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Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:59 am
by femmenerd
Hey Fetch. Are you, by any chance, bludbubblegum on the ER? If so, hello again.

On the whole I agree with you. I am slightly warming up the idea of AU fics in which the characters at least have the same personality traits they did on the show but on the whole I prefer for there to be aliens.

One thing I cannot quite understand is when everyone is suddenly like cheerleaders and football players. I mean that's cool if that's what you're into, but for me, huh?

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:10 am
by AmberEyed51
I never cared for the whole Cheerleader/Jock thing. It works, but it's just a little too overdone. ;)

Like many others have said, I can't read a story where Max is bashed, he will always be my favorite character from Roswell.

And like Lindsay said, Max and Zan are the same person. And it was pointed out that Zan was a little less innocent than Max ever was, so turning you back on him for Zan is just one big hypocritical thing.

Sadly, I haven't seen too many Awakened Dreamer fics on the UC board (but I shouldn't complain, it's not like I have any writing talent :roll:)

I do love Applebylicious's Everything's Not Lost, and I would say that more often if I actually came out of lurkdom once in a while. So Lindsay, babe, I'm telling ya now, Awesome job!! :D

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 7:27 am
by kerri240879
i was just taking a wander through, and i can honestly say..."WOW". thanks to Lucia and Anne~Laure for the recomendations in regards to my stories. that was so nice of both of you.
i was a huge dreamer fan in season one, then season two and three happened.....nuf said! I love writting Zan, coz he is a clean slate. you can play the bad boy angle from many ways....broken, nasty, nice, a on and so forth. where as with Max, he's set in stone ya know?...
anyways....thanks again rock babe! you lots, but you already know that!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 1:18 pm
by femmenerd
Love you too babe. Cool to see you over here.

Can I just say that I have been having the best time writing the Zan/Liz nookie recently. It's so freeing to write a character who um, knows what he wants, know what I mean?

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 7:44 pm
by kerri240879
I certainly do!!! know how shattered is darker than any thing i've EVER written b4?'s gonna get darker....i dunno how people are gonna react to this, but i'm having fun playing the bad badboy angle to the extreame in this....i've gotta say too mate....loved the update in 'i want yoy'....i blushed again, so here's to you hon!

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 7:50 pm
by femmenerd
Cool. You know that "Shattered" is my favorite of your stories. I think it's really interesting to explore the darkness as well as the light.

Hehe, I made you blush. This is you :oops:

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 9:41 am
by kerri240879

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 5:12 pm
by fetch
femmenerd wrote:Hey Fetch. Are you, by any chance, bludbubblegum on the ER? If so, hello again.

On the whole I agree with you. I am slightly warming up the idea of AU fics in which the characters at least have the same personality traits they did on the show but on the whole I prefer for there to be aliens.

One thing I cannot quite understand is when everyone is suddenly like cheerleaders and football players. I mean that's cool if that's what you're into, but for me, huh?
Yep, I'm see 8)
I've seen some fics where the charators have basiclly nothing in common with their show-selves except they haver the same name.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 10:50 pm
by femmenerd
OK, I have a Zan related topic. We all know what he looked like on the show but a lot of fics are set at other times, etc. So I'm wondering, what does Zan look like to you?

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:34 pm
by alienmom
hi, i'm alienmom, and i'm a zanatic. it's a tough addiction to fight when he's paired up with liz.......i've become an awakened dreamer, there i said it....happy now!! LOL

no time right now to read all the posts, but i will when i have a little more time. but i couldn't resist posting a pic.

well here is one 'zan' i see when i read....but NOT that outfit. love the attitude, the scruffy 'i shave only when i want to' look, the smoke, the hair...well everything!! :wink: