Alternate Universe Challenges

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Post by nibbles2 »

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Post by Sternbetrachter »

46 sounds funny :lol:
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Post by Lillie »

Challenge 48

*Kinda based on the movie, In the Name of Love. Yes, this is another chessy lifetime movie.*

Liz Parker resigned herself to the fact that she would never see Max Evans again. And in the five years since their divorce, they had never once seen each other. But after a chance meeting at the beach brings the two face to face. And they still have the same passion for each other that brought them together.

They had been married for a year but they had faced their problems with his relatives. He was the rich boy and she was the poor girl. His grandfather and aunt hated the fact that Max married her, married someone they considered trashy and low class. Liz had no one but her grandmother and her sister. Before they had been married, Max had been involved in a car accident with his previous fiance and his legs had been badly injured, he had to wear braces on his legs for years. Max had meet Liz right after his accident and they fell in love with each other. After many problems and the one night that Max hit her, Liz decided that she had to get away, that she had to think. And than Max's grandfather came to her telling her that Max wanted a divorce. So Liz obliged him and they two of them were divorced. Divorced withtout talking to one another about what happened.

After their night of passion, Liz runs away from him. Because when the two of thme divorced, Liz kept a secret from him. She was ten weeks pregnant. Liz gave birth to their son and decided that it was best to keep her son away from his meddling family. With Liz's disappearing the morning after, Max is determined to find out what happened to her and where she went.
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Post by killjoy »


In this story instead of the normal four it's Alex,Liz,Maria and Kyle who are the aliens. I know what you're thinking.This has been done before, right? But here's the catch.

The reason Alex,Liz,Maria and Kyle are the aliens is because the story will be set on Antar.The four were found as children living on the streets outside the royal palace.They were taken in and adopted by various members of the royal court. Growing up as the friends and playmates of the royal children the four must hide thier alien half while trying to figuring out just where they came from.

They must have names that sound alien but be close to the human names we are used to. For example- Alex would become Alec
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Sacrificed in vain, my dream challenge

Post by SarahWhitman »

#50. Ok so I had this dream and I realized that it would make a great fanfic, so here we go!
Ok so for Earth was being invaded and taken over by aliens. And for some reason they were only going to take certain groups of people back to their planet with them---Earth was dying or something, I don't remember. These groups were made up of certain families randomly put together into a larger group--for clarity let's call them Clans, okay? Ok so all the groups were given certain tests and each Clan had a leader to represent them--it was this leader that communicated on behalf of her Clan. In my dream, it was me of course! So someone in my clan didn't pass a test and so my whole clan was gonna be left behind. Now I didn't want that so I was pleading with the aliens for another chance, another test, ANYTHING so that we could live---so my family, my Clan could live! And there was one thing that they'd agree to: if I would marry one of the aliens that was in a higher leadership position that I guess had taken to me or something. So, in order for my family to live, I agreed, knowing that I may never see my family again. And just like that I was wisked away by some girl alien and everything that had been mine that I had on me was taken away and I was changed into these clothes that were eerily reminiscent of 1940s clothing--dress, coat, and hat. And then I realized that someone was behind me and it was the alien--who was good looking, btw (they looked like humans, whether they were shapeshifters or whatever, I dunno)--also dressed similarly--suit, jacket, hat. And then he looked at me and then kissed me. I had the feeling I was being tested to see if I was going to go through with this so I kissed him back after he pulled away from kissing me. And then I was taken into a car and driven away, another kind of test? I don't remember. And then I had done something wrong and was going to be punished, fined for something. When I said I couldn't pay I asked, "couldn't we ask my husband?" and I was let go. But then I got shot in the back as I walked away. ANYWAY---can't you just imagine a ML story out of this?? PLEASE PM me if / when you take this okay? I'll help too, with ideas or whatever, if you need them!
I want an Alien Blast! <3
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Location: In my own little head where Roswell is still on and Max and Liz were never apart.

Post by Bubblegal »

#51 - Different Lives - Alien Abyss. Considered by Luvya.

CC&UC - M/L, I/Mic, Mar/K A/T

Hope someone can take this up.

This is basically a 'What If' story.

What if Isabel was the one to be late coming out of her pod?

Tess went with Max and Michael and ended up getting adopted by the Evans with Max so she and Max thinks they're brothers and sisters.

Isabel comes to Roswell only to see that everything is 'stuffed up' in Naesco opinion. Max and Liz are together (Liz was shot and healed by Max) Michael is dating Maria and Tess is dating Alex (Yes you are reading this right!)

