Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) [COMPLETE] 8/25/08

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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 49 p.26 6/16/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks so much for the replies to the last part I know it was mean of me to leave it there! Thanks...

garcia88- welcome back!
KiaraAlexisKlay- Yup Pogue's eyes are meant to be weird.
LizMichael 4 Ever
christable- welcome back

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 50: The Warning V

Max stared hard at the door willing Liz and the others to walk through it, but it never happened. They had been gone for almost three hours and he was going out of his mind with worry. He had not been pleased when Caleb insisted that only the four of them go and that the rest of them stayed at the house waiting. He wanted to go with them to protect Liz and make sure that she stayed away from danger, but then as Alex pointed out, Liz was more powerful than he gave her credit for.

“You know staring at the door will not make them come back any faster.” Tyler said startling Max out of his stupor.

“In case the others did not tell you already, worrying is my job.” Max sighed making the other guy laugh.

“I know I can feel how worried and stressed you are. Maria assures me that I will get used to it after awhile.” Tyler laughed.

“What do you mean?” Tess asked sitting up in her chair.

“Oh I am sorry I thought you knew.” Tyler said his blue eyes flashing dangerously. “Maria and I have the ability to read people’s emotions they just sort of wash over us in a wave and if we concentrate we can pick them apart. We can even manipulate feelings at times, depending on the person and the situation, it is not really a strength of ours so much as a reaction.” Tyler said.

“How can you manipulate people’s emotions?” Isabel asked leaning forward. The five watched in awe as a ring of fire flared in Tyler’s eyes before they turned jet black but then returned back to blue.

“Nothing is happening.” Michael grunted but stiffened, he swore the room changed temperature. It was a tingly feeling that put him off center, he could feel the fear well inside of him and then it was gone.

“What the hell was that?” Max asked.

Tyler whooped and spun around looking proud of himself. “That was my power. I am best at making people feel uneasy and fearful.”

“Is that useful?” Tess asked.

“Very. It can put my enemy into a tailspin with worry and it is useful when trying to extract information out of people. It is also damn fun causing turmoil.” Tyler let out a deep sigh. “Only down side is that I feel the fear coming off other people. At first I had a hard time with making people fearful because their fears bounced back onto me sending me into a pit of fear. Eventually I learned to block the emotions I am sending out.” Tyler said.

“Cool.” Tess breathed.

“Maria’s much more friendly.” Alex giggled and Tyler laughed.

“What is it?” Michael asked.

“She can make certain people feel very amorous. She wanted to try it on you all but she liked you too much to try. Instead she did it to Jim Valenti and hooked him up with her mom. She might say she is sickened by the relationship but since she is the one who set it up she is really okay with it.” Alex said.

“So what Jim is feeling for Amy is all magic?” Isabel asked feeling terrible for the Sheriff of Roswell.

“No the feeling has to be there to begin with in order for our powers to work. You all were already on edge and I was able to manipulate that. Maria knew that Jim had a thing for her mom so she played with him sort of gave him a nudge in the right direction.” Tyler explained.

“We can’t create something out of nothing. The two of us are not that powerful.” Maria said coming into the room.

“Liz and Caleb are the most powerful, before that it was…” Tyler cleared his throat not wanting to continue.

“Who?” Michael asked never one for tact.

“Ah it was Serena and Chase.” Maria whispered. “They were the oldest. Chase had his father’s powers as well and Caleb has his father’s powers making the two of them wicked powerful.”

“What about Liz?” Max asked.

“Liz was always controlled with her powers, freakishly.” Maria grumbled. “But ah that changed a little over a year ago.”

“What happened?” Isabel asked.

“She met you.” Reid growled from the doorway. “She met you and since you all made her feel like a bad person, indebted to you forever, she lost part of herself. Liz is a fraction of what she used to be and we are looking to bring her back.” Reid snarled.

“Liz is not different…”

Maria cut Max off glaring at him. “You do not know the real Liz.” Maria spat. “She hides herself around humans and all of you. She never felt comfortable letting the inner beast out to play.” Maria huffed.

“The Liz we are seeing now is so…”

“Reserved.” Caleigh suggested coming into the room.

“I was going to go for uptight but reserved works as well.” Reid laughed.

“Liz is a firecracker and so is Caleb. The two of them have had so much emotional trauma that it has blocked their powers. Now that they are the oldest they are the grandmasters of witches.” Tyler said as the front door banged open. The group jumped to their feet and bolted to the foyer where six raged people stood.

“Nancy, mom?” Maria asked looking at the two women who looked as if they had raced in a marathon.

“We were set up.” Caleb explained.

“They were waiting for us and mom and Amy showed up just in time to kill the two.” Liz said.

“Yeah after you and Fait decided to liquefy and fry the Horaci.” Amy grumbled making the two girls blush.

“Wait what about the other one?” Caleigh asked.

“It seems Gorman knew that they were going to come back so he set a trap for them in the basement that was where we found the second one.” Caleb explained.

“The trap should still be in place as well as any others that Gorman set up.” Pogue said pushing is way into the sitting room protectively holding Liz to his side. “Hey you alright?” His breath tickled her ear.

“Yeah just tired and scared. I will tell you more after we fill in the others.” She whispered back giving him a small kiss more for her comfort than his.

“Okay so what happened?” Maria asked.

“Well aside from the set up we learned a few things.” Faith said.

“We found the potion Gorman was working on and with Amy’s help we should be able to finish it.” Liz said grinning at her second mother.

“It is ancient Aztec pre empire and Amy seems to be able to make out the pictures.” Faith said beaming at the older witch who just grinned.

“We also found out what Gorman was doing right before Kate showed up.” Pogue said tightening his hold on Liz, the images from the basement roaring through his mind.

“What?” Tyler asked.

“Experiments.” Caleb sighed.

“He was capturing Horaci and storing them in the basement, and then he would try out different potions and spells seeing which one worked best. We found his notes and his ah failed attempts.” Pogue said. Maria gasped and clutched Reid’s arm tightly her imagination running wild thinking of all the possible horrors the older man came up with.

“How would this Gorman guy be able to do that?” Michael asked. “I mean from what all you have said this guy was in his seventies.” The witches shared a look before Liz nodded at Caleb.

“Ah well Gorman was our keeper and he was in his seventies but incredibly powerful. He would have to be in order to take care of us.” Caleb explained. “See it takes a certain magical strength to be able to handle us, especially when we go bad.” He grimaced thinking of his father and how Gorman had to take care of him at the end when his body was failing him due to his radical use of magic.

“After numerous tests he found that there is another spell to get rid of the Horaci and it is less of a magical drain.” Nancy filled in her eyes showed just how tired she was but the older woman kept on plugging. “We believe that this banishment spell is what is going to kill Acolmiztli. Problem is that the spell is far more complicated than just a simple potion.”

“What do you mean?” Caleigh asked.

“I mean that the spell that Gorman found, the ritual, it calls for a lot more power than I have ever seen before.” Nancy whispered.

“Not only that but we have reason to believe that the only way to kill this god is if he rises first which means there will be a lot of Horaci around.” Amy added.

“Basically it is going to be a hell of a fight.” Liz said.

“And Liz and I need to be at full strength for us to even have a fighting chance.” Caleb ground out.

“This fight calls for a massive power surge and the potion is what binds it all together.” Liz said.

“Wow this is bad.” Reid grumbled.

“Bad yes but we can do this.” Faith said her face hard as she stared at her friends. “We are the strongest of the strong, and this dude had no idea who he is messing with.” Faith ground out.

“I’m in.” Tess said and Alex nodded the other aliens agreeing as well.

“Good because we are going to need your help.” Nancy said.

“Alright guys I know this is a lot to dump on you in one night but you all need to get some sleep. You will be no good if you are going to be dead on your feet.” Amy said pointing towards the stairs. Maria pouted but she did what her mother told her and grabbed Reid’s arm dragging him upstairs with her.

As she stomped up the stairs the group could hear her muffled voice. “If I have to go to bed you have to come with me. Serves my mother right for sending me to bed.”

“Great just great. My daughter is going to have sex just to spite me.” Amy grumbled as her and Nancy left as well followed by Tyler and Caleigh.

“Come on Tess you owe me a game of gin.” Alex said making the blonde laugh as she was dragged away by Alex. Isabel stared after the two feeling sick. She had started to notice the time the two of them had been spending together and how comfortable they were with each other, the small touches and long stares they shared.

“Isabel you coming?” Max asked startling his sister out of her thoughts. She looked around and saw that only Pogue, Liz, Faith, and Caleb were left and she quickly left with her brother.

The four waited until they heard the twins reach the top of the stairs before they turned to each other. “We need to unlock your powers.” Faith deadpanned and Caleb nodded in agreement.

“Yeah I was going to talk to Pogue about that.” Liz blushed.

“You sure you are ready for this?” Pogue asked looking from his girlfriend to his best friend.

“Pogue you know I am ready, I am so tired of being weak.” Liz said kissing him softly again watching as his eyes fluttered closed and he pulled her closer. Caleb and Faith turned away letting the two of them have their time.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Caleb asked Faith knowing he was asking a lot of her and was putting her through a lot. Faith moved to sit on the edge of his chair squealing when he pulled her down into his lap.

“Caleb you are one of my best friends that alone would make it alright for me, but you need to do this and well…”

“Thank you.” He whispered running his hand through her long brown hair. He pulled her closer and watched her as she wrapped her arms around him. He brushed a quick kiss over her lips, “But I would prefer to sleep with you before we do so in front of our friends.”
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 50 p.27 6/18/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Thanks...

LizMichael 4 Ever

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 51: Unleashing the Power

Maria snuggled closer to Reid trying to ignore the pounding in her head and the voices as Reid tightened his hold on her. The pounding persisted until her green eyes slowly blinked open. “Reid open up!” Faith barked “Come on!” Maria squinted at her bedroom door in confusion and then shook Reid smiling when he just cuddled closer.

“Go back to sleep baby we can play in the morning.” He mumbled making her laugh.

“Reid, Faith is pounding on our door looking for you. I suggest you put on some pants and go and see what she wants before she decides to take a page from our book and barge in.” Maria said watching as his blue eyes sluggishly opened.

“What did you say?” He groaned blinking slowly sitting up in bed making her laugh.

“Faith is banging on the door, it sounds important she wants to talk to you.”

“Oh right.” He said grabbing his boxers and sweatpants. “What?” He asked opening the door to reveal Faith still fully dressed.

“Liz and Pogue are going to do ‘The Thing’ we had talked about; Caleigh is in the room waiting with the two of them.” Faith hissed watching as his blue eyes widened.

“Bout damn time.” He grumbled.

“What thing?” Maria asked.

“Nothing.” Faith said far too quickly for Maria’s liking. “Just ah the power unleashing spell.” Faith rushed.

“Oh great let’s go.” Maria said getting ready to get out of bed.

“Ah no.” Faith whispered.


“Ria, only three of us are allowed in when the ritual is going on and since you and Tyler don’t know the ritual…”

“Babe I will come and get you later when everything is done. Trust me when I say you do not want to be there to see Pogue and Liz. It is bad enough I am going to be scared by this experience.” Reid grumbled.

“Okay I guess.” Maria whispered Reid sent a look at Faith who nodded leaving the two alone.

“Maria look at me.” He instructed waiting until he was looking deep into her green eyes before he continued. “You are not being left out on purpose. We know the ritual and that is it. Besides do you really want to watch Liz and Pogue have sex?”

She wrinkled her nose and shook her head. “No I don’t want to see that.” He just laughed.

“See I am looking out for you here!” Reid said kissing her forehead. “Now I have to go watch my best friend have sex with his girlfriend who could be my older sister.” Reid grumbled.

“Just don’t stare at her boobs.” Maria blurted out her eyes wide.

“Come again?”

“Just don’t stare at Liz’s boobs I mean I know they are great and all and oddly perky and they have this perfect shape but please don’t look. Oh and don’t stare at her hidden treasure either.” Maria babbled making Reid laugh.

“Maria I promise not to look any more than I have to. Besides Pogue will be covering her mostly.” Reid said kissing her one last time before closing the door.

Maria went and sat down on her bed in a huff. “She really does have better boobs.” She pouted.

Reid walked into Liz’s bedroom still laughing but stopped when he saw the once light and carefree room shrouded in darkness as blue and green flames licked around the room casting the occupants in an unearthly glow. “Alright let’s do this.” Reid said slapping his hands together.

Liz stumbled out of her bathroom with one of her golden sheets around her glaring at the occupants of the room. “This is wrong on so many levels.”

“I agree.” Caleigh snickered making Pogue growl. He was on the bed waiting for Liz and looked less than thrilled that Reid was in the room as well.

“Look at my girlfriends…”

“Boobs yeah yeah Maria already gave me this talk. No looking at Lizzie’s goodies or hidden treasures and all that.” Reid said rolling his blue eyes.

“I don’t know why anyone would want to look at my boobs anyway.” Liz grumbled crawling into bed. “Caleigh’s are way better.” Said girl blushed furiously shaking her head no.

“Okay too much boob talk not enough action.” Faith said. “Places everyone.” She barked out.

