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Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:00 am
by Sugarplum7
<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Liz ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

“Absolutely,” he says, and it makes me wonder if I wrongly interpreted what he'd said earlier. He sounded like he meant that 'absolutely'.

“All of those places sound marvelous and traveling with you couldn't be bad. I've actually been to one of the places on your list. I saw the Grand Canyon when I was thirteen. I'd love to go again. I've also been to the Alamo when I was more like ten, but that's about as much sight-seeing that I've done. Well, unless you count going to college and coming here. Oh, and the fact that I pretty much live in a tourist trap.”

He smiles a crooked smile at the mention of where he's from. New Mexico. He’s practically on the other side of the country and nowhere at all near Georgia.

“We could start more locally.” Start? As in traveling? Together? Us two? Or all eight of us? “I'd love to see Disney world and Cape Canaveral. Do you think we could get the group interested in going there? Have you ever been there yourself?”

All of us, it would seem. Well, it'd be better than not going anywhere at all. “That sounds great. I think it’d be so much fun. My family went to Disney World years ago when I was a kid. It’s been so long; I'm sure that it's different now. It's always changing isn't it? And Cape Canaveral sounds amazing. I’d love it if I could go there before I have to go back home.”

I look out on the dance floor and can no longer see Kyle or Tess. Where did they go off to? When did they go? Part of me wonders why I’m trying to have a conversation with Max when I can barely hear what he’s saying. There’s got to be somewhere a little quieter. Right? “Do you want to go somewhere else?” I ask, leaning over the table. “Somewhere a little quieter? So we’re not yelling at each other?”

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:33 am
by ~Ruby~

I’m walking away, cursing my stupidity when Alex grabs my arm and turns me around to face. Oh hell, he’s going to yell at me. He’s going to tell me that I’m a selfish bitch, who stomped all of his feelings. He’s going to say that this kiss was too little, too late.

He pulls me closer to him and fear runs down my spine. Our bodies touch and I open my mouth to say sorry again and again, but Alex is speaking.

"I'm not sorry, Isabel." He says, before kissing me.

This kiss is so much better then our first, but its too intense. There’s so much I need to say to him before this goes too far and I lose all control. I feel like a teenager, who has just discovered boys and kisses for the first time. I pull away from him.

“Alex…” I say, trying to catch my breath. He looks as dazed as I feel. “We need to talk.”

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:40 am
by Sternbetrachter

Much too soon, Isabel ends the kiss and pulls away. Not that I expected anything else but I was hoping that she would not stop the kiss. At least she hasn't slapped me. Yet.

“Alex, we need to talk.”

Now? I knew this was too good to be true.

Looking away from Isabel, I try to get myself under control again, knowing that she's right but still ... now? "You are right, we do."

Dropping my arms to my sides, I take two steps back from her, figuring it would be better if I'm not holding onto her while she wants to talk. She probably is going to tell me that she just had too much to drink and confused me with Jake or Kyle. Oh well, I always knew this kiss would be the one and only one we'll ever have.

"You wanna talk here, Isabel? Or not tonight but tomorrow?" I ask as I look back at her face, trusting myself to not immediately leap upon her. "It's up to you."

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:09 pm
by ~Ruby~

"You are right, we do."

He doesn’t look at me as he speaks and takes two steps away. I caught the look in his eyes just before though. He looked like I just kicked him. Hard. Is he regretting the kiss now? Did I not live up to his expectations?

"You wanna talk here, Isabel? Or not tonight but tomorrow? It's up to you."

I reach forward, taking his hand in mine. “I think we need to talk about this now. There’s so much that needs to be said. Alex, I don’t want you to regret kissing me and I don’t want you to think that I regret kissing you. I just think that we should talk, clear the air, before anything else happens.”

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:23 pm
by isabelle

“That sounds great. I think it’d be so much fun. My family went to Disney World years ago when I was a kid. It’s been so long; I'm sure that it's different now. It's always changing isn't it? And Cape Canaveral sounds amazing. I’d love it if I could go there before I have to go back home.” Liz says.

I have to smile at the enthusiasm in her eyes. I feel the same way. I’m really looking forward to this. The only other sight-seeing I’ve done since we’ve gotten here was to visit the Keys with Tess. Liz would probably have enjoyed that trip. It’s too bad she didn’t go.

I notice her glass is empty and my soda is gone, too. I’m a designated driver so I’m not having any alcohol. I’m about to ask Liz if she wants something more to drink when she asks, “Do you want to go somewhere else? Somewhere a little quieter? So we’re not yelling at each other?”

“Yeah, sure,” I say, getting to my feet. We can skip the drinks. “Just a minute so I can tell Tess,” I say, pausing to look around to see where Tess is, but I don’t see her on the dance floor. How long have I been talking to Liz? Where could she have gone? I wonder.

