War of the Witches (Multi,XO,UC,Adult) [COMPLETE]

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Re: War of the Witches, Ros/CHMD/COV, UC,Adult Pt49,p46 1/1/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Thanks guys for the replies! For those of you who are new to this fic welcome and I love the replies! Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 50: The Worker

Tyler stared down at her sleeping form feeling relieved that she was finally in his arms willingly and that she had calmed down. When she had pulled away earlier it felt like his chest was caving in and his air had gone away. He knew that Liz had not meant to hurt him but she had but after listening to her and her troubles from the day he understood why she was so upset. Rubbing her cheek he tried to comfort her in her sleep, smiling slightly when she turned into his touch.

“Hey man it’s me.” Tyler heard Caleb say on the other side of the door. “Can I come in?”

“Yeah.” Tyler said knowing that Liz was too tired to wake up.

“Hey are you two alright?” Caleb asked pulling up a chair; he saw how Liz was draped across Tyler who was leaning against his headboard.

“I’m worried about her Caleb, their comments really got to her today. They keep calling her a whore.” Tyler said hugging her closer.

“Damn I was hoping that was not going to happen but I guess that was wishful thinking huh.” Caleb looked at Liz and saw the tear tracks on her cheeks.

“She was double upset Caleb; my comment this morning and then people at school. She feels like crap at the moment and I don’t know how to make it all better. I know how to fix my comment but I can’t fix other people.” Tyler said smirking slightly as Liz shifted in her sleep some so that she was completely on top of him.

“Is she heavy?” Caleb whispered hoping Liz would never hear him.

“Hell no man she weighed like nothing before and she still feels light as anything.” Tyler said.

“So she is alright to sleep on you like that?”

“She does not like it because she thinks she is hurting me but I love it.” Tyler said grinning at his friend.

“But you love it even more when she is under.” Caleb laughed.

“Hey don’t make it sound dirty because I actually do like sleeping with her partially under me I guess I just feel she is more protected or something but since she is getting farther along in the pregnancy I can’t do that.”

“I get it man it is that whole protective/possessive thing you have going when it concerns her.” Caleb said.

“I can’t help it Caleb, when it comes to Liz all rational thought goes out the window it always has since we were kids. When I think of another guy even so much as touching her I wanting to kill something and when I think of someone trying to hurt our kid and her I go mental and you know that, you have seen it.” Tyler said. Liz moaned slightly in her sleep nuzzling her head against his chest slightly making him blush since Caleb was next them.

“Having a good dream?”

“Ah I don’t know she does that a lot in sleep I think it’s just a noise she makes when she is deep in sleep. Her ah other moans sound different.” Tyler said going red in the face.

“Oh I know I have heard her remember, I have walked in on the two of you several times.” Caleb said.

“Though I wish she was moaning like that at the moment it would make me feel a lot better, she needs to feel something besides pain.” Tyler said not caring that Caleb was now sputtering.

“Too much info Ty.”

“Well you asked. Caleb what do I do?” Tyler asked.

“This is going to sound way out there but what about going to school with her one day or surprising her at school during lunch one day?” Tyler sat there a moment thinking about it.

“I don’t have class during her lunch period on Friday so I could go then.” Tyler said.

“Then go, let the people at her school see you. Hopefully they will stop with the comments or at least calm down some.”

“For her sake I hope so. I feel like such a jerk for doing this to her Caleb. I am a guy I don’t have an obvious sign that I am expecting a kid like Liz does and I am in college where it is alright. Liz she is a girl and the baby is there for everyone to see and judge her and she is still in high school, she is a walking target.” Tyler said.

“And that is not even counting the demons who are after her, she has a lot on her plate right now. She is trying to keep up with her grades, keep her friends happy, she is dealing with her parents not being on her side, she is dealing with my parents, she has our dramas, me, Max, Tess, the alien drama, demon troubles, and on top of that she is expecting a baby and she is not even out of high school.” Tyler said it was obvious that he was feeling guilty about putting Liz into that situation even if he did not do so alone.

“She does have it rough but I also know that she loves her life, you and the baby and would keep all of this drama if it meant having you and her baby. Ty she is afraid right now but she knows that somewhere down the road she is going to be happy.”

San Francisco

Watching the sisters was dull she would love to just attack them and get it over with but the Source did not want that. He said he was done underestimating the sisters and wanted to learn more about them so that he would know how best to kill them. Bianca with her stealth powers was perfect for the job. After she went through the time portal she contacted her sister’s former boss the Source of all evil. He was delighted to have an agent from the future but he was furious to learn that the sisters had defeated him in the other time line and he would stop at nothing to make sure that did not happen in this one.

So she watched and she watched and watched some more until she was ready to just quit and let the witches win that was until she saw HER. Paige had been coming out of the house with her and Bianca’s blood ran cold. Her stomach turned in knots as she watched Paige and her laughing as they headed towards Paige’s car. She glared at the car as it pulled away even though neither girl could see her which only infuriated her more.

“You ruined everything.” Bianca hissed. “Everything was perfect until you showed up and then he changed, he was different. I wish you had never existed. You are trouble in every timeline.” Bianca said her eyes blazing with her disgust.

“Hi there can I help you?” Leo asked he had gone for a walk and saw a girl standing ridged staring at his home and he noticed that she was furious.

“I’m fine.” Bianca said she had been so angry that she let go of her molecules and rematerialized right in a place where Leo spotted her.

“Are you sure?” Leo asked suspicious of the girl.

“Yeah I am just angry with my boyfriend right now he called off our wedding and I just saw him a few minutes ago and my emotions are running away with me.” Bianca said flashing Leo one of her small dazzling smiles. Leo could not put his finger on it but there was something off with the girl in front of him there was just something about her that sent his whitelighter senses into overdrive.

“Well alright then, have a good day.” Leo said heading off across the street towards his home. He would have to warn the sisters about this girl he did not care if he was being over protective but he could not help but feel there was evil within her.

“Hey honey.” Piper said looking up from her spot on the couch.

“Hey, are the others here?”

“Paige just left with Liz. Tyler blinked here saying that Liz had a rough day and Paige who just came back from her dinner date with Caleb offered to go shopping with Liz. People at school are giving her a hard time.” Piper said it was apparent that she was feeling terrible about Liz’s situation.

“Poor Liz I hope Paige can help her. So how are you today mommy?” Leo asked making his wife grin.

“I am fine, better than Liz anyway. Leo do you think things will ever be easy for Liz?” He looked pensive for a moment.

“No, but I think that she will eventually be able to juggle all of her problems better. She still has growing up to do Piper so everything is harder on her. One day she will be able to take anything the world throws at her.” Leo said completely forgetting about the strange girl he had seen across the street.


Nancy Parker looked around her daughter’s room taking in everything around her. Liz’s closet was empty and her daughter’s usual belongings were absent. She silently shook on her daughter’s bed wishing that her baby girl was there. Nancy knew that she and her husband were responsible for Liz being absent from their lives. Neither she nor Jeff could come to terms with the fact that their baby girl was going to have a baby.

Nancy had grown up knowing that she was part of the prophecy but she always thought she was going to be the one to have the baby not her daughter. When she had Liz her world stopped and her heart jumped into her throat when she realized that it was her daughter that was supposed to have the Simms baby.

Growing up Liz had always been so focused on her studies that she barely had time to notice boys other than her cousin and his friends but even then nothing ever happened between Liz and Tyler. Then out of nowhere Liz and Tyler were together and closer Nancy and Jason had ever been. Nancy had been stunned when she went to her brother’s home and learned that her daughter was with Tyler Simms and then when she caught the two of them in bed it was as if the bottom of her stomach fell out and she learned her baby girl was pregnant. In a matter of seconds her world had flipped and all hope of ever being the girl in the prophecy went out the window. She knew that it was dumb to hold out hope all of these years but she had even though she loved Liz and Jeff with everything in her she could not help but hope.

Liz’s friends no longer stopped by the café and Jeff had needed to find two new servers and a new cook. Nancy had tried to get information about Liz from her brother but he had coldly turned her away telling her that she had made her choice and that her and Jeff needed to get that information from Liz and that none of them were going to help her. Next she turned to the Garwin’s but her old friend had slammed the door in her face when he saw who it was, Jason and his wife had done the same. It was a general consensus that she and Jeff had to earn Liz’s forgiveness before she could earn theirs.

“Nan?” Jeff poked his head into his daughter’s room and saw his wife silently crying on her bed.

“I want her back Jeff. I just want to hug my little girl again, to be in the same room as her. She is going through something so big right now Jeff and needs her mother and yet I can’t be there for her to help her along. She has a bunch of teenagers and demons helping her along but none of them are me.” Nancy said wiping at the tears that were falling down her pale cheeks.

“Nancy Liz made her choice when she had sex before marriage and got pregnant while she is in high school. Nancy have you heard the comments people are making in the café? They are calling us bad parents and are not coming to the restaurant as often because they feel that we might corrupt their children or something. Liz did not take us and our business into consideration when she slept with that boy. Now I know that she is part of some great prophecy or something but she could have waited a year or two before flopping on her back for some boy.” Jeff said.

“Jeff we knew that once the two of them started dating it was only a matter of time.” Nancy whispered.

“They barely knew each other Nancy before they went and had sex. That was irresponsible and wrong and Liz needs to take responsibility for her actions. If we were to just let her back into our home you know that she would be having overnights with Tyler and I will not allow that to go on in my home under my roof.” Jeff said his face red. Nancy looked devastated at how cold her husband was being towards their daughter. In her heart she knew that the only reason he was being like this was because the father of his daughter’s baby was Nancy’s ex lovers son.

“Jeff she is our daughter.”

“She is no longer our daughter if she has that baby.”

“She has no choice, magic is protecting the baby. Her baby will be born there is nothing anyone can do about that.” Nancy said bringing a shaking hand up to her watering eyes.

“Well then she is going to give the baby up for adoption once it is born.”

“The Covenant will not allow that to happen.” Nancy cried.

“Well then they can raise the baby.”

“No Jeff, Liz and Tyler need to they are the parents the only people with a direct connection to the baby and can help the child grow and control their powers. Only Liz and Tyler can raise the baby.” Nancy cried.

“Why?” Jeff asked.

“There is a connection that exists between mother and son upon birth and then transfers at the age of thirteen when their powers kick in. In order for the child to develop properly. I am not sure how it all works because I was never made privy to all the details since I did not have a child who was a direct member of the Covenant but since Liz is having an heir then she is privy to that sort of information. Gorman would fill her in.” Nancy said.

“So what happens if the parent is not there?” Jeff did not like the dark look that came over his wife’s face.

“The child looses that connection to the world and with that connection they lose part of their humanity.” Nancy whispered.

“Has this ever happened?” Jeff asked.

“Yes it happened to my grandfather, his mother died when he was two and he lost that connection to her and went without until he was thirteen and my great grandfather’s connection formed. He was so cruel Jeff, the only reason my father came into existence was a fluke. He got my grandmother pregnant and then was forced to marry her. Gorman’s father kept him sane and lucid long enough that he was able to form the connection to my dad long enough that my dad was alright. Then when my father hit eighteen he was killed by Reid’s grandfather who was the oldest at the time. Jeff my father and grandmother told my brother and I stories that you would not believe. I never want my daughter to suffer through that.” Nancy said turning her red rimmed eyes on her husband.

“So the baby can’t grow up with someone else.”

“No it needs to be Liz and Tyler or the child will have the worst sort of existence and would be a danger to the world.” Nancy whispered clutching her daughter’s pillow to her chest.

“Well then it looks like Liz is never coming home.” Jeff said before leaving his crying wife alone.
Last edited by Ansleyrocks on Sat Jan 05, 2008 1:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: War of the Witches, Ros/CHMD/COV, UC,Adult Pt50,p47 1/3/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys wow that was a great turn out for last part I am glad to see so many of you following! Pandas2001 thanks for pointing out the mess up I went back and fixed that :D ! For those of you who were wondering who Bianca was angry with it was Liz and that will become more clear as parts go on. Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 51: Hate

Liz sighed as she made her way to biology with Alex. She had been hoping that people would leave her alone but it looked as if more people were let in on her being pregnant and now more people were making nasty comments to her. It was not as if she was the first pregnant girl to ever attend Roswell High but she was the first girl to get pregnant who was the school good girl who never did anything wrong and had the perfect life.

“So who exactly did you trap into fathering your baby?” Melinda Waters asked her little band of friends behind her giggling.

“Why don’t you and the band of merry sluts go blow the swim team.” Alex said startling all of them. Liz grabbed her best friend’s hand and pulled him into class before anyone else could register what he had said. She loved Alex and was happy that he had stuck up for her.

“Thank you Alex.” Liz said hugging her best friend who gave her one of his patented lopsided grins.

“No problem Parker, no one talks bad about one of my girls and gets away with it.” Alex said. By lunch everyone in school had heard what shy geeky Alex Whitman had said to one of the most popular girls in school.