“Hey you okay?” Pogue whispered to Liz as he situated himself on top trying to cover her as much as possible. Having sex with his girlfriend in front of his friends was the last thing he wanted to do. It felt wrong and horrible to share such an intimate moment in front of an audience, but that was what the spell was hoping for.

“Blood?” Caleigh hissed looking freaked as Faith nodded.

“Reid close your eyes for a moment.” Faith instructed and the blonde did so as Faith motioned for Pogue to move slightly so she could spread the sheep blood on Liz’s chest, stomach, and head before doing the same to Pogue. “Alright you can look again.” Faith said as she pulled out charcoal and drew several signs water and air on Pogue’s back.

“Cool.” Reid chuckled. “Does he get foreplay?” Liz chuckled when she heard the sound of a smack. “Owe, women in your blood line are violent.” He whined.

“Alright you guys can do ah your ah…” Faith blushed and blinked furiously looking at the couple. “You can ah do the ah warm up I ah…”

“Oh yay foreplay my favorite.” Liz giggled making Faith blush even more.

“I can’t watch this.” Caleigh muttered and Reid grunted in agreement and Faith nodded vigorously.

“We will just ah start when we feel you are good and warmed up.” Reid laughed closing his eyes.

“But we can still hear them.” Caleigh said it was obvious to the others that she was about to mental on them.

“We will be really quiet.” Liz said.

“Yeah like you can do that Parker.” Reid huffed.

“Shut up I am trying to have sex.”

Pogue held in a laugh as he nuzzled her neck trying to force thoughts of the being watched and listened to out of his mind. He could feel Liz shaking in his arms and held her tighter. “Just pretend they are not there baby.” Pogue whispered into her ear gently kissing her ear before moving to her lips.

Reid stood there trying hard to block out the sounds of kissing and the rustling of sheets coming from the bed. He heard Pogue groan and had to hold in a whimper there were just some sounds he did not want to hear. A soft moan from Liz had him wishing he could close his ears up and her gasps made it even worse. Reid flinched visibly when the kissing sounds became wetter. He knew that sound and it meant that the two of them were getting closer to the no return point and he had to admit he was impressed, he did not think he could perform like that. When the two started to moan and groan louder Reid knew that it was time to perform the ritual. He opened his eyes and saw Caleigh and Faith had done the same, unfortunately he had also glanced at the bed and saw Pogue attached to Liz’s chest.

“Damn she does have a great rack.” He muttered wincing when Faith kicked him.

“Let’s start.” She ground out trying not to look at the bed.

Reid grabbed an unlit candle and used a green flame to light it a red flame shimmered on the wick of his candle. “Red is for love, passion and power.”

Faith lit her candle and a purple flame erupted. “Purple is for unleashing the hidden, finding what has been lost.”

“White is the light in the darkness and a way to find your way home.” Caleigh said lighting her candle a white flame appearing.

“You have lost your way and need to fight through the darkness.” Faith said nodding at Reid who began his chant the ancient Greek spiting fiercely out of his mouth his eyes trained on the bed as Pogue reared up bringing Liz with him the other two girls watching in fascination as Pogue’s darker side appeared. This was exactly what they needed.

The three of them shared a quick glance before their eyes turned jet black. Faith began her chant while the other two watched in both horror and awe as Pogue pounded into Liz, it was sex unlike any of them had ever seen or experienced and the pulsing black and green lights crackling on them raised alarm bells in their head as the house began to shake with the magical force the five were generating. The three viewing witches moved farther away from the bed to their designated spot as Caleigh took over her part of the chant as Reid and Faith blew out their candles and finally Caleigh did as well.

The three stood silent for a moment waiting for it to happen, waiting for Pogue to go over the edge. With his inhuman roar and Liz’s unnatural scream the three finished their chant fighting against the instinct to close their eyes as green and black light erupted around the room burning their eyes. The light disappeared in an instant and the shaking stopped and all that was heard in the room was Pogue and Liz gasping for air.

“Intense.” Reid muttered and the others nodded.

“Major rush.” Liz moaned.

“Definitely.” Pogue agreed.

Max rolled over in his bed again pounding his pillow to fluff it up but it was no use, it was not going to help him sleep. With Michael softly snoring beside him and the buzz of the house he knew that he was going to have a hard time sleeping. He could not shake off the feeling that something was not right, it was a strange charge in the air similar to when the skins were playing human in Copper Summit. Glaring at the clock he finally decided to get up and walk about to waste some energy. Like the other night he saw his sister pacing in the hall in front of their rooms and smirked.

“Couldn’t sleep?” He watched as she jumped and spun around to face him.

“No. There is just something weird going on and I can feel it, they are up to something.” Isabel mumbled and he nodded in agreement.

“I think we should just ask Liz and Maria what is going on. They will tell us.” Max said.

“No Max they won’t and you know it. Besides we can’t exactly walk around here like we did the other night, Mrs. Danvers said it was dangerous.”

“I know.” Max sighed. “But I just have this feeling that something is going on and that Liz…” Max stopped and gripped the wall when he felt a small tremor underneath his bare feet.

“What was that?” Isabel asked clinging to her brother.

“No idea I think…” Max was cut off again by a much larger tremor followed by a series of violent shakes making the paintings on the walls shake.

“Oh my god what is happening?” Isabel asked her brown eyes wild with fear and suddenly it stopped. The twins shared a look before they took off towards the wing they assumed the others were in. They rounded the corner just as Faith, Caleigh, and Reid were leaving a room looking dead.

“What is going on?” Max asked as Reid looked at him confused.

“The ground was shaking.” Isabel shrieked.

“Oh that.” Reid laughed softly. “That was Liz and Pogue getting their freak on.”

“What?” Isabel asked.

“He means that was them having sex, a real the earth is moving kind of moment.” Caleigh said as she stumbled down the hall to her room as Faith went into the room across the hall and Reid next door.

“Go back to bed.” Faith grumbled closing her door leaving the alien twins in the hall alone.
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 51 p.28 6/20/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part. I had to add some humor in, too much darkness is no fun and would create some very bitter witches. Thanks...


Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 52: Unleashing the Power II

Caleb looked up when he heard Faith enter his room and winced at her state. “How was it?” He asked. “It sounded like Pogue was having fun.”

“Yeah and unfortunately for me I had to witness it.” Faith said changing into her PJ’s before crawling into bed with Caleb who wrapped her tightly in his arms.

“So Liz is back to her old self?”

“I am assuming so but tomorrow we will know for sure. I think the Roswell bunch will be blown away. According to Maria, Liz wore sweater sets and conservative getups in Roswell. The whole dominatrix thing might shock them.” Faith said.

“Hey that was for Halloween!” Caleb protested making Faith laugh.

“Don’t worry she will just be like the Liz we are used to.” Faith said.

“Good, I love that Liz she is a great drinking buddy and well you know how she is.”

“Yeah the best friend and sister a person could ask for.” Faith whispered and Caleb hummed in agreement. “Come on big guy get some sleep we have school.”

Caleb slowly went down to the kitchen the next morning knowing that he was the last one awake and that the others were waiting for him to go to school. Right when he walked into the kitchen he could feel the change, it was an electric hiss in the air covering him like a thick wool blanket, it was Liz’s magic finally mixed in with the others.

“Morning Care Bear.” Liz chirped bouncing around the kitchen making the others laugh.

“Ah the energy is back.” Caleb laughed chancing a glance at the four aliens who just stared at her.

“You bet ya I feel wonderful, great, super duper, and oh so snazzy and that has nothing to do with the mind blowing sex Pogue and I had this morning.” Liz sang making Maria and the other girls giggle.

“Damn straight.” Pogue grunted.

“I am glad to see you so chipper.” He said smiling when she put a plate of food in front of him.

“Oh that is just a side effect.” Faith laughed.

“Yeah man all that energy pouring through her and Pogue last night was like lightening to a fly.” Reid laughed stabbing at his scrambled eggs.

“I love it!” Pogue smiled.

“Yeah I know.” Tyler grumbled.

“Probably because the two of you had hot monkey sex all night long.” Maria added and Pogue nodded ducking when Liz moved to swat his head.

Michael looked at his best friend and saw the pained look on his face and felt bad for him. He knew how Max felt after all he had to deal with Maria and her new blonde boy toy but having to hear about your ex-girlfriends sexcapades was a low blow. “You alright?”

Max let out a soft chuckle before shaking his head. “Not really I guess I was trying to hold onto the hope that Liz was not sleeping with this guy but this conversation just proved otherwise.”

Michael laid a hand on his shoulder patting his back. “Well at least you know that she was innocent when she was with you. With Maria I know she had already been with another guy.” Michael said.

“I don’t know Michael. Looking at all of them together and looking at how Liz acted in Roswell I am not so sure of anything anymore. It could be entirely possible that Liz was with someone else before this guy.”

“Ah stop!” Liz screamed as Caleb and Pogue heaved her onto a chair and made her sit there.

“When exactly does this energy burst go away?” Caleb asked.

“When exactly does this energy burst go away?” Liz mimicked snickering when he glared at her as the others just laughed.

“In a day or two.” Faith sighed. “Then she will not be as annoying.”

“I am not annoying I just need something to do I mean I feel like I drank pot after pot of coffee here people.” Liz said waving her hand over her plate to clean it not even flinching under Caleb’s glare.


“Oh shove it I am not addicted I am just not in the mood to scrub a plate.”

“Come on baby we need to get to school.” Pogue said pulling out her chair before he picked her up and carried her out of the house fireman style while Caleb grabbed their bags with the others scrambling to keep up.

“School sure is going to be interesting today.” Caleigh grumbled.

“So Lizzie are you going to be the shy human or one of us?” Reid asked from the driver’s seat of Tyler’s hummer.

“Oh since being like you all is so much more fun and there is never a dull moment I am going to have to go with you!” Liz giggled when the others cheered.

“Finally my chica is back.” Maria laughed.

“I never left.”

“You know what I mean.”

“Oh of course darling. So what are we doing after school?” Liz asked bouncing in her seat.

“We are going to practice with your powers. I want to see just how kick ass my girlfriend really is.” Pogue said.

“Oh yay.” Liz said clapping her hands.

“She really needs to calm down.” Tyler grumbled rubbing his chest. “I can feel her all over me and it is driving me insane.” Tyler groaned.

“Sorry Charlie.” Liz giggled.

“Oh god make her stop, if she giggles one more time…” Tyler just glared at her.

“Don’t worry I will be fine in a few days when the magical high wears off. I swear before Pogue I would have said this high is better than sex but since Pogue I am going to have to go with a close second.” Liz sighed.

“I wonder if Kate is going to show up to school?” Tyler asked sending the car into a deadly silence.

“She will be there, just to taunt the hell out of us. It has been a game with her the entire time. She knew that we could not find her and she has been laughing at us whenever we make a mistake.” Liz spat looking disgusted.

“No one is to go anywhere alone today.” Pogue added rubbing a hand over his face. “We need to be careful we have no idea if she knows that we know yet. If she finds out that we have found her out then the game just ended and she is going to take action.”

“Can I fry her?” Liz asked pouting.


“Oh please just a little zap in the butt?”

“Not gonna happen.” Tyler added.

“Now who is the stick in the mud.” She grumbled making Maria laugh.

“Liz no using around her.” Tyler warned as she let out a huff.

“Alright, but when we get to kill her can I be the one to it?” Liz asked.

“We will see babe.” Pogue said. Liz sighed as they pulled into the parking lot at school she had a feeling that today was going to suck the big one.

“Ready girlfriend?” Maria asked.

“As I will ever be.” She chirped.

“Let’s go.” Maria dragged her away from a protesting Pogue who was hoping for a quick morning kissing session in front of the lockers but that hope was dashed when Maria pulled her away.

“Come on man the dogs await.” Tyler sighed pulling his friend into school after the girls.

Pogue, Reid, and Tyler strolled down the hall looking for Caleb who had left right before them. They saw him standing a few feet away from the math hall looking glum. “Hey man why the long face?” Reid asked looking down the hall to see if he could spot what Caleb was staring at.

“Oh.” Tyler said when he saw Sarah talking to Kate.

“This is bad.” Pogue said.

“This is just depressing.” Reid added.

“Why is Sarah back to hanging out with her?” Caleb asked.

“I don’t know maybe because they are roommates.” Pogue pointed out. “Which again is very scary.”

“I need to warn Sarah.” Caleb said moving to head towards her but Pogue stopped him pulling him backwards.

“No man you can’t do that, if anything it will put her in more danger. Also the information is need to know only Caleb. We closed ranks man she is not one of us and she does not get let in.” Reid said.

“But we let Alex in.”

“Alex is different he is not in enemy territory on a daily basis and our enemy does not know what role he plays in our group. The one posing as Kyle would have thought he was just there to drive people around and for entertainment. Sarah is a different story. There is a reason Kate is staying so close to her.” Tyler said his voice laced with anger. Caleb turned to look at his friend and was surprised to see how angry he really was.


“You are smarter than this Caleb I know you are but for some reason you are thinking with the wrong brain and because of that you might get us killed. Not just the four of us but the girls as well and that is not something I am going to allow.” Tyler growled before walking off in a huff.

