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chapter 37

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 7:06 am
by tequathisy
Liz nodded because Two asked if Max had healed her before she knew his secret.
I guess s/he’s just trying to figure out who Liz is exactly. She has alien powers but is human, it’s just curiosity.
RhondaAnn glad you like it.

Chapter 37

Maria peered through the serving hatch at the Crashdown and smiled happily. “Hi Mr. Parker, hi Michael.”

“Hello Maria, are you all set for your return to the job next week?” Jeff Parker asked.

“Ugh.” Maria grimaced. “I’m trying not to think about it until five minutes before my shift starts.”

“So what we can we do for you?”

“Actually I just wanted a word with my boyfriend.” Maria turned to Michael. “Do you want to have dinner and go see a movie tonight?”

“Can’t, VH1 are showing a Metallica special tonight.” Michael informed her.

“Oh, ok…too bad.” Maria sighed. She brightened up as Liz joined her at the hatch. “Hey Liz, how about a girls night out. We could get some dinner, see a chick flick?”

“Maybe go dancing at that club. They’re having an underage night tonight.” Liz added excitedly. She leaned over the hatch to see her father. “Would that be ok?”

“I don’t see why not.” Jeff agreed.

The two girls squealed with delight and withdrew from the hatch to talk excitedly about what they would wear.

Jeff shook his head affectionately as their chatter faded away. He waited a moment before clearing his throat. “Where will Max be tonight?”

“At home I guess. He’s been under lock and key for the last few days. His parents aren’t going to let him out of the house until he’s 39 at this rate.” Michael scowled.

“Good to know.” Jeff said under his breath. “I’m done here, I’ll be in my office if you need me.”

“Sure.” Michael nodded. He waited until Jeff had left the kitchen before placing a plate on the hatch and ringing the bell.

Liz appeared seconds later. “Well?” She asked expectantly.

“He believes you.” Michael confirmed.

“Great, now it’s just up to Two to do his…her part.” Liz grinned.


After yet another dinner filled with awkward silences, Max escaped to the sanctuary of his room and threw himself down on his bed. He didn’t know how many more of these evenings he could take before he blurted out the truth about his identity to his parents just so that the would have something other than the baby to think about.

He raised his hands and the CD player came to life and the room was filled with the gentle sounds of Counting Crows. Max lay back on his bed ready to spend the evening contemplating all the various problems in his life. His parents, Liz, Liz’s parents, his son, his son’s mother, Kivar, the shapeshifter.

A gentle tap on his window interrupted his musings. At the sound Max felt his heart speed up, there were only two people who came to his window and Michael never knocked.

He hurriedly flung open the drapes and then froze. For a moment he thought he was looking at his own reflection.

“Hi Max, we meet at last.” The other Max said cheerfully, his voice muffled through the glass.

Then it hit Max who was standing on the other side of the window “Two?” Max asked. “What are you doing here? If my parents see you.”

Two waved his hand, dismissing Max’s arguments. “Didn’t you get the memo? I’m going to be standing in for you tonight and you have a hot date.” He gestured to the roadside where Max spotted Maria’s Jetta parked under a tree. Cautiously Max opened the window and leaned out, he could see Liz sitting in the passenger seat. She spotted him and waved happily at him, gesturing for him to hurry up.

“Well, don’t just stand that.” Two urged, he climbed gracefully in through the open window.

“So you’re going to stay here until I come back?” Max asked in surprise. “What if they want to talk to me, my Dad has been asking a lot of questions lately.”

Two gave him a gentle push in the direction of the window. “Max, I’ve been doing this for fifty odd years. Go on, the longer you spend standing there looking stupid the less time you’ll have to spend with your girlfriend.”

Max snapped his mouth shut and grabbed his jacket from the desk. “Thanks.”

“Be back by midnight.” Two instructed as Max climbed out through the window.

“What happens then? You turn back into a pumpkin?” Max grinned.

Two ignored his remark and reached into pocket. He pulled out a small packet and tossed them to Max. “Just in case.” He teased.

Max glanced down at what he had caught and blushed. “Thanks.” He mumbled again, stuffing the box of cs into his jacket pocket.

“Have fun Cinderella.” Two called out as Max hurried across the lawn. Max looked back to see himself shut the window and disappear form view. He shook his head, he would never get used to that.


“Where are we going?” Max asked.

“It’s a surprise.” Liz smiled.

Max sat back in his seat but kept his eyes on Liz, drinking in the sight of her. “I’ve missed you.”

Liz took her eyes off the road for a second to look at Max. “I missed you too.” She told him before turning her attention back to the road.

Max reached across and lifted her hand from the steering wheel and held it in his own. He brought it to his lips and kissed it gently, then caressed it gently with his thumb as it lay in his lap.

They drove in silence for a while, occasionally Liz would remove her hand from Max’s to drive but when she was finished she gave it back to him and he held it in his own.

After a while Liz pulled the Jeep into park. “Here we are.”

“Where are we?” Max asked. He had been so lost in the feel of Liz’s hand in his own that he hadn’t been paying attention to where they were going. He looked around and realised that they were by the lake. In the same spot where they had confronted each other after Tess had left for Antar.

Liz climbed out of the jeep and opened the rear door. She pulled a basket and a blanket out. “I thought it would be nice to come out here so we could spend some time together without worrying if one of our parents would catch us.” She said shyly

Max took the basket from her and smiled. “This is perfect.”

Hand in hand they made their way along the lakeshore until they came to a secluded grassy area. Liz spread the blanket out on the grass and then took the basket from Max. From it she took four small candles and placed them on a nearby rock. “Watch.” With a look of fierce concentration she stretched her hand over the candles and seconds later a small flame popped up on each of them.

“Impressive.” Max teased as he knelt beside her. “What else have you got in there?”

“I brought sandwiches in case you hadn’t eaten any dinner, two cokes and some Alien’s Lime pie. Which would you like?”

“Mmm, I’m in the mood for something sweet right now.” Max grinned then he leaned over kissed Liz. He pulled back just the smallest amount and smiled. “Tastes good, got anymore?”

“Plenty.” Liz said told him, her lips brushing against his even as she spoke. Their lips fused together again and the fell back on the blanket.


Michael opened the freezer compartment and scanned the contents. “There’s some of that Ben and Jerry’s stuff you like or ….actually that’s all I have.” He shouted over his shoulder.

“Ben and Jerry’s is fine.” Maria’s voice came from behind him.

He jumped at the sound and slammed the freezer quickly. He whirled around to find her standing at the counter wearing only his shirt. “Don’t do that.”

“Sorry, it wasn’t deliberate.” Maria told him as she opened a drawer to look for spoons. It was empty so she started going through the stack of dirty dishes in the sink until she found two and quickly washed them. “What have you got in there anyway that you’re so anxious to hide?” She teased.

“Nothing.” Michael lied unconvincingly as he snaked his hand inside and pulled out the ice cream.

“Michael.” Maria chided.

“Fine, it’s the diamond, but you’re not supposed to know that in case anything happens.” Michael admitted.

“You’re hiding it in your freezer?” Maria asked in disbelief.

Michael grabbed a spoon from her. “Only until we can think of somewhere better.”

“Shouldn’t be harder to find somewhere better than that.” Maria laughed. She sat on the couch and curled her legs underneath her body. She took a spoonful of ice cream and then offered it to Michael.

“It was on the counter this evening just before you came in and I threw it in there so you wouldn’t see it.” Michael confessed as he sat beside her. “I’ll find somewhere better for it tomorrow.”

“What if being in the freezer damages it?” Maria asked.

“It doesn’t.” Michael told her confidently.

“Ok.” Maria said. “Have you given anymore thought to Mr. Evans offer?”

“I don’t think I’ll take it.”

“What? Why not?” Maria gasped.

Michael sighed. “I think he knows something. I’m pretty sure that he read my whole file and he knows that I was found out in the desert like Max and Isabel. He’s already suspicious of Max and if he starts poking around he might figure something out. Valenti told Max that he was asking him questions about Max’s secret yesterday too.”

Maria frowned. “So why does that mean that you can’t take the scholarship? It’s a really great opportunity for you Michael and you’re not going to get another one like it.”

“If I don’t take it he might forget about me and my file. If I accept, he might not. Besides, if I take it, he’ll want something in return.”

“Not necessarily.” Maria countered. “Maybe he’s just genuinely trying to help you. He saw your file and realises Max and Isabel could have been in your situation and he feels bad that nobody was there to help you before.”

“I have the worst attendance record ever in the history of Roswell High, my grades are below crap and when I do attend school and sleep through most of my classes. Who in their right mind would give me a scholarship?” Michael asked rhetorically. He dug into the ice cream again and sighed. “I should never have asked him to help in the first place, I should have known he’d find something out.”

“Ugh.” Maria groaned throwing her hands up in the air. “He’s trying to help you and you deserve it, why can’t you just be happy with that instead of always expecting the worst. What’s the worst thing that could happen”

“He could figure out that Max and Isabel are aliens.” Michael said in a voice that clearly said d’uh.

Maria placed the ice cream on the small table by the couch and shifted so that she was now facing Michael. “Why is that a bad thing?”

“Because it is. Haven’t you been paying attention? Nobody can find out about us.”

“But people already have. Liz, me, Alex, Kyle, Valenti, Jennifer Coleman. We were all strangers. Apart from Liz, none of us owed you anything and yet we all kept your secret. We’ve lied to people, risked our lives, broke the law to protect you and we’re happy to do that. Max and Isabel’s parents love them and want to protect them. They wouldn’t turn them in or kick them out of the house or do anything that would endanger them.”

“But what if-?”

Maria waved her hand to silence Michael. “When I first found out about you guys, I hated you. You were rude, ungrateful, insensitive and arrogant. You had no table manners, you never said please or thank you, you smelled a little funny.”

“Your point?” Michael asked grouchily.

“But then I got to know you and I found how that underneath all those layers was a really great guy and I fell in love with him.” Maria said gently, cupping his face in her hands. “I love you so much Michael. Nothing can ever change that and I’ll do anything and everything to protect you. You know that, right?”

Michael nodded.

Maria smiled at him “And that’s how you feel about me too.”

It wasn’t a question but Michael answered it anyway. “Of course.” He kissed her gently.

“And that’s how the Evan’s feel about Max and Isabel, though maybe not in a sl way.” Maria concluded. “They love their children, no matter where they came from and they’ll do anything to protect them.”

Michael said nothing but Maria could see that he was considering her words. She stood up and returned the ice cream to the freezer before it could melt then returned to Michael and snuggled against him.

They sat there silently for a long time, Michael lost in his thoughts and Maria waiting patiently for him to speak.

“I didn’t get it before.” Michael said suddenly. “That you could love somebody so much. I was afraid that the Evans would find out and they’d turn against Max and Isabel. I didn’t want them to know what that felt like. I thought the Evans would be so disgusted by the truth that they’d turn us into the government.”

“And now?”

“Now, I guess I don’t think that anymore.” Michael admitted.

“So maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if they found out? Maybe it would even be ok if Max and Isabel told them?” Maria asked.

Michael pulled her close and kissed the top of her head, whispering into her hair. “Maybe.”


“Oh Max.”

Liz’s whispered sigh was the first words either had uttered in a long time. It broke Max from his Liz induced haze and he reluctantly tore his lips away from her.

Her hair was tousled, her features flushed and her breathing erratic, in the candle light she looked radiant and more beautiful than he had ever seen her before. “Are you ok?” He asked reverently.

“Better than ok.” Liz assured him with a sy smile. She pulled his head back down and ran her tongue across his lips.

Max moaned, but pulled his head away. “Maybe we should stop.” He panted.

Liz pouted. “I don’t want to stop.”

“Either do I and that’s the problem, if we keep going it’s going to get harder to stop.”

Liz very gently rubbed her thigh against the bulge in Max’s pants. “It’s already hard.” She giggled.

Max hissed at the contact and pulled away. He sat up on the blanket and took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. “Besides, it’s getting late and I promised Two that I’d be back by midnight. And we have to talk.”

“I don’t want to talk.” Liz teased as she sat up beside him and began kissing his neck. Max turned his face to her and their lips crashed together in a passionate kiss. Max’s hands immediately found them selves roaming under Liz's T-shirt. Gently he pushed her back down onto the blanket and lay on top of her.

Liz ran her hands up his broad back and through his hair. Suddenly, she flung her head back and cried out in pain.

“What? What is it?” Max asked in concern.

“I got a flash.” Liz told him. “It was when you were standing at the top of the cliff and you thought I was dead.”


Liz wriggled out from beneath him and made her way over to the picnic basket. She pulled out a bottle of water, took a sip and then offered it to Max.

He took it from her gratefully and gulped half of it down. “Liz, I can’t go through that again, if anything ever happened to you I couldn’t live.”

“I’m not going to Florida.” Liz said stubbornly.

“What if Michael is right and they try to get to me by using you? You’re in danger if you stay here Liz. That moment on the cliff top was the worst of my life, please don’t make me go through that again.” Max pleaded.

“If I go to Florida, I’ll still be in danger, at least if I stay here you’ll be able to protect me.” Liz countered.

“No, if you stay in Roswell you’re in danger. Isabel asked Larek about it, she wondered if Kivar could take over the President of the US or somebody to get to us but he told her that it doesn’t work like that. Right now, their satellite or whatever they use to possess people is pointed at Roswell, to move it would take a lot of time and energy. And they don’t have enough time. If they’re going to possess someone, it’ll be someone in Roswell.”

“But if I’m not here, they’ll just use somebody else, like your parents or Maria or somebody completely innocent and unconnected to you.” Liz argued. “At least I know what’s going on and I have powers.”

“I could handle it if they used other people.” Max told her. “But not if it was you, I don’t think I could do what Michael did that day. If the situation had been reversed and I was given the choice between you and Maria, I’m not sure that I would have saved Maria.”

