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Post by Sternbetrachter »


Okay, this really is not me - I'm never doing things like that. Or intent to do things like that but ... damn, did Isabel have to make that cute butt comment? I feel like ... well, I feel pretty good and daring so ... wonder if Kyle and Max are constantly feeling like this when being on the *hunt*?

I hear the bathroom door lock click open and prepare for what I intent to do ... I'm going to do it otherwise ... well, I might go crazy if I don't besides ... it's just a kiss and Max is only two rooms away so ... nothing more going to happen - aside from maybe getting slapped but ... I'll take that risk.

Isabel comes out and I can tell she's surprised when I block her way, actually backing her against the door. "Was that *cute butt* comment really necessary?" I ask in a low voice. "Because sadly, it turned me on."

And with that, I kiss her.
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Post by KarenEvans »


As I step out of the bathroom and shut the door behind me Alex steps in to my path and I prepare to make a witty comment but before I can say anything he closes the space between us,so much so that I press back against the door,"Was that *cute butt* comment really necessary?...Because sadly, it turned me on."

My eyes widen in surprise as his head dips and he captures my lips with his own.For a moment my eyes remain open,wondering how the hell we keep ending up in situations like this.I keep my hands pinned to my side but I close my eyes and give in to it for a few minutes,kissing him back lightly,nipping at his lips before pushing him away slightly with one hand but letting it rest against his chest," you do this all the time?"

Noting the confused look on his face I add "Ambush women and kiss them without warning.Because this is sure becoming a habit with you when I am around." I clear my throat because all of a sudden my voice sounds very husky "You might get in to trouble one of these days,you know."
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

ALEX you do this all the time?"

What? Does she think I take women home all the time? and have my friends over at the same time?

"Ambush women and kiss them without warning.Because this is sure becoming a habit with you when I am around."

Ambush? That was so not what I intended and I never did that before, but then again, Isabel was never around before.

"You might get in to truble one of these days,you know."

That's true, especially with Max so close. I don't think he'd appreciate another show. Looking at the door behind Isabel for a moment, I get myself so far under control to push myself away from her, leaning against the wall on the other side of the hallway, running my hand through my hair again.

"No, I don't do this all the time and ... it scares me slightly." I finally mutter. "I mean, I'm a rational guy, always worried about consequences and normally too chicken to even talk to women." Talk about insecurities!

"But when I'm around you ... one moment, I'm totally rational and calm and collected and then ... one word or look from you and ...." I trail off, sure that she gets what I'm meaning as I lean my head against the wall behind me. "This is totally crazy and I'm sorry that I harrassed you. Again. I swear that wasn't my intention when I invited you for coffee."
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Post by KarenEvans »


Alex steps back and rests against the wall much to my disappointment I realise,facing me running his hand through his hair,"No, I don't do this all the time and ... it scares me slightly." he mutters looking perplexed "I mean, I'm a rational guy, always worried about consequences and normally too chicken to even talk to women."

He really needs a confidence booster!

"But when I'm around you ... one moment, I'm totally rational and calm and collected and then ... one word or look from you and ...." and I look down on the floor,feeling slightly embarrassed and flattered at the same time,a smile creeping across my lips

"This is totally crazy and I'm sorry that I harrassed you. Again. I swear that wasn't my intention when I invited you for coffee." he says apologetically and I look up quickly

"Believe me if I looked at it as harrassment you wouldn't be standing right now,if you know what I mean.I did kiss you back but Alex..." pausing for a moment I try and figure out what to say next "I've never really jumped in to a relationship before.I don't go around kissing men I have only know for three days contrary to what my kissing you back might indicate but I like talking to you and I think you're a nice guy;so can we just take it slow and get to know each other?"
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"Believe me if I looked at it as harrassment you wouldn't be standing right now,if you know what I mean.I did kiss you back but Alex..."

I'm not sure whether to wince or grin - wince because I know what she's talking about when saying I wouldn't be standing and grinning because she did kiss me back for a moment.

"I've never really jumped in to a relationship before.I don't go around kissing men I have only know for three days contrary to what my kissing you back might indicate but I like talking to you and I think you're a nice guy;so can we just take it slow and get to know each other?"

I give her an easy smile at that. I certainly am willing to do that if it means she'll stick around. She has seen me almost naked and wasn't giggling and pointing so it can't get much more embarrassing in the near future, can it?

"I want to get to know you too, Isabel. I really do and am not just saying it, you seem to be quite a fascinating woman from what I've seen in the last days. I am willing to admit, I really like you a lot and I'll try to be on my best gentleman behavior in the future."

I say the last with a slightly teasing tone. "So, shall we seal the *lets get to know each other* business with a kiss?" I ask with raised eyebrows before taking a step back and holding my hands up. "Just kidding, I'll be the good and shy geek I usually am from now on, no need to worry about me trying to ravish you and also ..." I glance down sheepishly, and push my hands into my pockets, "I'm babbling, aren't I?"

