Three's a party (UC/CC/AU ADULT) Thread 1

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Post by madroswellfan »

I hear a knock on my door.
"Max,it's me Alex."
I growl very quietly to myself. "Im busy" I call out. I go as fast as I can, now not even bothering to make my packing tidy....which I would never ever do. Im always tidy, as you can see from my room. But I have to get going NOW.

"Come on, come on" I mutter as I dash around to pack everything.
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Location: Alex's room

Post by KarenEvans »


"I'm busy."

So what?Since when has that prevented me from ever entering his room or him not letting me in before.

Without waiting for another word,I open his door and survey the mess within.This is a disaster,Max is generally a neat freak.There is a suitcase on the bed in which he is literally throwing his clothes in to form across the room.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask him calmly,seating myself on his bed
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Post by madroswellfan »

Alex comes in and sits on my bed. God what does a shut door mean to him?!
"What do you think you're doing?"

"The "self-centered, cowardless, manipulative jerk" is leaving" I state as I grab some shoes and plnk them in the suitcase. I then grab my favourite books and dump them in. "Sorry can't to go and tell the "girl that doesnt give a care for me" that I hope shes happy with Zan and then I need to go to the ATM and then head off to England."
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Post by KarenEvans »


"The "self-centered, cowardless, manipulative jerk" is leaving" he declares dramatically and continues to throw his things in to the suitcase

" are none of those things.I should know...we've been best friends for years.Stop being to damn dramatic and sit down so we can talk this over.Isabel is really worried about you."

"Sorry can't to go and tell the "girl that doesnt give a care for me" that I hope shes happy with Zan and then I need to go to the ATM and then head off to England."

"Oh that's bloody brilliant!" I exclaim sarcastically "You'll last real long in England just on your ATM.Do you have any idea how frikkin' expensive that country is???And really mature behaviour in front of Liz...she'll be glad your movie date never materialised."
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Oh that's bloody brilliant! You'll last real long in England just on your ATM.Do you have any idea how frikkin' expensive that country is???And really mature behaviour in front of Liz...she'll be glad your movie date never materialised."

I stop and look at him. "I know she will. Since she "doesnt give a care for me". And hey, Zan is "twice the guy I'll ever be" and "isn't as heartless" as me."
I see Alex's confused look. I shrug "Only repeating what your GIRLFRIEND told me"

Ive finally packed everything...and now I have to try and shut the damm thing. "Come on..." I mutter as I try to shut it.
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Post by KarenEvans »


"Only repeating what your GIRLFRIEND told me"

"Look Max...she told me that she said some terrible things to you and she feels really bad.She's the one who told me to come over and talk to you.Now coem on be're going to give up your entire way of life for a girl...who in your words,'doesn't care for you' stupid is that?"
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Look Max...she told me that she said some terrible things to you and she feels really bad.She's the one who told me to come over and talk to you.Now coem on be're going to give up your entire way of life for a girl...who in your words,'doesn't care for you' stupid is that?"

"Not all. Im not going....oh come on shut!" I say angrily as I try to force it shut. "Im not going to stand and watch the two of them be all happy. Id rather kill myself" I say as I try desperatly to shut my case. "And if she felt so bad then why isnt she in herself...why send her BOYFRIEND to do her dirty work for her"
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Post by KarenEvans »


I stand up in frustration,"She didn't send me to do her dirty work...I offered to come talk to you but since you're so damn dense I don't think any one will be able to get through you to.So go have yourself a nice holiday in England and write me a letter when you take up being a Hobo professionally." I walk out of hsi room,slamming the door shut on my way out

I enter Isabel's room again and throw my hands up in the air,"He's in one of his stubborn mule moods...nothing I said made any difference.He's behaving like a spoilt rotten brat.May be you should call your mom or dad to intervene and get him to stop this madness." I suggest
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Post by madroswellfan »

"She didnt' send me to do her dirty work...I offered to come talk to you but since you're so damn dense I think no one will be able to get through you to.So go have yourself a nice holiday in England and write me a letter when you take up being a Hobo professioanlly."

