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Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 5:22 am
by isabelle

So, we're settled. It'll be Tuesday. That's not as good as Sunday would be, but I'm thrilled, anyway. It's fantastic. I bet if I wasn't strapped into this car, I'd be floating on air...

"Are you coming back in later to see Maria?" she asks as she tears off the bottom of my note and hands it back -- this half has her number on it. Things just get better and better!

"Probably. Depends on if anything is going on with the family. I don't think there's anything planned, but if Dad takes it into his head that today's the day to ... paint the garage or something, well, then I'll be busy for a while," I shrug. I try not to think about what might go on if I get in trouble for being out all night. Nothing happened, of course, but Dad does expect me home everynight. I never did call to tell him that I was ... detained. I could have done that. I had the phone in my pocket, afterall. He's normally really good about Max, Isabel or me being out late if we call, but I just didn't know how I was going to tell him that I wasn't coming back because I had a girl sleeping on my chest ...

After pocketing the slip with Liz's note on it, I pause, having run out of things to say. Or maybe there are lots of things to say, but none of them are making it to my brain. All I can do is look at her and think about how great the night was and how much I'm looking forward to Tuesday. I want to kiss her again, so much. Does she want that too?

"Uh, Liz?" I say, softly, pinching my lips together briefly. I put one hand on her knee, looking into her eyes for a long moment, smiling softly... Then I take my other hand and lay it on her cheek, as she looks back at me -- expectantly? Does she want this too? Well, why not? She said she enjoyed it last night.

With a very slight nod, I go for it. I move forward and meet her lips with mine, kissing her long and sweet. A kiss to hold me over until the next time we can share some private time together again ...

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 7:32 am
by StormWolfstone

"Probably. Depends on if anything is going on with the family. I don't think there's anything planned, but if Dad takes it into his head that today's the day to ... paint the garage or something, well, then I'll be busy for a while," Zab says with a shrug and I can't help but smile. Then it hits me, will he be in trouble for not being home? I... I know that I don't have that sort of rule to follow anymore because after all, I have no family to answer to... but he has two wonderful parents that I know he's been close to. In fact, I always envied the Evans family. When my mother died, the envy grew.

His eyes meet mine and remain on mine and I'm not sure whether I should force myself to move or just continue with what I'm doing. "Uh, Liz?" He begins softly, and then I feel his hand on my knee as he smiles before he lifts his other hand to my cheek.

I smile back, unable to keep from thinking that if a kiss didn't come now, as I was hoping I might just pass out. I look back into his eyes, letting my lips part in expectation and invitation. Then, my heart is leaping joyfully as his lips touch mine and without thought, I'm responding. Gentle, long and so tender. I reach up to place my arm around his neck as we kiss, not wanting this moment to end any time soon.

However, I know I can't stay here like this even if I wanted to. Drawing back slightly, I smile at him but don't speak right away. "I have to go." I can hear the reluctance in my own voice as I look into his eyes. Then, before I can stop myself I lean forward and kiss him again, this time not quite as long but still gentle.

When I draw back this time, I slowly withdraw my arms and smile. "I'll see you later, but I especially can't wait until Tuesday." I tell him and before I can stop myself because I know that if I don't go now, I'll end up being even later then I am at the moment, I reach for the door handle. My other hand reaches for his and I give a light squeeze before opening the car door and reaching for my purse.

Stepping out of the car, as much as I really didn't want to at that moment, I close the door and smile at him. Reaching into my purse, I remove the keys to the Crash, since after all I'm opening. And once I've unlocked the door, I turn back to smile at Zan, waving before I head inside. I really hope I get a call from him tonight after my shift.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 8:18 am
by isabelle

Liz disappears into the Crashdown even as my lips are still tingling from our kiss. She's so amazing. I feel guilty for holding her here in the car for even the extra two minutes it took to say good-bye, but I'm sure she'll be ready in time to open the diner. Should I go in there and offer to help with whatever she needs to do to get ready?

Nah, that would probably be pushy. I've sometimes hung out with Maria after closing, but I've never been out here this early in the morning. It's probably too much...

With a sigh, I put the car back into gear and start back towards my house. Now that Liz is gone, I guess I need to start thinking about what's going to happen when I get there. Maybe I can sneak in and nobody will notice I was out all night. A quick shower and a change of clothes...

Or if they do, I'll just say that I fell asleep. It's true, all though it's not the whole truth.

Of course, there's also the question of Max. Liz never mentioned him during our date so I have to assume she didn't really have any interest in him afterall. In the long-run, it'll probably be a good thing for him to know so he can stop mooning over her and move on to one of the other half-dozen girls who I've seen watching him at school. Of course, in the short-term, things are bound to be a bit ugly...

