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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:54 pm
by Michelle17

New Roswell Story idea

 4 Aliens and Baby
M/L M/M K/T A/I 

The story start's with Graudation Day. Max and Tess still sleep together (like in the series and leaves and comes back with a baby. Liz has a very hard time forgiving Max for sleep with Tess. Everyone has started moving on from Tess betral of the group. The FBI start's coming down on the Roswell. Liz powers start developing and she tells no one. Her powers start hurting and showing her things that are happening on Antar. Liz a little bit of the pecies of of the puzzle together. Liz has her own guards and maids and such on Antar.

Max and Liz on Antar were brothe to be married. Max and Liz Started out hating each other. They slow start falling for each other, Liz sister Tess came between them.  Tess started doings to cause trouble. Tess didn't want her sister happy so she sent Kivar after her sister. Kivar caught Liz and did crual things to her.

Liz stop trusting Max. He couldn't protect her.  Somethings happen toMax that ( I will leave to the author.)

Michael still the second in commend. He on antar is still completely in love with Maria. He could believe that she fell in love with him. They have their problems. The author can come up with.

Kyle and Tess had good thing until she with mess up with Kyle.

Happy ending for everyone

It's up to the author what happens to Tess and Kyle in the end

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:30 pm
by killjoy
AU All Human
Any Rating is Fine
M/M,K/T,A/I and M/L

Sean and Michael own a small bar on some beach resort type area.Sean owns sixty percent of it where Michael owns forty percent,so Sean is the major holder in it.But even if he is the major holder Sean has always let Michael run the bar as he sees fit.

Now even though the bar is in a beach resort area Michael shuns the tourist.His bar is for regular joes in the area.So much so that Michael's bar only serves FOUR things....Beer,Whiskey,Vodka and Tequila.

So as you can guess Michael/Sean's bar isn't doing to hot nor making a lot of money.

Sadly Sean dies some wreck,unknown heart problem something like that.Michael is upset but is also looking forward to taking over the bar to run as he sees fit.....well that is until he hears the will read.Seems Sean left his share of the bar to some famiy person named Maria.Michael of course thinks when Maria shows up all he has to do is offer her some money and she'll take it and run just to get the hell out of there.

But guess Michael's shock when this Maria shows up and wants to not only keep her stock in the bar but RUN it! her being HOT is a shock to MIchael!

So Maria just breezes into Michael's bar and starts to change things on him.

"This bar is too dark! It needs some LIGHT!"

Maria throws open the windows causing everyone to groan Maria starts making the bar more 'touristy'.She puts in fake palm trees,bright lights and much to Michael's horror prissy drinks with those pansy umbrellas in them!!!!!.....and horror of all horrors she's even set up a Karaoke Night!!!

Due to Maria owning the larger share in the bar Michael can do nothing to stop her except to argue with her.....which becomes harder to do when all of Maria's ideas pay off and the money/clients start pouring into the bar

No evil Tess

A scene where Michael is mad at Maria and is going to give her a chewing out but sees her in a skimpy baithing suit as she is either going to the beach or back from and he becomes jaw on the floor and speechless

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 1:06 pm
by killjoy
AU All Human
Any Rating Is Fine
M/L,K/T,A/I and M/M

Liz Parker and Isabel Evans are the best of friends and they ruled Roswell High.The two best looking and most popular girls the school has ever seen.Liz and Isabel were everything.....most popular,cheerleaders and all of that jazz.

On the flip side where Isabel was popular her brother Max wasn't even close.Ohhh Max was a nice guy and everyone liked him but he was no where near cool.Max was more into reading books about adventure and people exploring and seeing the world.....such like Marco Polo being a huge hero too him....and he didn't care about things like being cool.Max's only plan in life was to get out and 'see the world' upon graduation.

Now where Isabel would roll her eyes in a loving way at her brother's geekyness Liz couldn't stand him.To her Max was a BIG dork who was everything she couldn't stand in a man,so she didn't have anything to do with him and could be a tad mean to him from time to time.

Upon graduation of high school Max gets his chance to live his dream.He has been saving money up for years and when the time comes he hits the road to see the world.Back packing thru Europe,sailing up the Amazon River in South America,hiking thru Asia.....and much more.Now years later he's coming home for a visit.

