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Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:17 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Space Boy expertly dials the number with ease as if he‘s done it a million and a half times. While waiting for Max to answer the restless warrior scribbles out a message for me to read. Leaning over to see the board better I catch a whiff of his scent. The smell that is utterly Michael. I breathe him in completely. We’ve been separated for far too long.

"Want me to tell him about you? Or just have him meet us here." I take the marker and begin to write when I notice his expression change dramatically. What’s going on? Did they come after Max and Isabel? Immediately I begin to feel anxious. I spell out,

“Don’t worry about telling him about my slight problem with communication. “ :wink:

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:07 pm
by Fehr'sBear

“Don’t worry about telling him about my slight problem with communication." Maria writes, and I try to focus as Max rambles in my ear.

"Michael? Do you know whats going on? Why are there people screaming outside the crash.... why does Isabel CLAIM Im invisible when Im clearly not...and why on earth has my mother decided that Isabel and I don't exist? We're heading for the should come... this can't all be a coincidence right..." Max says quickly, barely stopping to take a breath. Wait a minute. He's invisible? There's screaming? What on earth is going on??

I'm about to tell him that I can't go outside, when he starts up again. "Michael....why did you call me? You never call me unless you want something or you think something.... chekislivakian is happening... you think something is happening?!....wait what happened to you? Have you heard from the others? Liz...Maria, Alex, Tess?"

"Max, shut up." I start, getting a little annoyed. So much for rational. "Listen. Just shut up and Listen. I can't go outside because there are people trying to attack me. I know that sounds crazy but I'm not making this up. And I'm at Maria's house. With Maria. Something weird is happening." Speaking slowly, I stop to take a breath, but start again before he can cut in.

"Can you guys come here instead? It seems like it would be a little more private." Turning to Maria I grab the board and start writing. "I'm trying to get Max to come here, he says he thinks he's invisible and his mom's wigging out?"

She looks a bit startled, and I reach out and put a hand on her knee.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:18 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Whatever is going on it must be big because Michael’s eyebrows are drawn in deep concentration. I wish I wasn’t impaired at the moment. I am going to be absolutely useless until I get my hearing and speech back. Wanting to keep me up to date Michael writes out, "I'm trying to get Max to come here, he says he thinks he's invisible and his mom's wigging out?"

Invisible? But that’s impossible right? Well, look who’s talking or rather not. I’m completely mute. My concern must be etched across my features because Michael puts a reassuring hand on my knee. That simple action immediately puts me at ease. Funny how the same exact man can cause me to be calm and excited at the same time. I can feel my skin tingle everywhere is fingertips touch. To think if I wasn't wearing my uniform today I would have missed out on feeling his bare skin on mine.

Stop Maria you’ve got to concentrate on the crisis at hand. In an effort to channel my focus I write. “So I am deaf and mute. You’ve got people after you ,and Max is invisible. Doesn’t that strike you as odd? I mean that all these events happened at once. Could it possibly be related?” I question while drawing a little heart over my I’s. Hey a girls got to do something to keep her entertained.

That reminds me I was supposed to work today. I should get Michael to call and have Liz cover my shift. I wonder if she knows whats going on.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:36 am
by madroswellfan
"Max, shut up."

I know that tone. I was right....something wierd was going on for him too. "Listen. Just shut up and Listen. I can't go outside because there are people trying to attack me. I know that sounds crazy but I'm not making this up. And I'm at Maria's house. With Maria. Something weird is happening." I'm about to jump in but before I can he starts talking in the slow ANNOYING voice.
"Can you guys come here instead? It seems like it would be a little more private."

I swallow before answering, "Yeah...yeah we can do that... but since we're right outside the crash we'll try and get the others to come too... I'll check the crash...maybe you could ring Tess....and Kyle I suppose." I state.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:33 pm
by Fehr'sBear

“So I am deaf and mute. You’ve got people after you ,and Max is invisible. Doesn’t that strike you as odd? I mean that all these events happened at once. Could it possibly be related?” Maria writes while Max is busy again blabbing in my ear. I nod, unable to listen to Max and formulate thoughts at the same time.

"Yeah...yeah we can do that... but since we're right outside the crash we'll try and get the others to come too... I'll check the crash...maybe you could ring Tess....and Kyle I suppose." Max says, and I nod, then realize that he's on the phone and respond quickly. He never talks this much.

