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Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:22 am
by isabelle

I get to pick the movie? Gee, that's dangerous, isn't it? I can't go for something romantic. That would be all wrong and she'd be freaked out, I know. An action movie probably wouldn't be her speed.

"I guess I'll have to see what's available," I tell her. "Some sort of comedy would be fun."

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:06 pm
by Fehr'sBear

"Well why would you? It's your first day, afterall." Maria says with a grin, and I plaster a only half fake smile on my face. It would have been my first day yesterday, if I hadn't hung out with her all day. But I really need to not see her right now. I can feel the change, and it's getting closer. Sometimes I wish the day never ended. And night just never came.
But no need to get dramatics, I just deal.

"How are you doing?" I hear break through my musings, and I look up, smiling a little again.

"I'm fine," I reply, making sure the teacher isn't looking our way. "Just a little jumpy."

"And tired after last night, which was a really good time," I add after a moment, my voice at a whisper. So much for avoiding her. Oh well.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:25 am
by isabelle

"Just a little jumpy. And tired after last night, which was a really good time," Jess says.

I have to smile at that. His words make me feel incredibly warm inside. He wasn't avoiding me. Yay! I knew I was over-reacting, but I can't help it. It's so rare to have a friend who I feel so connected to.

"Me, too," I say, lowering my eyes as my grin grows even bigger. God, I hope the teacher isn't watching this. "Wanna hang out after class?" I ask.

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 7:17 pm
by rpchick2006
ooc: I was wondering if Isabel is still up for grabs? If so can i play her?

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:44 am
by KatnotKath
OOC: Isabelle, this doesn't do everything I had hoped, but it does take us to the end of the lesson, if you want to skip again in yours, feel free, I considered doing more, and probably would have done, but I'm at lunch at work, and have run out of time...if you prefer, I can add to it tonight, but I don't have any way to save it other than posting, so here goes, if you want me to add to, or edit, just say.


"Sounds good..." I smile and nod, agreeing with the suggestion of comedy before our conversation switches to more mundane matters such as the homework that we have due in next class. Since we're both good students, it hasn't really posed a problem, but I guess that it's just something 'safe' to talk about...

Not that I don't feel able to talk to him about other things, our conversation last night touched on things that I've never talked about with someone else, so I can't exactly say I'm uncomfortable around him... I think more it's a case that it's a little new still, and we're trying to figure out exactly how this works...this...friendship..

Further discussion or chatting is put on hold for a while as we reach class now though, and as we move to take our individual seat, I can't help thinking how nice it is to have someone to talk to like that. The nearest I have is Maria, who's been pretty preoccupied herself recently, but that's still not the same. There are just some things that she can't understand, and well...I think Max does...

Forcing myself to focus on the job at hand though, I try to tune into Mrs Briggs as she begins to talk, focusing on the equations she puts on the board, and writing them down into my book. This last hour of class seems to go on and on, each minute almost feeling like an hour in itself it seems, and I don't really know why, except perhaps the possibility that I'm looking forward to tonight...

Finally though, the bell does ring, and silly enough, as it does, I don't rush to pack away. I was so eager to get it over and done with, and now that it is, I find myself feeling a little nervous, although there's no reason to of course, our plans are just for friends - right? I try to push back the nerves which threaten to surface and, after collecting my things, I stand up, book and pencil case in hand.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:57 am
by isabelle

As class closes, I see Liz lingering as she gathers her things. I pick up my things quickly and move over next to her. That won't seem to forward will it? I'm so afraid of letting her see how much I like her since I know she's not interested and I don't want to scare her off. Still, we are 'friends' and we do have plans. Walking together won't be too much, will it?

"I'm glad that's over," I say with a smile. It's not something I'm used to. I like school and while I can't say that I want classes to go on longer, I'm not usually this happy to be done for the day.

"Do you want to start on those cookies first or do you need some time to work on your homework? We could study together?" I suggest, and immediately regret it. That's pushing it, I know. She doesn't want to be with me that much, I don't think....

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:37 am
by KatnotKath
OOC: posting from work again, so possibly not the best...hope it works though, and she doesn't sound like a complete ditz... Tell me if you'd like anything changed?


I can't help feeling kinda excited as Max walks over to me. That's silly though really, because it's only sensible for himt o do so right? He'll want to check about plans, nothing more. It doesn't mean anything, except that we have some plans which I'm pretty sure he's only humouring me with anyway. I mean, I'm sure he'd rather be going into town like some fo the others...

Swallowing, I blink as he reaches my side, nodding as he says that he's glad class is over. "Yeah, it seemed unusually long today...maybe I'm just tired from last night though..." I respond lightly, unable to keep a smile from flickering across my face as I think about the time we spent talking. We stayed up a lot later than I had expected, and it was really nice...

As expected, he proceeds to ask about the plans for the evening, and I shake my head as he mentions starting on the cookies first. "I usually leave it an hour or so, that way the kitchen's usually been done with and I don't get disturbed..." I reply softly. "And I'm not really in the mood for studying, got to admit..."

I hesitate a moment before going on "B-but if you wanted, maybe we could just hang out a bit before, take a walk outside or even just sit around and chat again or something?" I suggest uncertainly. "I mean, only if you wanted to, I figure it might be nice to get changed first, and if you prefer we could meet up in an hour or so instead..." I begin to backpeddle nervously, wondering if he's going to think I'm being too full on. We already planned to spend some time together tonight, there's no harm in some time apart before then if he wants...