And with that he leaves. Some best friend...

I sit on my case and it finally snaps shut. I sigh with relief. I drag my suitcase off the desk and along towards the door when.

I quickly open my bedroom door and go out in the corridor shutting the door behind me so Mom doesnt see my case.

"Hey mom..."
"Hey. Have you seen Zan this morning? He's not in his room."

I try to keep my anger in check. "No I haven't"

"Oh" Mom says. "Its just I really need to talk to you in particular but Zan should be there...oh well. As soon as he gets in can you and him come and talk to me. Its urgent" he says.

"Sure Mom" I say as I go back inside my room. I hear her go off down the corrido.
I sit on my bed, battling with myself on what to do. If everyone hates me as much as they say they do may I should just leave...
But I cant leave Mom and Dad....
"GOD DAMN IT!" I yell out as I lay back on my bed furiously.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

ooc: hope this works... if not, let me know Isabelle and I'll be happy to change it.

Slowly, a haze around my mind begins to clear and I can feel my body. Shifting slightly, my head seems to but against the back of the couch…? The couch? What was I doing on the couch? That question caused me to think back and I couldn’t help but remember that I’d been talking with Zan and watching a movie when I’d started to feel tired but I hadn’t wanted to ask him to leave. I’d been far too comfortable.

I stretched slightly, opening my eyes to glance around and the first thing I saw was the clock. Oh! I am supposed to open the Crashdown today. Oh no. I can’t believe it. I’m running late. As I stand I focus on Zan and instantly wish I hadn’t said I’d work the extra. He’d stayed, all night? Wow. I can’t… I can’t believe it. “Morning.” I say, feeling slightly awkward. I glance at the clock again and nibble my lip. “I’m sorry Zan… I have to hurry and get ready for work. I was supposed to open this morning… and I…”

I pause a moment and smile, “I had fun last night…” I say and quickly head toward my room to grab a clean uniform. I have to shower, change and then get to work. If I do this just right I might still be on time. Walking back out to the living room I can’t help but feel poorly about the fact that I couldn’t talk. “Zan… I’m sorry I have to rush like this… I wish I hadn’t signed on for extra… I guess I’ll see you later.”

I walk over to him and lean up to kiss his cheek a moment before turning back and heading for the bathroom. I can’t afford to be late. I need this extra money. With the bathroom door closed behind me I begin getting out of the clothing from the night before and turn on the water for my shower. Stepping into the warm water once it was ready, I had a moment to think that my car wasn’t even here. That meant… I’d be walking to work.

I wasn’t about to expect Zan to give me a ride when he probably wanted to get home and rest. As the water beat down on me, I thought about the night before. I’d had such a fantastic time. Thinking about it, I could still feel his arms around me as we danced, feel his lips when we’d kissed. I could hardly believe that we’d spent so many hours together or that I’d actually fallen asleep with him holding me. It had been wonderful. Zan was wonderful. I was really hoping that he wouldn’t regret having spent last night with me.

The fact that he’d written songs about me, I just couldn’t get over that either. It was such a sweet thing and touching. I’d never thought anyone would ever have seen me as being song worthy. I know I’m supposed to work with and hang out with Michael after my shifts over tonight. I have to ask him what he thinks of everything that’s happening. He’s my best-friend; he’ll be honest and tell me if I’m just being an idiot.

Getting out of the shower, I dry off and hope that Zan doesn’t think that I was rude or that I hadn’t wanted to spend more time with him. I wish in fact that I had woken sooner so that I could have. Dressing, I don’t even bother with styling my hair, just brush through it and pull it back into a small bun. I’m not bothering with make-up either.

Stepping out, finished with getting ready I automatically make my way into my bedroom for my purse and then walk back out preparing to walk to work. "Zan..." I'm surprised to see that he stuck around.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.