked frantically. “Did Max do something? I swear, this time I will kill him,” Michael growled.

“No…he…Lang…Langley…” she stuttered taking deep breaths.

“Christ Liz!” Michael grasped her arms, “you are hyperventilating. What the hell happened?”

“Michael. Langley…he lied…Zan…”

Michael gradually removed his arms from her worried, a slight suspicion forming in his mind and her next words proved it.

“Zan’s alive…the bastard Langley lied…Max Evans is Zan…” Desperate, Liz clutched Michael and the next second she stepped back stunned, instantly knowing he knew. Michael knew Max Evans is Zan.

“You know?”

“What?” Michael queried confused.

“You knew he was Zan?” Liz whispered incredulously but the split second of shock before he schooled his features said it all. He knew.

“I… I don’t believe this,” Liz shook her head disbelievingly. “You knew and you didn’t tell me?” She looked at him with hurt shimmering in her eyes. “Why?” Her lips trembled and tears began afresh in her eyes at the thought that he had betrayed her. He knew how she felt about Zan and the others. Then why didn’t he tell her?

“I…I’m…” Michael reached to touch her but she twisted away from him.


“I’m sorry Liz,” Michael began helplessly trying to hug her, offer her some comfort. “I…”

“Sorry?” Liz gazed at him in disbelief. “You are sorry?” She laughed mirthlessly, her fright, hurt and betrayal quickly turning into anger, red-hot furious anger. “The Great Rath, Second-in-Command to King Zan is sorry?” She bit out.

Michael winced at her tone. It was never good when she called him Rath.

“You Sick Bastard!”

“Okay Liz. Calm down…” For a second Michael felt relieved. Anger was good, yeah, anger he could face. What he couldn’t deal with was a crying and hurt Liz.

“How long?”

Uh Oh!

“How long?” She snapped at his silence.

“Uh…since I came?”

“Since…since you came?” Liz gasped shocked, “Oh God!”

“Yeah! I could really use him here,” Michael mumbled under his breath. Okay, now would probably be a good time to mention the list of reasons why he didn’t tell her, except he didn’t have a list. Shit!

Her heart pounding with some unnamed emotion, she posed the next question, “Does he know?”

“No!” Michael replied instinctively knowing that she was asking whether Max knew the truth about her, about who she was. Liz closed her eyes in relief as Michael continued, “They don’t know.”

Her eyes flew open immediately as she looked up at him sharply, “They?”


“Who else?” Liz demanded, annoyed when she couldn’t hide the slight tremble in her voice.

Michael gulped, “Isabel, Tess and…uh…Nacedo, their protector. He was killed by the skins.”

For a minute, there was complete stillness and then Michael slowly crept closer to her scared of her silence, frightened that she might do something stupid.

“Liz, let’s just talk…”

“Stay away from me,” Liz told him hoarsely, looking down.


“I mean it Michael,” Liz warned. “Get the hell away from me,” she looked up at him then, her eyes blazing with fury as the air around them electrified and the next second Michael flew through the air and hit the opposite wall with a big thud.

Liz stifled a sob with her hand at the sight, a blatant reminder of what she could do, a harsh reminder of who or rather what she was. She quickly turned and ran away from there. And Michael’s last thought before he lost consciousness was he hated it, he absolutely hated it when she used his own powers against him.

Michael groaned as he tried to open his eyes but it was too bright. He could hear some loud chatter nearby and then someone slightly lifted his head.

“Here, this will clear your mind!” a familiar voice told him.

And then he smelt something really nasty. His eyes jerked open in alarm and he yelped.

“What the hell is that disgusting thing?”

“Disgusting?” Maria yelled back. “This is cedar oil, you moron. I use it everyday to calm myself.”

“That is truly the single most horrifying smell I have ever smelt in my entire life.” Michael stated seriously.

“Why you…” Maria fumed.

“Enough!” Isabel interrupted them impatiently while Tess chuckled silently from the side. “Now explain why you were lying unconscious in the middle of the waiting room? We had a hard time clearing it up with the nurses that you were alright.”

“Yeah! We told them you fainted,” Maria smirked at his expression.

“Did the skins attack you?” Tess asked concerned.

“No. Liz…” Michael looked around him frantically, “Where is Liz? Did any of you see her?”

“You mean Liz was the one who did that to you?” Maria’s eyes were bright with laughter.

Michael scowled at her. “I don’t have time for this. I have to find…” he stopped short near the door in surprise. “And why is he sitting like that?”

“Oh! It’s nothing,” Isabel waved her hand casually. “We think it might be delayed reaction to the accident.”

Michael looked suspiciously at a miserable looking Max sitting on the couch, with his elbows on his knees and his pale face cradled in his palms, his eyes wide and unblinking. Whatever! He didn’t have time to baby-sit hopeless Kings, who were to blame for their state themselves, in the first place. But Max’s next haltingly said words stopped him.

“Liz…she knows!”

“What does she know?” Maria asked curious but Michael had a sinking feeling in his stomach. He was somehow sure that he was now staring at the reason responsible for Liz finding out the truth about the others.

“I told her.”

Everyone gasped as Michael abruptly and roughly pulled Max up by the collar of his shirt and growled, “Why the hell would you do that?”


“Get away from him!”

All the three girls rushed forward to help Max and finally succeeded in separating Max and Michael.

“I warned you…I fucking warned you not to tell her the truth,” Michael glared at him.

“What are you talking about?”

“Would you care to explain…”

“She saw me.” Max said dejected. “I…the dog was sick…”

“What dog?”

“Whose dog?”

Michael groaned, “Tell me you didn’t Maxwell.”

“Mickey was sick. I…just couldn’t leave him like that….”

“Whose Mickey?”

“I thought the dog was sick?”

“Mickey is the dog,” Max answered Maria.

“Why would you name a dog after you?”

“What did you do?” Michael gritted out, ignoring Maria.

“I healed him.”



“Whom did you heal?”

“What are you talking about?”

“He was in pain…”

“What the hell are you guys talking about?” Isabel bit out annoyed, her hands on her hips.

“You are going to tell us right now,” Maria added, mirroring Isabel’s pose.

“Fast,” Tess bellowed, tapping her heels.

There was a moment when Michael glared furiously at Max, while Max looked down guiltily.

“Our saint of a King healed a crazy dog coz it was sick,” Michael sneered, “only Liz saw it and we all know how well Maxwell likes to brag about his status and about his general inability to keep his wide mouth shut. So naturally he told her the truth.”

“What?” Isabel paled rapidly.

“Haven’t you ever heard of something called lies, Maxwell?” Michael snapped.

“I didn’t want to lie anymore,” Max replied steadily. “Liz isn’t like the others. It’s…” Max gulped hoping he was right to trust Liz. “It’s okay.”

“Really! And how exactly did she take your news? ‘Great you're an alien that's fantastic.’ ”

Max looked down guiltily.

Michael snorted, “No I don’t think so!”

“Michael! Leave him alone,” Maria looked sympathetically at Max. “It’s done now. He told her the truth. What can we do about it?”

“Where is she now?” Tess asked shaken.

“I don’t know,” Michael started pacing the room frustrated. “I have to search for her. You all keep away…”

“What…what if Liz told someone about us?” Isabel enquired trembling with fear.

“She won’t,” Tess said in a steely voice. “I will mind-warp her to forget about it.”

“No, you won’t” Max retorted determinedly.

“What?” Michael simultaneously glowered at her. “You will do no such thing. Stay the hell away from her, all of you.”

“Max, Michael, Tess is right…” Maria began.

“She is not!” Michael roared. “No one is going to go into her head.”

“Don't you realize it's only a matter of time before they find us and turn us over to some government agency where they're gonna test us and prod us, and, oh yea, exterminate us,” Isabel cried out shrilly.

Michael tiredly rubbed his forehead. He was wasting his time arguing here. “She will not tell anyone.”

“How do you know that?” Tess insisted. “You cannot guarantee that she…”

“I can guarantee it...”

“She might have gone by now to someone, for all we know” Isabel argued.

“How can you say that she won’t go…”

“Because she has known the fucking truth about me since the day she met me and she has kept the damn secret for all these years,” Michael finally shouted exasperated.

