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Re: What's Your Favorite Type of Fic to read?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:40 am
by tequathisy
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

I like both. really don't have a prefrence for one over the other.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

I don't like UC, and have never read a UC fic. I like all the canon couples. M/l, M/M. A/I I/J and Amy and Jim.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?


4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

Again I don't have a preference but I find nc-17 fics can be a little boring after a while, some authors tend to go for s mut over plot and I would prefer to read a story.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

It was on but I can't rememeber what it was. I must have liked it because I came back for more.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?

I was a lurker for years and never had the courage to write before but I'm currently writing my first fanfic, Tandem Felix.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?

It's Michael. Because he's the most real character in the show. My family have fostered children for years and I see alot of them in Michael. I can see their hurt and their longing to be normal and for a family and it makes me want to give him a big hug and to tell everyone to stop being so mean to him.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?

I don't really have one but theres is a line that I read lately that i loved. I'm ashamed to say it's from We h ate men. Michael says it's called pms because Mad cow disease was already taken. It's so true.

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

Strong, Dangerous and Undeniable by Destinee. Do you really need an explanation for that one?

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
A couple of years. Everyday.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:13 pm
by Drogyn
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
Well, when I started reading and even writing here, I concentrated on the regular fics. Now, I start to like AU fics even more. Still, I read both types because on both sides, there are some very good fics present.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
Definitely CC. But my favorite? I'm gonna say K/T but I love M/L and M/M a lot too.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
Generally, no to both questions. Crossovers could be interesting but I rarely see one I like.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
When I'm writing, usually Mature. It means you're free to use whatever language you want to use and even to make some references to sex and such.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
The first fic I read on this site is still one of my favorites. It was Something Blue...A Christmas Story by Fehrbaby and it's a Dreamer story. The first fic I read before I found this site was called 'Dawn Of Faith' and it was a BtVS-fic centered around Dawn and Faith. I liked that one a lot but I doubt it's still up.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
I read and write. I started a few years ago with a BtVS-fic but after that, I didn't write anything for over a year. At the moment, I have a few fics I'm working on... an AU-horror fic called Scream All You Want, a comedy-fic called We Hate Men and an adult polar fic called Be Careful What You Wish For.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?
I love Tess, especially when with Kyle

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
Well, there are many great ones but how about this one from The Truths About Dating And Mating:
“Um, well, I have a question about…uh, masturbation.”

“Ah, one of my favorite topics. And let me tell you, you’ve called one of the world’s leading experts,” Michael admitted unabashedly, and Maria had to cup her mouth to prevent bursting out in laughter. “Go on.”

9. What's your favorite fic and why?
I love Persistence Of Memory (cardinalgirl), The Truths About Dating And Mating (fehrbaby), Driven Under (ChrissyP47), Confessions Of A Bachelorette (behrsgirl77) and Roswellian Fairy Tales (magikhands). And that's just a small outtake. If I absolutely had to pick one, I'd pick Persistence of Memory; that Kyle/Ava deal is just irresistable. I just read it for the seventh time in just a few months; that's gotta mean something.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
I've been reading here for about six months now but I didn't delurk to about three and a half months ago.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:25 pm
by High1Maintenance
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

I prefer regular fics but I have read and enjoyed AU fics.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

CC all the way. Max and Liz.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

I never read a crossover story - they don't appeal to me. Some slash stories - depending who the characters are and who they are mating with.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

NC17 or now Mature if there is a story involved.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located,
the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

I don't remember the story, it could have been LivE, Linda or any of the
authors that were writing at the time. Crashdown. Think it was mainly
Max and Liz. It got me hooked on fanfiction for Roswell.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it?

Just read it - wish I had the talent to write.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?

Max - just love him.

8. Favorite quote?

Don't have one

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

An Unusual Love by Breathless - this is the way the show should have
been written. (Maxeo and Lizette, Captive Hearts - all of her stories except Downfall)

Antarian Nights by RosDeidre - a beautiful story - just grabs you and feel
every emotion along the way. Wish she had finished the sequel.

Know this is more than one story - it is just hard to mention just one.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often
do you come?

I think I found this site half way thru the first season and every day but the weekends.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:46 pm
by High1Maintenance
I made a mistake - One of my favorite stories is Antarian Skies - Antarian
Nights was the second one that didn't get finished - right?