Isabel is like Tess in the first season - she dreamwalks Michael and gives him the daydreams (Remember, Tess was more powerful because she was taught to strengthen her powers by Nasesco so it's the same for Isabel) and she tries to make Max and Tess have the dreams of them having a baby but it doesn't work because when Tess was younger, she put a block up on hers and Max's mind (She's forgotten she has done this and hadn't done it to Michael because it was before they found him again).

Everything in Season 1, after Crazy - like Isabel coming to Roswell, Toloposky coming back, Naesco kidnapping Liz and Max getting captured by the F.B.I.

They get the message, Tess and Max laugh off the idea of being together because they grew up together and saw each other like brothers and sisters and were perfectly happy with the people they were with so Max stays with Liz and Tess with Alex (Much to the annoyance of Naseco and Isabel) Michael has broken up with Maria and isn't sure about being with Isabel yet.

Season 2 is all the same except future Michael comes back to Roswell and tells Maria about the 'future' so she pretends to sleep with Kyle(her and Kyle became good friends over the summer when Kyle got over the whole alien things and due to Michael pushing Maria away). Michael turns to Isabel.

Right here it goes, it is up to you if Isabel is doing the 'deal' like Tess did, you can get her to kill someone - Alex or Kyle.

Maria and Kyle can get together if you want them to, you can make it that they got close after the whole future Michael thing they started dating (Liz has no problem with this because she sees that Kyle makes Maria happy and that was all she wanted, to see her best friend happy).

If Isabel is going to go through with the deal - she'll have to get pregnant and find a way to leave Earth. If someone dies, (Alex) Tess, Liz and then later Max helps Liz to investigate and they find the decoding. (Kyle) Maria, Liz and then later Max helps Liz to investiagte and find the decoding.

If Alex is still alive, Tess must want to stay behind on Earth.

If Alex is dead, Max must be the one who wants to stay behind on Earth, both, Max and Tess must fight Michael and Isabel about going home.

Max, must, at least tell Michael off for being so stupid and selfish and Tess must at least use her powers on either Isabel or Michael.

Liz, Maria and whoever is still alive must be furious that Isabel is pregnant but at the same time accept that there is nothing they can do and try and let their love ones go. Then Liz finds out the whole secret, if Kyle was killed - it was Jim who carried the body, if it was Alex, then it was Kyle.

After that, it's up to you how Michael tried to find his son, If Kyle died, Maria can get together with Michael if you want her to, if Alex is dead, she can break up with Kyle and still get together with Michael or stays with Kyle.

When Isabel comes back - If Alex was the one killed - Tess is to blast her. If it was Kyle - Liz is to blast her, Tess was visiting because Max asked her to come to see him and sees Isabel. Liz, it was so that he and Liz could finish their making out.

If Isabel is not going to go through with the deal, it is up to you how everything goes.

Max and Liz MUST be together in this story - no pairing them off and Sean can come in if you want him too but he and Liz must NOT have an interest in each other, set Sean up with someone else instead.

Sorry that's long, i was going to try it but i wanted to see if someone else could take it up.
Last edited by Bubblegal on Wed May 10, 2006 8:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
Dani's fics

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Post by Zanity »

I Like #51. If I had time I'd take it but sadly I'm having enough trouble keeping updates on the fics I already have. I hope someone else takes it though.
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Post by Lillie »

#51 sounds like it could be very interesting to read.

Challenge 52

I was watching TV the other night and there was this movie called Mystery Date on, and I thought that it would be so interesting if the premise had Alex and Isabel in it.

Alex is kinda nerdy, and with the help of his older brother and sister, they get him a date with Isabel Evans. Alex is determined to make this the best date that Isabel will ever have. He goes out and gets a makeover and plans to dazzle her. Well, nothing goes right on the date. Some people mistake him for his older brother, who is not always on the right side of the law.

--- This is really just supposed to be a funny story. With pretty much Alex and Isabel being the only couple.
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Post by killjoy »


M/L,since the story is AU you can bring in anyone else you want.But it would be nice if we could also have M/M,A/I and K/T.

Rating: whatever you feel comfortable with.

Max is still an alien but doesn't live in Roswell.But while on a cross country trip he was passing through and stopped at the Crashdown the day of the shooting.

After healing a passed out Liz (we are going to make the assumption that Max doesn't have to be looking at you when he heals you) Max notices that neither she or anyone else saw him. So he quickly goes out the back door and gets the hell out of town.

But unknown to Max his healing of Liz has opened a connection between the two. And so for the next two years Liz begins to have dreams about stars, strange galaxies and planets.Not to mention a handsome young man who seems to make an appearance in all of her dreams.

Now guess Liz's shock when she goes to college on the East Coast and while hurriedly on her way to class she runs, literally, into the man of her dreams.
Last edited by killjoy on Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Luzser1800 »

Ooohh, #53 looks really good!
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