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Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:19 am
by killjoy
When people put politics into their fanficiton story.

Yes I know that writing fanfiction is a way to express yourself but there is nothing I hate more than to be reading a story and have a political ideal thrown in my face.Especially when someone uses their story to promote their agenda over all others (even if I actually believe in the samething). Pro this, anti that, all of it gets on my nerves.

How about a good fanficton story that leaves your and mine political beliefs out of it.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 6:11 am
by Flamehair
Dog owners :twisted: - espacially one of my neighbours. Because of them we had to make a fence around our property - they let their dogs run around free and often we had dogsh... in our garden. And they hunt our cats - today when I yelled at the dog because of that she (the owner) even started to get cheeky.

Beeing a wicca myself I see your problem - wouldn't it be a possibility that you don't join your family at the christian holidays?

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:57 am
by dreamer19
1.I see in the earlier posts people are sick of Paris Hilton and I am too, but I think Nicole Ritchie is worse.
2. I am fed up with snobbish people. I mean when you are standing right next to them and they look you up and down and you know they are thinking that you are trash or something.
3. I'm sick of getting emails from people that want to transfer money into my bank.
4. I'm sick of having penpals that never write back.
5. I'm sick of this manager at work, who is only 18 or 19, who thinks he is God. I am also sick of the 14-year-olds I have to work.
6. I'm sick of always having to do dishes

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:16 am
by Morning Dreamgirl
I have to agree... I hate doing dishes!


And I had to handwash over 200 pieces of china last night...

I've decided that's why no one ever uses them. It's not because they're afraid they'll get chipped or broken, or any of those other lies they tell you.

It's because they don't want to have to rinse them off and then put them all into the dish washer for four freakin' hours in a row... or worse yet handwash all of them like I did! (Because we just had to have the more delicate set that could not be put in the dishwasher... :roll: )

I counted four cuts on my left hand alone (that I know of so far)... others have ways of appearing later on... :roll:

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 4:58 am
by dreamer19
Oh one more thing, I am so sick and fed up with Girls Gone Wild infomercials. I mean it's like on every channel. I come home from work late at night and that's all I see. It's disgusting.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:26 am
by KarenEvans
dreamer19,ITA with your point about being fed up of penpals who aren't really interested in being penpals.I have three but only one writes back to me every 1-2 months.
I hate stupid little boys who throw stones are stray dogs and cats aimlessly and get kicks out of it.Even when I yell at them they look at me like I am insane.Idiots!

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:37 am
by kerri240879
washing bottles every day...

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:36 pm
by WomanofMystery
Flamehair wrote:@WomanofMystery
Beeing a wicca myself I see your problem - wouldn't it be a possibility that you don't join your family at the christian holidays?
At the moment I'm still living at home and I have to have meals with everyone during the holidays because it's a 'family' occasion and I'll upset my parents if I'm not there but once I move out I won't be joining my family during the holidays.
Do you have this problem with your family or friends?

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:13 pm
by Zanity
I'm fed up with them being called Christian Holidays. While in a technical sense it is true that the Holidays have a partially Christian origin. They are also of pagan origin. The holidays we ended up with are a result of a Roman emperor combining The Holy Days of all the religions is his empire into one set of holy days.

What we call Christmas, and the christian part is celebrating the birth of Christ which BTW was no where near December 25, is also the combining of the Winter Solstice celebrations as well as celebrating of the birthdays of the various sun gods.

Easter, supposedly celebrating the resurrection of Christ, was combined with a festival worshipping their fertility goddess -- hence the bunnies and the eggs.

Halloween originates with the Druids.

Valentines day claims no Biblical origin and is involved with Cupid a greek god who was the child of the love goddess Aphrodite.

And Thanksgiving is the most Christian of our holidays, but It is more accurately and American Holiday it being established by a series of proclamations by presidents and congresses as... "a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favours of Almighty God." And that can be interpreted to be compatible with a great many religions.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:40 pm
by Tinkerbell_Luvs_Roswell
I just found this and I fill the need to rant so here goes...

I am sick of all the snobby people who come into my work thinking their all that and rich when they are really not and they treat you like crap because you are lower then them.

I am sick of annoying people in class who feel the need to be loud, talk constantly and never leave you alone. For Christ sake I am trying to learn.

I am tried of my mom telling me how to live my life. She sits there and tells me about all the regrets she made in life and says that I shouldn't do them because she regrets them. For example my mom got married to my dad at eighteen and they divorced when she was twenty one. She consently nags me because me and my boyfriend have been dating for two years and she thinks I am to young to be serious. Yes I agree that I am to young for marriage, but if I am happy with my boyfriend leave me be. Let me make mistakes and have regrets that's life.

I sick of paying almost thirty dollars in gas when I only have a ten gallon tank! Also sick of Sprint ripping my off. Every month my bill just keeps getting higher for some unknow reason.

I think that's it. Wow that is very theruaputic (s/p)