What Real Life's Like Thread 3 (CC TEEN) TESS OPEN

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Post by isabelle »


The girl I was dancing with excuses herself and heads for the bathroom. Maureen, I think her name was. She was pretty cute. Blonde hair, big lips. Kinda big on talking, 'tho. A lot like Maria, I guess. I wonder what it'll take to get her to get more physical.

With a shrug, I head for the bar to pick up something-else to drink. My throat's gone a bit dry.

Oh, Hello! Look at that! A beautiful blonde is sitting at the bar with her girlfriend. Her figure is to die for! Her girlfriend isn't bad either. For a second, the thought of a three-some entertains me as I alter my course to get to the bar right next to her.

I raise my hand to get the bartender's attention and then turn to my soon-to-be-friend. "So, girls? What are you drinking?"

"Sex-on-the-beach," the blonde answers.

I smirk at that. "Sounds wonderful. I'll buy you both a re-fill. My name's Michael, by the way." I skip my usual line about having her screaming my name by the end of the night. Liz says it's not good although it has worked for me in the past. Tonight, I'm trying to play by Liz's advice and see how far it goes -- well, except that by her rules I shouldn't be buying drinks for someone new while my dance-partner is in the can.

"I'm Felicity and that's Samantha," the blonde tells me.

"Pleased to meet you," I say, even as Samantha gives Felicity a scathing look. I wonder if she's pissed about the cameraman following me around. I've almost gotten used to him but it's still a pain. Makes it tough for talking to strangers. The bartender's arrived and I give her my order as well as the drinks for the girls.

"Not half as pleased as me," I promise as the girl returns with our order.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"Wow, the music seems to get louder and louder." I yell at Tess so she hears me while we dance. Yes, me and Tess are dancing since Max is taking a break from it and Tess still wanted to dance and I decided to be her new dancing partner.

Max didn't look happy but Tess didn't seem to mind so, here we are. Of course, we aren't dancing closely since it's a fast song but still, we are hanging out without Max being too close to us. In fact, he seems involved with chatting to Liz and not paying too much attention to us which is very good in my humble opinion.

"You wanna head over to the bar for a drink?" I ask Tess, pointing to one of the bars further away from Max and Liz.

isabelle, hope you don't mind that I put Max and Liz together here
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"Okay, I admit that I never watched One Tree Hill before, Iz but ... I can't imagine it being better than the first season of The O.C. - nothing beats Seth Cohen getting his dream girl!"

I can't believe I just admitted that I used to watch O.C. but Isabel and I got into talking about movies and tv shows and it just happened. I blame the two beers I had for that.

Taking another sip of my (third) beer, I glance around, spotting Tess and Kyle dancing, Michael flirting with two ladies and Max and Liz talking. I grin at Liz and wiggle my eyebrows a bit when she meets my eyes for a second before turning my attention back to Isabel who's watching me.

"What?" I ask self conciously as I take another sip.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

Hee hee! You were the one who said you wanted it to go slow, LOL.
I know. But there is slow and then there is slooow. LOL. I don't want to have to wait another 5 years to get some hand holding. LOL. And I completely forgot about the Michael/Maria kisses.

Will be back in a minute with a post because Alex watches The O.C and that's beyond awesome, lol.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


I stare at Alex in disbelief. He just admitted that he watched The O.C and instead of laughing at him, I’m slightly turned on. Maybe. A little. This is so confusing. How much have I had to drink? A lot? Not enough? Somewhere in the middle?

My head doesn’t feel fuzz so that doesn’t explain why I have the overwhelming need to kiss Alex. He’s my friend. I don’t French kiss friends. It’s a rule I have and keep. What if Alex wasn’t my friend? Wait, no, that’s crazy. What is going on? I was fine a second ago. Alex and I were having a friendly chat and then I was staring at his lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss him, when he mentioned his love of The O.C.

Maybe it has something to do with seeing him all wet and nearly naked early. I’ve always had a thing for wet and nearly naked guys especially when they aren’t dripping all over my carpet. Or maybe I have a tumor.

“Nothing,” I say quickly when I realize that Alex is waiting for an answer. “Its really hot in here…” my brain is melting. “Do you wanna get some fresh air?”
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

Will be back in a minute with a post because Alex watches The O.C and that's beyond awesome, lol.
and now it's over :cry: but at least Seth/Summer got their happily ever after :D
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

Sternbetrachter wrote:
Will be back in a minute with a post because Alex watches The O.C and that's beyond awesome, lol.
and now it's over :cry: but at least Seth/Summer got their happily ever after :D
Oh God, I know. It makes me so sad. I became such a Ryan/Taylor shipper. But it ended on a high, IMO. And yes, Seth/Summer got their happy ending. :)
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"Its really hot in here…”

I shrug at that, it is warm in here but ... isn't that the case in every club? Isabel does look a bit flustered - maybe she did drink a bit too much too fast?

“Do you wanna get some fresh air?”

"Sure, the music is getting a bit too much techno-like for my liking anyway." I say as I get up from the bar stool I've been sitting on, putting the now empty bottle on the table.

I wait for Isabel to gather her purse and am about to ask whether she wants to go out on a balcony (I think I saw a few from the outside) or out on the street when I remember that there's no way she could hear me when I'm standing three feet away from her.

So, I walk closer to her and lean in slightly so I can speak with her understanding what I'm saying. And if I'm trying to find out if I can smell her perfume over all the other smells in here, then it doesn't hurt anyone, does it?

"You wanna go upstairs to on a balcony or out on the street?"
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


He starts to lean. He’s going to kiss me. Oh my God, he is going to kiss me. What did I have for lunch today? God, I can’t remember.

"You wanna go upstairs to on a balcony or out on the street?"

Oh, no kisses. I think I’m drunk. I must be drunk otherwise I wouldn’t be having these crazy thoughts and be all disappointed that my friend asked me a question instead of kissing me.

“Um, outside.” I say, pointing towards the door that leads outside to the street. “We can walk along the beach front.”
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


“Um, outside.”

Am I seeing crazy things or does Isabel look disappointed? I didn't have so much to drink that I already start seeing things, I believe so she must be sad?

“We can walk along the beach front.”

"Okay, we can make an O.C. moment out of it - pretending we're in Newport and walking along the pier." I joke while trying to figure out why she could be sad.

Hm, no hot guy around who she could hook up with? Or a hot girl? I'd prefer that way much than the hot guy scenario! Or did Gucci have a sale and she forgot about it? Does Gucci have sales? Should I worry about my sexuality because I'm thinking about Gucci instead of Isabel? Maybe she's thinking about her mother? Or her father? Or ... something that girls think about?

When we make it out of the club (after bumping into about 384 people), I offer Isabel my arm, grinning when she gracefully takes it. "So, where to Mi'lady?"
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