“He is right man. You always want to run to Sarah with everything and you can’t do that. Closing ranks was a group decision for all of our safety.” The blonde took one last hard look at Caleb before he too walked away.

“We think with our hearts and not our heads sometimes.” Pogue whispered. “I get it man really I do but I can’t let you put the others at risk. At least think of Faith and Liz before you decide to do something stupid.” Pogue muttered before he too walked away.

Caleb stood there for a moment longer staring at the blonde beauty at the end of the hall his chest burning. When he met her at the beginning he did not think he was going to be this attached to her this quickly but now… he knew he had been wrong. He knew that Pogue was right and that he was thinking with his heart and not about what was right for the others, for “Faith…” He breathed closing his eyes. “I am an ass.” He mumbled turning away.

“You okay?” a soft voice asked behind him Caleb turned already knowing who it was.

“Not so much.”

Caleigh gave him a small smile extending a hand to him. He smiled at her and clasped her hand in his walking to class with her. “What is bothering you?” She asked.

“I realized just how unfair I am being to someone.” He sighed and Caleigh gave him a knowing smile.

“Faith is a big girl she knows what the score is and knows you are not interested in her that way.” Caleigh said making him stop.

“What?” He asked swallowing hard.

“Us girls talk a lot more than you think. Liz asked Faith if she was sure she wanted to do this and Faith said yeah. She knows the score here Caleb and she knows you are in love with Sarah.”

“But I care for her…”

“And she knows that but she has no delusions that you two sleeping together is anything more than a means to an end.” His heart ached at her words hoping that Faith really did not see it that way.

“She means more to me than that. A lot more.”
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 52 p.29 6/22/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Thanks...


Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 53: Unleashing the Power III

Faith looked up from her textbook when Caleb raced into the library out of breath. “There you are.” He said plopping down in a seat across from her.

“Duh this is the only place in your house besides our room where we can go and actually get some studying done.” Faith laughed.

“Good point but I have been trying to talk to you all day.” Faith raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at his confession.

“Oh really?”

“Yeah let’s just say I have seen the error of my ways.” He said giving her a small smile.

“Huh?” She asked closing her textbook realizing that she was not going to get anything done now.

“Faith you know I care for you right?” He asked softly looking upset.

“Of course.”

“No I mean I care for you as more than a best friend, or a sister, I care for you in a much deeper way. I don’t want you to ever think that you are just a means to an end for me because you are anything but that.” Caleb said watching as her eyes lowered slightly.

“Really?” her horse voice surprised him making the sting in his chest more pronounced.

“Really Faith.” He said moving to hug her pulling her tightly to him. “I meant what I said. I am not in this for the power wakeup call you mean more to me than that.”

“Thanks but it is hard sometimes. I know what Sarah means to you and I know how much you hated having to let her go…”

“But you are different Faith.” He whispered maneuvering her so that he was staring down into her eyes. “You come from my world and grew up with me. You have seen me in my good times and in the very bad. You know all of my deep dark secrets and you don’t hold that against me. I know that there are things I have done in the past that I could never tell Sarah about but you already know them and are still friends with me.”

“That is because for every bad thing that you have done I have done something just as bad.” She whispered.

“I know. Faith even if I never wanted to face it, you know me way better than Sarah ever could.” Caleb sighed. “I am sorry if I have ever given you a reason to think that I just want you to unlock my powers because that is not true.” He said kissing her forehead.

“You know…” Faith was cut off by a loud bang that followed by a bunch of yelling. The two shared a look before they bolted towards the source of the noise.

“I said not to sneak up on her!” Pogue roared holding Michael against the wall his forearm cutting off the alien’s oxygen.

“What is going on?” Caleb asked crossing his arms over his chest taking in the scene before him. Liz stood in the center of the ball room her hands raised with a large black crater around her while Calegih and Reid were groaning on the ground as Tyler rubbed the back of his head in pain. Isabel and Tess were yelling at Pogue to release Michael as Max sat wincing on the floor while Alex tended to the others.

“We were going through drills to help the four of them prepare for a Horaci attack since this room is the only one that repairs itself. The number one rule we had was don’t sneak up on Liz since she is still getting used to her powers only Michael here did not listen.” Pogue growled.

“I…” Michael gasped out grabbing at grabbing at Pogue’s arm.

“Time to release him Pogue he is turning purple.” Faith said going up to the large guy trying to pull on his arm but it would not budge.

“Pogue…” Liz called softly and he released his arm letting out a growl as Michael fell to the floor coughing and struggling to suck in air.

Isabel went and helped Michael up while Tess took a step back not liking the stony expression on Caleb’s face. “Rule number one in fighting is you don’t sneak up and take the enemy from behind.” Tess shivered at the cold voice and moved towards Alex and the others wanting to get as far away from Caleb as possible. “It is a coward who can’t face a person head on in a battle. Taking someone by surprise is one thing but from behind is another. You will learn to face your enemy head on or not at all.” Caleb said.

“I am alright I am just getting used to the power rush.” Liz said trying to calm the male tempers in the room she could tell that not just Caleb and Pogue were angry but Tyler, Reid and Alex as well. “In the past you four have had to do sneak attacks and that has involved hitting the enemy where it hurts where they are vulnerable.” Liz said.

“There is a difference between sneaking at them from the back and attacking them at the back.” Maria said.

“Let’s demonstrate.” Liz said and motioned for Pogue and Reid to help her. “I am going to come at them from behind. This is the wrong way to do it.” Liz said she waited until the two were facing away from her before she sent a small blast at them propelling them forward.

“Why is that bad?” Max asked crossing his arms like Caleb.

“Because it is cowardly. They were not fighting back.” Caleb ground out.

“Maria.” Liz said and the blonde got up and faced the two boys nodding at Liz as they began to throw small blasts at each other. Liz snuck up on them from behind and sent a warning blast at the two guys causing them to turn around giving Maria a window to blast them back.

“See the difference?” Tyler asked.

“No.” Isabel admitted.

“Yes.” Tess said smiling slightly. “They knew that the girls were there in the second one they knew that if they turned their backs they would be open for attack but they took the risk. In the first one they did not know that Liz was behind them.” Tess said.

“Right.” Caleb said.

“Come on now that everyone is here we can test Liz some more.” Reid laughed.

“Oh I get to blast her first!” Faith shouted jumping up and down ducking when Liz sent an energy blast towards her. “Hey!”

“Opps sorry.” Liz smirked.

“Oh I will get you back for that Parker!”

“Bring it on girly bring it on! I am the lord of lords powerful!”

Faith gave her a mock glare before she raised her hands sending what looked like a distorted clear ball of energy at Liz who reached out and grabbed the ball before crushing it in her hands making the air hiss. “Cool.” Faith breathed and the others nodded in agreement.

Caleb and Pogue grinned knowing that this was going to be fun. Simultaneously the two raised their hands releasing energy towards Liz who grabbed it out of the air twisting it around before sending it back. Reid, Tyler, and Maria blasted at the small girl who saw no way of grabbing all three so Liz concentrated and jumped into the air making herself float above the blasts.

“Holy shit Parker can fly.” Michael breathed.

“No levitate. Flying is not one of our abilities we can just manipulate the gravity around us to give us the illusion of flying.” Maria said before flipping into the air and floating on her stomach. Pogue and Caleb laughed.

“We did that when we snuck into the records room at Spencer to check out Chase’s background.” Caleb laughed.

“Yeah the security came by and Caleb and I were floating above him.”

“You dropped a few pages.”

“But hey you caught them.” Pogue grumbled,

“Can you imagine his reaction if he looked up and saw us there?” Caleb asked looking pained.

“Scream and then run away yelling ‘the rumors are true!’” Pogue laughed as Maria and Liz came down.

“Alright so Liz can dodge but can she send?” Caleigh asked raising an eyebrow. Liz arched her eyebrow grinning madly at her friends.

“Maria what have you hated about me since I was thirteen?” Liz asked slowly stalking her friend.

“What besides your freakish abilities to have men fall at your feet, your excellent grades, the great skin, the…oh hell who am I kidding it is your control over your powers.” She grumbled.

Liz gave her another wicked grin watching as Maria’s green eyes widened. “Run!” Tyler bellowed as the witches took off Alex darting after them leaving four confused aliens behind.

“Start running. There is nothing I love more than a game of cat and mouse.” Liz said sending an electrical current their way watching in awe as it split in four directions hitting them in the center of their backs. “Oh yeah baby I am back.” She cackled.

Hours later Caleb flopped onto his bed face down feeling both exhausted and elated. Liz was back and kicking butt, she had tracked them the little witch and then sent shocks at them all showing more control with her powers than any of them had. Sure none of her power usage had been major and none of it had been with her new powers, for that they were going to have to find a place for her to practice that the Horaci could not barge in on.

“You alright?” Faith asked coming out of his bathroom in her undergarments. Caleb let his eyes wander and then shook himself when he realized what he was doing.

“Huh? Oh yeah your fine.”

“Excuse me?” Faith laughed.

“Oh ah I, did I say that out loud?” He asked his tan cheeks turning an interesting shade of red.

“Yup.” She grinned. “Now close those eyes I need to put on my top.”

“What’s the point you are putting something on?”

“The point is in order to put something on I also have to take something off.” She laughed.


“No girl sleeps in her bra Caleb, especially one with an underwire, can you say painful.” Faith sighed.

“Oh you mean you oh ah…” Caleb stumbled making her laugh again.

“Although you can watch if it floats your boat.” She laughed watching as he turned an even deeper shade of red. She knew this was going to be fun she reached behind her and grabbed her clasp knowing that it was not going to just fly off her. When Caleb saw this his brown eyes grew larger.

“Hey Caleb did you finish the…” Reid barged into the room and stopped when he saw Caleb sitting on his bed facing Faith in her half on undergarments. “Oh shit sorry man.” Reid said quickly leaving. The two silently stared at the door not believing that just happened.

“Can you believe him?” Faith huffed dropping her hands to her hips glaring at the door. Caleb glanced at her and felt at the air leave his chest. When Faith had moved her hands from her bra to her hips she forgot to hold up said garment and it was now dangling off her left wrist.

“Yup.” He murmured.

“Caleb?” Faith asked giving him a strange look not understand why he was so intent on staring at her. She did not have time to react before she was on her back on his bed with him hovering over her his black eyes taking her in. A sly grin formed on his face as he lowered his face towards hers.

“Wanna play?”
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 53 p.30 6/24/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys I am glad you all liked the last part I loved reading what all you had to say! Thanks...

LizMichael 4 Ever

Plesae let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 54: Unleashing the Power IV

Her back felt odd, slightly numb on one side and weighed down. She tried to move but found herself pinned somehow how. Faith opened her eyes slowly blinking away the sleep and tried to figure out what had woken her, she tried to shift again but found herself trapped underneath something large. Based on the breath on the back of her neck she deducted that it was Caleb on top of her or half on top of her in his sleep.

“Caleb…”She groaned trying to wiggle but his solid form was hindering her. “Caleb…”She tried again and this time he did move but farther onto her pressing her harder into the mattress. She felt him shift his weight again and his breathing had changed.

“Agh.” He groaned.

“Caleb…” She tried again.

“Huh?” His voice muffled by his pillow.

“Can you please move off my back?” She asked softly trying not to laugh.

“What?” He opened his eyes and sure enough Faith was half underneath him looking very uncomfortable. “Oh sorry.” He rolled off of her feeling his body heat up in his embarrassment.

“No problem didn’t even know you where there until I tried to roll over.” She sat up and grabbed her undergarments putting them on. “We need to get up knowing Liz she is already up and moving about even though we don’t have school today. She is going to want to practice and get the aliens and Alex in working order.” Faith said heading into the bathroom.

“That’s Lizzie always wanting to be prepared.” Caleb groaned rolling back onto his stomach again.

Across the hall Pogue groaned he was not used to any of his bed buddies having the same endurance and darkness as him. He tried to get his breathing back to normal but it seemed that Liz was intent on not letting him get comfortable too easily.

“You are tired already?” She asked as she kissed her way up his chest letting her long dark locks trail over his body.

“Liz you wear me out in the best way possible.” He laughed.

“So I take it you need a break?” She asked straddling him.

“Hell ya. Besides knowing Caleigh she is already up and bouncing around downstairs.” Pogue groaned.

“No she is probably screwing Tyler’s brains out as we speak.” She laughed at his horrified look.

“Since when?” He asked sitting up his hands going to her hips to keep her steady.

“Not too long. Tyler is very good at keeping his love life private and so is Caleigh I guess they just do not want anyone from the outside influencing them keep it to themselves.” Liz said kissing his cheek.

“I still don’t understand why we don’t know.”

Liz smiled at her boyfriend kissing his nose. “All of our lives are open books to each other Pogue. Their relationship is the one thing that they want to have for themselves. You don’t have to understand it because it is not about you. All that we can hope for is that they are happy.” Liz said climbing off him.

“Where are you going?” He whined watching as she went towards the bathroom.

“To get ready for the day I want to create a practice schedule and start to work on the spell and potion Gorman found, Amy said it is a lot more complicated than we would like.” Liz said closing the door.

