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Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:27 pm
by Roslover39
On Antar:
Liz and Zan made it back to the palace. He was glad to be back home because he had unfinished business to attend to. The first thing he did after settling in was arrange to have a heart to heart with everyone in the solarium.
After thanking everyone for coming, he started purging himself of the guilt he had for treating everyone in that room horribly at one time or another. He begins with his mother,
"Mother, I know I apologized to you in private for all the hurt and embarrassment I caused you and the family. Now I want to do it publicly. I am so sorry for the things I said and the things I did to you. I can't take back those things but I can and I will try to make it up to you by striving to be the best son I can be for you."

"Oh darling, I couldn't be prouder of you. You've changed and it's wonderful."

"Thank you Mother. I had to come out of myself and begin to embrace my family. Max and Isabel, I thank you two for accepting me and I'm so sorry for all that I said or did to hurt or embarrass you."

Isabel tells her brother,
"I was hoping that we could get along on some level. I'm glad things have worked out the way they have."

Max adds,
"Yes, it's great being able to get to know you. I wanted to do that from the first day you arrived here. I felt a strange connection to something or someone before you arrived but I had no idea what it was. Now I know it was because I have a twin brother. I look forward to getting to know you much better."

"I'm looking forward to that too Max."

Zan smiles and moves the conversation on.
"Liz, what can I say. I totally disrespected you in the name of wanting you. Words can not express how awful I feel about that." He walks over to her.

"Zan, all is forgiven. I'm just glad that you want to know us and get along with us." Thank you for your graciousness Liz.

Then he turns his attention to Maria.
"Maria, I want to apologize for anything I could have did or said to make you feel uncomfortable."

Maria smiles and shakes her head,
"You never did anything bad to me Dude. It's like we always understood each other. I gotta say that I wanted to beat you down every time you acted an ass. But other than that, I've always liked you."

"Well thank goodness for that!"Zan winks at Maria and then his attention to Michael. He takes a deep breath before going over to him. With a expression full of regret he conveys,
"Michael, we haven't been able to got along from day one. I apologize for my part in that. I would like to start fresh...maybe we can be friends?"

Michael gives Zan a serious look and then looks at everyone else in the room. Then he turns his attention back to Zan to say,
"It's no secret that I hated your guts, but I had valid reasons for that. First I saw you as a smart ass who was trying to seduce the king's woman. Next, I saw you as a plant who wanted to infiltrate the royal family and replace the king. Then I saw you as a no class asshole who was going to do nothing but embarrass the royal family. By that time there was nothing I could do about you because my earlier assumptions didn't pan out. Make no mistake, my job has been and always will be to keep the royal family safe. I live to serve at the king's pleasure."

Michael stares at Zan with eyes of danger that reinforce everything that he said. Wanting to make amends, Zan tries to lighten the moment.
"Well, I hope I've proven that I don't want any harm to come to my family. Yes, I've accepted them as my family and I pledge my life to my king as well. " Zan bows in Max's direction and Max nods to him in reply.

Then he continues,
"Now, having said all that, can we work towards a peaceful coexistence here?"

Michael walks over to Zan and gives him the stern look of a soldier. Seeing that Zan won't back down or be deterred in his quest to get along with him, Michael presents his right hand.
"I think it would be good for the kingdom if we got along and I think you've proven yourself to be trustworthy. Welcome to Antar, Prince Zan!"

"Wonderful!" Zan shakes Michael's hand enthusiastically while Maria shouts,

All in the room applaud because they know they are witnessing a momentous occasion. Nobody thought that Zan and Michael would ever get along. With his conscious clear, Zan feels like he finally belongs and can play a part in this family.

The following day In Liz & Max's suite:

Liz has no idea that this is her wedding day. She's in bed taking her now usual afternoon nap when Maria and Isabel enter the bedroom. Maria tells Isabel,
"That sweet little baby has made Liz a do nothing. All she does is eat and sleep. Well she's got something to do today." She looks down on a peaceful Liz and then starts to shake her.
"Wake up sleeping beauty!"

Liz wakes up very disoriented. It takes a few seconds to get her bearings.
"What, what's going on here?"

She rolls over and opens her eyes to see her old friend smiling down at her while Isabel looks on.
"Damn it Maria, why did you wake me up?"

