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Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 15 8/2/19

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 5:40 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn About Liz being pregnant......... Things should be improving for Liz very soon. Don't worry there will be more Max coming.

L-J-L 76 I wouldn't count on Liz talking before it goes down. Until James is safely behind bars.

RoswellFan68 Uh yes Liz is in the home stretch. But as for getting James mad it won't take much.

Part 16

One month Later

Liz groaned as she woke up. She really hoped that Tolposki and Duff made the arrests soon. She wouldn't be able to hide what the doctor told her two weeks ago much longer. She climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom and took a shower. She then went down to breakfast. James glared at her. He was mad because she refused to have sex last night. But she wasn't feeling good.

“Elizabeth, what you did last night will not happen again.” Said James
“James, I am the one that makes decisions about my body. It belongs to me not you.”

James grabbed Liz and slapped her across her face hard. He punched her again and twisted her arm until it snapped. Liz cried out in pain, with tears falling down her face.

“We will talk about your attitude when I get home from work. Call Serena to take you to Hawthorne to get your arm looked at.”

James dropped Liz on the floor leaving her there. One of the maids found her there and helped her up.

“Thank you Martha. Could you bring me my cell phone?”

Martha went to get Liz's cell phone and brought it to her. Liz hit the speed dial and called Serena.

“Hey Rena, could you come and give me a ride to the hospital?”
“What did he do to you now?”
“Rena are you coming or not?”
“I'm coming.”

Liz hung up and took the ice pack Martha made her. She placed it on her arm. Serena showed up twenty minutes later and shook her head when she saw Liz.

“Liz, this can't keep going on.” Said Serena
“Rena, I know you don't understand why I haven't left your brother. But I promise that it won't be much longer.”
“Come on let's get you to the hospital. You do know I am not taking you to Hawthorne.”
“You never do. You always take me to Mercy.”
“Damn right!”

Liz followed Serena out to her car.


At the same time Liz was on her way to the emergency room, members of the FBI assigned to the joint anti terrorism task force moved in on the Headquarters of Bower Oil. They had warrants for the arrest of both James Steven Bower the second and James Steven Bower the third. All their accounts had already been frozen. They had received word that last night the terrorist cell that these people were funding had been neutralized by the CIA operative. Kathleen Tolposki and Suzanne Duff led the team of agents. They served the warrants for all financial records already. Now they were serving the arrest warrants for the two top men of one of the biggest oil companies in the country. The two lead agents walked right into the board meeting that was taking place.


Tolposki and Duff showed their badges.

“FBI we have warrants for the arrest of James Steven Bower the second and James Steven Bower the third.” Said Duff
“On what charge bitch?” asked James 3rd
“Funding terrorism.” Said Tolposki

The two men were read their rights and taken away in handcuffs with news crews filming.


Serena paced in the exam room while Liz at on the bed wait the test results. The TV was on but neither of them were really paying attention to it. Suddenly a breaking news report came on.

“Breaking news into NBC. The owner, President and chief executive officer of Bower Oil as well as his son the executive vice president and chief financial officer James Steven Bower the 2nd and James Steven Bower the 3rd have been both been arrested and being charged under the patriot act for funding a terrorist organization. NBC news has learned that the joint terrorism task force was tipped off and began their investigation a little over two years ago by an unnamed source who was able gain access to records of the financial information.” Said the reporter

Serena turned and stared at Liz who didn't seem surprised at the report.


Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 16 8/3/19

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 6:51 am
by RoswellFan68
Oh no! Is Liz pregnant?

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 16 8/3/19

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 7:40 am
by keepsmiling7
Just as I was much more can Liz take........
Finally the arrests are made and James and his father are taken off!
Now Liz is in the hospital, glad she has Serena with her.
Hurry back!

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 16 8/3/19

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 5:56 pm
by L-J-L 76
Oh no Liz is pregnant? Oh my god James needs to stop seriously hurting Liz. Thank god James and his father are finally going to prison for helping the terrorist. Love how the news and the FBI didn't name Liz as the source. Now Liz is going to be free from that major asshole James. Serena got a little surprise. But What is Liz going to do about the baby? Will Max and Liz see each other?

L-J-L 76

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 16 8/3/19

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 5:29 am
by Roswelllostcause
RoswellFan68 Liz pregnant? It is possible.

Carolyn Liz maybe at the hospital but that doesn't mean she will be staying. Liz is lucky to have a friend like Serena.

L-J-L 76 James won't be hurting Liz any more.

Part 17

“MARIA!” yelled Michael
“What do you want?” Demanded Maria
“Take a look at the news report. This might explain what has really been going on with Liz.”