“I wonder if he is the father.” Someone had said.

“Him and Liz no way that is too weird.”

“Well stranger things have happened.” A jock said.

“What about her and Guerin?”

“No he is with that Maria girl.” A cheerleader had said.

“No they broke up I saw Maria at Blaze with some new guy. They were like all over each other.”

“So Liz and Michael could be together.”

“No Michael is Max’s best friend there is no way Liz would go for him.”

“Well we all thought there was no way that Liz would get pregnant while still in high school and yet she is.” Vicky said.

Maria rolled her eyes at the group as she passed them, they were so pathetic coming up with all the possible fathers of Liz’s baby. She spotted Liz sitting with Kyle, Alex, Michael and Isabel at the lunch table. She could see in Liz’s dark eyes that she was upset by the comments people kept making but there was little she could do besides nip any conversation she heard in the butt.

“Hello everyone have no fear Maria is here.” She said sitting down next to Liz and Kyle. Kyle gave her a look that let her know that she needed to tread lightly around Liz that she was not doing well.

“So Alex I hear you told the heathen witch herself that her and her merry band of brats should go and blow the swim team.” Kyle said.

“That he did for which I am sure the swim team is going to come and thank him.” Liz said.

“I know I just saw the swim team and they all looked pleased with themselves.” Maria said when an excited hum came over the quad. The group looked around and saw the reason for the excitement, Tyler and Reid were making their way across the lawn towards them. Liz could not stop the grin from forming on her face when she saw her boyfriend and best friend.

“Hey what are you two doing here?” Maria asked hugging Reid and giving him a small kiss, she giggled when she saw Tyler practically mauling Liz in front of the entire school.

“Well it looks like someone is very happy to see Liz.” Michael laughed as he and Kyle slapped hands.

“Are you kidding he has been dying to see her all day.” Reid said as he kissed Maria’s neck making her blush at all the attention they were drawing.

“Well who do we have here?” Melinda asked gaining the attention of the entire quad. Tyler and Reid looked away from their girlfriends and looked at the redhead standing in front of them.

“Melinda this is my boyfriend Reid Garwin and that guy over there sucking off Liz’s face is Liz’s boyfriend Tyler Simms.” Maria said amazed at her best friend.

“I am not sucking off her face, that is Pogue’s thing not mine.” Tyler came up for air long enough to say.

“Yeah the boy does have some serious vacuum issues going on.” Liz said leaning her head on Tyler’s shoulder.

“Why do you think we call him the Hoover?” Reid asked his blue eyes dazzling all the females around him. Maria laughed when she heard the girls sigh and when they saw Tyler grin there was a definite shift of female attention.

“So how do you know Liz and Maria?” Pam Troy asked putting on her best sexy smile but Tyler and Reid did not even notice.

“Well we have known Liz all our lives and Maria through Liz.” Reid said not paying attention to the looks she was giving him.

“What do you want with a pregnant whore?” Melinda asked Tyler not seeing the murderous look come over the witch’s face.

“Oh that was not smart at all.” Reid said the others around him noticed that he no longer looked happy and carefree and a darker energy pulsed from him.

“My girlfriend is not a whore.” Tyler ground out his blue eyes cold and furious. Vicky and Pam back away in fear but Melinda held her ground merely folding her arms across her chest.

“Oh really then how do you explain her not knowing who the father of her kid is?” Tyler and the others just laughed.

“Oh I know who the father of my baby is Melinda you just never mentioned the right name.” Liz said.

“So which one of your friends is it?” Melinda asked.

“Me.” Tyler said flashing the redhead a cold smile.

“You?” She looked disbelieving.

“Yes me.” Tyler said and an excited murmur went through the students.

“Why do you want to be saddled down with a kid man?” Paulie asked.

“Because I love Liz and I want my kid.” Tyler said.

“But this is going to ruin your life.” Paulie said.

“No it won’t my family is well off and Liz, the baby and I are well taken care of we have nothing to worry about except taking care of our kid and finishing school.” Tyler said tired of speaking to the others and turned away from them.

Melinda and Paulie studied the others for a moment before looking at one another, Paulie gave her a small nod which she returned. Paulie went up to Reid and stood behind him just behind his ear. “The Source sends his regards witch.” Paulie hissed before he went back to his table with Melinda. Reid looked at the others with wide eyes his blood had turned to ice. Looking out the corner of his eye he saw the teens were acting normal but he knew from what was just whispered in his ear that they were much more sinister.

“Reid?” Maria asked.

“We have a problem.” Reid whispered looking shaken.

San Francisco

Hate was too kind of a word for what he felt for his father while he was growing up. He was never there and left his mother to raise him and his brother on her own leaving her defenseless when demons attacked and one day she was overpowered. Even after she was gone his father did not come to their aid all he cared about at that point was his job and other people, he claimed it was all for the greater good.

Their father had always been a bitter subject for the brothers. When his brother sixteen he got fed up with their father and all of his antics and his brother killed him. While he watched his older brother beat the life out of his father he could see the confusion on his father’s face, he did not understand his sons anger.

“Chris?” Phoebe asked seeing the boy who was supposed to be her future nephew in the solarium brooding.

“Aunt Phoebe.” He said in an even voice.

“Okay I know that look your mother has perfected it, what is wrong?” Phoebe asked.

“Leo is different.”

“How so?” Phoebe asked giving him a teasing smile.

“Well he is here for one.” Chris spat before closed his eyes realizing his slip.


“My dad was not around much when I was growing up. My mother practically raised us by herself with only Aunt Paige to help her.” Chris said he knew he was revealing more than he intended to but he was just so angry that he could not keep it in anymore and since his brother and usual confidantes were not there is aunt would have to do.

“Where was your dad?” Phoebe asked almost too afraid to ask where she was.

“He was too busy off being an elder to give a crap about my brother and I he said his not being around was for the greater good that he had other people to look after. My mother was different with him not around she was angry and cold and rarely left the house. Demons attacked all the time and she was left alone with two children to protect by herself. She died protecting us. When she was gone we thought maybe our father would come and help us.” Chris gave a dry laugh breaking Phoebe’s heart. “Not a chance of that happening.”

“Where was I during all of this?” Chris gave her a small smile.

“Wyatt and I never blamed you for not being there. You were always off trying to find a husband and have children and when you finally got that your husband did not like the life you lived and kept you from your family and fighting demons. Then when you had children we never really saw you again except once in awhile when a demon popped up that was after you.” Chris said. Phoebe could not believe that she was that desperate to have a normal life that she would leave her nephews to fend for themselves.

“Wyatt was always the worst when it came to dealing with being abandoned by everyone except Aunt Paige.” Phoebe did not like the dark look in his young eyes that had seen more than someone twice his age.


“Aunt Phoebe my brother is, was not exactly prince like.” Chris said.

“What do you mean?”

“After mom was gone he began to change, he was distant and cold. He hated whitelighters and the elders and above all our father. He wanted revenge and power and he always got what he wanted.” Chris said. Phoebe rubbed her temples she could not believe all of this happened.

“He was killing all the time until one day he was not the brother I remembered but a monster, people around the world feared him. The world was so dark and dangerous and he allowed the demons to roam just to get back at the elders.” Chris said.

“Oh god Chris I am so sorry that happened.” Phoebe said rubbing his back Chris gave her a small smile.

“Yeah me too.” Chris said closing his eyes for a moment, he hated keeping things from her and Paige but he had to. They could not know about the others…yet.

Leo sucked in deep breaths not believing his ears. His sons hated him and he could not blame them it sounded like he was a moron in the future. Taking one last deep breath before leaving his spot to go answer the call of one of his charges he vowed to never become the man his son was talking about.
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Re: War of the Witches, Ros/CHMD/COV, UC,Adult Pt51,p48 1/5/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Sorry guys I had meant to post Monday but I passed out right after class at 4 yesterday and well did not wake up until 7 this morning sorry. Thanks for all of your replies on the last part! Please let me know what you think of this new one!

Part 52: Loath

“Okay what is the big emergency?” Caleb asked noticing the worried group gathered in the ancestral home’s kitchen. Even though they all had dorms and homes of their own they found it easier and liked living together just like old times.

“Two of our school mates are demons or at least agents of the Source.” Kyle said.

“I always knew there was something weird with Paulie but Melinda is way out there.” Maria said.

“Is there any way to know for sure if they are working for the Source?” Alex asked.

“I can check them out with my connections in the underworld but it might take awhile people down there are getting jumpy. The demons know that something is coming but they don’t know what yet and I am willing to bet that something is Liz and Tyler’s baby.” Cole said.

“Can you check them out please?” Caleb asked and Cole nodded before heading towards the door where he could shimmer out.

“Alright is there any other way to get information?” Maria asked.

“The elders.” Leo said.

“Go.” Piper said pointing to the door Leo sighed and left. Ever since he overheard the conversation between Chris and Phoebe he was less than thrilled to spend time with the elders afraid they were going to make him one or something.

“Alright any other ways that don’t involve traveling to scary places?” Maria asked.

“Well there is another way but I think it is scary.” Liz said looking to the boys who nodded saying they knew what she was referring to.

“That is dangerous Liz and requires some major dark magic.” Reid said.

“I can do it, mom taught me she said in case of an emergency I should know how to do it.” Liz said.

“Figures.” Pogue muttered.

“As my grandmother Sarah would say ‘that woman has the devil a licken at her boots’.” Reid giggled.

“Reid your grandmother said that about every girl that did anything she did not like.” Tyler said.

“My grandma was a wonderful woman.”

“She was also insane.” Caleb said slapping his friend on the back.

“Hey she did not mean to burn down the house!”

“Reid your grandmother Sarah was brewing a potion that would kill half the population of Ipswich.” Pogue laughed making Reid growl.

“Only certain people. People who made her mad.”

“Which was like half the population of Ipswich.” Liz sighed. “Listen I can do this but if you feel that I can’t then one of you could help me.” Liz said resting her hands on her hips.

“What exactly is she going to be doing?” Paige asked worried about her friend.

“More blood magic?” Phoebe asked.

“Oh yeah and different than when Reid did it this time it involves some heavy trances that can make a person go insane if done wrong.” Caleb said.

“My mom was the best out of all our parents at performing blood magic and she taught me this spell Caleb. She knew that there were hidden enemies out there and this spell can find them.” Liz said.

“How?” Alex asked.

“It spells your eyes so that you can see the evil within.” Caleb said.

“We have a spell like that in the Book of Shadows except you spell something like a pair of sunglasses not person’s eyes.” Phoebe said.

“That is because this spell is more powerful and looks for a specific kind of evil. The spell I think your referring to shows very general glamour spells.” Reid said his blue eyes staring hard at Liz.

“Liz do you really think you can do this?” Caleb asked.

“I know I can and it is a hell of a lot faster than Leo and Cole asking around and is more reliable.” Liz said.

“What will it do to the baby?” Tyler asked shooting Liz an annoyed look, she had not even thought of that possibility.

“Nothing the kid is protected remember.” Reid said.

“But we don’t know that for sure this spell is blood magic.” Tyler said making Liz feel terrible. Maria could tell her friend was upset so she stepped in.

“But you don’t know that it won’t I mean the prophecy says invulnerable to harm so that would include stuff by Liz’s doing.” Maria said Gorman who was like a blood hound when it came to sensing a fight ready to erupt made his presence known.

“All members of the Covenant downstairs now.” He ordered Kyle, Caleb, Pogue, Tyler, Reid, and Liz all scrambled down the stairs knowing that they were in for it.

“Okay what is with the whole members only meeting?” Maria asked.

“I don’t know but I get the feeling they are going to be getting yelled at.” Piper said.

Tess and Max looked towards the stairs when they heard a group running down the stairs as a fire erupted in the center of the room. Tess and Max stared in wonder as Kyle scrambled into the room followed by Pogue, Caleb, Reid, Tyler, Liz and Gorman. Tess gasped when a large sinister looking book shot off one of the book shelves and landed in the center of the ring of fire. “Liz side chamber.” Tyler said heading into a room Tess had not noticed before she looked to Max and saw that he knew the room was there. Liz sighed before she followed her boyfriend into the room.

“Someone is getting yelled at.” Reid muttered.

“She did nothing wrong.” Pogue muttered not liking that his cousin was getting yelled at.

“She did not think about the consequences to the baby.” Caleb sighed.

“There might not be any.” Pogue snapped.

“But again we don’t…” Caleb trailed off when he heard yelling it sounded as if Liz and Tyler had moved past the talking stage and were now full on yelling at one another.

“You try going from sixteen year old girl without a care in the world to pregnant!” Liz screamed.

“Liz you need to think about our kid and not yourself here!”

Caleb and Pogue hissed knowing their friend just stepped in it big time. “HOW DARE YOU!” Liz screamed the others looked at the door and saw a flash of blue light and then Tyler opened the door holding his stomach.