Being pregnant makes her very sleepy...and cranky these days. Maria scrambles for something to tell her,
"This evening, Max is throwing a special celebration in your honor. It's been in the works for some time and he's gone through a lot to make this happen."

Liz notices that Maria is holding the beautiful silk dress that she admired.

She glances at the dress, pouts, and then falls back on the bed.
"Hey, why didn't he tell me about this celebration?"

Maria tells her,
"Chica, do yourself a favor and just go with it. You'll be happy you did."
She takes her hand and pulls her up gently. Then she and Isabel get to work. After Liz takes her shower, Maria does her hair and makeup. Antar seems to have the same cosmetics that Earth does. With her work done, she gazes at Liz with a smile of satisfaction.

"Now, that's all done. Next thing you have to do is slip on the dress." Then a frown graces Maria's face when it dawns on her,
"Oh shit, if we're not careful, the dress will ruin your hair and makeup."

"Is that what you're frowning about Maria?"
Isabel chuckles, waves her hand and suddenly the dress is on Liz's body. Liz gets up off the bed and wiggles around a little in it.

Then she tells Isabel,
"I think you better let this dress out a bit in the waist and the chest."

Isabel smiles and waves her hand again.

"Whew, that feels much better!" Liz rubs on her stomach.

"Has Max said anything to you about your 'weight gain'?" Maria asks puzzled.

"Nope but I think he likes it. He's doing things he didn't do before."

Her mind seems to wander for a bit and then she comes back to the present as she laughs,
"I'm not gonna elaborate since Isabel is here. I'm sure the last thing she wants to know is what her brother likes in bed."

"Ewww thanks for sparing me that bit of embarrassment." Isabel frowns like she just sucked on a lemon and the girls laugh at her. Then Maria gets back to the business at hand.

Dress-check! </center>

After every point on Maria's checklist is scratched off, she deems Liz ready to marry her king. "Ok girlfriend, everything is ready. And may I say that you look breathtaking. Ok, I gotta go. Come to the throne room after about twenty minutes."

Maria rushes out the room leaving Liz puzzled by what is happening. Seeing that Isabel is the only other person in the room , Liz turns to her to ask,
"Isabel, will you please tell me what's going on?"

She's careful not to say too much,
"Liz, what Maria told you is the truth. Max has planned a celebration in your honor. He's waited for the right time to formally introduce you to the Antarian Aristocracy. He sent out invitations and everybody accepted. You've become the most popular person here and everyone wants to meet and speak with you."

Liz thinks about what Isabel said and starts to feel bad.
"Oh Isabel I guess I sounded like a spoiled child earlier. My hormones are making me cranky, but I'll be on my best behavior for the shindig."

"Great, ok it's time to go now."
Isabel gestures for Liz to make her way out the suite.

"Ok let's do it!" Liz picks up the dress's long train and heads for the door.

When the girls make it out to the hall, Liz is shocked to see Alex waiting there. He's dressed in an Earth style tuxedo. He bows and offers his arm to her."

"Ok Alex, what is this? I know that Max has planned a celebration for me but why are you here?"

" Max wanted me to escort you to the throne room," he replies.

Isabel can't take her eyes off her man.
"Doesn't he look handsome Liz," she asks while planting a tender kiss on his cheek. Then she waves her hand and changes into a elegant black sheath for the occasion.

"Oh yeah you both do. Wow, this must be some shindig." Liz shakes her head. Alex and Isabel give each other knowing smiles and glances."

"Ok your highness, the king and your subjects await!" Alex gestures for Liz to take his arm and the three of them make their way to the throne room.

The throne room is filled with people anticipating the appearance of their queen. When she makes it to the adjacent alcove with Alex and Isabel. She is aghast to hear what sounds like throngs of people in attendance. She's about to walk into the room when Alex stops her.
"Oh no Liz, there is a proper time when you enter the room. Maria will give us the signal."

"Oh, I was wondering where she went off to. Wait a minute, you mean to tell me I have to go through all of this for a party?"
Liz is clearly confused by what is happening.

Alex tries to make her feel more comfortable with what's going on around her.
"Remember that you're a queen now Liz. Queens never do things like normal people." Alex checks for the signal which is Maria heading to the front of the room to sing.

"Ok Liz, it's time to enter the room now."

"Finally!" Liz is ready to join the party.

