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Re: 'More than Words', Michael's Fics

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:15 pm
by morethenwords122
I've decided to do more in-depth character promos for 'Paradise' than my previous ones, and Alex and Liz were the first ones I've created and uploaded. I'll upload more when I've made them.

I think Max and Maria will be next :D

Jubilee (Alex)
Youth (Liz)

P.S. I've recently bought myself a near new computer for hundred bucks! Yayyy! My imposed limited writers block is over! I can update and write as much as I want to!

For anyone still interested, I will be updating 'Paradise' real soon. Sorry, 'You and Whose Army?' readers :( I don't know when I will be updating that story but I hope to real soon.

Re: 'More than Words', Michael's Fics

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:00 pm
by April
Both the links are to the Liz vid, Michael.

I watched both of them, though, and enjoyed them. I'm so glad that you have a computer now and will be able to write and update this fic!

Re: 'More than Words', Michael's Fics

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:06 pm
by morethenwords122
April wrote:Both the links are to the Liz vid, Michael.

I watched both of them, though, and enjoyed them. I'm so glad that you have a computer now and will be able to write and update this fic!
Thanks, April! I fixed it! Anyway, Yeah I'm glad to have a new computer and I'm looking forward to being able to update more frequently. I already have an new chapter for 'Paradise', it's only a filler chapter and not that long but it's still a new chapter.

Re: 'More than Words', Michael's Fics

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:11 pm
by morethenwords122
Like I promised, Max and Maria are next! Enjoy :D

Save Me From Myself (Maria)
The Funeral (Max)

Re: 'More than Words', Michael's Fics

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:11 pm
by April
Wondering who Max is going to lose now.

Re: 'More than Words', Michael's Fics

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:23 am
by morethenwords122
April wrote:Wondering who Max is going to lose now.
I guess we're going to have to wait and find out 8) :twisted: :lol: :wink:

Re: 'More than Words', Michael's Fics

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:23 am
by Eva
Hi Michael, thanks for the videos! They are all very promising although I already hold my heart for some scenes and situations. It's going to be a rough time for all of them and I really don't know if they will find that piece of paradise, or even that piece of hope.

Re: 'More than Words', Michael's Fics

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:05 pm
by morethenwords122
Eva wrote:Hi Michael, thanks for the videos! They are all very promising although I already hold my heart for some scenes and situations. It's going to be a rough time for all of them and I really don't know if they will find that piece of paradise, or even that piece of hope.
Like I've said, these characters I've created will be going through hell and back, and then through hell once more before I allow them to have a happy ending! But all these characters will have a happy ending, whether or not, it's within themselves or with another.

Anyway, I have the next character promo for you guys :D Sorry, it's only one today :(

Man Of The World (Kyle)

Re: 'More than Words', Michael's Fics

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 3:44 pm
by morethenwords122
The Living (Isabel)

I left Isabel's video vague for two reasons. One being the fact that I haven't totally flushed out Isabel's story-line yet, and what I do have flushed out is interwoven into other's story arcs-- mainly Alex and Liz's. Plus, I feel that Isabel is so much of an enigma, she's so guarded, that her video itself is to remain cloaked in mystery too.

But maybe that's just me being dramtic :D

Re: 'More than Words', Michael's Fics

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 2:41 am
by morethenwords122
My Kind Of Woman (Michael/Maria)

Here's a new Non-fic related video I made :D It's Michael and Maria, and I don't know why. Heard the song, loved it, and thought of them; so I made a video.

Hope you enjoy :D

P.s. if anyone's interested, I have another Michael and Maria vid called 'Ultraviolence'