“A little help here.” He wheezed out his friends stared at him with wide eyes.

“Holy crap what the hell did she do to you?” Reid asked going over to help his injured friend.

“Don’t want to talk about it.” Tyler ground out. Pogue rushed into the other room followed by Kyle. Liz sat huddled in the corner sobbing her heart out.

“Liz?” Pogue asked grabbing her.

“I can’t feel him.” She sobbed.

“Who?” Kyle asked panicking.

“My baby.” Liz sobbed.

“Gorman!” Pogue yelled picking Liz up and carrying her out into the main room in the basement. Tyler stood up looking worried forgetting about his stomach.

“What is it? Liz?” Tyler asked.

“Something is wrong with the baby.” Pogue said.

“What is it Liz?” Gorman asked.

“I can’t feel the baby anymore.” Liz sobbed starting to hyperventilate. Tyler looked sick as he grabbed Liz out of Pogue’s arms.

“Gorman?” Tyler asked his eyes wild.

“Tyler where is the pain?” Gorman asked.

“Me, no Liz!” Tyler said.

“This is about Liz, where is your pain?”

“It’s gone, but it was in my lower abdomen.” Tyler ground out angry that Gorman was not helping Liz. Gorman got down on the floor next to Liz and lifted up her shirt and undid her jean button and zipper and he started to feel around her abdomen.

“Shh Liz calm down I need you to slow down so I can feel your stomach.” Gorman said. It felt like an eternity to everyone in the basement until Gorman told Liz to sit up.

“Is the baby alright?” Caleb asked.

“The baby is fine but it is not in Liz.” Gorman said.

“What where is my baby?” Liz asked grabbing her stomach.

“In Tyler.”

“WHAT?” Tyler yelled grabbing his abdomen.

“It is rare but not unheard of. The two of you were fighting and apparently your child felt it was too much so the two of you will have to switch places for as long as the child deems necessary. Liz will have to take up the duties of the Simms son and Tyler will have to take up the duties of Liz including baring your child.” Gorman said.

“Is my baby okay?” Liz asked crying lifting up Tyler’s shirt and feeling around his stomach.

“Liz…” Tyler could tell his girlfriend was about to blow.

“Give me back my baby!” Liz yelled grabbing at Tyler, Caleb had to pull her off his friend.

“Unfortunately the transfer was…botched and needs to be completed.” Gorman said.

“Completed?” Pogue asked suddenly blue light filled the room blinding everyone.

“What the hell was that?” Pogue asked letting go of Tyler. “Wait Tyler.” Pogue said.

“What?” Liz asked from the floor.

“AH!” Liz screamed but it was gruffer than normal.

“Now it is complete.”

Upstairs everyone was anxiously waiting for the others to surface but as of yet they had not come up. “Wonder what is taking so long?” Maria whined.

“This is so not happening!” Tyler yelled startling the people in the kitchen they were shocked when he came around the corner looking both furious and scared.

“Hey I am not happy here either!” Liz yelled.

“Guys calm down.” Reid said he looked at Liz and started laughing. “Tyler’s a girl.” He laughed.

“Not funny Reid, right now I am very hormonal and that is a dangerous thing.” Liz said.

“Okay time out here people I am confused.” Piper said.

“Tyler and Liz were fighting too much so the baby made them switch places. Liz is Tyler and Tyler is Liz.” Reid said trying hard not to start laughing again.

“Wait so which one is Liz?” Maria asked and Tyler raised his hand.

“Oh now that is messed up.” Alex said.

“Liz why, what , is that normal?” Tyler in Liz’s body asked grabbing his stomach.

“What does it feel like?”

“Like I have fish in my stomach.” Tyler said.

“Yup that is the baby moving you get used to it after awhile.” Liz said sounding upset.

“Liz?” Maria asked.

“I want my body back, I want my baby back.” Liz said to the others in the room it was weird hearing Tyler whine.

“Wait does this mean that Tyler has to go to school as Liz?” Pogue asked a grin forming.

“It means he is going to high school as Liz he is going to live Liz’s life and she is going to live his until the baby decides that the two of them have learned a lesson.” Gorman explained.

“Okay so my best friend at school is going to be Tyler, this should be interesting.” Alex said.

“Yeah I don’t know if Tyler can pull off acting like Liz during school.” Kyle said.

“What it can’t be that hard.” Tyler said.

“Liz is at the top of our class, people are mean to her all day, and she is pregnant dude you don’t stand a chance.” Kyle said.

“I have to go to Harvard, this is so great!” Liz squealed everyone just stared at her.

“I never thought I would hear Simms squeal.” Pogue muttered while Tyler in Liz’s body looked annoyed.

“Honey while being me please refrain from doing that, I’m a guy and guys don’t squeal.” Tyler said.

“Alright but this is so cool I get to go to Harvard I get to go to Harvard and Tyler has to go to West Roswell High School.” Liz taunted.

“Revenge is best served cold.” Maria said putting her arm around Tyler or Liz depending on how you looked at it.

“I hate you people.” Tyler muttered.

“But your son felt that you needed to learn a lesson darling.” Liz said at her retreating form.

“Liz babe this is going to be so much fun.” Maria said.

“Oh I know.” Liz said Tyler’s gruff laugh sounding in the kitchen.

“Well Liz this means that you can perform the blood spell needed to see the evil within.” Pogue said.

“Great let’s go get to work.” Liz said dragging her cousin up to the attic with a chuckling Gorman trailing after them.

“Good news is the spell is quick.” Reid said.

“And the bad news?” Alex asked.

“It is one of the most dangerous spells that exist.” Caleb said.
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Re: War of the Witches, Ros/CHMD/COV, UC,Adult Pt52,p49 1/8/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys sorry it has taken me so long to post this next part RL has been crazy I hoping soon to be in a normal routine so that I get back to my posting on a normal basis! Thanks for all the bumps and FB on the last part and for those of you who are coming out of the woodwork to reply thanks so much I love reading what you have to say! Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 53: Switched

Tyler was very sorry. He always thought Liz had it rough but now that he was her he knew that she had the worst life possible, her life was like living hell on earth. This morning when he woke up he could just tell today was going to be a bad day see Liz was one of those women who still had bouts of morning sickness even after her first trimester and he had discovered this when he dry heaved for an hour until Liz brought him crackers and green tea saying it would help.

Then it came time to get dressed, what a nightmare, he could not believe what stress Liz went through every morning. He saw an outfit he loved on Liz only to discover the pants did not fit. Then he tried another pair and found those did not fit either. Tyler spent around half an hour just trying to find an outfit that fit and finally had to ask Liz what clothes fit her body at the moment. She pulled out a bag from the closet and handed him a pair of maternity pants and a blue low cut V-neck maternity top. He had to admit he looked good but he felt fat and weird. The baby moved around a lot, he was up all night trying to get used to the small movements, he did not know how Liz slept at night but she assured him that after awhile he would get used to it.

Then he had to go to school with Liz in his body since she had the magic eyes. From the moment he walked into school the whispering started and he felt hundreds of eyes on him making him feel sick. He knew her days at school were bad but he did not know how isolating it felt. Paulie and Melinda were soon spotted and he saw himself tense.

“What is it?” He asked in Liz’s soft voice.

“Well Paulie’s true form is hideous and he is definitely evil the dark aura surrounding him is almost a greenish black which I am assuming means he is an upper level demon because I saw Cole has a similar one. Melinda well she is more of a gray color so I am assuming she is just a bounty hunter or another nasty on that level.” Liz said.

“Hey Tyler.” Maria said looking at Liz in his body.

“Maria.” His gruff voice replied.

“You should go Liz.” Maria whispered and she nodded giving him a kiss on the cheek before she headed out of the school. “So are they evil?” Maria asked looping his arm with hers.

“People are staring at me.” He hissed.

“Well get used to it Liz always deals with it.” Maria said apparently she did not have any sympathy for him.


“Liz has to deal with this everyday and obviously your kid feels you do not appreciate what all she has to deal with otherwise you would not be in this situation.” Maria hissed.

“She has a point Simms.” Kyle said slinging his arm around his petite form. He did not like that Kyle felt he could touch Liz when he was not around but then again he was not exactly Liz today.

“Do you always touch my girlfriend like this?” He ground out.

“Oh yeah Valenti here is all over Liz at every chance he can get.” Michael said coming up to them with Isabel.

“Really?” Tyler ground out.

“Relax he is respectful of your territory.” Maria said rolling her eyes. Tyler shook himself realizing he was being overprotective and possessive.

“So Parker does your boyfriend know that you have slept with half the school?” Vicky asked her friends giggled behind her. Tyler could not believe this girl.

“She did not and Tyler knows that.” Kyle said.

“Oh really well then does he know that you bedded her?” Vicky asked.

“I did not sleep with Kyle.” Tyler ground out he felt sick and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

“Come on Liz let’s go to class.” Isabel said grabbing his hand and dragging him along. He was pulled into history class and rested his head against his books.

“How long until I can go home?” He asked.

“Not for several more hours this is only the first class of the day. Liz always faces the jerks before and after every class. The rest of us try and head them off but they always manage to get in a few jabs.” Isabel said.

“She goes through that all the time?” Isabel gave him a pained look.

“That was tame Tyler.” He looked down he hated that Liz went through this everyday because of him. “It seems like the more visible the baby becomes the more people take it upon themselves to make her feel like the scum of the earth.” Isabel said.

“I thought it was getting better.” He said sounding lost.

“Is that what Liz told you?” Isabel asked with a small smile.

“Well…yes.” He could feel his cheeks heating up.

“Well she did not tell you the truth then I think she was trying to make you feel better or something because things have only gotten worse. Now that we know that Melinda and Paulie are evil this just makes matters catastrophic.” Isabel said.

“So here I am giving Liz a hard time and she has been getting it at school as well.” Tyler said.

“Listen Tyler, Liz never forgot about the baby that night, she can’t as I am sure you are aware of by now.” She said pointing to his stomach. “She just assumed that the baby was going to be protected because all evidence so far has pointed to her being protected. You accusing her of not thinking of her baby was even more cruel then all of West Roswell’s comments combined.” She said before giving him the cold shoulder.

He felt like a complete jerk but somehow he knew that his day was going to get much worse. The day dragged on slowly and soon it was lunch time and people at school were nasty to the point where if he really was Liz he would be crying by now but he felt like crying since it was his girlfriend they were saying these nasty things to. The others taking pity on him suggested they go out to lunch that day.

“I hate people, Liz is going to my old prep school and that is final there is no way I want her to deal with this every day.” Tyler said.

“Tyler if you make Liz change schools she will be even more miserable she would be a pregnant teenager at a new school full of mean rich kids without her friends, not exactly what would make her feel better.” Alex said he did not want his best friend taken away.

“Well what do we have here Paulie?” Melinda asked the two of them approaching the group. Maria looked around and saw that she and the others were by themselves at the desert taco stand.

“Oh look it’s a demon.” Tyler said raising his hand to his face in shock. The two appeared startled but then quickly continued.

“So we have an upper level demon and a foot soldier I’m guessing a bounty hunter.” Kyle said.

“Oh let me have a go at her.” Isabel said shocking Melinda.

“But you don’t have any powers Isabel.” Melinda said.

“Honey she is more powerful than you could ever imagine.” Maria said.

“All of us are.” Michael said including Maria and Alex into the mix.

“Even Whitman?” Paulie asked.

“Dude he is a witch.” Kyle said hoping the lie would save his friend.

“Oh really what coven?” Melinda asked.

“The Warren Coven.” Alex said he had heard Piper and Paige talking about them.

“They are supposed to be all women.” Melinda said.

“Hey I resent that!” Alex said and the others looked at him, it sounded like he was really part of the coven and was offended by being called a woman. “I may be in touch with my feminine side but I have a dick you know so I am still a man but a man with feelings none the less.” Alex said.

“What about Deluca?” Paulie asked.

“She is Reid’s mate, a member of the Covenant.” Tyler quickly jumped in knowing that was a stupid answer.

“That does not mean she has powers.” Melinda said.

“No but it means I can sense when she is in trouble.” Reid said suddenly appearing with Caleb. “But she is Caleb’s cousin so she has powers.” Reid said.

“Our moms are sisters and members of the Rider coven.” Caleb said totally making up the coven.

“Never heard of them.” Paulie said.

“I have.” Michael said.

“Same here they are allies of our coven.” Isabel said.

“So your all witches?” Melinda asked.

“Not all of us some of us are something else.” Michael said with a sinister grin. Tyler raised his hand and shot an energy blast at Melinda, she burst into flames and disappeared but that alerted Paulie to the action. The upper level demon morphed into his true form and threw a fireball at Reid which he deflected. It was an unfair fight, eight against one.

