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Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 15 12/6/16

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:36 am
by keepsmiling7
poor Liz......such a reputation for hogging the covers.....
It appears the ice is beginning to melt in that snow covered cabin.

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 15 12/6/16

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:37 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Max and Liz shared a bed. It was a good thing that Max was there to comfort Liz after her nightmare.

Carolyn Yes things seem to be heating up in the snow covered cabin!

Part 16

Tracy, had been fifteen when she ran away from home. Her stepfather had taken to using her as a punching bag. She had been living on the streets for two weeks when a man she later learned worked for the Gomez family approached her. He offered her a job and a place to live. She took it not knowing that she would end up a high priced escort. There was very little difference between a hooker and escort. Escorts cost more and were "dates" for a night. Hookers it was just sex. Escorts were expected to have sex with their clients but it didn't always happen. An escort also was never with more than on client a night. While hookers had to work until the got at least two hundred dollars. She as an escort never actually touched the money. It was all paid in advance. Having spent the last six years of her life doing this she was one of the highest priced escorts. Clients actually went onto a web sight to pick their escort of the ones working that night. The price of a night with her was two thousand dollars. That was the standard price. That meant she acted as his date and seeing as nearly all of the men were from out of town she went back to their hotel room with them. She then had sex with them. If they paid the bonus fee it was unprotected sex. Then there was what was called the black diamond fee. She spent the whole night with the man. That fee also meant they could do almost anything to her. She had one of those clients last night. It was some of the most painful sex she had. It was regular sex first unprotected of course. Then she had to preform oral sex on him. After that it was anal sex. The man was from Germany. Sex with him had been more painful than when she lost her virginity. But she had a plan to get out of this life. She had nearly enough proof to hand over to the police that Gomez used underage girls as both hookers and escorts. That escorts were required to have sex with their clients.


Liz watched as Serena put a new bandage over her injury.

"It is healing really well Liz."
"There will be a scar. That can't be helped. But it shouldn't be too bad."

Serena started to leave the bedroom when Liz grabbed her arm.

"Let go Liz."
"Not until I tell you I'm sorry for being such a bitch."
"Been going on for almost two years."
"I know. Remember me telling you about Jack?"
"That cook from the diner? The one the owner caught having sex with his teenage daughter?"
"What about him?"
"I had sex with him one night when you were on the night shift."
"Did you have feelings for him?"
"No. In fact I hated myself for doing it. But I wanted to feel loved."
"But it wasn't love you felt."
"No it wasn't."
"Why are you telling me this now?"
"I had a nightmare last night."
"Yeah I heard you scream."
"Well, in it you were raped and murdered in front of me. Not just murdered but gutted like one of those fish your dad use to catch."
"Oh my god Liz!"
"Rena, I know I don't say it enough. But I love you. You are in my heart my sister."
"Love you always Lizzie."

The two girls hugged.


Max sat at the table while Kyle cooked. He kept looking at the door to the room the girls were in.

"So Evans, Liz didn't kill you during the night." Said Kyle
"Kyle, there is more to Liz then we know. More than Serena knows."
"What do you mean?"
"She is scared to be in love."
"Evans, you know we can't get to close to them."
"Like you are one to talk. You want Serena as much as I want Liz."
"Yeah I do. Why do you think I set it up so that you shared a room with Liz last night?"
"So did you get any?"
"No we just slept, well at least when Liz wasn't keeping us a wake with her screams."
"Yeah well if I was her and had a nightmare like the one she did I would scream too."
"She tell you about it?"
"Yeah. Serena was raped and gutted right in front of her"
"That is sick man."
"I know."


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 16 12/7/16

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:00 am
by L-J-L 76
So glad Liz told Serena she sorry and told her she was her sister in her heart. Also glad that Liz told Serena about her nightmare and about Jack. So it was Kyles plan for Max to share a room with Liz. Great plan Kyle Max was there when she had her nightmare. thinking good thing Max told Kyle about the nightmare. Thinking it maybe too late for Max and Kyle they are involved with Liz and Serena while trying to protect them.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 16 12/7/16

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:56 am
by keepsmiling7
I'm still haunted by Liz's nightmare. It's a good thing the others are aware of it.