Last edited by foreverdreamer15 on Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
check out my fic:
Believing in Destiny
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

A/N: Hey Everyone :D

Before I post the next part I wanted to clarify Michael's actions. I know most of you are angry with him, his actions etc. But Michael does have valid reasons for not wanting to tell Liz about the others some of which will be revealed in the next chapter. Remember, he knows first hand of Liz's hatred towards aliens and anything alien related. In fact Michael knows that Liz hates the alien part of him, though she hasn't outright said it, which is again one of the reasons he wants to keep her away from it all. And he definitely doesn't trust any of the others, especially Tess, enough to tell them the truth about Liz. He is also extremely protective of Liz and doesn't want her to be in any danger that would follow her if the others knew about her or vice versa.
I know this doesn't justify his misguided actions but it gives an insight as to why he acts that way. Hope this clears Michael's behavior a bit :)

Thank you for the feedback

Katie Bee
Nope :lol: Michael isn't having any psychiatric problems and yeah, Liz relived the scene when she told Xan.
Liz and Michael can share each other powers, if their connection is open. All the powers are tied in to their emotions and Liz never realised that her anger and fury had unknowingly opened up their connection enabling her to access Michael's powers (telekinetic). Liz had avoided using her powers for a long time now except for the occasional flashes and premonitions which she cannot control. So she had no clue that she had in fact used Michael's power till he was flung away from her.

You will find out who Liz is in the next chapter :wink:
stardreamer323: :lol: yeah, it does feel like a soap opera with Michael and his lies. You will find out the answers to your question in this chapter.

And of course, thanks to Behrsgirl77, my really patient Beta :D

Part 35a:

A deafening silence followed Michael’s statement as everyone looked at him completely shocked and stunned.

“What?” Max choked out, first.

“Yeah!” Michael said resigned. “Liz knows about me, who I’m, what I’m, where I come from, my powers, the skins…everything.”

There was again a pin drop silence for a moment and then all hell broke out.

“How did she find out?”

“How can we be sure that you are not telling this to protect her or whatever?”

“You told her?”

“And she is fine with all that?”

“Does she know about us also?”

Michael gave a pierce whistle. “Take a breath. I will answer all your questions just not right now. I have to find Liz.”

“Oh no you don’t, Spaceboy,” Maria firmly stood in front of him preventing him from moving forward. “If she already knew the truth about aliens and if she won’t say anything to anyone, then it’s safe and you are definitely not leaving this place without some answers.”

Everyone stared at him indignantly and Michael sighed running his hand through his hair. “Okay. Alright! Liz saw me accidentally blowing up her dollhouse when I was six. That was the first time I found out that I had powers.”

Max narrowed his eyes at Michael, “Isn’t that how Grandma Claudia found out the truth about you?”

“What? You told her also?” Isabel huffed out crossly.

“And you gave grief to Max for telling me and Alex?” Maria added her two cents in, thoroughly pissed off.

“Any one else who found out accidentally?” This from a resentful Tess.

“Whoa guys!” Michael held his palms up in a truce, “Only Liz and Grandma Claudia found out accidentally and I was six at that time not seventeen and in my defense, I didn’t even know I was an alien till I met my protector last year. I just assumed I was different, human like others only with some extraordinary talents. I mean, you do hear of humans having ESP or some shit like that. By the time the so called protector showed up and spouted about Zan, Rath, Vilondra, Ava and the skins, I had no choice but to tell Liz and Grandma to ensure their safety from the skins as they had already attempted to kill us before.”

“So no one else knows about us?”

“My mother knew,” Michael tried to act nonchalant, when mentioning her brought back painful memories. “But she is dead so you don’t have to worry. And before you start yelling, I…I was only trying to save her. She was suffering from cancer and I tried healing her and she found out.” Michael shrugged, as if unaffected.

There was an uncomfortable silence around, as they knew that this was the first time he had even mentioned having a mother.

And then Maria broke it with a sharp “Why did Liz then run off when Max told her who he was since she already know the truth? Why was she scared of him, huh?”

Michael blew out a huge breath. Here comes the lies, he thought. But he wasn’t prepared to tell them the truth about Liz, not without consulting Liz first. Not this time. She had to be ready to tell them and most importantly Max who she is or rather was, herself. Ultimately, it was her decision and she would probably end up killing him if he told them who she was. Nope, he wasn’t stupid enough, unlike some other person, to blurt out the truth.

“As far as she knows Zan and the others are dead. And our protector is also dead. So when she found out about Max, she might have thought he is a skin. That’s why she took to her heels. I’m assuming your Highness here didn’t tell her who he was?” When Max shook his head, Michael continued, “Not that she would have believed you but still it would have been helpful. And now thanks to you, she ran away and I have to find her,” he finished, annoyed with Max.

“So now if you will excuse me, I would like to start searching for Liz,” Michael gave an exaggerated bow to them all before moving out.

“Not so fast Michael,” Isabel smiled sweetly at him, as Michael glanced at her uneasily. “You can leave as soon you explain why you were lying unconscious in this room before and who did that to you?”

Michael’s face rapidly blanched of color. He couldn’t tell them that it was Liz who did that to him. Coz then he would also have to mention her having powers and why, in the first place, she tried to blast him. He so did not want to go there now with Liz missing.

“I don’t remember much but I think I might have hit the door or something. Now, I have to look for Liz…”

“You are lying,” Tess declared succinctly, frowning at him fiercely.

“And Liz didn’t come to you when she found out about me?” Max asked shrewdly. “I mean if she assumed I was a skin, then her first step would be to tell you, another alien, am I right?”

Truthfully Max had felt Liz’s intense emotions even after she had left him. But what surprised him was her panic and fear had quickly been replaced by hurt and disgust. Wherever she was at that time, she had felt betrayed and deceived deeply and consequently her heart had been filled with sadness. It was all Max could do not to rush out of the room, search for her and console her.

But, her emotions had dramatically shifted again and before he could blink an eye, anger, red-hot fury, wild and uncontrollable had coursed throughout her body. He had been stunned at the sudden urge he felt to blast, to hurt the person whoever was causing it. This had been totally confusing for Max. What the heck could have happened for her to completely forget her fear of him? For the Liz Parker that had left his room had been terrified and scared stiff of him but the Liz Parker who had left the hospital a few minutes later had been consumed with pure rage that was not directed at him. No, it had been directed at someone else and Max had a sneaking suspicion that someone else was standing right in front of him.

“If she came to me I wouldn’t be here chatting with you all,” Michael snapped irritated. “I would be with her right now clearing up your mistakes.”

“Why didn’t you tell her that Max and the others were alive?” Maria questioned skeptically.

“Oh because its such a joy knowing you all?” Michael quipped sarcastically and continued after a pause, “I didn’t want her danger which she would be if she knew about you all. Now I have to go and search for her before she does something stupid.” Michael turned to Max. “You, of all people, should know that Liz can do anything in her grief or anger. She is not in her right state of mind now and it’s not good to leave her alone.”

“He is right” Max agreed nodding his head. He knew that Liz had gotten drunk to forget about her grandmother and ended up at a party. He shuddered thinking of what might have happened to her if he or Michael hadn’t reached there. And with the way her emotions were veering off wildly before, he also didn’t think that she should be alone. He would have to wait to get answers from Michael.

Michael’s strangled cry made Maria rush towards him, her heart beating up fast. She had followed him to the parking lot to get her car while the others were with Max discussing some last minute details with the doctor before he was discharged.

“What happened?” she asked him breathlessly.

“My bike…”

Maria looked at the empty space puzzled, “But there is no bike.”

“Exactly!” Michael cried out again. “Some bastard stole my baby. I am going to kill him. I am going to find out who did that and going to…”

“Relax Michael! It’s just an old bike. Get a new one.”

Michael looked at her aghast, “It’s not. It’s The Ducati MH900e latest sport model, sleek black and one of the most expensive of its kind. It has 6 speed gearbox, chain drive, 904 cc, l-twin…”

Maria listened amazed as he prattled on passionately about his bike and then finished it with a long wail, “And some fucking asshole stole it. If I get my hands on him…”

Maria became startled when he suddenly yelled at the top of his voice, with his hand held out in front of him, “Come out Assholes. Whoever stole my baby come here right now otherwise I would blast you with my ali…”

“Michael,” Maria hissed loudly before he shouted his secret out to the whole world. “What about Liz? You do remember she is missing right?”

“Liz,” Michael’s eyes suddenly became bright as he turned to Maria, “Where’s your car?”

“Its there” Maria pointed out, “Why do…” but Michael had already gone, running towards her car.

“Michael what…” she started running after him.

“Liz has it. I dunno why I didn’t see it before but Liz took my bike. My baby! And she is going to hurt it. I have to stop her. God, not my baby, please!” Michael pleaded as he quickly got into Maria’s car.

“But you have the keys. How did she take your bike then?”

