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Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 8:59 pm
by StormWolfstone
nightshadeisis will be posting as soon as she can.. she's been ill... I'll be helping her from time to time because she has asked that if needed I help by temping her characters for her.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 3:01 am
by StormWolfstone

After reading the letter for a third time, I felt tightness in my chest that I couldn't stand to think about. Someone had killed Mr. Hanlin. I knew that. I could feel it. And this Lockewood lady had a part in it. I stood and placed the note in my pocket as I began pacing, the room feeling smaller and smaller as I thought about the implications of what was happening. I wished that there were something I could do. The phone didn’t even have the chance to ring when I saw the other line blinking, my personal office line.

Clicking over, I answered, “Hello?” All I heard was breathing on the other end and then it went dead. Damn.

I hang up the phone and close my eyes as I pace even more. Damn, Damn Damn. I decide to wait a few minutes before trying to get the chance to call the house again. I would feel much better about having one of them with me for this meeting. The rest of the day, I forced myself to get into as much of the work before me as I could. I had to do everything that I could. An hour before I normally would have closed the shop, I stood and went out front. "Alright, everyone go ahead home. I'm still going to pay you a full day. I just... need some time. I'll close up."

As they all gathered their things, I picked up the phone and called a contact of mine while I lock the door before heading toward the office again. "Rain, do me a favor. I need you to research the following pieces. Any leads you get keep discreet. You help me find them and you'll get five thousand for every piece I recover."

"I like the sound of that, Isabel. You've got yourself a deal. What do you need me to find?"

"The Greek pieces known as the Fates, Muses and Siren's. It's imperitive Rain, that you be very careful. There's a chance that a killer is also following the trail." I tell her, knowing that it won't bother her because she's used to dealing with the rough sort.

"Even more interesting. Alright, I'm on it. I'll see what I can find. Private line, or business?"

"Private." I reply with a sigh, closing my eyes for a moment when I hear the private line ringing again. "Gotta go, Rain. I'll catch you later."

"Later." I hung up the line and switched over, “Hello, Isabel Brighton speaking, how may I help you?” I questioned, all the while looking at the clock nervously. What would I find out about this Malachi that Rich wanted me to help? What was the true story behind all of this?

Trying to force myself to concentrate on the call, I wonder who it could be because when Rich had this line only specific people had access to the numbers and other then those clients only my friends and Max had access.

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 6:27 am
by isabelle

I'm heading down the steps as Isabel picks up at last but there's still no sign of Michael. Did he go out?

"Hey, Isabel. It's me," I tell her, knowing she'll recognise my voice. I stop in the front hall and look at the painting that's there on the wall. This will be my note. I pass my hand over the surface of the artwork and make a slight change. Now there's a symbol embedded there as a darker green in the grass of the foreground. It's the Antarian symbol that thanks to Alex's translation we now know means 'danger.' Nobody-else will know what it means. Most people probably won't even notice it but I know that Michael and Isabel will. Kyle and Maria, too. When they see it, they'll call. I wish I could be more specific but I don't even know what it is that I'm warning them about.

"There's something going on. Liz saw something," I say. I know this is her private line but I'm still not sure about saying certain things plainly. "I don't know what it was but it scared her. I'm going to pick her up now to find out more."


Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 3:50 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Hey, Isabel. It's me," I hear on the other line and sigh in relief. Though after I think about the tone in my brothers voice a moment, my relief is replaced by concern.

"What's going on Max?" I ask as I settle myself back in my office chair, looking around to be certain that no one was coming toward my office.

"There's something going on. Liz saw something," Max begins and I tense, fear and anger flowing through me. I had hoped that finally we would be able to live a normal life and now I find that my boss was murdered. I might now be in danger because of some sort of intrigue and now Max is calling because Liz saw something... "I don't know what it was but it scared her. I'm going to pick her up now to find out more."

"Come by here if you can when you find out what's going on. I can't leave because I have a meeting... one I can't cancel..." I'd talk about it but I know that it would just add more concern and didn't want him worrying about me on top of everything else.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:21 pm
by maougha
OOC it's been a while i know, sorry.


"Sounds good but... I really don't wanna fall out with the guys... I'd better show up to at least this one out of goodwill. But thanks for saying you would take care of the guys." he smiles. "I think me and you are gonna get on just fine."

I laugh. "As roommates should. Though I warn you now I am not a morning person so don't bug me before seven during week days or twelve on weekends and yeah we'll get along just fine."

Then as a after thought add. "tell ya what. I'll stick around for this party and drag some of my friends here as well that way you wont suffer alone, and you can meet some new people besides frat boys. Sound good?"

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:06 pm
by madroswellfan
"As roommates should. Though I warn you now I am not a morning person so don't bug me before seven during week days or twelve on weekends and yeah we'll get along just fine." I cant help but give a small laugh. Yep, Kyle is definitely a good guy.

"tell ya what. I'll stick around for this party and drag some of my friends here as well that way you wont suffer alone, and you can meet some new people besides frat boys. Sound good?"
I smile at him and nod. "That would be great... hopefully you can meet my girlfriend and some of my friends... if I can get hold of them that is..."

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:19 pm
by Fehr'sBear
gahh, I'm a little lost. What is going on with my characters? anyone?

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:20 pm
by madroswellfan
Fehr this was my last post by Sam to Dean
madroswellfan wrote:~~~~~SAM~~~~~
"Hi Dean, nice to see you. Same to you Sam," If he thinks even for a moment that he's gonna get away with that he's got another thing coming!
"Nice welcome bro. Why the hostility?"

I roll my eyes at him as I come out into the corridor and shut the door behind him. "Dean, whatever it is you want me to do... I'm not interested. Whatever... THING is in town I'm not taking care of it! I like my life as it is thank you very much. You want to spend your life chasing... THINGS then you go ahead and do that. But don't drag me into it."

I fold my arms. "Thats why your here isn't it." The look on his face says that it is. "See ya Dean. Happy hunting." I turn my back on him and head towards the door.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:34 pm
by Fehr'sBear
ooc: thanks. :D


"Dean, whatever it is you want me to do... I'm not interested. Whatever... THING is in town I'm not taking care of it! I like my life as it is thank you very much. You want to spend your life chasing... THINGS then you go ahead and do that. But don't drag me into it. Thats why your here isn't it." Sam lectures, his arms crossed. Yikes. Someone's a bit angry. I mean, I expected him to be pissed, but he's not even giving me a chance to explain....anything.

"See ya Dean. Happy hunting." he adds shortly, and he's about to shut the door when I put my hand out.

"Wait." I walk in front of him and stop. "Okay, so maybe I am, but can't you at least hear me out? I won't drag you into it." Maybe once I tell him what I know, he'll change his mind. Or have some advice. Or shove me out the door, but let's hope that doesn't happen.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:43 pm
by madroswellfan
Just as I'm about to shut the door he stops it with his hand.
"Wait." I look at him angrily as he says,
"Okay, so maybe I am, but can't you at least hear me out? I won't drag you into it."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Dean... please don't take me as stupid. You have tried and failed this technique before. The one where you try and make me hear you out so that I will go ahead and help you. But why should I? Bet you didn't even think about how I was doing..."

I sigh as I look at him. The painful thing is... I miss him. And I bet he didn't even miss me or think about me. As I look at him I just wish that we were closer... as two brothers should be.

I sigh and look at the floor. "Fine brother dearest... you want me to hear you out so I can turn you down again? Your buying lunch. From a place of my choice. And when I decide that I don't want to help you, you leave me it?"