City of Damnation (Mature, AU) *Recasting*

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Post by Athenea »


I sit up in my bed as I feel a new prescence in the house arive. A very LOUD prescence. I haven't left this room since Micah brought me here and I like the sanctuary of this new place. It is quiet and peaceful almost enough to block out others people's feelings but not quite.

I pull the blanket off the bed and wrap it around me as I get up. This how is old and has alot of memories and I can practically feel all of them. I close my eyes and take a deep breath trying to calm my nerves and not spiral into the abyss.

I hate this power I have always had, it got me killed in my first life and now as one of the undead it makes me insane. I pull out my sketch book and finish up on a drawing I was working on. Trying ti block out everything else and focus on one thing at a time.
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Post by Loxyanissa14 »


I hear the car pull up and know its Max. I smile when I hear Devlin coming through the front door. You have to love Devlin although he is loud and I'm sur even Story heard him. I let my mind wonder to Stroy's. I lightly touch her's to make sure she is ok. When I am sure she is I quickly with draw knowing she knows I have been there and not wanting her to feel as if I was intruding. I put my book down and head for the stairs.

Devlin is standing in the entrance. I through my hands up, "Welcome Home." I see Max and Tess enter at Devlin's shoulder. I worry a moment about Zander. I don't see him but I feel his presense. Zander isn't the only one I worry about. This will be the first time any of them get a look in to my past. Story is part of my past and future. I hope they love her as much as I do.


I love this town. I love the way the wind feels beneath my wings as I soar off of the cliff. I love the old houses and buildings but most of all I love the people. In fact the only interesting thing that has happened around here is the Bixby family moving in and opening up a cafe.

I sit in his favorite spot in the Bixby cafe. I watch the owner move about. She is beautiful. Everything a women should be. She is smart and cofident. It almost makes you wonder if she is trying to hide something. Then there is Caleb. He disappears a lot but always seems to come back. I look to Lexi. She looks sweet and innocent and yet I get the impression that she only looks these things. She attends classes at the local college. I sip my coffee as I look for Danya. I see her walk in and immediatley think if I was to have a mate I would want her to look just like Danya. Danya is gourgous. Chocolate brown hair and eyes a little lighter. Something about the way she moves with such grace makes me wonder but then I turn my attention to Reagan. Ah..Reagan. What to say. The youngest of the Bixby's. Just as pretty as them all but those ugly piercings covering her up. There's something about the way Reagan walks that screams predator.

I spend my time people watching. I know it's silly but they all seem so interesting. The Bixby's expecially. Four girls and yet not one of them or seen with any guy in town. They are all old enough to live on their own and yet they live together. I smile at myself and look down at the book I am reading.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

I hope that this is okay.


I watch the scenery fly past as we drive to the small town of Haven. I cannot believe that we are leaving New York. Never in a hundred years would I have thought that I would abandon my exciting and glittering life in New York City for a small town in the middle of nowhere, but its what Micah wants, and what Micah wants he gets. No one can deny him anything. We all love him too much.

“We should be at this place Micah purchased soon.”

I turn my attention away from the window and smile softly at him, feeling no need for words. Max is my family. I love him more then I’ve ever loved anyone else. He gives me a sense of calm, a certain peace that I cannot find anywhere else. Its in quiet moments like this that I feel more human. The beast deep inside of me is quiet and I can feel something other then darkness, violence and hungry.

The car stops and I find myself staring in awe at the house. Its beautiful. Perhaps living here won’t be so bad. Perhaps living here will help me find what is missing in my life. I reach for a pair of dark sunglasses and put them. Although I won’t burn to a crisp when I go out into the sunlight, it still stings slightly.

Always the gentleman, Max opens my door and offers me his hand, which I accept as I get out of the car. I keep a hold of his hand as we enter the house, following Devlin.

"Welcome Home." Micah says as he comes down the stairs to greet us.

“Micah, it is good to be home.” I say, smiling warmly at him. “We have all missed you so. You mustn’t leave us again for so long. It is too cruel.”
Last edited by ~Ruby~ on Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Loxyanissa14 »


“Micah, it is good to be home. We have all missed you so. You mustn’t leave us again for so long. It is too cruel.” Tess says to me with a smile. I smile back. Smiling is something I haven’t done in a long time. I descend the stairs in one graceful movement and wrap my arms around the petite blonde pulling her into a hug. I kiss the scars Max had given her on her neck. I usher her into the living room feeling the others following.

“It has been to long my lovely Tessalynn. I must say this place makes me feel like a different vampire. I feel as if I am 200 years old again.” As happy as I am to have my children with me again a thought keeps tugging at the back of my mind, Story. I have blocked her aura so that I may introduce her to my family when I feel that she and they can handle it.

We enter the living area and I sit in the large black leather chair nearest the fire. Tess sits on the arm of the chair. I watch as Max sits on the couch closest to me and Devlin plops and when I say plops I mean plops as much as a vampire can plop onto the love seat. I look at the door hoping Zan will join us soon and I won’t be forced to go get him.

