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Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:05 pm
by isabelle

“...I guess It all just comes down to what’s best for me and my future and right now I feel like it would be in my best interests to move forward. West Roswell is a wonderful school but there really is no reason to hold myself back.” Isabel says. She pauses and I can hear the trepidation in her voice. “It’s just a little scary going out into the unknown.”

I nod, watching the road as a little yellow Yugo has just tried to cut me off. I grit my teeth but don't say anything about that. In a moment, my lane's clear again and I glance back at Isabel. "The future is always scary, but that's part of what makes it fun."

I look back at the road but glance back at Isabel once more. "If you think it's best to go, you should do that. Have you talked to your parents about it?"

This isn't helping me find an opening to help me shop, but maybe it's even better. I'm a sounding board. I can be on her side. That'll start to build a bond, I hope.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:14 am
by magikhands

I couldn't stop the shit-eating grin on my lips as I pulled away from Michael. It was the briefiest of kisses but it told me a lot in just the couple of seconds it lasted. Maybe for once in my life I can be me. The real me and give in to what's been pounding at me for years.

"Idiot", Michael laughs shaking his head. "You're lucky no one will find out about that. But, I've got a girlfriend Remember".

I laughed at that. "Girlfriend, schrilfriend. Who needs them? All they do is cause pain and heartache." I stand and teeter a bit before gaining my balance again. "You let one get close to you and you get so pussy whipped that you just stand by and watch as they tear your heart from your chest." My arms are waving wildly in the air, but I don't care.

I look at Michael. He'd just opened the window. "Let's make a deal. From this moment on, there's no talk about females. No girlfriends, no sister, no psycho reincarnated bitchy wife."

Michael smirks. "Deal." He agreed with me.

"Good." I say looking around the den. "Let's watch a movie." I say excitedly with a bit of slurring to the words. I stumble over to where Isabel had stacked all of Michael's movies. Michael laughs at me and I turn to give him a glare...only it didn't seem to work. He started laughing harder at me.

"Fuck you." I mutter astonished that I used such rough language. That's it. No more alcohol after this. It definately brings out the 'bad' Max.

I somehow manage to make out most of the titles but as I start digging through the piles I see some I don't recognize.

"Uh, Michael. What genre of movies are these?" I hold three up in my hand then start reading off the titles. "From Top to Bottom. Los on Sex Island. Cum Slut?"

Before he could answer I stumble over to the tv where the video player sat. "Let's watch." I say like an excited child unwrapping a present as I pop in one of the movie. Turning around I manage to flop down on the couch beside Michael, our thighs touching.

ooc: Ok, have fun Chris :twisted:

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 4:01 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"The future is always scary, but that's part of what makes it fun." He retorts with a casual flair. His wise words startle me enough that I turn to gaze at his handsome face .I find myself becoming enraptured by those stormy brown depths that are his eyes. He looks away and I immediately feel embarrassed.

I shouldn’t be attracted to one of my teachers. That’s wrong in so many ways. Not to mention I’m still mourning the loss of Alex. The pain that I experience is so awful that I immediately want to run and seek comfort in the arms of the reason behind it. Alex.

My thoughts are interrupted by the gorgeous man beside me. "If you think it's best to go, you should do that. Have you talked to your parents about it?" I ponder over his question thoughtfully for a moment before answering.

“Well of course my parents want me to be their little girl forever…” I begin with a warm smile as I think about how much my parents care about me. What about my other set of parents? Do they think about me from time to time? Do they sometimes gaze up at the sky and wonder if I am wishing on the same bright star? I swallow harshly before continuing.

“Still I think their open to the idea as long as I go to the local community college and live at home.” I see the road that leads to my house and though I'd like to spend more time with him I realize that I have run out of roads to delay my destination. “My house is the third on the left.” I instruct with a sudden sadness. Why does it bother me that the ride is coming to an end? :wink:

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:06 pm
by isabelle

“Still I think their open to the idea as long as I go to the local community college and live at home.” Isabel says. I nod, thoughtfully. I'm in favor of that plan, too. It'll keep all the subjects close enough so I can observe them together while I try to get closer to Isabel. I want to say something encouraging but suddenly, she's changing the subject. “My house is the third on the left.”

Damn. Looks like this ride is over. Well, it was a real good start concidering that I wasn't even expecting to be able to talk to her tonight.

"Okay," I say, turning down the street before turning back to our conversation. "A local college doesn't so bad, at least for the first year. Or did you have someplace-else in mind?" I know Liz had her sights on Harvard, but I didn't know that Isabel had any specific ambitions like that. If she was planning to wait another year, she might not be ready, anyway.

I slow the car as we get closer to her house. "I was about to go to the Mall to go shopping. I gotta get a birthday gift for my sister but I still don't have any idea what to get for her," I sigh.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:11 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"Okay," He acknowledges my instruction and turns down the road. "A local college doesn't so bad, at least for the first year. Or did you have someplace-else in mind?" I let myself ponder over the possibilities. There are so many places I could go, but would it be right? I am bound my who and what I am to protect my family. I can’t do that if I’m hundreds of miles away. Still don’t I deserve to have my own life? I desperately yearn for something that is just mine.