Alex offers his arm again and they begin their walk to the throne room as Maria starts to sing I Don't Want To Live Without You by Foreigner without musical accompaniment. She's wearing a beautiful brown silk dress.


I find myself in a strange situation, and I don't know how
What seemed to be an infatuation, is so different now


As Maria continues to sing she thinks to herself,
Man, I wish I had the band that I sung with in college backing me up here.

I can't get by if we're not together, ooh can't you see
Girl I want you now and forever, close to me


Then out of the blue, a guitar is heard and a guy holding a guitar materializes out of thin air. Next comes the drums and a drummer. In a moment's time the whole band is assembled and accompanying her without missing a beat.

Maria turns to see what happened behind her and she recognizes the band she used to sing with. Shit, how could that have happened. The guys are bewildered too as they continue to play.

Quickly she turns back to the audience to see if anyone could have helped her but she knows that's impossible. Nobody in attendance knows her band, not even Liz. The audience thinks Maria planned for that to happen for theatrical effect. Max and the gang know the truth and are caught off guard by what they witnessed.

Michael nudges Max to say, "I guess her powers finally kicked in."

Max nods absentmindedly while never taking his eyes off Liz as she makes her way down the aisle. She glances left and right at an ocean of people watching her every move. It is then that she realizes that Max didn't plan a party but a wedding for her. She looks at Alex who smiles back at her and then turns her attention to the song that Maria is singing.


I'm longing for the time, I'm longing for the day
Hoping that you will promise to be mine, and never go away


Tears start to roll down Liz's face as she thinks about how much work went into making this day happen. Alex notices and comments,
"Wow, I never thought you to be the sentimental type."

"Me either, it must be my hormones."

That little comment went right over Alex's head. He thinks it's just a girl thing.

Liz's dress makes everyone in the room gasp with excitement.


I don't want to live without you, I don't want to live without you
I could never live without you, live without your love


When Liz reaches Max, he gets emotional from the tears he sees in her eyes. He gently wipes them, takes her hand and asks,
"What's wrong darlin, it's not what you had in mind?"

"Oh yes Max and I'm very happy. It's just the fact that you planned all this for me. The whole thing is making me so emotional."

"Baby, this is just the beginning for us!"


I don't want to live without you, I don't want to live without you
I could never live without you, live without your love
I could never live without you, live without your love
I could never live without you, live without your love.


Maria finishes her song and blows a kiss to the bride and groom. She then ushers her band to seats and takes her seat by the queen mother, Isabel, Alex and Ava who's come out of mourning early to attend her sister's wedding. She left Cryton in the capable hands of Lord Blackwood until she returns.

Although the wedding has the look and feel of an Earthly ceremony, it will be Max that will affirm his commitment to Liz. Maria helped him put together just the right words to pledge his love and fidelity. He takes a piece of paper out of his pocket and begins to tell Liz how he feels.

“My queen, from this day on, I choose you as my mate and wife. You will stand at my side and find comfort in my arms. Your love is the joy to my heart and the food for my soul. You bring out the best in me, and I will spend the rest of my life in appreciation and adoration. Everything I have and everything I am I freely give to you. You are everything to me!"

Again tears begin to well in Liz's eyes from Max's declaration of love. Max smiles down at her and squeezes her hands gently. Then the Ventrue elder that presided over Isabel and Alex's bonding ritual comes to bestow an ages old blessing on the king and queen.

<center>May your reign be long
May your counsel be wise
May your love know no end
May your union produce many heirs</center>

The elder declares that Max and Liz are bonded/husband and wife.Then Maria communicates to Michael in his mind that now is the time to hand Max what he will present to Liz. Queen of Antar. Michael nods to Maria and then passes Max the crown that Maria helped him design. Carefully he places it on Liz's head. Then both of them turn to face the audience. They in turn rise to their feet and applaud their king and queen. Zan makes his way to the front to be presented to the audience officially as Prince of Antar. While that's going on, Max and Liz are whispering to each other.

"Where is yours Max?"Liz is very surprised by the crown.

"There was no such thing as crowns here. Maria suggested that I have one made especially for you. She said something about royalty being a big deal on Earth."

Liz laughs,
"Yes that is true. You would have found out how important royalty was if you would have let people know who you really were."