Turning to my family I say, “I have had all the rooms decorated. You may pick which ever one your heart desires and feel free to make it your own. I have settled myself into the master suite.” I turn to Tess and add, “You have no idea how glad I am that you are here. This house is in dire need of a woman’s touch. I will show you around if you would like but if you all would rather wonder around on your own feel free too. I do have one thing to ask and that is that you don’t go into the west tower.” I give no reason for this. I will tell them of Story soon enough.

“I haven’t feed in the small town yet. I haven’t been here long enough to get the feel of the town. Devlin if you wouldn’t mind seeing how they react to a few unknown people disappearing tonight I would be very appreciative. I have just been going to the large city north of here to hunt. Max maybe you could see how the town handles new comers and Tessalynn I would be honored if you could go shopping, maybe buy some rugs or what not.” I hand my credit card over to Tess.

My patience finally runs out with Zan. I sense his mind and enter it. Zander Edward O’Reily, If you do not bring yourself into this house immediately I will come out there and get you my self.
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Post by Loxyanissa14 »


I large grin spreads across my face when Caleb invites me to join him on a hunt. He knows what Valerie would think about this and that makes me smile even more. It’s not my fault Valerie won’t let me have any fun. I see Danya walk into the Café and join us.

Danya says something but I don’t catch it. I see how busy Valerie’s café is. I hop off the bar stool and bounce back behind the counter. I grab and apron and head off to table number 6. It’s a regular. I think his name is Draco. I refill his coffee and stand there staring at him.

He looks up and I grin. “Has any one ever told you have beautiful eyes?” I say flirting in hopes that he’ll leave a good tip.

“Or you hitting on me?” Draco asks putting his book aside and staring up at me smiling.

“I think I am.” I reply turning on my heels and walking away. It’s a trick I’ve learned from my sisters. You always leave them wanting more. As I ponder the male species I take an order and head to the back to put it in.
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Post by CalLen »

I look around the giant house admiring the back wall made entirely of glass overlooking the mountains. I got so busy looking that i didn't even notice that Max and Tess had joined me until I heard the familiar voice of Micah, “It has been to long my lovely Tessalynn. I must say this place makes me feel like a different vampire. I feel as if I am 200 years old again.” I laugh at the irony in that.

We follow Micah into the living area and I plop down on the plush love seat, again admiring the beautiful piece of furniture underneath me. It's high quality considering I have never had the finer things in life. “I have had all the rooms decorated. You may pick which ever one your heart desires and feel free to make it your own. I have settled myself into the master suite.” I hadn't figured Micah the type to decorate but we will see. “I haven’t feed in the small town yet. I haven’t been here long enough to get the feel of the town. Devlin if you wouldn’t mind seeing how they react to a few unknown people disappearing tonight I would be very appreciative. I have just been going to the large city north of here to hunt. Max maybe you could see how the town handles new comers and Tessalynn I would be honored if you could go shopping, maybe buy some rugs or what not.”

I can't help the smirk that lands itself on my face. I could do that, I could definitly make myself known in this little town; and with that I'm off to explore the rest of the house. I need to make sure I get the best room first. I climb the ornate staircase and look from room to room. I can tell the one on the end is the Micah has taken. It smells like him and the room is way to neat for my comfort.

After looking through every room I walk into a magnificent room. The walls are a rich navy blue. The bed is king size and high off the ground, just like i like it. It's almost like Micah new what would make me happy and did it before we arrived. The bed spread is white fur. I rub my hand across the fur before jumping spread eagle onto my bed. "DIBS!!" I yell loud enough for the others to be aware that I had marked my territory.
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Post by Loxyanissa14 »

OOC- If any one needs any help with a post let me know.


I laugh at Devlin as he bounds up the stairs in search of a room. "Max, Tessalynn feel free to roam at will." I say to my family. I feel Zan enter the house.

"Sounds like he found a room," Zan says as he enters the house. He can be so stubborn at times. Maybe if he gave this place a chance he could be happy.

"Gald you decided to join us Zander, as I was telling the others, wonder around a bit but if you could please not enter the west tower. Tonight we should hunt as a coven...when's the last time we did that? before Tessalynn joined our family I believe."
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Post by Loxyanissa14 »

OOC- If any one needs any help with a post let me know.


I laugh at Devlin as he bounds up the stairs in search of a room. "Max, Tessalynn feel free to roam at will." I say to my family. I feel Zan enter the house.

"Sounds like he found a room," Zan says as he enters the house. He can be so stubborn at times. Maybe if he gave this place a chance he could be happy.

"Gald you decided to join us Zander, as I was telling the others, wonder around a bit but if you could please not enter the west tower. Tonight we should hunt as a coven...when's the last time we did that? before Tessalynn joined our family I believe." I say.
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »

OCC: I do and I am lost! BIC:
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Post by StormWolfstone »

Sorry there isn't a post here.... I wrote one, sent it but somehow it didn't stick... now rewriting it...
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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