“Don’t even say that Max, of course you would.” Liz gasped in shock.

Max shook his head. “The day of the shooting, I used my powers to save you even though it meant that I put Michael and Isabel at risk. When I was in the White Room, when Pierce threatened to hurt you I was ready to tell him everything, and I mean everything. I love Michael and Isabel, and Maria and my parents but that’s nothing to the way I feel about you. I would risk everything to save you.”


“The lives of everyone on Antar are at stake, my son’s life is at stake. I can’t let anything happen to them. I might not want to have anything to do with them, but I can’t let them die. I owe it to them to save them.” Max hung his head.

Liz crawled over to him and grasped his face in her hands, forcing him to look at her. “Max Evans, you are the best person I know. Of course you’d save them, you’d never let anybody get hurt if it was in your power to save them.”

“Please don’t make me risk it Liz.” Max pleaded. “I love you and the last thing I want to do is spend another summer without you, but I’d rather that than spend the rest of my life without you. Please.”

He reached up and took her hands in his. “Please don’t make me have to choose between mine son and you. Because I’d choose you.”

Tears rolled down Liz's cheeks but she never took her eyes from Max’s.

After what seemed like an eternity she blinked and then nodded. “Ok.”

Max brought one of his hands to her face and wiped away her tears with his thumb, then he caressed her cheek gently. “I’m sorry Liz.”

“Promise me that you’ll be here when I get back.” Liz sobbed.

“Of course I will, I’m not going anywhere.” Max assured her.

“I have this awful feeling Max, I know that something’s going to happen to you, I just know it. I’m going to lose you.” Liz cried.

Max drew her to him and wrapped his arms around her body. “You’re not going to lose me Liz. I’m not going let anything or anybody come between us ever again. We’re going to be together for the rest of our lives, we’re going to grow old together. And when we’re ninety nine, I’m going to remind you about this and we’ll laugh.”

Liz pressed her face to his chest and cried silently. Max’s words were comforting, but deep down, she knew he was wrong.


chapter 38

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:20 pm
by tequathisy
I'm posting this part a day early because it's exactly a year to the day since I started posting this fic. I had planned to have it all written and posted in ten parts by Christmas, but as you can see that didn't quite work out to plan. Anyway, here's chapter 38. Thanks to everyone who's read this throught out the year. It's almost over - I promise.


Chapter 38

Isabel knocked on Max’s bedroom door before peering inside. Her brother was making his bed and he looked up when she entered and smiled.

“Good morning Isabel.” He said.

“Morning Max, how was your date last night?” Isabel asked.

Max grinned at her. “It was great night. We had a lovely time … talking.” His smile faded. “Liz agreed to go to Florida for the summer, or at least until this whole thing with Kivar blows over.”

“That’s good.” Isabel said sympathetically. “She’ll be safe Max.”

He nodded. “I know, I just wish she didn’t have to go. By the way, Two wants us to have a meeting with him today. He said that he’ll answer all our questions.”

“Do you trust him?” Isabel asked.

“I want to, he certainly seems to be going out of his way to appear trustworthy but I’m not sure. Everytime we seem him, he’s a different person and it’s hard to trust somebody when they’re continually changing.” Max admitted. He sighed. “But I’m willing to give him a chance.”


“What? No, you can’t go.”

“Maria, I have to. Max is right, if I stay here I’ll be in danger. He might have to choose between me and his son, I can’t put him in that position.” Liz said as she pulled her hair into a ponytail and examined her reflection to make sure it was centred. She and Maria had left the Crashdown early that morning, to take the circuitous route to the UFO museum for the groups meeting with Two.

“So you’re going to leave? When?” Maria asked in despair.

Liz shrugged. “Soon, I hope. I’m going to call my aunt later today and see if it’s ok with her and then I’ll talk to my parents.”

“That sucks.” Maria groaned. “Last summer blew when you weren’t here. I’m going to miss you.” Maria said quietly.

“Maybe you could come with me.” Liz said excitedly. “It would be great, we could go to the beach, go shopping, go to Disney World. It would be awesome.”

“Sounds great, but I’m not sure my Mom would let me go, and I need to work.” Maria said, though her eyes were shining with excitement at thought of getting out of Roswell for the summer.

“We could get jobs.” Liz added. “You’re in as much danger here as I am. More, they’ve already got their hooks into you.”

“I’d miss Michael.” Maria sighed, her excitement fading.

“And he’ll miss you, but it’s only for a couple of months and then you’ll be back together. If you stay and something happens to you then, you might never get to be together. Please come, it would be brilliant.”

“I’ll think about it.” Maria promised her friend.

Liz clapped her hands in delight. “It’ll be so great.”

There was a knock on the door of the restroom. “Max and Isabel are here.” Michael called into them.

The girls gave themselves one last look in the mirror to make sure that they were satisfied with their appearance before leaving the restroom and joining Michael, Max and Isabel in the UFO museum’s main auditorium.

Liz hurried to Max’s side and kissed him good morning. The sound of Isabel clearing her throat broke them apart far sooner than they would have liked. She nodded her head pointedly at Maria.

Maria noticed the not so subtle gesture. “What?” She demanded.

Max scratched his cheek nervously. “We were wondering if you would take Brody to breakfast so that we could have this place to ourselves.”

“Ok.” Maria agreed. She noticed that Max and Isabel were still looking nervously at each other. “Just spit it out.”

“Uh…we…uh…” Max began.

Isabel rolled her eyes. “We think it’s best that you’re not here for the meeting in case Tess or Kivar possesses you again. It might be better if you’re out of the loop.”

“Ok, I guess that makes sense.” Maria admitted grudgingly. She hated not knowing what was going on. “I’ll go wait for Brody outside.” She stopped at the door and turned back. “Does that mean, that you can’t tell me what happened later?”

Michael, Liz and Max shook their heads, suppressing their smiles.

“Damn Tess.” Maria muttered as she walked out the door.

Isabel grinned. “I should go wait outside with her to let Two in when she comes.”

She hurried outside after Maria and reached the smaller blonde at the same time Brody’s car pulled up at the kerb.

“Hi Brody.” Isabel and Maria called out cheerfully as the Englishman climbed out of his car.
“Good morning girls.” Brody replied.

"Hey, I was just wondering if you wanted to get some breakfast?" Maria asked. "It feels like we haven't hung out in ages."

"That would be nice." Brody agreed, he turned to Isabel. "I hope you don't mind covering for me?"
Isabel shook her head. "Not at all."

"Shall we?" Brody asked Maria gesturing across the street to the Crashdown.

Maria bit her lip. "Actually, would mind if we went some place else? There’s a new diner opened on Green Street that is supposed to be nice."

"Ok, sure. I'll drive. See you later Isabel.

Isabel waved them off then turned around to find a teenage girl standing right behind her, so close that Isabel almost crashed into her.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

Isabel took a step backwards and blinked in surprise. "Huh?"

"It's me, two." The other girl smiled.

Isabel frowned. "Of course. Let's go inside."

They made their way into Brody's office, where Max, Michael, Liz and the Valenti's were waiting for them.

“It figures.” Michael snorted when he saw the persona Two was sporting for the meeting.

She frowned at him. “What does?”

“It figures that you’d come as a teenage girl today to talk to us, I’m surprised you’re not seven and wearing horse tails.” Michael scowled.

“Do you have a…default person you can shapeshift into?” Max asked.

“Yes, but I don’t think it would be appropriate, unless you want me to go around as a seven foot being with glowing white skin and black eyes.” Two smirked.

“No, that’s alright.” Max sighed. “But it would help if you could appear as one person instead of all these different people. I think what Michael was trying to say was that it’s hard to trust you when we don’t know what you look like. It feels as though you’re trying to manipulate us into trusting you by appearing as a teenage girl or a middle aged woman.”

“You should know that we’ve learned not to trust teenage girls too quickly anymore.” Kyle spoke up caustically.

Two nodded. “I’ll bear that in mind. Perhaps you should tell me why you’ve learned not to trust teenage girls. I’ve a feeling that it’s to do with Tess.”

“You mean you didn’t figure it out while you were sneaking around, spying and eavesdropping on us?” Isabel asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I’ve figure some things out by observing all of you, but I think it would be best if I was told everything, to get the full story.” Two answered. She took a seat at the desk and waited patiently for somebody to begin speaking.

After a long silence Max began. “Tess made a deal with Kivar to hand over my child and the three of us to him.” Slowly, the story of all that had happened to the group since Tess’s arrival was told to Two, Max did most of the talking but everyone contributed. Two listened quietly and let them talk.

To Liz’s surprise, instead of being painful and awkward, it was almost therapeutic to tell the story to somebody else. They told the shapeshifter everything, about the FBI, Pierce, the skins, future Max, the dupes, New York, the gandarium saga, Los Vegas, Alex’s tragic death, and Tess’s betrayal.

When they finished, both Liz and Isabel were crying silently. Max clasped Liz’s hands tightly in his own.

“Tough year.” Two commented when they were silent again.

Liz nodded. “The worst.”

“I should have been here for you, I wish I could have been.” Two admitted guiltily. “If I had known that you were out of your pods I would have come here at once. I apologise unreservedly for that.”

“It’s not your fault, I guess.” Isabel comforted.

“It was my responsibility to look after you. I knew that … Nacedo was untrustworthy but I never suspected that he would stoop so low.” Two shook her head angrily and pounded the desk with her fist.

“In all probability, if you had been here, Nacedo would more than likely have found a way to eliminate you from the picture one way or another.” Jim said.

“Perhaps.” Two said sadly. “On Antar, he was one of the most respected members of the army, it’s hard to believe that he was willing to betray Antar.”

“Well, he did.” Michael spat out. Clearly annoyed that Two was being comforted for not being part of their lives instead of berated.

“You must have lots of questions about your past, about who you were in your previous lives.” Two said, attempting to change the subject.

Max, Isabel and Michael exchanged glances warily.

“No.” Michael said shortly.

Liz was mildly surprised at Michael’s answer, but maybe it wasn’t so surprising, he had turned his back on the past when he chose to remain on earth with Maria. She glanced at Max and he shook his head also. A wave of relief washed over her, if Max didn’t want to know about Antar, maybe that meant he wouldn’t be going back there and she was worrying about nothing.

“Very well.” Two responded, the shock evident in her voice. “Moving on, apart from this group here and your friend Maria, who else knows the truth about your identities?”

“Why? Are you going to kill them?” Kyle asked, fully serious.

“No, of course not, but I would like to know who else is involved in this secret.” Two answered with forced politeness.

“Nobody else.” Max said curtly.

“I must admit that I’m surprised to hear that. From what I have observed you haven’t been too careful to conceal your powers.” Two frowned.

“We’ve been very careful to – ” Max began.

“Careful like the time you used your powers to save a waitress from a gun shot wound in a busy café and revealed your powers and origins to her?” Two asked.

“Don’t do that.” Isabel said sharply before Max had a chance to respond. “Max saved her life, don’t you dare make him feel guilty for it. He did the right thing.”

“I merely wondered how he was able to keep his secret if he was in the habit of saving random strangers in public places.” Two explained.

“It’s not a habit, and Liz wasn’t a random stranger.” Max said with a strained voice. “It happened, end of story.”

Two nodded in acceptance of Max’s order.


“This place is nice.” Maria commented as she tucked into a plate of waffles.

“Yes.” Brody agreed. He swallowed his mouthful of food. “Any particular reason that you brought me here for breakfast instead of the Crashdown?”

Maria took a sip of her coffee and nodded. “Actually, yes.” She admitted. “Liz and Max aren’t allowed see each other anymore so they’re having a rendez-vous at the moment, but her dad thinks she’s gone jogging with me so I have to stay away from the Crashdown until she’s ready to go back.”

“I see.” Brody checked his watch. “They’re meeting right now?”


“While Max is supposed to be at work?”

Maria’s eyes widened in alarm at her faux pas. “Oops, I think Isabel is covering for him.”

Brody laughed. “So that’s the only reason?”

“What other reason would there be?” Maria asked.

“Perhaps, Isabel and Max are attending to their alien business and you’re keeping me busy until they’re finished.” Brody said casually as he spooned sugar into his coffee.

So surprised at his remark, Maria choked on her mouthful of waffles. She thumped her chest a couple of times and coughed.

“Take a drink.” Brody advised, in a tone of amusement.

Maria swallowed some coffee and then wiped her mouth with her napkin. She took a deep breath. “What?”

Brody leaned across the table, closer to her so that he could speak quietly and without being overheard. “Isabel and Max are aliens, no?” He said simply.

The blonde’s mouth opened and closed a few times but no words came out.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to say anything.” Brody grinned. “I’m a smart guy. I figured it out.”

“How?” Maria asked in alarm.

“Isabel’s gift. She told me that there were aliens in Roswell who had taken on human form but she didn’t want to reveal their identity. I don’t believe in psychics. Her power is alien, isn’t it? She’s the alien in human form, and with a little deduction, I’m guessing her brother, Max is the other.” Brody held up his hand to prevent Maria from speaking. “Don’t answer that. You’re protecting your friends and you don’t want to break their confidence. I understand.”

“Brody…” Maria began but trailed off, she had no idea what to say to that.

“Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies.” Brody joked.

Maria’s mouth snapped shut. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t tell you before, I knew for ages what was happening to you and I really wanted to tell you but I couldn’t. It wasn’t my place.”

“I understand.” Brody assured her genuinely.

“I’m sorry for the mess that they made of your life, I wish that it hadn’t happened to you.” Maria continued.

“It’s like I told Isabel, aliens saved my life and my daughters life. If it had not happened to me, we both might be dead now.” He shrugged. “It’s a small price to pay, but I’m glad I know the truth now. And I know that you were looking out for me, that means a lot. You’ve been a good friend to me.”

