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Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:13 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N Okay I am here with any update, hopefully it's not too terrible but it's long so that counts right?? It's been a while since I've written for this story :roll: I only read through it once so forgive me. I wanted to thank all of you for the feedback and wanted to let you know that I will make updates on this as often as I can. My goal is to finish it before Christmas, which means there isn't too much left to this story :cry: and which means I better get writing *lol*

In any event, thank you for your patience and I will be back as soon as I can.

Chapter 44

It had been an entire month, and Liz wasn’t sure how much more time away from Max she could handle. He had thrown himself into his work, which didn’t bother her too much, but the fact that she had no idea why he had, did.

Ever since they had found out about the pregnancy, Max had been different. She wished she could just push the thoughts that ran rampant in her mind away, but it was futile.

They hadn’t made love; they hadn’t discussed anything to do with the pregnancy other than if she was feeling well or not. He spent a lot of time with Alexis, which was great, but did she not exist to him anymore? Which of course she knew was absurd, but he kept his distance. Maybe he was afraid of hurting her and that’s why he didn’t initiate love making of any kind.

However, when she did, he simply told her she needed to rest and that he himself was tired as well. He would hold her and kiss her, but that was the extent of their intimacy. She missed him, longed for him and he didn’t seem affected in the least.

Settling back against the cushioned couch, she placed her book down to see how her daughter was doing in the pool. Today was her swimming lesson; she had them three times a week. Liz would catch up on her reading during this time, since after Alexis went off to school, she would straighten the house a bit and then nap on and off. She was so tired most days, she couldn’t remember being this tired while she was pregnant with her daughter.

“Mommy, can you see me?” Alexis asked her voice echoing off the walls loudly.

“Of course I can baby, you are doing so great.” Liz smiled and watched her daughter for a few more minutes. The lesson would only last for an hour and then Liz would finish preparing dinner.

Of its own accord, her mind wandered back to Max and their current stand still situation. Before she met him, it was easy to ignore the natural desires her body had. But ever since he’d showed her how making love could really be, how it should be, she didn’t know how to control her natural urges for him. Max wasn’t the type to go a long period of time without any sex, especially with her and she knew it, but suddenly it was like he flipped a switch and the desire went away.

Maybe she was unattractive to him pregnant. That could be a very big possibility and in lieu of hurting her feelings, he chose to make excuses for not making love to her.

She sighed in defeat; she would never figure it out, which only left one option. To ask him, but she couldn’t do that. She wouldn’t want to read the answer on his face, so she thought…she’d show him how much she still wanted him, and hoped he wouldn’t turn her down.

There was only one problem; she had no idea how to seduce her fiancé. She needed some help and luckily she knew exactly where she could get it.


“Max you’re not being realistic here.” Michael was losing his patience for his best friend, and quickly. Funny how Max turning into a concerned, selfless person would irritate him so much. He had known Max had it in him, but now Max wanted miracles to happen.

“What are you talking about? I think it could work,” he retorted coolly.

“You’re serious aren’t you? I thought after a month you would get over this idea that you could have a house, the size you’re asking me for, built in a few months…”

“Eight,” he corrected.

“Whatever, the point is even if you hire a crew of fifty guys to work in shifts for twenty four hours, it’s not going to happen.”

“Why the hell not?” Max placed his hands on his desk and stood. This made no sense, surely if he had a team of guys working on the house day and night it could be done. Why was Michael being so narrow-minded?

It would probably help if he told Michael that Liz was pregnant, but they had agreed to keep it to themselves for the first couple of months, at least until Liz couldn’t hide the pregnancy any longer. Besides Max was trying to give Liz everything, a new house and a wedding before she gave birth.

Michael stood from his place behind Max’s desk, and half sat on his friend’s desk.

“Max, you want a house that’s roughly twenty-four thousand square feet, you realize how big that is right?”

“Of course I do, but it’s smaller than the house we’re in now. I still don’t see the problem.” He let out a defeated sigh. Michael did not look convinced.

“Max, I’m telling you it won’t happen. A house that big, that detailed, will take closer to two years to finish. We could narrow that down to a little over a year but that’s with a serious sized crew. So help me understand why you can’t stay where you are now? It’s big enough right?” he eyed his friend suspiciously, something was going on but he just couldn’t figure it out. Max had been acting funny for a few weeks, and he wasn’t sure how to broach the subject properly.

“I guess it doesn’t matter, since you say it can’t be done.” Max threw himself back into his thick leather chair. Michael let out a little laugh, his friend looked like a kid who’s parent just told him he couldn’t have ice cream before bed.

“What is so funny?” Max grumbled out.

“Nothing, but you are so damn spoiled. You need to get over it. Now tell me the truth, and don’t give me this bullshit, you think it’s too big. That’s not going to fly with me right now.” Michael settled back in his chair, and crossed his arms, daring Max to lie to him again.

He knew if Liz found out she would be upset with him, but it was taking all of his power to lie to Michael day in and day out, or rather keep such a big secret from him.

“Mike, the reason why I’m trying to rush things to get them done is because I am on a time frame.”

“A time frame?”

He nodded. “Yes, because…Liz and I…actually just Liz, but she’s pregnant…with twins.” Max couldn’t keep the smile from his voice or his face at that point.

Michael however sat frozen in place. “Liz is…you and she are going to…” he was speechless and Max simply nodded his head in affirmation.

“Twins! Can you believe it? Look whatever you do don’t tell her I told you, we wanted to wait a while longer before we shared it with anyone.” Max went on to explain hoping that Michael wouldn’t be upset about him keeping such an important thing from him.

“No, of course. But wow! Max I knew you had it in you, congrats.” Michael stood and walked around his friends’ desk, pulling him up for a quick hug.

“Thanks. Now you see why I’m trying to get things done?”

“I do, but Max, I’m sorry it’s not going to work. I hope you have a backup plan.”

“Of course I do, but I’m not happy about it at all.” Max pulled open his top drawer, grabbing his keys he explained they needed to go for a little ride.


The next day, Liz saw Max off to work and put Alexis on the bus. Now she was dressed and ready to go shopping. Luckily it was Friday, which meant that Serena would fly in that morning. Liz had made plans to pick her up from the airport, in lieu of Kyle sending over a car. She was a little apprehensive in calling Serena to help her with her current situation, but with Maria working the oddest of shifts at the hospital it left Liz with little alternative.

Serena was Max’s sister, how could she thoroughly explain the situation without it getting completely inappropriate? It didn’t matter, and it was too damn late to change her mind.

Liz paced the airport corridor waiting for Serena’s arrival. That morning she had a glass of orange juice and some toast, and suddenly it decided it wasn’t happily content in her stomach and she quickly dashed for the nearest restroom.

A few minutes later her cell phone rang, and she prayed it wasn’t Max. She didn’t want to lie to him even if it was a little white one. She looked at the caller ID screen and saw it was Serena.

“Hey, are you here?” she asked over the phone.

“Yes, I should be there in about five minutes. I already called Kyle and let him know I had a few errands to run so he wouldn’t be altered to anything.”

Liz smiled. “Good, see you in a few.” After hanging up the phone, she looked through her purse in hopes of finding a brush. She looked a fright and needed to compose herself enough so that Serena wouldn’t think to ask if anything was wrong.

She knew that Serena would be so happy to find out she was going to be an aunt again. Liz couldn’t help but smile at the conversation she’d had with Serena after Alexis’ birthday. Serena was so happy and proud and told Liz if she ever needed anything she would be there without question for her and her daughter.

After fixing herself up and applying a small dab of lip-gloss, she existed the restroom and as soon as she did she spotted Serena.

“Hey stranger!” Serena dropped her bag and threw her arms around Liz.

“How was your flight?” Liz asked as they walked through the airport towards the parking garage.

“It was bumpy, but I’m so used to it. Although, the guy next to me was sick as a dog. It was actually pretty entertaining.” Serena smiled and let out a little laugh.

“You and Max have a weird sense of humor,” Liz said shaking her head in amusement.

“How is my brother doing?” she asked as they made their way outside. It was a bit breezy but it felt better than the stagnant air on a plane.

“He’d working himself to the ground. You know the usual.” Liz laughed and they continued out of the airport in light conversation.


“Are you taking Liz there tonight?” Michael asked as they pulled up to the job site for the day. They had a few job sites to check up on and after that they had to give some estimates for three new homes to be built.

“I am, after we have dinner.” Max sounded somewhat distant and Michael usually let him mull over his own thoughts, but he could tell something was on his friends mind that he wanted to talk about.

“What’s going on?” he queried lightly as he pulled the keys out of the ignition.

“You first.”


Max turned to his friend, he knew Michael had something on his mind for a few weeks but he’d neglected to ask, as a good friend should have.

“You’re worse at lying than I am, and you know it. So what’s going on with Maria?”

He shrugged and looked out his windshield, his eyes narrowing from the reflection of the sun off the hood of the car. “She told me she loved me and I just froze. She’s not really happy with me right now.”

Rather than ask why Michael didn’t reciprocate the sentiment to his girlfriend, Max went to the heart of the matter, because for Michael the how and the why were completely insignificant.

“You love her too.” It was a statement, but Michael nodded anyway.

“I know you have a problem dealing with your feelings, but if she loves you then that means two things.”

“Yeah what?” Michael turned to face him.

“First of all you took my advice to find time to spend with her, no matter the amount of time. And two you need to get your head out of your ass and apologize and tell her how you feel. I won’t lie, it’s the best damn feeling in the world, hearing those words.” Max admitted, trying not to allow the conversation to grow too deep. However it seemed Michael needed more of a push.

“How,” he shuffled in his seat uncomfortably before proceeding. “How did you feel when Liz said it?”

Taking this as a serious moment, probably one of only a handful he and Michael had shared in their lifetime together, he chose his words carefully.

“I fell in love with her and I never thought it was possible, but she loved me back. I thought I was completely incapable of being loved by someone like her. And Alexis thrown in the mix, I was terrified. I was terrified that I would mess them both up, that I wouldn’t do anything right and I sure as hell didn’t know how to make them happy. This was me, Max Evans, trying to settle down and think of someone besides myself and my happiness.” His voice was still filled with the disbelief that it was actually possible.

“So you were sweating bullets?”

“Hell yes! It’s the scariest thing but the best thing that’s ever happened to me all at the same time, if that makes sense.” Max looked at his friend and noticed the change in his demeanor.

“Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I don’t want to fuck this up. You have been my only family for as long as I can remember, letting her in was really hard but what if…” he looked away, the conversation was getting too heavy. He should have never started it up to begin with.

Max realized how uncomfortable Michael was, he could understand, a guy being sentimental was just not comfortable to two men like themselves. Taking a moment to compose his thoughts he looked away and spoke.

“It’s a chance you have to take, but if she’s worth it then no matter what happens in the future, you have right now. It’s your life to make the most of, don’t waist it because you’re unsure of the future. If you love her, love her now, love her with everything you have and if in the end it doesn’t last forever, you can at least say you loved someone once. Some people never get the chance to say that.” Max gave a small nod before exiting the car and letting Michael have his time alone to think.


“I could never wear that!” Liz hissed at the outfit Serena brought into the dressing room. She had tried on what seemed like twenty pieces of lingerie but hated every single one of them.

“Why not? Liz, I’m sure Max has a big appetite, I think he’ll be very happy with this.” Serena said unabashedly.

“Serene, you’re his sister, don’t you…I don’t know…”

“Oh you mean, why doesn’t it bother me to know about my brother’s sex life? I guess because this is all new to me and I don’t know what’s okay and not okay to talk about, so I make the rules up as I go. Besides, I’m helping you, my friend with her fiancé. I don’t care that he’s my brother, then again it could have a lot to do with the fact that I have no shame and will talk about any and everything,” she let out a laugh at Liz’s shocked face.

“Liz, come on! I’m helping you, now try this on.” Serena pushed the garments at Liz and smiled in satisfaction when she grabbed them and slammed the dressing room door.

Liz tried to get herself into the outfit, but she wasn’t quite sure what to do with most of the pieces. The bra, she had no problems with, it was the rest of it that she did.