"Just hurry. I'll try to get ahold of the others," I tell him, and then hang up before he can get another word in.

"That is odd," I write once I've hung up. "Anyways, Max is on his way here with whoever he can gather up at the crash. I have to call Tess and Kyle."

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:52 am
by FaithfulAngel24

Michael continues talking with Max for several more moments and I get to scan over his truly magnificent body with free reign. Maybe being deaf and unable to speak and crossed some other signals because Space Boy has never looked so good. Okay, must not go there right now. We are taking baby steps. Building back trust.

Still he‘s awfully handsome when he‘s not snapping out hurtful words or pulling the whole ‘I'm alone, and that's the way it's gotta be.’ crap. I watch with growing interest has his feature’s cloud over with worry. This has got to be big. Once he ends the call he immediately begins writing a new message. "That is odd," He scratches his left eyebrow with his index finger (A clear sign that he’s puzzled) before continuing.

"Anyways, Max is on his way here with whoever he can gather up at the crash. I have to call Tess and Kyle." I nod in agreement before taking the dry erase board from his hands.

“Since when have things not been odd in Roswell.” I inscribe carefully. Have you every wondered what thoughts would run through your rampart mind if you suddenly and seemly without cause went deaf and dumb? Well, let me just end that internal debate right now. I know thousands of you are on the edge of your seat and are just dying to know.

Well, at this exact moment I’ve got the song ‘Don’t Speak’ By: No Doubt playing over and over in my head. Perhaps not the most profound of thoughts ,but in a bind it will just have to do. I sway my head a bit from side to side mentally replaying the tune.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:23 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Isabel I'm not invisible. Why on earth would I be invisible?" Max exclaims and I can’t believe how easily this is working. I have got to find Nicolas and see just how he did this.

”You better not hurt them.”

“Back off Isabel, I’ve got control now and I’ll do whatever I want.”

“I won’t let you hurt my family.”

“You can’t stop me.”

"See... I'm not invisible Is, stop goofing around..." He pulls my hand and I look toward where he should be, still surprised that he doesn’t even realize that he’s invisible.

"Isabel are you ok.... you seem...different..." We reach the Crashdown and there are several people in the streets screaming, it’s music to my ears.

"What on earth has he done..." Max questions and I shake my head.

“Looks like whatever is going on, chaos is brewing.”

"Michael?" Max said as he answered his phone, which I couldn’t see. "Do you know what’s going on? Why are there people screaming outside the crash.... why does Isabel CLAIM I’m invisible when I’m clearly not...and why on earth has my mother decided that Isabel and I don't exist?"

“We're heading for the should come... this can't all be a coincidence right..."

"Michael....why did you call me? You never call me unless you want something or you think something.... Czechoslovakian is happening... you think something is happening?!....wait what happened to you?"

"Have you heard from the others? Liz...Maria, Alex, Tess?" He continues and I shake my head.

When Max ended the call, I looked at him and questioned, “What’s wrong with Michael?”

”Vilandra, please don’t…”

“Shut up, Isabel.”

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:10 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

I smile at Alex as he explains that he wants Maria to listen to the cd too. Which makes sense. We'll both love it. It's Alex's band after all. But what confuses me is all his sudden jumping. he's not that excited, is he?

"Calm down, Alex," I say to him as I head to the phone. "I'll call Maria."

I grab the phone and dial the familiar number. It rings a few times, mroe than it should for the answering machine to pick up. Is she on the other line? Hopefully she'll switch over. Or maybe I should jsut try back later.

I'll give it a few more rings.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:24 pm
by StormWolfstone
Just giving this a friendly bump lol

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:58 pm
by madroswellfan
“What’s wrong with Michael?”
I look round at Isabel and state, "He says he's being attacked if he leaves the house. We're meeting them there...come on lets get...anyone here..."
I stride inside. I don't want to be in here right now but I can protect my friends.

A quick sweep of the cafe comes up with none of my friends. But I do see someone jumping in the backroom. As I walk towards the door I see that its Alex. Next to him is... Liz. She's on the phone. Quickly checking to make sure Jeff isn't watching, I go in the back and say, "Are you guys ok?"

I can't stop jumping. Seriously. Maria tells me to calm down but...I keep on jumping. What in the world....
"Are you guys ok?"
I look around nervously. I can't see anyone but that sure sounded like Max. "Hello? Max, we're in the back!" I call out as I continue jumping away.