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Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 15 1-28-2020

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2020 6:47 pm
by SmileeUk
keepsmiling7 wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2020 9:57 pm Boy, we have an interrogation project coming up.
Something tells me that Max will be up to it and more.
This is too good to be true for them to meet, get married and try to make things work.
Now, as for Max's parents........guess we'll find out soon.
I can’t agree more :mrgreen:
How about Mr & Mrs Parker? How are they going to take the news??
So many questions!! Can’t wait for more :wink: :wink:

Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 15 1-28-2020

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:23 pm
by truthrowan
despite none of my replies going through, I'm still going to type this in hopes that the author sees it and knows how much I absolutely LOVE this story and look forward to reading more!

Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 16 2-2-2020

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:07 pm
by RoswellFan68
Chapter 16


Max decided that he should keep the hotel room for another night. He could only imagine his parents’ reaction to his announcement. This would be the perfect escape if things went the way he thought. He did need to talk to Isabel. She needed to be present. She needed to meet Liz and keep his dad’s tempter under control. His dad was never violent, but he could cut you down with his words.

“Hi Isabel. I’m fine. I just talked to Michael, but I thought you would need to hear this from me.”

“Are you sure you are okay with Tess leaving?”

“She did me the biggest favor in my life. Izzy, I found her. I know she is the girl I have been dreaming about most of my life. I couldn’t let her get away, so I married her last night.”

“What the, you married her? Did you tell her the true? Was the bond possible with a human? Did she freak out?”

“Yes, I married and bonded to her. Her name is Liz Parker Evans. She was celebrating her 21st birthday last night. She is a junior at Harvard in molecular biology. We both were a little drunk last night. Izzy, I know she was the one and I couldn’t let her return to school without letting her know how I felt.”

“So, she is cool with the hybrid thing?”

“She is a scientist. That part didn’t freak her out it was the bonded part. I gave her some space, but I think she is coming around. I offered to go back East with her, and she called to accept my offer. I’m having lunch with her and her friends. I thought after lunch I would take her to meet Mom and Dad. Will you please be out the house this afternoon? You know that Dad will be on his best behavior if he has an audience.”

“Sure, Max. I will be there. I need to me my new sister-in-law anyway.”

<Stratosphere Hotel Room>

Liz took advantage of her alone time to write in her journal. Grandma Claudia had always encouraged her from a young age to document her thoughts, feelings and adventures. Before she returned to college, she gave her a new journal for this trip. It was funny. Grandma Claudia knew the four friends were making this trip for her birthday but none of the parents knew. She knew her mom and dad would never approve. Her parents didn’t keep alcohol in the house. Her father had been drinking as a teenager and had a bad car accident that almost killed his best friend. He swore off alcohol after that incident. He opened the Crashdown in a former bar. He didn’t want to operate a bar, so he converted it to an alien themed diner. She knew that she would need to talk to her parents eventually about her marriage, but she knew her dad would blame it on the champagne she had with dinner last night. She was still writing when Maria returned to the hotel room carrying a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

“Okay, Liz. It’s time for some serious girl talk.”

“Don’t you think it is a little early for ice cream?”

“It’s never too early for ice cream. You are a woman now. I need details. Did you do it just once or was it multiply times. Did it hurt as much as they say it does? Did he satisfy you? Is he hot? Liz, you have this information and I need to know.”

“Maria, I’m not going to kiss and tell. It would cheapen the experience. The only think I will tell you though is Madame Vivian was right. I wasn’t left wanting.”

“Madame Vivian? You mean that fortune teller I took you and Alex to in our junior year in high school. She told me I would meet this guy I would have a love hate relationship with, but it was more love. She told Alex he would fall in love with a woman that appeared out of his league but would return the love. What was it she told you, I’m trying to remember?”

“I would meet the leader of his people. He would be a healer. We would know each other at first sight. We would share a passion like no other. I would never be left wanting.”

“Did you really marry someone based what Madame Vivian said?”

“No, Maria. That is more your style. It was more what Grandma Claudia always said to me. That I should always follow my heart. I met Max and just knew he was the one. The thought of leaving him behind in Las Vegas was breaking my heart.”

“Well, I got to see if this guy is good enough for you.”

“It will not be much longer before you get a chance to meet him.”

<Bellagio Hotel>

Maria didn’t have to wait long. After their discussion, they met up with the guys. They decide to go to the Bellagio and hit the casino while they waited for lunch. Maria could park herself by the slot machines and would not have to use her crutches.

While the guys hit the Blackjack tables and roulette wheel, Maria and Liz past the time with the slot machines. Liz hit a $1000 jackpot on one of slot machines and decided just to watch Maria. A few minutes later Maria made $500 on the slots.