The car slows down and I look up to see my house. It used to be my sanctuary but the more time I spend there the more I begin to look upon it as a prison. I am disrupted from my thoughts. "I was about to go to the Mall to go shopping. I gotta get a birthday gift for my sister but I still don't have any idea what to get for her.” He sighs unhappily. Well, the guy gave me a lift home and kept me company. The least I can do is help him out.

“Well, I just so happen to be an excellent shopper.” I admit with a slow forming grin. “I can assist you if you’d like.” I offer hoping that he doesn’t think that I’m some kind of pathetic. :D

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:39 am
by isabelle

“Well, I just so happen to be an excellent shopper. I can assist you if you’d like,” she says, smiling slowly at me.

Score! I think, but I'm careful not to let my elation show on my face.

I've done it. Got her to take the bait. I have to go slow here, 'though. Can't push too hard even if things do seem to be going well. Gotta make sure that she thinks it's all her idea.

"Are you sure?" I ask, looking at her in concern. "I'd really appreciate it, but I don't want to keep you from anything-else you were going to do."

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:45 am
by AntarPrince04

I heave a great cough and push myself back upright on the couch. I let Max look though the DVD's and just sit back and watch tonights entertainment. Reincarnated bitchy wife.... Oh how I wish Tess had head that.. Ah; on second thought not so much, but I do need to get Max to drink more.

"Uh, Michael. What genre of movies are these?" He asks me and holds then up over his shoulder for me to see, but before I can do anymore then glance he pulls them away and starts reading off the titles. "...From Top to Bottom. Lost on Sex Island. Cum Slut?"

Max actually giggles at this point and if it were any other situation I'd be busting my gut again. Before I can stop him he pops one in and bounds back to his seat beside me. All I can think is 'Let it be the last one...let in be the last', but as it starts, that hope is quickly crushed as the red outline of a falcon fills the screen and the video starts.

.....The guy in the black convertable is criusing down the road and it takes alot for me not to snap, 'Fuck.' when the guy starts talking, setting you up for the first scene. "Every single guy I know is usually in persiut of something; and that something usually evolves getting a piece of ass... Me and my friends are no different, we all love hunting down guys to fuck..."

At this point the scene shifts and gives you a view of the first three guys that are gonna fuck. Two of them are hot yes, but the one that catches my attention.... I lean my head back against the couch and make a strangled sound between a cry and a laugh as the guy is still speaking. "The ones with the bubble butts, the kinda guys that wince when they take it." Well Billy Brandt sure fits that bill! And if the guy were anymore enthusiastic about rimming you'd need ear-plugs!

Embarrassed doesn't cover my state of mind right now, more like utterly fucking mortified! I'm fighting a blush so hard my cheeks hurt from trying to Relax!

I look over at Max who is looking at me with the biggest grin plastered on his face and I give him a pained look and plush even harder, my entire face is most likely red by now. "Maaax! had to.... No more alchohol for you, Ever!" I snap, glaring at him.

At this point Max falls over, into fits of laughter. I just let my head fall back in defeat - the window pian behind me rattles as my head hits it.

I am Not writing that whole scene out, we can admib and make it up from there lol. Between whats going on in the porn and all of Michael we are talking upward of 40-50 pages and sorry, but No Thanks lol

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:35 pm
by magikhands

After putting in the movie, I move to sit on the floor near Michael who was still on the couch. It was obvious from the names of some of the movies Michael owned that they were porn. Come on...what person in their right mind would name a clean movie "Cum Slut"? But I pictured these movies about men and women...or even multiple women. The fact that this movie is about men...all men...shocked me. And excited me.

I bite back the urge to cuss when the blood rushes to my groin and my body begins to heat. My pulse starts to thump loudly in my chest making my pulse race. Was it really that much of a surprise? As my alcohol hazed mind tries to answer that I turn and look at him with a shit-eating grin.

Michael is really embarrassed, his face red and fidgeting on the couch. "Maaax! had to.... No more alchohol for you, Ever!" he snaps while glaring at me.

I couldn't help it. I busted out laughing. It was the greatest moment of my life. I finally got to see Michael completely unhinged and out of his element.

"Does your girlfriend know you have these movies?" I ask when I finally get my breath back.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:22 am
by Anna-Liisa

I'm sorry guys. This just isn't working. I can't concentrate on playing anymore. That means, Im leaving all the rpgs I'm in.

I am very sorry for being a pain in the ass and not posting. I'm sorry I kept my characters and said I'll post tomorrow/next week/asap/soon. Im sorry I couldn't fullfill my promises. My life is just too messy right now and I just cant go on.

All of my RPGs (Land of Hope, World of Changes [co-work with Storm], The Fifth [Co-work with Storm]) can be taken over if you're interested in them. I will be reading rpg's still even if I'm not playing. I'd like to see the three ideas go somewhere.

I apologize for doing this, but right now it's the only thing I can do.

Thank you for everything. I love all of you.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:38 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
Don't worry about it Anna. We understand. I hope everything works out for you:D