“I don’t think it fits!” she shouted over the door.

“Let me see,” Serena offered.

“No!” Liz hissed. Serena could not see her, it was clearly obvious she either gained weight or was pregnant.

“Please, it’s nothing I haven’t seen.” Serena said already pushing the door open, before Liz had a chance to close it.

Quickly she turned and covered herself. She was standing in a pair of black panties and the white bra that came with the outfit she was trying on.

“Well the bra looks great. Let’s see about these stockings and garter. How do you feel about a corset?” Serena asked already pulling the garter from the seat in the corner, where Liz had obviously thrown it.

“I don’t think a corset would be good.” Liz let out a sigh and turned. Serena hadn’t noticed, and if she did she didn’t say anything as she helped her with the other pieces.

“There! Now once you get home you can put on these cute white panties.”

Liz looked at herself in the mirror; she had to admit she did look sexy.

Sexy enough for Max?

She hoped so.

“Do you think I should wear white? Maybe black, or red, aren’t those sexier?” Liz asked pushing her hair back away from her face.

“You’re kidding right?” Serena looked in the mirror at Liz in disbelief.

“What?” she asked in confusion.

“Liz, despite your age and the fact that you have a six year old daughter, you look like a teenager. Well, maybe a little older, but not much. I mean you’re beautiful but come on, clearly you see it!” Serena watched the confusion grow even deeper in her future sister-in-law’s’ face.

Shaking her head she pushed Liz’s hair back over her shoulders and pointed out the things she obviously didn’t see, but that her brother clearly saw.

“You have a clear complexion, creamy skin, a petite little body, perky breasts, an adorable nose and a great smile. Not to mention the beauty marks scattered all over and big round brown eyes. Add all that up together and you get every guys fantasy.” Serena stepped back and allowed Liz her time.

Was Serena right? Was that what Max saw when he looked at her? No…could it? Persuing over her reflection in the mirror, a small smile tugged on her lips. Now she understood why Serena chose the color white. It was pure, it was flirty and it gave the appearance of innocence.

Turning around with a bright smile, Liz wrapped her arms around Serena in thanks.

“You are very welcome. Now I think my brother has enough money to buy you a couple more things.” Serena offered Liz a wink and a smile before leaving the dressing room promptly to find a few more choice items to complete their shopping excursion.


“Daddy, I wanna stay here with you and mommy!” Alexis had fussed for the second time since she’d been told that Serena and Kyle were going to pick her up to go watch a movie and have dinner.

“I know you do, but mommy and I have something we need to take care of. Besides I thought you liked to spend time with them?”

“I do, but…” Ever since Max had legally become Alexis’ father, she’d been even more attached to him. Liz had explained it was probably because she was afraid of losing him; so he took extra care to do something with her every night before bed, just the two of them.

Max lifted her in his arms and kissed her cheek before shifting her against his hip. “Now, tomorrow mommy and I are going to have a surprise for you. Tonight mommy and I need to do some things so we need you to be a good girl and have a good time tonight. Can you do that?” he asked and smiled when she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Yes I can. Is it a secret?” she whispered.

“It is and tomorrow we will tell you about it too.”


“Of course.”

“Mommy looks really pretty.” She whispered out to him as they stood at the base of the staircase and she looked up.

Max turned and saw her descending the stairs and couldn’t help the tightness that formed in his chest. Not being with her was wearing at him, and now she looked like an angel, and he hoped his willpower held out to get him through the night.

Swallowing thickly he smiled at her.

“You look so beautiful,” he said as he kissed her cheek.

“Thank you handsome. Now is my baby girl ready to have fun tonight?” Liz turned to her daughter. Max was burning a hole through her and it would take all her control to not drag him upstairs to their bedroom.

“I am mommy!”

“You ready to go?” She turned back to Max who was watching her every move but still hadn’t answered her.

“Daddy! Mommy is talking to you!” Alexis helped out and it seemed to work because Max snapped back to reality in that instant.

“Yes. Let’s go.”


“Max, can I look now?” She couldn’t bite back her smile.

“No, just one more minute. Stop being so impatient!” He placed his hand at the small of her back and helped her up the stairs. He hoped she liked it, he did, but he wanted it to be perfect for her.

“Okay, but hurry!” she giggled and he couldn’t help but laugh. Taking her hand in his, he stopped her at the top step and pressed a cold object into her hand.

“Open your eyes, Liz.” He held his breath for her first reaction.

She did, and she looked down at the silver key in her hand and then up at his face.

“Wh—” And then her eyes grew wide. She was standing in front of two solid oak wood doors and she had a key to them.

“Is this?” she hedged on softly.

“Yes it is, if you want.” He watched her closely as she nodded her head and tried the key. The clock clicked and she reached for the doorknob with a shaky hand. He reached out and closed his hand over hers.


“Don’t say anything,” she whispered out as she pushed the door open. He flipped the light switch on next to the doors and heard her gasp.

The house was exquisite. It was simple in design, yet grand in its enormity. Her eyes roamed the long corridor, the staircase at the end of it, and the sparkling wood floors that lay before her. She walked further inside, to take in the living area with a grand fireplace, and massive windows that filled the room from floor to ceiling.

They continued through each room, from the kitchen, to the bedrooms, the pool and then made their way outside where the view alone was enough to take her breath away. It was lakefront, with a garden that was completely lit and flourishing.

Max stood directly behind her, assessing her reactions and thus far things seemed to be going better than he expected, but it wasn’t until she finally turned around to face him did he truly understand the impact it had on her.

With tears streaming down her face, and one of the brightest smiles he’d ever seen, she jumped in his arms.

“It’s amazing! And so beautiful and perfect! Is it ours?” she asked after peppering his face with kisses. Max reared his head back to look at her.

“It’s ours and I know some of the rooms need to be fixed up but we have plenty of time for that.”

“Max,” she was getting all choked up again, as he placed her back to the ground, she looked up and saw the house. It was magnificent. It was older, and it held so much character, it was everything she wanted and more.

“I love you, Liz. I wanted you to have the perfect house, and since I can’t give you the one we originally wanted, when I saw this one,” he motioned towards the house behind them, “I thought of you.”

“Well I love it, and I love you.” She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed his lips, shivering at the feel of his warm hands on her back and the feel of his warm body pressed up against hers.

“How about we go back inside?” he asked as they pulled away. She didn’t want to leave that spot but she still had her surprise for him waiting at home.

“Sounds good. Thank you, Max. Thank you for everything,” she didn’t know how else to express her feelings.

“I know but it could never compare to what do you for me.” He pulled her to his side as they made their way back inside.


What the hell was she doing in there? He lay in bed waiting for Liz to come out of the bathroom. He’d asked her if she was sick, but she assured him that she was perfectly fine.

His mind wandered as he waited about the evening and how it turned out so well. Now all he needed to do was work with her to find a place to get married. He couldn’t wait to marry her.

A moment later her heard the click of the bathroom door and then saw her, his breath rushed from his body instantly. However, his body came to life, quicker than he could ever remember it doing so.

How the hell was he supposed to resist her wearing those tiny white scraps of material? He sat up on the bed, and tried not to stare, but he couldn’t help it! She was trying to kill him and it was working.

She was nervous, her heart was thrumming harshly against her chest and her palms were sweaty but she did exactly as Serena had instructed her.

“Max, I need to ask you something.” She crossed the room and kneeled at the edge of the bed. She tried to calm her nerves but when he licked his lips and wouldn’t meet her gaze, she knew she had him and it excited her.

“Are you listening?” He shook his head from the fog that clouded every single nonsexual thought.

“Y-yeah. What did you need to ah…uhm…ask me?” She moved closer and he leaned back fully against the headboard.

“Why don’t you…” she bit her lip nervously, he didn’t look like he wanted her to move closer. She felt the excitement deflate instantly. She was reading him all wrong.


“Never mind,” she mumbled out, shrinking from the bed and standing up.

“Where are you going?” he asked almost too quickly.

“I was just going to change.”

“Why the hell would you do that?” he asked in confusion.

She shrugged her shoulders and tried to cover herself. Like lightening it hit him, of course he’d known he was neglecting her in that way but thought it was best to wait until after the pregnancy. He didn’t want anything to go wrong, had he miscalculated his attempts?


“Liz, come here.” He pulled back the sheets and reached out a hand to her. She quickly took it and curled up next to him.

He pulled her up and over to straddle his lap. Taking his time, he ran his hands up her arms and over her shoulders. He cupped the back of her head and pulled her down to kiss her. She melted against him and he couldn’t contain his smile. Their lips rubbed together softly at first and then he slid his tongue between her lips, licking her before the delicious intrusion.

Liz moaned softly into his mouth, and couldn’t help the way her body ground against his. He slipped his hands up her back and pulled her down against him fully. With their bodies completely aligned she could feel his arousal press tightly against her inner thigh.

“Liz,” he panted, ripping his lips from hers.


“Is this okay? I mean…I…” he tried to form a full sentence, but the feel of her warm, soft body against his was driving him mad. He would stop if she told him to, but God he didn’t want to.

“Do you want me still?” she asked softly.

“I never stopped, why would you say that?” he asked, pushing her hair away from her face. She’d adverted her eyes and he didn’t like it.

“Tell me, baby.”

“You haven’t touched me since we found out I was pregnant. I thought you just didn’t want me because…” His lips over hers muffled the remainder of her sentence, how could he have misjudged things so badly to make her think he didn’t want her?

He would make up for it right now.

“Forgive me. I was afraid I would hurt you or the babies, but don’t ever think I don’t want you.” He kissed her again; this time there was nothing soft about it. He took her mouth roughly, dragging his lips over hers until she gasped out for air. Taking her waist in his hands he pushed her into a sitting position.

“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted you. I think you want to send me to an early grave with that outfit though,” he winked at her and she blushed.

“Do you like it?” she asked and his hips thrusting up to hers answered that question, loudly.

“I think that answers the question, but incase you need more proof,” he said before he slipped his hands over her backside, successfully grinding her against his arousal.

“You look too damn sweet for me to do anything with,” he growled capturing her lips in another heated kiss.

“That was the plan.” She smiled against his lips as his hands roamed her body.

“I don’t think I want you out of this,” he said as he pulled her up a little higher against his chest.

“I don’t think I can wait,” she whispered against his ear, and that was what he needed to push his control over the edge. His hands and mouth were everywhere, her lips, her neck, and her breasts. His lips and tongue feasted on her warm, creamy skin.

When he’d heard her moans and gasps come in short pants, he knew he couldn’t wait to have her. Reaching between them, he pulled the lace separating them to the side and entered her slowly. He clenched his teeth as he felt her body stretching to accommodate him.

“Max,” she whispered out as she settled completely against his lap, he didn’t move and it was slowly driving her mad.

“Please,” she begged and watched as he licked his dry lips.

Max obeyed her plea and leaned up to wrap his arms around her. He watched her as he made love to her. Her eyes were closed, her lips were dry and parted, her chest heaving with the force it took to take breaths. His eyes traveled lower, to where they were joined and he wondered if she knew how perfect she was for him. And then higher they moved and he couldn’t help but move one of his hands to the bump on her belly that seemed to grow by the day.

“Max,” she whispered out and their eyes met that next instant. He took in her flushed features, her warm body moving deliciously over his, and closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against hers. He reveled in the feel of the warm puffs of air leaving her sweet mouth and brushing against his cheek, the smooth movements of her taking him in and out of her body, her body tensing in preparation as he struggled to hold out for her.

He opened his eyes, meeting hers passionately. “I love you,” he said as his body grew tight, holding…holding…and then released at the exact moment hers did.

With their eyes still locked and their breaths still mingling, their long serrated moans filled the room.

Max quickly pulled her into a fierce hug, feeling as though she might disappear if he didn’t. He struggled to control his breathing, even as hers seemed to be calming. They lay silently, not a word until his next thought burst from his lips.

“Marry me, Liz.”

“I already told you I would.” She leaned up and searched his face for an explanation.

“No, marry me, now. I don’t want to wait, Liz. I can’t.” He shook his head trying to explain what he wanted and then he saw the recognition on her face. She smiled brightly.