When Liz hears this she's not very impressed with it or even care really.Well that is unil she sees this new Max.........picture Future Max's look......the new Max has long hair,tanned from all the years outside,some new scars,tattoos and is in NO way the 'dork'she knew from the past.

Now where LIz once rolled her eyes at Max she's drooling at just a look! Only problem is she can't get Max to give her the time of day! Maybe it was her years of being mean to him in high school? Maybe he doesen't care about her? What ever the reason everytime Liz tries to throw herself at him Max just doesen't go for it.What will it be that brings them together?

MUST HAVES....the normal
No evil Tess and her with Kyle.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:36 pm
by Roswellian117
Rating: M
Pairing: M/L, M/M, A/I, K/T, M/OC, L/OC
AU all Alien or you can change it up and make it all human

I have this image in my head but I am so busy lately that I don't have time to write another story let alone this challenge I am about to post! I should be doing my homework BUT I had to do this. This challenge is going to be a Max/Liz challenge surprise surprise LOL. I heard this song a while ago but only today when I really decided to listen to it did I really think about it.

Liz stays in Florida with her aunt instead of going back to Roswell for her Junior year of high school. Liz's parent's send her all her stuff and I mean all her stuff even pictures of Max and her that Maria helped her parent's pack. Liz looks in the boxes when she gets them and immediately puts all pictures that have to do with the pod squad away and throws all the boxes in the attic. Liz still keeps in touch with Maria and Alex from time to time all through high school. Liz get accepted to Yale but not Harvard. She visits her parents before she goes off to college learning that Max and Tess got into Harvard, Alex and Isabel are going to MIT and Boston College, and Maria, Michael, and Kyle are also Boston College bound. She only sees Max from afar having a conversation with Tess who is tossing her curls around. Liz leaves to college and starts dating a guy who is really nice named Ezra (yes I got it from pretty little liars!). Liz and Ezra become engaged. They live and sleep together after a year or two. Liz has lost touch with Maria and Alex along the way. Liz is about to graduate when she receives a call from her mother telling her that her Aunt Rachel was in a terrible crash and was killed. Liz flies down to Florida and attends the funeral. Ezra can't go for some reason but he is such a sweet guy so don't make him a dick! Liz's parent's had to fly back to Roswell after the funeral leaving Liz in the house by herself. Liz opens a bottle of wine and starts to drink and starts going through boxes in her old room at her aunt's. She finds old pictures from Roswell and begins to tear up and finally opens up the part of her mind that she had blocked off for years allowing herself to think about Max. Memories flood her and she reaches for the phone but puts it down when she realizes she no longer knows his number... she no longer knows anyone's number and that upsets her.

She calls Ezra the next day and tells him that she needs to stay in Florida for about a month to deal with her aunt's house and what not. Ezra is taken aback by how long she will be gone for and she assures him that a month apart will be good for them but he still isn't too keen on the idea. She reminds him of the trip he is supposed to take with his family during the time she will be in Florida and that she can no longer attend because of all that has happened with her aunt. He tells her that trip is only for 3 weeks and she tells him is he can come stay with her and help her for a week before he leaves. That gets him off her case and he fly's out there for a week. They spend time but he notices she's a bit distant. Liz assures him everything is fine. When she sends him off at the airport she makes a phone call to Amy DeLuca hoping that is still her number which it is and she is pleasantly surprised to hear from Liz. Amy gives her Maria's number and address. She goes to the Delta Airlines counter and asks for a one way ticket to Boston.

Max's Back story:

Max was heart broken but he moved on and not with Tess but with no one. He turned to school, his family, and friends. Let's say that they are done with their enemies like they defeated them all through high school and middle of Senior year they killed Khivar and Larek took over for Max on Antar. Max sometimes goes to the Crashdown but not as much as he used to. Tess gave up on Max and went for Kyle. Nasedo was never killed and put an end to the FBI special unit and anything to do with it so the kids are 100% safe. This story is more drama, angst, and romance than anything.

