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Post by littleroswell »


I frown at her back as Vilandra agrees to dance with Lord Moxon. She didn't even give me a chance to answer her before she just took off with him. I shake my head slightly. I'm being silly. I must need more rest than I thought because I'm awfully cranky.


I notice Kivar's frown as the queen takes the dance floor with Lord Moxon. That pompous windbag has always been a sore spot for me. He's always trying to make me look like an idiot or disagreeing with my ideas and proposals. I lean a little closer. "My lord, I didn't wish to tell you this at dinner, but I feel compelled to tell you this as soon as possible," I say quietly. "Shall I move to your side to tell you of my information?"


My attention is diverted by Nickolas and I nod tiredly. "If you must, Nickolas, by all means," I tell him with a wave of my hand. He moves quickly to stand by my side and leans down to my ear. "I've received reliable reports as to an uprising that is being prepared by an enemy on the council," he begins.

I look at him a bit disturbed by this news. There are always threats to my throne of course but this one comes from my own council? "Go on. Do you have any ideas as to who this is coming from and why?"


Inside, I'm smiling like the cheshire cat, outside, I frown as if mightily disturbed at what I have to tell him. "Well, there is not any proof as to the person that is rumored to be at the head of this but it is Lord Moxon himself."

Kivar looks surprised a bit suspicious. "Lord Moxon? But he has always proven himself a reliable servant of the crown," he protests.

I bow slightly. "As I said, sire, there is no hard proof but it would seem that the rumors are that he is in love with the queen. He is said to be plotting to take her for himself when he has arranged for an unfortunate accident for yourself. Has he not always seemed attentive to the queen?" I ask in an innocent voice.

Kivar's eyes narrow as he watches his bitch dancing with the man in question. I see his gray eyes turn into the steel that has been missing for the past few days. I have him. "Now that I think about it, he has been very attentive to her, more than most of the other lords," Kivar ponders aloud. Then he looks at me. "You say there is no proof of this, however?"

I bow slightly again. "Perhaps if I were allowed to question him, search his home, investigate the matter, my lord, we would be able to prove his guilt...or innocence of course. In the meantime, I would suggest being cautious of him being with the queen. If he turns her head, he could turn her against you."


I watch my wife and Lord Moxon dance for a few moments before saying, "I don't have any real fears of that, Nickolas, but I do fear for her safety. You have my orders to search his home and belongings for evidence first thing in the morning. Speak of this to no one. I will handle the queen." I dismiss him and he bows before moving on.

I refuse to interrupt their dance and make a scene right now. So instead I turn to Ava. "Vilandra extended your invitation to me, Ava. I assume you would want me to visit with her?" I ask her.
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Post by KarenEvans »

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Post by KarenEvans »


Lord Moxon and I dance in companionable silence for a few seconds before he strikes up a conversation,"May I say how beautiful you are looking tonight,your majesty.You're glowing."

I blush,"Thank you kind Sir."

He looks at me for a moment before adding,"It is good to see you smiling again,if I may say so.For a long time there was a sadness in your eyes."

Did someone actually notice my distress! That too a member of Kivar's council.I'm more surprised than I let on.That means he was observing me closely to have caught on to that because I tried not to let my unhappiness show in public.

"I've been very happy for the past few days,and now that my sister-in-law is here I have some company.I might go to visit her in the near future."

He nods and smiles at me,"A change of scene is good for anyone." Just then the dance ends and he leads me back to my chair "Thank you for the dance,your majesty." he bows before moving on as I take my seat
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Post by littleroswell »


I pick up my crystal wine glass to take a sip and notice at that moment that Vilandra is blushing at something that Lord Moxon has said. I don't realize that I'm really upset by it until the glass shatters in my hand...just as Vilandra comes back to her seat. "Oh my goodness! Sire are you all right?" Lady Yarla asks from my other side.

I smile sheepishly at her and then at the others who are staring at me. A footman rushes forward to help clean up the mess. "I guess I don't know my own strength sometimes. I really shouldn't be handling things that fragile, I guess."


I hide a smile at the knowledge that Kivar has obviously let my words sink into his mind and will be acting quickly to squash his rival, the one I planted in his head, Lord Moxon.
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Post by KarenEvans »


Just as I sit down I hear glass shatter and I look to my right and see Kivar's hand all bloodied,"Kivar...oh my god! Are you alright?" I ask getting up and leaning across him to take a look at his hand

"I guess I don't know my own strength sometimes. I really shouldn't be handling things that fragile, I guess."

"Everyone please take your seats." I command softly as I notice some the lords and ladies have risen to see what the commotion's about,"It's just a minor accident."

The looking down at Kivar I smile gently,"Kivar,come with me." I tug his arm gently and look at Tess,"Tess could you handle things for awhile,while I see to your brother's hand."
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Post by KarenEvans »


"But at least I can still hear more about Antar, even if it's not out in the gardens." Lady Maria says brightly,trying to hide her discomfort and I smile kindly at her

Liz goes to get a wash cloth and Max goes to get a doctor and to see if he can find someone to fix some tea.Oh what!?
They both have left me alone with Lady Flakey err Maria.What am I supposed to talk about?

"Does it hurt much,milady?" I ask out of desperation "I once broke my arm when I fell out of a tree."
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Post by littleroswell »


Well, I guess breaking that glass had it's advantages. Vilandra's attention is now back on me. Now I have to figure out what to do about Lord Moxon. I stand and smile down at my sister. "Ava, is there a way that we could speak tomorrow? Just the two of us?"
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Post by littleroswell »

Hey everyone! We have reached the 50 page mark. Which means it's time for a new thread. I'll set it up either today or tomorrow.
Just call me Phoenix...cause I'm back from the dead!