“I know the perfect place.” She snuggled up against his chest.

“Really? Where?” he asked, running his hands through her damp hair.

“Our new home,” she leaned up and looked to him for approval, and she received just that, with his kiss.


Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:59 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Hey guys! I'm back just like I told you :) here goes the next part. I wanted to thank all of you for the feedback...and for your patience between parts! Hope you enjoy!!

Chapter 45

“Mommy can my room be pink?” Alexis asked from her place on the couch between her mother and aunt.

“I don’t see a problem with that, but are you sure you want all the walls to be pink?” Liz asked between bites of her cucumbers. She’d woken up this morning and wanted a cucumbers and so Max had to run to the store to get them, seeing as how Liz detested them before.

“Yes!” she said as her pigtails bounced against her ears. She reached up and toyed with one of them, wondering when here hair would grow like her mommy’s.

“So Liz, not that I mind, but why the early morning rush this morning?” Serena’s flight arrived the day before, she was in the process of getting her paperwork processed for her transfer from Boston.

Before Liz had a chance to respond though, Alexis piped in with the answer. “Mommy and daddy are getting married!” she couldn’t hide her smile, nor did she want to.

Serena turned to regard Liz an instant later, looking for an explanation.

“That’s great! But you were already engaged, so the natural progression from there is to get married.”

“Yes, but we are going to get married in two weeks. Surprise!” Liz said with one of the biggest smiles on her faces Serena had ever seen. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, something was going on, and why the hell was Liz eating a cucumber so damn early in the morning?

“Why the hell am I eating these?” Liz murmured and made a disgusted face when she looked down into the bowl in her hands.

“Mommy, you shouldn’t say those words.” Alexis said as she paused from drawing on the construction paper on her lap.

“Oh right, sorry. Anyway I wanted you here to help me. Max hired a slue of people to come to the house today, to help plan it all out. But in addition to that, we are doing some remodeling on the house, so we need to pick out some colors and cabinets, things like that. I promise it won’t take long, but I would love your opinion. I’ve never had to do anything like this before.”

Serena smiled and tried to hide the emotions she felt. Liz and Max, everyone, had accepted her with such ease. There wasn’t anything awkward about their past, and she felt completely at ease with not only Liz and Alexis, but with her brother as well.

“Where is Max? I know he didn’t just leave you to handle all of this yourself.”

“Oh no, he’s upstairs, he has some meetings with some people today but they’re coming to the house this morning. So as soon as he’s done with that then he’ll be joining us.” Liz said as she stood and excused herself.

Serena nodded her head as she reached over for her cup of coffee.

“Aunt ‘Rena, do you think I’ll be a pretty flower girl?” Alexis asked when her mother was completely out of sight.

“Yes, sweetheart you are going to be a beautiful flower girl. So tell me what are you drawing?” Serena leaned over to see what her niece had drawn.

“It’s a picture of the house daddy bought for us. See this room,” she pointed out with the point of a green crayon to a window she’d drawn. “This is my room. And Riley gets his own room too, but it’s all the way downstairs.”

“That’s okay though, at least he has his own place too. So I see you are going to help your mother and I with everything right?”

“Yup! After I got to see our new house, daddy said that I was a big girl and I needed to help mommy with things. And I told him I could do it, too.” Alexis beamed brightly, happy that she was going to get to help with everything…whatever that meant.

“I’m sure you can.” Serena leaned back against the plush sofa and stared out the large window in front of her.

The house was amazing, why would Max want to move from it? She had questioned Kyle on his opinion but he didn’t help at all, saying it was probably because it was too much room. Liz however had said that the house Max had purchased was still very large, but the space was used differently than this house.

What was it that she was missing?

She didn’t have time to ponder that for very long, a moment later the doorbell rang. Before answering it, she switched on the monitor and saw it was four men in business suits. Must be here for Max’s meeting, she presumed, but decided better to be safe than sorry.

After checking their names, she turned on the intercom and called for Max. He confirmed they were there to see him.

“Thanks,” Max had offered her a quick glance and they ushered the men into a room towards the back of the house.

What the hell was going on? Deciding she was too nosey not to ask, she looked for Liz in the kitchen. Where she was cooking up a storm. Okay, she thought, either she was missing something or everyone in the house had gone crazy overnight.

“Hey Serena, did Max come down for his guests?” Liz asked as she flipped the golden brown pieces of French toast she was making.

“Ah, yeah. Liz is everything okay?” Serena stepped further into the massive kitchen, taking a seat at the counter, not far from Liz.

“Of course it is. Why do you ask?”

“No reason. Anyway, so with whom is my brother meeting with that’s so hush hush?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. I think some financial guys,” she shrugged and began to layer thick pieces of bacon on a hot pan.

“I thought Max didn’t deal with accountants or anything like that?”

“I know, but I don’t think they are accountants.” Obviously Liz had even less of an idea of who these men were, so Serena wasn’t going to get any answers here.

It wasn’t so much that she cared what Max was doing or who he was meeting with, it was more about the fact that there was something going on with not only her brother but with Liz as well.

Ah hell, she decided, it was none of her business. She excused herself and decided to join the land of the oblivious and pick up a crayon while she was there.


“Are you insane?” asked one of the men wearing a navy suit. Max had already decided he wouldn’t refer to any of these men by name. Of course he’d known them for years, but the fact that they were objecting so strongly to his plans, made him want to forget they’d ever met.

“No, and what is so insane about wanting to secure my family’s future? Isn’t that why I have all this damn money?” he ground out from behind his desk.

“Max, how do you know that this will last?” the man sitting to Max’s left asked, then raised his hand when Max’s face took on a look of fury.

“Now, just let me finish. I’m not saying it won’t, I think you are an intelligent man who doesn’t jump into anything, but if you do this, she will get half of everything. And I do mean everything. Which means she can claim half of everything you earn for the rest of your life.”

Max didn’t answer; instead he leaned back in his deep brown leather chair, spun around to look out the window and closed his eyes.

He did not like accountants, which is why these men were anything but. Max himself had a degree in finance, so he knew how and when to invest, spend and donate his money. He’d tripled his first NFL contract salary, within two years of playing and his investments grew from there, taking on a life of their own. He knew the markets, kept on them and then hired men like the ones in this room to take care of the paperwork, after of course he reviewed it with a fine tooth comb.

He would never allow anyone to take his hard earned money. No one had a power of attorney over anything he owned. Max had seen it more often than not in his career, players would sign over rights to their attorney’s and on the back end their trusted advisers, and attorney’s and accountants robbed them blind.

Now, these men were and always had looked out for this best interest, didn’t even know how much money he actually had, how much he was worth. Max made it a rule to never let anyone know how much money he had at any given time. With the exception of Michael, but he knew he’d have to share that information with Liz as well.

He didn’t want to, not because he didn’t want her knowing but because it didn’t matter to her. After today, though, he would have to tell her.

Taking a deep breath, he turned back to address the men in the room, as calmly as possible.

“While I appreciate your concern, I want Liz to have half of everything. She deserves that much as my wife, if not more. And I want our children…all of them to be secure financially for the rest of their lives. So while I will ask that you draw up the paperwork for the trusts I fully intend to set up, I would ask that you not add any other thoughts or opinions.”

“Okay,” Kevin, Max’s first advisor said from across the room. “But how about the pre-nuptial? You can still set up the trusts, but at the same time secure your own future.”

“No!” came Max’s frustrated response.

“You’re not thinking logically! You worked your ass off for this, and you are ready to just let it walk out the door? Maybe you need to think about it, it’s a lot of money, Max.” Came Richard’s exasperated retort.

Max couldn’t handle much more of them bombarding him with things he probably should have been thinking about if he was marrying anyone other than Liz.

Placing both his hands on his desk he stood, his shoulders squared and his anger pouring from him.

“Liz will get half of everything! I’m not changing my mind, nor will I continue to Liz to this shit anymore. Draw up the damn papers for the trusts as I’ve outlined for you, deliver them to me tomorrow or you’re all fired!” he ground out, and stormed from the room a moment later.

Only to run right into his fiancé as soon as he passed the threshold of his office door.


“Hi, I just…w-wanted to know if you were hungry.” She smiled softly but he saw the concern in her eyes. Letting out a shaking breath, he pulled her into the room, and dismissed the men quickly.

The only problem was, Liz wanted to be introduced to them, she didn’t like Max meeting with strange men she didn’t know, especially when it seemed Max was very upset with them, based on what little she was able to hear through the door.

“Liz, this is Kevin, Richard, Anthony and Cecil. They are my financial advisors, sort of.”

Liz reached out and shook each of their hands. “Would you like to join us for breakfast? I’ve been cooking up a storm, and it would be a shame for it to go to waist.” Liz smiled genuinely at these men. They were strangers to her, but knew her fiancé very well, and from what she did hear, they were arguing about her. She wanted to know what was going on.

They each spoke up to decline, but Liz wouldn’t hear of it.

“Oh please, I’m sure you rushed right over this morning to see Max, maybe sipping some coffee or some orange juice? That’s no way to start off your day, so please, just go straight down the hall and make a left into the kitchen. Serena, Max’s sister is setting the table right now.” Again she smiled and the four men couldn’t resist, she really was quite pleasant. And so they agreed and filed out of the room.

“You are amazing, did I ever tell you that?” Max said, pulling her against him, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her lips softly.

“No…well maybe, but at least now I know for sure.” She tilted her head back and waited for him to explain what was going on.

Max’s eyes narrowed. “How much did you hear?” He pulled her gently around his desk, he took a seat on the chair and pulled her into his lap.

“Only the part where you said I should get half, of whatever you were talking about and something about trusts.” She shrugged.

Max let out a shaky sigh. It was now or never. “Liz, we were discussing the fact that I didn’t want you to sign a prenup. I would never ask that of you, nor would I even dream of it. They were just trying to do what I pay them to do, look out for my best interests. It was nothing against you, I want you to know that.” When Liz only nodded, he continued.

“I know you hate talking about money, which is why I didn’t tell you who they were. But I should have. I’m sorry for that. I asked them here this morning to draw up trust accounts for Alexis, and for them,” he rested his hand against her belly indicated just who they were, as if she hadn’t already known.

“I wanted them to have the opportunities we never had. But I didn’t want them turning eighteen and going on a spending spree either. I wanted the money they could draw from the account to be given in certain increments. I also assigned you, as one of the trustees, and Michael as well. So if something should ever happen to me…or to you there would be someone to handle their funds. I don’t want strangers being able to take their money, money that we put aside for them and their futures.”

Liz nodded her head in understanding, but he could see the wheels spinning in her head. He quickly decided to finish this up before she could say anything.

“Anyway, no one really knows how much money I have. Or how I have it invested, but I want you to know.”


“No, what?” he asked in confusion.

“I don’t want to know. Because it doesn’t matter, and if you want me to sign a…”

“Hell no, Liz!” he ground out. He never raised his voice, but this was completely justifiable, in his opinion.

“I’m serious. Max I don’t want people thinking that I’m out for your money.”

“People? What people, Liz? No one thinks that, least of all me.” He spun her around to face him.

“Once we’re married, people will talk. They always do, I see the gossip columns now, they will only get worse.”

“How many times did I tell you not to read that shit?”

“A lot.”

“Right, and for a good reason. Liz, you’re not signing anything. And I have no doubts about us…do you?” he asked, before realizing that he’d just voiced his small fear.

“Never. I love you, and we’re going to be a happy family. I just hate the mean things they say. And when we have the twins, its only going to get worse.”

Max hugged her close, wishing he could shield her from the world, but he couldn’t. If only the world would forget about him.

“Maybe I could stop doing the commercials and things, that will help keep me out of the media and…”

“Don’t you dare! Max, you worked hard for your career! I won’t allow the callous things people say ruin that, since I can only imagine that you draw part of your fortune from that, don’t you?” she asked the question she’d suspected for a long time now. Max did commercials, and endorsed at least a dozen or so products. It was the only part of football he could be a part of anymore. She would never take that away.

