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Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 8:07 pm
by behrinthecity
Hi everyone... I know this is far later than "early" April as I had originally told you I had planned to have this part out. Unfortunately RL insists in having something come up to prevent me from keeping to any sort of schedule here. I have to say given how the last few weeks have been for me, I wish my vacation had been as wonderfully long as you guys were imagining! ;) But sadly, spring break was only a week for me and I caught a cold at the end of it, which persisted for two weeks after. Due to that I was pretty miserable and exhausted for awhile, just keeping up with work for school and activities I've been involved in. So this part remained untouched during all that. Then this past week (now recovered from the cold) was one last round of beta-ing on the part. Anyway as always I truly apologize to all of you for the wait and I do hope you find it worth that wait. Thank you for your patience and just for reading. :) Enjoy.

Flamehair- Hey there-- thanks for all the bumps-- I did enjoy my spring break for the most part, though it certainly felt short when I got back from it! And yep, I'm good now. By the way thank you for all the wishes on my finals-- they ended up quite well!! and heh heh I won't be scared of the viking smiley then. ;) Man I really love those smileys you put in your post-- they always brighten my day! Thanks. :D

Gnomie- Hey! Good to see a comment from you again. :) That was an awesome connection to Buffy-- though I watched almost all episodes of that show I hadn't even thought of that (or at least consciously)! So anyway read on to see just how strong Max really is...

jbangelo- :) Thanks!! I wonder if I should warn you about this part... hmmm

Ellie- Thanks for the wishes on finals! Definitely worked for me. ;) Glad you found the last part sweet-- I thought all you dreamers needed a little moment before the story goes back to its craziness. And yet again, I am so sorry that it's been so long! Just when I feel confident enough to give a deadline... sigh. Anyway I'm going to just aim for less than a month of a gap!

Misha- hi!! Sorry for making you wait so long with all this agony! I don't really mean to make you suffer so much! Honestly!! My muse just took a beating from the cold in terms of revising this part. But part 36 is now one part closer. ;) hee [and now that I've finally got THIS done... and well when my upcoming midterm is done I'm finally going to catch up to YOUR story! Can't wait to see all that happened with Liz's interview and the rest of them.]

Thanks for the support about finals! I did! :D

alienmom- Thanks for the wishes and faith!! :) About Max's sanity... well... this part may give a possible hint to how it is at the moment.

clueless- Thanks for the bump!

Timelord31- Thanks for the bump-- sorry it's been so long! And also sorry I wasn't able to clear up the last part for you sooner! So basically what you saw is one of Max's dreams where parts of reality and memories are blended in some way to help him cope with what is really happening to him reality... and well technically the bulk of the memory used in this dream is from his flash he got in the Viva Las Vegas episode of him and Liz getting married in Vegas (her dress and the bouquet she was holding was based off what he saw when he was about to get in the cab). So as Scottie also pointed out-- Max and Liz have not married yet, since he 'died' before that happened.

Also in terms of timeframe... I just said it was the lost part just because the two parts before that were of events that took place two days after that dream scene of Max's.

Scottie- Thanks for trying to clear that up for Timelord31! And also for doing that last double check for that part. ;) Thanks for the wishes and the bumps! I'm so sorry for the wait.

BDT- Hey there! Thanks for the comments-- and no that wasn't Cal. That would be Agent Hammers. You'll find out very soon if the dream was enough for him to hold out... ;)

confusedfool- Thanks!

BETHANN- Welcome and thank you for commenting! :) Glad to hear.

Phew. I think that's all to reply to! ;) Thanks again for all the feedback everyone. I missed you guys too-- I felt so bad for making you all wait-- I hope subsequent parts won't take AS long. Anyway this part is nice and long and I know you've all been waiting for what is to happen here. So I won't prolong that any longer.

Note: Timeframe for this part occurs from after the point we left the gang in Canada in Part 34. Also scenes overlap temporally.

Also words in violet, italics is a song, to differentiate from the 'voice'. You'll see.


As Liz stooped down to lift her fallen scarf by the house’s steps, she saw the most peculiar sight. Images flashed rapidly in her mind, alternating between an image of some blueprint and an actual house’s interior.
~ ~

In the distance Max saw something flash. The occurrence was so brief that he could not process what had happened, but then it appeared again… and this time it stayed.

It was a light, building upon itself, its glow intensifying with every moment passed. Blue began to reach out towards him, ridding him of the darkness but not his fear. Caught between two hells of blinding light, he remained captive within his mind. He was unable to speak, to move, to awake from this nightmare.

And then a low voice spoke, filled with a lust for power, for vengeance. Kill them.
~ ~

Glancing sideways at the door Felding assured himself he was alone and finally allowed a flicker of emotion to appear on his face. Though he reminded himself how much he hated Max, he couldn’t take any pleasure in what he saw Max being put through. Finally, too sickened by the sight, he had to turn away.

Soon, he thought, soon his plan would be done.
~ ~

"Liz, are you okay? Can you tell us what you saw?" Kyle's concerned urgent words reached his ears as he saw him hold onto Liz's shaking head.

Her eyes wide she finally spoke, her voice trembling, "It's a trap… There was an explosion.”
~ ~

Maria read out, “In one week go here. Be careful. They’ll be expecting you.” Lowering the letter to gaze at the others she added, “It points to one location…”
~ ~

“What do we do when we get there?” Kyle questioned, his mind unable to move past the knowledge of how ruthless this Special Unit was.

“Use every ability we have.” She lifted a hand as she said this, steadily gazing at Kyle. She watched him observe her hand, his eyebrows rising, while she willfully ignored the tingling sensation of the green trails flowing to her fingertips.

She was determined to not let her fear of her powers stop her. And perhaps… her new power might help them stay one step ahead of the agents… for there was no way the agents could expect them to have blueprints to the place… and all with just a touch of her hand.


Two days later
Langley, Virginia
Warehouse—Southeast corner

It looked liked the soap factory.

Having pulled over just down the road from the warehouse, Maria’s attention was captured by the dark, secluded building and the first thing that popped in her mind was that it looked like that dingy soap factory back home.

She stared at it, her mouth partially opened in shock to see no outward evidence to the evil residing within. In her nightmares she had expected numerous security fences around, electrified and topped with barbed wire—wire possibly retaining the residue of blood from attempted escapes.

She shivered at the reminder of the horrible images that had plagued her mind the past couple of nights—images of the fake body without a face, the funeral and the shaky footage of graduation catching Max falling, his red robe fluttering around him. Redness, death and destruction filled her mind once more, her eyes appearing vacant, lost to their sight. Her breaths became short, quiet gasps. When her ears finally registered the sounds, she pursed her lips into a tight line to quell the building hysteria.

Briefly closing her eyes, she silently counted to ten and released a deep breath. Not as instantly effective as her cyprus oil had been once long ago, but it was enough for that moment. Enough for her to clear her head to focus on her role in the plan.

When her eyes opened, she found her gaze trained on the rearview mirror spying a faint glow dissipating in the darkness of the car. Narrowing her eyes, she saw short auburn hair framing Isabel’s thoughtful face that stared out the window. Beside her sat Michael, long brown waves settled against his shoulders, while his intense gaze met hers in the mirror. She shot him a questioning look to the sudden decision to revert to their looks before graduation, but his attention was stolen by Isabel’s soft voice.

“This is the place?”

Michael cleared his throat before answering, “Yeah.”

“It’s a warehouse…” Isabel trailed off in confusion.

Maria understood the feeling, still unable to reconcile the ordinary and abandoned-looking building with her blood and torture-filled image of a secured government base. She half expected to hear the threatening growls of guard dogs and the clicks of machine guns being cocked, all ready to finally finish taking them out. At the thought she began to peer out in the surrounding area, for any lurkers in the trees.

“In a city filled with government facilities, a warehouse is the last place you’d think of,” Michael commented softly as he shook his head.

“Looks like most of it is underground… absolutely hidden,” Kyle softly murmured beside Maria, unable to take his eyes off the place.

A sudden movement caught Maria’s gaze; a quick glance in the rearview mirror showed Liz covering her hand as if to still an involuntary shiver.

Her best friend breathed deeply, her gaze averted from the dark, silent building. For a brief moment she saw Liz close her eyes, a silent prayer upon her lips. Then without pretense, her hand already opening the door, Liz stated: “Let’s go.”

It seemed to Maria that Isabel wanted to say something more, her dark eyes on Liz, but ultimately she only shrugged and exited the car. Maria watched tensely as all of them followed Liz, their forms slipping into the shadows of the surrounding trees. Michael lingered just behind the others, casting wary glances around the area.

Maria sat, twisted in the seat clinging to his image, desperately fighting the thoughts of panic crowding into her mind…thoughts of losing him. For those two days Isabel couldn’t reach him, she had begun to assume the worst—even while comforting Isabel she too had feared he had been caught by the Unit.

It was why when he finally returned, she couldn’t believe it. She had stood in the doorway for a long time just staring, her exhaustion and built up grief numbing her in place. Only when she touched him and he had kissed her could she feel again—her tears unstoppable. All that she had been struggling with for months just drained out of her. In those few hours that followed, of resting in the warmth of his strong arms, whispers and kisses passing between them, she almost felt at peace. And even just moments before, gazing into his dark, intense eyes, she felt she could breathe easier. But now, as she watched his tall form disappear into the dark leaves, the torrid emotions returned with a vengeance, catching in her throat.

Only when she registered the pain of her nails digging into her palms, did she calm enough to refocus on the plan—on their faith in that plan’s success. She was still worried about the strong reliance the group was placing upon their gifts, and was most wary of Liz’s enduring fear of using hers. Even with her ability to blast, Liz might panic and be left vulnerable.

Her only comfort was that the four of them had promised to not split up. If there was one thing they had learned over the years, it was that they were strongest together.

Only one question continued to grip her mind, causing her chest to constrict: were they already too late? Would another member be lost to a violent and lonely death?

Her eyes instantly shut at the reminder of what happened to her best friend—the photos of the absolute wreckage of his car, blood smeared in the shattered glass. She shook her head pushing the heel of her palms against her eyes—she had to stop this, she needed to focus. After a long moment, she released a slow, cleansing breath, her hands gradually leaving her face.

She blinked back into focus the ever still, dark trees around her. Lowering her eyes she was caught by the glow of the car clock, the digital numbers burning brightly as she stared at it. Only when the last digit shifted did she blink out of her stupor. One minute down… how many more to go?

She leaned back in her seat, darting glances out the tinted windows. She saw no one, but she couldn’t shake the disquieting feeling in her stomach. The night was far too still.

She felt small tremors in her body as her anxiety began to take over once again. Reaching out for support she held on to the steering wheel, her back tense. Though she tried to focus on being ready to leave at any moment, her mind continued to drift back to one lone thought—would any of them make it out of this?

~ ~ ~
Warehouse- Sub-basement Level- Containment Room

His eyelids rose slowly, tiredly accepting the eternal whiteness. Moments passed as he gradually became aware of the cold floor touching his cheek, of the dull throbbing in his knees, and the tight pull on his shoulders the constriction of being handcuffed caused.

His breathing was labored as he attempted to push himself up. Several grunts escaped him as he leaned against his elbow. Finally, he moved into a sitting position and saw the gurney looming above him. He stared at it in confusion as he searched his memory for how he had ended up on the floor. Had he fallen down?

The small shadow cast underneath the gurney blurred before him. For a moment its dark grey wavered into large shadowed forms hovering over him, a familiar voice, feigning softness, echoing derisively in his ears.

Shh… it’s all right, Mr. Evans.

He flinched as he heard the phantom clicks of the memory of handcuffs closing tightly on his wrists.

The sudden movement caused the shadowy image of the agent to disappear, but the agent’s voice continued softly, insidiously in Max’s mind.

It’s almost time. Someone will be by shortly.

He turned his head away from the tall metal table searching for that someone. Would it be a surgeon? Would it be one of the two agents he feared and loathed?

Just wait here…and it’ll be over soon.

Forcing a deep breath into his weakened system, he shifted across the floor until he hit a corner. He panted from the exertion, cool drops of sweat causing his shirt to cling to his back. He shivered from the prickly drops, but tried to focus on looking for whoever was coming. From his new position he could see beyond the emptied gurney. His eyes darted from wall to wall, silently begging for anyone to appear. He did not know how long he stared, but somehow the heaviness fell upon his eyelids again and they soon dropped closed.

~ ~ ~
Warehouse- Southeast corner

Maria stared at her hands as her knuckles whitened with each passing moment. Her mind continued to repeat the plan, but it only increased her anxiety. As she went over her part of the rescue, her mind would form some scenario of it all going wrong and most of those scenarios ended with a horrible, tragic explosion.

She closed her eyes as she forced her hands to release the steering wheel. She took a deep, slow breath. She wouldn’t be able to pull this off if she wasn’t calm.

When her eyes opened again she glanced at the building just up ahead, where her friends were quietly advancing. Then she flinched, a small yell escaping her, at the sight of a fireball engulfing the entire area.

She yelled again at the music blasting through the car, her shaky hand lowering the volume with a yank. Her eyes still round, she breathed heavily through her shock. As she slowly turned her head from side to side, she saw that there had been no explosion…yet.

Her panic gradually began to dissipate, her shoulders drooping as some of her tension fell away. She pushed against the steering wheel, hanging her slightly shaking head, her eyes closed. She needed to get a grip.

Several moments later, her breaths were still erratic and harsh, her stomach clenching with anxiety. With effort she peeled a hand away from the steering wheel, blindly reaching for her bag. Once it was in her lap, she leaned back and started rifling through it. Pushing things out of the way she muttered, “There has to be one here… there has to be…”

Minutes later she realized she really had thrown all her jars of cyprus oil away. “Damn you Dominic!” she bit out in an angry whisper. “Like you ever really met J. Lo!” With the heel of her right palm, she hit the steering wheel in frustration. “Damn it…just… damn it…” her outbursts were dying as the urge to cry began to overwhelm her. She blinked several times to keep her tears at bay though, trying to focus on steadying her breaths.

She released each one slower and soon her heartbeat didn’t constantly thud in her ears. Instead, she could hear an extremely faint strain of… she looked all around her for the source of the unintelligible sound. Finally her eyes landed on the radio. Shifting the volume up ever so slightly, she heard, –ere’s Sarah McLachlan with one of her early classics, Out of the Shadows…

Needing the quiet reminder that she was still here, that she wasn’t being blown apart or engulfed in flames, she left the radio on. She leaned her head back against the headrest, hoping she would not fall apart again, that now she could focus on her task—wait to see the others coming out, drive up to get them and then get the hell out of there.

~ ~ ~
Crouching down the deep ravine

They gingerly picked their way through the trees that surrounded the warehouse. Though the letter had told them they were expected, they had arrived a day earlier, hoping for any possible advantage of surprise.

Their steady movements halted as they reached the border of the surrounding trees. Peering out at the silent, forbidding building, all they could focus on was the long stretch of open space before them. All cover had been stripped away for perhaps about fifty feet all around the perimeter, leaving any who would cross it utterly exposed.

Those angry cries pass quickly by, he can't be seen
So many ways spent hiding in so many undone plans

“Now what?”

Three of them jumped at the short whisper, their heads jerking towards Kyle. He, though, gazed back at them steadily and expectantly.

Still casting piercing glances around the area Michael responded, “I haven’t seen anyone. They really might not know we’re here yet. But…Isabel is there any chance of you being able to manipulate the security system from here?”

Isabel just gave him an incredulous look until she noticed him gesturing to something ahead. Following his hand she noticed the metal box protruding on the closest wall of the building, and just above it a security camera. “I… from here?” she still asked with disbelief. Sure she had taken a number of computer classes in college, initially out of tribute to Alex and then continuing from a growing personal interest, but it wasn’t like they specialized in security programs, and certainly not how to disable them from far distances with alien powers. And even though her powers were stronger, from her constant practicing and guiding Liz’s training over the past few months, she didn’t think she was that good.