Michael didn’t answer her, he simply started her car and it was only then Maria realized his intentions. “No! No! No! Out! Get out! This is my mom’s car and if anything happens to it, life as I know would cease to exist.”

“Maria, I don’t have time…”

“Hey either you take me with you or you don’t drive,” Maria declared stubbornly, standing in front of the car.

Michael grinded his teeth, “Okay, get in.”

Maria smugly went around to the other side but before she could get in, he pressed the gas and raced out of there. Maria stared at him incredulously for a second, then shouted running after the car.

“Jerk! Asshole! Come back! I demand you to come back right now. Max’s jeep is in the garage and we are stranded here.” When he still didn’t seem to slow down or turn back, she started cursing, “I hope Liz kills your baby. Your baby will be in an accident and you won’t even recognize it. Your…”

Abruptly she stopped as she become conscious of the fact that everyone was looking at her completely appalled and shocked.

“Uhm…He calls the bike his baby,” she mumbled silently before rushing back to the hospital, humiliated and fuming.


Hope you all liked it. Tune in back by monday for a new part :wink:
Last edited by foreverdreamer15 on Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Thank you for the feedback

No, Cal won't be making an appearance in Roswell for now and yeah you will soon know who Liz was but you just have to wait to know about Tess :wink:
xmag: You will find out why Michael lied to everyone in this part and though his reasoning might not seem good just remember that in the end he did it to protect Liz and of course, he doesn't trust the others especially Tess. But yeah, you are right. Its going to be a loooong time before Liz or the others trust Michael.

and to Lurkers

I split the next part into two coz of the length so you will get answers within the two parts. And I sure hope that Michael doesn't seem too bad after this part though he does seem to annoy everyone :D

Thanks to my Beta Behrsgirl77, here are the next two parts:

Part 35b:

Liz felt an immense sense of satisfaction when her blast hit Michael’s bike and it burst into flames. She watched it burn for a few minutes, her fury blazing wildly like the flames dancing on the bike and as it gradually died down, her anger too simmered down. Finally exhausted, she sank down, resting against the boulder wearily. Liz had been driving around for hours in the desert till she had come to a small path off the side of the road. Somehow, it had seemed familiar to her though she had never been there and she had driven along it for a long while until she saw several bushes and a huge boulder beside it.

Liz looked at the miles and miles of desert surrounding her, lit by the ethereal glow of the setting sun on one side and the pale light of the rising moon on the other side. The sky was beautiful with varying shades of orange and the calmness and peace of the twilight made the landscape look surreal. But Liz’s mind was elsewhere as she tried to work through her jumbled mess of thoughts.

“It’s destiny. Rath and Vilondra, Zan and Ava have always been destined for each other.”

She closed her eyes and ears, whimpering, as the cold harsh voice continued to echo around her.

“No! We make our own destinies,” Liz yelled, as she opened her eyes, once again to the silence surrounding her.

“Great, now I am having conversations with myself,” she said sarcastically, “and apparently hearing things too,” as she heard a car coming along the road.

But, as soon as she saw Michael getting out of the car, all her anger once again came rushing out and she swiftly raised her arm and sent a blast. Michael, already anticipating it, threw his shield around him. Liz glared at him as his shield just absorbed her blast and glowed more brightly.

“You do know that I can keep this up for as long as you want, right?” Michael smirked at her and then paled as her hand went towards the car. “No! Not the car! Maria would kill me,” he shouted panicked then looked on in horror as Liz smiled sweetly at him for a second before blasting the car.

“Nooooo!” With a cry Michael flung himself in front of the car and the blast hit him head-on. For a second, Michael looked stunned and then he lighted up like a bulb from the inside. Gritting his teeth in pain, he concentrated on dissipating the combined energy now pooling rapidly inside his body, as Liz looked on morosely.

Dammit! I cannot even kill him with my powers, she thought resentfully.

After a few minutes, the light gradually dimmed as Michael absorbed the energy back into his body. And then, Liz started laughing uncontrollably looking at a puzzled Michael.

“God! This is hilarious. Where… is a camera… when you need one?”

“What?” Michael barked annoyed.

In response, Liz simply waved her hand over the boulder changing side of it into a shiny surface, still laughing hysterically.

“What the…Shit!” Michael exclaimed, as he stared back at his reflection.

Liz doubled up with laughter, by now, had tears in her eyes at the expression on Michael’s face. His hair, longer now, was completely sticking up from his head in all direction as if he had been electrocuted. He looked so comical with the scowl and the hair as he desperately tried to make it right.

“Where’s my baby?” Michael asked looking around frantically.

“Blown up,” Liz shrugged casually, unrepentant.

“What?” Michael gasped out in disbelief and his mouth opened and closed soundlessly. Truthfully he knew that he deserved it but that still didn’t make it any less painful or…

“Were you even planning to tell me?” Liz demanded suddenly.

Michael sighed wearily, running his hand through his now straight hair. “Yeah... Eventually.”

Liz snorted at that and then suddenly cursed, “Langley. When did he tell you?”

“He didn’t. I thought they were skins till Max used his shield.”

Liz closed her eyes at the painful remainder of who Max was again. Figures, that of all the people, she would be attracted to an alien, and not just any alien but to the arrogant self-centered Zan. And Michael. She had never thought that Michael would betray her, but he had once again chosen his best friend over her. Silent tears slipped down her face at the thought. This is it. She had to get out of here, get a clean break from all aliens. Suddenly disgusted with the whole thing, she started walking angrily to get out of the place, to get out of Roswell when his voice stopped her.

“When are you going to stop running Rina?”

“Liz. Not Rina. Stop calling me that,” Liz exploded, looking at him fiercely. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me the truth? Why? All this time…God! Is this why you didn’t mind me spending time with Zan? I bet the bastard Zan is on this too with you…”

“Max,” Michael snapped back, his own temper flaring. “Max, not Zan and he doesn’t know anything about you. What would you have done if I had told you Zan was alive and that Max is the reincarnated King of Antar?” Michael demanded fiercely.

“That’s not the poi …”

Michael continued ignoring her. “Tell me you would have listened rationally if I had told you about the others as soon as I came to Roswell? Tell me that you would have stayed here and tried to get to know them, know Max?”

Liz’s silence was answer enough. He knew exactly what she would have done. She would have either run away from Roswell or…Michael shuddered silently not wanting to think of what else she could have done, what she had already done once following Xan’s death. That was his greatest fear that she would leave them all, leave him, and this time, this time, he wouldn’t be able to bring her back. He didn’t care if she hated him or if the others were mad at him but if keeping the truth away from her meant her staying alive and safe in Roswell, then he would do it again in a heartbeat.

At least now, since Max, Isabel and Tess weren’t strangers to her and she was somewhat friendly with the others, he hoped that she would think with her mind instead of acting irrationally. Michael sighed. Since when had she become the impulsive one between them? Seeing the miserable look on her face, he relented and continued a bit softer.

“Liz, you know very well that we are not the same people we were on Antar. We are all different people here with different personalities…”

“I don’t know Michael,” Liz bit out sarcastically. “You seem to be the same conniving, lying, rotten, betrayer with his good-for-nothing friend…”

“What are you talking about? When did I ever betray you?” Michael asked genuinely baffled. And then, “Did you get any more memories Liz?” he asked her urgently. When she only glared at him in silence, he sighed knowing that she wasn’t going to tell him anything for now and continued wearily, “ Just coz we have the alien essences of our predecessors doesn’t mean we are exact copies of them. Christ! The others don’t even remember the past and Max doesn’t want to be a King. He…”

“Zan? Not wanting to be King?” Liz laughed bitterly. “Could’ve fooled me!”

“Max, not Zan.” Michael said exasperated. “Max is nothing like Zan. He isn’t Zan…”

“Really? I suppose you are then not Rath, Isabel is not Vilondra and Tess isn’t…” Liz suddenly scrunched her face confused. “Who the hell is Tess?”

“Ava,” At Liz’s blank look, Michael explained, “Tess says she is Ava but I am not…” He stopped bewildered at the sound of Liz’s abrupt laughter. “Liz…” he began cautiously when she didn’t seem to stop laughing.

“That makes perfect sense!” Liz continued laughing. “You are a lying dog and Tess is a manipulative bitch. No wonder you both are related.”

“We are not,” Michael looked annoyed. “She cannot be Ava. Langley said…”

“Langley also said that others are dead,” Liz interrupted him sharply. “I don’t believe a single word of that damn shape-shifter…”

“What about us, then? I feel you in here,” Michael touched his heart, “Is that a lie too?” he questioned angrily.

There was complete silence for a minute and then, “Do you remember this place Michael?”