“Liz, they aren’t important. Not as important as you and our children.”

“Promise me, you won’t stop doing that. Promise.” Max’s eyes met hers, staring intently into them, he realized she was beyond serious.

“I promise. So long as you never mention a prenup for as long as we live.”

“I promise! Now, we better get out there before the natives get restless.” She hopped from his lap, and pulled him to his feet.

“How are you feeling?” he asked as they made their way down the hall.

“I feel pretty good, but if I ever ask you for a cucumber again, ignore me.”

They both laughed.


“So everything is set?” Maria asked from across the dinner table, later that same night. Liz and Max had decided that since they would be getting married, they wanted everyone to know about the pregnancy. Alexis went to bed and they decided to have a late dinner.

Telling Alexis was still a delicate subject, which they would approach in the morning. Today was a big day, full of details and they didn’t want to just spring it on her.
“Yes. The wedding planners Max hired were excellent. We told them what we wanted, over the phone so when they showed up this morning, they had everything visually for us to see. It was fantastic! I didn’t know they could do that.” Liz said while taking a sip of her water.

“Me either,” Max said smiling at Liz.

Everyone at the table noticed that the couple was in a very unique mood. Something was going on, they hoped they were let in on the secret soon before they were forced to ask.

“So, two weeks?” Maria asked.

“Yes. And actually Michael and I are already having the construction done on the house. It really shouldn’t take long, to have the parts of the house that will be used for the wedding to be completed. We just need the great room to be done and the bathroom added right down the hall from it, for the guests.” Max continued to elaborate and answer the questions about the house as their friends asked.

Liz simply ate with a smile after every bite as she watched Max talk about the house and the wedding with great enthusiasm. She was so damn lucky.

“That sounds great. And you know if you need anything we’re here to help.” Maria offered and Serena agreed.

Liz however just placed her fork down and eyed the two women in her life that affected how she arrived at that moment so differently.

“I was hoping you’d say that. I wanted to ask you both, if you’d wouldn’t mind being my bridesmaids.” Liz watched as Maria and Serena both smiled brightly, and then squealed with delight.

“Of course we will!”

“We’d love to!”

The guys rolled their eyes, but laughed in any event.

As the night grew later, Max and Liz excused themselves from the table and headed into the kitchen, for dessert.

The returned shortly thereafter, with a double tiered chocolate cake and two bright smiles. Max placed the cake down and then turned and reached for Liz. She began to slice the cake in thick slices, while Max handed them out to their guests.

Their guests noticed right away as they devoured the cake in front of them, that Max and Liz had yet to be seated.

“What’s wrong?” Michael asked.

“Nothing,” answered Max.

“Actually,” Max began. “We wanted to share something with you all and were waiting for the right moment.”

“Max and I are expecting…”

“Daddy! Mommy! Why are you eating cake without me?” Everyone’s eyes met Alexis’ across the room; she stood with her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.


Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 9:15 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - And so here is yet another update, its sort of transition because these next few chapters (4 to be exact) will move along to finish this story up. My goal was Christmas, my goal was 50 chapters and it seems I'm going to make my mark. And so I thank you all for your feedback, it encourages me to get this story done because I've been writing it longer than I can remember at this point :?

FSU/MSW-94 - Thank you for all your help, even when I'm tired you keep me going! Love you!
youre my dreamgirl
Queen Fee
Dream Weaver

Chapter 46

Max and Liz stood frozen at the sound of their dear daughter’s voice. No one could blame her though, the girl could smell chocolate a mile away, they looked to one another with amused smiles.

“Sweetheart, we’re sorry. You were sleeping and we didn’t want to wake you.” Liz said coming around Max to lift her daughter, but Max abruptly stopped her and lifted Alexis swiftly.

All eyes were on them. They knew it. It wouldn’t take much more for the entire table to conclude what was going on. Slowly Liz turned and eyed Maria, it appeared as though they’d figured it out.

“We’ll be right back.” Liz and Max quickly dismissed themselves with an upset Alexis in tow.


“I knew it!” Serena said the moment they were alone.

“Knew what?” asked Michael over the last forkful of cake in his mouth. That earned him a playful slap on the arm from his girlfriend. And Kyle…well Kyle was another story.

“I wonder what’s wrong with them. Do you think they changed their minds or something?” Serena turned to her boyfriend and rolled her eyes, he was completely oblivious to so much. She figured when it came time for Kyle to tell her how he felt, she would have to have point it out to him before hand so he didn’t take half a decade to do it himself.

“Kyle, Liz and Max are having a baby!” she squealed in delight and Maria joined in her mirth a second later.

Michael nearly choked on his cake and Kyle looked completely confused

“How the hell do you know?” Maria eyed her boyfriend suspiciously; he didn’t look surprised at all about the news, on that Serena figured it out.

“I didn’t,” he lied, and she let him get away with it. Max probably had his reasons for sharing.

“You knew?” Serena asked softly.

“I only knew because well, because we were trying to work out an arrangement for the house Max wanted built. But he kept pushing with this time frame and this and that…look I know but don’t tell Liz that I knew…or know…or whatever. Just don’t tell her, I don’t want her thinking Max just rushed to tell me and then she had to keep it from everyone, okay?” Michael leveled everyone in the room with a serious glance. It was important that Liz didn’t get upset, she was after all, pregnant and upsetting her would upset Max, and then there was that whole vicious cycle he’d like to steer clear of.

“Okay.” Everyone nodded in agreement and then immediately began to chatter it up about the impending pregnancy.

Of course, Michael was still the only one who knew that Max and Liz were expecting twins, he figured he’d save that news for them to tell…later.


Alexis was placed in the center of her bed, her mommy on one side and her daddy on the other. They looked so serious; she hoped they weren’t upset that she went downstairs before.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized softly, gently tugging on her bunny rabbit’s ears, Mr. Bunny that is.

“For what?” Max asked brushing a lock of hair from her face. She was so special and he couldn’t hide his happiness that she was his, no matter how long he’d known, it was still a blessing to him.

“Cause I came down there before, and you were eating cake and…” she twisted Mr. Bunny in her arms and Liz couldn’t help but pull her daughter into her lap. Placing a kiss on the top of her head, they both now faced Max.

“Princess, we aren’t mad at you.”


“No baby. We wanted to tell you something and we were going to wait until tomorrow…”

“Oh is it a surprise?” she asked, her eyes lighting up. Her parents couldn’t suppress the small chuckles that escaped past their lips.

“Sort of. Honey, your daddy and I are getting married.”

“I know mommy, I get to be the flower girl.” Alexis tilted her head up to regard her mother and smiled brightly.

“Right. But what you don’t know is that your daddy and I are going to have a baby…two actually.”

“Two babies mommy?” came her soft voice. Max and Liz tried to read her expression, but where they looked, they found one lacking.

Max reached out and plucked her from Liz’s arms. Liz was emotional as it was, he didn’t want her crying over telling their daughter about their news.

“Princess, you know that we love you right?” She nodded.

“And you know that you are so very special not only to your mommy, but to me.” She nodded again.

Max looked over her tiny head to regard his fiancé, but she was of little help, she already had tears in her eyes thinking that Alexis wouldn’t be happy over this information.

“Mommy and I love each other too and we made two babies together, but that doesn’t mean that we love you less, we hope you know that,” he leaned in and kissed to top of her head, pulled her a little closer so her head rested against his chest.

He was beginning to worry.

Alexis seemed to ponder over the news for a few silent moments before turning to her mother and then up to her father and smiled brightly.

“I get to be the big sister! I knew my wish would come true, just like mommy always told me, ‘Lexi you have to make wishes even if they don’t always come true!’ But all my wishes did…first I got my daddy and now I get to be the big sister…am I having a two brothers or two sisters? And do they have to stay here with me? I don’t know if I have enough room…oh we’re moving right? So maybe I could put my toys in the corner so the babies will have room…” Alexis rambled on as her parents sat looking at one another with shocked faces. She wasn’t just happy, she had actually wished for it, and by God it came true.

Max twisted his daughter up over his head, with a look of not only love, but also wonder that one child, one tiny person could make such a profound individual at such a young age. She will be an amazing adult, he thought with pride swelling in his chest. Alexis embodied everything he could ever ask for in a daughter…in a child.

Max brought her back down and kissed her cheek before handing her off to her mother. Liz smiled, happy tears streaming down her face. Liz hugged Alexis tightly to her chest; she was worried that Alexis would feel that she wasn’t important, which could never be the case. It was a huge weight lifted from her shoulders, her daughter never ceased to amaze her.

They tucked their daughter back into bed, and were met with congratulatory hugs upon their arrival back down in the living area. They’d decided they would keep the secret of the twins for a little while longer. Alexis knew and that was enough for now.

Besides, Max wanted to get his fiancé into bed as soon as possible. She looked more beautiful to him tonight, if possible, but seeing her cry set off an urgent need for him to comfort her. She would be his wife for the rest of his life, and he was having a hard time waiting until that moment.


“Is she really ours?” Liz asked from beside Max on their bed a few hours later. She wasn’t tired in the least, but she could tell Max was running out of steam. He had been running around and working on the house while she sat at home sipping lemonade with her feet up on the coffee table picking out furniture.

Max turned and propped himself on his elbow to regard her. He ran a hand over her cheek, down her neck and over her waist. “She really is ours, but Liz in this instance I have to say, she’s truly yours. I can only hope that these two will turn out the same way, and I promise to not impede your raising,” he murmured against her bare neck.

She sighed against his gentle kisses, but froze when the implications of his words seeped through the haze he was creating. Liz pushed him off gently to regard him.

“What are you talking about?”

“Nothing, it’s not important. What’s important is that I want you,” he whispered in her ear and then shifted, half laying on her.

“It is important. What are you talking about? I want you to help me raise them, Max. Why would you think otherwise?” her expression drew soft.

Max sighed heavily against her and rolled onto his back. Obviously he was much more tired than he thought for letting those words slip from his mouth. It was something he’d silently thought about for the past few nights.

“I just figured you were alone and you raised Alexis and she’s simply perfect and intelligent. I want all our children to be that way, but I was thinking the only way for that to happen is for you to…you know…I don’t know how to say it without it sounding terrible out loud.”
Liz sat up confusion and hurt etched across her face. What was Max saying to her? He didn’t want to raise their kids? He wanted to be a silent parent? She shook her head and then turned to face him, he looked away.

“To me, it sounds terrible out loud and silently. Max, what makes you think that I had that much to do with the way Alexis is? I might be her mother and I might have read to her when she was sick, but I shuffled her from baby sitter to baby sitter working two jobs to buy formula and diapers and pay for her doctor’s visits. I wasn’t this great parent, dutifully training my daughter to be intelligent. I know I didn’t read her the normal things and I spoke to her about life…because…because when she was sick and I thought she was dying I wanted her to know about life. I might not have…had the chance later on. But don’t tell me you want no part in it.” She grew angry, although tears were forming under her eyes.

“That’s not what I’m saying, Liz. And please don’t cry…God…I just can’t stand to see you cry…” He sat up and pulled her into his arms.


“Why? Because I love you so damn much, but I just…Liz I don’t know what to do with a baby, much less two. How do they go from baby, to crawling and talking? How will I know if there is something wrong with them if they can’t talk? What if…” He was silenced by a kiss.

“I love you, Max. I love that you exude all this masculinity, and self assurance, but behind closed doors you have fears and thoughts just like everyone else.”

“Of course I do! Did you think I was superhuman or something?” he chuckled softly, running his hands through her hair.

“No…well maybe just a little bit,” she shrugged. “I guess sometimes I think of you as this man who is willing to take on so much, and never complain about it so I overlook the fact that, yeah, you have fears and doubts just as much as I do. I think it’s because from the day I met you, you’ve managed to create this world for me, a world I didn’t know existed until you.” She snuggled up closer to him, cherishing the feel of his warm arms wrapped around her, the soft beating of his heart and the kisses he shared so easily with her.

“I’m sorry. I should have told you sooner. You know I want to raise our kids together; all of them, I just get myself worked up on these tangents every now and then. But I think you’re wrong about yourself.”