Caleb kicked his foot sending a blast at the upper level demon which was brushed off. Reid nodded at Michael and the two sent blasts of different forms at the same time but had to leap out of the way when they were blasted with fireballs. Tyler nodded at Kyle and Caleb and the three of them sent energy blasts at the upper level demon followed by Michael and Reid. Apparently that was more than enough and Paulie burst into agonizing flames and was killed. The group just stood there stunned.

“Well that was unexpected.” Alex said.

“Good thing there were so many of us.” Maria said hugging Reid making sure he was okay.

“Yeah good thing Tyler is such a girl and called for Liz.” Caleb said slapping Liz’s body on the back.

“I did not.” Tyler said in a high screech.

“Yes you did or else I would not have heard you.” Liz said appearing out of breath.

“How did you get away?” Reid asked.

“Class let out early.” Liz explained.

“I swear Liz I did not call.”

“Then the baby must have somehow done that.” Maria said.

“Can I go home now?” Tyler begged.

“Nope got to finish out the school day.” Liz said looking triumphant.

“Yeah we make Liz tough it out.” Alex said with an evil smirk, Tyler groaned, they were all against him.

“Well I have to go, I need a nap.” Liz said kissing Tyler on the cheek before she blinked away.

“Pay back is a bitch my friend.” Caleb said slapping Tyler on the back before he blinked away as well. Oh yeah Tyler knew that it was going to be a bad day.


Tess was tired of being in a big crystal cage but she knew that they did not trust her and to be honest she did not really trust herself. She did not know if Kal and Nasedo put some trigger in her mind that she was unaware of heck that was what happened before. She did not want to accidently kill someone or go through with the plan to get pregnant by Max even if he was not the true king. One would have thought that once Zan was dead Max would get the seal but apparently that did not happen which created a whole bunch of questions for her.

“Will you stop thinking so loud.” Max groaned.

“I am not saying anything out loud.” Tess snapped.

“No but I can hear the gears in your head turning.” Max said.

“Well sorry if I have a brain.” She snapped.

“Well just think I will be getting out of here before you since I did not do half the crap you did.” Max laughed.

“But unlike you Max I never actually attacked anyone and I do not delude myself that I still have a shot with someone who has moved on. I know that I am not getting out of here anytime soon Max I have to earn their trust first and that is a long way off. To be honest I don’t trust myself Max I don’t know if those mind triggers are still present and I know the others and I don’t want to risk it. Still I want a bed and a bathroom other than being let out by Gorman and Pogue three times a day.” Tess sighed.

“Yeah well at least they like you.” Max muttered.

“I’m not so sure of that.” Tess sighed.
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Re: War of the Witches, Ros/CHMD/COV, UC,Adult Pt53,p50 1/13/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks so much for all of your replies I love reading what all you have to say. I am glad you are liking this so far! Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 54: Switched 2

Tyler had been right his day had gotten progressively worse. He had never been so happy to see the ancestral home. Liz was there waiting for him when he got back with a small snack. “Come on.” She said ushering him into the kitchen.

“You know I wish you were back in this body Liz so I could hug you, it is kind of weird hugging yourself.” Tyler said giving her a small smile.

“I know just imagine if we were to have sex.” Liz said laughing.

“Oh eww I do not want to screw myself.” Tyler whined.

“But hey you would get to experience the female orgasm.” Liz said wiggling her eyebrows.

“Oh how appealing and you can feel the male one.” Tyler said smiling when Liz pulled a face.

“No thanks I already had to deal with the outward appearance of the male arousal.” Liz mumbled making Tyler choke on his milk.

“Excuse me?” He asked he did not like the sound of that.

“Well you see I was sitting there in class thinking about well…it’s not important and well I was sitting there and all of the sudden little Tyler was interested.” Liz said her eyes shifting around the kitchen.

“What were you thinking about?” Tyler asked hating the tears that came to his eyes. He knew that Liz did not want to tell him which meant that he was not going to like the answer.

“Hey no need to get emotional.” Liz said using the same words he had on Liz at one time when she started crying for no reason.

“No need to get emotional! Liz what or who were you thinking about that you got hard?” Tyler asked tears flowing freely now.

“I was thinking of you.” Liz said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“No you were not otherwise you would not have hesitated so who was it huh? Max, Kyle? That guy that always sits in the front row? The professor?” Tyler asked wiping at his face he did not understand what was happening to himself.

“No Tyler I was thinking about you and sex not some other guy!”

“I don’t believe you!”

“Whoa guys tone it down.” Pogue said ever the peace maker.

“Liz is in love with another man.” Tyler sobbed.

“Oh no I am not I was thinking about you and your…”

“Whoa whoa whoa please do not finish that sentence Liz I do not need to hear about this.” Pogue said making the time out sign with his hands. “It looks like Tyler is getting a dose of Liz’s hormones. Tyler this is what Liz goes through on a daily basis.” Pogue pointed out.

“Not true I never want to cheat on her.” Tyler said wiping his eyes.

“No but she misinterprets your words and pauses just like you did to her. Liz this is what Tyler goes through each day with you trying to justify his every word and action since your hormones are getting wilder.” Pogue said.

“Gee this sucks Tyler, sorry.” Liz said.

“So am I.” He sighed.

“Good now kiss and make up.” Pogue said grinning broadly.

“Do I really have to kiss myself?” Liz asked.

“Yes now do it.” Pogue said. Liz sighed and pulled her body towards her and kissed Tyler. It was weird kissing herself.

“Oh that is too weird.” Tyler said pulling away.

“I know, blah I have my taste in my mouth not good.” Liz said.

“Hey I happen to like how you taste.” Tyler said.

“And I like you but it is me!” Liz said.

“Oh this conversation has veered again so I am just going to go like now.” Pogue said shaking his head at his cousin and best friends antics.

Maria spotted Liz in the kitchen and grabbed her but she found it more difficult to drag her along when she was in Tyler’s body. “Man Liz make your boyfriend go on a diet.” Maria grumbled.

“Hey don’t give him a complex Maria he is fine!” Liz said as she was dragged into the library with Reid and Maria.

“So guys what is up?” Liz asked flopping onto one of the old couches much like she had seen Tyler do. Reid just stared at her and then shook his head when he realized that it was Liz and not his best friend.

“Liz things are getting tense and I wanted to bring this up with you. I can’t shake this feeling Liz like something big is coming something we are not ready for. I know that it is the Source he is coming himself.” Reid said.

“Why have you not brought this up with the others?” Liz asked sitting up.

“I don’t want to worry them just yet and besides I am afraid they are going to laugh at me.” Reid said.

“Is there any way to find out what is coming?” Maria asked.

“We are powerful Maria but what you are asking is more advanced than anything we are capable of. The only thing I can think of is compiling a list of all of our enemies and the people who want my child and then go from there arranging them from least evil to the Source.” Liz said.

“But guys what if this evil that Reid is sensing is not even the Source what if it is someone else?” Maria asked.

“Someone else? Like who?” Liz asked.

“Like Khivar the alien or this Kal guy.” Maria said.

“Damn she is right.” Reid muttered running his thumb over his bottom lip in concentration.

“We could always try and interrogate Tess more and see if she knows when they are coming.” Maria suggested. Liz got up for her spot on the couch and stood before the fireplace, the two blondes were shocked at how broody she looked.

“Tess mentioned something about a timeline that she was given and that she needed to produce and heir by the end of this year.” Liz said the fire playing shadows across her masculine face.

“So Khivar could very well be the evil that is coming.” Reid sighed rubbing his hand over his face in frustration.

“At this point we can’t rule anything out. Reid we need to tell the others so they can keep a look out. Things are too complicated.” Liz whined.

“And it looks like once again we are stuck in a waiting game, man I hate those.” Reid whined.

“Oh listen to the two of you.” Maria laughed before she left the two alone knowing they needed to talk.

“So Lizzie how is it being Tyler?” Reid asked once he knew that Maria was out of earshot. Liz sighed as she flopped down onto the couch.

“I hate it.” She whispered but she knew that did not surprise Reid.

“I figured as much.”

“He thinks that I have it so easy but he does Reid. All he has to do is exist and put up with my crap but I want my life back. God Reid I miss my body, my baby oh especially my baby.” Liz said digging the heels of her palms into her eyes to stop the tears.

“I can tell, I saw you earlier reach down for your stomach but then stop when you realize you are not pregnant.” Reid said he saw the pain in his friend’s eyes.

“It just feels weird not being close to my baby right now.” Liz whispered.

“The connection.” Reid whispered.

“Yeah I find it comforting and I don’t like that Tyler has it right now.” Liz sighed.

“Liz the two of you need to get a grip on each others lives you two think the other has it so much better when the both of you have it rough. He likes his life Liz and you like yours but you don’t appreciate the struggles of the other.” Reid said.

“I know he has it rough Reid I know I am not the most agreeable of women. I know that he has a lot to deal with at school and keeping up and I am not helping with my always needing him I know that it is not fair that he has to spend more time with me and my friends then he gets to spend with his I know this Reid and I hate it I want him to be able to have his own life but things just are not working out that way and it kills me.” Liz groaned.

“I know you do Liz and I think that he knows this but I get the feeling that he thinks your life is just hard not impossible like the rest of us know it to be.” Reid said giving her a small smile.

“My life is not impossible Reid it just takes patience and a great support system.” Liz said.

“He loves you Liz and he is going to figure out there is more to your life then you let him think.” Reid said.

“I just did not want him to feel bad for me. He thinks I forgot about my baby Reid.” Liz whispered. “He really hurt me Reid. I could never forget about my child and that was a low blow. He is going to learn by being me that I could never forget about him.” Liz whispered before she got up and left.

“Well Tyler did that answer your question?” Reid asked sighing when Liz’s small form suddenly appeared looking ready to burst into tears.

“She really is something.” Tyler said in a soft voice.

“How long were you listening?” Reid asked.

“Not too long, when did you sense me?” Tyler asked.

“The moment you entered the secret passage. Liz was too upset to realize you were there.” Reid said.

“I was such a jerk to her Reid and trust me I knew that when I was saying it but it just came out. She has closed herself off to me and I hate it, we took one giant step back and I don’t know how to fix it.” Tyler said running his hands through Liz’s long hair.

“Then tell her that, she misses you Tyler you heard that yourself.” Reid said.

“She misses the baby as well.” Tyler said looking down at his stomach, he still found that weird that he was the one who was pregnant, it was not as easy as it looks.

“Yeah she does she never wanted to be parted from him. So how is pregnancy treating you?” Reid asked his friend giving him a small smile. Tyler groaned and leaned his head in the back cushion.

“I feel bad for Liz that she has to go through this even if she says it is not as bad as I think it is. My chest hurts so bad, I accidently hit my chest with her backpack and that was painful. My hips hurt and I have no idea why and my legs feel stiff and sore. The baby is moving all the time and it is hard to sleep and to think this is only the first day. My hormones are crazy and even if I am not really mad or upset I find myself furious and crying and I just can’t take it!” Tyler said

“See this is what your kid was trying to show you Tyler. See Liz might complain about some of those things but she does not let you know how bad things get because she knows how possessive and protective of her you are. Maria told me that you got a taste of her school life today.” Reid said.

“Oh boy did I.” Tyler muttered darkness crept into Liz’s doe eyes. “They are ruthless Reid and try and put her down at every turn and from what the others have told me Liz just takes it.” Tyler said he would have gotten up to pace but his legs hurt too much.

“Man you and Liz need to sit down and work all of your crap out get her in a room Tyler and work it out for both your sakes and your kid.” Reid said he slowly got up from his chair and made his way out of the library leaving Tyler behind to think over his options.

San Francisco

Cole needed to find one of the sisters and fast, he had just come from the Underworld and things were getting bad down there and getting progressively worse. “Cole?” Paige asked coming down the stairs she was surprised to see the demon there she thought he was still in the Underworld.

“Paige thank god you’re here I need to tell you things are getting bad down there.” Cole said.

“How bad?” She asked grabbing his arm leading him to the solarium.

“Well apparently the Source had sent a team in to get Liz and her friends but they were taken out today and that just angered him more. He has everyone down there running for cover and all of them are looking to take Liz and the baby out thinking it will put things back to normal.” Cole said his face grim.

“What else aren’t you telling me?” Paige asked she knew Cole and his expression was guarded as if he were about to tell her something terrible.

“From what I was hearing down there something is off, not right.” Cole said.


“I spoke with one of my friends down there Paige and he hinted at something that has me very worried.”

“What?” Paige asked getting fed up with the beating around the bush.

“He hinted that the Source is receiving inside information on what is going on with the group, like he has an inside informant. Paige according to my friend Chris is not the only one who came from the future to change things.” Cole said.

“Crap so the other side has future information as well, this could be bad.” Paige said.

“Oh and it gets worse.” Cole said letting out a dry laugh.


“She knows exactly what Chris told us and is trying to fix what he is undoing.” Cole said suddenly the demon stood up raising his hand to fire when he heard a noise in the hall. Chris shuffled into appearance with Phoebe.