“Worth a shot, right?” Kyle added, touching her arm in support.

With a curt nod, she closed her eyes and reached her hand out in the box’s general direction. She focused on the object, searching for the program coding to manipulate. She could see the box in her mind through a haze, just beyond her grasp. She could feel her energy flowing through her body to push closer towards it, but it still remained just out of reach.

She was vaguely aware that she now held her breath, her concentration solely on infiltrating the system. For a moment she believed she had succeeded, about to release her breath in relief at the soft beep echoing in her ears. But just as she opened her eyes the sight of the video camera, its light off, came into view.

Her eyes fluttered open in confusion, her arm shakily lowering.

“Did it work?” Liz asked softly, in an awed voice.

“I don’t think so,” Isabel replied brushing her hair out of her eyes. “But… well I think the security camera is off.”

“What?” Michael asked, his whisper harsh with surprise.

“I was focusing on the alarm system, but somehow I heard the camera turn off.” Isabel was absolutely confused on what happened as she explained what she had seen in her mind.

“Well if anyone was watching the video feed, they’d be checking it out by now, right?” Kyle questioned.

“Yeah…” Michael commented, his back tense with suspicion.

“Look, either way we’ll have to face them some time. So let’s just go for it. If what Isabel said really happened, then at least they won’t see us until we’re already inside,” Liz spoke, already leaning forward in preparation to dash across the open ground.

Forgetting what it's like to fight when no one understands

“All right. Isabel and I will go first to ensure the alarm system is shut down. When we signal, you two go there,” Michael pointed to the left as he continued, “and see about getting us inside.”

He looked at the others as they all nodded in acceptance of his plan. Then swiftly Michael and Isabel ran towards the building, casting glances over their shoulders. Once they had reached their wall, they slid up close to it, attempting to hide in its shadows.

Close call there in the shadows

Isabel narrowed her eyes as she peered up at the camera, breathing out her confirmation, “No light.”

There's a fear in the dark

“Wow,” Michael murmured.

“Yeah.” Her awe was short-lived though, apprehension soon overwhelming the feeling. She gently touched the box with her hand focusing once more on disabling the alarm system. After a few minutes, she opened her eyes, taking in an incredibly wary and impatient Michael. “We’re good.”

He turned towards the trees, signaling Liz and Kyle. Once done he turned back to Isabel. “We check the corners and then join them.” At her nod, he held on to her arm and spoke, “Come on.”

There's no one out there

Kyle gazed after Michael and Isabel wondering where they were going, but soon his attention was diverted by Liz.

He watched as Liz ran her hand lightly over the wall, her gaze seemingly unfocused. Knowing she needed her full concentration, Kyle stepped a little back from her, leaning his left side against the wall as he cast glances on either side of him.

The trees remained still, appearing like dark standing sentinels, but their sight only added to the foreboding feeling emanating from this place. The sooner they were in and out of this place, the better.

He slowly scanned the area, his eyes seeking to catch any movement. He became aware of the hairs behind his neck rising, a slight movement in the trees catching his notice. But before he could focus on the cause, he suddenly fell.

For the brief second he felt only cool air around him, the thick concrete wall seemingly disappeared. His hands flailed, but nothing was there to stop his fall. All that was there was a soft hum. But the feeling had left him as suddenly as it had occurred.

Still gathering his bearings he flattened his hands against the wall, pushing at it as if testing for its sturdiness… its solid form. He could have almost sworn it had disappeared. As he continued to touch the wall he patted his left arm every so often, his breaths turning shallow, unnerved by the sensation of falling. He hadn’t realized he had distracted Liz until he heard her irritated, urgent whisper, “Kyle.”

He jerked his head towards her at her hiss, his eyes filled with confusion. She however continued, biting out, “What are you doing?”

He glanced back at the wall that his palm still pushed against, before slowly lowering it to his side and sheepishly gazing back at Liz. “I…” he just shrugged his shoulders, unable to explain the brief feeling. It wasn’t like he had developed powers to walk through walls, right? He paused in his thoughts at the idea, but instantly dismissed it and finally just mouthed an apology to Liz.

She looked at him trying to figure out what had happened, but after a beat sighed and returned to searching for a connection to this…place.

All those memories, pain and anger, flood back one by one
They must be just around the bend, they always come

She closed her eyes trying to regain her focus, but her nerves were strung far too tightly. Just being here—so close to where Max was, she was barely keeping herself from tearing open the doors and storming in to get him. Even with the small doubt plaguing her mind that he might not be in there, her heart beat faster with the hope that maybe, if she concentrated hard enough she might feel his presence. And though no hint of her connection to her love had reawakened as she lightly touched the walls, she refused to give up.

At night as I lay sleeping they come to me in herds
Their lies remain, the dreams the same, it's only fleeting words

Yet in the night’s constant silence and coolness, her frustration grew.

No one calls there in the shadows
There's no end to the dark

Just as she was about to give in to her anger, a growl building in her throat, she felt a pull upon her entire body. For moments she was unaware of where she stood, images of white corridors, metal bars, security scanners and blueprints flashing before her eyes.

With a gasp, her eyes shot open, her hand flying away from the wall as if burned. Fortunately, Kyle steadied her before she could fall.

“Did it work?” She closed her eyes slowing her breaths, hearing her friend’s whisper in her ear.

She nodded still leaning against him. After a few moments she felt in control of her body again. She was about to ask where Michael and Isabel were, but before she could say a word, they were standing beside them.

“Ready?” Michael asked, his eyes still shifting to the far corners, despite having seen no one.

With a curt nod, she watched as Isabel moved towards the closest door, unlocking it. As soon as the door opened, Liz went through, Isabel closely behind—their hands ready to blast any agent to get in their way.

The boys followed them in, Michael bringing up the rear. Though the others took no notice, focused on their destination, Kyle’s eyes widened as he recognized the familiar hum surrounding them.

~ ~ ~
Nearby Warehouse- Upper Level- Main Office

But there's no one out there, no one but me....

Lines of black and white shook before him, irking him with every passing moment.

Felding stared at the screens before him, muttering soft curses. He should have expected their impulsiveness, and now the others were scrambling around to ensure everything went as planned.

He turned off the screen that had become only static, focusing on the one that was set up in the trees. He smiled with relief that they had not found that one.

A rattling buzz reached his ears and he glanced down at the table where he had placed his phone. With a sigh he picked it up.

They’ve entered.

Having seen that himself, he ignored the urge to roll his eyes and asked, “Is everything ready?”

Yes. He breathed out a sigh of relief, grateful at least that they were efficient.

“Good. When this is done, ensure nothing is left behind.”

Yes. He heard the abrupt click and this time rolled his eyes at the sound. No sense of culture. But quickly he returned his thoughts to the screens.

He saw Max trembling in a corner. Noting the time, he hoped it would not be long before Max’s friends and family appeared in the containment room.

The hours pass so slowly, the life's slipping out of me
No way's the right way. Is there a way out for me?

~ ~ ~
Warehouse- Ground Level- Southern Corridor

“Liz, where are we headed?” Isabel nervously whispered, her apprehension skyrocketing at not finding a single agent yet.

“One more turn and we should be there,” Liz answered, her eyes focused several feet ahead of them as if the blueprints still appeared in front of her.

Silently they continued on, staying close to the shadowed walls. The dimness inside the building had initially surprised them, and though it allowed them to hide a little more easily as they made their way along, it would also hide the agents from their sight.

My life's slipping out...
Rising up, the night is done, and now the bright lights come
Held back in my pitied world where everything's undone

Liz released a deep breath as she stopped by an Emergency Exit sign. She turned around to face the others to speak. “Two levels down there’s a separate generator for two rooms—and one of them is slightly bigger—that’s where he is. He has to be.”

They darted glances towards the door before facing Liz once again. She pointed down the hallway continuing, “There’s an elevator that opens right in front of them, but taking that would leave us vulnerable. Hopefully we’ll see them coming if we go this way.” Her hand pushed against the exit door at her last statement.

The others nodded and moments later they were steadily making their way down a staircase. Placing each step carefully to make no sound, they constantly glanced above and below them expecting agents to suddenly appear, but all they saw were the reddish glow upon the beige walls.

A cold wind blows right through me, I'm made a hollow shell
There's nothing left, just ash remains, enrich the soil, no soil, no soil...
Close call there in the shadows

Passing the basement level, Liz ceased her darting glances, her eyes staring straight ahead of her. With each step, her heartbeat quickened, but instead of the low thuds echoing in her ears, she heard herself silently call out *Max, Max, Max…*

There's an end to the dark

As she neared the floor below, the reddish haze of the emergency lights seemed to brighten to a blinding white. And for a moment she thought she saw him, huddled in a corner, his head violently shaking side to side. Unaware of her movements, her hand reached towards the quivering form and she heard herself whisper, *Hold on, Max. We’re coming.*

Only when her hand touched the door labeled with the letters ‘SB’ did she realize they were there.

'Cause there's someone out there

~ ~ ~
Warehouse- Sub-basement level- Containment Room

A strangled cry reached his ears as his eyes flew open. The sound had been faint, easily absorbed into the overbearing white walls, but the fear within it was palpable. The same fear that continually rushed through his curled up body, simultaneously urging and repressing his need to cry out again.

Max swallowed several times while his head jerked in various directions to search for the building blue light. But he only saw white.

Someone like me...

Relieved, he sighed and leaned his head back against the wall. His shoulders dropped slightly, relaxing as much as the tight cuffs allowed him. His eyes fluttered closed for a second before he forced them open, his fear once again causing his heart to race.

The hours pass so slowly, the life's slipping out of me
No way's the right way, is there a way out for me

His heart pounded within his chest, its loud beats echoing in his ears. His breaths were short and harsh. The gray lines began to swim before him as he felt more pressure building within his chest. Fortunately, the dull clink of metal snapped him out of his panic.

He blinked a few times focusing on his hands trembling in their cuffs. He linked his fingers to steady his hands and soon all he heard were the soft sounds of his slowing breaths and heartbeat.

The hours pass so slowly

He leaned forward, resting his head upon his knees. Though exhausted he willed himself to stay awake, his eyes remaining open in tiny slits.

Someone’s coming.

His head jerked up, his eyes wide with alarm. He gulped as he dreaded hearing the whispered voice again.

Sense them. They will be here soon.

Max could only shake his head, but so frantic in his denials he hadn’t realized his eyes had closed instinctively, until it was too late.

Blue light swirled around him, spinning faster and faster. It began to close in on him and he struggled to breathe.

The life's slipping out of me

He heard the low voice speak, but he could only focus on his desperate need for air. He was completely unaware of his body, the only sensation he knew was the pain of blinding blue light smothering all breath, energy, life, out of him. In what he believed to be his last breath, he clung to the thought that perhaps now he could be reunited with Liz.

The blue light continued to intensify, and just as it was about encompass him wholly, darkness seeped in. Black and blue swirled before him, the darkness overtaking more and more. His consciousness fading, the blue seemed far more distant, though still utterly brilliant. Even as the light moved farther from him, the surrounding pressure remained, seeming to strengthen as his own struggles weakened. Soon he conceded to the unyielding force, allowing the darkness to wash over him completely.

Is there a way out for me?

The growing darkness, however, shifted into a petite form. For a breathless moment the small shadow flickered into vivid color, accompanied by a soft, sweet whisper.

But the words and colors were swallowed up in silence and whiteness.

He blinked in confusion, his eyes slowly searching for what had called him back to reality. His heart pounded in his chest and his mind spun. He tried to grasp control of his thoughts, but his entire body began to tremble. He could feel energy rushing through his veins, energy that had not been released since graduation.

His skin burned and his muscles twitched under the relentless onslaught of flowing energy. A dull roar filled his ears as the energy surged.

His gut clenched as more and more energy rushed towards his head and he felt his eyes begin to close in pain. Suppressed for a year, the energy was slipping from his control, demanding to be released in any way. He could feel waves of pressure wavering around him, growing larger and larger. Already incredibly weakened and still fighting for control over his mind, let alone his body, he struggled against the weight of power suffocating him from all sides. He gritted his teeth in his efforts, while willing himself to not close his eyes, to not rest and give in to the monster within.

Feel the power. Use it.

He held his head, resting his elbows against his knees, as it continued to shake in meek protest and pain.

The hours pass so slowly

With what little concentration he had, he focused on suppressing the building power. No longer was he aware of the cold white walls and the gray tile borders.

The life's slipping out of me

He remained shivering in his corner, pressing his palms against his head as if to beat out the persistent voice. Only deep in his sub-conscious did he acknowledge one of the walls shifting.

Time for death.

Is there a way out for me?
There must be a way out for me.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 4:25 pm
by behrinthecity
Well... these should have been posted a week ago, but the perfectionist in me just had to send them for one last check with my beta and I caught her at a pretty crazy time. Plus, this past week was crazy for me to with all my classes having papers due and celebrating my birthday. BUT... I now have a little breather before the next round of papers and exams! :)

So as the majority of you asked for (sorry Gnomie and Timelord), and as Scottie and clueless guessed (sorry I had planned to confirm that with you guys, but well the above reasons kept preventing me), I will be posting the following three parts every two days. The first two are actually two halves of Part 36 and are both dedicated to Cherie, a dear reader and fellow writer who I shall definitely miss.

For all the times she had me hanging upon her poetic and beautifully chosen words. For the moments she kept me breathless wondering what would happen next. For all the times she brought a shy smile to my face at her kind encouraging words. For having faith that at some point in this story… Max would be free. To Cherie— Thank you.

And to the rest of you I thank you for your patience and encouraging comments. I hope these following parts do them justice. Enjoy.

Timelord31- Sorry about having you wait extra long for this! Hope you like.

Flamehair- Thanks for your vote, and so as you asked for-- here's the first of three quickly posted parts. And thanks for the bump! :)

Gnomie- Yes, very, very guilty of making you guys wait "too long", and I just hope it hasn't been too too long to keep you interested! Sorry that I couldn't bring this part sooner, but I do hope you can still savour all three parts that will be coming up very soon after. I'll be back in two days! :D

Scottie- No, no, no intention to give heart attacks, but perhaps I should start adding disclaimers warning people of the chance? :twisted: kidding...

And wow... I hope that doesn't mean the story is too confusing, but I really am touched that you like the story enough to keep reading it over and over! Thank you for constantly checking on this story. ;)

Misha- heh heh I promise I didn't come up with that idea because you chose to do that, but ultimately it worked out that way for me too. And so I hope you enjoy the long awaited Part 36... and man I really hope I haven't hyped it up now... so... um any expectations you had, get rid of them before continuing. ;)

And yeah for your story! I'll be looking out for that.

clueless- aww... thank you for that. I have to say when I first read that I was like darn, I can't let the readers decide for me! ;) :lol: But ultimately the majority vote was exactly what worked with my schedule anyway! Thank you for checking up on the story so much. :)

bluesands- As you asked, here they are! I'll be back Tuesday. Thank you for the bump. :)

sprayadhesive- Welcome! Thank you for your comments...I'm really blushing :oops:. And sorry I've gotten behind in your story, I'm hoping I'll have time to check your latest parts soon!

Okay... I think that's everyone... so no more waiting. Finally... here is Part 36.


Not wanting to surprise Liz, Isabel called out to her, “Li—Stephanie?” almost forgetting to call her by her alias. After all in this town, they were sisters—Stephanie and Hillary Carter, with matching blonde hair and hazel eyes, though Liz’s seemed to have a blue tint to them as well at times.
[From Part 4]
~ ~ ~

Max needed her and gave in to his desire passionately. When the kiss ended he gazed into her eyes, barely noticing them flicker to blue before returning to their deep brown.
His eyes flew open, finding his hands tangled in short blonde curls instead of long brown locks. He tore himself away from her, repulsed by the sight. “No!”