Then I see her at the bar with Kyle, heads bent together in conversation. I can’t hear it but I see her laughing. I thought she was going to come back to our table when she and Kyle were done. She doesn’t seem to notice me and Liz at all. I feel a wave of jealousy, or maybe it’s just annoyance. I know I don’t really feel ‘that way’ about her but she is my date. I don’t want Kyle to annoy her. Funny thing, however, she doesn’t look like she’s being annoyed.

“… or maybe not,” I finish, not sure what to do.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:32 pm
by Sternbetrachter

I look down at our clasped hands in wonder. I seriously didn't expect Isabel to take my hand, i thought she'd try to keep her distance after ... *it*. Guess I was wrong.

Belatedly, I remember that Isabel's talking and I start listening agian, hoping I haven't missed too much.

“I think we need to talk about this now. There’s so much that needs to be said. Alex, I don’t want you to regret kissing me and I don’t want you to think that I regret kissing you. I just think that we should talk, clear the air, before anything else happens.”

"You actually think I'm regretting it?" I ask in surprise. Why would *I* be the one regretting it? I'm the lovefool here after all. I bet she's regretting it and ... no wait, she did say that she doesn't ... well, I guess that's what she meant and ... this is confusing!

What happened to the good old days of "kindergarten-dating" when you learned at the end of the day that you got "married" to a girl without knowing about it?

Wait? Anything else happens? There might be ... more happening between us? Oh, this sounds promising! But I better concentrate on the here and now before I start drooling.

"C'mon, there's a bench over there. Why don't we sit down while talking." I say, motioning to our left and giving her a shy smile as I lead her over to the bench, still holding onto her hand.

"You wanna start talking?" I ask soflty when we are sitting.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:14 pm
by ~Ruby~

“Ah, I don’t know where to start,” I say, laughing nervously. I’m still holding his hand. It feels…right. I don‘t want to let him go. “I’ve never been in a situation like this before. I’ve never had a friend become something more then friend.”

I bite my lip nervously, hoping that I don’t come across as a dumb blonde. “Maybe you could start.”

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:34 pm
by Sternbetrachter

“I’ve never been in a situation like this before. I’ve never had a friend become something more then friend.”

I grin to myself at Isabel's words, 'Becoming something more than a friend' that is good, isn't it? It would be all kinds of unfair if this were bad news. It would simply suck.

“Maybe you could start.”

"That's not fair!" I laugh, "You wanted to talk after all. And honestly, I don't really know where to start myself." I admit, with a sigh, leaning back sligthly.

We are silent for a few minutes but it doesnt feel as uncomfortable as it did earlier.

"I guess I could start with admitting that I'm confused. You kissing me was the last thing I expected, Isabel. I'm certainly not complaining about it but ... it surely was a surprise. A very pleasant one but still a surprise."

I look down at our clasped hands, slightly pleased that Isabel hasn't let go either. And I bet she's confused too about the whole situation so ... I better get to the point.

Looking at Isabel, I continue, "Okay, I really really really like you - just like I did since I met you here the first day, that hasn't changed in the slightest in the last weeks, even though I promised to ... let go, or something. And ... you'll never know how happy I am about the kiss but ... I don't want to get my hopes up and then have my heart broken, Isabel."

"Like I said earlier, 'It's up to you'. If you want us to be ... more than friends, then I'll be more than happy but if you don't then that's fine too as long as we don't play games with each other."

Smiling slightly embarrased, I run my hand (the one that isn't holding onto Isabel) through my hair, "Okay, that was a slightly longer speech than I had planned. Sorry."

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:35 pm
by Sternbetrachter
a short Kyle post ... sorry that it's so ... blah


"It's true, I swear it is!" I say to Tess after I finish a tale from college.

So far, we have a great time and we are now at the second drink and Tess doesn't show any sign of missing Max. He himself hasn't come looking for her either, which I think is interesting but ... the more interesting thing is that Tess doesn't seem to mind his absence.

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 2:27 am
by Sugarplum7
<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Liz ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

“Yeah, sure,” Max says as he starts to get up from the table. “Just a minute so I can tell Tess.”

Tess. He would be thinking about her. They are . . . I don’t know what they are, if there is something that you can call the in between friends and more thing that they’re at. Dating, I guess. But that doesn’t seem to say enough. Either way I was so stupid to let myself continue to dream up vacations that I’d never take with someone that I could never go with.

I have no idea where Kyle and Tess are, but he probably knows where she is, probably kept an eye on her and Kyle the entire time we were talking, knows right where she is, ready in case something were to happen—completely attentive and aware of her.

I see him say something more than I hear the words.

“What?” I ask as I step closer to try and hear him better.