Pushing away from the wall, I stand upright again.
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Post by KarenEvans »


"I want to get to know you too, Isabel. I really do and am not just saying it, you seem to be quite a fascinating woman from what I've seen in the last days."
I just know that I have my brightest smile on right now.I mean he is so cute and sweet.
"I am willing to admit, I really like you a lot and I'll try to be on my best gentleman behavior in the future."
Ooops,I must admit that I rather liked the unexpected eerr *pouncing* if you can call it that,I like surprises.I'll tell him that sometime.

"So, shall we seal the *lets get to know each other* business with a kiss?" he asks with an innocent look on his face and for a moment I think he's going back on what he had said a moment ago but then he backs away and I start laughing "Just kidding, I'll be the good and shy geek I usually am from now on, no need to worry about me trying to ravish you and also ..."

He stuffs his hands in to his pockets in this adorable manner,"I'm babbling, aren't I?"
Stepping closer to him I place my hands on his shoulders,"No you're not,well okay may be a little but it's endearing.And the good and shy geek act is all very well but I'd like to see that casanova side of you make an appearance every now and then." I say with a grin and then ask "Do I make you nervous?"
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"No you're not,well okay may be a little but it's endearing.And the good and shy geek act is all very well but I'd like to see that casanova side of you make an appearance every now and then."

My ears perk up at this. So she doesn't mind if I kiss her every now and then? She's okay with me kissing her? Cool! ... but .. Casanova? Me?

I'm very much aware of how close we are standing and her hands on my shoulders. I'd only have to move slightly forward ...

"Do I make you nervous?" she asks with a cute grin.

I laugh slightly, "As much as it makes me sound like a wuss, you certainly do. But strangely enough, it is a good kind of nervous if something like that exists so I'm not that upset by it."

My hands and arms are actually itching to wrap themselves around her waist and hold her tightly. Instead, I keep my hands in my pockets and just lean my head forward, so our foreheads are resting against it each other.

"You are not going to take advantage of my nervousness, now are you?"
Last edited by Sternbetrachter on Sun Aug 27, 2006 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KarenEvans »


"As much as it makes me sound like a wuss, you certainly do. But strangely enough, it is a good kind of nervous if something like that exists so I'm not that upset by it." he says with a little laugh

"Good!" I reply softly
"You are not going to take advantage of my nervousness, now are you?" he asks bringing his forehead forward to rest against mine and I smirk "You wish Mr.Whitman but not tonight.May be some other time."

Pulling away I kiss his forehead,"I think I better head home now.Call me tomorrow okay.Oh and...let's just keep this between us for a few days.I don't want to share the news with the others just yet.The girls will just make a big deal out of it."

I take a few steps away from him and then stop,"Walk me to the door?"
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"You wish Mr.Whitman but not tonight.May be some other time."

"I'll keep that in mind, Ms. Evans." I reply as she kisses me. Yes, she kissed me! Okay, so it was only on the forehead but ... she did!

"I think I better head home now.Call me tomorrow okay.Oh and...let's just keep this between us for a few days.I don't want to share the news with the others just yet.The girls will just make a big deal out of it."

I admit, I'm mighty disappointed that she is already leaving but ... it is probably for the beter considering how ... hyper I'm tonight. I'm not even that much bothered by keeping this secret - this being her and me getting to know each other, if we were a couple, things might be different but since we aren't I certainly can live with the secret.

"Okay, to be honest, I don't want the guys - especially your brother - know anything either. They'd just have their minds in the gutter." I tell her with fake annoyance. But to be true, they'd really think there's more going on - much more. To be honest, I'd like to think so too.

"Walk me to the door?"

"Of course, Mi'lady." I say with flourish, stepping besides her quickly and after a moment's struggle with myself, I tentavely put my hand - very lightly - on the small on her back to guide her to the front door.

"I really don't want to ruin the moment but ... what am I supposed to tell Max? Just that you left or ... anything else?"
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Post by KarenEvans »


"Of course, Mi'lady." he says grandly and I chuckle as he ushers me down the hallway "I really don't want to ruin the moment but ... what am I supposed to tell Max? Just that you left or ... anything else?"

" real need for an explanation really.It's a week night,I have to get to work early.Tell him whatever you want.It's none of his business." I say as we reach the living room

Picking my purse up from off the couch I smile at Kyle and Michael,"Well I'm off.Kyle thanks for earlier on and Michael,I'm looking forward to Saturday.Goodnight!"

Alex walks me out to my car,"Call me tomorrow sometime alright?" I get in to the car before I'm tempted to give him a kiss goodnight plus Kyle might be spying on us through the curtains "Bye!"