“Max what’s wrong?” He heard Liz’s voice, but all he saw was Tess.

“You’re not Liz. You’re not her.”
[From Part 16]
~ ~ ~

Max remained shivering in his corner, pressing his palms against his head as if to beat out the persistent voice. Only deep in his sub-conscious did he acknowledge one of the walls shifting.
[From Part 35]


Langley, Virginia
Warehouse- Sub-basement Level

Red digits burned into his brain.


They had two minutes to live.

But somehow, the numbers no longer flashed, each second ticking by until their doom.

He sensed his hand still raised upward, palm outstretched towards the timer. And though the numbers had not moved for several seconds, he could not tear his terrified gaze away.

His breaths were shallow and harsh to his ears, and he could feel sweat beginning to drip down his forehead. Yet, he could not move.


His body flinched in reaction to his name, but he remained facing the timer. So focused on the small screen, he was only vaguely aware that the actual bomb itself was not in sight, just thin wires disappearing into the wall leading to who knew where. All he knew was that wherever the bomb was hidden, it would destroy them all if his powers failed. And though the numbers stood still, a part of him feared that if he were to look away time would move again, racing to kill them all.

Yet, the whisper persisted. “Kyle.”

He swallowed, his throat burning as he did. Feeling a hand upon his arm, he finally turned to look and there he saw Liz motioning towards the slowly opening door. They did it.

While Kyle had tried to prevent the bomb from going off, Michael and Isabel had worked on bypassing the door’s security system. The surprise at their quick success still lingered upon their faces, their apprehension mounting higher with each moment they remained in this place. They knew this had been far too easy, but those thoughts were instantly pushed back as white light bathed them from the open door.

The four of them moved forward into the bright light, their breath held, and the same thought in all their minds—Let him be alive.

It was eerie stepping into the room.

Though each had seen glimpses of it either through dreamwalks, flashes, or from the last time, actually being here caused a strong, unsettling feeling within them. The first thing they noticed was the whiteness of the room, floor to ceiling: every tile was a sterile, blinding and cold white. In the center was a solid metal table, the restraints open. Each thick, exposed cuff gleamed in the light, its sharp edges filled with menace.

The four of them slowed their steps, remaining huddled by the doorway. Their breath lodged in their throats as they stared at the horrific image, but soon they registered the fact that the table was empty. Desperately they began to spread out, their eyes sweeping the corners of the room. A moment later, their eyes fell upon a gut-wrenching sight.

There shivering in the far right corner, partially hidden by the gurney, his shackled hands holding his head, was Max. Isabel and Liz gasped, while Michael and Kyle froze in place. The girls were the first to recover from their shock and stepped softly towards Max. He didn’t even notice.

As they drew nearer, they could hear Max’s agitated whispers. “No…no…no…”

With Max in full view, Liz hesitated in her steps, shock beginning to seep into her system. That flash in the stairs had been real… she had actually connected to him. At that realization she wanted to run up to him and hold him close, but as she stepped forward once more, his voice—soft, yet harsh, stopped her.


Isabel and Liz exchanged glances filled with fear, sorrow and confusion. Silently they communicated, thinking it would be best not to overwhelm him, and especially wary of the bomb’s timer resuming its fatal countdown. Slightly moving her head, Liz urged Isabel to approach him first.

Kyle remained the farthest back, his eyes darting between Max and the ominous timer, fortunately still stopped. Now that he was physically in the setting of his nightmares, all the dreamwalks he had experienced flooded his mind, rooting him to his spot near the door. The only movement he could make was to constantly check on the bomb, each glance assuring him it was not active. However, as he turned once more from watching Isabel approach Max, he almost believed he saw the red numbers flicker. He stared hard, his heart racing with panic. But his attention was soon stolen away by Isabel’s soft voice.

“Max?” she whispered, barely succeeding in keeping her voice gentle and steady. All the while her trembling hand slowly reached out to her brother.

Max jerked his head up, his eyes wide with fear. For a second, Isabel thought she saw relief, but with a quick shake of his head he began to meekly chant, “You’re not here. You’re not here.” His voice hitched with a hint of hysteria in the hoarse repetition.

Isabel fought her urge to sob right then, clenching her shaking hand to suppress it. Releasing her fist she reached again towards her brother, imploring, “Yes, I am. Max, please, look at me.”

He looked again at her, the lost and terrified look in his eyes causing tears to spring to her own. “You can’t be. You’re dead... or maybe I am…” his soft, broken voice replied between labored breaths.

She crouched in front of him and held him close. “See, I’m real. We’re alive, Max, and so are you. We’re going to get you out of here. I promise.” His thin, weak body trembled in her embrace. She tried to not focus on his clammy skin that covered his shivering bones, jutting out and digging into the soft, warm flesh of her arms. “I promise,” she repeated again, softly in his ear, desperate for him to believe.

In the darkness of his mind, he had heard his sister’s voice. Her soft words had drawn him towards the white light, the horrifying blue light fading into the recesses of his mind. Gradually he felt able to breathe again, the pressure that had surrounded him finally beginning to abate. When he had seen her familiar face, her hair still short and brown as it had been at graduation, hope had leapt within him. Perhaps he was finally at peace… finally reunited with his family… perhaps in Heaven. But soon he became aware of pain that filled his entire body. And then he heard her say that they were all alive.

He silently sobbed at the thought that maybe they hadn’t suffered the horrible deaths as the agents had said. A small hope flickered in his mind, but he couldn’t completely believe it. His mind had been playing so many tricks on him. Even the agents had agreed he was insane and that it was just a matter of time before it was all over. The end he begged them for was coming. Yet… her body was so warm, so alive…so real...

“Isa… bel?” he haltingly asked.

“Yes,” her voice was just barely audible, but he still heard it, clinging to the thought that perhaps this was real. That even if it did turn out to be just another dream, he needed to believe in it, for just this one moment. His breath began to slow, his mind calming as he remained in the warm arms of his alive sister. That was until he saw…

“No! You’re dead! You’re dead!” He was screaming as loud as his hoarse voice could manage.

Isabel tried to calm him down, but Max wasn’t looking at her anymore. He was staring over her shoulder up at… Liz.

Liz stood frozen, unsure to move closer or farther away. When she saw Max calming down she had thought she might approach him too, but with his sudden outburst, she no longer knew what to do.

He stared at her with panicked eyes, his harsh breaths preventing him from continuing his cries. She bit her lip at the sight, but unable to see Max in pain, she moved forward. As soon as she was by his side, though, his protests started again.

“No! You’re not Liz! You’re not Liz!”

Kyle and Michael watched in confusion, their expressions matching that of the girls. The sheer panic in Max’s cracking voice held them all in place, thoughts of the bomb drifting from their awareness.

Both Liz and Isabel touched Max’s face trying to calm him, but he only flinched away, still crying, “No!”

More tears stung their eyes as they tried to understand what had happened. Isabel and Liz stared at each other, a lost expression on their faces. Then it finally dawned on Isabel.

Having been completely focused on the plan and the thought of having to use her powers, Liz hadn’t noticed her and Michael changing their looks back to when Max last saw them. And though she thought to suggest it to her, Isabel had let it go when Liz had stepped out of the car, knowing the main thing was getting Max out of this place. Her hair, still dark blonde, appeared lighter in the harsh white light of Max’s cell. And her hair wasn’t all that was affected by the bright light.

At first glance, Liz could easily remind one of a certain blonde, blue-eyed alien. In a rushed whisper, Isabel spoke, “Liz, your eyes, they look blue in the light. He doesn’t know it’s you.”

Realization instantly awakened in Liz’s eyes and quickly she waved her hand in front of them, revealing their original doe brown. Turning back to Max who still refused to look at her, she pleaded with him to believe her: “It is me Max. Look, it’s me.”

His forlorn eyes frantically searched her face but still remained unbelieving. A tear escaped her eyes at the sight of his broken gaze, her body shuddering as emotion threatened to overwhelm her. God, what had they done to him?

Ignoring the wet trail on her cheek she tentatively reached a hand out to touch him. Perhaps if they could just connect… Just as she neared his cheek, she whispered, “Max…”

He flinched away.

He drew in to himself, his eyes darting between her and the cold white tiles of the floor. He began to shake his head again, trying to rid his already distressed mind of a confusing, persistent image of blonde hair and changing eyes from the past. Though the image flashing in his head felt like a memory, he didn’t understand where it was from. And even more confusing were his feelings to the girl claiming to be Liz. Having clung to the memory of her long brown hair and the warmth of her brown eyes all this time, he could see nothing of his vision in this girl. If anything her appearance was closer to the one person he wished he could hate. Yet, there was something about her presence that made him want to believe her softly implored words. But as her hand reached out towards him, he couldn’t let her touch him. There was just too much for his mind to bear—too much confusion and pain.

Still shaking his head, his eyes gradually closed, heavy with exhaustion. As blackness took over his vision, the haunting and terrifying deep whisper called out to him, waiting to drown him in the abyss of his mind. He struggled briefly, his eyes fluttering open long enough to take in the brown eyes he had longed to gaze into, as he whispered, repeatedly, “No.” But again the feeling of suffocation overwhelmed him, drawing him back into the darkness. The loving, familiar eyes filled with panic before fading from sight. His eyes fluttering closed, he struggled one last time for control, but breath was soon stolen from him. In a gasp, her name escaped his lips like a soft, desperate whisper, “Liz?”

“Max? Max!” Both Isabel and Liz frantically tried to revive him, but he remained unconscious.

As Max had quieted, Kyle had returned to his careful watch on the bomb. After several more flickers, he realized that the ‘6’ had begun to shift. His eyes had widened as slowly a ‘5’ appeared in its place. His heartbeat had pounded in his ears then, blocking whatever was transpiring between the others and Max. All Kyle could focus on then, was the timer. He had waved his shaky hand at it and for a moment the number flickered in place before stopping on ‘2:05’. Just as he had released a breath of relief, the numbers began to shift again.

Kyle called out to the others, his voice filled with worry. “Umm… guys, just so you know, the numbers are slowly starting to change. I don’t think I can keep it up for much longer.”

Before Liz and Isabel could respond to Kyle’s warning, Michael came up behind them and scooped up Max. His step faltered briefly in his shock to discover how light and frail Max’s body had become during his time in here, only the restraints around his wrists and ankles providing any substantial weight. Michael swallowed his anger and horror, grinding out, “Let’s get out of here.” He quickly strode out of the room toward the exit, gently cradling Max.

After a moment, the girls scrambled to their feet and followed. However, as Isabel passed by the observation room, she remembered that Liz had told her a computer was in there. Her eyes darting to the exit where Liz and Michael were already passing through, and Kyle’s expectant gaze, she dashed into the room.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:14 pm
by behrinthecity
And I'm back! :D

clueless- Thank you for the thanks! ;) Hope you like.

Misha- Nope, I'll never tire of it! :lol: It's like your catch-phrase now! And sorry... if anything I think you might be ahead of me! So sorry for making you wait sooo long for this...

And thanks, I certainly hope so too. After I post this it's back to work, work, work.. but fortunately it won't be as frantically done as the last few days... but yeah tomorrow night and Saturday is going to be a bit crazy for me-- certain events I need to attend... so hopefully I'll get another moment to post the part following this. And then after that... heh heh we'll see with finals and all when I can get subsequent parts churned out!

But for now... there's this. :)

One more time... For Cherie


Liz stood closely to Max, trying to quell the panic building within her. The sooner they left this town, the better. She could hear the eulogy begin behind her, but it faded into the background as she focused on what those seated in the congregation were doing.

Every one of them scratched at their necks with increasing intensity, some to the extent the skin peeled off in their hands. Just as Michael had said had happened to Courtney…a Skin.

Terrified, Liz whispered, “This place is crawling with them.”
[From Harvest]
~ ~ ~

Max remained apprehensive, but part of him jumped at the possibility to hope the end was finally coming. “Then why did you bother saving me from choking to death?”

Agent Hammers was silent for a second then soon laughed at the absurdity of the question. “We told you Mr. Evans, the fun is only just beginning.”
[From Part 11]
~ ~ ~

Cal raised his hand toward the recording machine, brightening the room with a blinding intensity. The light was accompanied by the whirring sound of rewinding tape that within seconds would play significantly different.
[From Part 26]
~ ~ ~

A gentle buzz reached Cal’s ears bringing an expression of relief to his face. Digging into his pocket he pulled out the vibrating phone, saying nothing as he accepted the call.

The words he had been waiting anxiously to hear finally were spoken, We’re here.
[From Part 28]
~ ~ ~

The general tapped the case lightly. “The offer still stands.”

Felding stiffly turned, his cold eyes staring into the general’s expectant ones.

“The end of the month, sir,” he reiterated, his unyielding gaze and flat tone conveying his refusal. He intended to retire after this was over and had no desire to join the general’s project.
~ ~ ~

"It’s become useful again… as bait.” Felding finally faced Hammers.

“Bait, sir?” Hammers cocked his head unable to follow his leader’s logic.

“Yes. They will definitely come once they find out, and when they do, we take care of them all in one simple act of justice.” The satisfied smirk appeared once more.
[From Part 32]
~ ~ ~

“It’s a trap.”

Liz heard the tremor of fear in her voice. She could not say anything else, the same fear keeping her throat constricted.

Her mind remained miles away, the sight of flickering flames, billowing smoke, terrifyingly real.
“There was an explosion.”
[From Part 33]
~ ~ ~


What was she thinking?

Isabel’s glance at Kyle had been far too brief for him to understand what sudden determination lit in her wide, frightened eyes. He stared after her at a loss, trying to catch her gaze again.

He saw her short auburn hair slowly fly as she turned away from him. The hint of red in the strands held his attention, as the dreaded glowing digits of the timer had only a second before. He could almost sense the silky feel of the strands as they lightly crashed against her cheek, the sound of his heartbeats in-synch with each collision. A stray strand caressed her lips, and his heart pounded harder and faster than before. Her hair began to fully overtake the image of her scared, but determined face. Briefly he almost wondered had his power affected her? Why wasn’t she headed towards the exit too?

Behind him, the exit door slammed, causing him to jump, stealing his focus away from her.

He took in the once again closed door of the emergency exit, awareness of their situation flooding back into his mind. What was he still doing down there? What was Isabel doing? Instantly, he turned back to where Isabel was.

She was gone.

Frantically he ran to the door ahead of him pushing it open, only briefly remembering to check the timer—now running at full speed.



His head jerked from side to side barely registering the white light spilling into the room from a large observation window and the numerous exposed wires of hastily removed equipment. Finally he laid eyes on Isabel’s bent form, her hand running down the side of a computer—a soft glow beginning to form.

Fear cracking his voice, he called out to her, “Isabel!”

She refused to turn to him, her concentration solely on the computer.

He called again, his voice louder and desperate, “Isabel, we have to get out of here, right now!”

“Then go! I need to do this!”

They were about to be blown up any minute and she needed to— “Do what? Don’t you think they’ve wiped it clean of any information?”

“That doesn’t matter. I can still find it.”

“What? How?”

Finally she turned to him, her eyes dark with anger. “Are you really going to waste the one minute we have left to ask me what I’m doing? Can it just be enough that what I’m doing is important to me?” Her voice had risen now in pitch and volume, near cracking point. “That what I need is to do this? That I need to know what the hell was done to my brother?”

Her chest heaved under her emotions, her breaths heavy.

Swallowing, Kyle spoke in a low, somewhat calmer voice. “Okay.” Stepping back a moment, he glanced at the timer through the doorway. 1:24.

His voice still subdued, he added, “Just hurry.”