“I…what?” Michael looked puzzled at the unexpected question.

“This road…I met you here for the first time,” Liz smiled nostalgically, “You were hiding behind that boulder and was scared to come out…”

It was only then Michael realized the place was the same one he had seen in Liz’s dream.

“Langley lied about everything Michael,” Liz continued sadly, “We weren’t in the same pod like he said. I was already born or hatched or whatever when you hatched from your pod. I am not even sure where I came from or who I am anymore…”

“You are Liz Parker and my sister, no matter what anyone says,” Michael said fiercely. “And Nacedo, the other protector, told me that my sister was sent in the other pod set. So maybe you were in the other pod…”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“There were eight pods Liz and… ” Michael stopped, wincing at the enraged shout from Liz.



“The lying crook. If I ever get my hands on him…” Maria muttered angrily sitting on Max’s bed.

“It’s already evening and there is no sign of them. Why can’t we search for her? I can easily mind warp her. What if she tells…” Tess began heatedly.

“You will not go near her,” Max ordered pacing around his room furiously.


“For one, your powers don’t work on her Tess,” Isabel said irritated with her whining. “And two, she already knew about Michael and has kept that secret for all these years.”

“What? You believe what Michael says?” Tess asked fuming at the reminder that Liz was immune to her powers.


Isabel had somewhat calmed down knowing that their secret was safe. It wasn’t that she trusted Michael to tell the truth, but he was even more paranoid than them and if at all they were in danger, he would be the first to take action. Besides she had seen the closeness between Michael and Liz and was sure that Liz wouldn’t betray him or the others.

“So what do we do now?”

“We go to Michael’s place and blast him as soon as he comes back,” Maria got up fiercely to carry out her threat when Max quickly pulled her back.

“You aren’t going to do anything Maria. What if Liz sees that and gets even more scared of us?” Max tried to calm his racing heart down. He wasn’t ready for another showdown between Michael and Maria, especially with Liz caught in between.

“Its not good to go looking for Liz. She is scared of us and might run again.” Max wearily ran his hands though his hair. “We all wait till he comes back. And then ask questions.”

“Of course, we wait. I mean, what else is new?” Tess mumbled annoyed.

“As if you have any bright ideas gerbil,” Maria began.

“Maybe we should go to Michael’s place…” Isabel joined them.

Max sighed as once again all three started arguing. This was going to be a long night.

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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Part 36:

“Can you stop sulking for a minute and talk to me?” Michael asked frustrated at a sullen Liz glancing around the pod chamber. She hadn’t spoken a word to him in the past hour and he was getting irritated at the silence.

At her glare, he held his hands up in surrender. “I swear I have told you everything I know and this is the damn pod chamber where I was born. What more do you want?”

Liz completely ignored him and went near the suspended pods fascinated by the bluish glow emitted by them. Excited at the technology that had kept the aliens alive for forty-two years, she eagerly ran her hands over the lower right pod and gasped as it glowed brightly.

“That’s Max’s” Michael quietly said as he came to stand by her side and Liz immediately flung back her hand as if stung. “Not Zan’s” Michael sighed correctly interpreting her thoughts.

From his few memories of Rath he knew Rina had always hated Zan and Liz’s hatred of Zan had grown when she had learnt from Langley that he was the reason the Royal Four were sent to the earth in the first place, he was the reason that the skins were after them and she believed that ultimately he was the reason for Xan’s death. That was one of the main reasons why he didn’t want to tell her that Max was the reincarnated Zan.

Liz disregarded Michael and examined the other pods. The upper left pod also glowed in response to her touch but Liz instinctively knew that it was Michael’s pod and as Michael absently placed his hand on his pod, the pod started glowing brighter and they were both hit with a sudden flash.

“The Granilith,” Liz whispered reeling from the flash, as she slowly retracted her hand.

“Can you hear it?” Michael asked excited, as a low humming sound seemed to come from behind the pods. Michael crawled into one of the lower pods towards the sound and started tapping the back of the pod. “It seems like a door…”

Michael trailed off amazed, as the wall behind the pod slid open noiselessly, the humming becoming louder.

“Michael?” Liz called out scared but she received no answer. Cursing, she crouched down and crawled through the pod to the secret chamber.

“Michael, what…” Liz stopped stunned to see the huge inverted conical structure with a bright conical base.

“It’s the Granilith,” Michael’s awed voice rang out as he reached out his hand to touch it.

“Don’t!” Liz shouted urgently but the second Michael touched it, blue lights started flashing around in the chamber and the humming became even louder. “What are you doing?” Liz cried out alarmed. “Take off your hand. Now!” She had an awful feeling in her heart.

“I can’t,” cursing Michael tried to remove his hand but it seemed to be stuck to the Granilith. And then to their horror he started to glow along with the Granilith.

“What the…” Michael gasped out loud as a light shot out of his chest forming the symbol of a gleaming sword with a jeweled hilt.

“What the heck is that?” Liz enquired shakily.

“The family crest,” Michael said suddenly, touching his chest in wonder, not noticing when his palm glowed brighter for a second. “The symbol of the House of Sardenia.”

Even as he was saying that, another mark started forming around the sword, the exact same one that was on the orb, with the tip of the sword going through the triangle in the middle of the two elliptical lines.

“The Symbol of the Granilith,” Michael continued surprised about the knowledge, all of a sudden he seemed to have. “It signifies the Granilith Protector.”

A sharp gasp drew his attention to Liz, who was now looking pale eyed at the light shining out of her wrist. She watched scared and dumbfounded as the familiar symbol of a sword formed above her wrist.

“Our Family Crest, Liz” Michael gently answered her unspoken question.

“But…but…how…I died…” Liz looked up and then shrank back in alarm seeing Michael completely surrounded by a white light. But what frightened her even more was the light seemed to be expanding outward, towards her.

“Can’t you feel it?” On her puzzled look, he explained, “our connection. It’s open Liz.”

It was then only Liz realized that her unconscious mental block had been completely removed and she could sense Michael more clearly now than she had before. And she heard his answer even before he spoke aloud. “The Granilith is finding you through our connection. You have to touch it to activate…”

“No! I won’t” Liz stumbled back towards the entrance of the chamber away from the light, her right hand furiously rubbing at her left wrist, trying to erase the mark. She looked up at Michael terrified, her eyes wild but stubborn. “I’m not her. I won’t be…I will never be her. I don’t want this. I never asked for this…I…” she gulped, “I’m not her.”

Michael looked at Liz in dismay as she swiftly ran out of the chamber just as the light glowed brightly for a second covering the entire chamber before going out completely. The symbol formed by the light from Michael’s chest disappeared and Michael closed his eyes at the sudden emptiness in his heart and mind. His connection with Liz was again gone. He finally removed his hand from the Granilith knowing that it far from over.

The Granilith had finally been awakened and it wouldn’t rest till it is activated, activated by both its protectors. And now, because of their connection, it knew, the Granilith knew that Rina was alive and whether she liked it or not, the Granilith would force her to face her destiny.

Sean Corwin got out of the rented car looking around him cautiously and wearily ran his hands through his light blonde-hair as he reached the motel room. He had been so sure that this lead would turn up something but it had been just like the others. Ten days, it had been ten days since Mack had been captured and they were now running out of time. His mind still on Mack, he unlocked the door and then stopped, shocked at the sight that met him inside.

Sean’s grey eyes narrowed on seeing the shining symbol floating on the wrist of the brown-haired girl sitting on the bed. He didn’t need to ask what it was; he knew it as well as he knew his own name. The Sardenian Crest. But…

“How did that happen? And when?” he demanded the girl as he quickly closed the door.

The girl looked up at him, her pale green eyes shimmering with tears, “He is alive Sean!” She again gazed at the mark and whispered. “My brother is alive.”

“Of course he is alive,” Sean said sarcastically. “And he is as stupid now as he was on Antar.”

Her green eyes flashed with anger, “Rath is not stupid nor has he ever been…”

“How long has the symbol been visible?” he asked ignoring her. “Can you make it go away?”

“For maybe five minutes and no,” she answered angrily, “What is the matter with you… ”

“Serena,” Sean cut her off sharply, “think with your brain for a second. Rath has idiotically summoned all the members of the Sardenian House by activating your family crest, and if yours is lit up for the whole freaking world to see then by now Nicholas knows exactly who Mack is.”

Serena’s horrified look proved that she had completely forgotten about that fact.

“Will you all cut it out?” Max demanded with a sigh.

Maria and Tess had been at each other’s throats continuously for the past few hours with Isabel on Tess’ side for a minute and then Maria’s for the next and he was tired of playing referee. Maybe waiting for Michael with all of them wasn’t a good idea.

