The Beauty Of Treason (rated mature) *RECASTING*

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Post by Loxyanissa14 »


As soon as Vayla had left, I soon wish she had stayed. The earth sky turns a weird blue/black color and small silver stars appear every where. Leelynn and I found some thing else to fight about, it ended with a few hours in silence around a fire we have made in a small cave.

Leelynn claims it is around 4:00 am, what ever this is suppose to mean to me I have no clue but I nod any way not wanting Leelynn to think he knows more than I do. I begin to study the fire. The flames dance across the wood as if they are performing. I watch as the flames begin to take different shapes.

One is a man in a tux and the other is a girl with long flowing hair and a ball gown. I look up at Leelynn, who had placed his hand over the fire and saw a grin cross over his lips. He looked back down at the fire and so did I. The figures began to dance. First the boy bowed deeply to the girl and the girl returned the bow with a curtsy. Then they began to dance. The girls dress flowing around her feet as the boy twirled her around. When the dance ended, the boy kissed the girls hand. Leelynn removed his hand and took his seat on his side of the fire.

This is how Kyria had first met Leelynn. He had been the son of one of the soldiers of the Antarian army. Leelynn has always been a trouble maker. On the night he met Kyria he had been in the Antarian courtyard reserved for the soldiers. Leelynn had been young and Kyria even younger. Leelynn had been entertaining a group of soldiers for money. Leelynn's powers allowed him to create and manipulate fire, he played with a flute for music Leelynn was his own personal theater. On this particular night Kyria had snuck out of the castle dragging a complaining Zan along with her.

Kyria had seen a large crowd and quickly made her way to the excitement of the flaming characters. When Kyria had seen Leelynn she was amazed by his powers and soon a friendship began between the two which Zan was glad of since now Kyria would have a mischief lover just as her self to accompany her when ever she felt the need to be bad.

Kyria shook her head clearing the memory from her mind. She looked up to find Leelynn staring at her.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


The door flies open and a positvely seething Michael enters ,and if he didn't look so sexy mad I'd probably be alarmed. However be that as it may he seems in no mood to mess around. “Oh no. You can’t just lay all of this on me and then walk out. This is ridiculous. You are like having a bi-polar child." Well here come the insults!"One minute you want one thing and the next you want another. I am trying to help me and my family survive. To live a life I have always wanted. I have to work and worry about Max and Isabel and make sure you are happy and that you know I care about you. HOW DARE YOU say that I don’t care about you."

Max and Isabel don't need him to protect them they've got themselves pretty much looked after so why does he feel the need to play guardian? Also how am I supposed to know he cares about me when he doesn't even want to come home at night? That's a clear indication that something's wrong in a relationship when you suddenly don't want to see each other anymore. Am I wrong? "You don’t get to end this when you are the reason things are this way." Ah so there's the blame. I was wondering if we were going to get to that. Time to point fingers and associate who did what to whom and why.

"I guess we can’t be together since FYI to me ‘ I don’t love you’. If you want something MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND!” He stops as if suddenly realzing we are not the only people who live in this God forsaken hell hole and he looks around before storming out. Should I follow him? If I do there will probably be more yelling ,and Liz has already got pissed at me once today for making too much noise. Might as well. Their all awake now due to Michael's highly impressive vocal range.

I reach the door way just as he gets to the Vodka. Well, at least we both want the same drink.“Damn it!” he growls as he accidently shatters his glass. Holding my hands up in the air as if to prove that I am indeed un armed I walk over to the kitchen and take out two glasses. Setting one before him and one in front of me I pour his and then mine. (Okay so mine may have a smidge more in it ,but it's justified) Taking a big drink I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I say anything. "Michael, I know what I want. There's never been a question of that." I start while beginning to pick up broken pieces of glass.