Maria grasped his hand. “I want you to know that I really am your friend, I’m not cosying up to you to protect…anybody or to check up on you. I hated lying to you.”

“I know.” Brody assured her, picking up his fork to resume eating his breakfast.

Maria watched him for a moment. “It happened to me too.” She blurted out. “I was abducted like you. Only it wasn’t somebody nice like Larek, she was evil. It was so horrible, and I’m so afraid that it’ll happen again and they’ll make me hurt somebody.” Suddenly she burst into tears.

Brody slid into the chair beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to his chest and he held her as she cried.


“The trouble with being an evil dictator at war is that it’s easy to gather a huge army together when everyone is afraid of you, but once it becomes clear to the people you’ve tortured and oppressed for years that you’re going to lose, they start deserting in droves.” Two theorised, leaning back in her chair.

“And you think that’s what happening to Kivar?” Max asked.

Two nodded. “It’s hard to say because I haven’t been in touch with anyone from home in almost sixty years, but if what Larek has reported to you in accurate then I imagine that’s what’s happening.”

Isabel felt as though a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, one she hadn’t realised that she was carrying around. But Two’s laid back attitude to the threat of Kivar filled her with confidence and for the first time in weeks she felt hopeful that things might work out.

“But if it was so easy to defeat him, then why didn’t they do anything before?” Michael asked. “Why wait sixty years?”

“Antar is a very rich, powerful planet, the economies of all the other planets are dependent on Antar. An act of aggression against Antar could spell doom for the other planets.” Two said gravely. “Plus the royal four were missing, removing Kivar would have created a power vacuum that would have destabilised the whole planetary system.”

“And they thought that he had the granilith.” Max added.

“What I don’t understand is why Tess or Nacedo didn’t just hand it over to him.” Liz mused aloud. “They knew where it was, why not just give it to him?”

“Because without Max and the King’s crystal it was useless.” Two explained. “Kivar could never work it without the seal, that’s why he needs the heir and to kill Max.”

Isabel reached her hand and squeezed Max’s arm at those chilling words. He patted her hand and gave her a smile small.

“Larek says that Kivar is in a desperate situation now and will probably make one last attempt to kill Max and gain control of the granilith.” Michael informed Two, wincing at the words kill Max.

Two grimaced. “If Larek says so, then it’s more than likely correct. May I ask what precautions you’ve taken?”

Liz and Max exchanged sad looks. “Liz is going to Florida until it’s over.”

“I see…. Good for Liz, but what about you Max? You’re the one in danger.” Two asked, evidently confused by Max’s announcement.

“Michael reckons that if Kivar tries to kill me, he’ll use Liz as bait or leverage. If she’s in Florida then she’s safe and it makes things easier for me.”

“There are other people in your life that he could endanger, your parents. Obviously they haven’t a clue about what’s going on in your life.”

Max frowned at that statement. “How do you know that?” He demanded.

“Your father and I had a talk last night.” Two held up his hand to calm Max down. “I didn’t blow your cover. He was just asking about your day. But I think you should try to convince them to take a vacation in Florida as well if you want to protect them.”

“We will.” Isabel said, glaring defiantly at both Max and Michael.

“I’ll be around to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.” Two continued. He took a scrap of paper from Brody’s desk and scribbled a number on it. “This is my pager number, so be in touch if you need me. I’ll be wearing this at all times.” Two pointed to a U2 badge pinned to her jacket.

Liz’s cellphone rang and she stepped out of the office to answer it. It was Maria, informing her that she and Brody were on their way back to the UFO Museum.

“Brody’s on his way back. I have to meet Maria so that we can go back to the Crashdown together.” Liz told the others.

“We’re finished here anyway.” Max nodded, rising from his chair and stretching his arms above his head.

“Can I’ve a word with the two of you?” Michael asked pointing to Isabel and Max.

“The Valenti’s and Two said their goodbyes and left.

“I better hurry.” Liz smiled at Max. Aware of Michael and Isabel waiting impatiently beside them, Liz gave Max a quick peck and hurried out the door.

Max watched her go then turned his attention back to Michael.

The taller alien said nothing for a minute, but seemed to be having a silent, internal debate with himself.

“Michael?” Isabel prompted.

“I think you should tell your parents.” Michael blurted out after what seemed like an age.

“Tell them what?” Isabel asked.

“Tell them that you’re aliens.”

Max’s jaw hit the floor, he looked at his sister to see that she looked as stunned as he felt. “What?” He gasped.

Michael scratched his eyebrow. “I’ve been thinking about it and I think it would be ok with me if you wanted to tell your parents the truth. And after what Two just said, I really think you should. She’s right – You have to get them out of Roswell, there in too much danger if they stay here. Especially if they don’t know that they’re in danger.”

“Are you serious?” Isabel exclaimed, a smile lighting up her beautiful face.


With a squeal of delight, Isabel launched herself into his arms and hugged him tightly. “Thank you Michael, thank you.” She faced her brother and bit her lip nervously. “Max? Please.”

Max nodded his head. “Ok.”

“Thank you Max.” Isabel said quietly, tears of happiness in her eyes. She hugged him tightly. “Tonight.”

“Tonight, I promise.” Max assured her. He nodded at Michael. “Thanks Michael.”

Embarrassed by the emotion, Michael just shrugged. “I have to get to work. See you later.”

“Bye.” Isabel called, when he was gone she turned to her brother and laughed. “Did that really just happen? Did Michael convince us to tell our parents that we’re aliens?”

Max grinned. “I think it did.”


Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:45 am
by tequathisy
Thanks for the feedback.

Chapter 39 (a)

Isabel parked the car in front of the Evans home and switched off the engine. She looked over at her brother and smiled nervously. “I can’t believe we’re about to do this.” She told him with an audible tremble in her voice.

“It’ll be ok Iz.” Max assured her, but he couldn’t disguise the fact that he was nervous too.

She nodded and took a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”

In silence, they climbed out of the car and made their way inside their home. They found their parents in the kitchen, chopping vegetables.

“Hi Kids.” Diane smiled as they entered. She stopped what she was doing when she noticed their grave, pale faces. “What’s wrong?” She asked in alarm.

“Nothing.” Max told her automatically.

“Actually, that’s not true. We have to tell you something really important.” Isabel corrected. She gestured to the family room.

Exchanging worried glances, their parents stopped chopping carrots and wiped their hands. The four Evans made their way to the family room and sat down. Isabel realised that her legs were shaking.

“What is it?” Diane asked.

Isabel’s mouth opened and closed wordlessly. She had dreamed about this moment for so long, imagining every scenario from the best to the worst but now that it was here the carefully practised speech, perfected over years seemed wrong.

“We’re aliens.” She blurted out.

Max winced, he had thought she would approach the subject with a little more delicacy. “I know that it sounds preposterous and really hard to believe, but it’s true.” He touched the fabric of the armchair he was sitting on with a fingertip then bent down and touched the floor. At once the carpet changed from beige to red, matching the color of the chair.

Diane gasped and lifted her feet off the ground. In amazement she looked from the floor to her son and back down again. “How did you do that?”

“Isabel and I have gifts - powers. We might look human, but we’re not. We weren’t born on earth.” Max answered.

“But….how….how….what?” Diane stutters, she had so many questions that she couldn’t think straight.

“We’ll explain everything.” Max assured her. He looked to his father who had remained silent. “We just need you to listen to what we have to say. It’ll sound incredible farfetched and hard to believe but I swear to you, everything we’re about to tell you is the truth.”

Philip sat back in his chair. “Actually Max, this explains a lot.”


“That’s really annoying.”

Liz stopped drumming her fingernails on the tabletop and looked up at her bestfriend. “Sorry.”

“Are you alright, you seem nervous.” Maria asked.

“I guess I’m just worrying about Max and how it’s going with his parents. I really hope it goes well.”

“Me too. Have you said anything to your parents about going to Florida yet?” Maria asked picking a fry from Liz’s plate.

Liz shook her head. “They’ve been too busy all day, I’ll talk to them tonight when the Crash is closed. Have you thought any more about coming with me?”

Maria shrugged. “I can’t make up my mind, I’d love to go with you but I don’t want to leave Roswell either.”

“You mean Michael.” Liz teased.

“Fine, I don’t want to leave Michael.” Maria grinned.

“I know what you mean.” Liz groaned. “I dread the thought of being so far away from Max. We’ve just got back together and now we’re being driven apart again. But at least if you were with me I might have some fun.” She gave Maria an exaggerated pout. “Plleeeeaaaseee.”

“Oh, I don’t know.” Maria sighed. She looked around the diner which was quickly with families and noisy groups. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Where do you want to go?” Liz asked.

“Let’s go for a drive. I want to have a go behind the wheel of your new jeep.” Maria suggested.

“Cool, I’ll just go change out of my uniform.” Liz said.

Half an hour later Maria was steering the jeep through the streets of Roswell, the windows were rolled down letting their hair blow wildly. The radio was on full blast and they were singing loudly to each other.

“Whooo.” Maria shouted as they pulled up a red light. “Can we get out of town so I can really let this baby rip?”

Liz squealed with laughter. “Sure. Boy, that’s thirsty work. Have you any water?”

“There’s a Snapple in my purse.” Maria grinned.

“Thanks.” Liz reached into the backseat and fumbled around until she had found the drink. She offered it to Maria who declined it, then gulped it down thirstily.


Michael was a little disappointed to find that Maria was nowhere in sight when he finished his shift. He had been hoping to spend the evening with her. Instead he found Two, in the form of a twenty-something man sitting outside his apartment reading a magazine.

He jumped up when Michael approached. “Nice bike.”

“Thanks. What do you want?”

“A warm welcome and sparkling conversation.” Two laughed. “But I guess I came to the wrong place for that.”

Michael glared at him.

“I wanted to talk to you about how we should protect Max from Kivar.” Two told him seriously.

“You better come in then.” Michael said, unlocking his apartment door and going inside.

Two took in the surroundings. “I like what you’ve done with the place.”

“Complimenting me isn’t going to make me like you, so can we just cut to the chase?” Michael scowled.

“Very well. I’m sure you agree with me that sending Liz to Florida is an inadequate step to take in the face of the threat Kivar poses to Max.”

“Sure, but it’s an important one. You don’t know what he’s like with her. If she’s in danger he’ll do anything to protect her, including handing over himself and the granilith.”

“I’m sure that he wouldn’t – ”

“He would.” Michael said simply. “He saved her life that day in the Crashdown even though it risked his own life and ours. He’d do it again, no matter what the consequences for himself and everybody else.”

“I see, then it’s a good thing she’s leaving.” Two agreed.

“They’re talking to their parents tonight as well, so hopefully they’ll agree to leave town too.” Michael added.

“Good. Well, that’s a start. From now on I will be shadowing Max closely. He won’t know I’m there, I won’t let him out of my sight so if anything goes down I’ll be there to protect him.” Two revealed.

“He won’t like that.”

“He won’t know.” Two said mystically. “The second most important thing is that they don’t get their hands on the crystal. Have you found a safe place for it? Even if Kivar manages to convince Max to hand himself and the granilith over, it won’t work without the crystal so it’s vital that you tell absolutely nobody where it is.”

Michael scratched his eyebrow. “I’ll get right on that.”

“You mean it isn’t someplace safe at the moment?” Two asked in alarm.

“I haven’t had a chance yet.” Michael defended. “I’ll do it tonight.”

“Make sure that you do.” Two cautioned. “I spent some time watching you practising your powers, you Max and Isabel are still only using a small percentage of what you’re capable of. Max has obviously come closest to reaching his maximum ability when he healed Liz, Isabel is making good progress. You did it that day on the cliff top when you saved Liz and Maria’s lives. But that’s the level you have to be reaching all the time, even in practice. You possess immense power Michael, Max will need it soon. You must ensure that when the time comes he can count on you. So from tomorrow morning we’ll get together to practice and this time I’ll be there to guide you.”

“Thanks.” Michael said, looking the shapeshifter straight in the eye.

“One last thing, keep a close eye on your girlfriend. Watch her for the slightest hint of strange behaviour. She too is in great danger Michael.”

Michael nodded.

“I will do my best to protect her.” Two began. “But my job, the reason I was created is to protect the Royal Four, if she – or somebody possessing her is a threat to the Royal Four – then I may not be able to guarantee her safety. That’s up to you.”

At that moment, Michael wanted to grab Two and smash his face in, but he understood that the shapeshifter had a job to do, that millions of lives were at stake and not just Maria’s. So he nodded at Two and vowed silently to himself that he would never let anything happen to the woman he loved.


Although Max and Isabel had promised their parents to tell them the whole truth, much of what had taken place over the previous year was either omitted or changed by silent agreement. They made no mention of the FBI or the hell Max had suffered at their hands. The betrayal of Tess and Nacedo and the imminent threat of Kivar were heavily stressed. It took a while to tell the story as their parents interrupted many times with questions or to ask their children to repeat something they had just said. Several times Max and Isabel had to start over again because their parents were still shocked over a previous revelation and had completely missed the next one.

Max was alarmed at how much their father had found out about them. He had many of the pieces, but the picture only became clear now that he knew about their origins. He questioned them very closely, his brilliant legal mind quickly assessing everything they said and connecting it to what he already knew.

Once Diane had got over her initial shock she had joined Isabel on the couch and wrapped her arms around her daughter and had held her for most of the evening, hugging and caressing her. It was a huge relief to Max to see how quickly she had accepted the news and it was clear that Isabel was overjoyed to have finally told her mother the truth and to be accepted for it.

“I wish you had come to us years ago.” Philip said. “Why didn’t you?”

“We were afraid.” Max said simply.

“Didn’t you know that we love you, no matter what?” Diane asked tearfully.

Isabel hung her head in shame. “We were afraid that you’d feel differently if you knew, we didn’t want to lose you.”

