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Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:51 am
by FaithfulAngel24

"Alex." My best friend. My lover. My wife calls to me. I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room expecting the worse. She stands still and I can tell the events of the day have drained her. Making my way to her I envelope her in a protective embrace. "Is everything okay? Are you...Is the baby?" I stammer before placing my hand over her swelled abdomen. For the first time in a long time I allow tears of relief to cascade down my cheeks.

"I was so worried." I admit while pulling her closer as if to assure myself that she is in fact real. "I was afraid you would never come back to me." The realization of what I could have lost hits me like a rock. What if one day she goes of to fight demons and never returns? How will I go on? Is this how it's always going to be?Swallowing harshly I do my best to pick up the pieces. "The fire went out." I reference my tortured home. :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 6:02 am
by FaithfulAngel24

Isabel responds automatically, "It was nothing. She saved my life after all and my baby's. It's the least I could do." She‘s so strong and brave. I envy her for that. I watch as she looks around anxiously as if she‘s about ready to jump out of her skin. "I have to get back to Alex." She reveals quickly."If you need me have Michael call me, though I think Sebastian is done for tonight." Liz nods in agreement and takes my hand. Isabel shimmers out and I spend the moment gazing down at my sister in awe and disbelief.

She was almost taken from me. How could I let it get that close? "M...Max?" She whispers worriedly before desperately surveying the area. "Max!” She screams her weak voice filled with both fear and hope. I’m just about to offer helping her look for him when I get the oddest feeling come over me. All at once I feel scorching hot and then immediately freezing cold. What’s happening to me? Perhaps I am channeling Liz’s emotion. I reason with myself.

After all I’m an Empath and we are extremely close. Still this doesn’t feel like a mystical pull. More like a physical one. My body feels entirely give out. The world begins to dim and before I can warn the others I feel my body crumble to the floor. Well, that’s just great. I tell you… If you ever get a chance to faint…pass on that. :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 6:09 am
by FaithfulAngel24
Lizzie_Parker17 & Alizaleven

Welcome to Practical Enchantment!!!

We are absolutely thrilled to have you here. :wink:

I know you will bring life and vitality to your characters in such a way that is awe inspring.

Thank you, and I hope you will join us in creating another nine threads. LOL :lol:

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 6:17 am
by madroswellfan
When I'm looking around, the only thing thats keeping me upright right now starts to feel... uneasy. I look round at Maria to see her crumble to the floor. Instantly, I'm on the floor too...whether that be because I'm weak or because I want Maria to be ok, I don't know. Either way, I'm there.

"Maria!" I say as loud as I can through my weakened state. "Maria...Maria please...." I croak out as I try to check her pulse. "Maria p...please don't... I need you Maria... please wake up..."
Where is Max? Where is he?! Why isnt he helping Maria?! "Maria please..."
My head tells me Max is gone. That he would be here if he wasn't. And therefore I didn't save him. "Maria please...I can't.... I can't loose you too...Maria wake up damn it!!!!" I say angrily, desperate for her to wake up, tears flowing down my face. "I need my sister now...please Maria!"

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:44 am
by KarenEvans

"Is everything okay? Are you...Is the baby?" I put my arms around him as he touches my belly and I rest my forehead on his shoulder and breathe deeply,drinking in his warm comforting scent.As if knowing that her father is close by,the baby kicks and I gasp and put my hand over Alex's and lift my head to smile at him and then notice the tears on his cheeks "Shhh...everything's going to be okay my love."

"I was so worried." I feel a slight twinge of guilt,for making him worry "I was afraid you would never come back to me." Hugging him tightly I bury my face against his neck,all of a sudden very tired after the long day we've had.It almost feels like I've lived an entire lifetime in one day. "Nothing can keep me away from you Alex.You're my husband and the father of my child,our child."

"The fire went out." I had nearly forgotten about his house. "Is it bad or can something be salvaged?" I ask after lifting my head and looking at him intently "We need a place to live Alex...soon." Letting go of him I slump down on to the sofa holding my tummy "I think another two weeks and she'll be here." I let out a tired sigh "We can go back to my apartment for tonight."