" Every since that night in the hotel room I've always wanted you. The thing is... when we broke up... It was because I didn't want to want you that immensely. It scared me that I depended on you. I've never been good at needing people ,because I always thought that they would end up leaving me in the end. My Father, Alex, and then you." I place some of the bigger pieces of glass in the trash and then I begin collecting the smaller pieces. "But you didn't leave you stayed, and then things got complicated. Billy showed up and said that you were holding me back and I told him he was wrong. That got me to thinking.

You weren't keeping me from my dreams ,but I was. I was hiding a part of myself locked away because I was comfortable just being with you, but then he kissed me and everything got jumbled."
Okay, he doesn't look so good so I better breeze through this part. "It's not that I wanted him. I didn't. That part was simple. He wasn't you. But that kiss woke up something that had lay dormant inside of me for so long. Fear. Fear of having regrets. My mother had many aspirations in her youth. She wanted to graduate from college, fall in love with her soul mate, have children, and a respected career."

Unable to stifle a chuckle I continue,"Granted she also wanted to do tour with Prince but let's just focus on her first dream. She had to give up college because she got pregnant with me ,and her Soul mate.." I laugh bitterly. "My dead beat dad up and decided one day that he simply didn't love us anymore,and now she owns an alien memrobilla shop in the town she used to swear she was getting out of." Does he understand where I'm going with this? "I know she loves me ,but I'm sure if she could go back and change some things in her past she would. I don't want that. I don't want to look back and wonder 'what if' for the rest of my life. I had to do whatever it took to reach my dream, and I knew that with your 'Not of this Earth' status I couldn't afford to put myself in the limelight, but what did that leave me with?

Forever standing in your shadow. So I went and recorded a song I had wrote about us ,and... they turned it into a dance mix. I couldn't have something so personal and meaningful degraded like that. In that moment I relaized that even if I did make it and got the contract, the recogintion,and the fame. It wouldn't be worth it, because I couldn't share it with you.
Finding another shard of glass I lean over and grab it. "I still feel that way, but you don't. You come home every day like your walking to your jail cell. You don't want to spend time together. Let's be honest, you don't want to see me. You don't have to say it. It's written across your face every day. How do you think that makes me feel?"

The glass slices my hand and I wince slightly. Shit. Examining the gash curiously I don't even look up. "I guess some wounds just can't be healed. Can they?" I reply defeatdly not necessarily refering to my hand which has now begun to bleed profusely. :wink:
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Post by Athenea »


I finally pick on a psychic scent that is similar to Rath’s and teleport close to it. Unfortunately I teleport a little to close and end up in someone’s house, but I quickly remedy the error and am now standing outside a little house.

I walk up to the front door and bang on it hard because apparently someone is arguing on the inside and I want them to be able to hear me.
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Post by CalLen »


Maria follows after me taking out two glasses and starting again, this time a little less emotional. She pours the vodka into the glasses and I immediately pick up the glass taking it in with one breath. "Ahh..." It makes me feel relieved after this. I can still hear her talking and I turn my attention back to her. She is cleaning up the mess I made. "I still feel that way, but you don't. You come home every day like your walking to your jail cell. You don't want to spend time together. Let's be honest, you don't want to see me. You don't have to say it. It's written across your face every day. How do you think that makes me feel?"

She cuts her hand on a piece of glass and it begins to bleed. I take her hand in my looking at the deepness of her wound. I look up and into her eyes. "I guess some wounds just can't be healed. Can they?" She says taking her hand from mine.

What did she know about the way I feel. It's almost like she knows me less and less each day, "You know why I don't want to come home? I don't want to be one of those people that are in my bar. I don't want to be the boyfriend who comes home to a house where his girl is ranting on and on about something that isn't that important. And I am not saying that what you are feeling is not important, I am just saying can there be just one day when it's not all about what's next? How can we grow? How can I make us as good as Max and Liz? I don't want to be the guy that storms out of the house and straight for the nearest bar to spill my guts to some minimum wage bar tender!" I look for any type of reaction from her. "I want to come home and not have to worry about whether or not you are gonna want to sort our whole life out in one sitting. I want a girlfriend who comes to me when I get home and can just be content with laying with me in silence without having to have everything about her life spelled out for her."