“Oh baby.” Diane sobbed. “We love you so much, it doesn’t matter who you are because you’re my daughter first and foremost and that’s all that matters to me. That’s all that will ever matter to me.”

“Me too.” Philip added, his voice choked with emotion. He stood up and poured himself a stiff Irish whiskey. “We love you two more than anything in the world. Any world.”

Max smiled at his father’s remark. “I’m sorry that we didn’t tell you sooner, Isabel wanted to tell you but I wouldn’t let her. It’s not because I didn’t think you didn’t love us, I was afraid to put you in danger.”

“Max we’re your parents. We’re the ones supposed to worry about protecting you.” Philip chided. He took a seat beside his son and placed his hand on his shoulder.

“I know.” Max said sadly. “But in this case there’s really nothing you can do. We can protect you though.” He took a deep breath. “Mom, Dad, we need you to leave Roswell as soon as possible.”


After Two left, Michael began preparing his dinner. He opened his freezer to look for frozen pizza when he realised that something was missing. Not wanting to believe his eyes, he began pulling the contents of the freezer out one by one and throwing them on the floor until it was completely empty.

“SH!T” He roared.

The crystal was gone and the only person who knew where he had hidden it was Maria.


God pless mother natshure, she’s a shingle wommer tooooo, she…she…I don’t know the rest” Liz giggled. She looked out the window at the dark desert night. “Are we there yet?” She slurred.

“Almost.” Maria sing-songed.

“Gut…I’m not feeling so well.” Liz told her, her head slumped down onto her chest and her eyes were half-closed. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

“You’re not going to be sick sweetie, you’re just going to fall asleep.” Maria told her, running a soothing hand through her friends hair.

“…’k…” Liz nodded, drifting closer to sleep. The empty Snapple bottle fell from her hand and rolled on the floor. The jeep rounded a sharp corner, causing Liz to fall against the door, as she did she pressed the button that controlled the windows and it rolled down.

A sharp breeze blew through the window and it was enough to shake Liz from her sleep. She frowned at Maria who was humming happily as she drove. Somewhere, in the fog of her brain she knew that something wasn’t right. “You’re not Maria, are you?”

Maria turned to her. “No sweetie, I’m not.”

And somehow, Liz didn’t care.


“No. Absolutely not.”

Not surprisingly, the Evans weren’t in favor of Max’s suggestion that they leave town and refused to hear another word on the subject.

Isabel took her mother’s hands in her own and looked imploringly into her eyes. “Please Mom, you have to. They’ll kill you to get what they want, please, it’ll just be for a short time.”

“We are not going to abandon you to save our own necks. We’re not going to leave you here alone.” Diane told her daughter, outraged that she would even suggest such a thing.

“We won’t be alone.” Max protested. “We have Michael and Valenti and Two, we have powers that we can use to protect ourselves. There’s nothing that you can do to help us except leave, get out of harm’s way.”

“Son, we’re a family. From now on we’re in this together. I know that you think you’re able to look after yourself but that’s our job and that’s what we’re going to do.”

“We’re not kids, we’re older than you. Much older.” Isabel informed her father, she straightened her back and sticking her chin out.

Max faced his father. “Kivar is desperate Dad, he’s running out of time. He tried to get Michael to kill Liz, the next time it could be you or Mom.” He leaned closer to his father and spoke in a quieter voice. “You have to get Mom out of Roswell, please.”

It was a low blow but it hit the mark.

“Why can’t you leave too? Hide until he’s gone.” Philip asked.

“We have to face him, who knows what he’ll do if he can’t find us.” Max said gravely. “Besides, he has my son, I have to be here for him.”

“But you won’t let me be here for mine?” Diane asked.

“There’s a difference. There is nothing you can do for me here, but I might be able to save my son. I can’t run away and hide.”

“And I’m not deserting Max.” Isabel added defiantly before either of her parents or her brother suggested otherwise.

Philip glanced across the room at his worried wife. He was torn between wanting to stay with his beloved children or getting his wife out of harms way. Seeing the look, Max knew that his father was close to agreeing to leave but he just needed some assurance that Max and Isabel would be taken care of.

“I’m going to call Valenti and ask him to come over here. Maybe it might make you feel better to talk to him.” Max suggested.

He excused himself to go into the kitchen where he had left his cellphone. He dialled the Valenti’s home number and asked Jim to come over. Just as he hung up, he was hit by a powerful wave of dizziness that sent him tumbling to the floor, knocking a chair as he fell.

The noise brought Isabel and their parents running.

“Max, what is it?” Isabel cried in alarm crouching down beside her brother and helping him back on to his feet.

“My son….he’s being born.”


Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 7:52 am
by tequathisy
Thanks for reading, this is the penultimate chapter. I'll have the conclusion up next week.

Chapter 39 (b)

“My son…. He’s being born.”

Max’s announcement was met with a short stunned silence and then a barrage of questions. Too upset to listen or answer them Max covered his ears with his hands. “I have to go.”

“Where are you going?” Isabel asked in alarm.

“I just need to be on my own.” Max told her. Then he stumbled out of the kitchen towards his car. He was on the road, speeding out into the desert before he realised where he was going.


“Come on….answer.” Michael urged his phone.

“Leave a message.” A man’s voice answered, brief and to the point.

“Two, the crystal’s gone. The only other person who knew where I had put it was Maria. Get you ass over to Max’s right away. I’ll meet you there.” Michael almost shouted into he phone. As soon as he hung up on Two, he dialled Max’s number.


“Isabel? Is Max there?”

“No, he left a short time ago. Michael, his son is being born.”

Michael gasped. “How does he know that?”

“I don’t know, he just did.” Isabel answered and it was clear to Michael that she was very upset.

“Where’s he gone?” Michael demanded.

“I don’t know.” Isabel told him, sounding slightly hysterical.

“The crystal is gone, I think Maria took it, except it wasn’t Maria.”

“Oh my God.” Isabel said franticly. “Michael you have to find him.”

Michael was already hurrying out the door to his bike. “Stay where you are in case ‘Maria’ comes by your place. Try to get in touch with Two and tell him what’s going on. Shit Maria went for a drive with Liz.”

“I’ll dreamwalk Liz and then Max to see where they are, I’ll call you back in a few minutes. Be careful Michael.”

Michael hung up the phone and roared away on his bike. If Maria, or whoever was possessing her this time already had the crystal and Liz, then the only destination possible was the granilith chamber.


As Isabel hung up after talking to Michael, a police cruiser pulled into park in front of the house. She hurried down and found both Jim and Kyle Valenti climbing out.

“Maria has been possessed again and she has the crystal. Max is gone because his son is being born and Liz is with Maria. Michael can’t get in touch with Two and my parents know everything.”

Kyle and Jim looked blankly at each other to see if they had understood the babble that had come streaming from Isabel’ mouth. They both shrugged in confusion.

Jim put a hand on her shoulder and forced her to look in his eye. “Isabel, slow down and tell me what’s going on.”

Isabel took a deep breath and begun again. “Max and Liz are in danger, I have to find them. You have to stay here and protect my parents in case ‘Maria’ comes here. They know that we’re aliens but please don’t tell them what’s going on right now. Try and get in touch with Two and let him know as well.”

“Kyle, go with Isabel. I’ll stay here. Be careful.” Jim instructed.

“Yes Dad.” Kyle nodded. He pulled Isabel to the jeep and climbed in. “Where to?”

“The granilith chamber. And be quick.” Isabel answered at once. She pulled on her seat belt. And braced herself as Kyle pulled out of the driveway at breakneck speed and shot off down the road.

“Are you praying?” Kyle asked when Isabel closed her eyes and pressed her hands together.

“I’m trying to dreamwalk Liz.” Isabel told him. She closed her eyes again and concentrated again, focusing her mind on the small brunette. She reached Liz easily but was met with a slamming headache and blackness.

“Liz.” She called out mentally. “Liz, answer me.”

“Isabel?” A small voice replied.

She whirled around and saw Liz lying on the floor, trying to raise herself up on one elbow.

“Of God.” Isabel exclaimed and hurried to Liz.

“Are you ok? What happened?”

“I don’t know.” Liz muttered. She winced in pain as she sat upright and grabbed her head. “That hurt.”

“Liz, you have to wake up.”

“I’m not awake?” Liz asked, bewildered.

“No, you have to wake up. Maria has the crystal and Max is missing. You’re in great danger. You have to wake - ”

Abruptly Isabel was thrown from Liz's mind and she was back in the car.

“What happened?” Kyle asked.

“I don’t know, hurry Kyle we have to get there before Max does.” Isabel cried. Her cellphone rang and she answered it at once.

“Isabel, it’s Jim, Two got Michael’s message and he’s on the way to the granilith chamber. Meet him there.”

“We’re on our way.” Isabel informed him. Outside the window, the desert scenery was flying past, now that they were out on the open road Kyle had pressed his foot firmly to the floor and was breaking all speed limits.

“Hurry Kyle.”


Max’s heart was pounding furiously in his chest and he was breathing heavily. Every cell, every fibre, every atom of his being knew that his son was being born. Millions of light years away and the closest he could get was to look at a star that was visible from the planet he was one. And it hurt.

Until now, his feelings towards his son had been ambiguous, but as he felt his son fight to begin his life, Max was filled with a sense of love deeper than he had ever felt before. He ached at the thought of his innocent son, forsaken by his father and doomed to whatever fate Kivar had in store for him.

Unconsciously, he had driven the route to the granilith chamber, without knowing or considering why, he just felt that it was the closet on earth he could get to his son.

In a daze he climbed the steep rock face to the door of the granilith chamber and waved his hand across the spot where the silver handprint was hidden.

“Good evening Max, we meet at last.”

Max jumped at the sound of a girl’s voice behind him. He whipped around and was greet with the sight of Maria, holding a gun to his girlfriend’s head.

“Liz.” He gasped and took a step towards her. She was slumped against Maria, who was holding her up. Her eyes were closed, her mouth half-open and drool glistened on her chin.

“No you don’t.” The Maria person said with an evil smile. “Unless you want a girlfriend with a big bullet hole in her head, you’ll turn around and open the door like a good little boy.” To emphasise that she was completely serious, she cocked the gun.

At that sound Max quickly turned around and pressed his hand against the silver impression. There was a loud grating sound of stone on stone as the entrance was revealed.

“Now go in and make no sudden moves.” The Maria person instructed.

With shaking legs Max stumbled inside the pod chamber. He turned around to face the two girls. “Who are you?”

“Don’t you recognise your arch nemesis?” Kivar asked.


“In the flesh, so to speak.” He gave a small, mocking bow.

“You have me now, let them go – both of them.” Max demanded.

“Ok.” With that Kivar let go of Liz and she landed in a heap on the ground. She gave a small moan but didn’t open her eyes.

Too busy watching Liz, Max never saw Kivar take an object from his pocket. Before he knew what was happening, he was flung through the air and bounced painfully off the wall before landing on the rocky floor.

“Handy little device, this.” Kivar said cheerfully. In his hand he held a TAG which Max realised he most have taken from Brody at some stage. He placed it on a rock and then aimed the gun straight at Max. “Stand up.”

Max shakily rose to his feet. “Let Liz go.” He raised his hand and tried to use his powers to blast the gun from Kivar’s hands, but it was futile, the TAG had neutralised them. The only way to save Liz was to give Kivar whatever he wanted.

“But then I’d have no hostage to force you to do things against your will.” Kivar pouted. “So I think I’ll keep her here.”

“What did you do to her?” Max asked, inching closer to where his girlfriend lay slumped on the ground.

“Don’t worry, it’s a herbal remedy supplied by her friend, though I probably overdosed her. Don’t worry she’ll wake up later. If I don’t shoot her first.” Kivar grinned menacingly. “I have to say Max, this is all so anticlimactic. For years I’ve been dreaming about how I would defeat you and claim my rightful position as king of Antar and not once did I think it would be so easy. I never thought that you would give up your Kingdom, your birthright so easily. I never imagined that you would forsake your planet because of a girl.”

“I haven’t forsaken anything.” Max said through gritted teeth.

“Oh really?” Kivar grabbed a fistful of Liz's hair, yanking her head off the ground and pressed the gun against her temple.

“No, don’t, please don’t hurt her.” Max cried rushing forwards.

Kivar swung the gun upwards and aimed it directly at Max. “Stay where you are.”

Max froze. “What do you want?”

“I want to be King. You can save her and your son, all you have to do is abdicate. Then your son will inherit the seal, he’ll form a foursquare that includes me. I’ll rule Antar and then when I die, many years from now, your son will become king, and so restore your family to the throne. Everyone’s happy.”

“And if I don’t do what you want?” Max asked.

“I’ll kill Liz and I’ll kill your son.” Kivar smiled sweetly. He nudged Liz's head with the gun. “You have until the count of ten and then I’m shooting her. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight.”

“Ok, ok, don’t shoot her, please don’t. I’ll do what you want.” Max pleaded.

“Thank you.” Kivar released Liz and reached pulled a small silver case from the back pocket of his jeans. He tossed it to Max. “Activate the granilith with this.”

Max caught the case deftly and opened it. The crystal inside shone brightly in the gloom of the cave. Max could feel the power radiating from it. He slipped it out of the case, it was ice cold to the touch, which surprised him, and extremely heavy, far heavier that it had been in the case.

He cast a glance at Liz who was crumpled on the floor, her hair was covering her face and he couldn’t see her. He turned on his heal and entered the chamber where the granilith was humming with energy. He walked directly to the base and pushed the crystal into it.

At once the room was filled with an almost blinding light that forced him to cover his eyes, he could feel the granilith vibrating faster and faster, a huge noise filled the cavern.

Blindly Max stumbled back to the pod chamber where Kivar was waiting. “Now what?”

