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Re: Angel Of Silence (AU, M/L, ADULT) Cpt 50 13/Oct/12

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 4:38 pm
by Janetfl
Thank you to Earth2Mama aka Ellie, who is such an awesome beta reader. I can't thank her enough for picking up all my mistakes and making contributions that makes the reading flow better. You're the best!!

Thank you to everyone who left feed back and to all the lurkers out there that read this story.

L-J-L 76

Ginger: Not long now and you'll be able to read it. :wink:
LelaniLarae: Thank you for that very kind comment. I'm glad you enjoy this story. I can't wait to see what story you have in mind ... I just wish I'd thought of that name I like so much!!

Chapter 50

It was a somber group that stood around the grave site of Phillip Evans. Liz had managed to get flights back home the following morning, after receiving the news of his death. His funeral arrangements had been dealt with via Phillip’s lawyer, as per his wishes in his will.

Isabel took the responsibility of informing Phillip’s girlfriend, Melissa, of his death. She couldn’t help think about that meeting while they lowered Phillip’s casket into the ground.

Isabel wrung her hands as she waited for the door to open. It was the type of house people dreamed of when they wanted a family.

“Can I help you?” asked a blonde haired woman, who was hiding half her body behind the door.

“Um, yes, are you Melissa?”


“My name is Isabel and I’m here...”

“I know who you are. What do you want?” asked Melissa, rather coldly.

“Um, would it be okay if I come in?”

Melissa sighed.

“Look, if you’ve come here to have a go at me, save your breath.”

“Um no, it’s nothing like that. I’ve actually got some news for you. Do you mind?” asked Isabel, pointing to inside the house.

Melissa sighed again but opened the door to allow Isabel access.

Isabel was shocked to see the bruising on the woman’s face and suddenly her stomach felt like it had a rock imbedded in it.

“Did he do that to you?” gasped Isabel.

“Yes, why don’t you sit in the lounge,” offered Melissa.

Isabel felt awkward being there after seeing her face.

“Um, I’m sorry to have to tell you this but Phillip died the other night of a heart attack,” said Isabel, as she sat down on the plush sofa. She knew it was a little straight forward but she wanted to get this visit over quickly.

“That was probably my fault. We had an argument about our relationship, he hit me, and I threw him out of the house. You see I have a son from a previous marriage and I wasn’t going to subject him to that kind of violence. Phillip begged me to reconsider but I told him it was over. That was the same night he died.”

“The coroner did an autopsy because he died at his house, alone. He was apparently suffering from heart failure for quite a while; he just never bothered telling anyone about it. I don’t think it’s anyone’s fault.”

“Well, thank you for saying that.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” said Isabel, pointing to Melissa’s face, “but at least you ended it before it affected anyone else.”

“I take it this isn’t the first time he’s done something like this?”

“No, he put my family through hell. The only reason I wasn’t at the receiving end was because my brother protected me. I’ve never forgiven Phillip and I know this might sound awful but I’m glad he’s out of our lives permanently,” stated Isabel, rising to leave.

“I can’t say I blame you for feeling that way. Thank you for coming here to let me know the news. I’m sure that wasn’t an easy decision to make but I appreciate it.”

“You are invited to the funeral if you want to attend,” offered Isabel.

“I don’t think so. I only knew Phillip for a short period of time and after the argument I realized what sort of man I was getting involved with.”

“It’s a shame you can’t hand pick your family isn’t it?” asked Isabel.

“One of your parents must have done something right. You’ve grown in to a beautiful, confident young woman and your brother sounds like an outstanding man, considering everything he’s been through.”

Isabel smiled.

“Yes, he is. Thank you for allowing me into your home. I’m sure that wasn’t pleasant considering the circumstances.”

“What makes the man doesn’t necessarily make the family. It was a pleasure meeting you Isabel. Pass on my condolences to your family.”

“I will. Thank you,” said Isabel, as she left the comfy home.

Liz nudged Max as she noticed the faraway look in Isabel’s eyes.

“Hey, are you okay?” whispered Max.

“Huh? Oh yeah. I was just thinking back to that meeting with Melissa.”

