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Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:23 am
by killjoy
Ok I'll get us back on track here. :lol:

1.I can NOT stand mice,rats or any type of animal from that family :twisted:

2.I was born and raised near a HUGE river that I spent most of my life on.I actually worked like a dog for two summers just so I could own my own boat....which I got before I was old enough to drive a car :lol:

3.I'm actually old enough to recall going to a drive in movie.

4.I got my tattoo when I was in the Air Force and my mom wasn't too happy when I came home for a visit and she saw it.

5.I love sweet ice tea and will quit drinking anything else before I give it up.

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 8:42 am
by DreamerM&L
Hmm five facts....

1. I have a Roswell Tattoo on my it done on my 18th birthday..not too long ago!!
(its the symbol)

2. I am also a Mad Football (Soccer) fan!! I support Liverpool FC...Greatest club ever!!!

3. I hate insects and preety much everything crawling and tiny..... :|

4. I love Nirvana AND Foo Fighters!!!

5. I live in London and am currently at university!

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:41 pm
by RiceKrispy
DreamerM&L wrote:1. I have a Roswell Tattoo on my it done on my 18th birthday..not too long ago!!
(its the symbol)
Diehard fan right there.

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 5:45 am
by DreamerM&L
RiceKrispy wrote:
DreamerM&L wrote:1. I have a Roswell Tattoo on my it done on my 18th birthday..not too long ago!!
(its the symbol)
Diehard fan right there.

YEP!!! Im thinking about getting another one!!
Obviously my mums not gonna allow that!!
but still!! thinking about it!! lol :D

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:43 pm
by Ansleyrocks
1. I have a tattoo of my ex-boyfriend's name on my right wrist (still trying to save up enough money to get it removed :roll: )

2. I love scary movies

3. When I watch TV if no one is around I will talk to it. If someone does something I don't agree with I yell at the TV.

4. I am afraid of birds, they scare the crap out of me to the point where if I see one on the street I start to shake. In high school when I had to visit a bird house at the zoo I had a panic attack and my teacher freaked out, she should have believed me when I told her I was scred.

5. Some people say I am shy but that is not true, usually I just come off as shy if I don't really like the person :oops: I hate it because I don't want to be mean to the person but I would rather not talk to them.

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:00 pm
by pijeechinadoll
killjoy wrote: 1.I can NOT stand mice,rats or any type of animal from that family :twisted:
lol really? :mrgreen: for a guy thats quite funny. SORRY i shouldnt laugh. dont worry i hate mice and rats as well. pingx

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:18 pm
by killjoy
pijeechinadoll wrote:
killjoy wrote: 1.I can NOT stand mice,rats or any type of animal from that family :twisted:
lol really? :mrgreen: for a guy thats quite funny. SORRY i shouldnt laugh. dont worry i hate mice and rats as well. pingx
They don't scare me or anything....but they just make my skin crawl.I think of things like germs and the Black Death when I see one.And if I know there is one in my house I will set twenty traps all around until I catch the damn thing. :twisted:

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:14 am
by Kitten88
RiceKrispy wrote:
Kitten88 wrote:
RiceKrispy wrote:This seems fun.

1. I am a sucker for Disney. Although this is apparent if you're close to me, it often comes as a shock to people when they find out that I impulsively buy useless boxes that are good for nothing because they have Disney character on them.

2. I can incorporate Harry Potter into any conversation and be freakishly accurate with my facts. Go ahead, try it.

3. Christmas is my favorite holiday, December being my favorite time of year. I always feel the need to be closer and nicer to people. And in case anyone wondered... I really am quite the Christmas Nazi.

4. I hate watching make-out/groping/sex scenes in movies. It makes me feel like a perv.

5. I love watching the travel channel.
Imagine this :D

1. I own every Disney movie ever made.

2. I own the Harry Potter books in 3 languages and I have all the movies.

3. I love Christmas because we spend so much more time together as a family.

4. Ditto

5. So do I. I love to see what the world is like and one day I want to travel all around it!


I kind of lost sight of this topic :oops: But it must be!

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:04 pm
by Lorastar
1. I've worked at a vet clinic for 6 years and am allergic to cats
2. I want to remove half on my second tattoo, the one I actually thought about for a long time
3. I change my mind about what career I want almost every day
4. I want to be a mom in a few years, despite the fact that I tell people I don't like kids and don't want any ever
5. I'm slightly OCD about some things, but can't keep my room clean for more than a week

Re: 5 Little Known Facts About You

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:34 am
by DreamerLaure
1. The date of my birthday has the exact same numbers of the year I was born - August 9, 1989.

2. Every single magazine I read, I read from the back cover to the front, and once I've read it, if I pick it up again, I reread it from the front cover. It's a really strange habit, and what's funnier is often I don't remember that I've already read an issue until I flip to the first non-advertisement.

3. I've been hand-making my own wire jewelry - earrings, bracelets, and necklaces - since I was a counselor at a summer camp and spent three hours every other day helping the Jewelry Making instructor. I picked up speed closing hundreds of crimp beads, finishing several earrings, and sliding beads onto the filigree, and now I don't even have to think about it as I'm doing it.

4. When I was little, it escaped my attention that you couldn't be a princess unless you were born into it or married a prince. So, my lifelong dream of living in a castle somewhere in Europe for any amount of time might never be realized.

5. Wherever I am, when I close my eyes, there has to be 2 pillows on the bed. It's easy to make this possible in my room at college, but for the 6 or so scattered weeks I'm home during the year, excluding the summer, I have to "borrow" pillows from my Mom's room.