“I also have something I need to tell you.” Chris mumbled looking at the ground.

“Cole can you go and get Piper please?” Phoebe asked.

“Sure thing where is she?” He asked.

“The club.” Paige said and he shimmered out. She looked from her sister to her future nephew and could see the looks they were sharing.

“He told me some of what is going on but there is more to it I take it.” Phoebe said.

“A lot more, I know who the other informant is and she is not to be taken lightly. I was hoping to leave her out of it, that she would not cause too much damage but from what Cole has said I think she is too much of a risk.” Chris said. The sisters could tell he was less than thrilled about giving up all of his information.

“Leo!” Paige shouted hoping to get the other whitelighter there, she noticed that Chris merely rolled his eyes at the shouting of this father’s name. She was going to have to ask Chris about that later. Blue lights appeared before the three and Cole shimmered in with Piper at the same time.

“What is going on?” Leo asked.

“Chris needs to fill us in on a few things he left out when he was telling us about the future.” Paige said she noticed Leo’s reaction, he became stiff and his eyes hardened slightly.

“I think I already know.” Leo said.

“No I don’t think you do, listening in you did not get all of the information.” Chris ground out startling the whitelighter.

“How did you…” Chris rolled his eyes at his father.

“My brother and I were trained in combat by our aunt we know more about stealth and using our senses then you are aware of.” Chris said looking at Paige.

“I trained you in combat?” Paige asked.

“Yes see after mother was gone you took us to magic school to be raised where we went from the land of the land of the Valhalla to magic school for our training. The women taught us to fight for the final battle and we learned quickly. You were kick arse up until the day you went down fighting.” Chris said.

“Sounds like you were close to Paige.” Cole said.

“I was and so was my brother. The two of us looked at her as a second mother she was always there for us and protected us whenever something was after us. She did not deserve the life she had but she was forced into it.” Chris said.

“How?” Cole asked.

“I was not exactly stable in the future and I left Paige to deal with two kids all on her own while she had a magical school to run at the same time.” Phoebe said Cole did not like t he pain he saw in her eyes, he knew that leaving her to her fate in the future had left her scared and he knew that his future self was responsible for much of the damage the family endured.

“So Chris what else do you need to tell us?” Piper asked giving her son a kind smile. The young man let out a deep breath, his chest hurt from the pressure of holding his breath but he was afraid to tell them who he was in the future.

“The person who is helping the Source is a woman named Bianca, my ex.” Chris said.

“And she is…”

“The youngest sister of Lisara.” Chris said looking right at Cole who had sucked in a sharp breath at the name. Cole stood up and paced around the room.

“Oh this is worse than I thought.” Cold muttered.

“Much worse, see in the future Lisara is much more powerful than she is right now. My brother helped her in that respect and so did Zan.” Chris said.

“Wait Zan as in…” Leo trailed off understanding flashing in his blue depths.

“Max and Tess’s son. Apparently he was not as powerless as they thought and was looking for revenge, a few years older than my brother he was looking for a place to fit in and he found it…with my brother and his quest for world domination. The three of them were unstoppable and turned the world into hell on earth. The balance had shifted and this world became the dark.” Chris said.

“So this Lisara how come we have not heard of her?” Piper asked.

“She is still young right now, around a hundred or so, not old enough to make a dent yet but she is on the rise at the moment her legion is growing in numbers. She is a full blood demon not like me.” Cole said.

“Yeah and with the help of my brother she was able to unlock her potential.” Chris spat.

“What is it Chris?” Paige asked.

“There is something you should know…about Lisara and…Liz.”
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Re: War of the Witches, Ros/CHMD/COV, UC,Adult Pt54,p51 1/15/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys I know you have noticed that the page numbers went from in the 50's down to 6 but it had to be done since I was way over the limit according to the board rules. Don't worry I got to read all of your replies to the last part before the forum mod pruned the fic! Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 55: Switched 3

Liz and the others stared at the Charmed Ones not believing what they were hearing. Chris had left out a few important details things that they needed to know in order to not mess up this time around.

“So Liz…” Alex trailed off.

“Was key in the fight.” Chris said.

“Hear that Liz you are important in every timeline.” Kyle boasted.

“Kyle shut up I was responsible for a war!” Liz yelled.

“You did not know Liz. Zan was an angry guy.” Chris said softly he did not mean to hurt her.

“But he hated me enough that he took it out on the human race. I was desperate enough to join the enemy, to join with Khivar before I was killed. So Zan did not kill me because I was working with Khivar and Nicholas but because he blamed me for his father and mother not being together, his mother’s death and his father giving him up for adoption leaving him to deal with his developing powers by himself.” Liz said.

“Correct.” Chris said.

“But I didn’t know!” Liz cried.

“I know and so did Wyatt but Zan was different and Lisara played on that. Then when Lisara told Zan what all his father had been up to and about Liz working with his father’s enemy well he snapped.” Chris said.

“And wiped out anyone he saw fit to.” Caleb huffed.

“Right.” Chris said.

“So why was Lisara so against Liz?” Reid asked it was the question that had been bugging them all. Chris sighed deeply hating to have to deliver that bad news.

“Lisara is a full demon and she is…” Understanding flashed in Pogue and Liz’s eyes.

“She is Jeff’s daughter.” Pogue muttered and Chris nodded his head.

“Whoa time out here!” Maria yelled looking angry. “Mr. Parker is human you all said so yourselves. If that was true then not only would Mr. Parker be a demon but Lisara and Bianca would be his daughters.” Maria said.

“My dad does not like to talk about his life before he and my mother had me but I do know that he had other children. My mom told me when I was younger that my dad used to have powers but my uncle striped them away.” Liz whispered.

“So that was why he striped them.” Pogue mumbled. “Because he was a demon that his sister was in love with.” Pogue said and Chris nodded.

“Bianca and Lisara hate Liz because she took their father away from them and made him human. Liz does not have his powers because when Liz’s parents conceived her Jeff was completely human not trace of magic in him.” Chris explained.

“Why did they not tell me that he was a demon?” Liz asked looking lost.

“He was ashamed probably I know I am.” Cole said.

“Liz you are not like them you are all human and your mother is way different from theirs. You are not a demon. Lisara and Bianca are just brats but that is why they are against you in the future.” Chris said.

“So Bianca, what threat does she pose?” Pogue asked he did not like how shifty Chris was acting whenever the subject of Bianca was brought up.

“A big one if she is the little sister of Lisara. She would have inside information on the entire goings on in the future and could help the Source side step certain events such as his death.” Cole said.

“So how do we kill her and how do we find out what information she has given up?” Pogue asked.

“You can’t kill her!” Chris yelled looking alarmed.

“She poses a threat to the future of our bloodlines and that needs to be taken care of therefore we need to know her weaknesses.” Pogue said.

“It’s hard to plan how best to kill the one you love, we get that but from what you have told us Chris she is long gone.” Liz said he turned to her searching her face for something but she saw his shoulders slump, he was going to help them.

“It is going to be hard getting information out of her even the Source would have trouble she would not have given up all of her information to him just yet. Lisara taught her that knowledge is her greatest weapon and that it should be harbored and only the bare minimum shared.” Chris said.

“Smart.” Alex commented.

“Very. Bianca is holding out on the Source and that is why she is alive otherwise she would be dead, she poses a threat to him being smarter than he is she knows how to take him out therefore even if he needs her once she has fulfilled her usefulness he will kill her which is why she is probably holding back information.” Cole said.

“So she might be the evil Reid sensed.” Tyler said.

“No. She is powerful but not that powerful.” Chris said.

“Do you have any way of contacting her?” Isabel asked.

“She is following us she is probably outside the house right now all I would have to do is go out there and I can probably find her.” Chris said.

“She has been following us? How come we have not seen her?” Michael asked.

“It is one of her abilities she can make herself invisible and observe around her, useful for undercover data retrieval.” Chris said.

“But it is also a weakness.” Pogue said grinning.

“How so?” Phoebe asked not liking the wicked grin that Pogue shared with Liz in Tyler’s body.

“Well the Parry’s have a few tricks up their sleeves.” Liz said slinging her arm around Pogue.

“Oh really like what?” Leo asked not liking the way the sons were suddenly giddy.

“Invisible people is our specialty. Barbas was different he was a fear demon and was given the power of invisibility but Bianca was born with it, it is in her DNA and our line has a way of finding her kind.” Pogue said being very evasive.

“What?” Paige asked.

“Liz do you have grandpa’s spell book?” Pogue asked.

“Yup it’s downstairs.” Liz said.

“Why do you need a spell book?” Leo asked.

“Because inside is the potion and spell for revealing people who are hidden, our family is great for fixing problems.” Liz said.

“Can you do the potion?” Pogue asked Liz.

“Yeah your dad taught me that one. Can you do the spell? It is in Latin.” Liz said Pogue just scoffed.

“Liz I took six years of Latin.” Pogue huffed.

“Great so we are set.” Liz said turning to the rest of the room. “Any questions?” Liz asked noticing that the room was staring at them.

“Wow.” Maria whispered.

“What?” Liz asked.

“Slow down guys we need to think of what we are going to do once we have her I mean in case you have not noticed we already have two prisoners in the basement and I am not sure we can take on a third and I know I do not want the three of them talking and getting any bright ideas.” Caleb said.

“Damn he is right.” Liz muttered.

“Don’t you hate that.” Paige laughed.

“So what do we do? We know that Bianca is a threat but what about Max and Tess?” Pogue asked.

“I don’t trust either of them yet we have no way of knowing if they are trust worthy or not.” Caleb said.

“Any ideas?” Pogue asked the room.

“We tried truth spells on the two of them but that does not tell us if either of their minds are booby trapped.” Reid said.

“Is there any way to get into their minds?” Michael asked. The Covenant would not look the others in the eye.

“There is.” Phoebe said she sounded angry they could not believe that the Covenant was holding out on them.

“It is forbidden to use that spell.” Reid said.

“But it is possible.” Piper said.

“Well yeah.” Liz said.

“Then do it.” Phoebe said.

“No!” Shouted the others.

“It is our only option. Do it!” Leo snapped.

“You have no idea what you are asking us to do.” Liz hissed.

“Did you wonder why we did not do it until now? There is a reason it is forbidden!” Caleb said.

“It took our families a long time to figure out why the spell was so bad.” Pogue said.

“Well just do the damn spell to hell with the consequences we need to stop Bianca.” Phoebe said.

“What spell is it?” Chris asked startling the Charmed Ones.

“Well the translation is death of freedom.” Liz said.

“I have never heard of it.” Chris said but suddenly Cole groaned.

“I have heard of it but I thought it was just a myth.” Cole muttered.

“Not a myth it is real.” Liz said.

“Guys if the spell is real there is a good reason they don’t want to use it on them.” Cole said.

“What is it?” Phoebe asked.

“Well in order to use the spell you have to meld minds with the person you want to use it on.” Pogue said.

“And this is bad how?” Piper asked.

“There is no way to undo it.” Tyler said.

“So?” Phoebe said not catching on like her sisters and brother in law had.

“So, whoever decides to do the spell will be stuck with Max and Tess in their head, permanently.” Pogue said.


“Okay guys we need to sleep on this and look through the books to see if there are any other options.” Caleb said Cole, Paige and Chris stood up getting his meaning Phoebe and Piper just stared at them in confusion.

“Come on Phoebe.” Cole whispered pulling her along and Chris pulled Leo and Piper. Once out of the home Phoebe turned to the others looking confused.

“What is going on?”

“We outwore out welcome.” Cole said before he shimmered out the others orbed out as well.

Back inside the atmosphere was tense. None of them wanted to ask who was going to be the one to perform the spell since that was not an option, at least not yet. “What are we going to do?” Isabel asked her golden eyes were sad; she looked as if she had resigned herself to her fate.

“You all need to rest, since we don’t have school tomorrow we are going to be hatching up plans but for right now the rest of us need to research.” Caleb said.

“Well we can help.” Maria said.

“No we can’t.” Kyle said.

“What!” Michael barked at the jock.

“They are going to be going through spell books of the Covenant and they are dangerous, several including the book of Damnation, are not to be read by anyone but them. I know the Danvers spell book will burst into flames if anyone other than an heir reads it.” Kyle said.

“Are there any non dangerous books we can look through?” Isabel asked.

“Nope I am guessing that all the books they need are the really dangerous ones to anyone but them.” Alex said.

“Alex is right the books we have to read are…dangerous if not downright evil at times some of them are quite scary.” Liz said with a small squeak.

“Come on we need to get to work.” Pogue said and the witches minus Kyle went to the basement where all spell books that were dangerous were kept. The others were left alone in the kitchen feeling helpless.

“What if they don’t find anything?” Maria asked her green eyes were oddly shadowed. Her friends did not like the look on her face, she seemed lost.

“Then we are going to have to kill my brother and one of our own.” Isabel said in an even voice.