She turned back to the computer with a slight nod, placing her hand against the side again. Her eyes closed and within seconds a glow brightened once more from her hands.

Kyle held his breath as he watched her, silently counting down the seconds in his head. For seconds were all they had: 1:17, 1:16, 1:15…

Her eyes opened, accompanied by her harsh gasp. Instantly, he was by her side, only noticing then the USB device clutched in her hand. He glanced at it questioningly, but the thought was soon forgotten at it as Isabel’s other hand touched his arm. Without a word he held onto her and ran out of the room.

As they fled the warehouse the last image of the red digits remained permanently etched in his mind.


~ ~ ~ ~
Langley, Virginia

Outside the building, Maria sat in the car, anxiously checking the time and the door every few seconds. Her chest pinched painfully as she desperately tried to calm herself. She winced at the sensation, her hand moving to hold her side, but at the sight of Liz bursting out of the warehouse door, she swung into action. Within seconds she had driven up to Liz, watching with wide eyes as she helped Michael carry in… Max.

Oh my god, she thought.

He was there. He was actually there. She watched in stunned silence as they wrapped his trembling body in a blanket. Liz and Michael murmured to each other something about Kyle and Isabel, but Maria could only focus on Max.

Her hand started to reach out towards him, but she pulled it back with a jerk as Kyle and Isabel entered the car, their breaths fast and heavy.

“We’ve got barely a minute to get out of here!” Kyle shouted in a hoarse voice.

At that same moment, a violent tremor wracked Max’s body tossing the blanket aside and revealing his weakened physical state to Maria. “Oh my god…” she breathed, her eyes wide. She knew he had been in hell, but to see him like this… she could never have imagined…

“Maria!! We have to go, NOW!” Kyle’s urgent voice snapped her back into focus.

She grabbed the wheel and gunned the engine, tearing out of there. Just as she hit the end of the building’s driveway, an explosion erupted behind them.

Everyone instinctively tensed and ducked from the sudden roar. Maria hunched over the wheel, gripping it with all her strength. as her foot pressed even harder on the accelerator. The others withdrew into themselves momentarily, not wanting to see the destruction and praying to get out of there as soon as possible.

Only Liz turned back to watch, the hauntingly familiar flames reflected in her eyes.

~ ~ ~ ~
A Nearby Warehouse- Upper Level- Main Office

The entire screen was filled with black smoke and gray flames.

Felding held his breath as he listened intently to his cell, his eyes staring closely at the screen.

Moments later, he released the breath in relief, gradually lowering his arm to place his cell in his pocket. It was done.

There was just one more thing to do.

Quickly he held his hand up to the screen, near where the recording tape was kept. The images flickered for several seconds, their erratic patterns of light flashing upon his body.

He moved away, a small smile gracing his face at the sight of the once again intact warehouse.

Tapping his earpiece he called Hammers. “Are you done?”

Yes, sir. All traces of the files have been destroyed.

“Excellent. Report to the main office. Our guests have finally arrived.”

I’ll be right there, sir.

Felding tapped his earpiece, ending the connection, his eyes burning with anger at the sudden interest in the other agent’s voice. However, any expression of emotion was instantly hidden at the opening of the door.

Silently the agent entered, taking a seat next to Felding. Hammers’ eyes remained glued to the screen, watching the aliens enter the warehouse. Keenly he turned to the screen where the prisoner remained shivering in a corner. He waited for their appearance with bated breath, and just as he saw the sister place her arms around their prisoner the entire place exploded.

His eyebrows rose in reaction to the sight, his body moving slightly back, before a wide grin briefly stole across his face. The plan worked out after all. Their mission was complete.

He heard his superior speak then, “It’s over.”

Turning to him, he saw Agent Felding speaking into a cell phone, most likely to the general who gave them the funding to form the Unit again to eradicate these aliens. The same general who was offering him a position to help him now that this mission was over, a position that his superior had turned down, apparently. He watched Felding nod a few times before ending the call, “Yes sir, they were all caught in the explosion. I’ll send over the tape of it. Goodbye, sir.”

As Felding placed into his pocket, Hammers quietly commented. “About time, huh sir?”

Felding only raised an eyebrow in response, a grim smile on his hard, wrinkled face.

Continuing, Hammers asked, “So, this is it for you, sir? Spending the rest of your years with your family?”

“Best way to live.”

Hammers turned away for a moment, bitterness surfacing in his eyes. His gaze, quickly controlled and emotionless again, returned to the screen. Staring into the thick grey smoke, he commented, “I wouldn’t really know, sir.”

Seeming lost in thought, a sinister smile slowly crept upon Felding’s face.

With Hammers’ attention upon the screen and at the sight of still billowing smoke, he never noticed the brief gleam in his superior’s eyes.

“It really is quite unfortunate for you that you have no friends, no surviving family.”

Hammers sharply turned to his superior, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. After a brief silence he cautiously answered: “Protecting our country is always our first priority. You taught me that. Besides what does that have to do with anything?”

Felding’s face held a glimmer of amusement before returning to its original cold state. “No one to miss you.”

“Sir?” For once the arrogant strength in Hammers voice wavered with confusion and fear. As the syllable left his lips, his hand hovered by his gun.

He never got the chance to pull it out.

Blinding light and agonizing heat seared through him, his body jerking helplessly as he cried out in pain. The pungent scent of burning flesh soon hit his nostrils and he whimpered at the realization the smell was coming from him. Soon overwhelmed, he began to choke on the bile entering his throat.

His eyes could not readjust from the bright light, only able to make out a shadowy outline of his murderer. The barely human form wavered like wispy smoke before his stinging, panicked eyes. Grey smoky spots began to blot out the form of his murderer and as the world darkened, the strangled sounds of his gagging rapidly started to die. On his knees, his body twisted in place, his breathing pained and shallow. His eyes rolled up with his last breath.

Hammers’ body fell heavily upon the ground, still smoldering.

Felding observed the faint shimmer of silver over the burned flesh, but only for a moment. He knelt by him, removing his ID, gun and cell phone. Thumbing the cell for a moment, he found confirmation of a private call with the general. Perhaps this was his way to finally infiltrate that general’s project, he mused. Placing Hammer’s items into his own jacket pocket, he leaned slightly away from the body. His hand hovered over the scorched chest and blinding light flooded the small room once more.

In seconds the body eroded into ashes that were then melted into the cold, dark floor. No one would ever know this man existed.

With a decisive step, he walked upon the ground where the body had been, darkly muttering, “How was that for fun?” He moved towards the door without giving a second thought to what had just transpired or what anyone would think of it.

For outside the room, other agents waited patiently for instructions, scratching slightly at the back of their necks. The sudden appearance of the blinding flashes was no surprise to them.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:18 am
by behrinthecity
*sneaks in*

So apparently I jinxed myself when I posted the last part, because though I had planned to post Saturday night (or well Sunday morning at the latest, since the event on Saturday certainly was exhausting)... I got a mild case of food poisoning... soooooo the past number of days have been me recuperating, trying to get rest, while cramming for the final I had today. Anyway... I think I'm pretty much over whatever it was that affected me... but well finals are now upon on me... so I'm sorry that I really don't know when the part after this will come out, I just have sketchy details at this point of it. But I will try to come back and update you guys on my progress-- honestly, I do really hate myself for keeping you waiting so long!

Anyway, I'm pretty wiped from today... so I will answer feedback later on. Thank you to everyone for reading, commenting and your amazing capacity for patience with me.

Oh let me just say... Misha, he is.

So here's the next part... I will warn you my beta didn't see the final change I had done to it... so hopefully it's... enjoyable enough.

Take care.


Liz pressed her fingers against Max’s neck, praying to feel a pulse thumping beneath. But there was nothing.

Struggling to keep her emotions from overwhelming her, she urged her hands to move. Gently they caressed Max’s face, feeling the coolness of his cheeks. Unable to hold it back, a tear fell from her cheek onto his. A moment later her lips crashed upon his, her warmth, sorrow and love pouring into his cold, stiffening body. As she did, she could feel a pull upon her body, her warmth, her energy. She began to shiver in the chilly night air as she pulled away, her eyes opening.

She felt no breath in her lungs. She was no longer aware of how cold she felt. All she could focus on was a glow slowly intensifying upon Max’s face.
[From Chant Down Babylon]
~ ~ ~

Liz paused on the last article, lightly tracing the face staring out from the page. *Max* she sighed as her finger followed the strong line of his jaw and onto his soft, saddened lips. She longed to feel those lips on hers again. She longed to actually look into his eyes and once again get lost in their warm amber depths.
[From Part 4]
~ ~ ~

In the distance Max saw something flash. The occurrence was so brief that he could not process what had happened, but then it appeared again… and this time it stayed.

It was a light, building upon itself, its glow intensifying with every moment passed. Blue began to reach out towards him, ridding him of the darkness but not his fear. Caught between two hells of blinding light, he remained captive within his mind. He was unable to speak, to move, to awake from this nightmare.

He was completely unaware of his body, the only sensation he knew was the pain of blinding blue light smothering all breath, energy, life, out of him. In what he believed to be his last breath, he clung to the thought that perhaps now he could be reunited with Liz.
[From Parts 27 & 35]
~ ~ ~


An Hour Later
Along Hampton Highway

No one spoke a word.

Only the humming of the engine was heard, drowning out the shallow, raspy breaths Max released. Yet, all eyes were still drawn to him, his emaciated form, wrapped in a blanket, stretched over the laps of Isabel, Michael and Liz. Only his head, resting on Liz’s lap, was visible.

Even in the darkness they could see the utter paleness of his skin. Its pallor seemed to glow among the folds of the dark blanket, appearing dull and sickly. Every time they passed a streetlamp they could see the deep marks littered upon his face. Small, seemingly tanned fingers stood out against the pale skin of his sunken cheeks in the intermittent yellow light— Liz’s fingers. They gently caressed his face, careful to avoid those marks. Her hands tenderly cradled his head, ever wary of the burns at his temples.

***** It was chaos in the car. The haunting flames of the hellish warehouse no longer in sight still burned brightly in their minds, fueling their fright and determination to get as fast and as far away from it as possible. Maria had yet to let up on the accelerator, miraculously remaining in control as Kyle continually shouted out directions.

Liz though remained oblivious to the noise of the roaring engine and Kyle’s strained voice. Minutes before, Max had released a strangled hiss of breath, tearing Liz’s attention from the fire and smoke. Since then she hadn’t been able to turn away from his face, gently stroking his cheeks and running through the short strands of his hair.

Softly she spoke to him, “wake up, Max.” Only his raspy breaths answered her.

“Please Max, wake up.” She repeated the gentle command, so focused on his closed eyes and lips, she was barely aware of where her fingers touched. Until Max hissed out in pain, his face momentarily contorting.

Liz felt like she couldn’t breathe as she leaned closer to Max’s face, desperately searching for the source of the pain. She peered through the dim light of the streetlamps, soon spying the round, red burn marks on either side of his head. She gasped at the sight.

She suddenly became aware the engine was the only sound in the car. She knew the others were waiting for her to tell them what happened, but she couldn’t.

Paralyzed by the sickening memory of seeing Pierce torturing Max with electro-shock and the evidence of Max suffering it again, all she could do was to hold Max close. She slowly blinked back tears, biting her lip, still refusing to look at anyone but Max.

Beside her Michael and Isabel shifted, readjusting their hold on Max’s body after Liz’s sudden movement. Once again they attempted to remove the cuffs, but the thick shackles held fast. As much as the failures irked Michael, he knew Isabel needed to conserve some of her strength in case any agent did come after them. With resignation he told her, “We’ll try again when we reach the motel.” Silently, he prayed that they would indeed reach the motel.

Isabel nodded tiredly. Hugging Max's legs tightly to her, she reached into the back pocket of the seat in front of her. Slowly, she managed to pull out a bottle of Gatorade she had placed in there before going into the warehouse. Leaning against Michael, she nudged Liz in the elbow with it.

After a moment Liz tore her gaze away from Max, quickly grasping onto the bottle. All three shifted again so that Liz could lift and support Max’s head. She then brought the Gatorade to his dry, cracked lips carefully pouring the drink past them.

She leaned back suddenly from his harsh, protesting cough.

Moving forward again, she stroked his cheek, soothing him. A moment later, she tried again. He seemed to accept it this time and a small smile graced her face.

He began to convulse.

The car started to swerve off its straight path as Maria panicked from Max’s gasps. She frantically asked if she should stop the car, her foot already beginning to shift towards the brake. Fortunately at Kyle’s urging, she continued forward, managing to maintain her steady speed.

In the back, Isabel held tightly on to Max while watching with frightened eyes as Liz and Michael attempted to calm him down. They ignored the spilt Gatorade, their focus purely on Max. The bottle, carelessly fallen to the floor, lay forgotten at their feet.

Soon, Max settled once more in their laps. All they could do was stare at him, while their hands rubbed his limbs to warm his shivering body and hopefully maintain some circulation.

Lost in their thoughts, they vaguely heard Maria’s wavering voice ask, “Is everything okay, now?”

No one said a word.

Since then, they still hadn’t spoken a word. Even Kyle had stopped directing Maria down the highway. There was still a ways to go until they reached the exit towards their motel.

Instead Kyle vigilantly stared out the window, a fist against his mouth. He scoured the roads, keeping an eye out for any agents or cops, and for their exit. Throughout, he silently chanted to not turn around… to not even glance at the rearview mirror. For seeing Max would steal his focus— he had to stay alert to find their motel and watch for any sign of trouble. Yet, he could not stop his thoughts from drifting into disappointment and guilt: Though he knew he did all he could have done, he still felt he should have tried harder. It had taken far too long to find Max.

Hearing a soft gasp he jerked his head to the left. His eyes softened at Maria’s tense form and gently he placed a hand on her shoulder. Her green eyes darted towards him, before returning to the road. He watched her face carefully as she released another breath—this time slower. At that he removed his hand, returning to his avid watch of the road.

Moments went by with only the humming of the car resonating around them. His eyes beginning to tire, Kyle turned back to Maria to see how she was doing. Just then, a small clink resounded in the car, and immediately his eyes darted towards the mirror. He noticed Maria’s had too, but he soon was lost to the sight of Max shivering in the arms of Liz, Michael and Isabel. No matter how much they soothed and attempted to warm him up, he still looked as cold and pale as ever. And every so often a shudder would run through his entire body, causing the tight cuffs to noisily protest.

Michael’s eyes met Kyle’s for a moment and for once Kyle could read exactly what was there.

He wished he could punch something too.

He forced himself to turn away—to return his gaze to the road.

Michael watched as Kyle lowered his gaze from the rearview mirror. He was grateful to the guy, that because of him they had found Max, that he could offer comfort to Maria and that he was keeping a lookout. Michael tried to, too, but Max’s body kept slipping from his grip, so most of his focus was on ensuring he didn’t fall. He hated he couldn’t do more at the moment. He hated seeing Max this helpless, this weak… just… this. He hated that he wondered whether he should be happy that Max was still alive, because the Unit chose to torture him instead, or to wish Max was still dead, instead of enduring the pain he had. He hated that he actually wished there had been at least one agent in that building so he could have blasted the bastard through the walls for what they did to Max. He hated that he couldn’t comfort anyone at this time, not Liz or Isabel who could barely tear their gazes away from Max, not Maria who was barely holding it together at the wheel.

He continued to stare at the rearview mirror, waiting to meet Maria’s green eyes. And within seconds they lifted, filled with barely controlled panic, and sorrow. Yet, as green and brown reflected in the small mirror, a calmness passed between them. That somehow they would all get through this. That once they reached the motel, they could begin to help Max. Small smiles of hope flitted on their faces. But in a moment, she was once more trained directly on the road and he upon his hands readjusting the blanket around Max.