“Damn woman is going to be the death of me.” Pogue grinned.

Against what the witches believed it was actually two of the aliens who were up first in the kitchen with Nancy and Jeff Parker who was grudgingly sitting across from Max Evans. Max sighed every time he heard the older man huff and kept looking to Tess to make things better but she was set on reading the paper.

“You always run away.” Jeff finally said making the other three stop and look at him. Max shifted in his seat when he realized the older gentlemen was talking to him.

“Excuse me?”

“You always run away. Whenever you think danger is around the corner you run away with your tail between your legs. I don’t trust you Max I don’t trust you to not get these kids killed. They mean the world to me and your track record with danger is not exactly warming me up to you.” Jeff said his glare that much more pronounced on his unshaven face.

“He won’t run.” Tess said looking at Max. “I won’t let him. I was raised to fight and so was Michael. We just have to get Isabel and Max into fighting mode instead of the run and hide at the first scent of danger mode.”

“Pogue will be good at that and Reid. Then when Caleb is back in action he will whip them into shape. Liz I think would be more willing to work with Michael and get him under control and taking orders and leave Isabel to Faith and Caleigh.” Nancy said.

“Maria and Tyler will probably take Alex.” Jeff sighed. “Those three are more lovers than fighters.” He said clucking his tongue.

“Tyler and Maria might seem like that but given the right motivation they are dangerous, which I sense is going to be true for Alex.” Nancy said putting a large stack of chocolate chip pancakes on the table with a side of bacon and toast.

The soft pitter patter of feet was heard by the four stopping all conversation as Maria and Reid entered the kitchen looking depressed and sleepy. “What is wrong?” Nancy asked becoming her usual mother hen.

“Liz makes noise.” Maria grumbled.

“Nothing new there.” Reid shot back.

“But Caleigh makes more.”

“I know. God it is like surround sound in the morning. Both sides, all we needed is Danvers and we would have had a complete symphony.”

“Too much information you two.” Nancy grumbled sitting down.

“No too much information would be telling you that Liz makes this hissing noise when…” Maria slapped a hand over Reid’s mouth staring wide eyed at Nancy who just stiffened and shook her head.

“Too much like their parents.” The older woman grumbled.

Tess sat there picking at her food for a moment before turning to Reid and Maria, “Do I need to work on my powers?”

“Not too much, we know you are the strongest of the four.” Maria said.

“But you have never faced what we are up against.” Reid added.

“Liz will want to train with you as will Caleb.” Nancy said. It did not take long until the kitchen was full of teenagers and adults alike scrambling to eat as Liz told them the plan for the day as Jeff ducked out to go and sit with Evelyn for the day.

“Liz ready to go?” Pogue asked and the brunette nodded quickly getting up to follow Pogue and Caleb to Tyler’s Hummer so they could go and practice behind the Simms home which faced the woods. Tyler’s home was the only one with an extensive protected wood area and the perfect place for Liz to practice her new powers; Mark was going to be helping them as well.

“Nervous?” Caleb asked as he raced down the road.

“About you driving, yup.” She chirped making him glare at her through the rearview mirror. Pogue just smirked at the two shaking his head.

“I can’t wait to beat your butt when this car stops.” Caleb grumbled.

“Have to catch it first.” She sang laughing.

“Over. My. Dead. Body.” Pogue growled.

“Don’t worry you are the only one hitting this.” Liz said leaning forward to kiss his cheek.

“Aw not in the car I think I might pass out from disgust and crash.”

“Not like it is going to kill us.” Liz quipped.

Caleb scoffed and focused on driving suddenly remembering why her and Maria were always peas in a pod, it was their gift of gab or more like Maria’s rambling ability and Liz’s finesse for comebacks. The Hummer pulled into a large gated compound that looked like a combination of a haunted house and an old Victorian mansion. Mark Simms was on the from porch looking giddy at the thought of helping the younger generation with their powers. He never had the opportunity to help his own son since Tyler’s powers were similar to those of Serena’s mother who had helped his son, Maria, and her daughter with their powers.

“Good morning.” Mark said and Liz bounced out of the car and bounded towards him in her thick winter clothes only her hands were bare.

“Morning Mister Simms.” Liz sang hugging the older man and Caleb and Pogue rolled their eyes.

“No one should be that happy in the morning.” Caleb grumbled.

“Not my fault the spell gave her an unusual burst of energy.” Pogue whined.

“Boys planning on joining us anytime soon?” Mark asked his arm securely around Liz as he lead the way to his back yard.

“Coming.” They chimed. Pogue glowered at the arm around Liz willing it to wither and die not caring that it belonged to his best friend’s father, it was on his Liz and that did not sit well with him. Liz laughed softly before ducking out from under the older man’s arm and went and cuddled up to Pogue as Mark laughed.

“Parry’s are all the same.” The older man laughed as Pogue tucked her under his arm and held her firmly against him. The three teens gasped when they entered the winter wonderland of a backyard set up for battle training.

“Cool.” Liz breathed.

“If this is a dream please don’t wake me up.” Pogue muttered and Caleb nodded.

“Glad to see you three like it. Now warm up you three, I don’t need you going into this cold with your powers.” Mark said and motioned to a table of objects and a table in the distance. “Float all of these over to the other table one at a time without dropping them. If you drop one you start again.” Mark said and released a blue blast signaling them to go.

Liz let out a shaky breath and let the magic loose. It felt like little fingers itching their way through her body spreading out from her stomach to everywhere warming her up. She could feel her skin tingling and the little hairs on her body standing letting her know that she was ready. She glanced to her left and right and saw the boys using their hands to guide the items but she was fairly certain that she did not have to use her hand. Liz looked down at the table and looked for a small item to start with and her eyes landed on a deck of cards. She concentrated on the deck and felt her mind become heavy, like she had a head cold, and the pressure above her eyes built; the deck of cards began to float. Sighing Liz took a deep breath and concentrated on mentally pushing the pressure above her eyes outward towards the deck and watched with a small smile as the cards moved across the lawn towards the other table before coming to a rest on the new wooden surface.

“Nicely done Liz it looks like your control is coming back.” Mark commented as Caleb glared at her.

“Show off.” He grumbled making her grin larger. The rest of the objects she transported in a similar manner only straining on the last three items which were larger and heavier in size but she did not drop them and happily completed her task as did the two boys.

“Alright you three get over here.” Mark barked. “Next we are going to do some basic target practice with both stationary and moving targets.”

“Yay!” Liz cheered.

“Even when we don’t have school she is the super stellar student.” Caleb grumbled.

“Look who’s talking.” Pogue shot back.

“Liz first since she is the main one we are working with.” Mark said.

“Actually why don’t Caleb and I help you throw moving targets at her?” Pogue asked and Mark nodded.

“Great idea. Alright you three I want to see each of you destroy a line of the clay birds. Liz you’re up!”

Liz took her usually fighting stance and raised her right hand waiting for the tingle in her hand to quickly build. When she felt her fingertips turn to pins and needles she realized she had built up more energy than intended and knew she had to watch how she blast the objects. With a slit tip of her hand a green blue energy ball left her hand hitting the first clay bird and she proceeded to go down the line hitting them all directly turning them to dust.

“Very good Liz your aim control is excellent.” Mark said and Liz did her little happy dance.

“You next Caleb.” Mark said and the lesson progressed until the three males stood facing Liz who looked extremely nervous at the thought of all three of them sending objects and magical blasts at her.

“You guys suck!” She huffed.

“You know you love us.” Pogue laughed.

“No I love sex with you. This is just mean!”

“Hey!” Pogue protested “I thought you loved me for more than my body!”

“Yeah yeah pretty boy just get moving!” Liz laughed feeling better already when Mark send a disk flying at her which she easily blasted. She felt an energy blast from the older man brush her cheek and she went into defense mode. They blasted and threw things at her faster than she could process, in the end she left it up to her reflexes and senses to get the job done. She did not like the manic smiles on their faces when suddenly three large streams of energy raced towards her. Panic started to set in when her stomach started to feel hot and liquid heat raced through her veins she raised her arm expecting a jet of fire to come out but the stream of fire stopped before her and suddenly warped itself into a tizzy. It looked like a spiral was taking shape rapidly in the air in mere seconds and with a slight push of her hand the fire whirled away towards the energy and the three male witches. She watched as the whirl of fire absorbed the energy streams and continued towards the male witches.

Mark gaped at the sight but snapped back to reality when he realized that the fire swirl was not stopping and was shooting right towards them. “Boys run!” He roared as the three took off. He could feel the heat waves brushing against him as the fire chased them, the three tried not going in the path of the fire but it just continued to follow them. Liz stood there paralyzed in fear as she watched her fire chase the boys all over Mark’s yard as the screamed and tried to get away from the fire that seemed to have a mind of its own.

“Uh oh!” She whispered.
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 54 p.31 6/26/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks so much for the review on the last part! We are getting closer to the big blow out just a few more parts! Thanks...

LizMichael 4 Ever

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 55: Unleashing the Power V

Faith laughed as Reid and Maria chased her around the house, she had caught them in the wine cellar earlier and had laughed at them. The two wanted to get back at her so they decided a game of cat and mouse was in order. The aliens watched the festivities from the stairs with Caleigh and Tyler as Maria trapped Faith in the sitting room.

The front door banged open startling the teens and they all wearily looked at the three who came in. “I am so sorry.” Liz said chasing after the two. “I did not know that would happen!”

“Agh!” Caleb groaned and for the first time the others got a good look at the two boys. Caleb and Pogue had singe marks all over and Caleb was missing half an eyebrow. Both of them were covered in a thick blue paste.

“What happened?” Tyler asked fearing for his father.

“Liz tried to kill us.” Caleb groaned.

“I did not!” Liz said bursting into tears. Pogue groaned and went to hug her but when he moved his arm a searing pain shot though the limb.

“No you did not.” Pogue said trying to calm her down noticing Maria and Tyler’s wince.

“What! She so did!” Caleb sputtered instantly regretting it when Liz just cried harder.

“Oh…” Liz sobbed. “You think I was trying to kill you?” She shrieked. “I will show you trying to kill you!” She raged.

“Now there is the Liz we know and love.” Reid cooed as her eyes flashed back and she stalked towards a stumbling Caleb.

“Liz I did not mean it I was joking I know you would never want to hurt Pogue and me. Please Liz I am so sorry please don’t hurt me!” Caleb begged wincing as his clothes brushed against his fresh burns covered in the paste. Liz stopped and grinned at her best friend.

“Okay you are forgiven.” She said before bouncing over to Pogue. “Come on baby let’s get you comfy so that your burns heal nicely. Mark gave me more balm to put on you.” Liz cooed leading him upstairs to her room.

“She did it again.” Caleb groaned.

“What?” Max asked.

“Made me feel bad for getting burned by her.” Caleb said.

“Did Mark give you extra balm?” Faith asked wincing at the sight of him.

“Yeah. Unfortunately we discovered that we are not immune to Liz’s fire. It burns like a bitch.” He groaned.

“Come on big guy I will rub you down.” Faith said gingerly leading him up the stairs.

Tyler let out a low whistle. “I really don’t want to piss off Parker. Those two were really hurting, which means my dad probably is as well.” Tyler said grinning at the thought.

“You really don’t like your dad do you?” Isabel asked.

“What gave it away?”

“Why?” Max asked.

“My dad and I have never seen eye to eye.” Tyler said walking away. Caleigh sighed looking after him knowing that he needed to be left alone.

“What was that about?” Isabel asked looking put off.

“Tyler has always been the emotionally sensitive one. The peace keeper if you will.” Reid said looking upset. “His dad is the exact opposite.”

“How so?” Michael asked.

“He is like you and Pogue combined, a real hard ass most of the time. He is always on Tyler’s case. Their family has a few skeletons in the closet and his dad has always been there to thrust them down Tyler’s throat. After years of being told you are not good enough it sort of leads to real problems.” Reid said.

“Ph don’t I know it.” Michael grumbled.

“Michael picture the life you had with Hank and amplify that tenfold.” Maria whispered her eyes oddly shinny.

“Maria, Hank used to hit Michael.” Isabel spat.

“I know.” Maria whispered looking ready to cry.

“Like I said a real hard ass.” Reid muttered hugging Maria.

“His dad might come off as nice and kind to the rest of the world but behind closed doors…” Caleigh stopped feeling a sob coming.

“Tyler had it the worst growing up.” Maria whispered.

“Our parents might space on us or be absent but none of our parents hit us.” Reid said.

“If Tyler did not have the magical healing he would probably not be here right now.” Caleigh sobbed before running up the stairs.

A few hours later the group minus Caleb and Faith were down in the game room messing around when Caleb finally decided to show himself. He gingerly walked into the room free of the blue paste but his skin was raw and pink in some areas. “Hey guys.” He called out weakly.

“Hey.” Reid said not even looking his way. “Get beat up by any girls lately?” The others in the room snickered as Caleb made his way over to the couch to sit next to Liz and Pogue who were furiously scribbling on a pad of paper.

“Shove it.” Caleb growled.