Max shakes his head,
"Nobody there would have believed that I was an alien vampire prince. Remember that Earthlings were and still are very primitive in their belief that only they inhabit the universe."

Liz nods and Max bids,
"Come with me my love, the people await!"

Max and Liz make their way down the aisle and out of the throne room to the balcony. Zan with Ava and the queen mother,Michael with Maria, and Isabel with Alex bring up the rear. The attendees are ushered into the solarium for the reception.


When the royal party make it onto the balcony, they wave to the thousands of people who have gathered. That is when Maria realizes that her job is done. She can finally relax and enjoy the post wedding festivities.
Michael wraps his arms around her waist and licks her neck,
"You did good baby."

"Oh you have no idea how much I needed to hear that!"
She turns to give him a very warm kiss.

Michael reminds her,
"Oh yes I do, I can read your mind remember?"

"Good thing we can do that or you would have forgotten to give Max Liz's crown. So tell me, what's on my mind right now," Maria asks gazing into his eyes dreamily.

"I'll show you just as soon as I can get you alone."
Michael kisses her neck and she purrs her delight.

Among pomp and circumstance a servant presents the royal couple to all gathered in the solarium for the reception. They smile at each other and then to the crowd. Per Maria's instructions, Max and Liz are positioned at the door with the rest of the family. All the celebration attendees are anxious to meet their Queen Elizabeth.

"Wow Max, I had no idea that so many people would be here."

"They're here to see you my love. This is a part of your job as queen."

Max looks down at his beautiful wife and asks,
"Sure you made the right decision?"

Liz pushes him gently,
"Are you kidding? I can't see myself without you."

They share a quick kiss and continue greeting the crowd.

After what seemed like hours, the happy couple finally make it to their seats. Maria informed Michael and Zan that as best men, they are to toast the king and queen. She also helped them with just the right words. And now the time has come as she gestures that the floor is theirs.

Michael stands first with a raised glass of Antarian champagne.
"Max, you've always been my brother. I'm so happy that you've found the perfect woman for you. Liz, welcome to the family!"

All in the audience echo his sentiment. Then Zan rises to give his toast.
"Max, you're a very lucky man. You've found someone who is just as strong as she is beautiful. Liz is fearless and she has and will do whatever to protect those she loves. She's the perfect queen for Antar. I wish you both long life, love and many heirs."

Applause rings throughout the solarium. Max and Liz rises their glasses to the best men. Liz's drink is a non alcoholic Antarian elixir that she's become very fond of.

Maria did a wonderful job in showing the court chefs how to make Earth food for the reception. Isabel did a great job making the chefs receptive to making food they had never experienced before. She even talked them into making a huge cake and plenty of Vanilla ice cream.

Maria had to explain the concept of refrigeration to Isabel so she could whip up a freezer to preserve the confections until the big day. Not wanting to embarrass or insult the guests, she made sure that Antarian food was available for all who didn't want to try 'foreign food.'

After dinner is served, Maria and her band serenades the happy couple. Liz then notices Ava,
I'm going to speak to her."

"Ok my love."

She goes over to Ava who is seating with Zan and gives her a warm hug.
"Thanks for coming, it means a lot to have you here today."

Ava replies,
"I'm glad that you and Zan wanted me to come. Congratulations and much happiness to you and Max."

"Thank you. Um Zan, can I talk to Ava alone for a minute?"

"Sure Liz, it's your day." Zan kisses Ava on her cheek and goes over to his mother.

Liz asks,
"So, what's gonna happen with you and Zan?"

Ava replies,
"I love him and see myself with him but, do you think he wants to be with me? I mean he just found his family not too long ago. If he bonds with me, Cryton will be his home and he'll be my co-regent. I'm not sure
that he is ready to take on such responsibility."

Liz rubs her sister's shoulder,
"Ava, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Oh, It's something I gotta do, I'll see you later."

Liz and Ava kiss each other and Liz leaves the table as Zan comes back. Ava stares lovingly at Zan and he asks,

"I love you!"

"I love you too." Zan kisses Ava sweetly on the lips.

Liz rushes over to Maria in need of her help. She whispers in her ear and then Maria gets to work honoring her wish.

Maria makes an announcement at the front of the solarium,
"Lords, ladies and gentlemen, Queen Elizabeth has something very special prepared for the king. Your highness."