Re: What's Your Favorite Type of Fic to read?

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 3:35 pm
by Roslover39
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

regular fanfics

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

strictly CC Max/Lix

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

no I like strictly roswell themed stories

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

I like the adult rated fanfics, especially if they revolve around Max/Liz

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

The first fanfic I read is called Between the sand and stone by Kath7. It's located at Fiction for fans. NC17 rating, Max/Liz
I thought it was great. I found it so enjoyable that I would
sit at the computer for hours just reading. Excellent fanfic. :wink:

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?

I just read it. There are so many great writers out there.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?
Max. He has a good heart. He makes alot of mistakes but you always know that whatever he does, it's done under the very best of

8. What's your favorite quote from a fanfic?
I don't have one off hand.

9.What's your favorite fanfic and why?
The current one I'm reading right now called Behrian Empire
by my friend MNIrish77.

10.How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often
do you come?

I've been reading the fanfics here for the last year. I try to check out
new stuff on a regular basis.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 7:18 pm
by smokie
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
I prefer Regular but have read several very good AU stories.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
Definitely CC, have not read any UC. Max and Liz are my favorite couple.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
No particular preference if it is an interesting story. I will not read smut that has no real plot line.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
I cannot remember the first story I read. It was probably on Fanatics Archive with a PG or NC17 rating. The couple was Max and Liz of course! I was literally hooked and immediately went searching for more.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
I am a reader, everyone is supposed to have a great story inside, mine has not surfaced yet.:)

7. Who's your favorite character and why?
My favorite character was and always will be Max followed closely by Liz. Max has a beautiful soul, he is gentle, considerate and cautious. Everyone (especially Michael) expected him to have all of the answers when he was as much in the dark as they were. The writers on the show totally fouled up his character.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
There have been many but the latest I remember is from the last Fic I read (a tag to Everything to You by Sylvia37 (superb story!!!)). Max says to Liz:
"You've been the only light when my life was full of darkness, believing in me when I didn't believe in myself........".

9. What's your favorite fic and why?
I will not name a favorite, that would be a dis-service to all of the fantastic writers out there. Some authors I read are: WR, Carol000, Sylvia37, Cherie, LivE, EmilyluvsRoswell,Mockingbird, DevilKitty, Blake and Rosgmom to name a few.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
I came late to Fanfiction, about 3 years ago. I was and still am into books. They have been my passion for a very long time. I think I was surfing, looking for photos of Max during the "Innocent" by Mockingbird frenzy (great story!) and the rest is history. I check this site almost daily for one reason or another.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 7:52 pm
by Peachykin
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

I like both. But like any fic it has to be well written. I tend to stay away from AU that's esentially th characters names plugged into a story and don't resemble their core in any way.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

Definitely UC. Michael and Liz. Also Kyle/Isabel. And in the crossover realm Dark Angel/Ros I'm an Xtremer, Alec/Liz.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

I definitely enjoy some Crossovers. Polar/ Buffy or Angel crossovers like Taking Over me by Dimensia. And Dark Angel/Ros crossovers Alec and Liz. Anything by Calinia is a homerun.

But I am most definitely not a slash fan, particularly male slash in Rosfic. Its very difficult for me to imagine any of the guys as gay. Yes, even Max. ;)

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

Any rating is fine with me as long as its well written. But I do have preference for a good ADULT fic.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

Man that's a tough one. Its been so long I barely remember. But I do remember reading some polar fics at Crashdown. Little one parters or short stories. All ratings. But then I read the Pola Novel and knew I'd found my ship. I was already polar in the ship sense but in fic, that's what sold me. If it hadn't been the PN it definitely would have been a fic called Lessons in Love by verybehry.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?

I've written a lot of polar fiction and you can find it at: Polar Attraction

7. Who's your favorite character and why? Michael is my favorite character. I like his complexities and his darkness. His background and manner are very much like myself and people I know. I identify with him most. So many reasons its hard to list them all.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic? This is another tough one. I have too many to name. But one of my all time favorites comes from a fic called Healing by Romantic Heart and Queenie. When Max asks Michael why he loves Liz despeite his loyalty to him: “Just answer me this. Of all the girls in the world, why Liz?” Max was almost begging Michael for an answer.