“Hey, how come no one invited me for the party?”

Max groaned when he saw Kyle entering Michael’s apartment. This was all he needed.

“That’s it. Tess, you are going home right now and Maria, you should also go with Kyle. I will wait for Michael here and Isabel you can cover…What?” Max shouted unnerved by the way everyone was staring at him.

“Freaky symbol, your Highness,” Kyle quipped after a minute of silence then continued thoughtfully, tapping his chin with his forefinger. “Then again, it does seem to take off the attention from your rather long ears.”

“What?” Max glared at him.

“The V-constellation. Proof that you are King,” Tess said awed.

“What?” Max once again asked feeling stupid and nervous all of a sudden.

“Your forehead…” Maria stopped, suddenly getting a vial from her purse and sniffing it rapidly.

“It’s glowing…” Isabel continued with a stricken look on her face.

Max hurriedly went to a mirror and stared in shock at the five glowing dots, in the shape of a V, on his forehead.

Sean cursed once again looking at the symbol and started gathering their stuff into a couple of duffel bags. “We are leaving now. Can you sense Mack through the symbol?”

“I…I can’t,” Serena whimpered tearfully, thinking of her cousin. “Only siblings can find each other like that. I…I can find Rath but…” she trailed off shakily. “Gia…Gia could have…”

“Gia is dead and has been for many years,” Sean said harshly, immediately regretting it at the stiffening of her shoulders. “Sere, I didn’t mean it like that. But we don’t have time now that Nicholas knows he doesn’t have Zan. Mack is in even more danger than before and we have to hurry up.”

Serena simply nodded and waved her hand over her face changing her appearance just as Sean waved his hand and changed to a brunette with beard and moustache.

Mack Andrews looked in shock at the gleaming sword shining above his tied wrist. All this days, months and even years of waiting for it, and Rath chooses now to summon them all? He closed his eyes in defeat. Rath always had the worst possible timings. But why the hell hadn’t Zan or Ava stopped him? Didn’t they know that others could be in danger? Heck, Rath could have signaled them instead of calling everyone like a fool.

“Well, what do we have here?” A malicious whiny voice sounded from outside the bars of the dungeon Mack was locked in.

“What? Have you suddenly become blind or do you need a quick lesson in history Nick?” Mack taunted him.

Nicholas looked at the tall blonde and the Sardenian symbol irritated and then turned to his guards heatedly, “Who was the imbecile that suggested he is Zan?”

A nervous man was pushed forward by the others and he trembled in front of Nicholas. “My Lord, I…I thought he might be…”

Nicholas quickly silenced him by throwing a lethal blast and then turned back to Mack. “I know how Rath looks like and you aren’t him. So who the hell are you?”

“Why don’t you use your powers to find out Nicky?” he mocked him.

Nicholas looked at him furiously knowing very well that he couldn’t mind-rape him. The one and only time he had tried it, the prisoner had not only resisted him but had also turned the attack on him and mind-raped him. That was the main reason Nicholas had stupidly assumed he was the all-powerful Zan. He wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

He threw a blast at Mack and ignoring the scream from the cell, ordered his men. “Torture him till he reveals who he is and get me Whitaker on the phone now.”

******* End of Book I *******

A/N: Hope this gave everyone some answers :D See you all next weekend.
Last edited by foreverdreamer15 on Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
check out my fic:
Believing in Destiny
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Hey guys I'm back with a new part but I don't like it that much :( Hope it doesn't suck.

As i mentioned before, this and the next few parts deal with Michael and Liz's past.

Thank you SmileeUk for your feedback :D

Oh, one more thing. Micahael was completely human when he hatched out of his pod. Since he came out early, his alien powers weren't developed at that time except for his telepathic connection with Liz (given between ~ and ~)


Book II: Part 1
March 1986, Napa, California:

“Mrs. Guerin, Mr. Guerin. Thanks for coming in at short notice,” Linda Marshall smiled at them as she handed them a file. “That is the boy’s file I was talking to you about on the phone. He is around 3 years and we found him sleeping outside the orphanage last week. We couldn’t find anyone else nearby and we checked with the local authorities also but nobody had filed a missing kid.” She paused for a second and then continued gravely, “The boy doesn’t remember anything about his past, how he came to be here not even his own name. He doesn’t even know the basic things that a 3 year old should know. It’s as if he was just born. The doctors say it could be his mind’s way of dealing with the trauma that might have happened in his past.”

“Will he ever remember his past?” Hank Guerin asked curiously.

“What about the boy? Is he alright?” Katherine Guerin added worried and at the same time appalled at the people who would dare to treat their own child this way.

“The doctors checked him out. Michael is alright, Mrs. Guerin.” Seeing the questioning look on her face, she answered, “We named him here. He could remember in a month or in 1 year or 5 years or may not remember at all. It would take some time before he trusts anyone though because of his past we assume.”

Katherine Guerin nervously opened the file and all other sounds faded away as she gazed at the picture of the cute boy with wide brown eyes and the brave expression he tried to portray on his face. “He is so adorable,” she whispered longingly, aching to soothe his fears.

Both she and Hank had been trying for years to have a kid only to learn that they could never have one. Katherine, who loved kids and had wanted one all her life, had then persuaded Hank to consider adoption and Hank had reluctantly agreed. And now, finally, her dream was going to be realized. She was going to take her own little boy home.

March 1986, LA, California:

“Elizabeth, there’s someone here to see you,” Mrs. Herman said brightly. “Do you want to see them?” But as usual, there was no response and she sighed before turning to the Parkers. “You may go in and try to talk with her. I don’t think that she understands us though.”

Claudia Parker, followed by her son Jeffrey Parker and his wife Nancy Parker, cautiously entered the room. Nancy’s heart went out seeing the sweet 3-year-old sitting on the far side of the bed clutching a pillow tightly against her. Claudia hesitatingly sat on the bed and seeing the girl shrink away from them, smiled at her gently hoping to soothe her fears away as Jeff and Nancy made themselves comfortable on the chairs near the bed.

“Hi,” Claudia began cheerfully. “I’m Claudia and this is my son Jeff and his wife Nancy. How are you doing today?”

The girl simply blinked her big doe-shaped brown eyes at her and looked warily at them.

“Elizabeth is a really pretty name,” Nancy said smiling and handed out a small teddy bear to the girl. “This is for you. Do you like it?”

Seeing no response from the little girl, Jeff added softly. “Would you like to come and live with us? Our house is only a few miles away from here and we could always come and visit your friends here.”

After a couple of minutes of silence, Claudia took some snaps out of her bag. “This is our house.” Encouraged by the girl coming a bit closer, Claudia eagerly took more snaps out of her bag. “See, this will be your own room and this is the garden…”

She stopped as the girl suddenly moved towards her and touched a photo. “Oh that is the café we have in Roswell. It’s called Crashdown.”

The little girl looked at the huge spaceship with lights in the picture and touched it gently as visions of a big spacecraft flying through space came to her mind. She pointed to the flying saucer in the picture and looked at Claudia curiously.

“That’s a spaceship, Honey. Do you want to see it?”

The girl didn’t understand what the lady was saying but she wanted to go to the big ship. Maybe it will take her home, take her closer to the feeling she felt in her heart and she can meet the someone who was just like her and whom she can sense but not see.

“Do you want to come with us?” Claudia asked once again and smiled happily as the girl simply lifted her hands up to be held.

2 years later, Apple Valley, California:

“Honey, do you need some more pancakes?” Nancy asked from the counter and turned back to see her 5-year old daughter shaking her head with her cute pigtails going back and forth across her face. She was dressed in a pretty pink dress with matching sandals, all ready to go to school for the first time.

Nancy frowned seeing the still half-full plate on the table. “And who is going to finish the breakfast?”

Liz blinked her lashes and then looked at her mother with a pout but Nancy, familiar with her daughter’s ways of persuasion, did not waver from her stance.

“Nancy, leave her alone.” Jeff said as he came inside the kitchen and his daughter ran towards him with a huge smile on her face. Jeff crouched down to her height and hugged her tightly. “Are you excited to go to Kindergarten, Lizzie?”

Liz’s smile grew as she wildly nodded her head and then rushed upstairs to get her play-bag to take with her.

“She has gotten so big…”Jeff began, looking at his daughter running up the stairs but a quick sniffle from his wife had him hurrying to her alarmed. “Nancy? Are you al…”

“I’m fine Jeff. It’s just that I wish she would talk…” Nancy then stopped unable to continue as tears leaked down her face.