One…two…three…four...exhale. One…two… Maria had been counting her breaths silently since leaving the wake of the explosion and she still felt no calmer. Not until now.

All this time she had known Michael, she hadn’t realized how much he spoke with his eyes. How many messages of love and assurance had she missed, too focused on his gruff voice and tense stance? Now though… all she could focus on in that brief moment was his eyes. Though she had almost completely lost it at the deep pain, frustration and helplessness she initially saw in them, the spark of hope that ignited as their gazes held on to each other was enough to allow her to keep breathing. The tension in her shoulders lessened, the pain in her chest dissipating. Her mind cleared of dark thoughts about any pursuing agent appearing to end their permanent memberships to the alien abyss. Instead, she kept Michael’s eyes in mind as she continued to search the road for the exit.

It almost would have worked had it not been for the recurring clinking from the back…from Max.

Darting a glance to the rearview mirror, she took in his trembling form once more. She could feel her hysteria building up in her chest again, demanding to be released—for her to cry, to scream. But she knew now was not the time. She needed to get Max…all of them, to safety. Once again she trained her eyes solely on the road, searching for the sign, all the while counting: one…two…

Three months, Isabel thought. Three months she had tried. Three months she had met with only darkness, emptiness, hopelessness. And yet, through all that, he had been in there and because of her failure… because she hadn’t tried longer… he had been in there for a year. A year he had been alone to face his worst nightmare. All because she had given up on him.

Guilt-ridden thoughts were all that remained in Isabel’s mind as she stared at her brother’s face through glassy eyes. She was barely aware of her movements, of her hands continuously rubbing his legs and feet to generate warmth. But it still wasn’t enough. Every time she heard the light clinking, she doubled her efforts, but he still looked far too cold. Had it not been for the shivers, she would almost believe he was truly dead.

Staring at his face, taking in the bruises and cuts upon it she was amazed he wasn’t yet. All that torture… all alone, even believing that they were all dead… How…how had he survived?

As the question entered her mind, her eyes focused on the sight of Liz’s fingers gently stroking Max’s cheek. With an imperceptible nod, her eyes briefly closing, she realized the answer.

Liz’s finger lightly traced the line of his jaw that jutted out more than it ever had. His skin was cold and waxy underneath her touch. She lingered by his lips, dried and cracked. Her finger halted all together at the raised roughness of caked blood at the center of his bottom lip.

Liz’s breath hitched as she struggled to hold back the stinging wetness plaguing her eyes. She had to be strong. She had to be there for him… to support him… to help bring him back. But seeing the evidence of his year-long suffering was overwhelming, and she had barely even begun to see all that had been done to him.

She managed to tear her gaze away from his lips, only to be captured by a dull red line peeking out from the blanket they had wrapped around him. Leaning closer and lifting the dark cloth slightly she discovered the reddish line circling at the base of his neck. In the white room, she hadn’t noticed the welt due to his curled up form, her focus then on trying to catch his distressed gaze. Now it was all she could focus on, frozen by the extent to which the Unit had violated him. Her emotions painfully twisting in her stomach soon rose, catching in her throat.

Her chest heaved for a moment as she forced a breath through the lump in her throat. The escaping breath left her as a sorrowful sigh, a silent call of Max hidden in its soft sound. But she stilled as she noticed his head lean slightly towards her.

Leaning closer, she whispered out his name, her breath briefly touching his cheek and ear. His only response was another raspy breath, but for a moment she almost believed she heard her name. Gently tilting his head, she leaned closer and unable to hold back she pressed her lips to his.

The touch was tentative at first, a mere brush, but the energy she could feel tingling just underneath the surface of his cold, dry lips pulled her in. She could feel her own system tingle, sensing her blood rushing through her veins towards her hands, her lips. Then an instant later it stopped.

She slowly pulled away, a coldness running through her body. Her hands still cradling Max’s face, she could feel a slight warmth from his clammy skin. She smiled in surprise and relief. Perhaps they hadn’t lost him yet.

She leaned her head back against the seat for a moment, a weariness setting in. Feeling a gaze upon her she tilted her head to the right, locking eyes with Michael’s. Too tired to understand what thoughts and emotions reflected in his dark eyes, she continued to silently hold his gaze, offering him a tired smile of hope. She thought she saw his lips quirk upward in response, but soon one of his hands jerked away as if shocked or burned and his head turned back to Max.

Leaning forward again, her eyes filled with confusion, she asked, “What happened?”

“I don’t know,” Michael answered somewhat breathlessly, shaking his hand slightly as if it still stung.

They continued to gaze where Michael’s hand had been, somewhat aware that Isabel was staring there too. After a moment Liz thought she saw something golden flicker.

Unsure if it was just a passing streetlamp tricking her tired eyes, she reached a hand out gingerly, moving back the blanket to reveal Max’s hands.

For a minute she was sure she wasn’t breathing.

Blue light flickered through the veins of his hands, all the while a soft golden glow began to build from his palms. Her eyes widened, the building light reflected in them soon overpowering the brown of her irises.

Vaguely, she was aware of Maria’s strained voice calling out, “What do I do? Do I keep going?”

She was about to answer when the light show playing out on Max’s hands abruptly stopped.

For a moment no one spoke or even breathed. But after a minute passed, all released their breaths, gradually, though still regarding Max’s hands warily. What was that?

Minutes later, things had returned to how they had been. Liz was beginning to stroke the side of Max’s face again, when she heard Michael softly hiss out, “Ah!”

Jerking her head to him to see if he was all right, she saw him wincing in pain. With dread she looked down at Max’s hands again. Gold and blue danced on the surface of his pallid skin in a seeming fight to dominate, the sight beautiful and terrible. Within moments, the colors blended into green light, running up and down his arms in painful, jagged lines. Liz finally registered her friends’ panicked and confused voices. But she could only make out Maria’s repeated question: “Do I stop? Do you want me to stop?”

Without another thought, Liz screamed out, “Maria! Pull over now!”

Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:02 pm
by behrinthecity
Hi everyone! I'm back! :D

Despite her crazy schedule my lovely beta, Michelle in Yonkers put up with my last minute questions so that I could get this out today! So many, many thanks to her!

Also thank you to: Timelord31, Flamehair, Scottie, Misha and clueless

Hope you all enjoy!

A/N: The first section of this part overlaps temporally with the last part.


[From Chant Down Babylon]
Max felt as if he were in a coffin. Darkness pressed on all sides of him. Was this what eternity would be for him? Was this what it was to die…to be dead?

Beyond the pressure he felt nothing else, until light flashed through the darkness. He concentrated on looking for the light and when it flashed he saw a long, silky golden curl.

No! No, not her, not her! He could hear his thoughts echo loudly around him. Somehow the light began to take over the darkness, hiding a distant, faint blue light from his notice. Suddenly, emotions and pain overwhelmed him and memories of another life, another man, threatened to erase all that he held dear.

He heard his voice, lower than usual, cry out in pain, “Ahh!”

Confused and frightened about all he felt and saw, he focused on the one constant in his life, the one who gave him reason to be—“Liiiiz!”
~ ~ ~

[From Part 36]
As blackness took over his vision, the haunting and terrifying deep whisper called out to him, waiting to drown him in the abyss of his mind. He struggled briefly, his eyes fluttering open long enough to take in the brown eyes he had longed to gaze into. The loving, familiar eyes filled with panic before fading from sight. His eyes fluttering closed, he struggled one last time for control, but breath was soon stolen from him. In a gasp, her name escaped his lips like a soft, desperate whisper, “Liz?”
~ ~ ~

[From Part 37]
Liz brought the Gatorade to his dry, cracked lips carefully pouring the drink past them. She leaned back suddenly from his harsh, protesting cough. Moving forward again, she stroked his cheek, soothing him. A moment later, she tried again. He seemed to accept it this time and a small smile graced her face.

He began to convulse.

Isabel held tightly on to Max while watching with frightened eyes as Liz and Michael attempted to calm him down. They ignored the spilt Gatorade, their focus purely on Max. The bottle, carelessly fallen to the floor, lay forgotten at their feet.
~ ~ ~

Gold and blue danced on the surface of Max’s pallid skin in a seeming fight to dominate, the sight beautiful and terrible. Within moments, the colors blended into green light, running up and down his arms in painful, jagged lines. Liz finally registered her friends’ panicked and confused voices. But she could only make out Maria’s repeated question: “Do I stop? Do you want me to stop?”

Without another thought, Liz screamed out, “Maria! Pull over now!”


(Snippet quotes taken from Heat Wave, The Balance, Sexual Healing and Destiny.)


His strangled voice reverberated in the darkness surrounding him. As the sound of her name began to fade, Max cried it out again.


The desperate syllable echoed again, but this time it was cut short.

She’s dead.

“Liz!” He shouted again, ignoring the relentless, taunting, deep voice, though fear now tinged his own.

They’re all dead.

He fell silent and suddenly he felt pressure building around him, once more robbing him of breath.

“No…” His voice was a mere hiss, any air left in his lungs rushing out with the soft denial.

Refused breath, Max could no longer cry out, rapidly losing awareness of anything beyond the darkness.

Then an angelic whisper cut through the black void. He’s so cold…

For a brief moment, he believed soft felt touched his skin. But the sight of intense blue light soon held his attention, any other sensation instantly forgotten. The light came closer and he struggled to escape its frightful presence and promised pain. The electric blue lines violently wavered before him, and again another familiar voice from the past cut through, Oh my God…

Darkness and silence wrapped around him again, before he could even regain a single breath. But he continued to struggle weakly against it, and soon the pressure lessened. The blue light faded into the distance, still present, but no longer denying him life.

His breaths were shallow, their sounds the only sign he lived. Gradually he became aware of fingers touching him—ungloved. He felt no fear or relief at their touch, the tingling only a way to break the numb monotony around him. That was until his head exploded with pain.

He could hear the sickening sizzling sound of electricity burning through his body, the torturous second leaving infinite echoes of pain within him.

Mercifully it stopped and darkness was all he knew once more. Until water drops began to slowly fall unto his skin.

Instantly, he was aware of how he couldn’t move, metal weighing heavily against his body. His breaths were fast and shallow as he vainly tried to push at his unyielding bonds. And then the water entered his mouth.

He panicked, choking on the relentless liquid. As he coughed, he sensed the water had stopped flowing, as if the agents had granted him a reprieve in the tank they held him in. Briefly he wondered why the agents had chosen to keep him in the deprivation tank again, but the sudden return of the rushing water rid him of any coherent thought.

Unable to stand it, no matter how many times they subjected him to it, he struggled to escape the tank. Violently he jerked his body, his bonds cutting tightly into his skin. All the while he protested to the invading water, gasping for breath.

Finally, no more water came.

Though relieved the water had stopped, he still ached to be released from the dark prison—even if it meant reentering his white one. He strained to hear any voice, any hint to when they would let him out. But he could not hear a thing.

He shivered in place, whispering, “Let me out. Please let me out.” He was far too weak to raise his voice.

An answer finally came. Max.

The husky, gentle sigh of his love left him momentarily stunned, but soon he frantically struggled against his bonds, shouting, “Liz? Liz!” His lips rapidly moved to call her name, but his hoarse, strained voice was barely audible.

Then remarkably he felt the soft familiarity of her sensual lips. Deprived for far too long, he greedily clung to them, indulging in the kiss. Warmth flowed into his entire body, lending him strength. Through the connection of their lips, energy gently streamed in, returning breath and hope to him, and finally lifting the darkness. Memories of other kisses flew around him, all tinged in a soft, golden glow.

Immersed in the swirling memories he gradually could hear her contented sighs, her exuberant laughter, and her voice thick with passion and longing.

Change… how?

Just wanted to remember…

I love you…

Enraptured by their appearance, he did not realize the present kiss had actually ended.

…hope nothing explodes.

Until the beautiful images of Liz became shattered by jagged lines of harsh blue.

“No!” he cried out in protest, feeling suddenly bereft of his strength, his soul.

He fought the invading blue, desperate to find Liz again—to hear her voice and laughter, to feel her gentle touch and lips, to see her beautiful, warm, loving eyes. With what little energy he gained from the kiss, he focused on bringing back his memories of Liz.

At first only darkness came, but at the sensation of a comforting, gentle touch, light seeped through once more. In moments the earlier golden images swirled around him, shining brightly, accompanied by muted traces of his beloved’s voice.

…don’t die from this

But the blue light only intensified at their presence, fighting to overtake their sight. In the struggle the low, frightening voice returned, harshly stating, They’re a weakness.

He concentrated harder on the shimmering, heavenly memories, but could not ignore the harsh, threatening words that followed.

Weaknesses must be eliminated.

The golden memories began to fade. Max cried out in protest, but any sound died at a sudden burst of green. The new invading light flashed sporadically before him, growing in intensity and breadth each time.

For a brief second he mused at how the color reminded him of his shield, but as his energy waned against the continuous onslaught of the blue light, pain prickled through his entire body. Through it all, the green light continued to grow as gold and blue melded together, and pain soon traveled up and down his body in sharp stabs.

Overwhelmed, his mind was unable to form a thought beyond a single cry welling from deep within his soul, “Liz!”

~ ~ ~ ~
Along Hampton Highway

“Liz! What are you doing?” Michael exclaimed in shock over Liz frantically pushing at her door. Maria hadn’t even finished parking the car, the tires still squealing in protest.

Panicked and her eyes wide, Liz shouted back, “We have to get out. Get out of the car!”

Confused and getting more fearful by the minute, Michael glanced at Isabel. She looked close to breaking down, her glistening eyes unwillingly meeting his briefly before returning to Max. Michael’s stomach clenched in fear and dread, unsure what to do.

His head whipped to the left at Liz’s strained, high-pitched cry: “Michael, Isabel, get out!”

Taking in the wild look in her dark frightened eyes, her dark blonde hair sticking out of her ponytail, he decided to comply. He nudged Isabel gently and once she was out, he gingerly slipped from underneath Max, careful not to touch his arms again. Just as he stepped out of the car, his hand still cradling Max’s head to gently lower it on the seat, he stumbled at the shocking pain that seared into his right palm.

Gritting his teeth, his head hung low, and wincing from a third shock, he shuffled on the ground trying to regain his balance. After a curse-filled moment he finally managed to lift his head, his throbbing hand shaking slightly at his side. He took in the dark, empty highway a few feet ahead of him, relieved no one was around… no one to ask questions… no one to take them away. At least for the moment.

Spying the frantic trails the wheels had carved into the ground beside the road, he reached out with his pain-free hand, quickly returning the ground to its prior undisturbed state. Releasing a sigh, he began to turn to Liz, but a flicker of green caught his eye.

Staring at Max in horror, he saw his best friend lying rigidly in the car, head shaking slightly with violent jerks and, worst of all, streaks of green light flitting in the veins of his neck. Michael’s mind filled with curse after curse, but he couldn’t utter a single one. Instead he swallowed them down, his emotions barely under control and turned towards the others nervously waiting around the car.

“What are you thinking, Liz?” His voice was a soft growl barely containing his frustration and fear, just as his clenched hands barely contained his alien energy demanding release.

Liz tore her wide eyes away from Max, mercifully releasing her lower lip from the nervous bite of her teeth. Hushed, she replied, “I don’t know. I was hoping…” She trailed off, her lower lip trembling and her glazed eyes returning to Max. “I don’t know.”

“You must have some idea,” Isabel whispered harshly and desperately, as she lost the battle of holding back her tears.

When Liz didn’t answer, once again biting her lip, Isabel forged on, “Why did you ask us to get out of the car?”

After a tense moment of silence, Isabel continued, devastated. “Did we cause that to happen to him?”