“Where?” Caleb hissed in annoyance before turning to Liz.

“What are you doing?” He asked when he saw what looked like a timetable.


“I can see that…why?” Liz looked up and glared at him.

“Because I learned today that some people are very out of shape and can’t run away from a little fire.” She said sarcastically.

“Hey I will have you know that fire was chasing us all over. No matter how fast we ran and where is just kept following.” Caleb replied looking offended that she even dare call him out of shape.

“You are looking a little pudgy around the waist line.” Pogue nodded.

“Am not!”

“You so are see this right here.” Liz said grinning evilly as she poked Caleb’s side right where she knew a sensitive pink spot was. Caleb’s eyes widened and his body tensed, his breathing stopped as his eyes filled with manly tears.

“Ouch.” Pogue winced.

“Oh I’m sorry did that hurt?” Liz asked not looking very apologetic.

“Nope not a bit.” Caleb growled not caring that he had tears falling out the corner of his eyes.

“Oh good then I should press harder next time.” Liz said before going back to her pad of paper.

“She is still pissed at him.” Maria said in her stage whisper to Tess who just giggled at the sight before her. “When Liz is angry she gets even.”

“Normally Caleb is not her punching bag though.” Reid added

“Yeah he is.” Maria snickered.


“Well you are the one who usually makes her mad!” Maria shot back and Reid nodded his head conceding that she was right.

“Are you guys like Harry Potter?” Isabel finally blurted out blushing furiously as the room stared at her.

Tess just shook her head at her friend and fellow aliens comment. Liz and Pogue snickered slightly but it was Reid who finally responded. “Harry Potter can kiss my ass.”

“Huh?” Isabel asked her blush increasing.

“We are so not like that!” Reid roared.

Liz rolled her eyes at his antics “Here we go!” She grumbled leaning her head on Pogue’s good shoulder.

“Harry Potter and friends are frauds and the woman who created them knows nothing about magic. We do not wave twigs around and yell little words like alama or bubble luscious and fizzie wizzie and shit happens!” Reid spat getting up to pace as his pale face turned an odd shade of pink. “We don’t run around wearing robes and there are no magic schools. Spell books are not alive and we don’t use cauldrons.”

Maria shot her boyfriend a look and his hands shot in the air exasperated. “Okay fine we use them sometimes but we also use bowls! We are allowed to have TV’s and we do not live in separate communities we try to blend in and live with humans. We do not ride broomsticks and there are no special candies that we eat and we do not have a ministry of magic that is just ridiculous. And and…”

“And someone has read those books one too many times.” Liz laughed watching as Reid visibly deflated and curled in on himself in embarrassment.

“So I take that as a no on the Harry Potter front.” Max muttered.

“Good idea.” Caleigh laughed.

“Liz!” Amy shouted breezing into the room looking excited!

“Amy!” She shouted back as Amy plowed towards the couch. The older woman saw that all of the seats were occupied and looked mad so Liz shoved Caleb onto the floor and motioned for Amy to sit down. The older woman grinned and gingerly stepped over a groaning Caleb. “What’s up?”

“I just heard from Mark’s wife what you did. Apparently his burns were the worst!”

“Really?” Tyler asked looking very interested suddenly.

“Yes and boy Liz I have to say I don’t think I have ever been more proud of you!” Amy gushed making Maria on the other side of the room laugh.

“Only my mother would get joy out of causing a friend of hers pain.”

“Oh shush you!” Amy laughed at her daughter before turning back to Liz. “So is it true that you made the fire chase the three of them and it was only after they hit the ground that you figured out that you were controlling the fire and making it chase them?” Liz blushed furiously before nodding her head.

“I did not know that I was doing it I just thought it was interesting that the fire kept on following them and I was wondering what was going to happen!” Liz giggled.

“You almost burnt them crispy!”

“I know and for that I will always regret almost burning up my gorgeous boyfriend, after all I am only with him for his body.” Liz said in a stage whisper making Pogue roll his eyes.

“Yes killing Caleb would not have been a terrible loss just Pogue!” Amy said.

“I agree!” Liz nodded.

“Hey!” Caleb growled.

“Oh we are just kidding Care Bear! I love you like my favorite pair of red boy short panties!” Liz said blowing her friend a kiss on the floor.

“Oh gee thanks!” Caleb dryly replied rolling his eyes.

“Hey that is a high compliment coming from Liz!” Caleigh protested and Maria nodded in agreement.

“They are her favorite pair.” Pogue agreed.

“And a great pair of panties can make a girl feel like a million bucks baby! Caleb you are Liz’s feel good friend…except not in the creepy way.” Maria added making Caleb laugh.

“Don’t worry I know Liz can’t resist me.”
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 55 p.32 6/28/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the reviews on the last part. I know everyone was happy when Mark got his butt kicked, I felt the back story of what happened to Tyler as a child would help explain why Tyler found it so hard to forgive his father for what happened with Amy. Thanks...


Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 56: Unleashing the Power VI

Nancy added the final pinch of ginger and looked at the green smoke wafting from the concoction and watched as it turned purple and started to hiss. “Oh!” She breathed when the hiss turned louder and more pronounced to where she could tell that it was a whisper. “Oh!” She squeaked.

“Nan?” Amy asked coming into the kitchen full of smoke. “What is that noise?”

Nancy pointed to the concoction her eyes wide. “This is not good!”

“Is it whispering?” Amy asked fearfully hugging her best friend’s arm.

“Uh huh.” Nancy ticked as the two backed away.

“Is it supposed to?”

“I don’t know!” Nancy screamed her eyes wide with terror. “It’s not like I can translate the damn thing very well, for all I know I just created a whispering ancient toothpaste.”

“I don’t think they had toothpaste back then Nan.”

“Not the point Amy. We are not positive on what the pictographs said we are just guessing because they are not even the originals just copies.”

“I know but they are all we had and Gorman seemed to think that they were right. Hell the Horaci killed him for it.” Amy huffed leading Nancy out of the kitchen. “Is it done?” Amy asked finally and Nancy shook her head.

“No It has to sit like that for a few days. There are a few more things to add when we are ready to use it.”

“God I feel so terrible for doing this to our kids I mean this is dangerous. Nancy the pot is whispering at us!”

“I know Amy but at this point this is all we can do. If we were to use as much magic as they are going to we would kill ourselves and leave our children in more trouble.”

Elsewhere in the Danvers home Liz sat on a plump pillow facing Tess her blue eyes meeting Liz’s. The two just stared at each other as Caleb glanced back and forth between the two. “Are they supposed to be doing something?” Reid asked out the corner of his mouth.

“Liz wanted to see what all Tess could do.” Caleb said.

“Well they are doing nothing at the moment.”

“Ah guys what are you talking about?” Maria asked coming into the living room where Reid and Caleb were sitting on the floor staring at two pillows on the ground.

“We are watching Tess and Liz practice.” Caleb said motioning towards the pillow. Maria raised an eyebrow at her boyfriend and his best friend as they continued to stare in front of them.

“Well I ah hate to break it to the two of you but Liz and Tess are eating sandwiches in the greenhouse and they have been for the past half hour.” Maria said her lips twitching when she realized what was going on, Tess was mindwarping the two from the other side of the house. “Though I do have to admit Tess is getting better and making people see what is not even there, she is not even close to you guys.” Maria said before bouncing away in a fit of giggles.

Caleb and Reid just shook their heads waiting for the foggy feeling to leave their heads. The two just stared at each other bewildered. “They played us.” Caleb huffed.

“We have been sitting here watching them stare at each other for half an hour, they were not even here.” Reid grumbled standing up massaging his backside that had gone numb from sitting there for so long on the ground.

“Come on let’s go tell the girls their charade his up.” Caleb muttered leading the way to his living room where sure enough Liz and Tess were vegging on the couch looking relaxed as they watched a music video.

“God he is so cute!” Tess squealed.

“I know. I always thought he reminded me of Pogue.” Liz breathed.

“He does but look at his hands, those are the hands of a musician and so Alex.” Caleb and Reid just stared at the two that used to be enemies, or well they at least strongly disliked each other.

“When do you think they are going to figure it out?” Tess asked picking up another sandwich.

“They already did.” Liz huffed turning around in her seat and Tess did the same.

“Hello girls.” Caleb growled.

“Hi Care Bear.” Liz smiled sweetly.

“Not going to work Lizzie.” Reid grumbled.

“Hey we were just practicing Tess’s powers. She is much more powerful than I thought. Did you know that she can manipulate fire at times like Pogue and I but to a lesser degree. I think with Pogue’s patience and understanding of how to manipulate the fire in different degrees he could help Tess way more than I could. After all he is helping me so that I don’t accidentally burn my family and friends again.” Liz blushed.

“Interesting.” Reid said stealing a sandwich off the tray. “Tess you have more mental powers than the guys, is this true for all females of your race?”

“Yeah.” Tess nodded her blue eyes focused in her concentration. “Nasedo always told me the females were better with their mental abilities but we do have physical powers but they are not as strong and take more energy to summon.”

“Physical how?” Liz asked resting her head on her knees.

“Well like I do things with my mind mostly I think it and it happens. Isabel manipulates dreams and different things related to subconscious. Max and Michael on the other hand are different their powers come out of their hands mostly like blasting and shields and healing.”

“Okay so basically the males have offensive powers and the females defensive, put them together and you have the perfect team.” Reid said and Tess nodded glad that they understood, the other aliens did not seem to get that concept just yet.

“Isabel seems to think that if she works at it hard enough she is going to be able to blow things up.” Liz giggled and Tess rolled her eyes.

“Yeah like that is going to happen, her genetics will not allow it, that is a power from my bloodline not hers.”

“So powers run in families?” Caleb asked and Tess nodded.

“According to Nasedo.”

“That is similar to us we all have one family ability and the rest is left up to chance.” Reid said.

“And where you are born in the order, magic is funny that way it just seems to know where you are born in the lines.” Caleb sighed.

“I know it is freaky that way.” Liz laughed.

“It just passes torches from one kid to the next.”

“I am just afraid that Isabel and Max have unrealistic expectations. Michael seems to get that his powers are limited and that he needs to focus on certain aspects but the other two…”

Liz gave Tess a small smile. “Don’t worry I know just the person to get them into shape.”

“Why does that send tingles down my spine?” Tess asked darting a look at the two boys who just grinned.

“Remember how we said Pogue would be great with you?” Caleb asked and the small blonde nodded, her blonde curls bouncing all about. “Well that is because you listen and he can tolerate…Max and Isabel on the other hand…”

“General Pogue will whip them into shape, he is the drill master.”

Pogue gaped at the two in front of him they had to be the worst students ever. They seemed to believe that he was there to watch them show off instead of helping them tap into their powers and make them stronger, but no Max and Isabel would have none of that. Isabel was aiming at a statue in front of her trying to disintegrate it the way she had done with Congresswoman Whitaker not too long ago but she was having no luck.

“You don’t have the basics down.” Pogue ground out for what felt like the billionth time but yet it went through one ear and out the other. “If you don’t know how to summon that power you are just wasting energy by sparking and that is going to get you killed in battle.” He growled not caring when Isabel jumped away from him in fear.

“Hey man she is trying as hard as she can go easy on her.” Max said hating that the Neanderthal in front of him was making his sister so worked up.

“She needs to learn and so do you, if you can’t listen to what I am saying it will not only get you killed but your family and friends.” Pogue sighed.

“I don’t understand why it is not working.” Isabel moaned running her hands through her hair as she flopped to the floor in defeat. Pogue rolled his eyes wanting to yell that, that was obvious.

“You don’t know where your power is coming from.” Pogue said motioning for her to lay back. “Alright you are able to go into people’s dreams right?”

Isabel nodded taking a deep breath. “Right”

“Okay now what do you feel right before you enter the dream world? How do you know where to go and when to do it?” Pogue asked as he placed two fingers on her temples wanting to check her power levels, he felt a small hum under her skin which meant she was just barely taping into her powers.

Isabel closed her eyes and thought about her dream travels. “I feel a pressure build in the back of my head at the base of my neck.” Isabel said and she felt Pogue’s hand move to the knobs at the base of her skull.

“Here?” He asked pressing on the two bumps.

“Yes.” Isabel said.

“Alright, now let that feeling build.” Pogue instructed and watched as Isabel took in deep calming breaths while he maintained his hold on her head, and then he felt it the ripple of power. “Well Isabel I think we just found where your powers are centered.” Pogue laughed as her brown eyes blinked open.

“What?” She sat up looking confused.

“You have been trying to build your powers in your hands like Michael does but that is not where your powers are centered they are centered in the back of your head at the base of your skull that is why you always feel a tug and pressure there.” Pogue said motioning for her to stand up. “Do you think you can build up that pressure if you are awake and standing?”

Isabel looked confidently at the witch in front of her but Pogue just stared at her watching as her hands clenched and unclenched at her sides. He could tell she had never tried it before. “Y yes.” She said.