“Now it’s over.” Kivar smiled. Then he raised the gun and fired it directly at Max.

The impact of the bullet, fired at such close range lifted Max from his feet and flung him to the ground.

Across the cave, Liz's eyes were open and she was staring at him. He tried to call her, to tell her that he loved her, but no words came out. Her beautiful face, confused and terrified, was the last thing he saw before he died.


Just minutes away from the granilith chamber, Isabel began screaming so loudly that Kyle swerved violently and pulled the car into the side of the road.

“Isabel what is it?” He asked in alarm.

“Max. Max is dead.”


Michael reached the outcropping of rock where the granilith was housed at the same time as Two.

“Max and Liz's cars are both here. We have to hurry.” Two shouted already running up the rockface. Suddenly the ground beneath him shuddered and he had to cling to a boulder to prevent himself from falling. He turned to Michael and shouted over the loud noise. “He’s already activated the granilith, hurry.”

Michael was climbing to him quickly when suddenly he fell to his knees and cried out in pain. He looked up at Two. We’re too late, he’s dead.”


Liz woke to find herself lying on a cold, hard surface. Her head felt as though it was filled with cotton wool and she couldn’t quite get her limbs to move. All around her was the sound of a great roaring, like a hurricane, but there was no wind. She heard a voice like a whisper. “ Now what?”

“Max?” She asked, but her voice was inaudible.

“Now it’s over.” That was Maria’s voice. What was going on?

Then louder than the wind around her came a gunshot. It sounded as though it came from right over her. Liz opened her eyes. Lying on the ground, several feet away lay Max. He was staring straight at her.

His mouth opened as though he was about to say something and blood bubbled out. Then his eyes closed and Liz understood.

Max was dead.


Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:08 am
by tequathisy
Wow, it’s hard to believe that it’s finally over. Thanks so much to everyone who’s stuck with me for the last year. I appreciate all the support and comments that you’ve all made. There will be an epilogue at some stage but probably not next week.

thank you.
Michael hid the crystal in the freezer until he thought of somewhere else and maia just happened to see it. He never got the chance to move it.
Arianneleigh yep. D. E. A. d.
begonia9508 It’s max, Two is with Michael.
83 AlienAngel

Chapter 40.

Liz woke to find herself lying on a cold, hard surface. Her head felt as though it was filled with cotton wool and she couldn’t quite get her limbs to move. All around her was the sound of a great roaring, like a hurricane, but there was no wind. She heard a voice like a whisper. “ Now what?”

“Max?” She asked, but her voice was inaudible.

“Now it’s over.” That was Maria’s voice. What was going on?

Then louder than the wind around her came a gunshot. It sounded as though it came from right over her. Liz opened her eyes. Lying on the ground, several feet away lay Max. He was staring straight at her.

His mouth opened as though he was about to say something and blood bubbled out. Then his eyes closed and Liz understood.

Max was dead.

That knowledge was like a knife to her heart and she cried out in pain.

“Sweetie, you’re awake.” Maria’s face hovered over her.

“I’m going to kill you.” Liz told Kivar in a raspy voice.

Kivar chuckled and rubbed her head, like a fond uncle. “Sweetie, don’t be silly. Thanks to your stupid boyfriend I’m the most powerful being in the whole universe. I’m going to kill you.”

“Then kill me, go on, KILL ME.” Liz shouted, a hint of desperation in her voice.

“Not now. I need you to give Vilandra a message for me, tell her that I want her to come to Antar with me, if she refuses this request I’ll wipe out every human being on the planet. Starting her mommy and daddy. Can you do that for me Sweetie? Tell her I’ll be in touch.” With that, Maria’s eyes rolled until only her whites showed and she slumped onto the floor.

Liz let out a single sob that echoed around the cave. She crawled on her hands and knees to where Max lay on the ground.

“Max.” She picked up his hand in her own and pressed it down on his gaping wound, ignoring the warm blood. “Heal Max, please heal, please Max for me, I love you. Please don’t leave me Max, please don’t leave me.”

Nothing happened.

Slowly she became aware of a persistent beeping sound. She turned to see what it was and realised that the TAG was sitting on a rock preventing Max from using his powers.

“Maria, Maria wake up.” She screamed.

Maria stirred and grabbed her head with a moan.

“Maria, help me.” Liz cried.

At the sound of her friends plea, Maria leaped to her feet.

“Turn that thing off.” Liz screeched. Without waiting to see what Maria did, she turned back to Max. “Come on Max, please don’t leave me. Please don’t go. I love you so much, I need you Max. Please don’t die.” She was vaguely aware that the beeping stopped.

“Please Max.” She pleaded one last time, she lowered her head and pressed her lips against his and kissed him.

The flashes started at once and they were all of her.

As a child, playing in the school playground, sitting in class chewing the ends of her hair, holding out a pencil.

Older, dancing her first at a school concert, awkward and shy, fluffing her one line in the school play and blushing crimson red. Standing at the top of the class beaming with happiness after receiving top marks in a quiz.

As a teenager, talking to Maria by her brand new highschool locker. Taking his order at the Crashdown, smiling. A gunshot. Lying on the floor dying. A hair thing in the light of a bonfire, touching her skin. Kissing him on the balcony, holding him as they lay damp and cold in an abandoned bus, more terrified and happier than he had ever been in his life.

Lying on a blanket by the lakeshore bathed in moonlight and candles, smiling and saying I love you.”[/I[

When the flashes stopped she became aware that his lifeless lips were kissing her back, his dead hands running through her hair, his arms holding her to his body as tight as he could.

“Max.” Liz cried again, but this time in happiness and disbelief. She lifted her face to look at him, to drink in the sight of him breathing and alive. The bullet hole was gone, the blood too. He smiled and pulled her face down for another kiss.

“I love you too Liz.” He whispered to her as their lips melded together. After a long moment Liz pulled away again.

“How?” She asked.

“You healed him.”

Max and Liz turned their face towards the entrance and found Maria and Michael in each other’s arms, watching them with smiles of joy and amazement on their faces.

Liz sat up. “Me?”

“You.” Michael confirmed, kneeling down beside Max and hugging him tightly. “Are you ok man?”

Max grinned. “Never better.”

From outside the cave came the sound of running feet and Isabel came rushing into the chamber and flung herself into Max’s arms. “Oh my God, I thought you were dead.” Tears were streaming down her face.

“I’m ok now.” Max said quietly hugging her tightly.

“Liz saved him.” Maria explained.

Isabel pulled Liz into her embrace. “Thank you Liz.” She said through her tears.

Seeing Isabel brought Kivar’s last words rushing back to Liz. “Oh My God, Kivar’s coming back. He’s going to kill us all unless…unless Isabel goes with him.”

“He’ll kill us all even if she does go.” Max said wearily. He somehow managed to stand up with both Isabel and Liz clinging to him.

“What do we do?” Liz asked.

It was Two who answered, he appeared suddenly at the entrance to the granilith chamber. “We have to be quick.” He gestured for them to follow him into the chamber.

Once they had all climbed through, Two turned to Max. “Is he born yet?”


Nobody asked how he could know that.

“Sh!T. Ok, there’s still time. You still have the crystal and the granilith. What about the seal?”

“Agh.” Suddenly Max fell forward on to his knees and clutched his chest.

Liz and Isabel knelt beside him and pulled his hand away from his chest expecting to see the bullet wound again, but instead there were five glowing spots in a V formation.

“That answers that.” Two nodded. “Michael, remove the crystal from the granilith. Maria, we need your friend Brody here at once. Kyle there’s a bag of amber stones in the other cave, bring them to me.”

Everyone jumped to their task at once. Kyle rushed into the pod chamber with Maria close behind him. He looked around the room helplessly for the bag of stones.

“Here.” Maria said, tossing them to him as she made her way outside.

“Aaggghhhhh.” Max bellowed from the other room. Kyle and Maria exchange terrified glances and hurried on. Kyle rushed back to join the others.

He thrust the bag at Two. “Here.”

“Place them out into a square with one in the middle - around Max.” Two instructed. He was standing behind Michael, watching carefully as the tall alien stood over the base of the granilith, his glowing hand outstretched.

Kyle nodded and hurried over to where Max was writhing in pain on the floor. His sister and girlfriend were trying to soothe him and calm him down. The symbol on his chest glowed brightly, burning his skin.

By the granilith Michael gave a sigh of relief as the crystal emerged from the base, some of its glow was gone and it seemed smaller. He handed it to Two who looked very impressed.

“Very good Michael.” Two said simply. He had neglected to tell him that what he had just done had only ever been successfully attempted once before.


“What’s happening to him?” Michael asked as Two hurried over to Max.

“The seal, his son is trying to claim it. Max ignited the process when he activated the granilith and then he died, but he came back to life before it passed over so now it’s trying to pass to his son. We’ve slowed it down by removing the granilith, now you have to reverse it.

“Is….is… my…s.s.son in… pain?” Max gasped, wincing at every word.

“Yes.” Two answered. “When you died, the foursquare was ended. You need to form a new one before Max’s son forms one..”

“There’s only three of us.” Isabel said in alarm.

“Liz.” Michael blurted out. Can we use Liz?”

Two nodded. “Take your positions, each of you stand at a corner. Kyle hold up Max.”

Gently Kyle eased Max from Liz and Isabel’s grip and helped him stand at the corner of the square. The teenagers all looked at Two for further guidance. He handed Michael the crystal.

Liz glanced uncertainly at Two. “Will it work with me?”

“You managed to bring him back form the dead, he obviously has a strong connection to you. It probably wouldn’t work without you. Now stand there.” He pushed Liz into position. “Michael hold out the crystal over the middle stone and everyone hold it.”

Michael did as he was told, holding the crystal over so that it was directly over the amber stone in the middle of the square. Isabel clasped her hand tightly over his. The Max weakly raised his arm and joined them.

“Liz?” Max asked.

Seeing nothing but certainty in his glance, Liz placed her hand over his. At once a bolt of electricity shot through her arm and caused her body to shudder. All four cried out in pain

Kyle let go of Max and took a step backwards. His eyes were wide with shock and amazement at what he was witnessing. Max, Michael, Isabel and Liz were glowing, a strange silvery light. It seemed to come from inside them. The stones at their feet lit up and a light shot from the four outside ones to the centre one, making an X symbol. Seconds later a white light shot up form the centre stone to the crystal held above it. A column of light so bright that Kyle had to look away.

“Focus on the seal, call it to you Max.” Two shouted at the top of his voice. Kyle looked at him and wondered why he was shouting.

To Max’s ears, Two’s instructions were barely more than a whisper. The sound of the blood rushing through his body and his heart pounding furiously was drowning out all other sounds. He focussed on the pain in his chest, it was lessening, but Max realised that was because he was loosing it. He reached out with his mind and pulled it back to him.

An image came to his mind of a small baby only minutes old, screaming in pain, five spots burning on his chest.

His son.

The seal was hurting him.

“Noooo.” Max shouted. He would not let his son’s pain continue. With every ounce of energy he possessed, Max fought to bring the seal back to his body. It worked, the seal returned to him forcefully, as though five bullets had been shot into his chest. He was sent flying.

He blacked out for a moment and when he came to, Two was hovering over him examining his chest. “Did it work?”

“Yes.” Two smiled. “It’ll hurt for a while.”

Max let out a sigh and then immediately wished he hadn’t when he felt the pain in his chest. Behind Two, he could see Isabel, Liz and Michael climbing to their feet. They rushed over to him and stared in awe at the seal shining on his chest

“It’s a good think we told mom and dad the truth because that would take some explaining.” Isabel said breathlessly.

Max nodded, then grimaced when another wave of pain hit home. “Ow.”

“Are you alright?” Liz asked in concern kneeling down beside him and wrapping her arm around him.

Max looked her straight in the eyes, then kissed her. “Better now.” He smiled.


Isabel stepped out into the bright sunshine and blinked several times to let her eyes adjust to the light. She stumbled down the rocks until she came to one she could sit on. Her legs were shaking and despite the hot sun beating down, she was shivering.

“You ok?”

She turned around to watch as Michael carefully made his way down to join her. She shrugged in reply.

“Yeah.” Michael sighed, he felt the same way.

“Is Max ok?” Isabel asked.

“Two says he’ll be fine, he just needs to rest for a while. He was with Liz so I left them to it. Have you seen Maria?”

Isabel shook her head. “Two sent her to fetch Brody.”

Michael looked in the direction of the road but saw nothing. “How did it go with your parents?”

“Pretty great, they just accepted it. Thanks for letting us tell them.” Isabel smiled.

“I’m glad it went well. Sorry for not letting you tell them years ago.” Michael told her.

“I’m going to check on Max.” Isabel said suddenly, rising to her feet.

“I wouldn’t if I were you, he’s with Liz right now, who knows what they’re up to.” Michael grinned.

Isabel rounded on Michael. “Why should she get to be alone with him? He’s my brother, I love him too, I’ve known him longer than she has. I want to see him.”

Michael rose to his feet and caught Isabel’s arm. “Liz saw him die, she saved his life. They just need some time alone. You’ll see him at home later.”

To his surprise, Isabel burst into tears. “I felt him die. I thought I’d lost him for good.”

“I know.” Michael pulled her into a hug and held her tightly as she sobbed hysterically into his shoulder. “He’s ok now Iz.”

After a few moments her sobs subsided. “Sorry.”

“It’s ok, it’s been an emotional day.” Michael smiled. He gestured t her face. “You should fix that.”

With a wave of her hand, Isabel fixed her make-up, and apart from a little redness in her eyes it was impossible to tell that she had been crying at all. “Thanks Michael. There’s Maria.”

Isabel pointed to Maria who was climbing up the rock to join them. Beside her Michael froze. “That’s not Maria.”

In silence they waited for Kivar to reach them. Isabel had Michael’s elbow gripped tightly, almost digger her fingernails into his skin. She could feel the tension in his body.