“I don’t think the others will let it come to that Isabel.” Alex said.

“At least we hope not.” Maria whispered.
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Re: War of the Witches, Ros/CHMD/COV, UC,Adult Pt55,p6 1/17/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Thanks so much guys for replying to the last part I am glad to see you are all still with the story! Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 56: Switched 4

Max and Tess had been rudely awaken from a dreamless slumber when they heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. Reid, Caleb, Pogue, Tyler, and Liz all appeared at the bottom looking anxious as they made their way over to the book shelves. “Liz start with Putnam as a magical heir you would have the ability to read the book since Chase willed you his powers.” Caleb said motioning for her to grab the red leather volume which looked as if it had seen better days.

“Are we looking for mind penetration or what?” Tyler asked.

“Anything you think might help at this point, we are desperate.” Caleb said as each of the sons grabbed their family spell book.

“Whoever gets done with their book first needs to go through the book of Damnation.” Caleb said.

“Have fun with that Lizzie.” Pogue said slapping Tyler’s body on the back.

“What makes you think it is going to be me?” Liz asked.

“Simple, we know you read at lightning speed.” Tyler said giving her a small smile.

“May the first person be done actually have found something.” Reid said and the others agreed. Tyler pulled Liz into the chamber off the main room and the two of them got to work.

“I hope they work things out, it is not right for them to be fighting like this.” Caleb said.

“What is going on?” Tess asked rubbing her blue eyes looking blurry eyed at the three boys.

“We are trying to find a way to get into your heads without sacrificing ourselves.” Reid said flipping the page of his book. Tess looked closely to try and see what he was reading.

“I would not look too closely if I was you; our books have a failsafe where if anyone besides the heir attempts to read it then it does some pretty nasty things to the person.” Pogue said glaring at her, she quickly looked away.

“What is wrong with Liz and Tyler?” Max asked pretending to be interested in the well being of their relationship.

“Nothing that concerns you.” Reid said.

“Now shut it you two we need to work.” Pogue said.

“Why should we be quiet so that we can help you get inside our heads?” Max snapped.

“Because the alternative is not pretty.” Pogue said.

In the side chamber Liz and Tyler sat reading silently looking out the corner of their eye at the other. Liz flipped the page of the Putnam spell book, the whole line of them were dull and dribbled on in Latin. The spells that she found were rather nasty and cruel and all directed at the torture of humans. Liz hated reading in Latin it was confusing to keep switching from English to Latin and it hurt the mind after awhile. She turned the page again and saw a page dribbled in blood.

“Oh that is so disgusting, four hundred year old blood.” Liz groaned making Tyler laugh.

“My family book is not much better there are some stains in here that I really don’t want to know what they are.” Tyler said. Liz flipped the page and saw a charcoal sketch of a brain and a hand on top of it, Tyler watched as her eyes raked over a page in her book, he did not want to look in fear of being hurt.

“What is it?” He asked.

“I think I found something that we over looked before.” Liz said looking giddy.

“Come on let’s go tell the others.” Tyler said flashing Liz a smile as she helped him up, in his pregnant state he found it harder to get up off the low sunken furniture. The other three looked up when Tyler and Liz entered the main room.

“What are you two done already?” Reid asked.

“I think I found something.” Liz said.

“Is it safe to look at the book?” Caleb asked.

“Probably not so don’t chance it. There is a spell in here that Noah Putnam created it apparently allows the caster to place their hand on top of the persons head it is sort of the magical equivalent to an MRI.” Liz explained.

“Does it say if it works or if there are any side effects?” Pogue asked.

“Only pain on the part of the person getting scanned which can be solved with one of Gorman and Reid’s pain potions.” Liz said.

“It sounds perfect Caleb.” Tyler said.

“Can you do it Liz?” Pogue asked.

“Yes it is not dangerous for the person performing it, Putnam was not dumb. Noah Putnam would not have created a spell that could potentially harm himself or his heirs.” Liz said.

“Then I say you have a go.” Caleb said.

“Great, Reid can you please make the pain potions?” Liz asked.

“You know I can.” The blonde said giving his friends a cocky smirk. Max and Tess stared at the group in fear they did not want their brains messed with.

“Will it damage us in anyway?” Max snapped at the Covenant.

“Tess probably not, you I might think about it.” Liz said before she and the others headed upstairs leaving the two aliens to dread what was coming.

“You guys go on up to bed and get some rest I am going to go and get Gorman see if he will help me with the pain potions, with two of us working it will go faster.” Reid said before heading up to the attic where the caretaker resided.

Liz and Tyler said goodnight to the others before the headed into their room. “My hips hurt.” Tyler muttered Liz looked up from her hands and saw him lounging on a chair. Liz had never seen herself looking so pathetic.

“Yeah that has been happening more often since I am gaining more weight.” Liz said.

“Is that normal?” She gave him a small smile.

“Gorman said for my build it is. Tyler I am tiny I know that so it is only normal that the extra stress on my body is felt.” Liz said.

“What about pain in the legs?”

“Normal, again even though the added weight on paper does not seem like much when it is put on my small body it is a lot of stress on my body and I will feel it. A hot bath usually helps to relax my muscles, come on I will even let you use my favorite soap.” Liz said going into the bathroom. She pulled out her strawberry vanilla bubble bath and put a capful in the ancient tub that allowed a person to soak up to their nose if they desired. A few minutes later she came out. “Come on Tyler into the bath it will make you feel better.” Liz said giving him a small smile.

“How do you deal with the pain?” He groaned.

“It is not always there and some days are worse than others but it is all worth it to see my kid someday.” Liz said.

“How do you sleep at night when the baby moves so much?” He whined making her laugh.

“At first it was kind of hard but then I learned to deal with it and it became a comfort. He has his busy and quiet hours.” Liz said giving him a sad smile. “Now that I don’t have him kicking it is lonely. I really miss the connection to him as well. It is faint but I can always feel him.” Liz whispered.

“So that is the tingly feeling in the back of my mind.” Tyler said.

“Yeah it is something your mom said is constant until age thirteen it is so faint the heir never feels it but the mother does but it is only to let her know he is alive or in trouble sort of a safety measure.” Liz explained as Tyler blew the bubbles away from his mouth.

“Why didn’t you tell me how bad things were at school Liz I would have come sooner or done…something.” Tyler leaned over the side of the tub looking at her. She looked down at her hands not wanting to meet his gaze.

“I didn’t want you to worry Tyler I know that you do, that one day was bad enough I did not want you to know that every day was pretty much like that.” Liz sighed.

“Baby you need to tell me this stuff I don’t want you suffering like this.” Tyler said.

“I just hate dumping all of my problems on you Tyler you have enough to deal with, without me putting more stress on you.” Liz said.

“Liz you are not a stress.”

“Yes I am Tyler and it is not fair to you I mean think about it since I got pregnant you are not hanging out with your friends the ones outside of the Covenant, you are not at your dorm having fun I mean you spend most of your time with me and my friends and it is not fair to you.” Liz huffed.

“Liz trust me when I say that I would much rather spend my time with you than anyone else. Babe you are not a hassle I love you.” Tyler said lifting himself partially out of the water so that his face was level with Liz in his body.

“I love you too.” She whispered but Tyler knew her too well he knew that something was still bothering her and he knew what it was.

“Liz.” He tried to get her attention and she slowly looked up at him. “Liz I’m sorry for saying that you were not thinking of our kid when you wanted to do that spell it was wrong of me and I knew even then that it was untrue. Liz it might have only been a day that we have switched places but I know now especially with your connection that you could never forget about him. I am sorry Liz.” Tyler said.

“It hurt you know. You of all people saying that after everything.” Liz had never felt such pain not even when her parents abandoned her because she was a pregnant teenager.

“I know that I hurt you I said what I did because I was scared Liz I did not want anything to happen to you and the baby and the irrational part of me wanted to do anything and everything to make sure you would not do that spell and the only way I saw possible was to…say what I did.” Tyler said looking down ashamed.

“And on some level I knew that but it still hurt to hear the one person I trust most say that. It hurt.” She said leaning her forehead against his, it was the closest the two of them had been in over a day. Tyler placed his now very small hands on the sides of Liz’s face.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered brushing her lips with his. Blue light filled the room slamming the two apart.

“Ow.” Liz groaned from in the tub. “Wait when did I get in the…Tyler we are back in our bodies!” Liz screamed earning a deep raspy chuckle from him.

“I can tell.” He said lifting her small form out of the water and hugging her to him. “Liz you have no idea how good it feels to hug you right now.” Tyler said nuzzling her neck slightly.

“I feel small.” She muttered into his shoulder making him laugh.

“Liz you have no idea how good it feels to be taller than you again.” Tyler said running his hands down her wet back. Her eyes darkened slightly as she looked up at him.

“You know Tyler I ran this bath for you, it is only fair that you get in here with me.” She said giving him a slow deep kiss something he had been missing since their fight.

“Sounds like a plan.”
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Re: War of the Witches, Ros/CHMD/COV, UC,Adult Pt56,p7 1/19/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the replies on the last part! Don't worry there will NOT be any Pogue/Tess I have other people in mind for them at the moment because I don't see the two of them working. Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 57: A Beautiful Mind

Caleb wanted to get to Paige and see how she was doing he hated having to tell her and her sisters to leave but they had angered him and his friends more than he was comfortable with and his rage needed to be checked. He silently made his way up the stairs to tell Liz and Tyler he was going, he had already told Pogue and Reid. Caleb knocked on the Simms door but received no answer he figured the two were just asleep so he went in.

“Hey guys.” Caleb said stepping inside the light from the candles in the hall illuminating the couple on the bed. “Whoa!” Caleb yelled covering his eyes as Liz and Tyler woke up.

“Caleb?” Tyler asked rubbing his blue eyes.

“Ah Ty you might want to cover Liz up a bit more.” Caleb laughed when he heard Liz shriek when she realized her chest was still exposed. “You know Liz I think I have seen you naked more than my own girlfriend.” Caleb laughed.

“Watch it Danvers.” Tyler ground out.

“Was there something you needed Caleb?” Liz asked as Caleb removed his hands from his eyes. He smirked when he saw Liz holding up the blue sheets over herself but for good measure Tyler had her pulled against him and his arm over her chest preventing him from seeing his girlfriend naked.

“I take it the two of you are back in your respective bodies.” Caleb said.

“Yeah it would have been weird to have sex with myself.” Liz said.

“Yeah not something I was dying to do.” Tyler said.

“But you would have if you had to.” Caleb filled in.

“Yeah I mean it might have been Tyler in a different body, my body but he was still Tyler.” Liz said smiling when Tyler tightened his hold on her.

“So happy to be home?” Caleb asked.

“Very.” Liz said resting her hand on her small bump.

“Take it the little guy is happy as well.” Caleb said flashing Liz one of his killer grins.

“He is I can sense it he is pleased that his father and I have worked out our problems, he was really upset when we were at odds. I love the small connection I have to him and I hate that once he is born all but a little will go away.” Liz sighed.

“So what do you need?” Tyler asked wanting to get back to sleep with Liz.

“I wanted to let you know that I am heading out to go to Paige. I think I have some serious making up to do.” Caleb said rubbing the back of his head in frustration.

“Actually I believe it is her that has making up to do.” Liz huffed. Caleb saw the dark look in her chocolate eyes, the eyes he has stared into since he was a toddler and caught his first glimpse of Nancy Parker’s baby girl; she was furious.

“Liz, Lizzie, look at me.” Caleb demanded softly.

“I hate that they only thought of themselves and not about the rest of us, she did not think about what it would do to you Caleb and I want to hurt them for that. I know that they did not and still do not understand why that spell is so bad but I can’t help but be angry with them.” Liz said she felt Tyler pull her flush against him to comfort her.

“I know Liz but I just…”

“You have strong feelings for her possibly even love.” Liz whispered Caleb let out a deep sigh giving her a small sad smile.

“I don’t think my heart has enough strength to love at the moment. Sarah messed me up to put it lightly and right now I think the only female besides my mother that I trust completely is you and since you are sleeping with my best friend I don’t think you and I have a future. It is going to take me some time to trust her with my heart.” Caleb said.

“So glad I am preventing you from having sex with my pregnant girlfriend Danvers.” Tyler ground out.

“Tyler you know Liz is like my sister I was just making a point.” Caleb said.

“Tyler he is trying to say he is not at the right point in his relationship with Paige to call what he feels for her love he is more at the strong like stage.” Liz said and Caleb nodded in agreement.

“Just making sure.” Tyler muttered kissing her bare shoulder.

“Ugh you two are sickeningly sweet behind closed doors.” Caleb said rolling off the bed.

“Yeah well we are in bed Caleb.” Liz said kissing Tyler’s cheek and then lips.

“Ah no need for a floor show guys. See you tomorrow.” Caleb said quickly leaving the couple that was busy making up. Caleb shuddered at the sounds coming from his friends room as he quickly made his way out of the house and then blinked away to San Francisco where Paige was.