I turn when I hear a knock at the door. I look at Maria before walking to the door opening it slowly. I see this beautiful girl standing at the door and I stand in silence. It is the girl who appeared before in the kitchen. I must be getting priminitions now with my growing powers. COOL. I stare at the girl trying to stifle some sort of recognition of her.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"You know why I don't want to come home?" He questions and I nod honestly wanting his answer. "I don't want to be one of those people that are in my bar. I don't want to be the boyfriend who comes home to a house where his girl is ranting on and on about something that isn't that important. And I am not saying that what you are feeling is not important, I am just saying can there be just one day when it's not all about what's next?"

I don't rant and rave every day. In fact we NEVER talk about what's wrong. If we wants to live in denial that's fine ,but he's not taking me down with him. "How can we grow? How can I make us as good as Max and Liz?" I don't want us to be like Max and Liz! I need for us to be us. I want 'My Michael' back. The man that stands before me isn't him. "I don't want to be the guy that storms out of the house and straight for the nearest bar to spill my guts to some minimum wage bar tender!"

I don't know quite what to say. It's obvious we've had our disagreements in the past, but this one seems pretty final. We're lodged in this Standstill. Both to stubburn to move forward an inch, and unwilling to let go. Somebody's got to cut the cord. "I want to come home and not have to worry about whether or not you are gonna want to sort our whole life out in one sitting. I want a girlfriend who comes to me when I get home and can just be content with laying with me in silence without having to have everything about her life spelled out for her."

That's kind of harsh ,but if that's how he truly feels then it's best that we are over. There's a loud knock on the door and my first thought is 'who the hell is up this early?' I hope we didn't wake the neighbors. We used to get complaints for our love making being too loud , and now it's our screaming fits. This is the beginning of the end. Michael throws me a cautious look before walking over to the door and slowly opening it. He looks stunned into a silent stuper. What's wrong with him? (That appears to be the question of the day.)

"Michael, who is it?" I ask worriedly a I make my way to his side. My sight reveals a fairly decent looking chick whom Michael is eyeing curiously. Looking back and forth between the two of them the irony is not lost on me. Okay, so maybe this is the end of the end.

"Are you okay? Is there something we can help you with?" I question. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by Loxyanissa14 »

Waiting on a Vayla post
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Post by POM »

Dreamer_Dreaming wrote:*Liz*

"Make love to me...hmm...I think that can be arranged." Max said smiling at me. He kisses me lightly and held me into his arms, he held me so tight and so close it felt like he was afraid to, like I was this baby that needed to be protected from the world. I kiss Max back as I look up at him.

I don’t how Max and I ever drifted apart so quickly, but I do hope we can be close again. We have to. No I take that back. We need to. We need to make things right again for us to be happy, doesn’t that count for something.

Max and I start taking our clothes off as we through them to the floor as I looked at Max’s nude body. This only the 3rd time I saw him nude since we been married and it still makes me blush. I notice Max’s uses his powers to light the candles and I smile at that. I guess he wants make this night/morning special as well.

“You're so beautiful...I love you so much." He whispers to me and I smile at that. “I love you too” I respond back as he ran his hands over my body following by his lips. Oh God. That tickles.

As soon as I look up at Max I feel him inside of me. He moans out my name as he rides me. Oh God. Yes. Max and I try not make a sound, we don’t know if the others are sleeping or not and if they are. I assure you I don’t want them to hear us making love to each other.

“Oh, god Liz..." he moans out my name. I ran my fingers through his hair. “Yes Max….ah Max…” I said as quiet as I can be.

Last time Max and I had sex was when everyone was out looking for jobs and Max and I were at home, alone. We were bored and trying to find something to do. So yeah imagine that two newly wed couple celebrating their marriage. Let’s just say it wasn’t rated PG 13.

I pulled my hands away from Max’s hair and wrap my arms around his strong manly shoulders and bring him more closely to me. I felt Max inside me where it felt so good to share the man I love the love I have for him. “Hmmm” I moan softly loving feeling I am feeling..