“I can’t believe he started his shit so early on in the relationship, but in a way, I’m glad he did. At least she had a chance to see the darker side before she got too involved.”

“I agree.”

“Well one good thing came out of that meeting,” whispered Max.

“What was that?”

“I know now that no matter what I did or tried it never would have been good enough. It’s not me with the problem but him.”

Isabel smiled.

“So basically, what we’ve been telling you for most of your life?”

“Yeah, that doubt has finally gone and I feel like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders.”

“I understand Max. Although it was awkward, I’m glad I went if it means you’ve got some sort of closure on this.”

After the Priest finished his sermon, many political associates and former clients made their way over to Diane to offer their condolences. Once it was just the family left, Max asked for some time on his own. As he sprinkled soil onto his father’s casket he couldn’t help the snort of derision that came out.

“You always were a bastard but I didn’t think you would subject another family to what you did us. I’m sorry that in your eyes we were never good enough for you but I realized something, it wasn’t us that had the problem, it was you. I will be the better man because when my family needs me, I’ll be there; when my kids are driving me nuts, I’ll show them love and kindness not fists and anger. I’m just sorry you won’t be around to see what a wonderful woman I’ve met. I’m sure she would give you a run for your money. She may be small but she would put you in your place that’s for sure. I hope you’re burning in hell for everything you’ve put this family through.”

Max could finally put his demons to rest as he walked towards his beautiful girlfriend and away from his troubled past.

A week after the funeral the family found themselves sitting around a massive mahogany desk with Phillip’s lawyer, Richard Broadmore, sitting at the head.

“I’m sorry to have to meet you under these circumstances. I know these times are difficult so I’ll just get straight to the reading. I the undersigned, Phillip Evans, hereby leave the family home and my two other properties aboard to Diane Evans. Although we have been divorced for a while I still remember the happier times and this is my way of saying thank you for everything you did while we were married.”

“Oh, well I wasn’t expecting that,” replied Diane.

“To my son and daughter, Max and Isabel, I hereby leave my entire estate to be split equally between both of you. I’ve had a few years on my own to reflect on my life and I realize that I wasn’t a very good father. Max, I hope you can accept my apology for the way I’ve treated you over the years. Now Phillip has made some impressive investments over the years and on his death he gave instructions for those to be sold. His total estate, minus the fee of the broker and of course our fee, stands at around the 3.5 million dollar mark. I won’t have the exact figure until his assets are sold and the broker closes all of the accounts.”

Max and Isabel were speechless. They knew their father had some money but they never expected it to be that much.

“Diane, Phillip gave me instructions to help you sell the properties aboard if you so desire and you could either keep the family home or you can sell it. It’s entirely up to you.”

“Um, do you mind if my family and I have a private moment to discuss it?” asked Diane.

“You don’t have to decide now, just know that Phillip has put in a provision for us to deal with this if you want us to.”

“Just give me a minute with my family and we should have an answer for you.”

“As you wish,” said Richard, as he stood from his chair and made his way out of the conference room.

“Do you want to go home and discuss this or would you rather us clear this up here?” asked Diane.

“Mom, Dad left those properties to you. If you want to sell them all then that’s up to you,” replied Isabel.

“I think it would be best for us to get rid of them all and then I can purchase a new place and have enough money left over to live a comfortable retirement.”

“I would never want to go into those properties again Mom, so I think that’s the wisest decision,” said Max.

“Okay, so I’m going to sell all of the properties and then buy my own place. The money left over should be enough for me to retire on. I’ll be out of your hair in no time.”

“Mom, you’ll always be welcome to stay with us,” said Max

“I wouldn’t have survived these last two years if it wasn’t for the both of you. I can’t thank you enough.”

Richard Broadmore came in not long after they finished their discussion and the meeting was soon concluded. It would take at least a couple of months to sell the properties because besides the family home, one was in the Bahamas and the other in Tahiti.

Max and Isabel would get the cash from the bank accounts in a few days and the rest would follow once all of Phillip’s assets and investments were sold.

It was a shell shocked family that left the lawyers office that day.