Liz remembered the song that played in Max's house the first time they made love. She positions herself in front of Maria's band who is ready to play.

Crash Into Me by Dave Mathews band

You"ve got your ball
You've got your chain
Tied to me tight
Tie me up again
Who's got their claws in you my friend
Into your heart I'll beat again
Sweet like candy to my soul
Sweet you rock and sweet you roll
Lost for you I'm so lost for you
You come crash into me
And I come into you, I come into you
In a girl's dream, in a girl's dream

Touch your lips just so I know
In your eyes, love, it glows so
I'm bare-boned and crazy for you
When you come crash into me, baby
And I come into you
In a girl's dream, in a girl's dream
If I've gone overboard
Then I'm begging you
To forgive me in my haste
When I'm holding you so ...
Close to me
Oh and you come crash into me, baby
And I come into you
Hike up your shirt a little more
And show the world to me
Hike up your shirt a little more
And show your world to me
In a girl's dream...In a girl's dream
Oh I watch you there through the window
And I stare at you
You wear nothing
But you wear it so well


A very amorous Max rushes over and picks up his queen before the song is done. Maria catcalls to them,
"Put the do not disturb on the door people!"

"Oh Max!" Liz is overcome with desire for her husband on their special day.

"Oh yeah!" Max gives her a scorching kiss and takes her up to their suite.

Someone has been watching Liz and Ava's every move the entire day. When Max and Liz leave the room, the person dissolves into thin air.


The happy couple get to the suite to find that it's decorated with vases of white roses. There's also white rose petals spread out on the bed. Max walks over to the bed and stops to look at it.

"Oh Max, you think of everything."
She kisses him tenderly.

"Oh I wish I could take credit for this but I think Maria is the one responsible."

"She's the most wonderful friend. I'm so glad she's here with me."

"I'm glad you're here! Max takes a seat and brings Liz down on his lap. They kiss and Max slowly eases himself and her down on the bed. He wades through Liz's wedding dress trying to find the way inside.

"Babe, is it supposed to be so hard to get you out of this dress?"

Liz laughs,
"I don't know but let me help. I think you're trying to do it from the wrong end. Let's try at the top and work our way down."

Liz spreads out the dress, gets up on her knees, and then reaches for the back zipper.
"There you go, just pull the zipper down."

He does so and moves the spaghetti straps away from Liz's shoulders. The dress comes away to reveal Liz's now buxom breasts. Max couldn't be happier.

"Baby, may I say that I've always loved your body. Now there is so much more to love."
He smiles and starts to kiss his way down her chest to her right nipple when she tells him,
"I'm so glad you approve. You'll have to thank the baby for that."

"Yes, my love."

Max licks that nipple when what Liz said registers with his brain. He looks up with those sexy eyes of his to ask,
"Baby, did you say..... baby?"

With a big smile she declares,
"Yes my king, soon you will have a prince or princess."

"YES!!!" Max jumps off the bed and does a happy dance as Liz drops down on it. Then he turns his attention back to her.

"Oh Liz, how long have you known? Why didn't you tell me sooner....."He climbs back on the bed and hovers over her.

Liz places a finger over her husband's lips to stop him, then she explains,
"I've known for some time. I was just waiting for the perfect time to tell you. What better day to tell you that I have a gift for you then the day you surprise me with a wedding. You never suspected I was pregnant?"

Max thinks before he answers,
"Oh yeah, I knew something was going on. I was hoping you was pregnant but I just wasn't sure. It could have just been you chunking up." Max laughs while Liz reaches for a pillow to hit him with.

"Oh you're so in trouble mister!"

"Am I," Max asks as he ducks the pillow that narrowly hit him in the face.

"Oh yeah!"
Ready to play, Liz waves her hand and Max's clothes dissolve into thin air. She does the same to herself and her dress vanishes as well.

"Now why didn't I think of that?" Max urges Liz down on her back. He looks down at her naked stomach and kisses it. Then he aligns his naked body with hers.
"Can we still do this?" He thrusts his body gently against hers while kissing her nose.

Liz grins lustfully,
"I don't think the baby would object." Then she wraps her legs around his waist.

Looking deeply into Liz's beautiful brown eyes he declares,
"Liz, I never knew I could be so happy. I'm going to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you've made me!"

Well, how about starting right now. Kiss me my king!"

<center>The End</center>