“Come on, let’s get this over with. It’s time for us to meet Liz’s new husband, Mr. Vegas.”

“Kyle, you haven’t even met the guy. Give him a chance for Liz’s sake.”

“Maria, I have a right to feel anyway I want. Up until last night, I was Liz’s boyfriend.”

Her friends’ argument faded into the background for Liz. Liz spotted Max from across the room. His eyes lit up when he spotted her, and he had the biggest smile on his face. Liz was smiling as well. He came over and gave her a hug and kissed her on the cheek. He wanted to give her a passionate kiss but decided that it might embarrass her in front of her friends.

Maria knew her mouth was opened when got her first look at this guy. He looked like a Greek god. She could tell even in his khakis and polo shirt he was well built. She looked at his hands and wondered if what they said and about the hands be proportional to the equipment was true in his case. She had to get those thoughts out of her mind. This was her best friend’s husband. No wonder she didn’t want to give details. You would want to keep a man like this all to yourself. She would still have to see if the personality was as good as the body.

Kyle was not that impressed. He just looked a like a pretty rich boy. He was probably just as superficial as some of the guys back at college. The ones that got everything because of their good looks and their family’s money. How on earth did his Liz fall for someone like this. She never gave guys like this a second look in high school or college. What on earth did she see in him?

Alex was just taking everything in. Liz and Max were happy to see each other. By Maria’s initial reaction, he was someone that the ladies found very attractive. He could see that Kyle was sizing up the competition. He was going to withhold judge to until he really got the chance to know the guy.

“Max, I’m so glad this worked out for you. These are my friends. This is my best friend, Maria DeLuca. She is a music major at Berkelee. This is my other best friend, Alex Whitman. He is an electric engineering/computer science major at MIT. And finally, this Kyle Valenti, he is studying at Boston College. Everyone, this is Max Evans, my husband.”

To be continued

Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 16 2-2-2020

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:04 pm
by keepsmiling7
Maria was really impressed when Max walked up........
Kyle not so much........jealous is the better word I think.
The first meeting was off to a slow start.........I'm waiting for the parents reaction!

Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 16 2-2-2020

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:50 pm
by SmileeUk
Seems like Mr & Mrs Evans would not be pleased with Max’s choice. I am intrigued what they are like.

Max has certainly made a good impression on Maria & not so much on Kyle :lol:

Can’t wait to see how Maria & Alex interrogate Max :mrgreen:

Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 17 2-17-2020

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:00 am
by RoswellFan68
From Chapter 16

Maria knew her mouth was opened when got her first look at this guy. He looked like a Greek god. She could tell even in his khakis and polo shirt he was well built. She looked at his hands and wondered if what they said and about the hands be proportional to the equipment was true in his case. She had to get those thoughts out of her mind. This was her best friend’s husband. No wonder she didn’t want to give details. You would want to keep a man like this all to yourself. She would still have to see if the personality was as good as the body.

Kyle was not that impressed. He just looked a like a pretty rich boy. He was probably just as superficial as some of the guys back at college. The ones that got everything because of their good looks and their family’s money. How on earth did his Liz fall for someone like this. She never gave guys like this a second look in high school or college. What on earth did she see in him?

Alex was just taking everything in. Liz and Max were happy to see each other. By Maria’s initial reaction, he was someone that the ladies found very attractive. He could see that Kyle was sizing up the competition. He was going to withhold judge to until he really got the chance to know the guy.

“Max, I’m so glad this worked out for you. These are my friends. This is my best friend, Maria DeLuca. She is a music major at Berkelee. This is my other best friend, Alex Whitman. He is an electric engineering/computer science major at MIT. And finally, this Kyle Valenti, he is studying at Boston College. Everyone, this is Max Evans, my husband.”

Chapter 17

“It’s nice to meet you all. I have us a table out on the patio.”

Max took Liz’s hand and led the group to the table. Touching her hand confirmed all the feelings he had for her. He hoped they were never separated again. When they reached the circular table, Max pulled out the seat for Liz. He then pulled out a seat for Maria and handed her crutches to the server. Alex set on the other side of Max. Kyle set directly across from Max.

“Hi, my name is Lauren and I will be your server today. Today’s special is Greek Salad with salmon. I can take your drink orders while you look over the menu.”

“I will take a water with lemon.” Liz responded.

“I would like a diet coke.” Maria responded.

“A coke for me please.” Kyle requested.

“Same for me.” Alex informed her.

“I would like a Cherry Coke if you have it if not a regular coke with be okay.” Max responded.

Everyone looked over the menus to see what they wanted. The server returned with their drinks and took their orders.
“So, you swept our rational and level-headed Lizzy off her feet. Why don’t you tell us a little about you?” Maria asked him.