Pulling up to the house, I'm disappointed to see that there are lights on all over the house. Max's room. Isabel's room. The kitchen. Rats. Sneaking in might be tough but I can give it a try. If I get to the shower before anyone sees me, maybe they'll just think I was there the whole time? ... unless of course they've all been in and out of there. Damn. I guess I'll have to just play it by ear.

Then I notice Alex's car parked across the street. He's here? This early in the morning? What's that going to mean? I guess there's no way to know unless I go in and ask.

I get out of the car and head up the front walk. Sneaking in the kitchen door might make sense on some occassions, but with the lights on there, I don't know who I'd run into. I carefully slide through the door and look around the livingroom. Nobody in sight right now. I quietly close the door and listen for a moment, hoping to get an idea of where people are and what's going on.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 11:13 am
by madroswellfan
I lie there glaring at my ceiling, wondering my next move. What am I meant to do? I mean... Liz doesn't like me...Isabel and Alex hate me... oh! And my TWIN brother is a backstabber, and Mom wants me to have some sort of talk with him and her. Oh God...could things get anyworse.

I need to go for a walk. I need to get out of this damn house. If only I could get out of this nightmare.

I sigh as I get up from my bed and get to the top of the stairs. Ill just go downstairs and get the hell out of here.

But as soon as I get half way down the stairs...plans changed.
I glare at my brother before running down the rest of the stairs and storming over to him. I stand there face to face with him, wondering how he could just stand there looking at me.
"YOU BASTARD!!!!!!" I yell before throwing a punch directly at his face.
And trust me, I couldn't feel even the tinyiest bit sorry.

"How could you?" I growl at him, glaring at him. "How COULD YOU!"

I can't control my anger anymore. Zan knew how I felt and I bet you he never gave me a thought. He could have given me a heads up...maybe you know tell me he was going to go after her. But no! He just decides to complete backstab me. The girl Ive been in love with from afar ever since I first saw her.

"Bet you never thought of me did you! Always thinking of yourself! Some BROTHER!" I launch myself at him and tackle him to the ground.

"Im going to KILL YOUUUUU!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 4:52 pm
by bluebballjumper

"Isabel...I wasn't the one who decided to keep our relationship under wraps. You were the one who said you were uncomfortable with a lot of people knowing right away since you wanted your privacy. If it were up to me I'd be announcing it from the rooftops."

A small smile graces my face, thinking about how nice it would be for everyone to know. But then of course that couldn't happen, if Max took it so badly how would everyone else, "Alex, I know..." I drift off as I hear a sound from somewhere inside the house, "sounds like trouble."

I get up off the bed, absent-mindedly grabbing his hand, and quickly scurry out the door with Alex in toe behind me.

"MAAAXXXX!!!!!" I scream as I turn the corner to the stairs, right when he punches Zan. To any bystander it would like quite odd with two people who look exactly alike punching each other, but to me the disturbing part is seeing Max, who doesn't believe in violence, beating our brother.

I run down the stairs while Max yells some more before tackling Zan and then threatening to kill him, which I'm afraid he may just do.

"Max, you can't do this. STOP!!"

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 5:51 pm
by isabelle

I'm about to see if I can sneak upstairs when suddenly Max appears and punches me in the face! All I can think is that my brother's gone completely psycho as he knocks me to the ground with a flying tackle.

"What the HELL is the matter with you?" I ask, as I struggle to throw him off. He's shouting stuff that makes no sense. How dare I WHAT? He's threatening to kill me? What the heck is he going on about?

With a well-placed elbow in the ribs, I push Max back. He's gasping, and I roll over him, struggling to pin him. "Stop it, you idiot!" I yell, even as I hear Isabel arriving, also yelling for Max to stop.

It's hard to get any leverage here. Max is wild, uncontrolled, which makes it a lot harder to dodge him. He's swinging every which way and a lot of his punches go a bit off center, but they still hurt and when he does make a solid connection, like my face, it hurts like hell.

Finally, I manage to scramble onto his back, holding one of his wrists, and flailing for the other. "Stop it!" I growl at him.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 1:43 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC Your post didn't suck! I thought it was really good. Are you feeling better? :D


He is still for a moment and I'm trying to access his actions ,or rather lack there of when it hits me. he's trying to make sure I'm okay. I have to bite my lip to supress the smile I know is attempting to break free. You'd think with me being one of the most popular girls at West Roswell High that insecurity doesn't reach me, but it does. Probablyt more so than others. For if I fail everybody's watching ready to ridicule me. I'm usually really indecisve and I find it hard to trust guys, but for some reason with Rath everythings differnt.