Max sees Liz from a far when he's talking to Tess about the surprise party she is throwing for Kyle, but Liz had already started walking away quickly. Max gets into Harvard hoping to see Liz there as well. He learns from Maria who was told by Liz's parent's that Liz is going to Yale. Max is disappointed. The whole pod squad except Liz is moving to Boston to attend college. They all coax Max to start dating after their first year of college and he says no, there is no one like Liz Parker.

In the library one day he accidentally drops a book on top of the head of a girl named Aria (I LIKE THAT NAME!! :D pretty little liars what have you done to me!?) They start dating but he can never been open like with Liz. Aria NEVER gets a flash! Max closes off that part of himself.

Aria leaves on a vacation with her family to Greece for a month to visit family. Max is at Maria and Michael's apartment one day and thinks he sees Liz.

I would like to discuss the last pieces of information with whoever takes this challenge. This challenge is based on Need You Now by Lady Antebellum. Please listen to the song to get a feel for what I'm feeling with this story.

Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor
Reachin' for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now

Another shot of whiskey can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now

woah woaaah.

Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothin' at all

It's a quarter after one I'm all alone and I need you now

And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now

And I don't know how I can do without

I just need you now

I just need you now (wait)

Ooo, baby, I need you now

No EVIL Tess
Khivar dead!
Normal lives finally for the Pod Squad
Dreamer ending
The other CC couples must have a happy ending as well
This story has to be dramatic, angsty, and romantic LOL perfect blend


Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:37 pm
by Sundae
Taken By: ArchAngel1973

AU All Human
Rating - Any is fine
Parings - M/M and you can add others if you wish.

When Michael was 21, he was out playing baseball with a group of his friends. At one point, the baseball struck his chest and Michael collapsed. Turns out he has a heart defect and is in need of heart transplant. Problem is: he has an extremely rare tissue type that the possibility of finding a donor is slim to none. Now Michael is 23 years old and is in the hospital. He’s cynical, bitter and doesn’t give a fuck about anything or anyone. He has no family (he grew up in foster care and had an abusive past), so no one visits him in the hospital. What friends he did have, he shut out and pushed away. Basically at this point, he is in the hospital waiting to die.

19 year old Maria DeLuca has just graduated high school and is now on her way to College in New York. The day before she leaves, she collapses at her mom’s store. They rush her to the hospital and we find out she has a mild case of Leukemia. She gets admitted to the hospital and because of lack of space or whatever; she gets transferred to the same ward as Michael. Michael is the only other person in the room.
At first Michael is just plain rude, mean, bitter, and cynical towards Maria and her entire family. He hates that she’s so bubbly and hates her family and friends that suddenly are always there with high hopes. Maria is extremely bright and sunny; she’s determined to beat her leukemia and slowly starts to talk to Michael and tries to include him different things.

Michael slowly starts to come around…though he doesn’t show it or admit, he soon finds himself wanting to wake up and listen to Maria chatter on about random pointless things. He wants to play board games or go outside of the hospital etc.

Then things turn, Maria starts getting stronger doses of chemo. Now she’s the one that starting to feel depressed. She hates that she’s so weak, that she can’t go to the bathroom without help. She hates her they way her body has started too look (she’s lost a lot of weight), but the biggest thing is that her hair is starting to fall out and she’s going bald. At this point, Maria thinks she’s ugly and it unnerves Michael. Then one day after a really rigorous round of chemo, Maria’s feeling extremely low and leaves her room and ends up hiding from everyone. No one can find her, but Michael knows where she is. He finds in some empty room or somewhere secluded and he talks to her. Tell’s her she’s beautiful etc. Their connection grows stronger and they both are falling for each other though neither admits it.

Life goes on; they’re both in the hospital and now are inseparable. They’re flirting etc, just having a good time. Then news comes that they found a match for Michael. Michael is scared but Maria talks him into getting the transplant since they might not find another match for him anytime soon. The possibility of the transplant being successful is small and there is a high percentage that his body will reject the heart. But he goes under the knife and makes it. Now Michael is steadily getting stronger and soon finds himself being released from the hospital. Michael has fallen for Maria hard and doesn’t want to leave. He visits her everyday and now Maria’s condition is deteriorating and the only thing that can save her is a bone marrow transplant. Maria is basically preparing to die.

