Defying Convention (UC/ Adult ) Thread #1

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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


His hand makes it’s way to my neck and his thumb lifts my chin so that my eyes meet his unabashedly. "Hell yeah" He admonishes enthusiastically. I feel the insecurity slide away as he puts me at ease with his look alone. Those intense brown eyes have me captivated. His gaze never waivers as he states, "Ya knows Iz happens ta likes dat ya ain't ever been wit or done any of dis stuff before. Makes me feel special dats ya wants ta do all dis with me."

His smile warms me all the way to my toes. He isn’t a man of many words but when he does speak I know it is said with complete sincerity. I never doubt his honesty. Just as I could never utter anything false to him. It would just feel entirely wrong. His smile grows wider as he continues, "Ya made me want ta do somethin Iz ain't ever done before n dats not only takes things slow but lets ya in." I grin glad that he feels he can share things with me.

I’ve never felt so close to a man in my entire life. “Thank you.” I respond with a warm smile. “You’ve given me so much. Just by caring. It really means a lot to me. You mean a lot to me.” I press my lips to him and pour out all the passion I obtain for him in that simple gesture. I plan to show him the depth of my love. The kind that belongs soley to him. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by RiaRath101 »


Thank you.” she says with a warm smile. I was making a mental note of all the little things she did. Her smile was cute and seemed to go to her green eyes that I had discovered seemed to change color as her desire increased.“You’ve given me so much. Just by caring. It really means a lot to me. You mean a lot to me.” she says before placing her lips against me a kiss full of passion.

While we kissed, I decided since she was showing me how much she cared through the kiss now would be the time to show her how being with an alien could be different. I opened a connection with her while our tongues battled letting my mind brush against hers. Ya knows earlier, Iz told ya abouts how things could be different between us cause I wanted to claim ya da alien way.

Moving my hands to her arms, I slowly and gently moved my fingertips over her skin. I could feel the power at my fingertips as I slowly brought a small patch of silver to my right hand so the mark was underneath my fingertip. Breaking the kiss for air, I asked her with my mind, Ya wants me ta do dis? Cause there is no turnin back but if ya wants ta waits on dis part Iz can stop it now or ya could ask me anything Iz in no rush.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


As our tongues battle for control I feel a tingle of power rush across my skin. A sudden tug of warmth fills my senses. I can hear my love's words ring throughout my head ,but he never moves his lips. Wow, this is trippy.
'Ya knows earlier, Iz told ya abouts how things could be different between us cause I wanted to claim ya da alien way.' He wants to make me his own? What will that mean for us? His strong hands glide up my arms. His fingertips tease my bare skin until I am left breathless.

Breaking the kiss for a moment he inquires with his mind. 'Ya wants me ta do dis? Cause there is no turnin back but if ya wants ta waits on dis part Iz can stop it now or ya could ask me anything Iz in no rush.' I trust him completely and I would like to be with him always but I'm still a little confused on the details. Voicing my concerns aloud I reply, "What will happen exactly? I will become yours ,but does that make you mine as well?"

Nestling myself in his embrace I continue, "How will this change us? How will it change me?" I question as my eyes dart upward to meet his. "Are you sure you want it to be me?" I add before listening intently for his answer. :wink:
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Post by RiaRath101 »


"What will happen exactly? I will become yours ,but does that make you mine as well?" Maria asked. I nod my head yes while she continues asking,"How will this change us? How will it change me?" she asked me while nestling herself in my arms and looking up into my eyes. Since she was asking the questions aloud, I answered, "Make any connection we have stronger. We can communicate with our minds as I already showed ya."

I'm silent for a moment while I try to think of how me claiming her the alien way will change her. Since none of us have really tried it with anyone, I say, "Honestly Iz not sure. Ya mights gets powers but dat can happen if ya was healed by one of us too or if ya gots pregnant cause birth control doesn't really work wit us." Before ya freaks on me, Iz knows how ta makes myself shoot blanks so to speak. She asked, "Are you sure you want it to be me?" causing me to smirk while I captured her mouth in a passionate kiss and showed her in the kiss while answering her in my mind, Yes. Iz wouldn't have asked if Iz didn't wants it at be ya.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


I almost got freaked out when he revealed that birth control doesn't work on is kind. The only thing that kept me from going into a full rant mode was when he assured me that he could make it so that he shot blanks so to speak. Which the mechanics of that alone baffles me. I'd like to ask him how that works ,but I'll save that conversation at a less romantic moment. Once I ask if he really wants it to be me a warm grin spreads across his beautiful features.

The wonderous creature before me places his sweet lips to mine and the world just fades away. 'Yes. Iz wouldn't have asked if Iz didn't wants it at be ya.' He assures me with his mind. Smiling against his lips I tighten my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. Concentrating on sending him a message with my mind I send back. "Yes!" I want to be his for all of eternity. Through good and bad I know I can make it as long as I have Rath by my side. The other option is unbearable.