“My twin sister and I were adopted at four and raised by Philip and Diane Evans after our parents were killed in a car accident. We were raised in Las Vegas. I graduated high school early and then went to Stanford. I got my undergraduate degree in biology. Thought about medical school but my family urged me to go to law school. I graduated from Stanford College of Law this spring. I just past the bar in exam in Nevada. I spent my summers as a law clerk at the same firm as my parents. I was scheduled to start work on September 14, but I plan to head to Cambridge to be with Liz.”

“So, you are going to live off Liz until you find a job.” Kyle asked.

“No. My birth family had a trust fund set up for my sister and me. Their estate was placed in our trust funds. My great uncle is a Hollywood producer. He didn’t think Hollywood was the ideal place to raise two kids, so he found a childless couple to adopt us. He also travelled a lot for his job he didn’t want us raised by nannies. We still see him a few times a year and we keep in contact, but he didn’t interfere with our parents raising us.”

Liz was holding one of Max’s hands under the table. She knew he didn’t like to lie about his past. She also knew why it was necessary.

“So, you don’t need to work if you don’t want to?” Kyle accused.

“My parents raised us with the desire to work and contribute to society. My parents never touched the money that was set aside for our care. I worked hard and received scholarships for my undergraduate education. I will probably volunteer at the legal clinic at Harvard until I can get my license in Massachusetts. I want to focus on patent and copyright law. With MIT so close, I should be able to help get the latest technology patented.”

“So, are you going to be career focused and expect Liz to give up her career to stay home with the kids. Liz has a lot of potential to be a great scientist. I would hate for her to waste that potential.” Alex stated.

“My mother is an attorney and a member of city council. She took a year off when Isabel and I came to live with them to help us adjust. She has always worked. She hired a housekeeper/cook so she could be our mother when she wasn’t working. I would never stop Liz from working and I would never tell her she couldn’t stay home with the kids if that what she really wanted to do.”

“Where are you going to live? Liz already has a roommate, Eileen. Liz and Eileen already have an agreement of no guys overnight in the apartment, mainly because Eileen’s boyfriend is a real ass. Liz and I can’t understand what Eileen sees in the guy.”

“Well, I was hoping to find a place of our own. A townhouse or condo would be nice. I would have enough money to purchase one. Once Liz finished at Harvard we could sell or rent to other students. I can stay at a hotel until we can find something.”

“That is the easy stuff, have you ever been in trouble with the law. Do you use drugs? Do you have a drinking problem? How many girlfriends have you seduced over the years? Do you have any crazy ex-girlfriends that Liz needs to worry about? How big is your porn collection?” Kyle was trying to put doubt in Liz’s head.

“Kyle, everyone knows you have the biggest porn collection in Roswell, probably in the state of New Mexico!” Maria attacked her brother.

“Kyle, I understand your concern for Liz. You are being a true friend. I have never had any dealings with the law. I don’t do drugs. I don’t drink very often. My birth parents were killed by a drunk driver. I have dated a few women in high school and college but only one was serious. She was my best friend. It wasn’t true love. I have never really cared for porn. I prefer the real thing.”

“Okay, I think you have all asked Max enough questions. He has been good natured and taken all your questions.” Liz had enough of her friends and especially Kyle.

“Liz, Max has survived the three of us but when is he going to meet your parents?” Maria asked her friend.

“I don’t know but can the three of you promise not to tell my parents until I have the opportunity. This is going to be shocking for them and the news should come from me.”

Maria and Alex nodded in affirmation. Kyle was quiet.

“I was thinking that tomorrow Liz and I could fly to Roswell so I could meet her parents. My uncle will let me use his private jet so any of you are welcomed to stop in Roswell with us.”

“We should go Kyle so we can check in Mom. She is getting close to the end of pregnancy. I only hope it’s a girl, so we have even numbers. I don’t need another brother.”

“I never been on a private jet besides Max will get to see how freaked out Liz gets on a plane.”

“I guess, Maria is right. Amy would kill me if she knew I had the opportunity to come home for a short visit. Justin would also love to see his big brother.”

“Great, once I get everything worked out with Uncle Cal, I will let you know what time we go.”

Max then asked Maria about her crutches. Maria and Alex both told the story of her injury. There is a lot of teasing about Maria’s dislike for her rescuer from Alex. Maria then roast Alex about his obsession with the blonde at the hospital. Kyle enjoyed ribbing the pair. Liz was laughing with her friends. Max loved seeing how the friends all interacted. They reminded him so much of his friendship with Michael, Tess and Isabel. He realized that Kyle was not an asshole. He was just ready hurt with losing Liz. Max knew that he would be worse than Kyle if he ever lost Liz.

