Roswell Revisited Part 4 (AU/CC Mature)

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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


I sit on the bed, after telling Maria I had a secret that I was afraid of telling. I looked at her as she begin to speak, "Liz, I won't tell them anything you don't want me too." Maria said trying to comfort me. I must admit her trying to comfort me has put me on ease…well just a little. "I promise. You can trust me." She continues to comfort me some more as I blink away the tears. I don’t want to cry anymore. Just look at me? I’m in my panties crying about the worst news a teenage girl could ever imagine. But that just the thing I don’t know if I am a teenage girl or a 50-year-old women trap in this teenage body.

“Are you okay?" she ask, sounding worried for my well being. I look at her in amazement. How could anyone like Maria, a complete strange care for someone like me? Yes indeed we did share a nice and friendly conversation that night when she spend the night, but still we hardly knew each other, and somehow she knew me completely. It was like I was living her life and she was living my life. I know it doesn’t make sense but it makes sense to me.

I took a moment to look at Maria as I begin to move my lips, “I’m fine…nothing life threaten…well maybe in my case” I said beginning.

I looked down as new fresh tears begin to fall down my cheeks. I begin to shake like crazy as it was my life I was telling her. “I’m….I’m…I’m” I begin to shudder.

I look down at my hands as I wonder what Max would do if I told him or Michael for that matter. But it true what Michael and Max been saying to me. I need a friend, someone to talk to, and someone I could trust. I already have Max, but I need some females in my life and I’m hoping Maria could be that person.

I look back up at Maria with pink and puffy eyes as my face is turning red as a strawberry. I’m shaking more then ever than before. “Maria I’m pregnant” I sob hard as I cover my face with my hands. I’m trying to hide my shameless, my crime in the act that I let my feelings get the best of me, and the fact that I am a slut. For God sake I’m pregnant to prove I am.

But as I am still coving my face with my hands and feel my wet and salty tears against the palm of my hands, I don’t hear Maria speak…not even a word, and that’s making me freak out some more.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


She takes a moment to study my features earnestly. What‘s going through her mind? I don‘t have to wait long for she starts her tale with a deep sigh. “I’m fine…nothing life threaten…well maybe in my case” Life threatening!! I feel a tightening in my chest and automatically I swallow harshly. This is so far beyond anything I could have imagined. I wish I could call Michael ,but I already gave Liz my word that I wouldn’t involve her brother and I always keep my promises.

She gazes down at the ground and then her body begin to shake uncontrollably. I feel absolutely helpless. I just don’t know what to do. How can I make it better if I don’t know what she is suffering from? She senses my feeling and starts, “I’m….I’m…I’m” She can’t seem to say it out loud. I stroke her hair absent mindedly hoping that my touch will soothe her a bit. My mom used to do that when I was upset. I don’t have many memories of my mother ,but that one is forever etched into my mind. That and her voice. She sang to calm me down. Maybe that would help Liz.

I study the tiny brunette who is clad only in her underwear and it literally hurts me to see her fragile body. She studies her hands quietly as if they have somehow done her wrong. I don’t want to push. This is her secret to tell so I sit silently and there her reveal it in her own time. After a few moments she peers up at me with those big doe like brown eyes and spits out,. “Maria I’m pregnant” The sob that escapes her throat shocks me into submission.

Covering her face in her hands she hides from the shame that has consumed her. I feel the sympathy and sadness rush over me in waves. I’m not entirely sure of what to say in this moment. Words seem entirely meaningless. There’s nothing I can do to fix this problem. All I can do is show her I’m going to be here for her no matter what. Raising her chin so that she has to look into my eyes I command, “Liz, look at me.” She seems reluctant at first so I state again more assertively. “Liz, I mean it. Look at me.”

She does this time and the tears have stained her beautiful face leaving her eyes red and puffy. “It’s going to be okay. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but it will.” I set my jaw so that she sees the determination and truth in my words. “I know it feels like the end of the world ,but it’s not. You have a baby growing inside of you. That is a beautiful and wondrous thing. “ Taking a deep breath I continue, “I know that this isn’t the best time for this ,but it’s the hand you’ve been dealt and now you have to do the best with it.” I assure her with a warm smile.

“And your not alone. I’m here for anything you need.” Diverting my eyes away I broach the subject I’m sure she’s not gonna want to discuss. “You have to tell Max. He deserves to know. He loves you very much and he will love this baby. You need to trust him.” I finish. :wink:
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


Feeling someone has touched my chin I pulled away my hands from my face. At that moment, I couldn’t bear to look at Maria, I am too shame to look at her. I look at the floor hoping this will all go away, that this was just one of those nightmares I would have from time to time. But I know it’s not a dream, this is real life. “Liz, look at me.” Maria tells me but I don’t respond to her. What would she see if I would look at her? A bad person/alien that couldn’t get the people she loves to trust her. “Liz, I mean it. Look at me.”

I do what she asks me to, hoping I would not hear the answer that I’m afraid of hearing. I’m afraid of hearing that this is my fault, that I should have known I would get pregnant. But I didn’t really know if aliens could pregnant this easily, not when you’re this screw up.