“Nancy,” Jeff gently held her. “Honey, you know everything is fine with her. The doctor said that it might take some time for kids to start talking and especially in Liz’s case we don’t know what happened in her past to make her like this. We just have to patient…”

“I know but I just want to hear her call me mummy,” Nancy sobbed holding on to him.

Jeff silently nodded comforting her. Last year, Liz had been completely checked by their doctor and he had simply said that she would start talking soon when she feels safe and comfortable, that though she loved them very much and did feel safe with them, subconsciously something was preventing her from speaking. And it would go away with love and care. They had been patiently waiting but sometimes it was too much for Nancy who just wanted their daughter call them mom and dad.

Liz quickly took her bag with some of her toys in it and then stopped feeling the familiar tug in her mind.

~ Why you so happy? ~

~I go to school today, Tris ~ Liz smiled joyfully, hearing his voice her head.

~ I’m in school, Rina ~

~ Really? How is it? Do you learn lots? I wanna learn lots ~
Liz thought excitedly and then frowned feeling sadness from Tris.

~ Rina, I don’t like it here ~

~ Why? ~

~ You are not here. ~

~ But, you're here. I feel you always. ~
Liz unconsciously touched her heart where she had felt him since the first day she woke up in the orphanage. ~ Do you not feel me? ~

~ Nuh, I feel you too but I wanna see you ~

~ I wanna see you too…~

Hearing her father calling for her, she quickly went downstairs chatting with Tris.

~ Daddy’s calling me. I go to school now. Talk to you later, bye Tris ~

Liz heard a mental grumble and then smiled as she heard a disgruntled bye in her mind.

Michael stared grumpily at the other kids playing in the schoolyard. He didn’t like this school or the stupid games the others were playing. He wanted to find Rina and talk to… Suddenly he jerked his head up looking around him as he felt the familiar feeling in his heart, closer than ever before. She was here. His Rina was here and he had to go to her. Excited he started walking towards the direction he felt her from and quickly became frustrated when he couldn’t pinpoint exactly where she was. A few of the kids were playing catch and he saw a girl skipping rope with some others. Suddenly, the girl stopped, turned back and looked straight at him.

For a moment Michael simply stared at the familiar doe-shaped brown eyes and then whispered softly, “Rina…”

Liz stared shyly at the others playing in the school wishing very much that Tris were also here with her. She had somehow been feeling him more closely than ever before and he seemed frustrated. So she concentrated on sending soothing feelings to him.

“Hey, wanna join us?” a blonde girl asked the brunette, who had been staring at them for sometime now.

Liz eagerly nodded her head and then started skipping the rope held by two other girls when she suddenly felt someone staring at her. Liz stopped, quickly turned back and then her heart skipped a beat.

“Tris…” she spoke her first word ever, her eyes dancing with happiness and the next second she was running towards him.

Michael stared at her unable to believe his eyes, that he had finally met Rina and then he felt her hands going around him. For a moment, he seemed stunned that she was really here hugging him but he quickly recovered and hugged her just as tightly, never wanting to let go of her again. His heart filled up with some unknown emotion and for the first time in his life, Michael Guerin felt his loneliness disappear.

“Hi, I’m here to pick up my granddaughter Liz Parker.” Claudia beamed at Mr. Peters, the grade teacher.

“It’s nice to meet you Mrs. Parker,” Mr. Peters smiled at her and then nodded towards the playground where some kids were still playing. “Your granddaughter is quite a chatterbox. She soon found herself a friend.”

“What?” Claudia looked up at him surprised and then laughed nervously. “Liz, a chatterbox? You must be mistaken…”

“Grandma, Grandma!” The delighted shout interrupted her and she stared shocked at her granddaughter running towards her and calling her gleefully.

Seeing another parent coming in, Mr. Peters excused himself but Claudia didn’t even hear him. Her eyes were glued to her Lizzie who was now hugging her and talking excitedly at the same time.

“When did you get back? Mummy didn’t tell me you came but I’m happy you came. Did you bring anything for me? Daddy said that you had gone to dig in caves. Did you find anything? I like…”

Claudia’s mind didn’t seem to register anything except for the fact that her granddaughter was talking. She was hearing her granddaughter speak for the first time ever and unconsciously her eyes filled with joyous tears. Her Lizzie was speaking! Claudia quickly hugged Liz again tightly, her throat too constricted to speak.

“Rina!” A whispered voice at Liz’s side drew Claudia’s attention away from her granddaughter and it was only then she noticed the little boy standing near Liz, holding her hand in a death-grip. His eyes held mistrust and fear but at the same time the way he held Liz slightly behind him seemed as if he was shielding her. But from what?

“Grandma this is Tris,” Liz began excitedly, “My brother.”

And for the second time in five minutes, Claudia Parker was stunned speechless.

Jeff and Nancy entered their living room smiling when they saw Claudia.

“Hi Mom,” Jeff greeted her. “Hope you didn’t have any problems while bringing Liz back…” he trailed off when he noticed a blonde-haired woman standing near his mother. She appeared to be in her early thirties and was looking at him and Nancy nervously.

“Hi Jeff, Nancy. This is Mrs. Katherine Guerin. Her son, Michael, also studies in the same school as Liz.” Claudia then introduced both her son and daughter-in-law to Katherine as they smiled at her politely.

“Would you like something to drink, Mrs. Guerin?” Nancy asked her bringing in some refreshments from the kitchen.

“Where is Liz mom?” Jeff asked as Nancy then called out for Lizzie.

“Yeah, about her, Jeff…”Claudia began just as they all heard footsteps coming downstairs and a shout.


Nancy who was about to take a sip of her water dropped her glass in shock as she and Jeff stared incredulously at their daughter.

“Mummy, Daddy!” Liz exclaimed once again eager to tell them all about Michael when suddenly Michael pulled her hand to make her stop.

“Don’t! You’ll get hurt,” Michael pointed to the broken glass pieces on the ground, when Liz looked at him questioningly.

“Lizzie…how…when…”Jeff finally found his voice slowly moving towards his daughter along with Nancy.

“She talked to me when I went to pick her up from school though her teacher said that she…she had been talking all day with Michael,” Claudia explained to a still stunned Jeff and Nancy. “I will clean those,” saying that Claudia started picking up the glass pieces.

Nancy hugged her daughter with tears on her face, not noticing that Michael had yet to let go of her hand. Nancy and Jeff had never been happier in their life. Their daughter had finally talked to them, called them mummy and daddy.

“Mummy,” Liz whined trying to free herself.

“Sorry,” Nancy chuckled and then asked Liz happily. “And who is your little friend?”

“This is Michael…”

“I’m not little or her friend,” Michael interrupted her with a frown and holding Liz closer to him continued, “Liz is my sister.”

For a second, Nancy gaped at Michael and then looked at Jeff not knowing whether the kid was joking or not. But as their gazes locked on to a teary-eyed Katherine Guerin and a serious looking Claudia Parker, they paled. Nancy froze, realizing her worst nightmare that Liz’s real mother might somehow find her and want her back.

Claudia correctly interpreting the look on her daughter-in-law’s face quickly told Liz to take Michael back to her room, as they had to discuss grown-up things.

“Have you come to take my baby away?” Nancy asked Katherine fearfully.

“Nancy, its not what you think…”

“No. Mrs. Parker,” Katherine interrupted Claudia, “Michael is adopted too and we,” she gestured to herself and Claudia, “believe that Michael and Liz are brother and sister.”

It had been an hour since everything had been explained to Nancy and Jeff but none of them knew how the kids got separated. Liz and Michael hadn’t remembered anything else except they were siblings and apparently their names were Tris and Rina but couldn’t answer any other questions about their past.

“It makes sense though,” Jeff began. “I mean both of them were found during the same time, neither of them have any memories of their past and they both didn’t know even the basic things that a normal three year kid does. It’s surprising that both of them recognized and remembered each other. As you know Liz had never talked till now nor has she indicated she has a brother. Maybe she was unconsciously missing him and hadn’t spoken because of that? That would explain why she started speaking after seeing him.”

Katherine also nodded her head, “Yeah. Michael is usually silent though he does talk but he also has never mentioned having a sister. Although,” a bittersweet smile crept on her face, “the very first word that Michael uttered, a few months after we adopted him, was apple.” She looked at all of them, “I was really excited and gave him an apple but he simply shook his head and said Apple Valley. That he wanted to go to Apple Valley.”

All of them looked at her stunned by this.

“What? Do you think that Michael knew where Liz was at that time itself?” Nancy asked shocked. “But…but how is that possible?”