Michael stared at his hand, Isabel’s question echoing in his mind. Was that what the shocks had been about? Why would that reaction have happened though? Had he unknowingly passed on some energy into Max, as he had done to save Isabel once from death? But if that was the case, why was Max reacting so violently to it, when Isabel hadn’t?

He glanced up then about to voice his questions out loud, when the sight of Maria placing an arm around Liz’s shoulders to comfort her stopped him. He heard Maria speak softly to her best friend, “It’s okay honey… We’ll take this one step at a time.”

Wondering if he had missed something in the conversation, so lost in his thoughts, Michael asked, “This what?”

Everyone turned towards him then and after a beat Liz removed herself from Maria’s embrace. Shakily she stepped towards Michael and, gesturing with her hand, she replied, “We each go up to him, one at a time, and see if touching him causes that or if… certain…” her last words were swallowed up thickly by her sorrow over Max’s suffering.

Not needing any further explanation, Michael nodded, his brown eyes soft as he held her mournful ones. Turning to Max, Michael saw that the frenetic lights had dissipated, Max’s raspy breaths evening out again. Quietly he commented to Liz and Isabel, hoping to inject hope back into them, “Maybe it’s just him.” To himself he added, maybe something inside of Max had reacted to whatever those sons-of-bitches had done to him.

Isabel remained silent, drawing on her inner strength to deal with the sudden frightening development. Liz though attempted to respond with a small smile, repeating in a fortifying breath, “Maybe.”

“So who’s first?” Isabel’s taut voice cut through.

Briefly closing his eyes Michael answered, “I’ll go.”

His still pained hand hovered over Max’s shoulder, almost clenching into a fist to quell the tremor running through it, but with a shuddering breath he placed it firmly.

Nothing happened.

Slowly he peeled his hand from Max, muttering, “One down.”

Taking a step back, Isabel moved forward. Had it not been for the streaks of previously shed tears clinging to her cheeks, one would never know of the turmoil and absolute dread churning within her. Her hand was tremor free as it gently wiped at the cool sweat on Max’s forehead.

Not a single flicker of light followed the gentle trail of her fingers.

Her cool façade collapsed at the silent, dark sight. A sob of relief escaped her as she fell into Michael’s waiting arms. Her eyes closed tightly, her tears streaming down onto Michael’s chest.

“It’s okay,” he whispered, smoothing her hair to soothe her, all the while his eyes held Liz’s apprehensive ones.

Silently, he urged Liz forward who could only stiffly nod in response.

Her fingers tentatively approached Max’s clammy, pale cheeks. They hovered in the air above his cheeks, trembling from fear and hope. Focusing completely on Max’s peaceful face, she leaned closer. She heard a hitch in his breathing, which began to steadily speed up. Wondering if he was waking up, Liz’s fingers finally met Max’s skin, caressing his cheek as she whispered, “Max?”

A soft gasp escaped him.

Holding Max’s head in her hands, forgetting her fear that her mere touch would cause pain in him, she called out again. “Max!”

His head began to shift then, his breaths even faster. Liz leaned closer to his ear, mustering her strength to keep her voice steady as she spoke. “Come back to us. Come back to me.”

Completely focused on Max’s face, she started at Michael’s light touch on her shoulder. Her head jerking towards him, she breathlessly asked, “What?”

Michael could only motion with his head for her to look back deeper into the car. He watched her apprehensively turn and gasp at the brilliant light building in Max’s hands. She became rooted in place, her mouth still open in shock.

It was her.

Then her head began to shake, accompanied by her protesting whispers, “No. No...”

Michael reached out to her trying to calm her. “Liz—”

Instantly, she faced him still shaking her head, “No… maybe he’s healing himself… maybe before was some reaction to a drug the agents gave him that had been su-suppressing his powers… maybe—”

Her protests died at a deafening crackle.

Unable to stop herself she returned to Max’s side hoping somehow to soothe away the pain reflected on Max’s contorting face. As soon as her shaky fingers met with his cheek, he cried out, “Ahh!”

She snatched her hand back, her face crumpling with devastation. Her hands tucked under her arms, she shifted away from Max. Her head bowed forward and her eyes darted between the ground and Max. She could feel the gazes of the others on her, but she couldn’t face them.

Michael and Isabel quietly spoke to each other, their attention divided between a devastated Liz, and Max, who still writhed in pain. “What should we do, Michael?”

He didn’t know what to do for either of his friends. “I don’t kn—” He cut himself off as he noticed the green light wane upon Max’s skin. “Damn.” Apparently, something between Max and Liz was causing those shockingly painful and colorful lights.

“Do you think it’s safe?” Isabel asked in a wavering voice.

Briefly closing his eyes and releasing a sigh, he tentatively reached his injured hand towards Max. He held his breath, anticipating yet another shock. Relieved when he felt nothing but the slight tremors of Max’s body beneath his hand, he tiredly moved it back to his side. Lifting his other hand to run down his face, he turned to address everyone.

“I think…” he sighed, glancing at Max again. “It’s over for now. Let’s get back on the road.”

Liz’s taut voice stopped his move back towards the car. “We should move him.”

“What?” Michael bit out tiredly, not following.

“We should move him to the back seat, and one of you guys should be with him… so take down the extra seat,” she replied, still refusing to meet anyone’s gaze.

After a beat, Michael nodded “Okay.”

His eyes met Isabel’s and silently they made their decision. He then walked around the car to the other side and, with Kyle’s help, laid Max on the back seat.

Isabel and Maria silently watched, darting glances to Liz every few seconds, unsure what to say. Finally, Isabel noticed a dark stain down the middle of Liz’s shirt—the spilt Gatorade. In one graceful wave she removed it.

Startled, Liz lifted her head, facing Isabel. She could see the sympathy in Isabel’s dark eyes, hearing the silent words her ‘sister’ conveyed: It’ll be okay. Though a part of her resented that Isabel could hold Max without hurting him, she responded with a small smile and a weakly spoken, “Thanks.”

Matching her smile, Isabel replied, “It’s okay.”

Noticing that the guys were done, Isabel headed to the car. Climbing into the back seat, she placed Max’s head on her lap. Liz watched her with regret, jealousy, guilt and defeat. She could feel the sobs building in her chest, but she couldn’t fall apart. She had to be strong… for all of them. She had to push down the pain.

Sensing Maria about to place a comforting arm around her shoulders again, she shied away. Still struggling for control over her emotions and thoughts she could only repeat Isabel’s words in a whisper, “It’s okay.”

Silently, the two best friends entered the car. In two minutes they were on the road again, the hum of the engine the only sound.

~ ~ ~ ~
Minutes later

Two shadowed figures, dressed in dark suits, stepped out of a black sedan staring out in the once more quiet night. They could sense the passengers of the recently departed SUV moving further down the highway, the internal pull waning with each passing moment.

Fortunately, their task would take mere seconds.

One walked along the road carefully observing where the tires had burned marks into the concrete as the SUV had screeched to a halt. When he found their origin point, he stood by it and turned to the other. They both slightly nodded, their arms lifting.

A moment later not a trace of the marks remained.

The two returned to their car, one pulling out a cell. “It’s done,” he spoke as soon as the call was answered.

Good. Continue to follow them. Let me know their location when they stop for the night.

“Yes,” he affirmed, hanging up the call immediately after.

“The General looks different. Even more than I expected,” the other commented, as he shifted into drive.

“Looks can be deceiving,” was all he said, as he checked the mirrors and drove off. At the distant sight of a highway patrol car in his rearview mirror, he thought to himself, not a moment too soon.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:51 pm
by behrinthecity
Hey everyone,

Many apologies for my absence-- RL took over with my summer class, preparing for the GRE (which is now done! :)) and so I didn't even have time to stop by the site. Anyway, things should start to die down and I should have the time to look at the edits my beta sent me on the next part, as well as start writing the parts following that.

In the mean time I wanted to drop this over... again you guys have rendered me speechless with awe and I know saying thank you will never be enough. But still... thank you.


Favorite First Chapter
Most Suspenseful Fanfiction

Also thank you to Flamehair, Scottie, clueless, sprayadhesive, Misha, and BETHANN for checking up on this story so much! I'll try to work quickly. ;)

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:02 am
by behrinthecity
It seems the rumor is true. ;) :lol:

Another million of apologies for the wait. Thank you again for all the bumps, "encourage posts" ;) and wishes. Hope you guys enjoy.


[From Chant Down Babylon]
He couldn’t lose her.

Desperately, Michael held onto Isabel’s limp hand, talking to her, hoping that somehow she could hear him, that somehow she would pull through this. Not for the first time, he wished he had Max’s healing power. He wished Max was there…was still alive.

As he continued to talk his eyes stung, but he didn’t care as tears began to fall. She was all he had left. “I want you around…I want you around…” he choked out. “Please, don’t go…”

He buried his head against her body, praying that she would come back and wishing again that he could help her…heal her. He never realized the white energy passing from his hand into her.
~ ~ ~

[From Parts 13 & 21]
One hand reached out to the phone nearby and dialed. After a few moments the line was picked up, “Um… General… Lang?” He stopped speaking as soon as the voice replied, listening intently. He scribbled something down and then as he heard the click in his ear, hung up the phone. He glanced down at what he wrote; wondering what the message meant, but then moved on to the address.

“Shit!” The young man hit the top of his steering wheel hard as he parked in front of his quarry. He had been tailing the artist for hours now, keeping enough distance so that he would not become suspicious. However, the crash certainly put a damper on that plan.

After moving the artist off the road, he got into his car and drove off to the next closest rest stop to wait.
~ ~ ~

[From Part 38]
Briefly closing his eyes and releasing a sigh, Michael tentatively reached his injured hand towards Max. He held his breath, anticipating yet another shock. Relieved when he felt nothing but the slight tremors of Max’s body beneath his hand, he tiredly moved it back to his side. Lifting his other hand to run down his face, he turned to address everyone.

“I think…” he sighed, glancing at Max again. “It’s over for now. Let’s get back on the road.”


An hour later
Hampton Highway

The silence was killing him.

Kyle sat, back tense, and a fist still against his mouth as he prayed for their exit sign to appear. On edge from his constant watch for pursuing agents, the silence in the car was wearing his nerves down further. The one thing he could be slightly grateful for was that he couldn't see Max from his seat, allowing his attention to be solely on the road.

In the absolute quiet, the clink of Max's shackles rang clearly, dragging Kyle's thoughts deeper down in guilt, sorrow and helplessness. Every time he heard the light sound, he couldn’t help glancing in the mirror. Unable to see Max, his eyes would stare for extended moments at Liz's somber face.

He wanted to just hold her close and tell her lie after lie—that everything would be okay and that they would all pull through this. But he forced himself to turn back to the road, thinking that maybe once they got to the motel, those lies could become true. Just maybe...

"Is that it?"

Kyle started at Maria’s soft words, his fist falling to his side. Refocusing on the sign up ahead, he nodded, stating, "Yeah, take the exit and turn left. It should be a couple more miles and we'll be there."

"'K," was all Maria said, silence reigning in the car once more.

Kyle stared out his window, searching the darkness of the highway for any peril. His eyes began to dry out from his careful watch, so he wearily rubbed at them. As his hand slowly lowered, he thought he saw the distant glow of headlights behind them.

Straightening up, he peered intently into the dark, but could find nothing beyond the ineffectual yellow glow dispersed by the streetlights. Settling back in his seat, he glanced at his watch. It was getting close to 2 a.m. He knew his adrenalin had long since abandoned him to fatigue so he dismissed the fleeting glimpse of light as a trick of his tired eyes.

Still his stomach churned slightly at the thought that perhaps it had been something more.

The thought was forgotten when neon pink streamed into the car, their motel finally in sight.

Once Maria stopped the car outside the main building, Kyle released a silent sigh. As he had thought, the vacancy light was still lit; they wouldn’t need to drive to one of the other motels they had scoped out as a possible hideaway for the night. They had considered reserving a room then, but they wanted to be sure they only appeared to be passing through—college kids on a road trip who tired out for the night and needed a place to crash. He turned to the others.

"Who wants to check in with me?"

Silence was all that met his question.

Michael just stared back at him, his eyes slightly unfocused, as if he were lost in thought. Isabel barely glanced his way, her entire attention directed at Max alone as she continued to gently stroke his cheek.

Liz, after glancing at Michael and Isabel, slowly turned to Kyle. "I..." even in the silence, her voice was barely audible. She cleared her throat, and in a slightly stronger voice replied, "I'll go."

Kyle gave her an encouraging smile in response, but she had already turned towards her door, sliding it open. Sighing inwardly, Kyle got out of the car as well.

He paused before closing the door. "Move over to that corner," he told Maria, pointing to a spot on the end, close to the highway. "We'll be back in a couple of minutes."

She nodded, a single syllable slipping past her lips, "'K."

God, how he hated the silence.

~ ~ ~ ~
The memories were gone.

As much as he wanted them to come back, to surround him with warmth, love and life, there was only darkness.

He had stopped calling out to Liz, his throat burning from the strain of screaming and lack of water. His body still trembled from the prior onslaught of rushing energy and the painful trail it had blazed through his system.

He felt something soft and gentle on his cheek.

He tried to remain still and focus on the touch. Perhaps it was a memory returning slowly, its image and sound still yet to appear.

The darkness and silence remained.

Unwilling to let go of his small hope, he listened keenly for any sound, for any voice from the past, that would cut through the darkness. But as each silent moment passed, that hope began to die.

~ ~ ~ ~
Minutes later, they were moving towards the back of the motel.

Maria shifted into park, and turned the engine off. The hum of the engine faded into the silence hanging thickly over the group.

No one moved.

Instead, they stared out the windows at the door before them, the blue paint peeling. All except for Isabel, who remained intently focused on her brother, her neck seeming to be permanently bent in its position.

A clink resounded in the car.

Though it had been a recurring sound since they left the warehouse, this time it seemed to snap all of them from their dark, grieving thoughts. In moments they were out of the car and carefully moving Max from the back. Liz, though, strode directly to the door, only faltering to correct the position of the key. Releasing an exasperated sigh, she opened the door. Maria followed her in, moving ahead to switch on the lights.

Slowly, Michael sidled into the room carrying Max, bundled securely in the dark blanket they had brought. From far away, no one would be able to tell what lay in Michael's arms. Michael reached the first of the small room's two beds quickly, and gently placed Max on it.

Focused on Max, Liz did not realize Isabel and Kyle had entered the room until she saw Isabel sit by Max to unwrap the blanket around him, and felt Kyle's hand on her shoulder. She turned away from Kyle at the sound of her best friend’s voice behind her.

"What are you guys doing?" Maria softly asked, confused that they would remove the one thing keeping Max warm.

"We couldn't get them off before," Isabel sadly replied. Once Max's shackled hands came into view, she turned to Michael asking in a small voice, "Maybe if we tried it together?"

Michael, who had been scratching at his eyebrow, wordlessly knelt at her side and grasped her hand. They held each other's gaze for a moment, their heads slightly nodding before turning to Max. Their free hands lifted towards the cuffs around Max's wrists, hovering above the lock. A soft glow appeared beneath their palms, surrounding the thick metal.

For a moment the metal seemed to ripple.

But the glow dissipated, leaving no change in the cuffs.

"Damn it!" Releasing his grip on Isabel's hand, Michael shot up from the floor, hands clenched, slamming a fist into the nearest wall.

Only Michael didn't notice a lamp shift in place, nor did he hear the soft sound of glass cracking from the same lamp's bulb.

Quickly wiping her eyes, Isabel rose and made her way over to the lamp, returning it to its previous state. She turned back to Michael who was staring at her with apologetic and pained eyes. "We have to be careful," she cautioned, though her tone was filled only with understanding and concern.

Michael turned away, glancing at Max and muttering, "How do we get those off?"