“Well that was a neat trick.” Kivar exclaimed when he came face to face with them. “I’m not quite sure how you managed it, but bravo.”

“What do you want?” Michael asked through gritted teeth.

Kivar pouted. “I’ve already been through this, I want to be king.”

“Over my dead body.” Max’s voice called out. They whipped around to find him standing at the entrance to the cave, his arms crossed and a deep scowl on his handsome face. Liz stood behind him.

“How many lives do you have?” Kivar laughed.

Max approached them, confidently finding his way over the steep rock without looking down at his feet once. The air around him seemed to bristle with power. “It doesn’t matter how many lives I have or how many times you kill me. I’m not going to rest until you’re gone and Antar is free.”

A sly smile lit up Kivar’s face. “You’ve changed your tune, not long ago you were begging me to take Antar. By the way, congratulations on the birth of your son. He looks just like you.”

“Give it up Kivar, you’re not going to win. Larek’s forces will defeat yours very soon, I have the granilth and I’m not handing it over.” Max said calmly.

“And I have your son, who I will kill if you don’t hand over the granilth. Are you just going to tun your back on him?” Kivar countered. When Max said nothing, he smiled triumphantly. “It seems we’re at a stand off. I’m prepared to make you a deal. These are my terms. You call off Larek and his troops, allow me to remain as king of Antar and I won’t harm your son. He may be raised by your mother and when I’m gone he will take my throne as King of Antar.”

Isabel gasped when Kivar mentioned her mother and it drew his attention to her. “Isabel, come back to Antar. Be the queen you were born to be, your mother is here, your nephew. You can sit at my right hand and make sure that I am a fair and wise ruler.”

He reached out to touch her, but Michael stepped in front of Isabel. “She’s not going anywhere with you.”

“But you already have a girlfriend, why do you want her? Don’t be mean.” Kivar grinned. “I love her. I’ll treat her better than anybody else ever could. I love you Isabel.”

“Are you deaf?” Michael asked. “She. Is. Not. Going. Anywhere. With. You.”

“Maybe we should talk.” Max agreed.

Michael and Isabel swivelled around to stare at him in shock. “What?”

“He’s right, I can’t just abandon my son, we have to talk.” Max stepped back and gestured for Kivar to lead the way to the granilith chamber.

Isabel grabbed Max’s arm and pulled him close. “What are you doing?” She hissed in his ear.

“How are you feeling? We’re going to need you for this.” Max whispered back. He turned to Kyle who had joined the group sometime the discussion. “Call your dad, have him puck up Brody and bring him here. Arrange to met him somewhere so that you can show him where we are.”

Kyle nodded and hurried down the rock.

“What’s the plan Maxwell?” Michael asked as they climbed up to the cave entrance.

In a low voice Max quickly explained what he intended to do. Then he took Liz’s hand and led his foursquare into the pod chamber to face Kivar.

They found him circling the granilith, admiring it, a look of great desire in his eyes. He paused when they entered.

“These are my terms.” Max began. “Isabel isn’t going with you. She’s staying here. My son will take the throne of Antar at once, my mother and a council of her choice will rule until he is fit to take the position. You will surrender to Larek’s forces at once and accept whatever fate they choose for you. Isabel, Michael and I are to be left alone. Earth is our home.”

Kivar nodded his head as though considering the terms but breaking out into laughter. “Oh Max, look at you playing King, you’re so cute.” Then he pinched Max’s cheeks hard.

“I take that to mean you don’t accept my terms?” Max asked glibly.

“D’uh.” Kivar grinned. “That’s such a great expression. I love it.” He made another circuit of the granilith before coming to a stop in front of Isabel. “Both your fiancé and your brother have told me what you want to do, now why don’t you tell me what you want to do. Come back to Antar with me and be my queen.”

Isabel took a step closer to him so that they were touching, she brought her face close to his, their noses almost brushing, pushing Kivar’s body against the granilith. Then gently she caressed Kivar’s face. Slowly brushing her hand across his cheek and then his hair.

Mesmerised by Isabel’s actions, Kivar didn’t notice Max, Michael and Liz place their hands on Isabel’s shoulders.

“Never.” Isabel said coolly. Then she clenched Kivar’s face in her two hands and concentrated. She was amazed to realise that it was quite easy to get into Kivar’s mind. She could feel his confusion, then his resistance but he was no match for the foursquare. Together they worked as one complete unit.

Max placed his other hand on the granilth. At once it began to roar with noise and spin rapidly. The cave was filled with a loud scream.

The wind rose, blowing the sand and dust into the faces, whipping the girl’s long hair into their eyes. Kivar bucked and struggled to get free from their grip, but it was useless. Then came a loud sucking noise, like the sound a vacuum cleaner makes when it swallows something large and the roaring stopped.

Maria went still and slumped forwards, unconscious. Isabel caught her just before she hit the ground and held her up until Michael picked her up and laid her gently down.

“Oh my god.” Liz whispered in awe.

Floating in the granilith, looking very p*ssed, was a long white being with translucent skin and big black eyes. All four teenagers stared at it wordlessly, their mouths open.

Even though they had grown up in Roswell surrounded by the images of aliens, and despite the fact that three of them were aliens. To actually see one in the flesh was an incredible moment.

“Is that…what we look like?” Isabel asked.

Two nodded.

“Wow, it’s kind of beautiful in a gross way.”

“I guess.” Two smiled. “That was an impressive feat. So you brought Kivar here, what do you plan to now?”

“Kill him.” Max answered simply.

In a move that was more instinctive than planned, the four teenagers formed a square around the granilith and raised their right hands and pressed them against its surface. They were immediately enveloped with a strange sliver light.

The creature inside writhed about painfully and screamed pitifully, then was vaporised.

Max opened his eyes and looked at Two. “Is that it?”

“That’s it. He’s dead.” Two confirmed.

“That was too easy.” Michael frowned, looking at the granilith in disbelief.

Two shook his head but said nothing. The power of the royal four was always legendary. But what he had witnessed today far surpassed anything that he had ever heard of before. What they had just displayed was phenomenal and breathtaking. They had reached out with their minds millions of light years and accessed Kivar’s mind, pulling him through space in a matter of seconds into the granilth and then turned him to dust. And they thought it was easy.

“He’s really gone.” Isabel said confidently. “I felt it.”

Michael shrugged, satisfied with that and turned his attention to Maria who was waking up.

Isabel and Max embraced tightly.

“You were amazing Iz.” Max told her kissing her soundly on the cheek.

“You too.” Isabel complimented. “I love you Max.”

“I love you too Isabel.”

His sister beamed at him then went to help Maria to her feet, leaving Max and Liz alone.

“Are you alright?” Max asked in concern.

Liz nodded. “I’ve got the tingles.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and lay her head against his chest, pressing her ear close to hear his heartbeat. “Max, what about your son, we could bring him back too.”

“He’s too small and too human. His body would never survive it.” Two answered.

Max took Liz’s hand and led her outside, the sun was starting to set and already the sky was filled with beautiful colors.

“Max?” Liz asked, concerned at his silence.

“Do you remember that day we found out about my destiny?”

“Of course.”

Max looked at the sky silently. A single star was shining, the one Tess had shown him. The one that always made him think of his son.

“I was supposed to free my people and restore the throne. I didn’t want any part of that. I only wanted to be with you.” He turned back to Liz, his eyes shining with unshed tears. “Kivar’s dead and my son will take the throne. I’ve fulfilled my destiny. And I get to stay here with you. But I have to pay a sacrifice. I’ll never see my son again, never hold him, and never get to tell him how much I love him.”

“I’m sorry Max.” Liz told him.

“I saw him, when we were forming the foursquare, I saw him for a second.” Max whispered. He blinked and a fat tear rolled down his cheek. “I know how much it hurts you that I slept with Tess and got her pregnant and I’d do anything to take that hurt away. But I love him and I can’t help it.”

“You wouldn’t be the man I love if you didn’t feel that way.” Liz smiled. She pressed her lips to his. The image of a tiny infant flashed into her mind and she gasped. “I saw him too, I got a flash from you. He’s beautiful Max. Kivar was right, he looks just like you. I know he’s going to make a wonderful king.”

Max wiped his tears away. “Thanks Liz.”

“You know what I think?” Liz asked. “What we have, our love, is so great and wonderful because of what we’ve been through together. All that crap, all the hurt and pain, all the barriers. We got through them all and we’re together. Nothing can stop us, nothing can take this away from us because we’re meant to be together. The rest of our life is going to be great.”

They stood like that for a while, just watching the sun slowly disappear over the horizon. Isabel, Michael and Maria joined them after a while. Max lifted up one arm and wrapped it around Isabels’ shoulder, hugging her close too. On the other side Liz put her arm across Maria’s shoulder, Michael had his arm around her waist and like that they stood and watched the sunset.

It was Isabel who broke the silence. “What happens now Max?”

Max smiled at Liz. “Now we live happily ever after.”


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:03 pm
by tequathisy
Well, this is it, the end of Tandem Felix - Thanks to everyone who read it all year long and posted feedback. I'll be posting a new story in the New Year, so look out for it on the AU with aliens board. It's called Here be Dragons.

Galliard Thanks
begonia9508 Interesting idea, but he’s the same species as Max, Michael and Isabel so maybe not, that would make them very ugly!!LOL!!
RhondaAnn Thank you
BehrObsession Thank you
Arianneleigh Thank you
Grace52373 Thank you
Timelord31 Thank you
Lazza Thank you
83 AlienAngel Thank you
sylvia37 Thank you
behrluv32 Thank you, hopefully al the loose ends will be tied up in the epilogue
paper there definitely won’t be a second book, but thanks.


“This is such a turn on.” Liz giggled between kisses.

Max tore his lips from hers and glanced around in bewilderment. They were in the alley behind the Crashdown beside the dumpsters. The ground was littered with food wrappers and bags and the stench was almost overpowering.

Liz laughed again at the look on Max’s face. “Not the location.” She corrected. “But sneaking around, stealing kisses and moments together, there’s something so sexy about forbidden love.”

Realising that she was teasing, Max smiled. “And it saves me a fortune in expensive chocolates and flowers and perfumes.” Liz socked him playfully on the arm. Max sobered up. “But after all we’ve been through it would be nice to just be a normal couple and be able to have normal dates instead of having to meet up out here.”

“Yeah.” Liz agreed with a sigh. “Unfortunately my Dad still hates you. The good news is he thinks you’re still grounded by your parents so he doesn’t ask a million questions whenever I leave the apartment.”

“Maybe I should talk to him.”

Liz shook her head vehemently. “I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

“I could get my Dad to do it” Max said excitedly. “Ever since he found out about us he’s been looking for ways to help to make up for all the years that he wasn’t able to. He could talk to your dad for me.”

“It’s worth a shot.” Liz agreed enthusiastically. She checked her watch. “I should get back inside, dad will be wondering where I’ve got to.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed Max again before tearing herself out of his arms and going back inside the diner.

Max watched her leave and leaned back against the wall with a frown on his handsome face. It might not be a turn on for a couple of days but he was tired of sneaking around behind Jeff Parkers back whenever he wanted to spend time with Liz. After everything they had been through in the past two years, Max just wanted to be able to finally be a proper boyfriend to the love of his life. With a sigh he pushed himself away from the wall and made his way back out onto the street.

His car was parked a block away so that Jeff Parker wouldn’t spot it. As he rounded the corner, Max saw a teenage boy sitting on the hood reading a comic book. As he drew closer Max noticed the U2 badge on his lapel. “Hi Two.”

Two looked up, folded his comic book and shoved it onto his jeans pocket. Hi Max. Any word from Larek?”

It was four days since Kivar’s death. Larek had arrived out into the desert that evening and was delighted to learn of the demise of the evil dictator. He had left son after to spread the word through their system and complete the liberation of Antar. He had promised to get in touch as soon as he could but expected it to be a few days before he would be able to spare the time. Although Max was anxious to find out what was happening with his son and his home planet, he was also glad not to have heard anything yet in case it was bad news.

He shook his head in reply to Two’s question. “Nothing yet.”

The teenager boy shrugged unconcernedly. “You have to remember that we’re talking about a planetary system larger than this one, it takes time for things to happen up there.”

“I guess.” Max agreed.

“How’s things with your parents?” Two asked.

Max grinned happily. “Great, they’ve been so great. I wish I’d listened to Isabel and told them years ago.”

“So really the only dark cloud in your life right now is Jeff Parker?” Two asked.

“Yeah.” Max scowled. “I’m going to ask my Dad to talk to him, but I don’t know what to get him to say.”

Two furrowed his brow for a moment in concentration. “Has Jeff Parker ever met Ed Harding?”

“I don’t think so…. Why?” Max asked.

“Just an idea, would you mind giving me a ride to your house?”

“Hop in.”


Maria removed her antennas from her head and flung them into her locker. “Ugh, thank god that’s over.” She groaned. She had just finished her first shift back after breaking her arm but it felt like she had done a week’s worth of work.

Liz patted her friend’s back sympathetically. “It’s good to have you back.”

“It’s good to be back.” Maria said sarcastically as she stripped off her uniform.

“So what are you doing for the rest of the day?” Liz asked.

“Michael’s off so we’re going to go back to his place for a while and then we’re going to go home at a decent hour and watch a DVD so my Mom doesn’t think that we’re up to no good.”

“But you are.” Liz laughed.

“Well, yes, but as long as Mom doesn’t think that then we’re fine.” Maria smiled. “What about you?”

Liz sighed. “I still have another three hours on my shift and then hopefully tonight I’m going to sneak out and meet Max. Is it ok if I say I’m going over to your house to watch a DVD?”

“Of course.” Maria closed her locker and pulled on her jacket. The two girls exited the locker room and meet Jeff Parker in the employee’s lounge. “Hi Mr. Parker, I’m heading off now.”