“We adopted her from LA and came here only after a few months,” Claudia added. “How could Michael have known that she was here?”

“Maybe they are twins?” Jeff suggested after a minute of silence. “I had read that some twins have unique connection between them and also the ability to know where the other one is.”

“What do we do now?” Nancy asked not wanting to separate Michael and Liz.

In fact, both of them had refused to leave each other’s side since they had met in the school and Claudia had brought both Michael and Liz in her car with Katherine following them in her own car.

“I don’t know,” Katherine sighed. “I will talk with Hank when he comes back from New York.”

“Mummy,” Liz came running downstairs followed by Michael who was still holding her hand.

Nancy’s heart sped up with joy once again hearing her daughter speak, “Yes Honey?”

“We’re hungry.”

“Maybe we should also head home. I will bring Michael by tomorrow…” Katherine got up and walked towards Michael but Michael quickly shook his head stepping back from her.

“Tris stays here,” Liz said, clutching Michael’s hand fiercely.

“Lizzie, they will be back tomorrow…”

A sudden memory surfaced in Michael’s mind of him struggling against a man, as the man carried him away from a sleeping girl in the car.

“Forget her. It is for your own good my boy,” the slightly bald man said placing his hand over the 3-year-old’s forehead and soon the squirming child lost consciousness as the man’s hand glowed.

“NO!” The sudden outburst from Michael surprised them, as he held Liz behind him and stood in front of her protectively. “I won’t leave her.” No, I will never let anyone take her away from me again, he thought fiercely.


“Don’t take him from me,” Liz said with tears in her eyes and Katherine looked helplessly at the Parkers.

“Maybe you can stay at the guest room for tonight,” Claudia recommended and after a look at the scared pair, Katherine hesitatingly nodded her head.

“I will just a get a change of clothes for my son and myself,” and Katherine left reluctantly a few minutes later knowing that they might face the same problem in the future too.

Suddenly she stopped seeing the “House For Sale” sign next to the Parkers’ house and an idea formed in her head. Yes, this would work out fine, she thought joyously as she quickly called her husband on her cell phone.

Last edited by foreverdreamer15 on Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
check out my fic:
Believing in Destiny
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Hey All! I'm back with 2 new parts :D
Book II deals with Michael & Liz's past and Book III will again pick up from part 36.

Hope you all remember where we left off :wink: and that there are still readers...

Thank you


And special thanks to my Beta Behrsgirl77

Book II, Part 2:
A year later:

“Liz…” Michael whined coming into her room and flopping onto her bed. “You said you’ll play ball with me.”

The first few months Michael and Liz had been inseparable, spending every minute of their waking hours with each other and even while sleeping, they slept holding each other tightly. Gradually, both Michael and Liz had lowered their guard convinced that their parents weren’t going to separate them and with the Guerins buying the house next to the Parkers they all became like a huge close-knit family. And though, Michael loved his mom and the Parkers very much, he could sense that his dad, Hank Guerin, didn’t love him unconditionally as his mom and in fact, he felt closer to Liz’s dad than his own.

“Only if you played House with me,” Liz replied, not even looking back and continued combing her Barbie’s hair. She then took a pink dress and put it on her Barbie frowning when she couldn’t find the small pink shoes.

“But I played with you earlier,” he complained, looking at the pink ceiling and the pink walls. Michael grimaced seeing the pink bedspread, the matching pink pillows, small pink study table, pink dresser and then did a double take when he saw the Barbie house. “Geez, even your dolls are pink.”

Liz ignored his comment about her Barbie and went to her toy box to look for the pink shoes. “Nuh, you didn’t.” She shook her head, her brown curls flying around her face. “You said you would but then left to play baseball with daddy. So its your turn to play House with me now.”

“No it’s not,” Michael denied sitting up.

“Yes, it is.”

“No it’s not! And you said I can play with your dad. So I played with him for you. Now it’s your turn to play with me.”

Liz snorted at that and continued searching while she mentally called him a big liar.

~ Rina…~ Michael thought frustrated.

~ Liar~

~I’m not~ Michael got up annoyed. “I’m a boy. I don’t play with dolls and that…” and he waved his hand towards the Barbie house.

The next second there was a small bang and both Liz and Michael turned their heads to see her dollhouse broken into pieces.

“What did you do?” Liz cried out in horror.

“Nothing,” Michael said bewildered. “I did like this with my hand…” Michael demonstrated and this time both of them saw a white light coming from Michael’s hand and hitting another dollhouse making it burst into pieces.

There was complete silence as Michael looked in fascination at his hand and then the dollhouse and again at his hand. He then once again waved his hand at one of her dolls and soon that also exploded.

“Cool! You see that?” Michael turned to Liz excitedly. “That white light came…” he trailed off seeing the quivering of Liz’s lips and the pooling of tears in her eyes as she looked at her doll and then at him.

Michael stared at her suddenly worried. Was Rina scared of him, scared of what he could do?

“You…you broke my dollhouses,” Liz suddenly burst out crying as she ran towards the broken pieces. “And you…” she tried to speak through her tears, “killed my Angie,” and then again started sobbing.

For a second Michael stared at her and then grinned in relief. His Rina wasn’t scared of him or what he could do. She was just sad that her doll was broken and at that thought he frowned again.

“Ah…Rina, don’t cry please,” Michael went nearer to comfort her. He didn’t like to see her cry. “That is just one stupid doll…”

“My Angie is not stupid,” Liz blurted out through her tears.

“But Liz, that doll is,” Michael patiently tried to explain to her. What was the big deal? It was only a doll. “I mean it is pink and dolls are not in pink.”

“She isn’t! She isn’t! You take that back,” she yelled. “You are stupid not my Angie!”

“I’m not,” Michael shot back, irritated now. “I hate your stupid dolls and I hate pink. See that doll even has a stupid pink dress,” Michael gestured to the doll on the other side of the room and to his horror, a light once again shot out hitting the doll and it exploded.

Liz gave a strangled cry and then hurled herself at him furious, as Michael tried his best to avoid getting hit by her.

“Liz…ouch…stop…ouch…my hair,” Michael cried out as Liz started pulling his hair. “Hey…”

“I wish your hair was pink,” Liz stated mad with anger as she put both her hands on his head and pulled.

Michael yelled and finally succeeded in getting away from her. He quickly ran towards the other side of the room with the bed in between them now and eyed her warily smoothing out his hair. Liz stared at him or rather at his head for a couple of seconds and then burst out laughing.

“What?” Michael asked annoyed to see her pointing at him and laughing.

“Your…hair’s funny,” Liz bent down laughing clutching her stomach and finally managed to say, “it’s pink.”

“What?” Michael asked puzzled and swiftly ran towards her dresser and gaped in shock at his bright pink hair. “I…how…” he touched his hair incredulously wishing it was brown again and then turned back to Liz and said solemnly. “You have to wish it back.”

Liz simply giggled and shook her head, as she started to run, “Mickey has pink hair!”

“Wish it back! Wish it back!” Michael yelled at her chasing her round and round the bed while she simply laughed chanting, “Mickey has pink hair! Mickey has pink hair!”

Liz frowned as she went up to bed an hour early. She had to do that for the whole of next week and she also wasn’t allowed to watch her cartoons. That was her punishment for making her room a mess, for coloring Michael’s hair pink and mainly for lying. But she didn’t lie. Michael did break her dollhouse with that white light from his hand. She didn’t know why her mother or Mrs. Guerin didn’t believe her and Michael when they said about that white light or her wish.

~ Rina…~

Liz studiously ignored him as she had been doing for the past hour. Mrs. Guerin had taken Michael to their house next door, after giving him his own punishment, much to Liz’s satisfaction and Michael had been talking in her head since then but she didn’t reply to him.

~ I’m mad at you Tris. ~

~ Rina, you have to wish my hair back. It’s still pink and school’s starting tomorrow. ~

When there was no response, Michael pleaded again desperately ~ Please Rina? I’m sorry and it’s the first grade tomorrow. ~

~Will you play House with me always? ~

~ What? Al…okay ~

~And…and you will play a girl? ~

~But I’m a boy~
Michael telepathed indignantly.

~You play the girl for a week or I won’t wish your hair back~ Liz communicated stubbornly.

There was silence for a minute then Liz heard a mental sigh. ~ Okay. ~

Michael scowled at all the kids who were snickering at him and calling him names varying from Pinkie to the Pink Panther. He hated it. He hated this school, he hated the kids in it and he hated Rina.