“What do you mean?”

Max turned her in his arms so that she straddled his waist. He kissed her lips, savoring the taste of her, the feel of her response to his every touch, every caress. “I know she’s an intelligent and beautiful person inside and out, because of you. You’re her mother, you were alone, but you loved her enough to make the best that you could for her. She didn’t need money from you; you needed it for her. She didn’t need promises to be made, because you fulfilled everyone of them before she even knew how to speak. You loved her, you still and will always love her and she will always be just a little more special, because of what you both went through.” Max pulled her down to his side, wrapping the blanket around them and hugging her close.

“Max all of our children will be…”

“Shh, just listen for a second,” he whispered out into the darkened room.

“What?” she asked in a hushed voice.

“Liz, any child you bear, any child you welcome into your life and love will be special. Alexis though, she’s different Liz, you have to realize that.”

“Different how?”

“Liz, maybe I’m not explaining myself. But do you ever think she seems older than her natural age?”

“I guess…I mean she is smart.” What was he getting at, she wondered.

Max struggled for the right words; he didn’t want Liz thinking he’d read one of Serena’s paranormal books again. It was one book, was it such a crime to see what all the hype was about?

“Alexis has a keen ability to understand us, as adults so much better than any child I’ve ever seen. It’s like…well the way I feel about is…maybe she was meant to be our child. Yours first, then ours. I guess what I’m trying to say is that, she was born for a purpose but one that maybe you and I couldn’t even begin to understand. I sound crazy don’t I?” he asked skeptically but Liz shook her head and continued to listen intently.

“I watch her, and when she looks at me, her eyes carry this understanding. I can’t explain it in words, its like she knows all my fears, and my struggles and with one smile, one twinkle in her brown eyes and I know she understands. She doesn’t resent me for my doubts about being a good father to her.”

Liz laughed softly beside him. Max must have read another one of Serena’s books. She reached out a hand to him. “Max, that’s the same way I feel but that has to be with every child. As a parent you want your kids to understand that your fears and hopes and dreams thrive because of them.”

“No. That’s not it with her. I’m telling you Liz,” he shook off the thought that just entered his mind.


“She’s different. Smarter somehow, or she just has amazing intuition for a six year old. That’s what I mean.”

“You think?”

“Yeah…I do. I guess we’ll have to see if I’m right in a few years.” Max decided the conversation had drifted far off of where he wanted to be with her, he needed to remedy that situation quickly.

“Now I don’t want to talk anymore,” her whispered against her lips.



“What do you want then?”

“You…every way I can.” Max smiled before sealing his lips to hers. Liz reciprocated Max’s enthusiasm and slipped her arms around his neck. Her mind wandered in that instant though. Was Max right? Was Alexis smarter than normal?

Ah well, eventually one day they would figure out the mystery. Liz resigned her mind to shut off all thoughts, at the feel of her fiancés sweet caress.


FYI, Leap of Faith will also be updated in a few minutes. Thanks!

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 8:42 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N - Remember me? Probably not...but I'm here with the first of this weeks updates. I will be updating this again on *this* Saturday so be on the look out. I would have posted this yesterday but my husband is sick...and if you know men when they are sick, they act like 2 year long story short...hope you enjoy!! Thank you so much for the feedback, bumps, nominations, most of all your patience between my updates on this one rock!!



Chapter 47

“You’d think the queen of England was getting married,” Serena joked lightly as she watched her soon to be sister-in-law pace the small room reserved as the bridal party’s dressing area.

She knew Liz was nervous, and rightfully so. There were camera crews and helicopters surrounding the area, they had even managed to get a few boats into the water to get a better view of the private ceremony. Serena knew Liz and Max had tried their best to keep their wedding plans as secretive as possible, but unfortunately, they underestimated Max’s star power, as she liked to refer to it as.

Liz’s dress hung freshly pressed on the back of the door, off white with a pale pink, silk trimming on the strapless bodice and also along the bottom trim. Her elbow length veil was also embellished with the same silky trim.

It was the epitome of Liz’s wedding dress from top to bottom, Serena thought with a smile.

“This is a disaster! We wanted a quiet wedding. Is that too much to ask for?” Liz turned on her heals and faced the window overlooking the lake, which was filled with dozens of sterling silver roses, and those damn photographers, she thought with a scowl. She would not let them ruin her day!

Serena turned and pulled Liz into a hug and explained that no matter what, it would be a perfect wedding.

“How is that possible?”

“Do you love Max?”

“Of course!”

“Then, the wedding that will take place outside this amazing house, will be perfect.” Serena smiled and pulled Liz away from the window.

A moment later there was a knock on the door. Maria peeked her head inside. “It’s time to get the bride dressed, because the groom and flower girl are ready.” She smiled brightly, giving Liz a hug after she closed the door.

“Is Alexis excited?” Liz asked about her daughter, wondering if she was starting to drive Max crazy with questions.

“Are you kidding? She wants you both to be married already so she can eat the cake,” she responded with a wave of her hand and then paused mid-air.

“Is that your dress?” It was the first time Maria had seen it up close. The pictures didn’t do it justice.

“Yes, that’s it. Isn’t it beautiful?” Serena beamed brightly as she removed the dress from the back of the door. She knew that with Liz worrying over the photographers both she and Maria were going to have to distract Liz long enough.

She had spoken to Max a few minutes ago and he promised that the photographers, boats and helicopters would be gone by the time Liz left the room. And so with that information she pressed on, trying not to imagine what would happen if Max couldn’t fulfill his promise.

“Liz, are you nervous?” Maria asked noticing quickly how preoccupied the bride was.

“Not nervous just anxious. Is that the same thing?” she asked with a smile. Well at least she was smiling; in fact, she hadn’t stopped smiling since she’d woken up this morning.

Today, in less than an hour, she would be Max’s wife. She couldn’t think of anything better sounding than that. Liz had spoken with Alexis this morning, she explained that she and Max would be taking their honeymoon, what grownups do once they get married, but assured her that they would only be gone for two weeks, and then they would be home.

Alexis wanted to go, she didn’t like the idea of them leaving her behind. Max had even contemplated that, and so they would take a one week honeymoon and then come back to pick Alexis up for the final week. Max chartered a yacht, complete with an obstetrics doctors on board. When Liz had argued that it wasn’t necessary, he advised that they wouldn’t be leaving the house if she didn’t let him do it. Ultimately she agreed and they would be leaving after the reception.

“It’s not the same thing, Liz. Now come on, let’s get you dressed and ready to be married.”

“You’re right! I just can’t wait anymore.” Liz quickly crossed the room and turned her back, preparing herself to step into her dress.

“So Max bought you a truck?” Maria asked as she placed the veil along the back of one of the chairs in the room.

“Not just a truck Maria, it’s a Land Rover you know the one that the price of a small house?” Serena joked, quoting Liz’s words of when she first drove Max’s similar truck.

“Hey, I’m the bride, you are not supposed to make fun of me.” Liz feigned being hurt as she lifted her arms for the dress to be slid straight up and under her arms. Serena gathered the back of the dress, preparing to zip it, but froze.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Serena’s response was too quick for Liz’s liking. To top it off the look that Maria seemed to have exchanged with Serena, unsettled her.

“What’s wrong?!” she hissed spinning out of Serena’s grasp and stalking over to the floor length mirror across the room.

“Liz, don’t…”

“Oh no! This can’t be happening!” she began to cry, she tried not to, but with her damn hormones, added to the fact that she was obviously growing by the day with pregnancy, made it impossible for her to stay in control of her emotions.

“It’s fine, Liz.” Serena stood before her, smiling in sympathy, which Liz could read perfectly.

“It’s not fine that my wedding dress doesn’t fit! I don’t understand, I tried it on a week ago I couldn’t have gained that much weight in that amount of time, right?” she directed her question to Maria, who stood frozen and then, smiled and nodded her head.

“Of course. Maybe we just didn’t pull it up enough. Let’s try it again.”

“Yes, that’s it. I probably just didn’t do it right. You know, Liz, I don’t have that much experience with this.” Serena apologized swiftly while turning Liz once again and trying to get the dress to close.

“You have another dress to change into later?” Maria asked trying to occupy Liz’s mind for a minute.

“Yes, it’s for the dinner reception. It’s right there.” Liz pointed to the off white, silk, spaghetti strapped dress lying across one of the other chairs.

“That’s really pretty and I have to thank you, on behalf of Serena and myself, for the bridesmaids dresses. You could have made it a very unbearable experience of wearing these dresses, but they are great. I love the dull satin material,” Maria continued to babble, to Serena’s gratefulness.

This was a problem, Serena nibbled on her thumbnail. The dress didn’t fit. It was close, but Liz would have to squeeze into it, and being pregnant she didn’t think that was the most advisable thing to do.

“Liz, I’m sorry,” she began but Liz nodded her head and slumped her shoulders.

“It doesn’t fit. I guess I could wear the other dress,” she sounded less than thrilled about that prospect.

“You’re going to wear your wedding dress even if we have to call the seamstress here right now to fix it!” Serena went off on her tangent and quickly slipped out of the room, leaving Maria and Liz to stare at one another, and surprisingly enough, laugh.


There was a knock on the door, she was dressed, a little late, but they do say, better late than never. She was fifteen minutes behind schedule, but it would have been so much more than that if Serena hadn’t have stepped in.

Somehow, Serena had resorted to knocking door to door in the neighborhood until she found an older woman who happened to be a seamstress. What were the odds, but Liz wasn’t about to look the gift horse in the mouth. The woman had an off white panel of fabric, that she cut in two and then removed the original seams of the dress and added the fabric underneath the arms. It had taken her a remarkable amount of time to put the dress back together.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me baby.” She smiled at the sound of his voice. She hadn’t seen him since the night before; Serena and Maria had insisted that they couldn’t see each other.

“It’s bad luck to see me before the wedding.”

“I know, but technically I’m only talking to you, so that shouldn’t break any cardinal rule.”

“Are you doing better now?” he asked and she could tell he was leaning his head against the door; she mimicked his position and told him that she was.

“I can’t wait to marry you, you know that right?”

“Me either,” she breathed softly.

“I want to give you something, can you open the door a little?” he asked and she hesitated for a minute, before ducking behind the door and cracking it open.

“I hear they say, as the bride, you have to have something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. Do you have all of those things?” he asked with a smile in his voice. He knew there were two things that she didn’t have, according to Serena’s report three days ago.

“Well, let’s see,” she pretended to ponder over it for a moment before answering.

“I have something borrowed and something blue.” Max reached his hand inside, holding a large square blue box.

“What’s this? You already gave me my wedding present Max.” She took the box and closed the door.

“Actually, I gave you half of your wedding present, the other half is in that box, serving as your something new, and the other, is your something old.”

“Max…” she broke off as she lifted the lid of the box saw what was inside. To one side was a pink diamond teardrop necklace, what she could only guess was, about three or four carats. And next to that was an antique diamond hairpin.

“Max they’re beautiful…it’s too much.”

“It’s never enough. The necklace I bought for you to wear today. The hairpin was my mother’s. I kept it with me, and didn’t tell you about it because I always planned on giving it to you. I know she…they can’t be with us, but I know she would have wanted you to have it.” She could hear the sadness in his voice; she knew she couldn’t refuse any gift he gave her, least of all them.

“Thank you, Max. I love you.”

Max knew he should have given the pin to Serena, but when he told his sister about it, she agreed that it belonged to Liz.

“I love you too, I’ll see you in a few minutes,” he whispered out. When she thought he was gone, she rested her head against the door and spoke to herself.

“I promise you, I’ll love you for the rest of my life.” With that she pushed away from the door to grab her bouquet.

Unbeknownst to Liz, Max heard every single word and could only repeat the sentiment to himself with sincere conviction. Liz Parker was the love of his life.


Alexis Rae Parker-Evans smiled brightly as she watched her parents exchange their vows. She smiled straight through the entire ceremony and dinner reception. She now stood between her parents as they shared their piece of cake.

Cake that she wanted a nice thick slice of, but wasn’t allowed to eat until her parents did first. Yet another thing about the wedding she didn’t like. With a scowl on her face she waited as patiently as she could for them to finish.