Michael looked towards his bedroom, almost as if he could see the girl inside. “She heals me-” He stopped and took a huge breath, wondering if he can find the adequate words to describe what Liz Parker was to him. “My demons come out, and she doesn’t run away in fright. She dances with them and loves them away. I- ” Michael sighed and looked away, at a loss for words on how exactly to describe the fulfillment that Liz brings to his life.

Michael looked Max in the eye and said simply, as if it was answer enough, “She heals me.”

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

Man you ask the tough ones don't you? :lol: Its hard to say if I have one particular favorite there are so many good ones. But Here Without You by Dimensia, Nothing Else Matters by Queenie and Anything by Dark Vixen are polar musts.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this siteand how often do you come?

Ive been reading fanfiction ever since Roswell started and fics were being written. I don't remember when I found this site but I try to come once a day at least. Along with fanfic, there's some great discussions going on here.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 8:00 pm
by Fehrbaby
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

I like both, though I usually read AU fics.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

Well, I love Michael and Maria - they'll always be my favorite, but I also like M/L to some degree. My fav. UC is also Polar, which makes it hard for me sometimes, because a lot of people feel you have to be one or the other.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

Never read a crossover, but there are some slash fics I've enjoyed. I've even written one.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

No preference, really, as long as it's well written.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

The first fic I read was Bird In a Guilded Cage by Bec at The M&M files. It remains one of my favorites to this day.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?

I write. Some of my fics are: Road Trip (M/M), A Few Degrees Shy of Heaven (M/M), Pool Party (M/L), Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures (CC & UC), Insatiable Hunger (M/L), Something Blue (M/L), and my current story, Truths about Dating and Mating (M/M,M/L, M/O, M/O).

7. Who's your favorite character and why?

Michael is my favorite, because he's the most misunderstood character on the show. He tries to appear hard and callous, but underneath it all, he's vulnerable and fragile.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?

I have many favorites, but this exchange between Michael and Maria in Chicky's Routines is one I absolutlely love:

Maria: “Me. If I’d been…well, you know. What would you have done?”

That wasn’t something he’d been expecting. He was completely blind-sided by her question.

Michael: “I’d have bought you that big old house with the porch, and picked up a station wagon, and we’d have had a couple more kids.”

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

I have a short list of some of my favorites on my lj - ... filter=all

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?

I've been on this site since it opened - not just this board, but all of its previous incarnations. I usually stop by a few times a day.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 9:29 am
by Roswell4ever1
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

I like both actually.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

I don't like CC. I'm a huge UC fan!

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?


4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

I prefer Mature to Adult but I will read any rating.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

I honestly don't remember. I've read so many fics in the past two years that there's no way I could pin point the very first one.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?

I read and write. I have several that I'm working on now including Chasing The Risk, Deeper Than The Night, and Matters Of The Mind.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?

Definately Michael. Michael's the kind of guy who says what he means. He holds nothing back but expects nothing in return. He's passionate about things that matter to him, loyal to those he cares about, and not afraid to take a chance. He's brutally honest. I guess I can relate to Micahel.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?

I have two but they're from the same fic.

"The pillow's going to go back and tell all the other pillows what a wimp you are and they're going to smother us both in our sleep."

"Pillow uprising. I can see it now. Downy soft was never so evil."

Both from Nothing Else Matters by Queenie.

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

Again, I have two. Interstate and Finding Ulysses. Both by Peachykin. These are the two best Polar fics I have found. Very true to the characters!

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?

One year, five months. I come here every day.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 9:45 am
by rie482
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

I tend to go for regular fics... but i do like the occasional AU

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

I am a CC girl :) I love Max and Liz.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

I like crossovers sometimes, but i find that it kind of spoils the Roswell feel.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

Mature/teen. Sometimes the adults ones get too sex driven and all the couples do is have sex. To me, Roswell wasn't about that.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

Oh wow. Thats a hard question. I don't really remeber. I think it wasn't that good so i didn't remember it.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?

I read and write. I have written the fic A Dream and am currently writing A Malevolent Wish Come True.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?

Liz, because I identify with her.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?

Ouch. I don't remember ever having a favourite quote from a fic.

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

I have 3, out of the woods, Legacy and Union, all by Kath7. Her protrail of Maria and Michael was great! I don't usually like fics with huge amounts of Maria and Michael involved but I liked the way Kath did it :)

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?

I come here everyday and I have been here for about four months.