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 16 12/7/16

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 5:37 am
by Roswelllostcause
Part 17

Isabel Evans had been deep undercover for more than a year. She got into Gomez's organization and proved that she was loyal. While the whole time she was turning over evidence to the FBI to bring Gomez down for good. She had a score to settle with Gomez, and wanted nothing more than for him to rot in prison or better yet end up on the wrong end of a smoking gun. He was responsible for the disappearance of her boyfriend. She prayed that Alex was still alive. His body had not been found but it had been almost two years since he had last been seen. She hope that Alex hadn't ended up at the bottom of the bay wearing a pair of cement shoes.


Kivar cursed as the snow became heavier. He had no idea why they would pick to hide that bitch in the mountains in the dead of winter. What was worse it had been days since he had fucked anyone. All he knew was that first thing he would do after killing the cops protecting the bitch was fuck her and any other girl with her. He knew that if it was snowing this hard only two miles up the mountain that it had to be a white out at the top.


Liz watch Serena and Kyle sitting close by the fire. She could see that her cousin was falling in love with her cop guard.


Liz looked at Max and gave him a weak smile.

"Hi Max."
"You OK with them being together?"
"I want Serena to be happy."
"I have known Kyle a long time. He is a good guy."
"It will still take me time to fully trust any guy. But I have to admit you do seem like a good guy."
"Well why don't you ask me some questions? You know get to know me a little?"
"OK. So how old are you?"
"Twenty seven."
"I'm twenty five."
"I know. I found your purse and ID card."
"Yeah I uh don't drive. I mean I did learn and have a licence at one time. But I can't really afford a car and the insurance."
"I can understand that."
"So you got a girlfriend?"
"There was someone that I went out with a couple times. But it isn't anything serious."
"Ok. What about your family?"
"My dad is a lawyer. My mom works with him as a paralegal. I have a twin sister named Isabel. She is with the FBI. I haven't seen or heard from her in more than a year though."
"She is working undercover on a case. If she gets in touch with anyone in her family it could blow her cover."
"Which could get her killed."
"Yeah. She only took this case after her boyfriend a computer programmer disappeared."
"How long had they been together?"
"They met their first year of college. Isabel was at Boston College and Alex was at MIT."
"Yeah Alex Whitman. Why?"
"I went to school as a kid with an Alex Whitman. He was really into computers and kind of a goofy guy."
"Might be the same one."
"Alex was someone I thought of as a friend."
"What happened?"
"He didn't like when I started to date Ryan. Said he was going to hurt me. I didn't want to hear it. So when Alex was proven right I was real bitchy to him and haven't spoken to him since."
"I think if you see him again when this is all over he will forgive you. If this is the same Alex that is going out with my sister he is a very good guy."
"I hope so."
"Liz, you don't have to hide who you are any more. I know you are scared."
"I hate being helpless! I hate that monster for taking my nparents from me! I hate that he nearly killed me!"

Liz finally broke down and started to cry. Max pulled her into his arms and held her as her tears started to soak his sweatshirt.


Alex Whitman looked up as the door to the small windowless room he was locked in. He glared at the young man who came in carrying a tray with a meal on it.

"Alex, look I know you hate my guts."
"Yeah I do Ryan. You fucking with Liz cost me her friendship! She didn't have much trust to begin with and you had to go and destroy it!"
"I hate myself for hurting her."
"Well you can fix it!"
"I know. But you got to understand Gomez is after her now. She was there when that hitman killed that guy at that store. She was shot but by some miracle she is still alive."
"So she is in hiding?"
"Yeah. I just hope whoever is with her keeps her safe. Gomez plans to force her to be his wife."
"Yeah uh she won't willingly."
"He will kill Serena if she doesn't, and I promise you that it will be a slow painful death for Serena."