Yeah, he may talk like a bad ass ,but there's something about him. There's a slient gentleness in his eyes when he looks at me. Like I'm the only girl in the world to him. Still, I know better than to get too involved. Just because he seems to care doesn't mean he won't be like all the others. I'm Maria Deluca. I've perfected the Love 'em and Leave 'em down to an art. That won't change just because of one long good screw in the river. (Even if I wish it could) Because at one point or another all men leave.

"Oh Ria" He moans and the sound of his voice loud and uninhibited nearly makes me cum on the spot. How is it that everything feels new and exciting when I'm with him? Instinctively I tighten my thighs holding him in place as I arch my back allowing all the sensations to fill me at once. "Faster Rath" I command letting my needs known. He seems to be holding back as if I'm some kind of precious and delicate poccession. "You don't have to hold back>" I whisper hotly into his ear. "I won't break." I assure him with a moxy smile. :wink:

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 1:59 am
by KarenEvans

Isabel starts off,"Alex...I know" and then trails as the sound of a thud reaches both our ears,sounds like trouble.

She grabs my hand and we race down the stairs just in tiem to see Max floor Zan,a part of me wants to yell,'Go Max!' but I restrain myself since these are my girlfriend's brothers fighting each other.
Isabel yells at Max,telling him to stop but he carries on regardless,throwing punches left,right and centre.

Zan quickly regains his composure...I'm sure even he's surprised out of his wits by his usually docile twin having suddenly turned in to a prize fighter and managing to throw some pretty good punches which connect with Zan's face making him grimace.But he soon has Max pinned down,"Stop it!"

I step past Isabel and stand besides Zan and Max,"Zan get off him...Max you're behaving like a loon." I try not laugh at the whole ridiculous situation as I offer Max my hand

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 2:16 am
by madroswellfan
I hear someone in the distance screaming but I don't care. I don't care about anything anymore. My TWIN has ruined my life. And now hes going to pay.

"What the HELL is the matter with you?" Zan says as he tries to throw me off. But that only makes me more determined.
"You GIT!"

But I don't see the elow coming. It hits me right in the ribs and it pushes me back. I gasp as try to take a breath, but it gives him the chance to roll over me. I can see Zan trying to pin me but I am determined to hurt him as much as he hurt me.

"Stop it, you idiot!" he yells at me. Oh like thats going to change my mind. He ruined EVERYTHING. My life is over! And hes going to pay.

"Max, you can't do this. STOP!!"

No...nothing will make me stop. He's going down. He's not going to ruin anyone elses life! I swing every way trying to take him down. I want him to know the pain your own brother can cause. The intense pain and suffering.

"Zan get off him...Max you're behaving like a loon."
Yeah yeah...whatever "Best friend" whos going out with my sister!!!

But he scrambles on to my back, and grabs one of my wrists. I can feel him try to grab the other, but theres no way in hell.
"Stop it!"

"Does it... hurt BROTHER?" I hiss at him as I try to use my strength to get him off me. "Cos I bet.... it didn't hurt half as... much as you hurt me!"

Using all the strength in my legs I use them to make eough room for me to get out from underneath him. As soon as I was out I pounce on top of him again.
"You BASTARD!" I yell. "I wont let you hurt anyone again!" And with that I kick him. Hard. In a place you do not want to be kicked. As I see the pain Ive inflicted I stay still for a moment.

"You know matter what I do....I cant cause as much pain as you've caused me" I say quietly. "You could never know the pain of knowing the girl you've loved since first sight is in your brothers arms."

For a moment I start to think...maybe I should stop. Just maybe this was enough. Maybe I should not be like him and be the bigger person and leave him be. That is until the image of them together floats through my mind. And immediately my hand clenches.

"I might not be able to cause enough pain....but I can TRY!" I yell before beginning to throw punches again.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 2:23 am
by madroswellfan
"Faster Rath"
I swallow hard wanting to go as fast I can, but for some God unknown reason I hold back. I hold back wanting...I don't know...wanting this to be...special? Wanting her to be comfortable...

Oh God Im seriously losing it. "You don't have to hold back" she whispers in my ear, "I won't break."
And with that I lose myself in the feeling, and speed up wanting nothing more than to feel her. Feel her and only her...
I think Im coming down with something. This has never ever happened to be before. Not even with that hottie cheerleader who transfurred away last year...I cant remember her name.

I just hope it doesnt ruin my performance. Or worse....make her think that Im even slightly "sensitive". God if anyone ever assosiated me to something that typically imbodies Max....ewwwwww....

"Ria...I cant hold on baby..." I moan. "Are you....ready...."