“Okay let’s try it. I want you to let the feeling build and when you feel it throb let me know and I will tell you what to do from there.” He watched as Isabel stared hard in front of her and a moment later she nodded. “Okay now raise your dominant hand.” Isabel raised a perfectly manicured right hand. “Now get it in the position you wish to use to attack an opponent.” Pogue instructed and he watched as she tilted her hand at a slight sideways angle and then forward slightly. “Good now Isabel let the power at the base of your neck release slightly but force the pressure out of your neck and down your arm sort of like blowing up a balloon.” Pogue instructed.

Isabel took in another deep breath and focused on the energy and pressure she felt in the back of her head. She released it slowly at first and concentrated at sending it down her shoulder blade towards her arm; she felt it pass her elbow and her eyes widened in shock. Pogue could tell it was working and grinned. “Now let it travel to your hands and picture what you want that energy to do.” He instructed and Isabel concentrated on sending it out the palm of her hand. Max watched as the center of Isabel’s hand started to glow and what looked like a small glowing cut formed on the palm and spread open and then a large red beam of light shot forth from her hand and hit the large statue in front of her in a whoosh sending shards of porcelain showering over the room as the red beam disappeared.

“Cool.” Pogue grinned as Isabel stared at her right palm in wonder.

“I did it.” She whispered looking stunned. “I actually freaking did it!” She breathed still staring at her hand.

“How did you get her to do that?” Max asked staring at his twin sister in awe.

“I didn’t do that much all I did was show her how to find her power center and let it out. Now she needs to learn to draw on that and make the actions more natural. Based on what she was doing I think it is safe to say her powers are run differently than yours and Michael, hers is more of a mental push where yours is a physical one.” Pogue said turning to the door where he knew Liz would be soon entering. Sure enough the large wood door swung open and Liz and Caleb entered first followed by Reid.

“Hey.” Liz called smiling broadly at her boyfriend.

“Hey how was practice with Tess?”

“Relaxing.” Liz sighed hugging Pogue gently wanting to make sure she did not jar the sensitive pink skin of the freshly healing burns.

“Relaxing?” He raised a thick eyebrow at her choice of words.

“She had Reid and I staring at her and Tess for half an hour waiting for them to do something only to learn that they were not even in the room at the time but across the house eating lunch.” Caleb laughed.

“Well we thought you would have figured it out sooner than you did.” Liz rolled her eyes. “It is not my fault that the two of you are slow.” Liz snuggled closer to Pogue loving how he tightened his hold on her. “How are things in here?” Liz asked glancing at the aliens.

“Well Isabel now knows how to get to her powers and she has a pretty strong offensive power but it seems to be the only one so far.”

“It is probably going to be the only one because according to Tess the females only have one offensive power and it is not that strong, they are more defensive warriors.” Liz explained.

“Well that explains that.” Pogue sighed. “I can work with her more on those later.”

“They cause any trouble?” Caleb asked his hard gaze roaming over the two murmuring aliens in the corner of the room.

“Max and Isabel yes they do not like to listen to what I have to say but I seem to be able to get through to them after beating it into their heads I swear it is like talking to two of Reid.” Pogue huffed.

“Hey!” Reid growled.

“Hey Reid is not that bad.” Liz pouted making Reid smile. “If anyone is like that it is Maria.”

“Hey!” Reid growled “That is my girlfriend.”

“And my chica.” Liz added. “I can call her stubborn and pig headed if I want to. Caleb also has a hard head…you know I am starting to think this is a running pattern.

“Ha ha Liz very funny you should take your show on the road.” Caleb growled.

“So how is Max doing?” Reid asked.

“Max is well Max. I have not worked with him enough to get him to open up power wise, Isabel was actually the easier of the two.”

“Isabel has always been more open with her powers, always wanting to know more to work more with them like Michael. Max is going to be hard to work with because he sees his powers as a bad thing subconsciously he is going to need to some serious Pogue whippings.” Liz sighed.

“I have no problem with that.” Pogue grinned.

“I knew you wouldn’t.” Liz laughed. Caleb stared hard at him two friends happy to see how well they were adjusting to their unique connection. Liz had her normal healthy glow back, when she first came to Ipswich he had missed it missed the almost unearthly light she had about her that seemed to radiate from within. After Pogue and the others unlocked her powers it seemed to unlock the real Liz who was so tied to her powers bringing back her shine and spirit. He knew that he was missing a part of himself and that he no longer looked or acted the same, he could feel it in his bones and see it when he looked at himself in the mirror. Liz looked happy to be home in her skin again and he knew that it was time to come home as well. He knew that he needed to speak to Faith right away because he wanted to do the ritual as soon as possible.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 56 p.33 6/30/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the reviews on the last part I love reading what all you have to say. Sorry for the not posting for a few days, this part was not coming out right so I had to re write it a few times. Thanks...

LizMichael 4 Ever

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 57: Unleashing the Power VII

Faith stood in the corner of the room watching silently as Tyler worked with Alex on his powers. It was amazing that a human who had never had power before was so focused and able to perform as well as he did. Alex had grown up knowing the risks of having powers and he knew that his were not as powerful as the others but he felt as if he had been entrusted with a scared weapon that needed the utmost care and in Faith’s opinion it showed in how he worked with his new powers.

The Covenant and Scion lines were very particular about how to introduce humans into their world knowing what could happen if a human is involved in their world too deeply too quickly. It seems Maria and Liz filled in Alex while growing up on the dangers involved with knowing them and he was more than conscious of what he was doing. “Okay I need a break.” Alex gasped and Tyler nodded.

“You are doing well Alex you seem to take after Liz in the control area.”

Alex grinned at his friend. “I have seen Liz use her powers and she is amazing she really does have an odd level of control, I just want to master what I can.” Alex said lying back on the ground rubbing his eyes from too much strain.

“Very smart of you, are you sure you should be working with Maria and I?” Tyler joked making Alex laugh.

“You two are perfect for working with me, besides it is fun to tick Maria off.”

“Yeah she does seem to be angry that you can levitate already when it took her a year to learn that.” Tyler laughed as Faith moved to join them.

“How are you feeling?” She asked sitting down next to the lanky teen picking at his ripped jeans rolling her eyes.

“Tired and oddly energized at the same time, I take it that is a magical buzz.” Alex said and the two witches nodded.

“Yup I guess you used more than we thought.” Tyler said his cheeks turning red as he looked down guiltily.

“It was my fault I guess I did not see the warning signs. Now I know what to look for.” Alex said hoping to make his new friend feel better.

“Give it back!” a loud voice roared out in the hall startling the three. The sound of feet slapping against the wood floors and soft giggles bubbling out. Liz darted into the room her face tinged pink as she hid in the corner holding something tightly in her right fist.

“I am not here.” She hissed and Tyler nodded making Faith grin.

“Where is she?” Caleb roared as she barged into the room out of breath his head whipping side to side searching for the little brunette.

“Not a clue.” Alex said.

“Try checking the library her and Pogue usually hide in there and in her room.” Faith said and Caleb quickly nodded before racing away to the other side of the house.

“It’s safe to come out.” Tyler sang and Liz popped up from her spot like a jack in the box.

“So Lizzie what did you take?” Faith asked as Liz threw herself onto the floor next to her gal pal. Making Liz giggle again.

“This!” Liz squealed pulling out what looked like a cork on a string.

“Is that…”

“Caleb’s lucky charm!” Liz giggled.

“Oh you have got to be kidding.” Tyler scoffed. “I thought Pogue threw that out years ago.”

“He did but ah Caleb dug it out and now I stole it. I did not realize he was so attacked to the cork!” Liz laughed flicking said object.

“What the heck?” Alex asked.

“It is part of an old glamour spell he did when he was thirteen to get rid of a zit. He got his first kiss three hours later and thinks the thing lucky. He used to carry it in his pocket.” Tyler laughed.

“Still does. Looks like Caleb is looking to get lucky.” Liz giggled again wiggling her dark eyebrows at Faith who turned fire engine red when the others turned to look at her.

“You little sex fiend you I knew that you would convert Danvers to the wonderful life of sex.” Tyler sighed.

“How could he resist?” Liz asked waving her hand in front of Faith as if the girl was on display.

“Please…stop.” Faith said her face turning slightly purple as she held her breath in her embarrassment.

“You know I think Faith should go and find our fair Caleb and have her wicked way with him.” Alex wiggled his eyebrows ducking a red throw pillow she hurled his way.

“Here is his lucky charm now go get lucky.” Liz said shooing her friend away in a fit of giggles.

“Gee Parker you giggle more than I remember.” Alex said and Liz sighed.

“Blame it on Pogue he brings out the giggling school girl in me.” Liz sighed laying her head in Tyler’s lap.

“He brings out more than the school girl in you Lizzie, and Caleigh can attest to that one since she was there when it happened.” Tyler said.

“I know I was the one who put on the show in the first place.” Liz sighed.

Faith moved around the house trying to sense where Caleb had run off to in his search. Unlike Liz and Pogue, her and Caleb did not have the intimate sense of where the other person was all the time making her search that much more difficult. “Caleb!” She called out stomping up the stairs moving through the winding halls.

“Faith?” He asked darting out of a room out of breath his brown eyes broadcasting his living nightmare.

“I think you are looking for this.” She said letting the charm drop from its cord in her hand dangling it in front of the taller witch who visibly sagged in relief at the sight.

“Where did you find it?” He asked as he placed it back in his pocket.

“Ah Liz gave it to me when she was hiding, Tyler told us what it was and I thought I should give it back to you since you were tearing the house apart looking for Liz.”

Caleb rubbed the back of his neck feeling the heat rise in his body as Faith shifted from foot to foot in front of him. “Yeah ah…thanks for giving it to me.” He mumbled.

“So what is this about you hoping you were going to get lucky?” Faith asked grinning wickedly at him watching as the color drained from his face.

“I ah well you see the thing is…” Caleb stopped and closed his eyes visibly trying to compose himself before he continued. “I want to try and unlock my powers…as soon as possible.” Caleb mumbled not meeting her eyes.

Faith grinned letting out a squeal as he jerked his head up and she launched herself into his arms. “Yay this is so great I have to go and tell the others so we can get ready for tonight!” She sang kissing his cheek before she ran to tell the others. “Be ready and in your room at eight tonight!” Her voice rang from the other end of the hall as she slammed down the stairs.

“Okay.” He breathed a wiggly feeling developing in his stomach. “Tonight I get to have sex in front of my friends…great.” He sighed running a hand over his face. “Some things I never wanted them to see.”

In no time at all eight was just around the corner. Liz kissed Pogue goodnight as he and Reid left to go to Caleb’s room leaving Liz and Maria snuggled together in Maria’s bed. “This sucks.” Maria moaned.

“What you don’t like me in your bed?” Liz quipped.

“No I love you in my bed Lizzie, but it sucks that we can’t be part of the ritual.”

“Well I for one am happy I do not have to see the full Caleb as he and Faith get down and dirty. Yuck.” Liz shuddered making Maria giggle.

“Okay you have a point there but it feels like I am always getting left out of the rituals.” Maria pouted.

“Trust me Maria you are not missing anything. Besides you get used for way more than I do, heck for the past year you were more powerful than me!” Liz exclaimed throwing her tan arms into the air. A soft knock on Maria’s wood door made the two girls shush.

“Ria…” Tyler’s voice hissed softly.

“Come on it Ty.” Maria said as the door opened and Tyler in his yellow happy face boxers came into the room with his pillow.

“Hey Liz.” Tyler said staring at the bed.

“Hello want to join us for a nightcap?” Liz asked scooting over in bed as Tyler eagerly nodded before hoping into bed with the other two.

“Man one guy in bed with two beautiful girls, every guys fantasy.” Tyler sighed laughing when Maria and Liz pinched his arm.

“We are not naked!” Liz giggled.

“Yet!” Tyler laughed wiggling his eyebrows.

“Tyler Nathaniel Simms control yourself!” Maria said wagging a finger at him as Tyler darted to bite it she screamed. The bedroom door opened and Reid popped his head in he saw the three in bed with Tyler’s finger in Maria’s mouth.

“What the hell is going on in here?” Reid asked glaring at Tyler who quickly removed his finger.

“Nothing!” The three chorused.

“Right well just making sure. Are you two planning on staying here all night?” Reid asked worried that he was not going to be able to sleep with his girlfriend.

“Probably.” Tyler said.

“I don’t know I might slip in bed with Pogue later.” Liz said and Reid nodded before leaving to head back into Caleb’s room. Pogue looked up from the chalk drawing he was creating on the ground.

“What is up with them? Everything alright?”

“Yeah Tyler is just in bed with our girlfriends and I caught him getting frisky with Maria.” Reid pouted.

“I knew he was going to go to them!” Caleigh giggled as she dripped the red candle wax onto the floor in the pattern from the book she was holding. Reid picked up the water bowl he had set down earlier to check on the others and went back to blessing it.

“As long as he stays away from Liz we are okay.” Pogue laughed.

“She was sandwiched between the two giggling.”

Pogue just laughed. “I might be worried if I didn’t know Liz and trust her.”

“Are you done yet?” Faith’s muffled voice sounded from behind the bathroom door.

“No!” The three shouted.

“Keep your pants on woman!” Reid barked.

“I’m naked!” She screamed back.

“Oh.” Reid blinked. “Right.”