"Mark me." I finish while running my fingers through his rebellious locks. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by RiaRath101 »


Maria tightens her arms around my neck and deepens the kiss. I feel her mind brush against mine as she concentrates and tells me, "Yes!" She runs her hands through my Mohawk and says, "Mark me." I grin against her mouth before breaking the kiss. Slowly moving my fingers, that held the silver patch still, I moved the silver patch up her arms with my fingertip. Iz wants ta kiss ya but Iz wants ta hear ya reaction. Dis is probably gonna makes ya cum.

I run my tongue around my bottom lip while continueing to move the silver patch. My cock was so hard as I ached to be one with her. Finally having the patch of silver at the same spot I had already marked her, I brought my mouth to the patch of silver and gently blew against her skin. I concentrated and blew slightly harder sending the patch of silver into her body and into her blood.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


Rath breaks the kiss and slowly moves his fingers up my arms until he reaches the desired location. I gaze deeply into his brown eyes and find myself getting lost in their gold depths. 'Iz wants ta kiss ya but Iz wants ta hear ya reaction. Dis is probably gonna makes ya cum.' I shiver in anticipation at the suggestion. I think I'm going to enjoy this immensely. Running is tongue along his bottom lip in a tantilizing fashion I feel my knees getting weak. All of a sudden I feel a rush of heat dance along my skin. It's unlike anything I've ever felt before.

He lowers his mouth down to the spot that is causing me so much pleasure and blows lightly upon the silver glow. Tossing my head back I feel the ultimate rush. My body reacts in such a way that I am almost convulsing in exctacy. Rath holds me tightly to him so that I do not fall. Unable to contol myself I scream out releasing myself in total abandon. "Oh Rath!" My eyes flutter shut as I take in the sensations coursing throughout my weary body.

Once the flutter in my stomach has passed I cling to my lover tightly. "That was... definetely out of this world!" I exclaim happily before showering him with soft kisses all over his cheeks before coming to stop on his lips. Feeling very grateful my hand runs down the length of his chiseled body and comes to rest on his throbbing hard member. "I'm ready to claim what's rightfully mine." I state with a seductive smirk. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by RiaRath101 »


I smirk Maria losses control and screams, "Oh Rath!" Ya so beautiful, I think while watching her intently as the sensations run thooughout her body. She clings to me tightly and she exclaims happily, "That was... definetely out of this world!" before showering me with soft kisses and then finally bringing her lips to mine. Ya ain't experience nothin' yet, I said as she moved her hand down my body to my hardened cock.

I hiss as her hand comes in contact with my throbbing cock which I wanted desperately to be buried deep inside her wet tight pussy. She says, "I'm ready to claim what's rightfully mine, "with a seductive smirk. I grin having just thought about how much I wanted to be one with her. "Dats good cause Iz wants ta claim what's rightfully mine"I say in a thick and husky voice.

Since she was on top, I wondered if she wanted to be in control which I knew was something I rarely had let happen before but she was about new beginings. I wish that I knew which way would be less painful for her since I knew that her first time was going to be painful at least in the beginning. "IZ knows ya just sensed everything Iz was thinkin which way ya wants?"I asked.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


The breath hitches in his throat when my small hands come into contact with his throbbing cock. I love the feel of him. Long and hard in my firm grip. "Dats good cause Iz wants ta claim what's rightfully mine" The sexiest man I’ve ever encountered responds his tone thick with unadulterated lust. The excitement for what’s to come lies deeply embedded in my belly and I’m a little nervous to be honest ,but I can’t wait until we merge our bodies into one complete being.

It may sound corny or whatever ,but I feel like I’ve waited my entire life for this moment. I have no doubts or insecurities. He is the only thing I am completely sure of. Rath is the one. I could feel his inner debate over how he should have me. It’s true I am positioned on the top and there is something enticing about having control over the powerful man beneath me. What struck me the most was his need to make sure that I was comfortable. His main concern is what would cause me the least amount of pain. That thought alone assures me that I have made the right decision.

"IZ knows ya just sensed everything Iz was thinkin which way ya wants?" He questions helpfully. “I think it would be easier if I was on bottom.” I admonish with a thoughtful expression. “It’s probably going to hurt a little at first and I’ll probably handle it better if your above me.” I reveal with a smile that won't be conquered.
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by RiaRath101 »


I can sense everything that Maria is feeling from the nervousness to how she feels that she has been waiting for this moment and me. It amazes me that on some level I was doing the same thing because before her I wouldn't have done anything like this that I had for her tonight.

“I think it would be easier if I was on bottom.” she says with a thoughtful expression. I nod my head as she continues, "It’s probably going to hurt a little at first and I’ll probably handle it better if your above me.” and then smiles. Moving my hands down her back, I grip her ass cheeks in my hands and capture her mouth in a passionate kiss. Our tongues meet and battle as I roll our bodies.

Breaking the kiss for air and because I wanted to look into her green eyes. I enjoy the feel of her body beneath mine as I spread her legs enough so I was nestled between her legs. Reaching between our bodies, I took my hardened cock into my hand and slowly guided my hardened cock inside her heat. "Ya so tight"I said in a thick and husky voice. I wanted to be buried deep inside of her but at the same time knew this first time we had to move slowly.