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:11 am
by FaithfulAngel24

My wife‘s beautiful eyes open wide as she questions adamantly. "Is it bad or can something be salvaged?" I am touched by her thoughtfulness. The loss of my childhood home is a hit I never expected to have to take. I guess I just always expected it to be there and now that it is gone I feel lost. "We need a place to live Alex...soon." Isabel states and I know she speaks the truth but what can I do about it?

It’s gone. Bitterness twinges my features but I push it down. There’s no time for that. Hurting won’t help. Isabel releases me and eases down onto the sofa with a protective hand over her protruding belly. "I think another two weeks and she'll be here." That soon?! I’m not ready! I haven’t prepared. We haven’t been to any of those uh breathing classes where they teach you how to huff and puff and blow the house dow…wrong story. LOL. My blonde goddess lets out a tired sigh and immediately I feel guilty.

She’s been out saving the world while very pregnant with my child and what have I been doing? I was eating a sandwich when she got home. That’s helpful. "We can go back to my apartment for tonight." She offers And I give her a forced smile. “That will work for tonight.” Sitting down next to her I am careful not to jar my precious girl. “Tomorrow I’ll have some contractors come out and check for smoke damage. There will be a lot of it.” I will not dwell on the past. Instead I am focusing on the future. Our future. :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:16 am
by FaithfulAngel24

I wake to a frantic Liz shaking me avidly. Whoa the earth is spinning! So not good. "Lizzie." I mumble weakly. "It's okay. I'm okay. I think I just had a fainting spell or something. It's fine." I reassure her even though my head is trobbing in defiance. "It was probably just from the excitment of the days event. Time traveling can do strange things to you." I attempt to joke. "The important thing is how do you feel? You just fell several stories. You must be a bit winded." I slightly giggle feeling my strength returning. :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:22 am
by madroswellfan
I sigh in relief that she's awake. Thank the heavens...
"It's okay. I'm okay. I think I just had a fainting spell or something. It's fine." she mumbles.

I nod and start looking around frantically once more. Where is Max?! My heart tells me he's ok... that he HAS to be ok.... but my head is saying I killed him. I could have saved him...and didn't. I vaguely hear Maria say something to me. "I'm fine" I say quickly still looking around.

I look back at Maria desperately and grab her hand, forgetting that the engagement ring is pressing into her hand. "Can you feel him?" I ask her desperately. "Is he in pain? Is he ok?" I Say rather quickly. I know I'm shaking but I need to know RIGHT NOW that he's ok... I just let him in... I can't lose him now. "Please he ok?" I ask again.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:31 am
by KarenEvans

I know that Alex is probably freaking out at the prospect of being a father in two weeks, I can see panic written all over his normally calm features. Normal human pregnancies take nine months but I am neither human nor is this a normal pregnancy.

"Alex stop freaking out." I tell and reach for his hand "I know two weeks is soon and I'm not very big right now but I am a demon remember" I cringe when I say that,I hate it "and well we have really fast pregnancies.But don't worry, I know you'll do fine, you'll be wonderful with her."

“Tomorrow I’ll have some contractors come out and check for smoke damage. There will be a lot of it.”
"I know but it will be nice if they can rebuild it. It'll be a pity if the baby can't see where you grew up. I want to lie down. Shall I take us back to my apartment?"

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:01 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Isabel flashes me a supportive smile before commenting, “I know but it will be nice if they can rebuild it. It'll be a pity if the baby can't see where you grew up. I want to lie down. Shall I take us back to my apartment?" I nod wanting her to get some rest. It’s been a very trying day. “Sure. I think we both deserve a nap.” I carefully take her hand in mine. “Don’t worry, Iz. Our daughter will grow up in a house full of love. That’s all that really matters.” I bring her hand to my lips and gently kiss her palm tentatively.