San Francisco

Phoebe closed the door to Paige’s room feeling terrible; her actions caused heartache for her baby sister. Paige had come back from the ancestral home of the Covenant in tears believing that she had lost Caleb for good. Nothing Piper and Phoebe did could comfort her and even worse they knew that Paige was not really at fault, they were.

“How is she?” Cole asked looking up from his hot cup of coffee. Phoebe shook her head as she sat down putting her head in her hands.

“Not good Cole not good at all. She really likes this one.” Phoebe muttered.

“He is a bit on the young side though.” Piper said.

“But it works for them Piper, besides you and I are no better our boyfriend and husband are much older than we are. Leo is in his eighties and Cole is over a hundred.” Phoebe said and the two men nodded in agreement.

“Besides Caleb is much more mature than men three times his age. I think they are good together.” Leo said softly. A sharp knock on the front door startled the family out of their stupor.

“Who could that be at this time of night?” Piper asked.

“A demon?” Phoebe suggested.

“Would not knock.” Cole said patting her head as he went to answer the front door, he had a feeling that he knew who was on the other side of the front door. Pulling the door open he saw Caleb looking worn to the bone. “Figured it was you, she is upstairs in her room sulking.” Cole said and the teen blew past him up the stairs without greeting the others.

“Who was that?” Leo asked.

“Caleb.” Cole said and they heard Paige’s bedroom door creaking open one floor above them.

“Go away Phoebe.” Paige muttered.

“I’m not Phoebe and I don’t want to go away.” Caleb said closing her bedroom door leaving them in darkness. Paige bolted upright in her bed she could not believe that he was there in front of her.

“Caleb?” She croaked out.

“Yeah it’s me.” Caleb said sitting down at the foot of her bed.

“I thought you were too angry to speak with me.” Paige said in a shaky voice she hated how weak she sounded.

“I am upset but I know that you and your family don’t exactly have the same history with the spell that we do so you would not understand why we were all so jumpy. Liz is still upset but I am blaming that more on hormones than anything.” Caleb laughed.

“Why do you guys hate it so much?” Caleb sighed.

“Once the spell is performed the spell caster is put into the mind of the subject to look around if you will but the downside is that you and the person are permanently connected mentally. You lose all sense of self the two essentially become one they share thoughts emotions everything.” Caleb said.


“It makes both go crazy.” Caleb said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Then why create the spell?”

“Because sometimes the need for information is so great that sacrifices need to be made.” Caleb said and Paige had a sickening feeling that he had witnessed such an event.

“Caleb I am so sorry that we tried to force you.” She started to cry suddenly she felt his strong arms around her pulling her form into his lap. She clung to him not wanting him to let her go.

“Paige I know that you all did not have the full facts.” Caleb said.

“I was so scared that I was going to lose you.” She cried.

“Paige I am extremely hard to get rid of, just as Reid and Liz.” Caleb laughed smiling when she gave him a watery grin.

“You staying here tonight?” She asked hopefully.

“Yup.” He said giving her a killer smile.

“Perfect.” She sighed.

He laid her down and kissed her rosy cheek softly before moving to kiss the rest of her face. She sighed at his kisses moments earlier she had been afraid that she was never going to be kissed by him again. It was a night of comfort and forgiveness for the both of them and a night they would never forget.


Reid slowly stomped up the stairs feeling more worn out than he had in days. Passing the Simms room he heard soft moans making him roll his eyes at his best friends “Well at least someone is getting some.” Reid mumbled.

“Getting some of what?” Maria asked from behind him making him jump. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you.” She laughed her green eyes staring up at him impishly.

“I know that trick Maria I have used it on people many times you were waiting in the shadows for me so that you could scare me.” Reid pouted.

“No I was waiting in the shadows so that I could catch you before you went to bed to see how you were doing. Earlier you were upset.” She explained seeing his shoulders sag.

“Come on.” He said wrapping an arm around her as he led her into his room. “I was upset but I am over it now. People just need to learn that when we don’t want to do something and we say it is dangerous than it is probably not a good idea to do something.” Reid said.

“I got that much.” Maria said before she took a running dive towards Reid’s bed. “Why is it that your bed is so much more comfortable than mine?” She whined.

“Because mine is more broken in, several families have slept in my bed and several children were born in this bed.” Reid said laying down next to her as he stripped down to his boxers.

“Eww really? Like how many?” She asked her nose scrunched up.

“Well let’s see for my family there have been forty births in this bed and around thirty families.” Reid said.

“That is a lot of birth and sex.” Maria murmured.

“Yeah but it does not bother me since it was my family we are the same blood and all of us guys look the same.” Reid said.

“Oddly enough it does not bother me either.” Maria sighed.

“Nice to know but Maria you are now one of the women to have sex in this bed.” Reid laughed.

“Well that made me feel better. So what spell or potion did you all find?” Maria asked sounding genuinely interested and so Reid explained the mechanics to her.

“Well at least it is less dangerous.” Maria muttered.

“Maria everything we do is dangerous, that is half the fun.” Reid said giving her a cheeky grin.

“Liz and Pogue said the same thing.” Maria laughed.

“Yeah well the three of us are known for getting into trouble well Pogue less than Liz and I. When we were little Liz and I would torment Pogue and Caleb and Tyler would just sit there and watch not wanting to get involved and then Pogue would always try and get back at us but Liz somehow always outsmarted him leaving me to get burned.” Reid laughed and Maria just giggled.

“Yeah she is great for that all Liz has to do is flash someone her big doe eyes and they fall at her feet. Alex, Kyle and I would always be the ones getting into trouble and Liz would just flash them her eyes and we would get in trouble for getting Liz in trouble.” Maria laughed.

“She is great for that.” Reid agreed.


The Source was furious he knew based on what Bianca had told him that he needed to act quickly, he was losing support in the underworld. Demons were thinking him weak and were not willing to go against Liz in her state knowing they were doomed. There was only one option left for him and that was to take care of the matter himself.

“Bianca.” He barked.

“Yes my lord?” She asked sauntering up to him large form. He looked down at his evil companion knowing what needed to be done.

“Get the legions ready, we march in three days.” He growled, her eyes flashed vindictively and she shimmered out. The war was on.
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Re: War of the Witches, Ros/CHMD/COV, UC,Adult Pt57,p8 1/21/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys I love reading all of your replies it keeps me writing! I have an authors page up now where you can see some of the fics to come, let me know which one you want next! Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 58: Hidden Secrets

Everyone stood around Tess on guard since the crystal cage was absent so Liz could do her spell. Maria watched in awe as her friends black eyes stared intently at Tess as she muttered dark words, her tan hand turning a black color before she placed her hand on Tess’s head. Maria gasped when she saw different images flash in Liz’s black depths, occasionally she would gasp at an image.

Squirmed on the floor not liking her mind being messed with again but she knew that Liz did not mean her any harm and that she would be discreet about what she saw. Suddenly Liz ripped her hand away from Tess’s blonde head breathing heavily, Tyler rushed over to her pulling her close.

“What did you see?” Caleb asked as they replaced the crystals around Tess.

“Well there were several more blocks on her and triggers but I took them away.” Liz said when suddenly Tess let out an agonizing scream. “Sorry Tess.” Liz whispered knowing the terrors the young blonde alien was seeing.

“Oh god oh god I…I…ah!” Tess sobbed.

“What did you see?” Kyle asked not liking how terrified Tess looked.

“We have an even bigger problem than the Source.” Liz whispered.

“Who?” Pogue asked looking into his cousins dark brown eyes.

“Khivar and Nicholas. They are coming and trust me when I say that is something we do not want.” Liz said fear flashing in her dark depths.

“They are going to kill us all.” Tess sobbed.

“Not if we can stop them first.” Pogue said.

“There is more guys.” Liz said turning to Max.

“What?” Max asked noticing how the room was now staring at him.

“It seems Max here is not who he seems to be.” Liz said.

“Okay babe what are you talking about?” Tyler asked.

“Max is not the real Max he is a replacement. The real Max was killed in the crash, this one is a plant from Nasedo and Kal.” Liz said.

“And this is bad because?” Alex asked.

“He has no real soul only an imitation of one, he is sort of like their evil little puppet created to do what they wanted. They were hoping that through genetic manipulation that Max would inherit the seal but it seems that did not happen even after Zan was killed.” Liz said.

“Well if Max did not get it then who did?” Isabel asked.

“Michael did Michael is now King of Antar according to their laws and hierarchy. Michael should have the seal.” Liz said.

“So Zan is really dead?” Kyle asked.

“Yeah he was killed over a year ago by Nasedo.” Tess whimpered.

“So what are we going to do with Max? Is he dangerous?” Reid asked.

“He is very dangerous he is a bomb waiting to go off.” Liz said.

“Is there any way to fix him?” Isabel asked she did not like the look on Liz’s face.

“No Isabel there is no way to fix him he has too much if Khivar in him to be good. He is missing a soul which gives him a human like vibe.” Liz said feeling bad that she was telling Isabel that there was no hope for the boy she grew up with the one she thought of as her twin brother all her life. She could see the storm raging in the blonde’s eyes and the fear of the unknown.

“What are we going to do?” She whispered tearfully her brown eyes brimming with tears.

“I will talk with Cole, the two of us can take care of it.” Caleb said.

“What are you going to do with him?” Michael asked.

“To be honest, I don’t know.” Caleb said.

“You are going to kill me I can sense it after all it is what I would do it is the only option. I knew all along that I was not who you all thought I was it was this little voice in the back of my head telling me that all I am and know is not real I guess now I know why. Nasedo and the others thought that they were creating another Zan but they created a whole new being, that is why I don’t remember any of my past life, because I never had one.” Max said his voice dull. It was apparent to the others that he had resigned himself to his fate.

“No there has to be another way!” Isabel said tears freely rolling down her golden cheeks.

“We are going to look into it Isabel.” Liz said rubbing the alien princess’s arm. She felt bad for her and that she had to be the one to deliver such bad news.

“But I mean there has to be some good in him right I mean we have known him all our lives.” Michael said not wanting to lose his brother.

“We will look into it man, we are not ready to give up on him yet.” Tyler said he knew that it was as much for their sakes as for Liz. He knew that on some level Liz still thought of Max as a friend and he knew that this information was killing her and he was going to do all that he could to make sure that she was happy and if that meant saving Max then he was going to save Max. Liz seemed to sense what he was feeling because she suddenly was wrapped in his arms nuzzling his neck.

“I love you.” She whispered kissing his cheek making him grin like an idiot.

“Love you too Lizzie.” Reid and Caleb sang making her groan as Reid started making kissing noises. Tyler shot his friends a glare.

“No I love Liz!” Tyler said before he dipped her and kissed her soundly in front of the group.

“Wow he is amazing.” Isabel muttered.

“I know.” Maria chimed in both earning scowls from Reid and Alex.

“He really is.” Liz said giving the girls in the room a secret smile, including Tess. “He does this thing with his…” Tyler slapped a hand over his girlfriend’s mouth his face turning an interesting shade of red as the room stared at him.

“Damn that is like the third time someone has stopped her from finishing her sentence. I want to know what he is good at!” Maria huffed.

“Yeah I want to know too!” Isabel laughed. “After all Alex is really good with his…”

“Isabel!” Alex yelled embarrassed cutting his sort of girlfriend off.

“Oh this is too much.” Pogue muttered rubbing his chest as if the conversation was causing him great pain.

“Yeah I really did not need to know that Whitman was some kind of a s ss se sse ssee…” Michael looked a little green.

“I believe the term you are looking for darling is sex god.” Liz said making Michael go an even deeper shade of green.

“Hey I will have you know I am a virgin!” Alex huffed.

“And probably the only one here.” Reid laughed with Kyle.

“No I am one as well.” Isabel said looking towards Michael she noticed his red face.

“Who did you screw?” Kyle asked.

“None of your business.” Michael muttered.

“Oh I know this one!” Maria said raising her hand jumping up and down.

“Who?” Reid asked.

“Vicky.” Maria laughed the other Roswell teens just groaned.

“Oh I hope you sterilized yourself. It is a good thing you can’t get sick.” Kyle shuddered.

“Hey you slept with her as well.” Michael pointed out.

“Ah Michael almost every guy in Roswell slept with her.” Liz pointed out.

“I know and this information does not leave this basement got it?” Michael asked looking around the dark room.

“Got it.” Pogue laughed.

“So am I better?” Tess asked tearfully.

“She is safe guys. We can trust her. They really messed with her.” Liz said softly.

“Let her out of the cage.” Caleb said and Reid lifted up one of the crystals and Tess slowly left the confines of the magical cage stretching her aching legs and body.

“I bet it feels good to get up.” Liz said and Tess nodded.

“Come on let’s get you washed up and some food in you.” Maria said grabbing the small girls arm leading her up the stairs with Alex, Kyle, Michael, and Isabel trailing behind.

