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Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:12 am
by Lolita
Spacegirl04 wrote: Who is the girl in the diner the one hiro is always talking to in the diner? is that the one your unsure of cuz i'm confused about her as well....she must have some important power...
The waitress from Midland, Texas is named Charlie Andrews and her power is "Advanced Eidetic Memory." She's just a filler character in the sense that she allowed the story to progress back to six months previously and the audience is allowed to get a glimpse into the heroes lives before/just as they're discovering their powers. She also served as a love interest for our little Hiro Nakamura.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:25 am
by tequathisy
I just downloaded the first 11 episodes and I've watched three so far. I'm totally hooked already. Which means that I now have another obsession to add to my must watch tv shows collection. Heroes, meet Grey's anatomy, Lost, Prison break and Ugly Betty.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:44 pm
by Lolita
tequathisy wrote:I just downloaded the first 11 episodes and I've watched three so far. I'm totally hooked already. Which means that I now have another obsession to add to my must watch tv shows collection. Heroes, meet Grey's anatomy, Lost, Prison break and Ugly Betty.
Heheheh, your Thursday line-up sounds a lot like mine, with the exception of The Office. That's another hilarious show to watch.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:08 am
by Lolita
So is anyone else freaking out about this new twist in the story? Woah! I never saw that coming.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:15 am
by StarGazing101
I didn't see it coming at all! That was such an amazing episode, and the shoutouts to Star Trek (the license plate on Hiro's father's car was the ID number for the U.S.S. Enterprise - NCC-1701) & Doctor Who (the regeneration bit) were hilarious!

No, I'm not a total geek . . . :lol:

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:16 am
by LittleBit
I knew it was coming. I've been saying it to my husband since before the new year premiere but it was nice to show him I was right.

I'm not sure what to think of her mom. On one hand, I think she is just happy to see that Claire is alive but there's something in her voice that makes me think she's up to something. Maybe it's just the actress.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:19 am
Okay, I had a major headache, and completely passed out when I got home yesterday. Didn't wake up until, like, after 10.

Can someone PM me a synopsis...and tell me the big plot twist?

I have an idea of what it might least, I've been suspecting something....about Claire's dad.........I'm hoping that was the twist....and that I was right!


Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 8:38 pm
by Lolita
ISLANDGIRL5 wrote:Okay, I had a major headache, and completely passed out when I got home yesterday. Didn't wake up until, like, after 10.

Can someone PM me a synopsis...and tell me the big plot twist?

I have an idea of what it might least, I've been suspecting something....about Claire's dad.........I'm hoping that was the twist....and that I was right!

Yes, that was the twist.

Here's a recap from

Claire sets out to meet her mother in a trailer park home with the help of Zack. Claire reveals her powers and her mother also shows hers! Woohoo! Meanwhile, Sylar traps Horn Rimmed Glasses guy in the paper factory, and goes to Claire’s house to terrorize her adoptive mother. Sylar is so evil and so powerful! He’s about to kill Mrs. Bennett when Horn Rimmed Glasses guy comes in with a gun and shoots to kill. Sylar escapes. The Haitian wipes Mrs. Bennett’s memories again for the nth time.

Hiro is in Long Island getting interrogated by his father (George Takei). It turns out that Hiro is the heir to an aviation company in Japan and his father put him in menial position so he can “work his way up the company”. Now he just wants him to be an Executive Vice President. Hahaha. Ando inspires Hiro to convince his father to give the position to his smarter sister.

In prison, Niki turns into Jessica and mauls the shrink. However, she is somehow released courtesy of the mob boss working the system in Nevada. She comes home, and we discover that Jessica is in control once again.

Peter meanwhile is trying to learn to use his powers from the Invisible Man. He tells Peter to forget all the people he has cared about because they are holding him back. As an example, he shows him what Simone is doing, who incidentally has a tender moment with Isaac on the roof. Isaac at this time is trying to look for Peter in his paintings, and it just so awesome that he is painting things without Peter in it. And of course Peter’s not in it because he’s invisible! Awesome. Anyhow, the Invisible Man forces the issues and throws Peter off a 30 story building so he would be forced to fly. Peter crashes into a taxi cab. And then he regenerates. Yes! Peter does absorb powers! He’s so powerful! It turns out that he just needs to focus on those people he got his powers from in order to activate it. Peter Petrelli rocks! A Sylar vs. Peter showdown is now so inevitable. They’re like Yin and Yang. We also find out that Isaac is reporting for Horn Rimmed Glasses, and when he tells him about the invisibility — Horn Rimmed Glasses recognizes it.

And now the big reveal at the last minute of tonight’s episode: Claire’s father is no other than Nathan Petrelli! What?!? Peter is Claire’s uncle?!? I’m shocked! It’s almost like a Luke-Princess Leia thing.

* * *

I'm not so happy with this big plot twist. I'm a Paire shipper and this new plot just puts a wrench in my happy little fantasy shipper world.

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:54 pm
by cardinalgirl
Am I the only one who wasn't at all surprised by the "dad" revelation? I actually thought it was a bit of a let-down. *shrugs*

Though... the idea of Peter as the dirty uncle amuses me greatly. :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:41 pm
by LittleBit
cardinalgirl wrote:Am I the only one who wasn't at all surprised by the "dad" revelation? I actually thought it was a bit of a let-down. *shrugs*

Though... the idea of Peter as the dirty uncle amuses me greatly. :lol:
I wasn't a bit surprised. I actually figured it out before the winter finale but it was nice to have it confirmed.