“Bye Maria.” Jeff called.

“Bye Mr. Parker. I’ll see you around 8 for the dvd?” Maria asked Liz.

“Sure, 8. I’ll be there.” Liz said causally. She turned to her father. “Is it ok if I go over to Maria’s to watch a DVD tonight?”

“Of course.” Her father assured her. He smiled at the two girls before going out into the diner.

Maria and Liz traded conspiratorial grins.

“Have fun with Max tonight.” Maria said in a low voice.

“Have fun with Michael this afternoon.” Liz laughed.

“Oh, I intend to.” Maria smirked. She hugged her friend and left.

Just as she was about to go back out into the restaurant Liz's phone vibrated silently in her apron pocket. She slipped back into the locker room and pulled it out of her pocket. The caller id said ET.

“Hi Max.”

“Hey, how are you today.”

Liz smiled down the phone, just the sound of his voice thrilled her. “I’m good, I can’t wait until tonight.”

“Me either, Michael said that he’s going over to Maria’s this evening so we can use his apartment. I thought I’d get takeaway and we could have dinner together.” Max suggested.

“Whenever Michael has Maria over he cooks for her.” Liz teased.

“You might find making out in the alley a turn on but I don’t think you’d feel the same about an evening in the ER with food poisoning from my cooking.” Max laughed.

“Fine.” Liz said with an exaggerated pout. “We’ll have takeaway. I’ll be there around 8.”

Good. Liz, did your dad ever meet Ed Harding?” Max asked suddenly.

Liz frowned. “I don’t think so, why?”

“I’ll explain tonight. See you later, I love you.”

“I love you too.” Liz replied.


Michael pulled his bike into the drive in front of the Deluca’s new house and switched off the engine. He and Maria got off the bike and removed their helmets.

“So what DVD did you get for tonight?” Michael asked as he followed his girlfriend into the house.

“The Incredibles.” Maria answered.

“Cool.” Michael grinned as they entered the kitchen. “Hi Mrs Deluca.”

Amy Deluca gave a small scream of surprise and whirled around. “Michael, Maria what are you doing here?” Her normally shrill voice even higher than usual.

“We’re going to watch a DVD.” Maria told her. “Are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine.” Amy assured her. She cast a furtive look upstairs. “I thought that you wouldn’t be home until much later.”

Maria took in her mother’s flustered appearance, her silky bathrobe and messed hair. She glanced around the room, on the kitchen table was the remains of a romantic dinner for two, two pink candles were still burning. “Oh. My. God.” Maria exclaimed.

“Amy, come on back up here.” Jim Valenti’s voice called from upstairs.

“Just a minute.” Amy answered, her face was bright red. She turned back to her daughter who was staring at her in horror. “Maria, I’m an adult. Jim and I are in a relationship. I’ve been very understanding about you and Michael, I hope that you can extend the same courtesy to me.”
“I…I…” Maria stammered, her own cheeks turning pink. Suddenly she grabbed Michael’s hand and pulled him in the direction of the front door. “I’m staying at Michael’s tonight.” She paused and turned back to her mother. “I’m happy that you’re happy.” She said grudgingly before fleeing out the door.

Once they were outside, Michael began to laugh heartily. Maria glared at him. “Shut up.”

“You should see your face.” Michael grinned.

Maria shuddered. “That was so horrible.”

Michael suppressed his laughter and wrapped his arms around her slim waist. “I guess we won’t be watching the DVD tonight, so why don’t we go back to my place and pick up where we left off.”

“Like I’m in the mood for sex after seeing that.” Maria scoffed. “Besides Max and Liz are there, I don’t want to interrupt their evening.”

“Oh yeah, well are you in the mood for a movie.”

“I guess.” Maria shrugged. She cast one last glare at her mother’s bedroom window before following Michael back to his bike.


Knock Knock

Seconds later Max opened the door and Liz stepped inside Michael’s apartment. There were several candles lighting the room and soft music playing gently.

“Wow, this is almost as romantic as the alleyway behind the Crashdown.” Liz smiled. She hesitated inside the door and turned to look at her boyfriend. “Max, this is wonderful. I know things have been really great between us lately, but I’m not ready to - ”

“I know, either am I.” Max assured her hurriedly. He took her hand and gently led her towards the table and pulled out the chair for her to sit on. He sat opposite her and with a wave of his hand lit the candle on the table. “That’s not why I did this, for the last few days I’ve been dragging you into alleyways and closets and sneaking around. You don’t deserve that. You deserve something really nice.”

Liz glowed and reached across the table to take his hand. “I hate that we can’t do this in public.”

Max nodded. “Me too. I want to shout it to the world that we’re in love and together. But maybe after tonight we’ll be able to.”

“Why? What’s happening tonight?”

“I talked to my dad and Two today, they’re going to go see your dad this evening. Two’s going to pretend to be Tess’s father and they’re going to spin a story about Tess that will hopefully make me look good and change your dad’s mind about me.” Max smiled.

“I hope so, we deserve our happy ending.” Liz agreed.


Kyle entered the Crashdown and looked around for a familiar face. He spotted Isabel munching on fries and reading a magazine in one of the booths.

“Hi can I join you?” He asked her. She gestured for him to sit down. A waitress came by and he ordered a sprite. “So where is everyone this evening?”

Isabel sighed and put down her magazine. “Off doing coupley things I guess.”

“So it’s just you and me.” Kyle grinned. “Maybe we should pair up to round things off nicely.”

“In your dreams.” Isabel said with her best icy glare.

“Is that a date?” Kyle asked cheekily.

With a laugh, Isabel tossed a fry at him. He picked it off his shirt and popped it into his mouth.

“How are you doing?” Isabel asked gently.

Kyle shrugged. “Good, no drinking binges or room thrashing lately. I just wish… I don’t know what I wish.”

“I know.” Isabel told him. She paused as the door opened and her father entered followed by a man who looked vaguely familiar. “Hi dad.”

Philip glanced around the diner and spotted Jeff Parker at the counter watching him suspiciously. He spoke in a voice higher than normal so that Jeff could hear what he was saying. “Hi sweetie, Kyle. This is Ed Harding, Tess Harding’s father.”

Isabel and Kyle stared at the other man in shock. They both knew that it wasn’t possible that he was really Ed Harding.

‘Ed Harding’ winked at them. “It’s nice to meet you two.” He said, stressing the last word so that the teenagers realised that it was rally the shapeshifter.

Philip turned to Jeff Parker. “Good evening Jeff, I was wondering if we could have a word with you.”

Jeff Parker nodded and led the two men into his cramped office.

Kyle watched them go. “What’s that about?”

“I don’t know, Max mentioned something about getting dad to talk to Jeff Parker about letting him see Liz again but I didn’t know anything about Two.”

“Oh…so what’s going to happen to him anyway. Is he going to stick around in Roswell or will he go back to Antar?” Kyle asked.

Isabel shrugged. “Who knows? It depends on what’s happening on Antar now that Kivar is dead.”

Kyle nodded silently and said nothing for a long time. Isabel had finished her meal by the time he spoke again. “What do you think will happen to Tess?”

“I really don’t know. She committed treason so I guess she’ll have to be punished, but at the same time she is the mother of the heir of the throne so they probably can’t like execute her or whatever.”

Kyle wagged his finger. “Didn’t you pay attention in European history, it’s full of them executing their brothers and cousins and heirs mothers, maybe they’re like that on Antar too.” He sighed sadly.

Isabel reached across the table and took his hand in hers. “Except Antar isn’t in Europe so maybe they behave differently up there.”

“I know that she deserves whatever she gets.” Kyle sighed, looking at a spot on the table and not meeting Isabel’s eyes. “But, at the same time I don’t want her to be killed like that. I know she did really awful things but I don’t think of her as Tess the murderer. I think of her as Tess the girl.”


After a wonderful night with Max, Liz finally made it home. Her father had been sitting in the closed diner doing his accounts when she came through the doors. He asked her about her evening but made no mention of his own. And since Liz wasn’t supposed to know that Philip Evans and Two had spoken to him she couldn’t ask.

The next morning was the same, her father was acting normally and made no mention of Max. Liz's heart sank, whatever Philip and Two had said obviously wasn’t enough and she was still forbidden from seeing Max.

“Did you get a chance to talk to Max?” Maria asked sympathetically as they dressed in their uniforms for their shift.

Liz shook her head. “I had no minutes left so I couldn’t call him and he never called me. This is so unfair. I just want to be with him.” She was close to tears.

Maria hugged her friend. “Brody just put in an order for delivery so I’ll deliver it and talk to Max while I’m there to see if he knows what happened, ok?”

“That’s just what I’m talking about, I can’t even have a face to face conversation with him – I need an intermediary and a sandwich. It’s not fair.” Liz wailed. She took a deep breath to regain her composure and followed Maria out into the restaurant.

Maria made her way to the hatch. “Hey Michael, is that order for Brody ready yet?”

Just as Michael was handing it to her, Mr. Parker appeared at her shoulder. “Actually, Maria I think I’ll deliver that if you don’t mind.”

“, of course not.” Maria stammered in surprise. She looked across the room to where Liz was standing watching the exchange with great interest. The two girls waited until Jeff Parker had left the Crashdown with the sandwich before hurrying tot he window to watch him walk into the museum.

“Do you thin he’s going to talk to Max?” Liz asked, half-hopeful, half-fearful. She had Maria’s hand gripped tightly in her own.

Maria returned the pressure. “I guess so.”


Max knew that Brody had made an order for a sandwich so he was watching the UFO museum entrance carefully excepting Maria or maybe even Liz herself to walk in at any stage. He was so shocked when Jeff Parker appeared at the top of the steps that he forgot to be pretending to work.

Jeff spotted Max at once and made his way directly to him. “Do you have a minute?” He asked the boy.

“Sure.” Max led him to the auditorium, it was between shows and the place was deserted.

Jeff looked around in interest. “All these years I’ve been living in Roswell and I think I’ve only been here once or twice.” He shook his head and looked at Max. “Your father came to see me last night.”

“He told me that.”

“We had a long talk. Mr. Harding was with him, they explained about Tess’s illness.” Jeff began.

Max nodded dumbly. His father had been in bed when he had gotten home the night before and was already gone to the office when he left that morning so Max hadn’t had any chance to find out what he said to Jeff Parker.

“She really put you through the wringer.” Jeff commented.

Not knowing what to say, Max simply nodded again.

Jeff sighed. “I’m not saying that I like you or that I trust you. I think I was right to stop you from seeing Liz under the circumstances. But since those circumstances were false, it was unfair to you. And Liz. I trust Liz. I know that she wouldn’t feel the way she does about you if you were unworthy of it. I spoke to your father at length and I think he’s right.”

Max held his breath, praying silently to himself that this was going to turn out ok.

“I’ve decided to give you another chance.” Jeff revealed. He held up his hand to prevent Max from speaking yet. “I’m going to be watching you very carefully. So you better treat Liz right and be good to her. And if you hurt her so help me God, I’ll kill you.”

“Thank you sir.”

“Just because I’ve given you permission to see her doesn’t mean that I don’t have conditions. Her curfew will be restricted when she’s out with you, I’ll want to know where you are at all times and I expect you to behave like a gentleman at all times.

Realising that anything he said to reassure Mr. Parker that he would never mistreat Liz would only sound like empty promises to her father’s ears anyway, Max just nodded again. “Yes Sir.”

“Good, when the summer is over, if you’ve done nothing to upset her, then we’ll revisit these restrictions.” Jeff added.

“Thank you sir.” Max said gratefully, promising to himself that he would do nothing to upset Liz or in turn Jeff Parker ever again.

Jeff handed him the sandwich he had brought over for Brody. “Give this to your boss for me please.”

Max glanced down at it and then back up at Jeff Parker, “Does this mean I’m allowed back into the Crashdown?” He asked.

A small smile graced Jeff Parker’s stern face. “My profits are down since you were banned so you’re welcome back.” He nodded to Max and then left.

Max watched him weave with a huge grin on his face before practically skipping up the stairs to Brody’s office. Brody was on the phone to his daughter and took the sandwich from Max. Isabel followed Max out with a suspicious smile.

“Why are you smiling?” She asked.

“I’m allowed see Liz again, her father was just here.” Max told his sister excitedly. “Have you any idea what dad and Two said to him last night?”

Isabel pulled him into the other office and shut the door. “I was only talking to dad for a few minutes but basically they told him that Tess has a mental illness like schizophrenia or something. There’s a different name but it’s too difficult to remember. Anyway, they said that Tess lied about being pregnant because she wanted to split you and Liz up for good and now she’s in hospital in Boston. I’m not sure what else they told him but obviously it worked. I’m glad for you Max.”

Max hugged his sister. “Any chance I’d be allowed to take a break now.”

“Fifteen minutes.” Isabel said in a bossy voice, but she was smiling. Max planted a kiss on her cheek and dashed out of the office and raced across the street.

To his great fortune Liz was outside serving customers, he reached her as she was walking away and he grabbed her around the waist and swung her around.

“Max.” Liz squealed in delight and surprise. She glanced through the window to where her father was watching. He wasn’t smiling but he wasn’t reaching for his shotgun either, which was a good sign.

“We’re allowed see each other again.” Max exclaimed before bringing his lips crashing down to hers.

Liz responded eagerly for a moment, before pulling away. Her face was glowing with happiness. “My dad is watching, he won’t be pleased if you’re over here kissing me when I’m supposed to be working. Let’s not rub it in his face just yet.”

“Ok.” Max laughed. “Let’s go out tonight, on a proper date.”

“I’d love to.” Liz answered gleefully. She kissed Max once more before pulling herself out of his arms. “I have to drop this order off.”