“It’s going to be okay. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but it will. I know it feels like the end of the world, but it’s not. You have a baby growing inside of you. That is a beautiful and wondrous thing. I know that this isn’t the best time for this, but it’s the hand you’ve been dealt and now you have to do the best with it. And your not alone. I’m here for anything you need.” Maria said causing me to hold my breath. She continues to amazes me. With all the mistakes I have done and the choices I have made Maria seem to not care about a single one. She somehow likes me for me or that I am Michael sister and that is why she is doing this. That would sure hurt if it was just for Michael.

I wrap away my tears as I looked down at myself. I look so pale and yellow. I’m a little cold but nothing I’m not use to. “You have to tell Max. He deserves to know. He loves you very much and he will love this baby. You need to trust him.” She said, finishing off her speech.

God I can’t bear to think of Max right now. I know he loves me, but I don’t want to rude his life. Before I left his apartment he told me he was going make himself better for me, like what I deserve. I can’t drop this bomb shell on him now, not in the time like this.

“I know he loves me Maria, but I do not want to rude his life. He wants to make himself better for me. Promise me you won’t tell Michael or Max. I don’t know how I’m going to tell them, I don’t know how I am even going to tell my parents. I know this is one secret I can’t hide but I don’t know how to tell them that I am pregnant.” I said softly.

“Man I really screw up good this time” I said looking at my feet.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »

Thanks to everyone who voted and played in this rp, and got me one step closer to winning Best Roleplay!!! I couldn't have won without you. :D :D


This is going on the front page! :p
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Post by KarenEvans »

Wooohooo...RR won!! :lol: :D 8)
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Post by madroswellfan »

Congrats hun! :D
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »

OOC: Congrats Fehr!!!! You deserve it! :wink:


She speaks up and I have to strain to hear her soft voice. “I know he loves me Maria, but I do not want to rude his life. He wants to make himself better for me. Promise me you won’t tell Michael or Max. I don’t know how I’m going to tell them, I don’t know how I am even going to tell my parents. I know this is one secret I can’t hide but I don’t know how to tell them that I am pregnant.” She reveals with a defeated sigh. Examining her feet with a quiet intensity she finishes, “Man I really screw up good this time”

Swallowing harshly I tell Liz exactly what's on my busy mind. "I don't like this in the least bit." Coming to terms with our situation I continue, "But your my friend so I won't tell them. You will when the time is right ,but until then I'll help you keep this secret. It won't be easy. You realize that right?" She nods in understanding ,but I need for her to know the serious burden behind what we are doing. "I'm going to have to avoid your brother like the plague otherwise he'll make goo goo eyes at me and it will all be over."

I give a slight laugh ,but the thought of separating myself from him gives me knots all in my stomach. "Just promise we won't have to hide this for long..." :wink:
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »



“I don't like this in the least bit. But your my friend so I won't tell them. You will when the time is right, but until then I'll help you keep this secret. It won't be easy. You realize that right?” Maria said to me and I nod in understanding where she is coming from. I guess it’s not fair asking her to keep a secret from Michael, but I have no other person to turn to.

“I'm going to have to avoid your brother like the plague otherwise he'll make goo goo eyes at me and it will all be over.” she continues as she laughs. I laugh along as I hear her speak again; “Just promise we won't have to hide this for long...” she ask me.

“I promise. I’m sorry for putting in a situation like this. It just…” I look down at my hands as I beginning rub them against each other. I look back up to meet her eyes, “…I have no one else to use to. I have no females in my life. And you were on the top of my list” I said.

I was looking at myself when suddenly I felt a chill come over me, “um… do you mind getting my clothes…there are in my locker.” I ask her. “Did I lose this job from this? I hope I didn’t get you in trouble.” I start biting the bottom of my lips.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


I know this sounds kind of bad ,but I am enjoying this time with Liz. I feel much closer to her now. Sure, we had kind of bonded that night I spent the night at her house after taking a beating from Hank. I guess conflict really does bring people together. “I promise. I’m sorry for putting in a situation like this. It just…” She looks down anxiously at her hands before mustering up the courage to meet my eyes. “…I have no one else to use to. I have no females in my life. And you were on the top of my list”

I feel very blessed that she thought of me. Maybe this was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. She shivers and it's then that I realize she's still in her bra and panties. She must be freezing. “um… do you mind getting my clothes…there are in my locker.” She questions with a worried expression. “Did I lose this job from this? I hope I didn’t get you in trouble.” The fraile brunette bites her bottum lip in a way that breaks my heart. "Of course not. Don't worry about it. I'll take care of everything."

Standing up I flash Liz the most comforting look I can manage. "I'm gonna get your uniform. I'll be right back." I head down the staircase and bounce over to the lockers. Pulling out Liz's uniform I pause trying to think of what I'm going to tell Michael. He will be expecting my call ,and worried if I don't let him know what's going on. I flip open my cell phone and dial the numbers I have memorized. Please let the voice mail pick up. I have no clue how I'm going to pull this one off. If I just start avoiding him he'll know somethings off ,but if I am around him he'll break through my tron clad resolve.

I'm damned if I do ,and damned if I don't.
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


Sitting there waiting anxiously for a call from Maria, or Liz, or somebody, I feel worried as hell. I stare at the cell phone sitting on my bed, and the phone I've moved next to it, from the small bedside table. Maybe if I stare at them long enough they'll ring?? God, I hope so.

After several more minutes of staring and aimless guitar strumming, my cell starts buzzing, and I pick it up before the first ring. It's Maria

"Hello?? Maria? What's wrong, is everything okay?" I hate how worried I sound. I sound like my mom.