“Liz sweetie, can you help me to the ladies’ room.”

“Of course, excuse us guys. We will be right back.”

Maria waited until she thought they were out of ear shot of the table.

“My god Liz, where on earth did you find him. He is perfect for you. I wish he had a brother for me. I assume you will be staying with him tonight. You don’t let a man like that out of your sight.”

“Maria, we really haven’t discussed tonight. I thought I might need to stay with you. You may need my help. I did come with you and I should spend some time with you. It’s not like we see each other much during the semester.”

“Don’t feel guilty Liz. You are now a married woman. So, the plan is to meet his parent’s after lunch. Please, don’t let them bully you. Kyle has been bad enough.”

“I don’t think that Max is taking Kyle’s attitude personally. He knows that Kyle’s heart is broken right now.”

Mean while back at the table.

“Look, Vegas, I don’t know what kind of spell you have casted on Liz, but I will be watching you. I’m going to be there to pick up the pieces when you break her heart.”

“Kyle, it’s good to know that you care for Liz. I’m glad she has a friend like you. I can promise you that I’m going to do everything in my power to make Liz the happiest woman on this planet.”

The table was silent. Alex liked the guy. He knew that Liz could do a lot worse than Max. He hoped he was as good as he appeared to be. Kyle still didn’t like him. There was just something that he could not pinpoint. He was sure he had a deep dark secret and he was going to find out what it was.
Once the girls returned to the table. Max got up and helped Maria into her seat and then Liz.

“So, is anyone having dessert?” Maria asked the group.

“I have arranged a little something since yesterday was Liz’s birthday. I stopped by the European Bakery that my mom loves and picked up a birthday cake for Liz.”

As if on cue, the server returned with the cake. Another server accompanied her with plates and silverware.

Liz couldn’t believe her eyes. It was a chocolate cake with decorated with strawberries and chocolate art pieces. She hoped it tasted as good as it looked. Maria was as impressed with the cake. Liz always loved strawberries and chocolate. Once again, it was like she found herself the perfect man.

“Max, that cake is beautiful. It’s too pretty to eat. Let me take a photo before you cut it. You didn’t have to do this. My birthday was yesterday.”

“Of course, I did. We needed to celebrate your birthday with all your friends. Trust me you will want to eat this cake. It has a chocolate ganache frosting, chocolate cake along with chocolate mousse layers.”

Liz took a few photos of the cake. Then the server cut a slice for everyone. Max made sure that Liz got a slice with a strawberry.

“This is the best think I ever had in my mouth.” Maria told the group.

“Maria is right. This is the best cake I have ever had. Do you promise to get me this cake for my birthday next year?”

“Anything for you my sweet Liz.”

“So, you and Max are headed to his parents. Are we still doing Circ de Sol tonight? I’m sure we can get an extra ticket for Max.” Maria asked.

“I don’t have to go. There are poker tables with my name on them. Alex and I can hit the tables.”

“Kyle, you can hit the tables by yourself. Maria really wants to go. I don’t want her to be the third wheel tagging along with the newlyweds.”

“Thanks Alex, I always knew there was a reason you were my friend.”

“Okay, Liz and I will pick you up at the hotel about 6:00 pm so we can get dinner before the show.”

Max picked up the check for the group and the remainder of Liz’s birthday cake. The server also brought out the other cake he asked her to store.

“Do we really need to do this Max?”

“I’m afraid so. This was just the warmup for what we are going to face with me folks.”
“What’s in the box?”

“A peace offering for my mother. I figured her favorite cake would be a great icebreaker for us.”

“Thank you, Max.” She placed a kiss on his lips. The connection was instant. She felt his love and his worry pour out of him.

“It’s all worth it Liz.”

Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 17 2-17-20260

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:00 pm
by truthrowan
I don't think RF is letting my reviews through yet, but if they do, I want you to know how much I am loving this story! The cake was a great move, and hopefully Kyle will calm down some. I can't wait to read more!

Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 17 2-17-20260

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:22 pm
by SmileeUk
Woehoo!! Jumping with JOY!! Another update :mrgreen:

Love this Max! He is so perfect and right for Liz. Just hope Kyle can come round quickly to see the better side of Max.

Is Alex going to poke into Max's secret??!!?? Undercover Alex in operation!! :lol:
WAIT.... he will be distracted by the blond!! :roll: :roll:

Loving this story!!

Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 17 2-17-20260

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 2:28 pm
by RoswellFan68
Yes, Alex will likely be distracted at some point in the future. Kyle is the suspicious one, too many years living with a cop.

Re: What Happens in Vegas (AUwA M/L Adult - Chapter 17 2-17-20260

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:06 pm
by Zanity
Like the reactions so far! Can’t wait for more