Max sighed. “I have to get back to work. I’ll see you tonight.”


continued in the next post

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:05 pm
by tequathisy
Isabel was writing up the roster for the following week when she heard a crashing sound in Brody’s office. She hurried in and found Brody picking himself up off the floor.

“Oh my God, are you alright?” Isabel asked, helping him up. As her hand came into contact with his arm, she felt a familiar flash. “Larek?”

“Hello Isabel. I’m sorry that it’s taken me so long to get back to you. I’m won’t stay long now, but I’ll be back at 8pm tonight for a longer talk. I need to see you all there if that’s possible.”

“Yes of course.” Isabel told him.

“And one more thing, I need to borrow your friend Maria. I want to bring somebody else along too.” Larek told her.

“Oh…she might not like that.” Isabel told him. “Maria was really upset the last day when she found out that Kivar had used her to kill Max. She was really furious.”

Larek nodded gravely. “I understand that, it’s natural she feels that way. I promise that she will not be used to hurt anybody. The person I want to bring with me is your mother. Do you think you could convince her?”

Isabel swallowed nervously. “Our mother? Really?” Her voice was trembling with emotion as she spoke. “I’ll talk her into it. Thank you Larek, thank you so much.”

The other alien smiled at her fondly. “Believe me, I’d get no peace if I didn’t bring her to see you. I’ll see you tonight.” He closed his eyes and when he opened them again it was Brody. He looked at Isabel in confusion. “What happened?”

“Oh, it was another alien abduction. Are you alright? It only lasted a few minutes but he wanted me to let you know that he needs to use your body tonight for a longer period.” Isabel said nervously.

Brody tensed. “How long?”

“A couple of hours.”

To her surprise Brody relaxed, “That’s fine.”


Max stepped into the Crashdown that evening and looked about happily. It was just as he remembered. Michael and a very unhappy looking Maria were sitting in one of the booths.

“Hey guys.” Max smiled. He slid in opposite Maria. “Hi Maria, thanks so much for doing this.”

“Yeah.” Maria grumbled. Although she was happy that Max and Isabel would have the opportunity to finally get a chance to talk to their mother she wasn’t looking forward to having her body taken over by a third alien. The previous two occasions had brought attempted murder and actual murder so despite Larek’s promise, she was still worried. It had taken a lot of pleading, cajoling and some bribery before she had agreed to allow the hosting to take place.

Michael wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He was worried about Maria too but was trying to appear calm so as not to upset her even further.

“Where’s Liz?” Max asked.

“She’s changing out of her uniform, she’ll be down in a minute.” Maria said wearily.

Max glanced worriedly at her and reached across the table for her hand. “I’m sorry for putting you through this.”

Maria sighed and squeezed his hand gently. “It’s not your fault Max. And I’m glad that you’ll get the chance to talk to your mother, really I am. It’s just…”

“I know.” Max said sympathetically. “But I promise that nothing bad is going to happen to you or anyone else this time.”

Michael pulled his petite girlfriend close to his chest and kissed the top of her head. “It’ll be fine.”

“Thanks guys.” Maria said with a small smile. She looked up as Liz approached their table, her father at her heals.

“Hi guys.” Liz greeted them, she smiled at Max. “Ready to go.”

“You look great.” Max breathed.

Liz looked down at her faded jeans and T-shirt in disbelief. “Thanks.”

“So what will you be doing tonight?” Jeff Parker asked, trying to keep his voice neutral and not really doing a good job.

“We’re just going to see a movie and then maybe go for ice cream. The four of us.” Liz said sweetly. She had decided that the best thing to do was go along with her father’s wishes until he learned to trust Max more. The last thing she wanted to do was see a further rift between the two men she loved most.

“Well have fun, be home by eleven.” Jeff said.

To his surprise, Liz kissed him lightly on the cheek before she left. “Night dad.”

Outside the diner, Liz and Max climbed into Max’s car and Maria and Michael got into the Jetta.

“I’m sorry that our date got cancelled.” Max said apologetically as he drove to the desert.

“We have the rest of our lives to have dates. This might be the only opportunity you’ll get to talk to your mother. And I got to walk out of the Crashdown holding your hand with my father’s approval.” Liz told him.


Michael glanced at Maria who was fidgeting nervously with the button of her jacket. “You don’t have to do this if you really don’t want to.” He reminded her.

“I want to…I mean, I want to help. I want Max and Isabel to meet their mother.” Maria told him. He could hear her voice shaking as she spoke.

“I’m going to be with you the whole time. I promise that I won’t let anything happen.” Michael tried to assure her.

Maria nodded. “ I know.”

They continued along in silence and too soon for Maria’s liking they arrived at the granilith chamber. Isabel, Two and the Valenti’s were already there and Max’s car pulled to a stop beside them.

“Are you ready?” Michael asked.

“Yes.” Maria answered him. She climbed out of the car and walked over slowly to where the others were standing around.

Larek waited until they were all together. “Max, everyone it’s good to see you.”

“You too Larek. “Max told him.

“Well I have good news. As you know Kivar is dead, when the news reached Antar the war ended very quickly. Most of his soldiers defected to the rebel’s side. Only a handful remained loyal to him but they were easily defeated. They were either killed in the fighting or have been arrested and will be tried in a court.” Larek announced. “We expected there to be conflict between different factions on Antar, but so far the people have been united. We conducted a plebiscite and the vast majority voted for the restoration of the monarchy.”

This declaration was met with horrified gasps.

“That was quick.” Jim Valenti commented to break the silence. “I thought things like that took a while.”

“On earth maybe, but it’s different up on Antar.” Two explained. He turned to Larek. “Do they want the monarchy restored or the Royal Four?”

“Their first choice would be for the royal four of course. That’s been the only thing that kept many people going through the dark times. But they will accept Max’s son if he himself doesn’t wish to return.”

“I don’t.” Max stated matter-of-factly. “Does that mean my son survived? Where is he now?”

“Ah yes. You’re son is fine. When those loyal to Kivar realised that he was dead they immediately tried to seize your son. His mother, Tess, was able to escape the palace and bring the child to safety.”

“So Tess…is she ok?” Kyle asked.

Larek frowned and looked at the teenage aliens. “I thought you knew…I assumed that you would know because of the four square. I’m sorry but…Tess is dead.”

“Dead?” Kyle repeated hoarsely. He sat down on a boulder and held his head in his hands. His father patted his shoulder in comfort.

“How did she die?” Isabel asked.

“She had to mind warp the traitors. The effort of it killed her.” Larek said. “I’m sorry.”

“Why did she do that?” Michael asked. “Was she changing sides because she knew that the others were losing or was she just trying to save the kids life?”

Larek shrugged. “I’m afraid we’ll never know, but the people have chosen to believe that she sacrificed her life to save her son and Antar and I think that’s what her son will be told.”

Max nodded. “So my son, he’s ok?”

Larek turned to Maria. “Young lady, may we bring the queen into the conversation?”

Maria clenched Michael’s hand in hers and then nodded. “Just don’t let me kill anyone ok.” The she closed her eyes and stumbled. Michael caught her and helped her straighten up.

“Thank you.” Maria said, but she spoke with a tone that Maria never used.

A tear fell from Isabel’s eye. “Mother?”

“My beautiful daughter.” The queen exclaimed and held her arms out for Isabel to hug her. The two women embraced warmly. When she let her daughter go, the queen turned to Max and hugged him too. “My son.”

“Hi.” Max said lamely, unsure what else to say.

The queen patted his face. “He looks just like you. He has your eyes and your nose. I’m holding him as I speak to you.” She kissed Max’s cheek and as she did he was assailed with images of a small baby sleeping.

When he pulled away Max discovered that his cheeks were damp. Beside him Liz wrapped her arm around his waist and hugged him.

“Liz, I presume?” The queen smiled. She turned to Michael. “And Michael.” Then she hugged him too.

“Oh.” She exclaimed in surprise.

“What is it?” Isabel asked.

“I’ve just got some interesting memories from this body. Some things that a woman shouldn’t know about her daughter’s boyfriend.” The queen smiled. “Former boyfriend.”

Michael turned bright red and the others dissolved into giggles. Even Kyle cracked a smile.

Two approached the queen and bowed to her. “I have failed in my duties your majesty and I apologise.”

“Today is not a day for recriminations Jeralos. It is a day for celebration, so we will not dwell on what has passed.” The queen told him. “It all worked out in the end, let us focus on that for now.”

Two bowed again.

“It is my understanding that the three of you have made lives here on earth and don’t wish to return to Antar.” The queen said sadly.

“Yes mother. I’m sorry but we’re….we’re human now.” Isabel explained.

“I’m sorry that you won’t be coming home, but I understand.” The queen told them. “Very well, Max does that mean you are going to abdicate the throne?”

“What happens if I do that?” Max asked.

“Your son will become King of Antar.” The queen explained. “But first he’ll become Antarian.”

Become Antarian?” Max asked.

Larek stepped forward. “When you were created, your cells underwent a process to make them human. We can do the same to your son. He’ll be an Antarian being.”

“Wow, that’s amazing.” Liz gasped. “You can really do that?”

The queen smiled at her. “Yes.”

“Will it hurt him?” Max asked.

“No, it is painless and a relatively quick experience. He will be podded and when he emerges he will be completely Antarian. He will also be almost mature, in human terms he will be about your age. But while in the pod he will receive all the knowledge he needs to know to be a king.” The queen explained.

“But you’ll need the granilith to do that.” Michael exclaimed, surprising even himself that he knew that.


“But the granilith’s on earth , how will that work?” Michael asked.

“We’re hoping that you’ll return the granilith to us.” The queen told him. She faced Max again. “To show the people of Antar that you are going to stay on earth and are handing over all power to your son.”

Max nodded. “How do I do that? We don’t have the crystal.”

“You still have the king’s crystal.” Two reminded him. “There’s enough juice in it to return it to Antar, but…”

“But?” Max prompted nervously, dreading what Two was about to say.

“But you’ll need somebody to go in the granilith to return it.” Two said. He paused. “If none of you wish to return, and with your permission, I’d like to volunteer to undertake that task.”

Max laughed in relief. “Of course. You’d be doing us a huge favor.” He smiled at Liz who looked as relieves as he felt.

“I’m sorry.” Isabel told her mother again, seeing her crestfallen face.

“I know. It’s alright. I had given up hope of ever seeing you again and now after all this time here you are. So close and yet so far.” She caressed her daughter’s face lovingly. “But I have my beautiful grandson with me, and he’ll make a fine king.”

“You will let him know that I love him, won’t you?” Max asked.

“Of course.”

“Will we ever get to see you again?” Isabel asked. She gestured to Maria. “Like this I mean?”

“Perhaps, your son will be out of his pod in a two years time. Perhaps we could all meet up then.” The queen suggested.

“That would be nice.” Max smiled.

“Good.” The queen smiled again and looked to the humans who were gathered with the group. “I would like to thank you all for the help and support you have given my children. Because of you, our people are free and our planet is safe. Be assured that if earth is ever in danger, Antar will come to her aid.”

“Good to know.” Kyle quipped.

“Oh, one more thing…have you a name for your son?” The queen asked Max.

“Alex.” Max told her at once. “He was our friend, without him we would never have made it this far. If it wasn’t for him, we might all be dead. Antar needs to remember him and honor the sacrifice that he made.”

“Alex.” The queen nodded. “I’ll make sure that he’s never forgotten.” She held out her arms once more and Max and Isabel hugged her for the last time.

“Goodbye my children. I hope that you all have long and happy lives.” She told them. Then she was gone.

Michael rushed forward and helped Maria over to a boulder to sit down. Liz knelt down beside her.

“Is it over?” Maria asked.

Liz nodded.

“Did anybody die?”

With a laugh Liz shook her head. “No, everything’s fine.” She looked over to where Max and Isabel were hugging, both had tears streaming down their faces.

Eventually they came over to Maria.

“Thank you so much Maria.” Isabel said between sobs. She hugged the smaller blonde.

“The crystal is in the granilith chamber, we could so it now if you like.” Two said to Max.

“Are you sure? Do you have anything you need to do before you go?” Max asked.

Two shook his head. “I’m always ready to go at a moment’s notice.” He fished into his pocket for a key. “Room 17 at the Dusty pines. Anything I own is in that room, you can give it to Goodwill. My car is over there, it’s in good condition. You can sell it if you like, maybe give yourselves a little treat with the money.”

Together they climbed up the rock face and into the granilith chamber where Max inserted the crystal into the base of the huge monument.

Within half an hour the granilth was ready for take off.

“Ok, well thanks for everything.” Max said shaking Two’s hand. “Good luck.”

“You too.” Two replied.

Two pressed his hand against the dark cone. In a flash of light, he was gone.

Max quickly exited the chamber and rushed over to where the others were assembled, several yards away.

There was an immense noise and sand whipped into their faces, beneath their feet the ground rumpled and shook. There was a blinding flash of white light and then all was still.

“It’s done.” Larek confirmed.

The teenagers whooped and cheered loudly, hugging each other tightly.

“It’s over.” Max cried in delight swinging Liz around. He kissed her. “You know, the rest of our life is going to be pretty boring after this.”

“As long as I’m with you it’ll never be boring.” Liz smiled. “It’ll be wonderful.”

“Actually boring sounds kind of nice for a change.” Maria laughed.

Larek was watching them with a fond smile on his face. When they had calmed down he approached them. “I should get this body back to his home before I go. I probably won’t be in touch again until your son, Alex, emerges from his pod.”

“Thanks for all your help Larek. I’d hate to think where we would be without you.” Max told him. They shook hands warmly and then Larek hugged Isabel and Maria good bye.

“I wish you all a very long and happy life.” He told them. He bowed and made his way to his car.

And then it was just Max, Michael, Isabel, Liz, Maria, Jim and Kyle.


The end.

Thanks again.