Her eyes surveyed the room and she lifted her hand and offered a small wave to Tommy. She smiled at him before allowing the scowl to return to her features. Her mommy let her bring a guest to the wedding, and she naturally picked Tommy. He was her best friend now.

Her daddy said he was trouble, but she didn’t know what he meant by that. Tommy was a good boy, her mommy even told her so. But daddy, oh daddy would huff and puff when Tommy would come over the house. Daddy even said that he was glad they were moving, that was until mommy told him that they still went to the same school. Daddy had then told mommy the next time they moved, it would be to another area code, whatever that meant, she thought with a sigh of relief when she was handed a shiny silver plate with a big piece of cake on it.

Alexis walked over to the nearest chair, placing her plate carefully on the table next to her; she climbed up on the chair with minimal problems. Then with a smile of deep satisfaction she took her first bite of cake. It was the best cake in the world to her, vanilla frosting with fresh strawberries inside of the cake.

“Can I sit here too?” asked Tommy from beside her.

“Yup!” she moved her plate over to the side a little and then waited until he was seated before completely devouring her cake.

“You look pretty,” he fidgeted in his seat a few minutes later. She did look pretty in her pink dress and her hair was different than she wore at school.

“Thank you.”

“Your hair is different.”

“Yes, my mommy and aunt straightened it. It’s longer too because of it.” She sneaked a peek at him, and then quickly snatched up her fork to play with the crumbs on her plate.

“I don’t think your dad likes me.” Tommy quickly scanned the room and his eyes landed on Mr. Evans. He was a big man, bigger than his own daddy.

“He thinks your trouble,” she mumbled, looking across the room at her parents.

“I’m not trouble,” he defended himself by crossing his arms over his tuxedo clad chest.

“I know, I told my daddy that. I don’t know, but he likes you. My daddy likes…just about everyone.” She punctuated her statement with a tilt of her head and then a quick nod.

Tommy eyed her nervously, and then smiled when he saw she was wearing the bracelet he got her for her birthday.

“My dad says that when you’re with a pretty girl you should ask her to dance with you.” There he said it, now what was he supposed to do?

“Okay. I’ll dance with you.” Alexis hopped of her chair and waited patiently for Tommy to join her. He stood next to her, she was a little shorter than him, and he liked that. Without realizing it, their hands found their way to each other, and they walked to the dance floor just like that.


“What is he doing?” Max hissed out.

“Who are you talking about?”

“Him! Damn trouble, I’m telling you Liz.” Max frowned and was making his way in the direction of his daughter and that boy.

Liz quickly grabbed her husband’s arm and ushered him out to the back of the house.

“Max you need to relax. They are kids,” she giggled when she saw the seriousness on his face.

“Kids? Yes and then they grow up, and get hormones and urges Liz. Urges! Alexis will not have them, never…over my dead body.” She couldn’t contain her laughter as she doubled over.

“Why are you finding this so funny? Watch, she’s going to grow up and you’re going to wish you listened to me.”

“She’s six.”

“Going on sixteen!” he hissed out, peering into the house, watching as that boy put his arms around his daughter’s waist.

Max was so sure that moving them would insure that he would never have to see Tommy again, but no, he didn’t move them far enough. Damn Michael, it was his fault for not building the damn house when he wanted it.

“Max, I’m so happy.” He paused in his rant to turn towards his wife. His wife, it was official as of two hours ago.

“So am I. Did I tell you how beautiful you look?” he asked pulling her into his arms.

“You did, about a hundred times.”

“Only a hundred? Well then, I’m not being a very good husband.” He leaned down and kissed her softly.

They stood in each other’s arms, staring into each other’s eyes for what seemed like a lifetime. It had been a long road they had traveled to get to that moment. It was well worth the wait, they both thought with a secretive smile.

“We’re leaving in twenty minutes, I want you alone,” he whispered into her ear, and then placed a kiss against her exposed neckline.

“Sounds good, but I have something for you first though.” Liz stepped away and asked Max to stay right where he was until she returned.

She had yet to give him his wedding present. It wasn’t as extravagant as his gifts, but she knew he would love and appreciate them, just the same.

A few minutes later she walked back to him, carrying a long, flat, rectangular box. She walked over to one of the chairs still left from the ceremony, which had turned out beautifully, because as promised, Max had the place cleared out except for the wedding guests. She wasn’t sure how he did it, but she was sure it involved him giving them some type of exclusive…she was just waiting to hear all about it.

“Take a seat, and open it.” He did as requested and placed the box on his lap, before removing the lid.

Inside was something he’d never expected. It was a picture frame, with three slots, all filled. He lifted it and leaned it towards the light coming from inside the main room of the house.

“Liz,” he swallowed thickly turning towards her.

“I wanted you to have the very first baby pictures of your children.” She smiled as she watched the emotions cross his face. It took a good while to think of the perfect gift, and knowing how special Max’s children were to him. Giving him the ultrasound pictures, one’s he’d never seen, she felt was the best gift she could give him.

He was speechless. He was holding a picture of each of his children. It was priceless.

After a moment he asked, while they stared down at the pictures in his hands, “You do know, we are going to have to pick out names for them.”

“I know, we still have some time for that”

“Are you sure?” he asked, and she couldn’t help but think how adorable he looked.

“I’m positive. Now, enough of this baby talk. How about we get working on this honeymoon? And seeing as how I’m already knocked up…what’s standing in your way?”

“Not a damn thing baby…not a damn thing…” he pulled her against his chest and sealed their mouths with an open mouthed kiss, one filled with the promise of what was yet to come.


(only three parts left :( )

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 7:15 pm
by Behrsgirl77
A/N – As promised, I am back with the update…what can I say except that there are only two more parts left of this story, which I will be finishing up (typing) tomorrow. So, I will say this much, this story will be finished by the last day of this year. I didn’t make it to my Christmas mark, but it will still be finished (and posted in completion) in 2006!

In any event, I hope you enjoy…don’t kill me…and thank you so much for your feedback!

Queen Fee
Dream Weaver
youre my dreamgirl

Chapter 48

Max had decided being married, and being a father were the two best things any man could ask for.

The downside, he thought with a small smile, was his wife’s hormones. Liz was usually patient and understanding, but if he did not rush home with some heavenly hash ice cream he was a dead man. No doubt about it in his mind, she was serious.

Of course, he knew if he didn’t show up it would be okay…wouldn’t it? After all he was trying to find that damn flavor ice cream, to no avail. It seemed as though they had suddenly stopped making it, what the hell was that all about?

“Max, what if we just you know got her some chocolate ice cream with a side of strawberries or something?” Michael added his suggestion, because honestly after twenty minutes he was getting a little tired of carrying on the charade. He knew damn well Maria had the ice cream at her house, but he was stalling because he’d wanted to speak to Max about something.

Liz was always so pleasant, but a pregnant Liz, well that was another story. She bit his head off every chance she got. Mainly it revolved around his relationship with Maria. He had been dating her close to a year, and Liz asked him the other night how he felt their relationship was progressing.

He wasn’t quite sure how to answer, so he said, “fine”. That was obviously a mistake, Liz didn’t get involved in people’s personal lives, however now that the wedding was well past them and Maria and Liz grew even closer because of it, she was looking out for her friend’s best interests. She concluded that if Michael was serious, then he needed to maybe ask Maria to move in, or something to show how much she truly meant to him.

Michael of course rolled his eyes, yet another obvious mistake, because Liz had a field day with him after that. From that point on, he decided that he needed to steer clear of Liz, at least until after she gave birth.

Yes, that was game plan. So when Max called him an hour ago frantic, he wasn’t sure what his response should be. After all, Max might take him back to the house, which would be a mistake.

“Michael you have to come with me.” Why did Max sound desperate, he thought with a wry smile. Liz was probably driving him up a wall. She was due in a few weeks and she was confined to the bed, making her that much more unbearable.

“You can’t buy ice cream on your own?”

“No! Get your ass outside in ten minutes or I will drag you out!” With that Michael was left with a dial tone.

Alexis had been staying over his place every other weekend. He had to admit, she knew better than anyone, in fact before Liz herself exploded, when she could be around her mother, and when she couldn’t. The girl was like a little crystal ball and Michael was damn glad to have her around.

Max stood in the middle of the grocery store giving his best friend an irritated look. “You want me,” he pointed to himself, “to bring home regular chocolate ice cream?” Michael nodded, trying to hide his smile.

“Do you not like me anymore?” Max asked seriously.

“What? Of course, but I think you are being really dramatic now.”

“Dramatic? You want to know what’s dramatic?” Michael again nodded his head.

Max sighed and leaned against one of the glass doors in the freezer section. “Liz wanted me to have four baby names picked out by today. Today! And I don’t even have one good one. I had to have two girl names and two boy names, and I don’t have shit! She’s going to cry. I know it. I’m going to go home, without the ice cream and without the names, and she’s going to sit on that bed and cry to me. I can’t do it Michael, I can’t! You have to help me!” Max was near hysteria at that point and Michael had to physically drag him out of the store before he made a fool of himself.

“Where are you taking me? Liz is going to call me in twenty minutes to find out where I am, and I don’t even have the…” Michael covered Max’s mouth with his hand and instructed him to get into the car.

They drove in silence for a minute before Michael pulled the car off the road and onto the shoulder.


“Damn, could you shut up for a second?” Max turned to his friend and quirked up his eyebrow in response.

Michael looked out at the night sky before speaking. “You know it seems like everything has happened so fast. One minute you’re a star football player with the world at your feet. People would have killed to be you, and now you’re married with a kid and two on the way. That’s a really big change for you, the guy who never contemplated being close to this situation. I never got to tell you, at the wedding, that I think your parents would be really proud of you. I never knew my parents, never had anything of theirs to remember them by and I know if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be here today. I don’t know what my life would have been like if I didn’t meet you.” Michael grew silent, Max was going to say something, but wasn’t sure how this line of thought had anything to do with his current situation, and so he waited.

“I know you’re scared.”

“I’m not.”

Michael smiled, “You are. It’s okay. I would be too. Alexis was one thing, these twins are another. For the first time, you’ll be changing a diaper and handling something that’s slightly larger than a football. I think it’s amazing, and I think you need to give yourself some credit.”

Max slumped in his seat; he did not want to talk about it. So what, he was nervous about the twins’ arrival? Their room was set up, their clothing purchased, it was all there waiting for them.

But was he ready?

He just didn’t know.

“I know Liz is a little…irritable.” When Max chuckled slightly, Michael amended his statement. “Okay a lot. But she’s under pressure too, or so Maria tells me.”

“Pressure? About what?” Max turned, seemingly more interested in this latest development. Why didn’t he know Liz was under pressure? Was he not paying attention? Was she trying to tell him something and he was too busy thinking about himself?

“Relax and stop the inner monologue of questions,” he reprimanded Max a second later. “Maria just said that since it’s been so long that she’s had Alexis, she’s worried that maybe afterwards she’ll be too different.”

“Different how?”

“I don’t know,” he shrugged but continued.

“Maria says…”

“So you and Maria talk a lot now do you?” Max smirked; he couldn’t help it.

“Yes, and she’s moving in next week.”

“What? You didn’t tell me, how could you not…”

“Stop being a pansy ass. Now you know, move along. And get back on track, seeing as how we’ve got five minutes to finish this up, then we are going to swing by Maria’s place and get the damn ice cream.”

Max’s face took on a look of confusion. How did Maria have the ice cream?

“Don’t look at me like that. Liz has been craving that stuff for months now, so Maria made sure she kept it in the freezer just in case! You should thank her, she likes presents, any kind, but she prefers perfume, the really…really expensive kind.”

Max couldn’t help but laugh out loud, and Michael soon joined him his mirth.

“Anyway, what was I saying? That’s right, pressure. Liz feels like after the twins are born she may not, how do you say, snap back?”

“Snap back?” he asked, not knowing what the hell Michael was talking about.