Michael has hit the wall. He finally for the first time after a long time, found something to live for and its going to be taken away from him. He starts going into his old ways and gets in argument with Alex. Alex basically talks to him and asks him what he’s doing; he got a second chance at life and is ruining it. He needs to get his shit together and maybe help Maria out. So Michael goes on a quest, door to door to get people to get tested for being a blood marrow donor. After countless days of just bringing awareness and getting people to get tested, they find a match. Maria survives and goes into remission.

Must haves

Epilogue, Flash forward 6-7 years to see where each person is.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:02 am
by Sundae
AU All Humans
Rating - Any though would prefer mature to adult.
Couples - M/M with bits of M/L and K/T

Michael is an A list actor whose got every top shot Hollywood producer/director gunning for him. He’s who they look for to do blockbuster hits; Hollywood royalty. Courtney is his manager (and while she’s good at her job) she’s a little bitter that Michael shows no interest in her romantically.

Maria is an underrated and under appreciated actress; but not because she can't get roles in “hot” movies. It’s because she’s picky. She rather work on under budget indie film than work on a blockbuster that’s got more hype and red carpet events than acting itself. Billy is her manager.

Billy is steadily growing frustrated that Maria is in a spell where nothing interests her. He’s bringing her script after script but Maria is steadily turning them down. She hasn’t worked in six months and Billy’s fed up. He wants her to give up doing the small indie roles and start working on big movies, because the more money Maria makes, the more he makes.

But after countless tries and no success, Billy comes up with a plan when he runs into Courtney one night. If he can’t get movie money, he’s gonna get tabloid money…so he take pictures of Maria and photo shops them to look like she is dating Michael and sells them to the tabloids. He wants to create a splash because not only does he get tabloid money but it puts Maria in the spotlight (and any type of publicity is good publicity for his pockets).

The tabloids are in a frenzy…who is this underrated actress that has caught the eye of the most eligible bachelor? Michael and Maria are suddenly made into the “it” couple, problem is; Michael and Maria have NEVER met.

The rest is up to you…however you want to do it. I have lots of ideas on this story…so if anyone is interested you can PM me.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:01 pm
by vilandragirl

Everything is the same up to Departure, but what if instead of Tess being in a deal with Nasedo, it was actually Pearce? How it is that Pearce survived is up to you.

Optional: Pearce was killed by Michael in the end of S1, but the aliens brought him back because Kivar knew that he was the best hope for getting rid of Max.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:41 am
by killjoy
Any Rating Is Fine
Max/Tess(at the start) but ends in M/L,K/T,M/M and A/I

At the start of this Max and Tess are married.Even though they think they're in 'love' they're really not.Both come from rich families and were good friends growing up.Everyone just assumed they'd grow up and get married so Max and Tess just went along with it....didn't hurt that thier parents pushed real hard for it.

Neither Max or Tess are bad guys in this relationship.They both are good to each other and they're okay with each other......but it's boring and not really true love.

Max is a big time lawyer or something along those lines where Tess is a stay at home trophy wife.Max finds it's easier just to put more time in at work and climb the ladder than it is to go home,where Tess is lonely at home alone all the time.

Now here's the idea.

Liz is either a new coworker of Max's.....she's his assistant or fellow lawyer or a client.The two hit it off big time and find they have so much in common.Now Max is staying even longer at work just so he can be with Liz.

On the flip side a bored and lonely Tess has decided to remodel her kitchen.She's going to have everything ripped out and redone.She hires a company to do it and they send in their best man.....Kyle. Now where Max is gone all the time Kyle is there with Tess every day,all day.He is there to hear her stories and talk to her as he works on her kitchen.Tess comes to find she's falling for her new handyman!

So now that Max and Tess have found their real true love which will be the first to bring the D word up and ask for the divorce?!

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:05 pm
by killjoy
AU All Human

Liz has always had a 'To Do Before I'm Thirty' List that she wrote back when she was in high school.With the big 30 day in range she has done everything on the list...except the BIG one.

Get Married!

Hey it's not her fault....getting everything on the list done not to mention going through life has kept her a tad too busy for much of a date life! Plus most of the men she's met have been jerks and not worth marrying.

