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Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 15 3/29/18

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:29 pm
by L-J-L 76
Thank god Philip may have found away to get Liz out of the contract. Thinking Lisa signed Liz's name. So Liz either has to marry someone or Bobby doesn't go pro. Wow Philip and Jeff are learning more and more about Liz's life with Bobby. I agree with Philip and Jeff someone needs to teach Bobby aa very painful lesson. Maybe Max and Liz could get married! Will Max and Liz get married? Will Max and Liz willing to marry each other? Will Max and Liz get to know each other? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max, Kyle, Michael protect Liz? Will Bobby and Lisa try and stop Liz? Will Bobby and Lisa take Liz away form her father and friends? Will Max, Michael, Kyle, Serena save Liz from Bobby and Lisa? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together?

L-J-L 76

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 15 3/29/18

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 12:43 pm
by keepsmiling7
Liz's mother was a real piece of work.
Can't believe she signed for her daughter and made that contract.
Phillip needs to keep digging and come up with something to void that contract.

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 15 3/29/18

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:11 pm
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Philip found a way out for Liz. Liz marry Max now there is an idea.

Carolyn Yes Liz's mother is a piece of work. Liz could marry Let's say Max first and she gets out of the contract.

Part 16

Nancy knocked on Liz's bedroom door that had been left ajar.

"Liz, may I come in?" Asked Nancy
"I guess." Said Liz

Nancy walked into the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Are you ok Liz?"
"Yeah. But it looks like my best way to get out of my mom's plans is to get married in the next year."
"There is no one that you think would do it?"
"Oh I know that there is a guy I could ask and he would. He would do it because even though he hardly knows me, he cares about me."
"Who is that?"
"Max Evans."
"Liz, Max is a very nice young man. I think you should take time to get to know him. It is your choice. But he might be able to show you something that you haven't experienced before."
"What would that be Nancy?"
"The love of a man. Liz, can you honestly say other then your dad, sister and mother you have loved anyone?"
"No. I don't think my mom even loves me. I think that she only loves what she can get from me."
"I have never met your mother, but I know the broken girl Serena use to be. It took her a long time for her to trust me. Trust that I accept her for who she is. Liz, I want to know you, but I want you to know that for no other reason then I married your dad, I do love you."

Liz looked at Nancy and then slowly moved into the older woman's open arms and let her hold her as she began to cry.


Pam double checked that both her boys were strapped into their car seats before getting into the driver's seat. Taking a deep breath she started the car and headed for her parent's house. She hoped that they would let her and the boys stay there. She was not going to let those two monsters turn her boys into men like them.

"Mama where we going?" Asked Vinnie
"We are going to see Grandma and Grandpa."
"Daddy, don't like them."
"Daddy is not coming with us."

Don't worry Liz, I have something that will save you from being trapped in a loveless and abusive marriage. Thought Pam as she glanced at some papers she took from Raymond's study.


Michael walked into Parker's Cafe and smiled at the young blond woman behind the counter.

"Michael when did you get back?"
"Yesterday, Maria I know I should have called."
"Yeah you should have."
"Maria, I had to have dinner with the family. Serena's sister Liz came home with us."
"Liz? Really?"
"Yeah. Maria, Liz won't be going back to school after the new year."
"Her mom really screwed her up. She is going to stay with Jeff and mom, and start therapy. Max's dad is trying to find away to get Liz out of this marriage contract with that asshole Bobby Jackman."
"I though Liz was dating him."
"Only because her mom wanted her to. She don't love the ass."
"Why stay with him so long then?"
"From what little I know Liz and Serena's birth mom is very controlling. You know what Serena is like."
"Yeah she won't be controlled by anyone."
"Right because of that her birth mom dumped her. Liz on the other hand tried to please the bitch. So Liz ended in a relationship she never really wanted, with an ass that think it's ok to beat up a woman."
"Michael, I hope you didn't let him get away with beating Liz."
"Maria do you really think I would?"

Maria just smiled and gave him a kiss.


Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 16 3/30/18

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 5:49 pm
by keepsmiling7
Lots of questions to be answered here.
Poor Liz......there doesn't seem to be a perfect answer at this point.
What would Max's family think if they decided on that action for a solution??
Thanks, Carolyn

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 16 3/30/18

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 4:14 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn There are a lot of questions that need answers. Max doesn't even know about the one solution to getting Liz out of the contract. Only the Parkers and Philip Evans know. It might be a little bit before anyone finds out.

Part 17 Christmas

Liz rolled over and climbed out of bed running into the bathroom she shared with her sister and threw up. This was the second morning in a row that she had done this. Once she was done she sat on the floor with tears falling down her face. She felt someone gently rubbing her back.

"Liz, it will be ok." Said Serena softly
"Rena how can you say that? I am pregnant with that bastard's child."
"You took a test?"
"Three two days ago. All were positive."
"Liz, dad and Nancy won't let anything bad happen to you or your baby."
"Rena, I don't even know if I want kids. I have only just started therapy. I am not going to be a good mother until I get my head straight."
"Liz are you thinking of having an abortion?"
"Rena, never. I can't kill an innocent life. It's not this baby's fault that their father is an asshole."
"So you thinking adoption?"
"I don't know."
"You can talk with dad and Nancy about what to do later."
"Thanks Rena. You know I love you right?"
"Yeah. I love you too. I always will Lizzie."
"Merry Christmas Rena."
"Merry Christmas Lizzie."

Serena helped Liz off the bathroom floor and both headed downstairs to spend the day with their family.


Max sat on his bed holding the small wrapped gift in his hands. He had no idea why he got Liz a gift. Liz wasn't his girlfriend, she wasn't even a friend yet. He had to take things slow. He wanted to teach her what it was like to have someone love her. He personally hated guys like Bobby. All that asshole cared about was sex. Max was no virgin but unlike Bobby he didn't need sex to feel like a man. Max felt like a man when he protected those that couldn't protect themselves. Right now Liz was going to need all the protection she could get. Liz was not going to cut Bobby out of her life without a fight. He just hoped that Liz wouldn't give in to what her mother wanted.

Liz, please let me in. I will show you what a real relationship is.


Jeff smiled when he watched his two daughters walk down the stairs still in their pajamas for the first time in years.

"Morning girls. Merry Christmas." Said Jeff giving each of them a kiss.
"Merry Christmas dad." Said Serena
"Merry Christmas daddy." Said Liz softly looking at the gifts under the tree.

Serena watched her sister. Liz looked at the gifts like a little kid.

"Hey Liz, you ok?" Asked Michael coming in to the living room dressed in sweat pants and a t-shirt. He also carried a tray of hot chocolate.
"Uh yeah. My mom and I didn't really celebrate holidays." Said Liz
"Lisa, doesn't believe in God, Michael. So she would try and force that on Liz." Said Jeff
"Dad, I never stopped believing in God. I would pray every night before bed that you and Rena were safe and one day we would be together again." Said Liz
"Why don't you kids grab your stockings and see what Santa brought you?" Asked Nancy

Michael and Serena just shook their heads while Liz smiled when she saw her name on a stocking hanging by the fire place. Michael handed Liz her stocking and Liz sat on the floor not far from the tree and started to pull things out of the stocking. She found two gift cards one for Bath and Body works. The other was for Yankee Candle Company. Both were places Liz loved to shop. She looked at her sister who just smiled. Liz then pulled out a jewelry box, she opened it and found a white gold heart pendant.

"Do you like it? Serena mentioned that you don't care much for yellow gold." Said Nancy
"This really nice. Thank you." Said Liz
"You're welcome Liz." Said Nancy
"Honey, you have and always will be a member of this family." Said Jeff

Liz hugged her father and stepmother. She realized that this woman who didn't even know her loved her even though she didn't know her. The only reason being that she was the daughter of the man she married. Her own mother in her memory had never shown her a sign of love.


Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 17 3/31/18

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:52 pm
by L-J-L 76
Oh no Liz is pregnant with the mega assholes baby. Feel really bad for Liz. Love how Liz is at Christmas. And love the way Nancy is so caring for Liz. So glad Liz is still going to therapy. Will Liz give Max a chance? Will Liz tell her family that she is pregnant? What will Liz's family do? Will they protect Liz from Lisa, Bobby? Will Max and Liz get married to free her from the contract? Will Max and Liz fall in love with each other? Will Lisa and Bobby stop Max and Liz from marrying? Will Jeff, Nancy, Max, Micheal, Maria, Isabel, Serena and Kyle protect Liz from Bobby and Lisa? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? When will Pam get to Liz? Will what Pam has help Liz? Will someone try and stop Pam from getting to Liz? Sorry for the questions I was just wondering.


Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 17 3/31/18

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:16 am
by keepsmiling7
Liz is so lucky to have such good family support during this time.
And the first time she had a wonderful Christmas celebration.
Can't wait to see what happens next,

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 17 3/31/18

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 12:49 pm
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Liz is pregnant with Bobby's baby. This is Liz's first Christmas since she went to live with her mom.

Carolyn Liz is lucky to have such a wonderful family not counting her mother that is. Christmas isn't over yet.

Part 18

Max stood on the Parker's porch with his family. Every year the Evans and Parkers spent Christmas dinner together. He felt nervous for the first time in years.

"Max are you ok?" Asked his mom Diane
"Yeah mom."
"Max, likes Serena's sister." Said Isabel
"Max, just be careful from what I could see Liz is not very emotionally stable right now. Her mother did a real number on the girl." Said Philip
"Dad, I know that Liz has been hurt a lot. That jerk doesn't love her. He beats her. She tried to tell the school but his dad made things go away."

Diane was shocked to hear that. She would never let anyone hurt her children.

"Philip didn't you tell me that Jeff's ex wants Liz with that boy?" Asked Diane
"Yes. He put Liz in the hospital and she didn't care." Said Philip
"I can't get my head around how a woman and mother could be so uncaring about her own child." Said Diane
"Mom, it isn't hard for me. This is the same so called mother that abandoned Serena." Said Isabel

Diane nodded remembering the little girl she met who was in awe of her relationship with her kids. Just then Philip knocked and moments later they headed into the house.


Serena knocked on her sister's door. Almost two hours ago Liz had come up to lay down. Liz had told their dad and stepmother about taking the home pregnancy tests. Nancy was going to call and make Liz a doctor's appointment for as soon as possible to get it confirmed and to start prenatal care if needed. But based on the way Liz had been feeling Nancy was almost positive that the home tests were right. When Serena didn't get an answer she opened the door and walked in to find her twin asleep. She walked over to the bed and very gently shook her sister.

"Liz, time to wake up. The Evans are here for dinner. Oh and Grandma Claudia called she will be here in a couple days. She is very excited to see you." Said Serena
"Grandma Claudia? I haven't seen her since we were ten. She brought you to that park we met at." Said Liz
"Yeah I remember."
"Rena how much does she know about my screwed up life?"
"If you are asking if we told her you might be pregnant we didn't. Dad wants to wait for the doctor to confirm it to tell anyone."
"Rena, for being the younger of the two of us, you have always acted as my protector."
"Liz, I will always look out for you. Now come on I know you want to see Max."

Liz got up from the bed brushed her hair and the two girls headed down the stairs.


Bobby watched his father as he paced while yelling into the phone.

"You are to find that bitch and my boys! I want you to bring all of them back here! That bitch is going to learn that she can't leave me taking my boys with her!"

Bobby had to wonder if his old man knew that he had fucked his stepmother around the time she got knocked up with Lucas. That Lucas might not be the old man might be the baby's grandfather instead of the daddy. Not that Bobby cared if he was or wasn't the daddy. Let the old man raise the kid as his own. He had a feeling that he would have his own boy soon enough. He got some girl he knew to switch Elizabeth Parker's birth control pills with fakes. That was the main reason he quit using rubbers with her. He wanted her knocked up. If he got the boy he was aiming for then she would have no choice by to marry him. She would also have to move into the house his old man was getting him off campus. Bobby took a swing of the beer he had been drinking. Legal drinking age might be twenty one, but he had been drinking beer since he was thirteen. Raymond hung up the phone and turned to his son.

"Bobby, never let any bitch take your boys from you. Make sure when. You get Elizabeth back you teach her that you are in charge and she has to do what you want."
"I plan to dad. You coming down to the game?"
"Of course. Your bitch going to be there?"
"No. She wants to spend time with daddy."
"That girl needs to learn her place. Her place is by your side."
"Yeah well she thinks she can get out of the deal."
"That won't happen. There is nothing she can do to get out of it."