"Anyway...whatever you want..." I finish awkwardly, shrugging again. "It was just an idea you know..."

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:34 am
by isabelle

"I usually leave it an hour or so, that way the kitchen's usually been done with and I don't get disturbed... And I'm not really in the mood for studying, got to admit..." she says and I have to grin. Sounds like she's open to just hanging out for a while. That would be fun. "B-but if you wanted, maybe we could just hang out a bit before, take a walk outside or even just sit around and chat again or something?"

Then my grin fades as she starts to back-pedal, "I mean, only if you wanted to, I figure it might be nice to get changed first, and if you prefer we could meet up in an hour or so instead..."

Has she changed her mind? Getting together in an hour to take a walk? Isn't that when we were going to be baking? I'm not really sure what she wants here.

"Anyway...whatever you want... It was just an idea you know..."

"...Oookay," I say slowly, trying to guess her actual intent. I think I'll assume her first suggestions were valid. She doesn't want to study yet and she wants to wait before cooking -- but a walk or changing her clothes...?

"Why don't we just stash our books and take a walk around the grounds?" I say. I remember how she said that she likes to walk. No, she said she likes to walk alone -- but is that alone by choice or would having company be okay? I watch her carefully to see what she says.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:03 am
by KatnotKath
rpchick2006 - I don't believe that Isabel is taken no, but you should probably contact Fehr's Behr to check since she's the one that's taken over the thread in the absence of the orginal author.

Isabelle - I hope your trip goes well and that this will be okay for you when you get back. I'm not sure how much it adds, but tell me if you want anything changed anyway?


I don't know why I feel so nervous, but I know I'm babbling, and I wouldn't blame Max at all if I were to scare him off. It's like I can't form coherent sentences, when I'm around him... Which would be a regular thing around guys that I like, not that there have been many of them, but I can't risk him realising that because I know that he's not interested in me like that, and I don't want to loose the friendship we're building... I know he's not going to be anything more, but just to have him as a friend is great, because I can talk to him about things which I wouldn't even touch with other poeple, and he understands...

He looks puzzled, and I guess I confused him with my muddled suggestions, but bfore I can say anything else, he's talking again and perhaps that's the best. "Oooookay..." He appears to think for a moment but I stay quiet, partly worried I'm only going to make it worse... "Why don't we just stash our books and take a walk around the grounds...?"

I feel myself begin to relax again at this suggestion, a small smile spreading over my face as I nod. "Sure, that sounds great..." I flush slightly and look down. "I'm sorry for babbling before, it's just something I do at times..." I swallow nervously. "A walk sounds good though,'ll be nice to get some fresh air after having been cooped up all day..." What I don't say is that anything I'm doing, as long as I'm with him, I'm likely to enjoy, but I don't want to let him think I'm reading something into this that just isn't there... We're just friends, and that's okay, I know that...

I hesitate again before saying anything else as we head out of the classroom, moving down towards where all the lockers stand. "Is it me, or did that last class seem unusually long...?" I question curiously, stopping as we reach my locker and reaching with my mind to unlock and remove the padlock, before pulling the door open, still with my mind, and then stacking my books quickly. It might seem like I'm showing off, but really, I'm not, it's just we're told it's good to practice, use our powers for basic things sometimes, and I usually do this, it helps with my control...

The picture of my parents that I have stuck on the inside surface catches my eye, and the door clashes closed a little less gently, causing me to bite down on my lip, reaching now with my hands to replace the padlock as I turn back to Max. "S-sorry, I guess I lost concentration..." I apologse softly, not wanting to unnerve him with another show of out of control powers...

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 7:44 pm
by isabelle

"I'm sorry for babbling before, it's just something I do at times..." Liz says and I can't help but raise a mental eyebrow at that. Babbling? I mean, yeah, she was babbling but I can't say that I'd ever noticed her acting that way before. She's usually just quiet as if she's trying not to be noticed -- although I always notice her.

"A walk sounds good though,'ll be nice to get some fresh air after having been cooped up all day..." She says. I nod and start out of the classroom with her.

"Good," I say with a smile. "Some fresh air should be nice."

"Is it me, or did that last class seem unusually long...?" She asks.

I nod. "I thought the same thing. I couldn't seem to keep my mind on the subject matter," I say, giving a short shrug. I don't tell her what was on my mind. She doesn't want to know how much time I spend thinking about her. That wouldn't go down well, I know.

I watch as she uses her powers to unlock her locker while I open mine in a more conventional way. Her powers are so neat. She can use them in so many different and useful ways. Mine are ... not. I mean they're useful, but not nearly as versitile as hers.

I glance up to see a photo in her locker. A couple adults who are probably her parents. Suddenly the door slams shut. "S-sorry, I guess I lost concentration..." she says and I look away, closing my own locker to hide the change in my attention.

"No problem," I tell her. I can't help but think that she did it because I glanced inside her locker. Did she think I was being nosey? I didn't mean to be. I don't want to push into her life more than she's allowing. I just want to be her friend.

Okay, that's not entirely true. I 'want' a lot but my goal is only to be friends. I'm not going to aim for things that I know are impossible.

"So, now we're free until Monday," I say with a grin. We still have homework and projects to do but we can do that when we wish. No special schedule -- unless you count a weekend session in the simulation room. There's always at least one of those.

"Where would you like to start on our walk?" I ask. "Up to the apple orchard or maybe down to the lake?"