San Francisco

Phoebe was sitting on her chair in the solarium feeling glum. She knew that she had to apologize to the others in Ipswich for being such a witch to them the other day. She did not understand what had possessed her to act that way but she was infinitely sorry for what she was asking them to do.

It started off as a slight pressure in her temples and slowly started to build until she started seeing spots. She knew that she was going to have a premonition. Her chest tightened when she was suddenly thrust into a new place…

There were five teens standing in formation looking ready for battle, their eyes solid black. Before them stood another teen his eyes the same color. The five teens looked less than thrilled by his appearance, the girl looking scared.

“It’s time to make you my witch Caleb, and I am going to take her as well. She is so pretty.” He growled flying into the air. The others snapped into action, they all flew into the air, the blonde boy getting blasted by an energy wave first and falling flat on his back in obvious pain.

Behind them was a house, an old house it looked to be hundreds of years old, candles were lit in the windows.
“Get her inside!” Someone yelled and the blonde teen jumped up grabbing the girl running towards the house.

“No I have to fight, I can’t leave him there!” She yelled hysterical.

Suddenly Phoebe came out of her vision, she found herself on the floor gasping for breath apparently loud enough to cause her sisters to come running with Chris and Leo trailing behind.

“Phoebe what is it?” Piper asked not liking how terrified her younger sister was.

“We did not change a thing, I just had a vision we did not change a thing.” Phoebe gasped out.

“What do you mean?” Chris asked.

“I just saw Chase Putnam and the others battling in front of the ancestral home. We did not change anything in my vision.”
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Re: War of the Witches, Ros/CHMD/COV, UC,Adult Pt58,p9 1/23/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks so much for the replies to the last part I loved reading all of them. Please let me know what you think of this next part!

Part 59: War of the Witches I

She could not believe that this was happening she thought they had changed that event but apparently they had not. “How can Chase still be alive?” Reid asked.

“It would not be the first time he has raised from the ashes.” Caleb said looking sick.

“What are we going to do? I mean is there anything we can do? How is this going to pan out?” Maria rambled her green eyes flying about the room from face to face looking for an answer any answer that would make her feel better.

“We don’t know Maria we were not expecting this.” Pogue said feeling bad for the younger girl she was not brought up in their lifestyle she was not used to the fighting and having all of these supernatural problems.

“Guys!” Cole yelled coming into the kitchen in a flurry huffing and puffing.

“Cole what is it? “Phoebe asked.

“We have a serious problem.” Cole gasped out.

“Yeah we know Chase is coming after us but then again how is that possible if Liz still has his powers?” Pogue asked.

“It is not him you have to worry about it is the army’s of demons coming for all of you. He is practically emptying his sources to come after Liz he is getting desperate.” Cole said flopping down into a chair.

“Oh no.” Maria whimpered looking to her best friend who looked sick. Tyler pulled her close resting one of his hands protectively on her belly. She could not imagine what was going through their heads at the moment knowing that someone was after their unborn child.

“We need to form a plan.” Caleb said.

“Oh great another problem on top of the numerous other problems we have.” Kyle mumbled.

“So in order of importance what issues do we need to deal with?” Michael asked going into commander mode.

“First is the Source.” Caleb said.

“Then Bianca.” Chris added.

“Right then Max.” Isabel added in and the others nodded.

“And finally Khivar and Nicholas.” Liz sighed it seemed like their list of enemies just kept getting longer and longer.

“Great this should be easy we only have four killers after us and one crazy alien.” Alex said rubbing his hands together.

“Dude we are so screwed.” Kyle squealed.

“Hey none of that, we are going to get through this, we have to.” Liz said leaning against Tyler’s chest, he could feel the fear coming off of her.

“Alright guys let’ get to work on the Source.” Caleb sighed as they all sat down.

“So Cole what kind of demons is he sending?” Reid asked

“Well from what I heard he is sending the big guns and about every bounty hunter out there as well as the middle men.” Cole said.

“That is helpful.” Alex grumbled.

“Actually it is.” Pogue said.

“How so?” Michael asked crossing his arms over his chest.

“It’s a witch thing man we know who goes into each category.” Reid explained.

“Right like the upper level demons are like Cole and they are the big guns and the only way to kill them is through a vanquishing potion.” Tyler explained.

“Then the middle men are demons like the gremlocks and people in that area.” Phoebe explained.

“Then there are the bounty hunters and darklighters. Warlocks are sort of in between lower level and middle.” Paige added.

“Wow this is complex.” Maria muttered.

“It gets worse.” Liz sighed.


She could not explain the feeling in her stomach but she knew that it was a warning, something dark was coming. Nancy set down her knife on the cutting board and concentrated on the feeling. Slowly the feeling started to grow warming her stomach and the rest of her body. She had felt it once before when she first started showing her powers at thirteen, it was a powerful premonition of a great battle. She of course did not remember the details now for it had been over three decades ago.

She was standing in a darkened street, Main Street of Roswell. The air was heavy and pressed down on her chest constricting her breathing. Her eyes darted around the street searching for someone. Jeff suddenly appeared around the corner running towards her.

“They are coming!” He shouted.

“Good we have been itching to fight.” Jason said suddenly appearing next to her with her brother and Reid’s father. Cole shimmered in next to them out of breath with burn marks on him.

“They are coming.” Cole said.

“We know.” Nancy muttered as the air around them crackled.

“Oh that is a hell of a lot of demons.” Seth Garwin muttered.

“We know.” Jason said.

“Jeff you should go there is no way you are going to be able to fight here.” Chris Parry said. Jeff slowly turned to the group and extended his hand as a fireball materialized in his palm.

“I can fight.” Jeff whispered Nancy raised a shaky hand to her mouth not wanting to believe what she was seeing. “I had to Nancy, this is the only way I know of to protect Liz.” Jeff said. Jason slapped Jeff on the back in understanding.

“We are going to do this, we are going to win this.” Chris said. The six adults turned to towards the end of the street knowing that there were hundreds of demons already standing there having shimmered and blinked in.

“This will be the last war of the witches.” Jason whispered.

“But it will be the end.” Nancy whispered as they all raised their hands preparing for battle.

“So it begins.” Cole muttered.

Nancy gasped as she came out of the premonition. She knew in her heart that it was the same on that she had seen all those years ago. Her stomach started to cool down and she regained her bearings.

“Nancy?” Jeff called he came into his kitchen and saw his wife shaking over her cutting board.

“Jeff…” She wheezed out.

“Nancy what is it?” He asked.

“Jeff we need to get to the kids.”


Gorman quietly made his way down the basement stairs wringing his hands. He knew it needed to be done, it was the only way. He had studied the boy for weeks and knew what he was dealing with now. It took several spells and incantations but he was ready now.

“Max.” Gorman said softly the amber eyed boy looked up at him unsure of his intentions.


“Are you ready to awaken?” Max stared at the old man as if he were sprouting a second head.

“Again I say what?” Max asked.

“I have found a spell that will release you from the clutches of the enemy. You will go to sleep one of their agents and will awaken as Max Evens an alien who is free. The others are going to need you in the coming fight.” Gorman said pulling out a small golden container covered in strange etchings.

“This is the box of Eldora it contains your freedom as I open it I release you.” Gorman said in his deep ethereal voice. Max stared at the golden box hypnotized as a golden light sprang from it his eyes glowed yellow before he passed out.

“It was the only way.” Gorman whispered before he closed the golden box and went back upstairs to his attic to wait.

Upstairs notebooks and maps covered every surface. Liz was looking at the layout of the area surrounding the ancestral home. “You know this would be easier if Putnam barn was still around.” Liz sighed brushing her brown locks out of her face.

“Yeah it is a good tactical location. What if we used the Simms ruins?” Tyler asked pointing to a large area on the map.

“Not enough cover it is mostly open except for the remains of the house.” Caleb said.

“Wait hold up I thought this place belonged to all of you.” Maria said.

“It did but there were other homes for families around here.” Reid said.

“What?” Michael asked.

“This home was the main place, the place where the current heirs lived. The surrounding homes were for other members of the Covenant.” Pogue explained.

“Eventually all but this place remained.” Tyler said.

“The trees in this area provide enough cover for us so I guess we are going to have to stick around here.” Liz said when a pounding on the front door startled them.

“Caleb?” Paige asked as the teen went to answer the door with Pogue. Pogue looked out the window and gasped.

“Shit it is our parents.” He said opening the door, Nancy burst into the home followed by her brother, Reid’s father, and Tyler’s father.

“Oh thank god you are all here.” Nancy shrieked pulling Liz close.

“What is going on?” Caleb asked Jason who looked spooked.

“We have a problem.” Chris Parry said rubbing the back of his neck.

“I wish people would stop saying that.” Leo whimpered.

“We know the Source is after us.” Tyler said.

“He is going to attack here.” Caleb said but Nancy shook her head no.

“Not just here kids he is going to attack Roswell, I saw it.” Nancy said startling the others.

“Aunt Nancy you have the gift of sight?” Pogue asked.

“She does, but it only happens when something big is about to go down.” His father said. Liz looked at her mother fearfully.

“What did you see?” She asked Nancy looked from her brother to her daughter and Chris nodded.

“I can’t tell you…but I can show you.” Nancy whispered extending her hand.

“What?” Tyler asked.

“Grab hands everyone and you can see what I saw.” Nancy said in a shaky voice.

“Okay now this is different than my gift.” Phoebe muttered.

“It is what will happen to your gift as your powers mature.” Nancy explained and finally all clasped hands and were thrust into the world of Nancy’s premonition. Moments later the group dropped hands gasping.

“Wow Aunt Nancy that is one cool gift.” Pogue muttered.

“Trippy.” Reid mumbled shaking his head.

“That was scary!” Tess squeaked Liz gave her a small smile knowing that this whole magic thing was more complex then what the blonde alien realized.

“Okay so it looks like we are going to be attacked on two fronts here.” Caleb said.

“Three probably, the manor.” Cole filled in and the Charmed Ones nodded they thought that might happen.

“Some of us are going to have to go between battles there has to be a way for us to do this.” Jason said.

“Well it looked like all of us started off in Roswell.” Chris said motioning towards the adults.

“Us in Ipswich.” Caleb said.

“Then that means the rest of us are probably at the manor.” Phoebe said.

“Where are we?” Michael asked.

“We are going to be in Roswell.” A voice said from the kitchen doorway the group whipped around and saw Gorman and Max standing there.

“Max how did you get out!” Isabel shrieked.

“I let him out, he is cured of his troubles, the box of Eldora saw to that.” Gorman said shocking his charges. Seth Garwin let out a whistle.

“Some heady magic there Gorman.” Seth said.

“He is needed in the fight, the foursquare is complete.” Gorman said.

“I might not be the king but I have the same powers, I can help fight.” Max said knowing that the others were not going to trust him.

“Is he really better?” Isabel asked with a teary smile.

“If Gorman says he is then he is.” Liz said giving her friend a small smile. Isabel let out a strangled sob as she flung herself at her brother.

“Oh thank god!” Isabel said hugging Max tightly Max closed his eyes holding his sister.

Tyler moved around the kitchen unnoticed by the others until he was behind Liz. He encircled her with his strong arm and pulled her against him. “Stay close.” He whispered in her ear, he still did not trust the guy and did not want him anywhere near Liz.

“I will.” Liz said turning around in his embrace to hug his middle.

“Liz, Tyler can I speak to the two of you for a moment?” Nancy asked quietly. Liz looked fearfully from Tyler to her anxious looking mom. Tyler squeezed her gently telling her that it was a good idea. Liz nodded gently and led the way to the library without the others noticing. Once Nancy closed the door her eyes welled with tears.

“I am so sorry for not coming to the two of you sooner.” She said in a shaky voice. “I have been a bitch and I know that I put my own feelings above you two and that is not fair you are my daughter Liz and I need to be there for you like a mother and not act like a spoiled brat. I knew this was coming.” Nancy said her eyes boring into the two teens before her.

“Tyler you need to promise me right now that you are going to make sure that Liz and the baby are okay no matter what.” Nancy said in an unsteady voice. Tyler was floored he was not expecting that.

“Of course I will, I love them I never want anything to happen to them.” Tyler said he and Liz were shocked when they saw the relief flood the older woman’s features.

“Good that is all I want. You both know that not all of us are going to survive this fight and I just need to make sure that my daughter and grandson are going to be taken care of.” Nancy said that was the final straw for Liz and the small brunette burst into tears.

“Oh mommy…” Liz cried running at her mother who caught her hugging her close.

“My Lizzie.” Nancy cried the redhead looked up at Tyler and gave him a small smile. “What are you waiting for Simms? Get over here.” Nancy said extending her arm and Tyler walked over hugging the two women, kissing the top of Liz’s head.

“Everything okay in here?” Chris asked seeing the three.

“Perfect.” Tyler said.