Alex stared at Ryan and knew that he was being honest. He only hoped that Gomez went down before Liz or Serena got hurt.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 17 12/8/16

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:56 am
by keepsmiling7
Glad to see several people are working against Gomez undercover.
Also, hope Alex will be free soon.......maybe with help from Ryan?
Love the talk Liz and Max had.....they know more about each other now.

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 17 12/8/16

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 9:49 am
by L-J-L 76
Love the talk Max and Liz had. So glad that Max and Liz are getting to know each other a little better now. So Isabel is undercover trying to take down Gomez. So glad that Alex is still alive. I'm a little shocked that Ryan told Alex what Gomez has planned for Liz and Serena. Ryan better get Alex out of there before things get too dangerous where someone could die or get killed.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 17 12/8/16

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 5:21 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Yes there are some people undercover watching the Gomez family.

L-J-L 76 Max and Liz had a good talk.

Part 18

Serena laughed as Kyle started to tickle her. She had never felt this way for anyone. She looked over in the corner of the room where Liz was talking with Max. Really talking and not letting her anger and hurt cloud her any more.

"You OK?" Asked Kyle
"Yeah. Liz is finally starting to heal. I mean her broken heart."
"Sure does look like it."
"Max won't hurt her will he?"
"If anything grows between them not intentionally. But his first priority along with mine is to keep her alive."
"I know. But why is Liz cursed with having this evil man after her?"
"She had the bad luck of being in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"Liz has never had good luck in her life."
"She did that night in the store. The bullet missed killing her by not very much."
"I know."
"Maybe her luck is changing."
"Serena, are you seeing anyone?"
"You're twenty five?"
"Yes. You?"
"Twenty six."
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Not since the crazy one that seemed to think that she and I were destined to be together."
"Really? Were you sleeping with her?"
"Uh no. I was trying to break up with her."
"Kyle, have you had sex?"
"Yes. But it has been a while."

Serena just nodded.

"Serena, since we are getting personal may I ask you a personal one?"
"Are you a virgin?"

Serena looked away grabbing a blanket pulling it close.

"Were you raped?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean?"
"I was sixteen. Went to a party there was drinking going on. I had a couple beers. My memory gets fuzzy after that. I remember being in bed and having sex with this guy from school. I don't know if I was with him by choice or not."
"Sounds to me like you may have been drugged."
"That is what I thought. But I couldn't prove it once my head cleared. I never told anyone until now. Liz doesn't even know."
"Do you know the guy's name?"
"Lucas Anderson."
"The basketball player on the the New York Knicks?"
"It could ruin him if it came out that he might of raped you."
"It was a long time ago. There is no evidence."

Kyle just nodded.


Liz sat with her feet curled up under her and her arms pulled inside of her sweatshirt. The storm was growing worse. She knew that it was going to be a while before they could leave here.

"I like coming here in the summer better."

Liz turned to see Max with a mug of something.

"Hot chocolate."
"Any marshmallows?"
"Sorry all out."
"It's OK."
"With this storm we are cut off from everyone. The emergency radio is out and there is no cell signal up here."
"Think we are in danger?"
"Only someone stupid would try and come up this mountain in this storm."
"Is this your cabin?"
"Yeah. There is a lake not far from here. I go fishing sometimes."
"Sounds nice."
"Yeah it is. Maybe when this is all over I can bring you back here in the summer."

Liz didn't say anything. She was beginning to think that Max might want something more then a protector, protectee relationship from her. But she needed to figure out if she was ready to trust him in that way and open her heart to him.


Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 18 12/9/16

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 5:32 am
by L-J-L 76
Love how Serena and Kyle are flirting with each other and telling each other things. It seem Max and Liz are starting to get along and talk more. Agree with Liz that she needs to decide if she want more then him protecting her or if she has feelings for him.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Witness (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 18 12/9/16

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:57 am
by keepsmiling7
Kyle and Serena both asked each other some rather personal questions.
But I guess that's how they get off on the right foot by being honest.
Liz doesn't appear to be ready to really trust Max yet........