“Yes! Damn it man, you’re married not dead. You know your wife is a little sexy thing. And she’s afraid that she won’t look the same…later. Which is why it seems she’s been eating all those carrot and celery sticks,” Michael stamped his statement with a small shudder.

Max was still processing Michael thinking of Liz as sexy, but he let it go. It was true, so how could he retort?

“I understand. I need to get over my fears just like Liz is going to have too. Because while she sits there and thinks that about herself, which I know isn’t true because she’ll always be beautiful to me, I’m sitting here with the same fears she has told me time and time again I have no reason to have.”

“And he sees the light.” Michael smiled as he shifted the car into drive; they needed to get to Maria’s house.

“Thanks Michael. I don’t know if I say it enough, but…”

“Yeah, yeah. I know. Don’t get sentimental on me now. So tell me, what’s going on with Kyle’s parents and Alexis?”

“She went to see them yesterday. Liz and I wanted to wait until we all could go, but we didn’t want it to be this big thing. We already met with them, and told them, but Alexis hasn’t put two and two together yet. It’s better for everyone if she gets to know them within her own time frame. When she’s comfortable enough, and maybe old enough we’ll tell her the truth about who they are.”

“I think that’s better. She’ll have a relationship with them, and that will only benefit her, even though I know you’re not completely comfortable with it.”

“No, I’m not. But I can’t deny her, her own family.” Max turned slightly in his seat. He wasn’t happy at first, but now he truly saw it as an advantage to his daughter.

“Now, about those baby names. Are you seriously telling me that you don’t have any names picked out?” Michael asked as he turned down Maria’s street.

“I do, but Liz is going to hate them.”

“No, she won’t. Tell me, I’ll let you know if I hate them.” Michael smiled and listened intently as Max not only rattled off four names, but fifteen, with an elated father to be (again) smile on his face.


“How are you feeling?” Max asked as he entered their bedroom, after dropping Alexis off at Michael and Maria’s. He’d helped Michael out last week with moving her things in. Needless to say that day, Liz was very happy, unlike today.

“I feel miserable! My back hurts, my legs hurt, which is something I can’t figure out. I’m not walking anywhere, I’m just laying here getting fatter by the second, yet they hurt.” Liz slumped hers shoulders as she popped a baby carrot in her mouth. She was sick of them, and of the bed, and the pillows and the bedroom in general.

“I think we need to redecorate, get some new furniture in here. I’m tired of looking at this place every single day,” she muttered as Max placed the black and white bag in his hand at the edge of the bed.

“What’s that?” she eyed the bag with a twinkle in her eyes, and Max noticed the dramatic change in her demeanor.

“This my love, is dinner.” Max smiled triumphantly as he moved around the room and pulled out the table from the corner of the room. Since they shared many meals, during her pregnancy in their room, Max bought a table for it.

“Oh what is it? What is it! Tell me, is it a nice, big, fat, and juicy burger? With extra cheddar cheese, bacon and barbeque sauce?” she asked, practically wiping the drool from her lips.

Max nodded, “It is.”

“Oh bring it here!” she cheered him on and clapped her hands in the exact same manner that Alexis did when she was over excited about something.

“Boy, I don’t get that kind of reaction when I walk in the door without this bad.” Max feigned being hurt as he plucked the piping hot items from the bag and placed them on the table.
“Max, you know I love you. It’s just that I’m stuck in this bed and I’m trying to eat healthy so I don’t end up like a hundred pounds overweight after I deliver the babies. Besides…” Liz paused as a sharp pain formed in her lower abdomen. That was weird, she thought, but continued.

“I have been really good and I deserve a little treat!” She smiled happily at her husband as she rubbed the spot that had just caused another little twitch of discomfort to her.

“Liz, first of all you are sexy. Pregnant or not, so don’t worry about that. Secondly, you do deserve a treat, which is why I have this and a warm piece of…Liz? Are you okay?” Max dropped the bag in his hand; it crashed to the floor, as he bolted to his wife’s side of the bed.

“I’m fine. I just have these weird twitches.”

“Twitches? Are they normal?” he asked, trying not to sound panicked. Should he call a doctor?

“Oh it’s fine. I’m sure they’re just…” she trailed off as yet another sharp pain, a bit more intense than the first two, struck her.

“Liz, I’m calling the doctor.”


“No?” he asked, now sounding completely and utterly panicked. She looked like she was in pain, a lot of it, and quickly. That couldn’t be normal.

“I think…oh God…Max…” Liz paused and let out a whooshing breath, grasping her stomach tightly.

“Liz,” his voice shuddered, “What is it?”

“My water just broke!” she cried out in pain…this wasn’t normal, she thought with fear.


Pacing, that was all Max could do. It had been twenty full minutes, since he’d brought Liz to the hospital. Twenty minutes, since they took his wife behind those swinging white doors with silver handles and little square windows. Damnit, he wanted to be behind them too!

“Max, what’s going on?” came Michael’s rushed question. Max had called him as soon as they wheeled Liz away and he’d rushed over with Maria. They had to bring Alexis to Kyle’s house because Max didn’t want her there, not yet.

“I don’t know. All the nurse said was that I had to wait here until they examined Liz. How long does that take?!” Max turned to Maria for an answer.

“It takes some time, Max. Now tell me exactly what happened? Was she having contractions?”

“No, I don’t think so. I came home; she was on the bed watching television, she was complaining about the room and…well that doesn’t matter. Then we were talking for about five minutes and she looked like she was in pain and two minutes later, she told me her water broke.”

“Okay, so no contractions at all?”

“I don’t think so…is that bad?” He began to pace again, running a frustrated hand through his hair.

“No, Max. I just mean every pregnancy and delivery is different. I’ll be right back, I’m going to find out what’s going on.” Maria dismissed herself through those white doors, the white doors keeping him from his wife! He eyed it with a furious glace before turning towards Michael.

“Did Alexis ask where you were going? You didn’t tell her did you?”

“Of course not. I told her that Maria and I had to do something and that we’d be back in a little while.”

“Thanks.” Michael nodded in response. To be honest, he was worried. Maria looked worried a minute ago, but he dare not tell Max that. Instead he stood next to his friend and offered the only thing he could…silent support.


Was twenty minutes the magic number and Max hadn’t been let in on it? Maria was now gone for twenty minutes; making the grand total amount of time he’d last seen his wife, forty minutes!

Max jumped from his chair the moment he caught sight of Maria and someone whom he gathered was the doctor…no wait…it was Liz’s doctor. He felt a little relief; this was someone he knew, someone he trusted.

“Where is she? Is she okay? What the hell is going on!” Max rushed towards them before they had a chance to make it through those damn white doors.

“First of all you need to calm down.” Max nodded softly, but his face and demeanor said something else.

“Max, Liz is in labor.” Okay, that was it? Of course she’d be in labor she’s pregnant and her water broke. Okay, he could calm down, he could relax, he could…

Wait, why did they not look happy about Liz being in labor?

“What’s wrong,” he asked dejectedly. Obviously he didn’t know everything, yet. His heart began to throb in his chest. It almost hurt.

“Max, Liz is dilated, which normally wouldn’t worry us…but the problem is that one of the babies is breech…and we don’t know what the status of the other is…”

“Status? What the hell does that mean?” he asked, his voice rising to the next octave. Michael stood next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, easing him slowly to calm down.

“It means that we are going to do an emergency C-Section on her. We have every belief that the only complication is that one of them is coming out breech; both of their heartbeats are strong.” The doctor continued to talk but Max didn’t hear it. He needed to see Liz.

“Can I be with her?” The doctor looked ready to protest, but then gave in.

“Very well. It might do her some good and maybe you can get her to calm down.” Max listened to the instructions the doctors and nurses gave him and he donned his green medical scrubs before joining Liz in the delivery room.

Were there always so many doctors’ present for one delivery, he wondered.

Maria had stayed with Michael, and he instructed Michael to call Serena and to ultimately, call Kyle and tell him to bring Alexis. Besides, the doctors kept telling him everything would be fine.

A C-Section was pretty routine and there was nothing to worry about. Liz was strong and the babies were strong, this was all normal.


When Max saw Liz, he tuned out everything else, except for her. Her eyes betrayed her calm demeanor. She was scared, and he was too, but he couldn’t let her know that.

“I love you. Now, if you really didn’t want that cheeseburger all you had to do was say so,” he joked lightly, as a slue of doctors moved around them muttering medical jargon that he just didn’t even begin to understand.

“Ha, ha, very funny. You know Max is nothing with you easy?” she smiled despite her nervousness. There was something that didn’t feel right to her, she couldn’t explain it but the doctor’s said it would be fine.

“What do you mean?” he whispered to her, they may have not been alone but that didn’t mean they had to share their conversation with the entire room.

“I mean your children are all ready geared up and making trouble.” At that Max laughed and then leaned over and kissed her lips softly. He ran his hand through her hair, and watched as a nurse lifted a short curtain right above her stomach.

“It’s okay, Max. That’s what they do, but you can look if you want.” She smiled at him, he looked nervous, worried, but also excited. Deep down she was too; she just wanted to be out of this room.

The doctor explained what was going to happen and then a moment later Liz felt the pressure and the relief, it would all be over soon, she repeated it to herself like mantra. It would be over, she would have her babies and everything would be fine.

The shrill of the first twin filled the room, as well as the doctor’s congratulatory, “It’s a boy!”

“Liz…we have a son…I have to see this,” Max said as he stood and peered over the curtain and caught a glimpse of his dark haired son. This was amazing, this was…

He turned back to Liz and watched as a tear slipped down he corner of her eye, he mouthed the words, I love you, to her and waited until she repeated them back.

“One down…one to go,” Liz murmured weakly. Was that really her voice, she wondered to herself.

The second distinct shrill was of their other child and once again the doctor announced the sex and Max’s eyes lit up.

“Liz! We have another son…we have two…we…” Max turned to regard his wife with a bright smile…but that died on his lips the moment he saw her.

“Liz?” he became unsettled when her eyes seemed to sag open and closed.

“Liz, baby…” he moved closer, “Liz!” Crippling panic washed over him as the sound of her heart stopping filled the room and her eyes, her beautiful brown eyes, rolled to the back of her head.


Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:18 pm
by Behrsgirl77

And so here is the last chapter. It was surprisingly difficult for me to end this story, to let these characters go, but it was time.

I want to thank you all for your support during the process of me writing this story. Your patience between my updates during the past few months was more than appreciated. Your feedback, encouraging, funny and enthusiastic, and everything in between there; was more than I could have hoped for when I took this challenge.

I’ve learned a lot during the process of writing this, since it’s been a while, in fact this has been longest fic for me to complete. Not sure if I’m happy about that or not, however I am thankful that you all enjoyed it this much. If I would have written this story at any other time in my life, it probably would have come out completely different, there are things I would have included, excluded, so on and so forth, but this story is my creation from start to finish, it might be rough around the edges but I hope that didn’t distract too much from the story I was trying to tell.

I have to give a very special thank you to Rachel, you wrote an amazing challenge and I am glad I accepted it. Your encouragement during the process helped me immensely. For those of you who didn’t read the challenge, here is that link…Challenge

I also have to give special thanks to Eccentric One, Itzstacie, FSU/MSW-94 (for picking the baby names as well), sweetbrowneyes, Bixie; for your help with my numerous outlines, my persistent chatting about what to do next, my procrastination, my doubts, proofreading, encouragement, but most of all your friendship.



P.S. I've written how many stories? Do you really think I'm *that* evil? Come on now...people have a little faith in me :D

Chapter 49

Her heart didn’t stop; he repeated that to himself over the course of an hour. One of the doctors in passing had jilted the heart monitor connected to his wife that was all it was, he reminded himself.

That however didn’t change the fact that his wife was still unconscious.

It also didn’t change the fact that she hadn’t even seen nor held her two sons.

It didn’t change the fact that he couldn’t stop crying, and it sure as hell didn’t change the fact that he was terrified. Spine tingling petrified that she wasn’t going to be okay.

“Max,” came Michael’s soft interruption. He hated seeing Max so desolate.

Max wiped his weary eyes and tore his eyes away from Liz’s room door. “Yeah?”