Everyone stood silent, at a loss, staring at Max who shivered on the bed. Their attention was stolen by a small yelp from Liz. They glanced at her questioningly, but she remained focused on her hand where the key that she had been grasping tightly in her clenched fist had drawn a little blood, leaving its clear imprint behind.

However, instead of explaining to them what happened, she lifted her head, a sign of life returning to her eyes. "We can manipulate this, —right?" She held up the key, broaching her idea, but her last word wavered as her confidence began to die.

Michael blinked and looked at the key. Isabel reacted more quickly, taking the key from Liz’s hand. Isabel held Liz's gaze, offering her faith in the idea with a nod and turned back towards the bed.

As she picked up Max's cuffed hands, Kyle spoke up. "Try the ones on his ankles first." As everyone turned to look at him, he added, shrugging, "Just in case."

With a curt nod she moved to the foot of the bed and, finding the keyhole, she touched the tip of the hotel key to it and concentrated. Her hand glowed within moments, melting the key. In a liquid state it filled the keyhole exactly. As it did, she squeezed her eyes shut, concentrating on hardening the key in that shape, willing this to work. She opened her eyes as a soft gasp escaped her lips. The glow now dissipated, she glanced up at Max's haggard face and then back at the shackles. Holding her breath she turned the key.

No one dared speak or even breathe as they watched Isabel turn the key. All eyes remained trained on her hand. All ears anticipated the click.

When it didn't come the tension in their shoulders instantly dropped into a defeated state. How could it have gone wrong?

Michael ran his hands over his face releasing a weary sigh. Maria moved to his side rubbing his arm as she darted concerned looks between Isabel and Max, and Liz, who had collapsed into a chair.

Liz didn't know what to do. She couldn't heal. None of them could remove the restraints and now she couldn't even come up with any productive ideas.

Suddenly Kyle moved to Isabel's side, telling her, "Try again."

Isabel just gazed at him, her eyes glistening with grief and frustration. Gently holding her closest hand, Kyle held her gaze stating, "Turn it the other way."

Blinking a few times, Isabel shakily nodded and did as he said. This time a click resounded in the quiet room, the short sound calling the others’ attention back to the cuffs.

But the cuffs stubbornly remained on. Isabel turned back to Kyle, her eyes questioning: Now what?

Releasing a tired breath, Kyle suggested, "Turn it again."

Confused, Isabel hesitantly turned back to the lock, and once again did as she was told. She heard the soft sound of the cuffs opening, her heart leaping with surprise, joy and relief. Briefly, she turned to Kyle flashing him a grateful, relieved smile.

Behind her, similar smiles flitted on their friends’ tired faces as they collectively sighed. Maria and Michael leaned into each other, their released sighs of relief and diffused tension leaving them weak. Liz too was emotionally and physically spent. Yet she remained tensely at the edge of her chair, a hand pressed against her mouth, still attempting to rein in her emotions. Kyle and Isabel remained unaware of their friends’ reactions, their attention solely on the cold, heavy fetters weighing down Max’s ankles.

Wasting no more time, she and Kyle yanked the bonds away from Max and gently lowered his ankles against the bed once more. Isabel froze momentarily at the dull redness deeply set into his skin, and the sickening mixture of dark purple and yellow by his ankle bone. Pursing her lips and blinking a few times, she managed to tear herself away from the sight moving to Max's wrists, hoping that maybe the same key could be used. As she started to push the key into the lock, she whispered to Kyle, “How did you know?”

“My dad was sheriff, after all. I just guessed it may have been a double lock,” he quietly answered, shrugging. He was no expert, but he knew enough to suspect it was one. He was just happy to see the cuffs off, and Isabel’s heartwarming smile.

“Oh…right.” She turned the key as she spoke, grateful that at least it worked for both restraints.

Within seconds, Max was finally free of his bindings, the thick metal falling heavily to the floor. Everyone flinched at the sound, but all remained focused on Max, crowding around the bed.

His limbs no longer pulled on, Max's body was stretched out more naturally over the bed now. The numerous traces of the past year's inflictions were utterly exposed, save for those hidden beneath his thin, grey scrubs. But at that moment they could only focus on the deep red, raw marks encircling his wrists and ankles.

Isabel gasped, breaking everyone's trance.

Everyone darted worried glances towards her, unintelligible sounds escaping them as their words died at her expression. Her eyes were wide and filled with wavering tears, staring to one side of Max. Apprehensively, they followed her distressed gaze, passing over bruises, burns and track marks. They all stopped, their breaths caught in their throats, at Max’s wrist.

Through the deep red band of abused flesh was a long thin scar, cutting across his wrist and slightly down the vein. Half of it seemed to be an old wound, shining slightly in the light and appearing pale white in stark contrast to the surrounding red. The other half was far darker. The wound had been reopened recently.

Liz and Maria had covered their mouths at the sight, while Michael went absolutely still. Kyle broke the silence, in a taut, quiet voice.

"I saw it happen... the restraints on that… table they kept him on... they had tightened them even more and he was struggling... and it cut him there."

Behind them they heard the popping of a bulb shattering.

Instinctively Kyle raised a hand to shield his face and clutched Isabel against his chest, ducking to avoid any flying glass. After a long moment of silence, he looked up.

Tiny shards of glass hung in the air, poised to painfully rain down on them at any moment.


He blinked, surprised to hear a voice; he assumed he had frozen the entire room. Glancing down he saw Isabel trying to push herself off his chest. Sheepishly he let go of her, averting his gaze from hers.

She carefully maneuvered herself around the broken pieces of glass still frozen in place and gingerly collected them. Cradling the shattered pieces, she shot a reproachful look at Michael, who, after fixing the cracks in the wall and ceiling light, rigidly stood in a corner, barely responding to Maria's soft, soothing caresses and words. Isabel held her tongue though, knowing everyone's emotions were far too close to the surface. They needed to focus on Max, not take out their frustrations on each other.

She carefully closed her hands concentrating on fusing the pieces together. She could feel her energy waning, already drained from copying the files in the warehouse. A loud, weary sigh escaped her as she finished.

A moment later she returned the once again intact bulb to the lamp, and sat heavily on the chair next to it. Her head was beginning to pound. She knew she needed to rest, but she couldn't. Not while her brother continued to suffer.

But what could they do? None of them could heal such severe injuries. The healing stones had been rendered useless when Max had tried to 'heal' Liz of her powers. Maybe if they could somehow access his own healing power...

She knew she could pass on her dreamwalking power when she connected with Liz. She wondered if the same thing could work for other powers. But then... she had been the one to initiate the connection then. And now… Max was still unconscious.

She forced herself to refocus on her brother at that thought, aching to do something. Taking in the disheveled, stained grey scrubs hanging on his body, she straightened up filled with a sense of new purpose.

Without a word she picked up the ice bucket and went to the bathroom, filling it with warm water. She soon returned with it and a couple of towels and finally addressed the others: “We should get him into some warm, clean clothes.”

Maria immediately responded, hesitating only a moment to glance at Michael. “Right, I kept them all in my bag—I’ll go get it.” She quickly left.

Isabel spoke again. “Michael, can you lift him up? I want to put this towel under him.”

Michael nodded, still unable to talk, too infuriated with what the agents did to Max, and with himself for losing control of his powers. His face was a mask as he lifted Max, struggling to not be affected by the feel and sight of how much weight Max had lost. Gently, he placed his best friend and brother down upon the towel, silent curses catching in his throat. His eyes began to sting. This was starting to get too much for him and he could feel his energy restlessly coursing through his veins again—he needed to do something. Maybe he could do what he did when Isabel was close to dying… just maybe it might work again.

He turned at the sound of Isabel’s quiet voice: “Um… do you guys mind going to the other room?”

Liz just nodded. All fight had drained from her at the knowledge that somehow her touch caused a painful reaction in Max. That if she tried to help or even comfort him, she would only make things worse.

But Kyle just shook his head. “Isabel, you don’t want to be the one doing this.”

“He is my brother!” Her voice harshly rose, fueled by her tumultuous emotions.

“Exactly. He won’t want you to see…” Kyle trailed off, darting a glance to Max and swallowing painfully at the memory of that dreamwalk. “Trust me. Just let me and Michael do this.” He turned to Michael then, already expecting the alien’s protest, “It’ll go faster if two of us do this. And by this point, I don’t think there’s anything there I haven’t seen.” He mumbled out his last sentence, a wave of nausea rising through his system. He clenched his jaw fighting the feeling down, and gradually it subsided to an uneasy ache within his stomach.

He lifted his gaze to Isabel again and saw her features had hardened—her defensive shield of ice freezing in place. Throwing the towel to him, she calmly and quietly replied, “Fine.” From her tone he knew that nothing was fine about this.

Maria came in at this point dragging her bag with one hand and carrying a pile of clothes in the other. “Here, they’re big—but they’ll be easy on his bruises and keep him warm.”

She paused at the even thicker tension in the air. Staring at the boys hovering by the bed and Isabel and Liz close to the connecting door, she quickly surmised it would be better not to ask and quickly cut her question off. “Wha—?”

She placed the clothes on the chair that Isabel had vacated, and picked up the other room’s key. Following a silent Isabel and Liz, she suggested, “We can bring in the rest of the bags, and freshen up ourselves.” Adding to herself, it is definitely going to be a long night.

Once the door closed, the boys moved to either side of Max and gingerly removed his shirt. They paused at the stark lines of his rib cage, but soon forged on, dipping the towel into the warm water. Michael took it from Kyle’s hands and started washing across Max’s chest, while Kyle retrieved another one.

The boys worked in deathly silence, but after a couple of minutes they heard a light whimper.

Their hands halted as their eyes focused on Max’s face. Was he waking up?

But the sound had stopped.

With inaudible sighs they continued. Another whimper.

They leaned closer and checked Max’s pulse and breathing to see if they were quickening. He was still unconscious.

Even more unnerved by what was going on they finished washing and drying Max’s upper body quickly and put on him the T-shirt Maria had brought for him. They followed that with the sweatshirt she had also given them.

They paused as they focused on the grey scrub pants.

Michael finally asked, “What didn’t you want her to see?”

“Remember when I told you I saw them… electro…I mean… well just know… they were thorough.”

“Shit,” Michael softly bit out, shaking his head and blinking several times to stop the stinging in his eyes.

Kyle curtly nodded. Both boys released long, weary breaths. Together they lifted Max slightly and, taking hold of the waistband of the scrub pants, began to peel them off.

~ ~ ~ ~
you want her…

“Michael?!” His voice was hoarse from his constant shouting. From time to time he would hear the voices of his friends, his family, and each time he would shout back desperate for them to hear him.

But they never did.

He remained in utter darkness, shivering from the cold. He couldn’t move, and could feel nothing else. Until more water fell upon his skin.

He meekly protested again, and felt it stop. But it soon returned and he was too tired to fight it anymore. He could feel himself drifting in the darkness, and he hoped that perhaps the earlier memories of him and Liz would return—granting him warmth again.

Small white stars began to appear in the darkness and he focused on them, hoping to escape the darkness of the tank.

The stars began to grow, as if they moved closer to him. They blended together and soon he could see an image of Michael holding a deathly pale Isabel. Breath left him briefly at the sight. “No…no…no!” he moaned.

He struggled to move forward, to help, to save his sister. His struggles died when he saw her eyes open.

Unable to comprehend what happened he just stared at the scene unfolding before him, of Jim, Kyle, Jesse and some other man filing into the room. And then he finally registered his sister’s voice.

I heard you.

“Isabel?” he cried out, hoping she would again.
~ ~ ~ ~

“Izz…” a soft hiss escaped Max.

“Max?” Michael and Kyle called out at the same time. Michael leaned closer to Max’s ear, repeating, “Max!”

He moved back, running a hand through his hair with frustration. Lowering his hand he spied Max’s wrists.

The redness was gone.

For the past few minutes he had been trying to heal Max, hoping maybe he could get him to wake up, if not remove some of his injuries. He thought he had succeeded when he heard Max speak, but despaired when nothing seemed to have changed. But something had.

The raw furrows on Max’s wrists had faded. Though the scars remained, the skin was no longer bruised and sunken. He glanced at Max’s ankles and found the same thing had happened there. A smile briefly touched his lips at the thought that he had been able to help a little. Looking at Max’s face again, he was relieved to find even the red line around his neck was gone. His eyes traveling up Max’s face, he spied the burn marks and wondered if he could do anything about them.

Gingerly he cupped his hands around Max’s head and, closing his eyes, focused again.

A shock ran through his entire system, knocking him to the floor. All he had seen was white. All he could hear was screaming. Shakily standing up he took in Kyle’s shocked expression and asked him what happened.

“You both screamed as soon as you touched those marks.”

Michael was at a loss. He stood frozen, his mouth slightly open. He was only able to move at the gentle, hesitant touch of arms sliding down his chest. His shock barely wearing off he lowered his gaze blankly at the familiar, dainty hands.

“Are you okay?” a soft whisper penetrated the fog within his head.

Finally he met her worried green eyes, and reality began to filter in. He soon realized the connecting door to the other room was wide open, and that Isabel and Liz hovered uncertainly by Max’s bed. Returning his gaze to Maria’s, he held her lightly for a brief moment, responding, “Yeah… it was...”

He trailed off, unsure of whether he wanted to tell them what happened.

Noticing this, Kyle commented, “He’s still shivering, even with the sweatshirt on. I think we should get him under the covers.”

Michael quickly agreed and moved into action, grateful for having something to do again.

As Kyle helped Michael, his thoughts wandered into his confusion over why those marks hurt Max so much. Of course the pain must have been excruciating… but it had been months ago. Hadn’t they healed even a bit over that time? Kyle’s head slightly shook as he realized why they hadn’t. They had kept his powers disabled.

He hoped now, away from that hell, Max’s powers would return and the pain would finally stop for him. Seeing how small Max looked, his thin body swallowed up by the covers and his big clothes, he had to look away.

He was instantly captured by the image of Isabel fidgeting, a glazed and pained expression on her face. Motioning to Maria he quietly left the room, only pausing to catch Liz’s attention with a light touch to her shoulder. With a longing look to Max, she followed him, her hands never leaving their well-tucked position beneath her arms. Letting the girls go in first, Kyle slowly closed the door. He watched as Isabel seemed to collapse on her knees by Max’s side, one hand searching for his hand beneath the blankets and the other gently stroking his hair. Her head lifted slightly to meet Michael’s gaze who sat across from her holding Max’s other hand. The sight of the alien trio was soon hidden by the coarse connecting door, but it remained vividly in Kyle’s mind. He mournfully smiled, thinking: even though Max was out of there, he still wasn’t with them.

His head hung low, he turned to the girls. Maria huddled by Liz, who’s back was stiff and eyes blank as she stared at the TV. Maria turned to face him, a helpless look on her face conveying, I don’t know what to do. With an inaudible sigh, he moved in front of them, blocking much of the flashing light from the TV. His face remained shadowed until he squatted down to Liz’s eye level.

The flickering light danced along his cheeks as he softly spoke to her, “Liz,” he paused waiting for some response to appear on her face. When nothing changed, he continued, “Liz… Come on Parker, talk to me... or at least look at me.”

Her eyes seemed to refocus, meeting his gaze and he offered her a smile. “All right, that’s a start.” Briefly, he turned to where the bathroom was, “Why don’t you shower first? We’ll have to leave in a few hours anyway, and it’s a long drive back.”

She nodded, her lips pursed. Mutely, she stood up and slowly entered the bathroom.

Kyle heavily sat in the spot Liz had just vacated, clamping a hand against his face. God, he was tired.

Maria remained silent beside him, her eyes slowly moving from the closed bathroom door, to Kyle and finally settling on the TV, sightlessly watching.

~ ~ ~ ~
Forty-five minutes earlier
Same motel, next room

The door creaked open as the young man leaned heavily against it, his face lined with fatigue. He tiredly flung his bag to the side, and shuffled into the room, letting the door noisily close on its own.