Maria sighed and watched the news report. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Liz had married a bigger jackass than she thought.

“Oh my god Michael! Do you think that Liz knows this?”
“My guess is she is the unnamed source that has turned over the evidence.”
“Why would Liz hide this from us?”
“Maria, Liz has been risking her life staying with that creep! She did it not because she loves him but because she love this country and doesn't want to see another 9/11 happen here or anywhere else. In my book that makes her a hero.”
“But she could have told us!”
“Damn it Maria, that asshole didn't want you in her life. He didn't want any of us in her life! He thought we were nothing but dirt. Not good enough to be around Liz. Did you know he never called her Liz? To him she was always Elizabeth. Even I know she hates being called by her full name.”
“Just like you hate being called Mickey.”
“Right. Maria when Liz is ready she will come to you or even call you.”
“Guess I need to give her time.”
“Yeah give her time. When she does reach out to you then be there for her.”
“I will. I just want my friend back.”

Michael hugged Maria to him.


“You knew about this!” said Serena shocked
“I am the one that turned them in. Rena, I found the first pieces of evidence while I was recovering my miscarriage.”
“That was two years ago!”
“Yeah I know. I was going to leave him back then. Rena, can this wait until we go back to your place. Which reminds me. Can you call Kyle and see if his partner can take him to pick up my car? Not that I can drive it with my arm broken.”
“Yeah well you are the one that wanted to drive a manual transmission.”
“I learned to drive one in high school. My boyfriend drove this old army jeep. It was a manual.”
“Did you love him?”
“Your high school boyfriend that taught you to drive a manual transmission.”
“Yes Rena, I loved Max. You know that!”
“Then explain to me why you and him didn't stay together?”
“Different colleges in different parts of the country for one. We were young, maybe too young to be that serious. Long distance relationships are too hard to maintain.”
“Why did you fall for my asshole brother?”
“I don't know any more. Looking back there were signs he was controlling from the start. He always choose where we would go out to. He even would choose what I would eat. What movies we went to. But I didn't see those things. I saw this good looking man that wanted to give me things I never had. But I learned that if it seems to good to be true then it most likely is.”
“So you going to stay with him now?”
“No. While I was in Roswell, I hired a lawyer to draw up divorce papers. Regardless James is going to be spending a very long time if not the rest of his life in prison.”

Serena nodded as the doctor came in to set Liz's arm.


Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 17 8/4/19

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 7:41 am
by keepsmiling7
Serena is a very good friend to Liz....
And Maria now knows what was going on in Liz's life.
Guess the divorce papers are ready to be filed.
Can't wait until Max and Liz have a long conversation about the past!

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 17 8/4/19

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 10:23 am
by L-J-L 76
Finally Michael and Maria know the truth. Michael is right with everything he is telling Maria. Hopefully Maria will be able to give Liz time to come to her. Finally Serena knows everything. Wow so Liz started gather information on James and his father for 2 years now. That seems aa long time. Good thing she wants Kyle to get her old car for her. So Max taught Liz how to drive a manual transmission. Liz admit to Serena that she loves Max. So glad Liz told Serena that she has a lawyer already and is ready to divorce James. Hopefully Diane saw the news and is already filling the papers. Can't wait for Max and Liz to talk.

[-J-L 76

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 17 8/4/19

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 4:13 pm
by RoswellFan68
The truth is finally coming out. I wonder if Liz will have to testify against her soon to be ex and former father-in-law.

Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 17 8/4/19

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 11:53 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Serena is a very good friend. Yes Maria knows what is going on with Liz now. The divorce papers are nearly ready to be filed. You will have to keep waiting for that talk between Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76 Yes Michael and Maria now know. Who said Liz's car was old?

RoswellFan68 Yes the truth is coming out.

Part 18

Max walked into the lounge and grabbed a cup of coffee. He noticed several nurses watching the news report on tv. He was surprised when he saw the report. He could hear the nurses talking about Serena. He put his cup down and walked over to them.

“Don't you three have something you could be doing other then gossiping? Besides you all know Serena. She has never been involved with her father's company. She doesn't even like her family, well except for her sister in law.” Said Max

Two of the nurses ran off to find something to do. The third looked at Max.

“Lisa are you ok?” asked Max
“I just hate that there are people like that in the world. I know Serena has nothing to do with it. But the fact is her father and brother and people like them giving terrorists money are the reason my cousin is an orphan. Her parents were both working in the twin towers on 9/11.”
“I am sorry about that. But you can't blame Serena. She is not responsible for her father or brother's actions. If I know her like I think do, she has no idea that they were doing this.”
“I know you are right Dr. Evans. It's just it makes me so mad.”
“Just don't take that anger out on Serena.”