“Finished!” Caleigh chirped hoping around the room so that she would not step on any of their work.

“Great grab some chalk.” Pogue said and the blonde eagerly snatched some up moving to help Pogue.

“This spell is far more complicated prep wise than Liz’s.” Reid grumbled.

“That’s because one Liz was a girl, and two she was connected to Pogue. Caleb is working blind here and he sort of needs to pop.” Caleigh said as she scribbled on the ground the white dust covering her tan fingers.

“Are you done now?” Faith whined.

“God you are like a two year old! No!” Pogue growled. “We will let you know now shush up we have work to do!” Pogue huffed before he went back to furiously scribbling on the floor pressing harder on the chalk than was necessary.

“I am finished over here.” Reid whispered and Caleigh nodded setting down her chalk.

“Same here, now we can call them out here. One would think that Faith was excited to get it on in front of us by how anxious she is.” Pogue scoffed.

Caleigh smiled softly at the two boys. “No she is not excited about this she is nervous, Faith has always taken on the belief that it is better to get it over with quickly when it comes to something she is unsure of.” She explained as she went over to the wooden bathroom door and rapped softly on it. “The three of us are going to close our eyes now, are you all marked up?” She called softly.

“Yeah we are marked up, you just have to finish with the oils.” Faith said and the door squeaked open an inch and the three quickly shut their eyes. They could hear the soft patter of feet and the rustling of sheets and the squeak of Caleb’s bed as the two got situated.

“Remember Faith has to be on top for this to work.” Reid muttered and more rustling was heard causing the blonde to smirk, apparently the two had forgotten that part of the spell.

“Okay ready.” Faith called softly. The three opened their eyes slowly wishing that they could keep them closed.

“Okay how about I just do the oil think and the boys can keep them shut?” Caleigh asked and the two eagerly nodded.

“Great idea I am all for that option.” Pogue said slamming his eyes shut.

“Yup.” Reid said making Caleb laugh slightly.

“I never thought I would see the day that those two were uncomfortable in a sexual situation.”

Faith grinned down at him her hair fanning around them in a makeshift curtain. “Well it is not every day that they are confronted by the image of two of their friends having sex in the same room with them and they are forced to watch.”

Caleigh uncorked several small bottles of assorted oils that the group had made a few days earlier in hopes that Caleb would soon decide he wanted to go through with this. It involved cooking and grinding of numerous herbs and precise measuring but they knew they had it right. Caleigh dabbed some of the first oil on her finger tip and went towards Faith. “Rose oil for passion.” Caleigh’s soft voice washed over them as she placed the oil onto Faith’s upper lip and Caleb’s lower lip. “Joring oil is for strength.” She said using her thumb to place a small dab of the orange oil onto their foreheads. “And Lyonsar oil is to unleash the hidden and strengthen the old.” Caleigh motioned for the two to open their mouths as she poured a small drop into each of their mouths.

“Okay open your eyes boys we need to begin.”

Pogue flipped the page in the book and grimaced when he saw the page they needed was spattered in blood. “This is not going to end well.”

“Okay um ah you two should ah start to ah...” Reid babbled pointing to Faith and Caleb his pale face turning a deeper shade of red the longer he spoke.

“Start to have sex.” Caleb supplied.

“Yeah that.” Reid nodded.

“Okay no problem.” Caleb said wiggling his eyebrows at Faith who blushed wishing she could hide at that moment.

“I don’t feel right about watching this.” Caleigh squeaked.

“Close your eyes you two while I start the spell.” Pogue sighed and the two blondes eagerly complied. “I will tell you when you need to open them.” Pogue ran his finger over the page and found his place taking a deep breath he began. Faith and Caleb for the most part were able to tune out the deep timber voice of their friend and concentrate on each other.

“Awaken and rise, break the human bonds and rise again…” Pogue’s voice hissed charging the air around them in an ethereal web of magic. Pogue moved and tapped Reid to open his eyes and Reid tapped Caleigh. She nodded and motioned for Pogue to continue as she grabbed the other glass bottles of oil that she had not used and Reid grabbed thrice blessed water. Pogue continued his chant his breathing deeper than normal as the magic within took hold and sizzled into the air around them. Caleigh uncorked her first bottle of red oil with strange black bits in it and drizzled it over a white candle in the corner, the flame liked higher releasing an strange perfume of liquorices and mint. Reid dipped his fingers into the water and bent down and started to erase the chalk design on the floor.

What started off as soft and gentle moans was slowly turning into deep guttural groans coming from both of them. Reid fought the urge to roll his eyes as he continued to erase the chalk outline being mindful of the wax drawings, he could sense his magic unfolding and the other’s joining in. Their power laying over the couple on the bed like a thick blanket cloaking them in power, Faith pulling it all together.

“Oh god.” Faith groaned as Caleb slammed upwards his black eyes staring ominously at her.

“Find what you seek and unlock the hidden.” Pogue growled moving away from the bed to light the four red candles on the dresser. As each wick was lit the air tightened unbearably. Caleigh dumped another oil onto another white candle and flames shot out in a sparkler fashion as a thick heavy scent of ginger and thyme filled the air mixing with the other floral scents creating a choking atmosphere. When Pogue lit the last candle the air stilled, the witches could feel their hair lift away from their body as the breath rushed out of them and a loud silence filled the room until Caleb slammed Faith down one last time.

Caleigh, Reid and Pogue stood still bracing themselves “Ah!” Caleb roared the air charging back into the room blowing the candles out as a shock wave of magic erupted from Caleb and Faith knocking the three witches in every direction. Pogue slammed against the wall the wind rushing from his body as he fell to the ground.

Liz snuggled closer to Maria as Tyler held them close enjoying the magical hum of her friends as she slept. Maria blinked her eyes open when she felt the change in the air and the change in emotions, fear. “Tyler…” She hissed waking the other two up as the air thickened and settled over them.

“Uh oh.” Liz whispered when an energy wave raged through the room blasting them out of bed and onto the floor.

Maria sat up slowly looking very pleased “Uh oh kiddies it looks like daddy is back!”
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 57 p.34 7/6/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part! Thanks...

Touch of the WInd

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 58: Banishment

Max, Isabel, and Michael slowly crept down the stairs the next morning they had all been woken up last night by a huge energy wave and were knocked out of bed. Now they were terrified to see what the results were.

“Good morning my little aliens!” Liz sang as she danced past them on the stairs slapping Michael on the back. “Caleb is making chocolate and coconut pancakes this morning so hurry up! The last E.T. to the kitchen is doing dishes!”

The three shared a look before Isabel bolted down the stairs at an alarming rate before she skidded into the kitchen and sat down next to a giggling Tess. “E.T.” She giggled and Isabel smiled as well, she did have to admit this Liz was much more chipper and pleasant.

“Baby sit down too early to bounce around like that.” Pogue grumbled pulling the small girl into his lap as Max flew into the kitchen panting Michael slapping in after him looking angry.

“No fair you cheated and used your powers!” Michael growled.

“She never said we could not use our powers.” Max pointed out sitting down next to Maria who passed the heap of pancakes his way.

“It was implied!”

“Nope I still beat you, you do dishes.” Max said grinning at the oh so sinful pancakes, his mother was not known for her cooking and so far in Ipswich he was being well fed on a daily basis.

“Heads up!” Caleb called as a pile of pancakes floated towards the table laying neatly on the plate with the others.

“Flying food this place is perfect.” Tess sighed. “And the food is extra sweet!”

“The amount of sugar and hot sauce you four go through is insane so I decided to cut out one of the ingredients.” Caleb said cringing when Isabel shoot red liquid all over her food. “Nasty.” He shuddered before he continued to bounce around the kitchen in an unusually happy way.

“Says the guy who pours salt all over his food.” Tess jabbed her fork in his direction. “Actually you all do that, except Alex.”

Maia and Liz just shrugged. “We like our spices actually, salt is our favorite but I also love ginger.” Maria said and Liz nodded in agreement.

“We have grown up with our parents smothering our food in the white heaven and it sort stuck.” Faith said jabbing at her pancake with odd veracity.

“See your dependence on salt is our dependence on sweet and spicy, food just does not taste right without it.” Michael said.

“Yes but we do not put salt on our pancakes.” Liz said as Tyler said down shoveling a pile onto his plate.

“I love it when Caleb cooks!” He grinned reaching for the salt and shaking it onto the sweet concoction. The others stared at his plate in horror.

“Oh that is just wrong.” Liz gagged.

“Hey did you just put salt on my special pancakes?” Caleb barked his hands on his hips glaring at his best friend.

“Yes.” He gulped.

“You are so dead!” Caleb growled charging at the table spatula in hand. “These pancakes are a bit of heaven on earth take that back now! How dare you defile them!” Caleb raged.

“I am sorry!” Tyler yelled bolting out of his chair to stand behind Caleigh hoping for her protection.

“Say it!” Caleb shouted pointing his spatula at his friend.

“I am so sorry Caleb your pancakes are heaven on earth and I am stupid for trying to defile them with salt.” Tyler muttered and Caleb nodded.


Pogue rolled his eyes at his two friends and turned his attention towards the aliens while Liz played with his hair at the base of his skull. “So Max eager to practice today?”

Max looked up from his plate weary of the sudden turn the conversation made. “Ah sure.”

“Oh come on Max it will be fun.” Maria said slapping Reid’s fork away as he tried to steal a bite from her plate.

“Yeah Max it is fun.” Faith nodded.

“Nothing like getting your butt whipped by Pogue.” Liz sighed.

“Baby I only do that to you.” Pogue laughed as Liz swung at him.

“No the others are right Pogue is a great instructor, I learned more from our session yesterday about my powers than I ever have.” Isabel said.

“If you want I can sit in with you as well since Liz and Caleb will be at the Simms working on their powers.” Faith said and Max slowly nodded agreeing that it would be less awkward for him if he was not left alone with his ex-girlfriend’s current boyfriend.

“So Caleb looking forward to practice today?” Liz asked bouncing on Pogue’s lap making him wince.

Caleb turned from his skillet and grinned at the feisty little brunette. “Liz we are going to cause much more damage today than you did when you tried to kill Pogue, Mark and I.” His evil chuckle made Liz squeal in excitement.

“Oh that sounds fun.” Michael grumbled.

“It will be.” Liz nodded.

“Hey mind if I tag along? I want to talk to Mark about something.” Reid asked and Caleb nodded.

“Not a problem with me we could use the distraction.” Caleb said.

“More like he just wants to use you as a moving target.” Liz giggled making Reid pout.

“Reid I promise not to intentionally try and hurt you.” Caleb laughed. “Too much…”

“Great I feel super safe now.” Reid sighed leaning his head on Maria’s shoulder. “Tell me again my darling why we all thought it was a good idea to get Caleb back to normal?”

“Because cupcake the shell we were living with was a tight ass who had a very big monster or witch aversion. We had to do it. Promise he is much better this way…he is the fun Caleb remember.” Maria cooed trying to make Reid feel better.

“Remember man Caleb was the one who taught you how to pick up girls.” Pogue laughed.

Faith glared at Caleb who just shrugged giving her one of his adorable smiles. “You still love me.” He pointed out.

“You taught Reid the womanizer how to pick up girls.” She deadpanned.

“No that is not true.” Caleb said sitting down at the table finally. “He knew how to pick up girls I just taught him how to me more efficient about it.”

“And that is better how?” Liz asked.

“It got him Maria.”

Liz rolled her eyes at her friend “Yeah and about a million other girls.”

“Hey!” Reid cried. “I will have you know I am very picky about who I go out with. Maria is special.”

“Maria is special Reid.” Caleigh said in her soft comforting voice causing the other blonde to smile gratefully. “But that doesn’t mean you haven’t picked up random girls all the time in the past. You were a man whore.” She said giving him a sweet smile watching as the color drained from his face.

“You women are evil.” Reid grumbled.

“Eat up buddy we have work to do.” Caleb said slapping his friend on the back.

In no time at all Liz, Caleb, and Reid were standing in front of the Simms manner bundled up, Liz and Caleb hoping in place to keep warm as they waited for Mark to answer the door Reid just rolled his eyes at their boundless energy praying for one of them to snap out of it. Mark was not one to keep his guests waiting and soon ushered the trio inside keeping a wary eye on Liz who smirked at the older man. “Ah Reid I thought Pogue was coming today.”

“No he has work to do with the aliens and I have business with you.” Reid said and Mark nodded taking a small step away from the blonde. Reid rolled his eyes at the older man and motioned towards the study.

“Ah yes, Caleb and Liz you two can go out back awhile and get warmed up. Reid and I will be out in a moment.” Mark said his left eye twitching when he said Reid’s name.

“Alright.” Liz said grabbing Caleb’s arm and dragging him towards the back of the estate where their training ground was set up.

Mark chanced a look at the glowering blonde and led the way to his private study. He could feel the anger rolling off the teen and was nervous to find out what had caused the most recent bout of distress in the young boy, but he knew from experience that what did not sit well with Reid never boded well for him.

“Did you get it?” Reid asked sitting down in his chair not waiting for Mark to take his seat behind his large grandfather marble and cherry wood desk. Mark let out a shaky breath and nodded.