Bobby smiled knowing that he soon will have his dick inside his bitch again. He had plans to screw her hard before he got on that plane to Florida.


Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 18 4/1/18

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:54 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter! First I would like to say is Bobby and his dad need to have their Dicks cut off and shoved down their throats tied to a live electrical wire. Sorry but those men should never be with any women. Glad the Evans are at the Parkers. Maybe Max and Liz can talk a little. So Liz is going to meet Isabel . Cool grandma Claudia is coming to visit Liz and Family. Will Pam get to Liz before the men get her? What does Pam have that can save Liz? Will what Pam has really help Liz? Will Max and Liz talk? What will happen when Liz met Isabel and Diane? Will Liz tell Max about the baby? Will Max be there for Liz? Will Isabel, Serena, Maria ,Michael and Kyle be there for Liz? Will the Parkers and Evans protect Liz? HoW will Liz's family and friends keep Liz safe? Will Lisa and Bobby find out about the baby? What will Lisa and Bobby do when they find out? Will Max and Liz get married? Will the Parkers and Evans let Max and Liz get married? Will Lisa and Bobby stop the wedding? Will Max and Liz fall in love with each other? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending? Sorry for the questions I was just wondering.

L-J-L 76

Re: Money or Love (AU, Adult, M/L) Pt 18 4/1/18

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:54 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Bobby and his father are a lot alike. We will have wait and see if Max and Liz talk. What does Pam have that could help Liz is a good question.

Part 19

After dinner Liz pulled on her jacket and went to sit on the porch. She needed some air. She was lost in thought and didn't noticed that she wasn't alone until she heard his voice.

"It's a nice night."

Liz turned to see Max standing behind her.

"Yeah I guess."
"Liz, are you ok?"
"As well as I can be. Max tell me something. Why are you out here? Not that I mind. But your family is in there and Serena and Michael are your friends."
"Liz, I told you before I want to be your friend."
"I think you want to be more then friends."
"Maybe some day. But right now you just need friends. Liz, I don't know much about your childhood. But for some reason I don't think it was a very happy one."

Liz looked at Max and wondered how he could be so in tune with her.

"Liz, uh well I don't know how to do this. But I did get you something for Christmas." Said Max
"I wasn't expecting that."
"Liz, it was just something I saw and thought you would like."
"No It's not that. In all the time I was with Bobby he never gave me a gift without expecting something in return."
"I know you didn't get me anything. Liz, Christmas is about giving to others and not expecting anything in return."

Liz just smiled and took the gift from Max and opened it. Inside she found a sliver charm bracelet. There was only one charm on it. It was the zodiac sign Gemini, the twins.

"Max this is beautiful thank you. Help me put it on?"

Max smiled and took the bracelet out of the box and fancied it around Liz's right wrist knowing that it would not fit around the brace on her left.

"Thank you." Said Liz softly
"You are beautiful Liz. When you are ready for a real man to show you how you should be treated let me know. I am willing to wait as long as I have to, to do that. I know that you aren't ready for a relationship. But until you are I would really like to be your friend."
"I would like to have you as a friend."

Max smiled and the two of them headed back into the house.


Pam watched her children sleep. Her mom and stepfather had been surprised to see her and the boys show up. But still welcomed them.

"The boys sleeping?"
"Yes mom." Said Pam
"Pam let's go downstairs and talk."

Pam followed her mom down the stairs and into the living room.

"Pam, are you going back to go back to your husband?" Asked Peter Martin her stepfather.
"No sir. Raymond is a horrible man. He turned his son Bobby into someone just like him. A man that treats women like they are to be owned." Said Pam
"Pam, what made you finally see the light?" Asked Anna Martin
"I guess it was when Bobby put Liz Parker in the hospital for telling him she didn't want to see him any more."
"Raymond Jackman isn't going to let you take the boys without a fight. He only ever let one mother have her son. That was because the boy was handicapped." Said Peter
"I know Peter. But I am not going to let him turn my boys into bastard's like him."
"You know that we will help you." Said Anna
"Thanks mom."