~I’m sorry Tris ~

Michael sighed seeing the usual quivering of her lips indicating that she was about to cry any second now and he didn’t want that. Truthfully she had tried many times that morning to wish his hair back to the usual brown but it didn’t work. They had no idea why and he had been forced to start the new class with his pink hair.

“Fine, I don’t hate you but I don’t like you either,” he shot back, relieved when he felt her holding back her tears.

“Nancy, is Liz alright now?” Jeff asked, concerned about his daughter. She had been too quiet after school, had barely eaten any dinner and had burst into tears when asked about her first day at school.

“She stopped crying and is now sleeping,” Nancy threw a worried glance upstairs. “Michael didn’t say what happened at the school either but Kathy said that he also seemed quieter than usual tonight. I think it’s just the first day jitters and they will soon be alright.”

They had relaxed Liz’s punishment for tonight and allowed Michael to sleep with her, knowing that he would comfort her. The closeness and bond shared between Michel and Liz had never ceased to amaze them. It was small things, like each knowing what the other wanted even without speaking, their quirky habit of mixing Tabasco with everything they ate, the way they sometimes finished each other’s sentences, Michael’s natural protectiveness of Liz and Liz’s adoration of Michael and sometimes, when asked a question, they would simply look at each other as if communicating without words and then answer in unison. Though they wondered about it, both the sets of parents attributed it to them being twins.

“Tris,” there was a sob, then, “do you think that I…I’m…a frea…?” Liz began haltingly, from her corner of the bed.

“No,” Michael hissed, crept closer to her and hugged her tightly feeling her sadness.

Liz turned to face him and sniffled, “you…you mean that?”

He could now clearly see the tears on her pale face, from the moonlight coming in through the window and answered while gently wiping away her tears.

“Yeah. You are my bestest friend and I will never be afraid of you,” he whispered sweetly, answering her unspoken question.

Liz flung her hands around him unable to control her tears and Michael held her tightly, thinking of ways to get back at the boys who had made her cry like this.

They had both been having lunch under a tree when a couple of older boys had come and started commenting unkindly about Michael’s hair. A fight had started but those boys had soon overpowered Michael. Liz had then fiercely punched one of the boy’s in his stomach and when he had bent over in pain, she had touched his hair and wished it white. To both the boys’ horror, his hair had changed into white and when they had come menacingly towards her, a couple of nearby rocks had exploded. The boys had become terrified and calling her a freak, had run away.

It was only then Michael and Liz realized that what they could do wasn’t normal, that siblings usually didn’t talk to each other in his or her head, they didn’t make white light come out of their hands or change colors of things magically and they both silently swore that they would never tell anyone about this.

“Whatcha doing?” Michael asked Liz, as usual jumping onto her bed.

“Grandma’s coming…” Liz turned back excitedly from arranging her toys, and then frowned on seeing him bouncing on her bed.

“Cool!” Michael grinned at her. Grandma Claudia always brought cool things for him.

“Stop that,” Liz told him crossly. “You are messing up the bed. Make it alright before grandma comes.”

Michael looked at the bed and saw one of the pink pillows lying on the ground, the bedspread crumpled in the middle and his baseball bat and cap lying on the bed. He didn’t find anything wrong with the bed. His bed was worse.

“It’s fine,” Michael shrugged at Liz and started bouncing again. Her bed was softer than his and best for bouncing.

“Michael Guerin, you clean that bed right now or else…” Liz trailed off threateningly, with her hands on her hips and then smirked at Michael’s expression.

Michael scowled at her, knowing what would happen if he didn’t do what she said. He still had his favorite T-shirt in pink color as a remainder of what had happened the last time he didn’t listen to her. It had been a month since their first day at school and Liz had gotten better at changing the colors, while he still couldn’t do it or even control his blasts. And he hated that.

Fortunately, there were no more incidents at school. Both Michael and Liz stayed away from the other kids at school and if any of them came near or spoke to them, Michael growled scaring them away. Though Liz didn’t like it, she knew that Michael was right. They couldn’t become friends with the others as they might find out their secret and call them freaks or become scared and tell the teachers.

Michael grumbled as he straightened out the bedspread wishing for the umpteenth time that he could also change colors. Staring at the pink bedspread he imagined how it would be if it was grey, his favorite color. And in front of his astonishing eyes, the color of the bedspread changed to grey. Becoming excited, he quickly touched both the pillows thinking of grey and soon that also changed.

“Ha!” Michael let out a cry of triumph and when Liz looked at him and her bed in surprise, he continued smugly, with his hands crossed in front of his chest. “Now I can also change colors. So do your things yourself. I won’t do them for you anymore.”

“Whatever.” Liz rolled her eyes and walked towards her bed to change it back to pink. But the truth was, she was a bit disappointed, as she had secretly enjoyed ordering Michael around for the past month. Not that she would tell that to him, of course.

A sudden noise brought both their eyes to the door where a stunned Claudia Parker was staring at the pink pillow in her granddaughter’s hand.

Claudia looked shocked at the pink bedspread and pillow that had been grey a just a couple of seconds before. Her granddaughter had changed it into pink just by touching it. While Claudia still couldn’t believe her eyes, Liz and Michael’s reactions proved that what she just saw was real. Tears pooled at her granddaughter’s eyes while Michael quickly came up to Liz holding her hand tightly and giving a scowl to Claudia, as if daring her to speak.

Claudia’s heart melted seeing the tears in Liz’s eyes and she quickly stepped into the room closing the door.

“Honeybear,” Claudia began softly, seeing the raw fear in both the kids’ eyes though Michael was trying his best to stay brave for Liz, who was now clutching to him tightly. “What…I mean…did you just turn the pillow case from grey to pink?”

Liz’s lips trembled as she whispered, “I…I’m not a…a freak.”

“She is not a freak. She is my sister,” Michael growled from her side.

Seeing the silent tears sliding down her granddaughter’s face, Claudia rushed forward and hugged her tightly.

“Honeybear! I would never think that of you. You are my sweet granddaughter Lizzie,” Claudia soothed her. “Whatever gave you the idea that you are a freak, huh?”

“Coz that’s what the boys at sch… school said,” Liz sniffled holding her grandma tightly with one hand while not letting go of Michael with the other.

“They are wrong Honeybear. You are the cutest, smartest girl I have ever known.”

After a few minutes of silence, Claudia gently wiped Liz’s tears away and asked, “Do you want to maybe tell me what you just did?”

For a minute, Michael and Liz seemed to communicate only with their eyes that soon ended with Michael scowling and Liz turning back to her grandma. And then Claudia listened amazed to what her granddaughter was saying.

“Oh Honey. You are just a special girl who can do special things that others cannot do.”

Liz frowned. “But I don’t wanna be special. I wanna be just like the others,” Liz explained earnestly.

“Honeybear, you aren’t alone. There are a few others like you who can also do special things. This special thing is your talent Lizzie. You should be proud of it.”

“Really?” Liz asked excited. “There are also others like me? Can you also do these special things?”

“Not me sweetie but some people have special talents like, there is a boy who can tell you any number that the other person is thinking,” Claudia thought of the kids that she had read about having special abilities like ESP. “There is also a little girl who can move some things with only her mind and I’m sure there is someone like you who can do the thing that you just did…”

“And is there anyone who can blast like Michael?” Liz asked excited.

“Rina!” Michael whispered harshly as Claudia blinked at what she had just heard.

“Blast?” Claudia questioned warily at a now chastised Liz, who was looking at the ground sheepishly and a furious Michael, who was glaring at Liz.

Taking in the defensive posture of the boy who was now taking peeks at her as if he didn’t care about her reaction, Claudia gasped. Of course, if Liz could do these things Michael, her brother, can also probably do that. Why didn’t she think of this before?

“Michael, honey, can you also do special things?” Claudia looked at his reaction cautiously.

“No! I cannot!” Michael’s answer was swift and quick and he crossed his arms across his chest staring at her mutinously.

“But Michael…”

~ Shut up Rina! ~

“No I won’t,” Liz declared crossly. Why was he being like this? Grandma only wanted to help them. She then turned to Claudia, “Michael is also special and he can blast things with a white light that comes out of his hand.”

“I hate you!” Michael spat at Liz and began to run from that room but Claudia was quicker than him and swiftly hugged the boy, instantly knowing that he was terrified and whispered in his ear soothingly.

Michael stiffened for a minute, then hearing her telling him that she wasn’t scared of him or Liz and would never tell anyone about this till he said so, he gradually relaxed and was soon embracing her in relief. Liz cried out happily and joined them in a group hug, knowing that their grandma would make it all better.


Be back soon with the next part...
check out my fic:
Believing in Destiny