On the flip side you have Max Evans.Max comes from a rich family and so has no worry for money.Max is a free spirt have fun guy who has no time for any type of list! Max's belief in life is that it's too short to be worrying about 'what if's?","what might happens?" and things like that.

Some how Liz and Max meet...I was thinking drunk at a bar....where Liz tells him about her list and how she's about to not meet her number one on that list.

So much to her shock Max offers..."What the hell I'll marry you!"....a in shock Liz nearly chokes on her drink.Max has the idea they'll get married that night by a judge and Liz will be married before her big 30 birthday.They can get divorced or annuled later down the road but for Liz she'll be married and complete her list.

But the idea is that some type of complication keeps them from getting a fast divorce or annulment.So they are forced to spend time together as a married couple.Will this change their minds on the divorce.


No evil fact I was thinking she could be best friends with one of them and is like "YOu got married to some stranger?! WTF?!"

I have other ideas if you want to hear them.Just ask me if you take this.

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:30 pm
by Sundae
Taken by: The Mad Hatters

AU All human
Rating - Mature
Couples - M/M and others if you wish.

Would be willing to co-write if someone likes the idea.

When Maria was 17, she became pregnant by her high school boyfriend (not Michael). When the father of the child found out, he bailed and Maria was left alone to decide the baby’s fate…she ended up giving the baby up for adoption. His name was Langdon (or you can change that.)

10 years later, Maria is now a successful land developer (or something similar) with a comfortable life and everything she could want…except for the baby she gave up. She has never been able to move past it and there hasn’t been a day that she doesn’t think about her son. So one day after babysitting her best friend’s daughter, Maria decides that she needs to find her son…she just has to.

Turns out Langdon never got formally adopted. Michael Guerin, a former foster care kid himself who had never gotten adopted either is now a 28 year old director of the local Roswell orphanage. He has been working there since his teens. He was there from the moment Langdon arrived. Langdon never got adopted because when he was younger, he had severe asthma attacks. Several couples showed interest but somehow, it always fell through. Over the years, Michael and Langdon grow close and have a really strong connection. Langdon really looks up to Michael…so much so that anytime a new couple would come to see if they wanted to adopt him, he would act out in hopes that they wouldn’t. He wants’ to be with Michael.

Now Michael is in the midst of going through the adoption process in the hopes of officially adopting Langdon. Both Langdon and Michael are happy and excited about the decision.

In comes Maria who wants to know what happened to her son. She is horrified to find out that Langdon never got adopted and is really broken up over it. Determined to make things right, she wants to get to know her son better.

Michael is suddenly put through a tail spin, he’s ready to finalize the adoption (a closed one in fact) when suddenly the real mother has come back and wants to take his “son” away from him.

Maria arrives and she has all these plans of how she can make things work…she has money, she can give Langdon everything he needs, a good school district etc etc, and most of all she really wants a relationship with Langdon.

When Langdon finds out, he hates Maria. He hates Maria for giving him up when he was younger and doesn’t want anything to do with her. He tells this to her face. Michael, who is trying to do the right thing…, see’s both sides of the story. He knows Langdon has the same “tough” guy image as he did when he was younger. The one where he doesn’t need anything from anyone…but he also knows the need and desire to know your birth parents…so Michael has a talk with Langdon, tells him that this all might not be a bad thing.

Langdon refuses and says he wants to be with Michael which breaks Maria’s heart. Maria concedes and decides to back off on adopting Langdon…but still wants to get to know Langdon…she manages to get Langdon to spend a little time with her and at times Michael too. This all leads to Maria finding out the state of the orphanage, the lack of funds…how they can’t move to bigger site because the city won’t approve their permits etc etc.

And Maria being a land developer who works closely with city councils and stuff decides to help and takes the project of revamping the orphanage, acquiring private donations, using her own money to help the orphanage out as well as fighting with the lawyers that don’t want to give up space to expand or relocate the orphanage to a “healthier” area.

Through this…Michael and Maria fall for each other HARD, but decide to not pursue it since it will confuse Langdon. But…they seem to always find themselves drawn to each other, enjoying each other’s company both alone and with Langdon.

Happy ending…orphanage gets revamped; Michael adopts Langdon as an open adoption, which allows Maria to see him. But maybe the ending will be Michael and Maria getting married.