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Post by KarenEvans »


"I'm fine thank you,Alexander." I reply with a smile as I head in to the stabe to get Starlight,"I'm just going to head over to see if Milly needs anyhting for the delivery."
"I trust that everything went well today,in the fields and that the labour is happy and content."
As I speak I put the saddle on my mare and then rub her neck and offer her a carrot,softly cooing to her.

Post by POM »

[OCC: I don't get it... is it day or night? :lol: ]
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Post by Zansgirl »

(ooc: POM it is night, we skipped far ahead beacause other wise, the vampire would be in bed all day. :lol: )


"Liz, perhaps we shouldn't be snooping." Maria says and she is right, but I wouldn't call this snooping. I'm simply reading a book....Out of the Masters personal collection, yes, but it shouldn't be called snooping. I look to Maria and she's is fixed to the worn out book.

"Ohh look at this." She says and I look back to the book and tilt my head to look at the Page that reads 'Sires' and has a beautiful picture of a man and woman. The man was wrapped around the woman with his mouth attached to her neck and she wore an expression on her face that simply told she enjoyed the pleasure given to her. I've never seen something so....intriging.

"Wow." I hear the word escape maria's mouth and it startles me, for we were in complete silence, I nod my head. Yes, 'wow' was the right word, for any other word would not fit.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


Liz simply nods in agreement. She seems in awe of her unexpected find ,and I read along with her as it describes in vivid detail the process of becoming a vampyr. First 'The Damned' drains the participant until almost loss of life and then cuts themselves feeding the willing from their own blood. The Elixer of Imortality. I ponder over the instructions curiously. It seems to me to be a whole big sucking thing. I wonder if it hurts. From the look on the ladies face it seems quite the opposite. As if she is recieving extreme pleasure from the act itself.

"Liz, this can't be real. Can it?" I inquire studying the alluring picture with great interest.


"I'm fine thank you, Alexander." She answers with a polite smile. She makes her way directly ot Starlight. "I'm just going to head over to see if Milly needs anything for the delivery." I nod in understanding as she continues, "I trust that everything went well today,in the fields and that the labour is happy and content." I watch as she places the saddle over the horse and rubs her neck affectionately before bestwoing upon her a carrot.

"Yes Ma 'am." I reply shifting so that I can too stroke the prized mare lovingly. "The worker have no reason to be unhappy. We are very grateful to be here." I raise my eyes to meet hers as my hand accidently brushes up against hers. My breath catches in my throat at the forbidden touch. She is sure to ignore it. I don't know which would hurt more. Being acknowledged and berated or to be completely ignored all together. It seems I can't win either way. :wink:
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Post by KarenEvans »


"The workers have no reason to be unhappy. We are very grateful to be here." he replies in response to my question and I smile at him appreciatively
"We are the ones who are grateful Alexander...my brothers and I know how hard everyone works and we appreciate it especially since we leave so much of the overseeing to you."

I continue rubbing Starlight's neck and she snorts in affection.His hand brushes mine and I don't really mind though many would consider it inappropriate for a a hired hand to touch the lady of the house.
But then again,my brothers and I aren't exactly a part of normal day to day society and we frankly couldn't care less for the rules of decorum.

"Would you like to accompany me on horseback to Milly's?" I question him as I prepare to mount the mare "You could fill me in on what's been happening on the plantation and then that way I dont' have to go over those boring account books which Michael pours himself over every night."

I wait for his answer as I seat myself in the saddle,looking down at him.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


I am pleasantly surprised when she questions,"Would you like to accompany me on horseback to Milly's?" She steads herself before continuing. "You could fill me in on what's been happening on the plantation and then that way I dont' have to go over those boring account books which Michael pours himself over every night." She pauses momentarily as she waits for my answer. Standing straighter I answer, "Of course my lady."

This is strickly business I remind myself. She wants to discuss matters of the plantation and avoid having to mull over tedious financhial accounts with her brothers. That's it. Placing a saddle around 'Destiny' our newest mare I prepare to leave. Once everything is in the proper order I mount and offer Isabel a warm smile. "Ladies first." I nod politely. :wink:
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Post by KarenEvans »


I smiled at him and led the way out,we'd have to go across the property to reach Milly's quarters and it would take us a good ten to fifteen minutes if we just trotted along.

I decide to be bold and strike up a conversation,"So Alexander,I hear you are very very friendly with Maria and Elizabeth.Which one is it that you are in love with?" I ask teasingly

Not being part of a regular society does have it's advantages.Most women of my station would be horrified to know that I am out riding at night with the overseer,unchaperoned. But I really don't care.
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Post by Zansgirl »


"Liz, this can't be real. Can it?" She askes and the only thought that comes to mind is, "I don't know." I say looking at the picture and at the words which tell its story.

"I just don't know, Maria." I say turning the page and reading on. How could this be real? Something that lives by night and sleeps by day. Something that drinks blood to live. How could it?
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


We trod along in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes just enjoying the quiet night and it's stillness. "So Alexander,I hear you are very very friendly with Maria and Elizabeth. Which one is it that you are in love with?" She questions in a teasing tone leaving me to blush profusely. "Neither Ma'am." I assure her nervously. "We are all close friends ,but nothing more." I reply in good humor. "I'm sure you have several suitors at your beck and call. Why haven't you settled on one?" I inquire attempting to hide my interest in vain. :wink:


"I don't know." Liz says almost shell shocked. "I just don't know, Maria." She replies changing the page. We both read each and every syllable hanging on to ever word. I find myself immensely passionate about this whole culture of people I never knew existed. These people fear only the sun. They will never know the uncertainty of death for they are beyond that. The undead. I wonder what it would be like. "Wow." I hear myself muttering before the door opens.

Uh Oh. We've been caught, but by whom. I look up to meet the cold eyes of someone who had not expected to see us here. "Oh Sir we can explain." I assure the figure making his way towards us. Turning to Liz I wait to see if she has a brilliant excuse before opening my mouth. :wink:
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Post by KarenEvans »


"We are all close friends ,but nothing more.",he replies hastily and I chuckle but wonder hwy netiher of those two girls have got their hooks in to him yet.He seems very stable and hard working,he'd make a good husband.

"I'm sure you have several suitors at your beck and call. Why haven't you settled on one?",comes his sudden question

"Well...I don't think the sort of life I lead would suit marriage.WHomever I marry would have to be ready to accept my way of life,whihc as you know is,sleep by day and work by night.Also since that is the routine I follow I dont' get to meet many of the young men of our county."

There...that was a good answer.Won't make him suspicious.Gosh if he only knew the truth,he'd run screaming.Marriage and me!!!Hah...what a laugh!The man will have to be a saint to want to marry a creature of the night like me.

"Besides,I don't think I could ever leave Balmoral.I grew up on this property.Any man who wants to marry me will have to come live here and since that is my condition it's hardly likely I will find a man.I'm sure you haven't heard of any men who go and live on their wives plantations,that too ones they share with their brothers."
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