If I didn’t know any better I’ll say we were making a baby. :wink:


Just feeling her, and having her close to me, bring out more emotions than anything. When I got home tonight this was the last thing I expected to happen. I let my urges take over me, my needs cosume my head--while my heart bursts at the seems. The pure joy and excitment of it all, is overwhelming. I knew I love Liz with all my heart but I didn't know that she could have so much control over me. In a way, I am thankful--I know that I am home, and I'm happy. She completes that side of me that i've always wanted and known to be true.

"Liz, Baby....I love you so much..." I whisper to her and my lips caress her body, massaging her breasts and kissing every part of her that I can touch.

I feel bursts of energy as I continue thrusting into her, I try and calm her cries with my lips as I continue to her her, but my panting is well heard and it's hard to cover it.

This love making is unlike anything before--So much wanting, touching, caressing, kissing, holding, rubbing, it's almost as if we are making love for the first time. As much as I want to take my time and love her for the queen that she is, I can't stop the sudden movements that keep increasing.

"I'm coming..." I call out, what it slipped.

"Lizzzz..." I moaned out as I climaxed, but still pumped into her as she cried a short while later. I looked down at her with love bursting in my eyes and kissed her.

"I love Liz, I'll love you forever." I promised her.
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Post by Athenea »


"Are you okay? Is there something we can help you with?" the little blonde human girl asks me but I continue staring at Rath. He doesn't look the same but I recognise his aura immediately.

"My Lord." I say. "I must speak with you and King Zan immediately."
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Post by CalLen »


I look into this girls eyes and everything melts away. I feel like there's no one else around us but us. Maria and the argument and everything is..... gone.

It is quickly forgotten when Maria makes her way to my side. Figures...she can't even let me answer the door myself. I am feeling so annoyed at this moment and how she just decides to step in. I care so deeply for her, but it is going to take a lot to repair this and I am not sure we are emotionally able at this moment.

I bring my mind back down to the girl that stands at the door. Maria questions her, "Are you okay? Is there something we can help you with?"
The girl seems as if she is also in a trance.

"My Lord. I must speak with you and King Zan immediately." she speaks and my mouth goes dry. How could she have found us. She's obviously alien or why else would she know of me and 'King Zan'. "What did you say?" I ask her pulling her into the house looking around the outside area around the house. No one is with her. Without waiting for her response I shut the door and hurry to Max and Liz's room. I bang on the door, "Max, get up we have a problem!!"
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


"Liz, Baby....I love you so much..." I heard Max said as her run his soft beautiful lips over my body. He goes to my breast as he starts sucking every inch of it. He making me feel things I never felt before…well I never felt before Max. I moan out loud as the over excitement takes over my body as Max touches me places I never knew he that he could.

I hear him moan out loud and to my excitement I smile. I kiss his lips as I held onto him. I don’t want to let go of him. I don’t this feeling to ever end. I want it to be like this for a lifetime.

"I'm coming..." I heard Max called out as he still rides me. I lean my head back taking in the feeling… “Ah….” I moan out loud closing my eyes. “Lizzzz..." Max moans out my name. I never knew love of a man can ever be this nice and sweet and at the time make my heart aches for more, just for one touch, one kiss, and one love for the man I love.

"I love you Liz, I'll love you forever." He tells me and I smiles. “I love you too.”

Later on that night Max and I feel asleep in each other arms. I rested my head over his chest as listen to his heart beating. Soon I was pulled in my little dream world.

I see a girl that I been seeing for months now. She is sitting in a cave as I look at her carefully. She had long brown hair and big brown eyes. Her actions are so much like Max. I looked at her as she stares right back at me. Wait is she really looking at me? I looked back at her as she still looking at me. “I’m coming…” she states.

I jump up out of my sleep as I heard Michael’s voice. "Max, get up we have a problem!!" I jump up out of bed and pull on my night grown. I then pulled my robe on. “What’s going on” I ask Max as he get dress himself.
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