“It was hard to get hold of but I did as you asked and fed them the line, they handed it over willingly.” Mark said using a cold key to unlock one of his desk cabinets. Mark pulled out a small red pouch with odd stains all over it and gently handed it to the Garwin heir who smiled at the sight of the bag.

“I had a feeling they would see things my way.” Reid chuckled as he gently opened the bag to inspect its contents. “Hard to imagine something as small as this has started wars.” Reid sighed closing the bag. “Thank you for acquiring this for me, I trust you will keep this to yourself?” Reid asked and Mark eagerly nodded at the teen.

“Of course I will Reid.” The twitch was back making the intimidating older man look like a coward.

“Good. Tell Liz and Caleb I had to run back to him place for a moment, I forgot something. It is believable enough.” Reid said quickly standing and leaving the manor.

“Of course.” Mark muttered before heading into the back yard where Liz and Caleb were floating objects across the year from table to table, this time neither of them were using their hands. “Like I want to anger those two.”

Liz noticed how hard Caleb was concentrating and felt bad she knew that he too was going to have to get used to the new onslaught of power and she knew that was not easy. Sure he had a taste when he was fighting Chase but that soon gone away when he was done and went back to wimpy Caleb. “You’re afraid.”

Caleb sighed and turned to look at her. “I am but I know that I have to do this. I can feel the power raging through me like liquid fire tempting me to use it but I am afraid.”

“You are not your father Caleb and we are not going to let you turn into that…I am not going to let you turn into that.” Liz said grabbing his arm. “You need to let the powers out to play once in a while otherwise you will go back to the way you were and that was no fun, you were magically constipated.” Liz giggled at his disgusted face. “What it is the truth and you know it.” She laughed.

“I know.” He sighed. “Will you practice with me?” He asked raising one of his eyebrows in a challenge.

“Of course. What do you say we play pin the blast on Mark?” Liz giggled and Caleb nodded.

“We are being watched I can feel it.” Caleb sighed.

“How can you tell?” Liz asked her small frame tensing.

“One of my dad’s powers.” He said and Liz nodded in understanding.



“Who is it?” She finally asked.

“Mark he is watching us from a window in the house. We should continue floating the objects so that we don’t raise his suspicions.” Caleb whispered.

“You two are getting very good at that, but that is enough for today.” Mark called striding down his lawn towards the two brunettes who looked strikingly alike. “Now Liz are you ready to try your new powers again? You can throw them at Caleb and I and we will deflect and send back at you. Caleb feel free to use your new powers as well after all you are just learning as well.” Mark said rubbing his hands together to keep the bitter cold away.

“Sounds perfect.” Liz grinned loving the flinch that the older man gave at her enthusiasm. “But where is Reid?”

“He forgot to do something but he will be back shortly.” Mark said and motioned for Liz to get back to her powers. They had a lot of work to do that day with two of them instead of one having to deal with the onslaught of new powers.

“Great let’s get started.” Caleb said jumping like a bottle rocket startling the older man.


“Okay bring it on!” Liz yelled and Caleb glared.

“You are so asking for it Lizzie, this is for burning me!” Caleb grinned raising his hand an odd shimmer formed around the hand and started pulsing outwards towards Liz at an alarming rate.

“Oh fudge!” Liz breathed this was not good.
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Re: Magical Secrets, (Cov,XO,UC,Adult) Pt 58 p.35 7/8/08

Post by Ansleyrocks »

Hey guys thanks for the replies to the last part I love reading what all you have to say. Many of you will be happy to know that there is a banner for this story now thanks to the amazing Touch of the Wind who did a great job so go check it out! Thanks...

LizMichael 4 Ever
Touch of the Wind -Thank you so much for the amazing banner!

Please let me know what you think of this new part!

Part 59: Banishment II

Pogue ran his hands through his long hair in frustration for what felt like the millionth time. Max was not working with him at all, he seemed to think that he knew all he needed to know about his powers and that he did not need help, he even went as far as to suggest that they work on Pogue’s powers.

“Hey you two alright?” Faith asked coming into the ballroom to see Pogue at his wits end.

“Fine.” He growled as Max threw up his shield once more before it flickered away.

“Oh I love the sarcasm.”

“He is not getting this…he won’t even let me try and help.” Pogue hissed as Max once again unleashed his shield only to have it fizzle out. “I feel like I am talking to a wall here.” Pogue huffed.

“Aw poor baby do you want your Lizzie to make it all better?” Faith asked giving him an exaggerated sympathy pout making him growl louder.

“Yes she at least can handle him.”

“No she can’t.” Faith laughed “She has a hard time with his control freak tendencies and his macho me perfect attitude.” Faith said as she watched Max once again fail to keep the green mist up. “Alright this is getting bad.” She sighed.

“I need to do it don’t I?” Pogue asked and Faith nodded patting him on the shoulder.

“As much as you hate it you need to be the mean Pogue.”

“Mean Pogue.” He huffed. “Alright I can do that…” He stopped moving away from Faith his face pinched in discomfort.

“Pogue?” Faith asked gathering Max’s attention.

“Something is wrong.”

“What do you mean?” Faith asked fear clawing in her stomach.

“Liz she is hurt, something is wrong with her head and stomach I can feel it.” Pogue groaned as Max came over to them looking worried.

“What is going on?”

“Liz is hurt.” Faith said helping Pogue sit down as he tried to move away from her to head to the door. “Stay.” Faith said wagging her finger at Pogue who glared back at her.

“Pogue!” Maria hollered running into the ballroom her cell phone in hand looking frantic.

“What happened to Liz?” He asked.

“Reid said that Caleb was using his new powers and he blasted a hole in Liz’s stomach when he knocked her backwards and knocked her unconscious.” Maria rambled her green eyes swimming with tears.

“He what!” Pogue roared scrambling out of his seat clutching his stomach as the pain started to dull. Faith grabbed her coat and chased Pogue out of the house towards her new car forcing him into the passenger seat as she raced down the driveway and out of the gated home towards the Simms home. Faith raced down the winding Massachusetts roads covered in a light dusting of snow as she passed under the wooded roads.

“She is going to be alright Pogue, Mark is not going to let anything happen to her not to mention Caleb and Reid they will make sure she is alright.” Faith whispered as she took a sharp turn fishtailing the car slightly before righting herself.

“I know which is the only reason my best friend is not going to die when I see him, that and I know it was an accident.” Pogue hissed rubbing his head. “She is regaining consciousness.”

“Great we will be there in a moment.” Faith said as she pressed harder on the accelerator.

Reid looked down at Liz and shook his head knowing from his conversation with Maria that Pogue was not going to be a happy camper when he arrived. Caleb was looking over Liz looking exceedingly worried the longer she stayed unconscious. Mark applied balms and herbs to Liz’s wound and fed her a nasty blue liquid with squiggling worm like creatures inside to heal her, since they were witches it was darn hard to kill them but Liz’s wound sure could have been fatal if Caleb, Reid, and Mark had not reacted as quickly as they had.

“Liz!” Caleb shouted when he saw her eyes start to flutter open grinning broadly at her.

“Ow.” Liz whined watching as the grin slipped from Caleb’s face and his brown eyes filled with tears. “Oh no.” Liz said when she saw the tears start rolling down his cheeks. “Caleb…”

“I almost killed my best friend.” He whispered sniffling as the tears started to roll faster down his cheeks.

Liz winced as she tried to move to comfort him but the gaping wound in her stomach made that much more painful and less possible. “Caleb I think you are forgetting that I almost burned you and my boyfriend to a crisp.” Liz said rubbing his arm.

“But Liz you just burned us I shot a hole in you.” Caleb sobbed laying his head on her shoulder. Liz could feel the tears falling onto her neck and cringed.

“What the hell?” Reid asked looking at a sobbing Caleb on Liz. “You broke him!” Reid yelled poking a finger at Liz who just stared at him with wide eyes. “We just fixed him last night and you already broke him!” Reid yelled.

“I did not mean to!” Liz yelled wincing when her stomach was jarred shooting pains through her body, the pain balm was not really helping. Tears swam in her eyes until her first sniffle came and soon Reid had two crying witches on his hands.

“Oh crap.” He groaned. The front door banged open and Faith and Pogue raced inside pushing Reid out of the way.

“What happened? Why are they both crying?” Faith asked rushing to pull a sobbing Caleb off Liz who was now crying as hard as him.

“He hates himself for accidently hurting me and I feel bad that he feels bad.” Liz sobbed as Pogue rushed towards her kissing her forehead wanting desperately to take her into his arms but her sensitive wound was preventing such a bold move.

“Aw sweetie shh it is alright.” Pogue whispered eyeing the wound and Caleb who just looked pathetic. “I take it Caleb is back to kick ass right?”

“He is great he blasted a hole in me.” Liz said wiping at her tears. “See look he did great, I just burnt you all crispy he blasted a hole in me.” Liz said pointing to her belly which now had a newly formed layer of skin thanks to her powers and the magical heal alls. Pogue knew that there was still healing to be done internally but with the skin covering there was less risk of infection and serious complications.

“Caleb man you alright?” Pogue asked.


“What is wrong?”

“I almost killed your girlfriend need I say more?” Caleb asked cuddling closer to Faith hoping she would make it all better. “I hurt her.” He grumbled.

“Get over it already.” Reid huffed. “We have all taken a bite out of each other numerous times we have all almost killed each other. We would not be true witches if we didn’t so stop bitching Caleb and suck it up.” Reid growled shocking the room.

“Wow that was brave of you.” Liz whispered watching as the color rose in Reid’s pale cheeks.


“No you are right I need to stop my whining already.” Caleb said sitting upright. “Sorry Honey Bear.” Caleb said patting her arm.

“It’s alright Care Bear.” Liz said as Mark crept back into the room to check on Liz.

“Liz how are you feeling?”

“Much better, but my stomach is still sore.”

“It will be for awhile.” He nodded. “Caleb, Reid if you two are up for more training it would be a good idea.” Mark hinted and the two nodded.

“Pogue and I can take Liz home if you want.” Faith said and Caleb nodded.

“Great idea.” Caleb said bouncing up from his seat like a spring.

“Way to exuberant.” Faith hissed and Caleb just grinned.

“It’s the magical burst of post coital energy.” Liz hummed as Pogue pulled a face.

“Don’t say coital.”

“Fine it is the post magically induced orgasm burst of energy.” Liz said looking very serious making Caleb laugh.

“Very true you were right Liz it is like this constant high of coffee and sugar with this warm tingle spreading to each limb. I can see why you were so happy.” Caleb grinned.

“Was happy?” Reid raised his eyebrow at his friend shaking his head. “She is like this constant ball of energy. I thought this was supposed to wear off.” Reid grouched.

“Alright Lizzie let’s get you home.” Faith said as Pogue picked her up and carried her out of the house.

“Bye Care Bear, bye my blonde Adonis!” Liz hollered.

“Don’t let Ria hear you say that.” Pogue warned as Liz giggled.

“She would just agree with me.” Liz mumbled. Reid and Caleb watched as the three left feeling better now that they knew Liz was going to be alright.

“Reid what the hell is going on?” Caleb asked when he knew that Mark was no longer within earshot.

“What do you mean?”

“What did Mark give you?” Caleb asked glaring at his best friend daring him to try the innocent act with him.

“Let’s just say I was very convincing when I asked Mark to get something for me.” Reid said.

“Oh no Reid what did you do?” Caleb sighed.

“What I should have a long time ago.” Reid grumbled but he saw Caleb needed more of an explanation than that. “Caleigh and the others don’t know but Tyler came back with bruises a few days ago…”

“What day?” Caleb ground out his teeth grinding together in anger.

“The day our parents filled us in on their little secret.”

“Damn.” Caleb growled. “I knew I should not have let him run home that night, I should have gone with him.” Caleb growled starting darkly down the hall where they knew Mark was waiting.

“I know I felt the same way, I was steamed enough that I had a brilliant idea.”

“Like what?” Caleb asked crossing his arms looking mildly amused.

“Well see I knew I wanted to hurt the old man because I wanted to give Tyler some insurance that if he was upset with his old man he was not going to get his ass kicked. I knew that I had to hide my reasons for hurting Mark though since just sticking up for Tyler was not an option because…”

“It would just make Mark go after him more I know.”

“Right so I said that since he hit Tyler to make his point I figured that was the only way to get a point across to Mark.” Reid grinned watching as Caleb chuckled. “So I told him what I wanted as beat him to a bloody pulp and then left him for his wife to find.”

“What did you ask him to get?” Caleb asked.

“Ah yeah see that was the other problem I had to work out. See Maria had mentioned something to me and it got my gears working…”

“That’s a first.” Caleb laughed ducking as Reid took a swing at him as they moved towards the backyard again.

“Shut up. Anyway I remembered something Maria had said about the shadow world…”

“What?” Caleb asked extending his arm to stop his friend’s movements.

“We were talking about Serena and Chase and how the shadow world is sort of the holding cell for the afterlife.”

“Oh god you didn’t.” Caleb breathed the color draining from his face.

“Yeah I did.” Reid sighed. “I did.”