Without bothering to turn on the light, he fell back onto the bed, relishing the feel of being able to stretch out and sink into a mattress.

The past week had been rough on him, and he marveled at the artist's ability to stay awake and on the road for so many days at a time. Unfortunately, he had no idea why the artist had come back to Langley, having lost sight of him on the highway. He still cursed himself for doing so, especially when there hadn't even been that many cars on that road. But General Lang had told him not to worry and to be patient. And so he had slowly coasted along the highway for about an hour. Soon nodding off with exhaustion, he had finally decided to allow himself some rest and had gone to find a motel.

Unfortunately, by that point he was utterly lost to where he was.

So after pulling over to the side for a short nap, he was refreshed enough to find the closest motel.

And now that he was there, he was ready to yield to his weariness, his eyes already blissfully closed.

The nearby wall shuddered, sprinkling plaster on him, accompanied by a muffled shout—Damn it!

His eyes shot open.

His back tense against the mattress, his adrenalin had returned with a vengeance, coursing through his veins. The renewed surge of energy brought him on full alert, and he listened keenly for any further disturbances.

For a long moment he could not make out a sound, the other room dead silent. Even more unnerved by the silence, he felt the prickling, anxious sensation of the hairs on the back of his neck rising.

He finally shot up to a sitting position at a muffled high pitched cry.


Again silence followed.

What was going on over there? Unable to stop himself, he cautiously approached the wall and pressed up against it, straining to hear what could be going on. He could make out that people were there... certainly alive and talking, but he could not discern a word.

He sighed, his adrenalin deserting him once more. He was probably reading too much into it. It could be just their TV, he surmised, dismissing any uneasiness he had over what he just heard.

He once again collapsed onto the bed, sleep overtaking his senses.

A harsh buzz of metal rattling on wood brought him back.

With a roll of his eyes he slapped a hand on the cell phone, stopping its jerky path across the table and lifted it to his ear.

"Yes?" He tried to sound like he hadn't been sleeping, and focused on the voice buzzing out of his phone.

"Where?" The word fluctuated in pitch as he quickly attempted to cover up his disbelief at the latest location he was instructed to go to. As he listened he turned back to the wall the sounds had come from, eyeing it suspiciously once more.

"I'll be there," he affirmed quietly, adding silently to himself that he already was there. Turning off the phone he walked back to the wall, noticing a long crack running down almost from floor to ceiling. Curious he reached a hand out tracing its course. Had that been there before?

He blinked. The crack was gone.

He flattened his hands on the wall where he thought he had seen the jagged line. But there was nothing. He blinked a few more times and rubbed at his eyes, wondering if he was still dreaming.

Turning back to the bed he checked his phone and saw that he had actually been on the phone just now. He gazed back at the wall, haunted by a question he had asked himself many times since he first met General Lang—What had he gotten himself into?

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:46 am
by behrinthecity
Hi everyone!

I've been holding on to this part until I had a clearer idea of when I could get the following part out. I have half of it done, but due to RL my inspiration has waned on the remaining half, so it's hard to say when that will be ready. So I won't have you guys wait for this part any longer... and I'll just leave you with a promise that I will try to get the rest of that part written as soon as I can.


Gnomie- :lol: I love your feedback! I definitely share your excitement about receiving those update emails-- any feedback posted completely makes my day! So thank you! :D Your comments always make me blush. I'll try not to be too much of a stranger, I certainly miss being able to be here more often!

jbangelo- Thank you! You definitely have it right that there's still a ways to go. Hope you like this part!

Scottie- Wow... !! Perfect??! :oops: That really means a lot to me after all the time spent... as well as all the extra rounds of betaing due to my insecurity over it! Thank you so much for your comments!

sprayadhesive- Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback! Now when can I relay the same message to one of your updates-- *cough cough* Confidential *cough* At All Costs *cough cough cough*?

I considered answering to more of your comments, but I'd hate to give anything away. So I'll leave it with-- upcoming parts shall answer your questions. :)

clueless- Aww thank you. And you made my day with your feedback! :)

IAmLongTimeFan- Good to see you! Thank you as always, I hope you enjoy this part as well.

Misha- I'm back, I'm back-- and happy to hear you're working on yours-- I can't wait to see what Maria's b'day present is!

I'm glad to hear despite all your suffering you're not going to give up reading. :) Lets see if I can make it worth all that pain. ;)

Flamehair- hey! hope you had a great vacation! Thank you so much for the comments as always.

And on to the part...


[From Ch-Ch-Changes]

Moving toward the supply bench, Liz felt as if she were walking through a fog. Picking up the needed flask, an odd prickling sensation occurred in her eyes causing her to glance at her reflection, seeking its source.

She didn’t know how she managed to not drop the flask at the reflected sight.

Her face was completely smooth, devoid of any identifying features, devoid of her.

[From Part 35]
Lines of black and white shook before him, irking him with every passing moment.

‘Felding’ stared at the screens before him, muttering soft curses. He should have expected their impulsiveness, and now the others were scrambling around to ensure everything went as planned.

A rattling buzz reached his ears and he glanced down at the table where he had placed his phone. With a sigh he picked it up.

They’ve entered.

Having seen that himself, he ignored the urge to roll his eyes and asked, “Is everything ready?”

Yes. He breathed out a sigh of relief, grateful at least that they were efficient.

“Good. When this is done, ensure nothing is left behind.”

“Maria!! We have to go, NOW!” Kyle’s urgent voice snapped her back into focus.

She grabbed the wheel and gunned the engine, tearing out of there. Just as she hit the end of the building’s driveway, an explosion erupted behind them.

Everyone instinctively tensed and ducked from the sudden roar. Maria hunched over the wheel, gripping it with all her strength, as her foot pressed even harder on the accelerator. The others withdrew into themselves momentarily, not wanting to see the destruction and praying to get out of there as soon as possible.

Only Liz turned back to watch, the hauntingly familiar flames reflected in her eyes.

[From Part 37]
Staring at Max in horror, Michael saw his best friend lying rigidly in the car, head shaking slightly with violent jerks and, worst of all, streaks of green light flitting in the veins of his neck.

Unable to stop herself, Liz returned to Max’s side hoping somehow to soothe away the pain reflected on Max’s contorting face. As soon as her shaky fingers met with his cheek, he cried out, “Ahh!”


Liz barely felt the warmth of the water spraying against her body. Her eyes were closed standing under the cascade, but she continued to see the sight of Max’s body violently jerking in place and the horrifying green lightning streaking across his face. She continued to hear his anguished screams in the steady rush of the water. Though the water remained hot, she shivered beneath it, trembling from her suppressed sobs.

She couldn’t fall apart. She couldn’t. They needed her to guide them… But alone for the moment, she could feel herself weakening… breaking… and all she could think was she needed him, his strength…

“Stop it.”

Her harsh whisper was swallowed instantly by the water. Gritting her teeth, she pushed her panicked thoughts away. Moments later, her mind was clearer, her ears no longer filled with the haunting cries of Max’s pain or her desperation.

She shut off the water, reaching for a towel. Wrapped in the rough, white cloth she stepped out staring at the fogged up mirror. She could barely make out her body’s outline—a faceless, blurred figure. A memory flitted in her mind, a memory of a moment that had disturbed her to no end. When her powers had first emerged, she no longer knew who she was… what she was. The faceless reflection then embodied her vague sense of identity, yet another reason she felt she had to leave, to find herself.

But she soon realized that Max was a vital part of who she was… had become, since he healed her. From the moment he brought her back to life, their lives were permanently intertwined.

The mirror began to clear, gradually revealing her petite form. Soon her dark golden hair came into view.

She frowned at the sight. When she and Isabel fled Roswell, they knew they had to change their looks. For Isabel though, she needed the familiar to deal with her world turning upside down. No husband, no brother, no home… she needed something of the past to still hold on to. So she returned to her former look, of long dark blonde hair. Liz, on the other hand, not only ran away from Roswell, she ran away from her self.

Having come to some resolution with Tess when she had driven her to the base, she no longer detested the sight of blonde hair. Though, deciding to follow Isabel’s choice of hair color was helped by the fact it was shades darker than Tess’. Still, when she had changed it, she could barely look at a mirror for more than a few seconds. But after a few weeks, she barely registered her reflection—by then she had become fully detached from her former self… her true self.

Now though, as she stared at her emerging reflection, she looked completely lost. If she was going to be strong for the others, she needed to ground herself. Rubbing a small towel through her hair, a soft glow appeared. When she was done, her hair was completely dry, past her shoulders and dark brown once more.

Her reflection now revealed a determination in her eyes and set jaw. She could do this, she wasn’t going to run away. Whatever else comes, I won’t run, she thought.

She jumped at a sudden knock on the door. “Liz? You have to see this.”

Her face scrunched with concern and confusion at the restrained panic in Maria’s voice. Yanking on her clothes she ran out, her head turning towards the connecting door, hoping Max hadn’t taken a turn for the worse.

Seeing it still closed, she turned back to the others, finally registering the words coming from the TV.

…there has been an explosion in what appears to be an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. This does not appear to be a terrorist action; however authorities haven’t completely ruled out foul play and have raised the security alert to orange. The explosion is currently believed to have been caused by a gas leak. Authorities assure the town that there is no present danger; however they urge people to proceed with caution until the leak has been confirmed and cleared. More updates on that in an hour.

A gas leak? Liz’s eyebrows rose when she heard that, her back tensing. Something was wrong… how could there have been a leak? Maria’s voice brought Liz out of her thoughts.

“Do you think they’ll find anything?” Maria turned to Liz and Kyle worriedly.

Liz just shook her head, “There’s nothing left there that would lead anyone to suspect we or even Max were there. What concerns me is that gas leak…” she trailed off as she turned to Kyle. “Did you or Isabel set up anything like that?”

Shaking his head too, he answered, “No. She just barely had time to do whatever she did to get the information off that computer and we high-tailed it out of that building.”

“So do you think the Unit set this up?” Maria interjected.

“Perhaps to cover up their plan to…” Liz began but trailed off as the nagging in her mind returned. “I still don’t understand why they would just leave him like that. Sure it was a trap for us, but… it was just too easy. Even with the bomb.” Again her voice adopted a tone of incredulity over the things they had had to deal with in their short lives.

“Does that mean we start running?” Maria tentatively asked.

Kyle held his breath as he watched Liz. She bit her lip as she pensively gazed at Maria silently weighing their options. Finally she spoke, though her voice wavered, her face remained determined, “Not yet.”

~ ~ ~ ~
In the next room

Michael watched Isabel fight her exhaustion. For minutes her eyes had been fluttering closed, before her head lightly jerked back, alertness briefly returning. Each time she awoke, her grip would strengthen around Max’s lax hand and a soft sniffle would escape her. But soon after, her eyelids would become heavy again, gradually lowering.

Though he knew he risked her wrath, he decided to take the choice out of her hands. They needed her rested, and her powers replenished. As her eyelashes lightly grazed her cheeks, he softly touched her head.

A minute later, her hand had relaxed around Max’s and her face leaned to the side, serene.

With a mournful glance at Max, he released Max’s hand and moved to Isabel’s side. Gently, he scooped her up and laid her on the next bed, pulling the covers over her. Glancing at the clock, he released a sigh. In a few hours they would have to leave. They needed to keep ahead of the agents. They were lucky so far that no one had come after them, but he knew that wouldn’t last long.

Taking another cursory check of the windows and doors, he returned to the spot between the beds, sitting on the floor. Leaning against the bedside table, he reached up and held on to both his siblings’ hands.

Thirty minutes later, exhaustion finally claimed him; his head slumped against his right shoulder.

~ ~ ~ ~
Next door

He couldn’t sleep.

He tensely sat in the chair facing the wall—the wall he was sure had had a large crack in it. He had initially dismissed it as a dream, but when he heard the screams…

No amount of exhaustion could put him to sleep then.

Immediately after hearing the screams he had flattened himself against the wall, straining to hear what was happening. He even tried the trick with the glass. But the voices were mere murmurs, not a word distinguishable. Soon there was only silence.

So he had sat in the chair, tossing his cell back and forth in his hands, his eyes trained on the wall. He could feel the prickly shifts of his tired eyes drying out, but he denied them rest. It was as if his entire being was willing the crack to return, to let him finally know what was going on. That he wasn’t going crazy.

And to reveal just how much danger he might be in.

He jumped at the soft thud of his cell hitting the dingy carpet. With a weary, relieved sigh he collected it. He briefly checked it for any cracks and saw that it still worked. As he did, he noticed an hour had passed since he had heard the screams.

Needing to know what was happening next door, he quietly left his room.

Careful of each step he made, of each breath he took, he soundlessly approached his neighbors’ room. Crouching, he attempted to peek through the window, but the curtains were fully drawn. Maybe if he could just find the right angle to gaze through the corner…

He nearly lost his balance at the sudden vibration in his side pants pocket.

Clamping a hand over his mouth he released several gasps, struggling for control over his breath. The buzzing continued, so hesitantly he reached for it, stealing away from the window to answer.

Sitting in the shadows of the parked cars, he accepted the call, whispering a hello. So focused on the room before him and the call, he never noticed what car stood behind him.

Finally arrived?

The General. Of course. “Uh… yeah.”

Good. Get as much rest as you can, you’ll be leaving before 6. If you’re hungry, there’s a diner across the street open 24 hours. It has parking. Remember, be ready to leave at any moment.

“Um… right.”

And you might want to wear something warmer, it’s pretty chilly outside.

His heart was pounding so hard he barely heard the click of the call being disconnected. Shakily he returned the phone to his pocket. Releasing controlled quiet gasps he cast side-long glances searching for where the General could be… or whoever it was that was watching him. Not a soul in sight, he sat for a minute gathering the nerve to return to his room.

As he entered his room, he cast one glance back outside. He stopped breathing.

Parked next to his car was the same SUV he had been tailing for days.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 5:17 pm
by behrinthecity
Hi guys!

I'm sorry for being silent for so long. I was really, really trying to have my next post here be an actual update. Unfortunately, my beta has still 3/4 of the part to go through and her schedule is such that the earliest I'll get those is some time towards the end of this week. So keep your fingers crossed, hopefully she'll get those over and the part I've been wanting to post since... oh geez September?? will be out by next week.

In the meantime I know it's pretty late since the first two rounds have already been announced (which BIG CONGRATS TO ALL THE WINNERS, RUNNER-UPS and NOMINEES!!! :D) but I just wanted to say...

Thank you so much to all those who nominated me and to those who keep checking in. (Missed you all too.)

(aren't those purple flowers just so pretty? :))

Best Cliffhanger
Most Suspenseful
Fic No One Seems to be Reading, But Everyone Should Be

sprayadhesive- First dear CONGRATS on all your nominations and runner up for Hank!! Absolutely well-deserved! I'm sorry I've left you waiting at the edge of your seat for so long, I hope you haven't fallen off yet! ;)

Flamehair, clueless. dreamon- Thank you for the Christmas/New Year wishes and for checking in! I'm hoping to come back very soon with the part!

ultimatepickupline- A long over-due welcome to you!! Thank you so much for reading, I'm so glad to hear you've enjoyed it so far. And a very nice theory there! ;)

Gnomie- Hi there! I know, it really has been far too long.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:44 pm
by behrinthecity
Hi everyone!!!

First-- thank you to sprayadhesive, Flamehair and clueless for checking in. And sorry to kill your lucky streak spray... but how about we say it was just put on hold for the weekend? ;)


Thank you so much for this...


Best Fanfic It Seems No One Is Reading, But Everyone Should Be

As always you guys leave me speechless in awe. And I think the only way I can thank you properly is in my next post below. :D Enjoy!