“Serena’s here, she wanted to see you but if you’re not ready then…” he trailed off so unsure, so unable to read his best friends expression.

“Send her over.”

Max tried to smile when he saw his sister, but it wasn’t in him, not yet.

Serena immediately wrapped her arms around her brother, he looked so tired, rightfully so, but he also looked defeated. That was something she’d never seen and she didn’t like it either.

“I talked to the doctors,” she began, figuring sticking to the facts would help Max more so than sympathy.

“Apparently, when one of the babies was turning and coming out breech, something tore inside of her. They stopped the bleeding, but the fever kicked in almost immediately. Did they tell you this?” she asked when Max’s expression hadn’t change.

He nodded.

“Okay, so then you know they are just trying to lower the fever and…”

“Why won’t she wake up?” he asked, his voice so small fragile, so unlike Max, she had to blink back the immediate tears that formed.

“Max, her body is trying to fight the fever and she needs rest to do so, it’s not uncommon for a body to shut down enough to help restore itself.”

“It’s been too long,” he mumbled out feebly.

“Says who? It’s been what? An hour, two at the most?” He nodded again but then his spirits seemed to have lifted.

“So that’s okay then?”

“I think Liz is really strong,” Serena knew that the longer Liz stayed unconscious the greater the chances that she would slip into a coma especially since according to the doctor’s they were unable to lower her fever, as of yet.

“She is,” he agreed, knowing that Serena was just trying to make him feel better. He knew damn well that Liz needed to wake up and soon. He let out a shuddering breath; he couldn’t handle much more of this.

“Max…I think…”


“I think you should see her.”

“They won’t let me.”

“I told them, you need to see her…and she needs to feel you.” She reached out her hand to him and walked him inside of Liz’s room.

Max stood frozen at the door, for an instant he forgot and he thought she was only sleep, but then he knew better.

“Liz,” he said into the empty air…no response. Serena left him a few minutes ago, and he moved across the room to sit beside his wife.

He started to cry again, he couldn’t remember a time he ever cried that much in his life.

Max lifted her hand in his and placed it against his cheek, she was burning up, and he could feel it.

“Baby,” he leaned up and kissed her cheek softly. He kept her hand in his and used his other hand to push her hair away from her face.

“You did so good, and they said that our sons are doing great. I haven’t…seen them. I’m sorry, don’t hate me. I just couldn’t see them without you. I miss you,” he turned his head and rested it against her arm, allowing a fresh batch of new tears to stream down his face.

“We will experience it together, Liz.”

An hour later Max had forgone all talks of comfort and moved onto anger. He was angry with her for doing this to him, to their children. Didn’t she realize that he needed her, that they all needed her?

“You told me you wouldn’t leave me…you promised me you would love me forever. Damn it Liz. Wake up! You can’t leave me here…I can’t be without you,” he dropped back into the chair beside her bed, defeated.

“You have three children that need you just as much as I do, baby…just wake up. Please, Liz…” He finally crawled into bed with her, wrapped his arms around her and prayed to whoever was listening to make her wake up.

Michael peeked his head inside the door and saw Max holding Liz and crying against her…his heart broke for his friend.

Unbeknownst to him though, Alexis was standing right by his side, and she slipped her tiny hand in his.

“Uncle Mike?”

“Yeah?” He looked down to regard her.

“Mommy will be better real soon,” she smiled and walked away. He watched her for a minute as she met Serena further down the hall and then turned back to regard Max. He hoped she was right.


Serena was reluctant to disturb Max but Alexis was restless and she wanted to see her parents. So after taking her to dinner, they had all decided it was best for her.

“Max…Alexis wants to see you,” she announced after cracking open the door a little.

He swiped his tears and composed himself…before seeing Alexis peeking around the corner.

“Is mommy okay?”

“I don’t know sweetheart.” He couldn’t lie…not to her. She knew better. She entered the room and came to his side instantly. He pulled her into his lap and she rested her head on his shoulder and hugged him, causing him to lose his composure and cry silently against her.

Turning to Liz quickly, he eyed Alexis and realized he needed to pull himself together. He stood, with his daughter in his arms and left the room. They found a private room to talk a few doors down.

“Do I have two brothers, like uncle Mike said?” she asked and he had to swallow back the guilt he felt. Maybe he should have taken Alexis to see her brothers.

“Yes you do."

"Did you see them daddy?” Her voice, her face, so excited and his heart broke. Now he knew he should have taken her.

“I did…but only for a moment.”

She looked down. He knew without a doubt that she wanted to see her brothers…but he couldn’t see them…he couldn’t. Not yet. Maybe he was a terrible father after all…but he just couldn’t do it without Liz.

“I think mommy would want us to see them together,” she said turning back into her father’s arms and hugging him.

It was in that moment that Max knew without a doubt that Alexis was more than just a smart girl…how could she know what he was thinking?


“Yes princess?”

“I think that maybe mommy needs to find us.”

“Find us?”

“Yes. I remember when I was sick…I would get lost… up here,” she pointed to her head. Max listened intently.

“And I would listen to mommy talk to me, and I wanted to wake up so bad…but I couldn’t.”

“But you did,” he said with a smile.

She returned the smile, “I did.”

“How princess? How did you wake up?” he asked because not only was it good for him to spend time with her, it helped keep his mind occupied.

“Because the angel came and brought me home.”

“The angel?” This was getting really weird for him.

“Yes…it was an angel…it was someone I didn’t know, well I didn’t know who he was then, but now I do.” He was not following; maybe he was even more tired than he thought.

“Princess what are you saying?”

“You. I didn’t know until right now, daddy. You were the angel in my dreams. You told me that I would be okay, that I could go now…that He wasn’t ready for me.”

Chills quickly crept up Max’s spine.

“Honey, I’m not an angel…”

“Yes daddy…you were my angel…and now you have to be mommy’s.”


“You have to be,” she pouted. She knew she was right, she just had to get her daddy to listen to her.

“I wish I was, honey…but I’m not…what you think I am. If I could do it, I would.” She nodded in understanding.


“Do you ever dream?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Do those dreams ever come true?”

“Not really…no.”

“Mine do. Is that right daddy?”

“What do you mean, they do?” This was definitely a conversation he was not ready to have, nor was he in the right frame of mind to do so.

“I mean…sometimes I dream about stuff before it happens and then it comes true.”

“Really?” This was interesting.


“Like what baby?” he asked standing up and walking back towards Liz’s room.

“About my brothers… I knew they were two boys before today.”

“Alexis that could have just been a wish and it just so happened that mommy had two boys.”

“No. What about you daddy?”

“What about me?” he was taken aback.

“I had a dream about you…”

“What do you mean?” he paused just inside Liz’s hospital room door. She hadn’t moved he noticed immediately with a deep sigh.

“I mean you were playing football and you landed on the ground and you couldn’t move…but I didn’t know it was you until I saw you in the hospital bed. But even then I didn’t remember, but I do now. I remember it.” She sounded so convincing, surely she was mistaken or…hell he had no idea. This was way over his comprehension.

“What? You saw me on TV?”

“No daddy…I saw you in my dreams.”

She smiled and wiggled free of his arms to land on the floor, feet first, with a soft thud and ran to her mother's side.

“Am I different daddy?” He came up and stood beside her, hand on her shoulder as they both looked at Liz.

“You are perfect Alexis. Remarkably, perfect.” She smiled brightly but Max knew there was something different about her…but a good different.

Max closed his eyes and wished as hard as he could, wished and prayed to God harder and called in every favor he could think of…for Liz to wake up.

The room grew silent once again. Max and Alexis stood next to Liz’s bed, but then there was a subtle noise and then they both looked to one another, but there was a rasp from beside them, from Liz’s direction.

And when Max and Alexis turned, Liz’s brown eyes were finally open.


They all had gathered around Liz’s bedside. She had already been tested, and had even complained that she was starving.

She had yet however, seen her children.

“Max, can they bring them now?” she asked, suddenly realizing how reluctant Max was to let go of her hand. She knew that he was scared, hell so was she, but it was out of her control. It was an experience she never wished to repeat.

“Sure. I’ll tell them.” Max asked everyone to leave for a minute, but instructed Serena to tell the nurse they were ready to see the children.

Max closed the door and stood at the foot of Liz’s bed, looking extremely serious. “Are you feeling better?” he asked softly.

“Yes, much. I’m glad it’s all over, Max and…”

“You have to promise me right now, you have to promise to outlive me.”

“Max what are you…”

“No, I’m serious. Liz, today I came too close to finding out what life would be like without you. I can’t do it. You have to promise me.” He was serious, she could tell by his expression.

“Max, I can’t make that kind of promise. It’s not my decision but I can try.”

“Okay,” he seemed to deliberate with himself for a moment before crawling into bed with her. They now laid on their sides, facing one another, their foreheads touching.

“I love you and I missed you so much.” He kissed her lips softly, treasuring her.

“I love you and missed you too.”

“Have you seen them?” He could hear the excitement in her voice.

“No, I was…Alexis and I were waiting for you.”

“Hello?” said the nurse as she pushed into the room with two tiny bundles.

Max and Liz promptly sat up, waiting, anxiously to hold their children.

“This is baby number one,” she said as she placed their first son in Liz’s open arms.

“Oh God…he’s so perfect and beautiful,” Liz breathed softly, allowing happy tears to stream down her face. Max was in awe; he was everything Liz had said and more.

“And baby number two.” Which was placed directly into Max’s arms. He didn’t know what to say, his throat was suddenly tight and the only thing he could think to do was kiss his son’s forehead and allow the intensity of the moment wash over him, happily.

“I’ll leave you two alone for a minute, but you have some anxious visitors outside.” The nurse smiled and stepped from the room.



“They are identical and they look just like you." Max nodded in agreement. With a bright smile he added, "They have your lips though." Liz shook her head, Max was kidding himself, they looked just like their father...simply and utterly perfect.

"What are their names?” she asked knowing that Max had already picked out the names. She had listened to his suggestions a couple of weeks ago, and found that Max had picked some very good names. Which she was secretly hoping for, she wanted him to have the opportunity to name his sons.

“Well,” he said turning slightly, giving Liz a perfect view of both her sons.

“This is Jaryed, and you have Jayden.”

“You did good Max, really good.” Liz smiled and leaned in to kiss his lips, and that is exactly how their friends found them a minute later.

“Already working on baby number four?” came Kyle’s jovial voice.

“Mommy! Daddy!” came Alexis’ rushed voice as she ran to the bed, waiting for someone to pick her up. Max transferred Jaryed to his wife’s arms and turned to pick up Alexis and deposit her into his lap.

“Alexis, baby, meet your two brothers; Jaryed Michael Evans and Jayden Michael Evans.”

The room suddenly grew quiet except for Alexis’ little murmurs to her new brothers, about how she was their big sister.

Liz and Max both turned to Michael who was speechless. An emotion crossed over his features, one of awe, of honor…Max couldn’t quite pinpoint it, but he hoped Michael was happy just the same.

“We hope you don’t mind,” Liz trailed off.

“No,” Michael started, and then cleared his throat. “Not at all…thank you.”

“It’s time for your first family portrait,” came Maria’s cheerful voice, camera in hand.

Max pulled Alexis’ between them, and then took Jayden in his arms. He turned and smiled down at his son, then his eyes traveled over his daughter, his other son and then finally to his wife, his incredibly amazing wife.

With a smile he thought, right before the camera flash went off, that both Liz and Alexis were wrong; he wasn’t their angel, he never was. That sentiment belonged to them, they were his angels sent to bring him to this perfect moment and to make him believe that not only do miracles happen, but that angels really do exist.

<center>The End</center>

Edited to add, I have decided at the last minute (because I was really torn last night), that I will not write an epilogue to this story. I was going to, but I feel like it has ended at the best possible area. And even, knowing how much you would like it, the epilogue would have went into the future, the characters are right where I want them to be. Your imagination will take you farther than mine ever could. So, I hope you've enjoyed the ride and have a Happy and Safe New Years!


Re: Wings of an Angel (AU,ML,Adult) (Complete)

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:52 pm
by Itzstacie