Lisa walked off Max pulled out his phone and called Serena.


Serena looked at her phone when it rang rolling her eyes.

“What's up Doc?” said Serena pacing in the waiting room waiting on Liz to be finished up.
“Have you seen the news?”
“Yeah. Before you ask Liz knows something but won't say until I get her home. By the way are you getting off soon?”
“An hour why?”
“You drive today?”
“No. Jeep is in the shop. Had to take the bus.”
“Well then Liz needs you to do her a favor. She needs you to drive her car over to my place. I tried calling Kyle but he can't take the time off.”
“Why can't Liz drive it herself?”
“She drives a stick shift and my bastard of a brother busted her arm this morning.”
“And you can't drive a stick shift.”
“Right. Ok pick me up and drop me at Liz's house and I will get her car and drive it over to your place. Just ask Liz if she can tell me what she knows too.”
“Will do. Thanks Maxie.”
“Rena, I hate when you call me that.”

Serena just laughed hanging up. Liz walked out just then discharge papers stuffed in her purse and arm in a sling.

“We meeting Kyle somewhere?” asked Liz
“He can't make it. So I talked to someone else. He will pick up your car. I will just have to feed him and he wants to hear what you are going to tell me.”
“You talked to Max.”
“Yes. Liz, I know your history with him. He has been worried about you since the night of the charity dinner.”
“Let's go get him. I will tell you both at the same time over whatever we will be eating for lunch.”

Forty minutes later Serena parked in front of the side employees entrance of the children's hospital. She noticed a faint smile on Liz's face.

“He really did it. He is a doctor.” Said Liz
“Did you have any doubts?”
“No. None at all. I knew he could do it. It's part of the reason I didn't want to do the whole long distance relationship thing in college. Which reminds me I need to look into going back to finish what I couldn't online.”
“I thought James made you drop out.”
“I convinced him to let me do what I could online. He didn't want me going to school because he didn't want me around other guys.”

Ten minutes later Max walked out opened the back door tossed his bag in and climbed in.

“So what kind of car am I driving for you Liz?” asked Max
“Uh BMW convertible. Thanks for doing this. I should warn you the gearshift sticks a little going into second. I need to get it fixed. But then again I most likely will trade it in for something more practical.” Said Liz
“Is there something you haven't told me?” asked Serena
“Uh yeah. I am two months pregnant.”
“Your husband know?” asked Max
“No. He doesn't. But I do need to inform my divorce attorney. By the way you really should call your mom more often Max.”
“My mom is handling your divorce?” asked Max
“I was in Roswell to see my parents and go to my Aunt and Uncle's funeral. While I was there I saw your mom and after going through a lot of papers I gave her she agreed to handle my divorce.”
“How much you taking my brother for?” asked Serena
“You know I signed that prenuptial agreement.”
“So? I would think that any judge would throw that out based on the fact he is funding terrorism and he beats the shit out of you.” Said Serena
“True but I want my freedom back, so I am just taking what is in my name. The six point five million in my bank accounts and the Malibu beach house oh and my car.”
“Uh so you moving to the beach when this is all over?” asked Max
“No. I will sell the house and I plan to get an apartment for me and my baby.”
“You are keeping the baby?” asked Serena as she pulled in the long driveway to her brother's house.
“Well it was going to be that or put it up for adoption. You know that I wouldn't kill an unborn baby no matter how I got pregnant.”
“That is something I always remember about you Liz. You don't believe in abortion unless both the life of the mother and baby are at risk.” Said Max
“Yeah. Here Max. It's the cherry red one.” Said Liz handing over a key fob.
“Where is the key?” asked Max
“All you need is to have that fob in the car. It has a keyless ignition. A lot of newer cars have them. Let me guess you are still driving old “Bob" which is why you didn't have a car today.”
“Yeah.” Mumbled Max
“You named your jeep Bob? Why didn't I know this? Oh and I thought guys named their cars after woman.” Said Serena
“That bucket of bolts could never have a woman's name Rena. It's just not the kind of car you name after a woman.” said Liz
“You have a point. What about clothes?” asked Serena
“Already in the car. I knew the arrests were happing soon. I packed up what I wanted. I will be able get more stuff if need be after the FBI is done with the house. My car is the only one that can leave at this point. Max we will see you back at Serena's right?”

Liz watched as Max walked over to her car and got in. He started the car and followed Serena down the long driveway.


Re: In A Gilded Cage (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 18 8/5/19

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 8:30 pm
by keepsmiling7
Bad news, Liz is 2 months pregnant.
Good news, she'll soon have her freedom from James.
Nice of Max to drive her car ..............
Hope they will soon have a good talk.