If all were Different (AU, CC+, Teen) Thread #1

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Post by Luvya »

destinysucks- that's a great pic as tom.


"I said are you going to give your waitress your order or not?" Kyle asks Max. He seems to be staring off into space.
"Oh yeah... I'll have a men and black pie and a..."
"Cherry soda?" I finished knowing what he wanted almost instently.
"Yeah how did you?"
"You come here every day remember?" I said smiling. Max blushed and Maria's words came back to me 'Max Evans is staring at you...'
"Oh yeah..."
"So Kyle what do you want?" I ask him. Suddenly I get a flash.


"Do you Eliza take Balthard to be your husband"
"I do"
"Do you Balthard take Eliza to be your Wife"
"I do"
"You May now Kiss the bride..." My vails removed to look at my new husband and I see the face of Kyle Valenti.

what was that?

"Oh I'll just get the same order as Max" Kyle says bring me back to 'earth'
"okay 2 cherry cola's and 2 men and blacks coming right up" I say with a forced smile. I walk back to the counter and give my order to Michael hoping that he couldn't sence anything was wrong.


"So Kyle what do you want?" Liz asks Me. Suddenly as I look at her I get a flash.


"Do you Eliza take Balthard to be your husband"
"I do"
"Do you Balthard take Eliza to be your Wife"
"I do"
"You May now Kiss the bride..." I lift the vail to look at my bride. It was Liz Parker.

What the hell? I spot Liz looking at me and I relised her question.
"I'll just have the same as Max" Even though I normally hate Men and Black Pie.
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Post by FallenMagic »

~*~* Maria ~*~*

I have to hold back my smile as I can feel Michael’s gaze on me. Oh, I just love the entire leaning over bit so I can get him riled up. It’s just harmless fun. Knowing he is watching I give the customer an extra bright smile and give him a flirtatious wonk when he asks half-jokingly if I’m available.

Taking his order, I strut over to Michael and place my order down. “Got one more for ya’ big guy.” I sing out, joyously happy for the reason that Michael was glaring at the guy.

~*~* End Maria ~*~*
<center>There are endings and beginnings and then there are Crossroads; and, somehow, in the end all that's left are Pieces Of A Dream</center>
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Post by isabelle »

Okay, I'm thinking it's pretty much about time Max got himself shot here. What do you guys think? I don't know if we want Max to be sitting with Kyle when it happens 'though. Or do we? One of the guys could be on their way to the rest room, maybe, so Liz is closer to Max than Kyle? Or Maybe Kyle dares Max to go TALK to Liz, already? Just a thought. ...


I snatch up Maria's order and stick it to the wheel in my window. I swear she's doing this on purpose, I just don't know why. I guess she likes guys leering at her. Well, she's not gonna catch me doing it. She's not going to get to me. No way.

I pick up another bag of Saturn rings and throw them in the deep fryer. Too late, I realise I've let my emotions take control of me again. The grease splashes and splatters over my arm. It hurts like hell. I draw a breath through bared teeth as I turn away from the dining floor. Nobody-else was in the grill area. They wouldn't see.

I put my hand over it and quickly heal the emerging second degree burns there. I take a deep breath to steady myself, and then grab a towel to wipe up the excess spilled grease before someone (like me) slips on it. I'm glad Dad wasn't back here just now. I'm trying to convince him I'm mature enough for a motorcycle and this little incident certainly wouldn't help.

Liz had been cutting a couple slices of pie, and she stepped over to see what was going on. "Everything okay?" she asks.

"Yeah." I grumble at her. "Just a stupid spill. Not a problem."

Liz nods. I notice then that she still seems to be deep in thought. I suppose it's the adoption mystery she hasn't told us about yet. Doesn't she realize that if she shares it, we can all work on it together? Can't do anything about it now. I turn back to my grill and the next order.



Liz delivers the pies and I try not to smile like an idiot as she puts them on the table in front of us. Kyle pokes at his slice, wrinkling his nose as Liz leaves.

"Why did you order it if you didn't want it?" I laugh.

"I don't know," he says. "I guess I can try something new, once in a while."

I grin at him, and then look over my shoulder at Liz. She's taking an order at another table. A couple of big guys who look like truck drivers. I turn around before she can see me watching and then take another bite of pie.

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Post by Luvya »


"Oh for crists sake just talk to her!" I say after seeing Max stare at her for about the fifth time that mintue. Max turns to stare at me.
"What? You chicken or something?" I taunt.
"Maybe I am" I hear Max mumble.
"Well then I DARE you to go over there" I know Max never turns down a dare (how did you think I got him to go grab our princpal's breifcase and place it in another classroom?)
"Alright, Alright" He gets up and slowly walks over to her- and boy do I mean SLOWLY. I hide a grin and turn back to my meal. Maybe now I can put some tabasco in it....
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Post by isabelle »


I can't believe I'm doing this. Liz is so wonderful. Smart, pretty, everything. What is she gonna think about me interupting her like this? What am I gonna say? I can't believe I'm so nervous.

I'm standing about two feet behind her, when she finishes taking her order and turns around. She almost walks into me, but stops herself just in time.

"Oh, Max!" She says. "I didn't see you there."

She starts to step around me. "Liz," I say, and she stops, looking at me.

"Yes?" she asks, sounding completely unaffected. "Do you need something?"

"No," I tell her, and she starts to turn away again. Quickly, I add, "I just wanted to say-" she turns back. Say what? What do I want to say? "I, uh, I really like ... being your lab partner."

She smiles. "Thanks, Max. I like working with you, too." The two guys who just ordered are raising their voices. It's starting to sound like a fight, and Liz glances at them.

"No," I say, getting her attention again. "I mean, yes. I do. But I ... I really like you, ... too, ... Liz." The customers are really shouting at each other now, I try my best to ignore them.

"Max," she says, but the fighting customers distract her, before she says more.

We both watch as one of the men pulls out a gun. The other one grabs his arm as people scream and duck. Everything seems to be in slow motion. I put my arm in front of Liz, as 'though I could shield her. Suddenly, I lose my balance and I'm falling onto the floor. My hand brushes Liz's unifrom as I fall. I'm lying there on my back on the linoneum, before I realize that I've been shot. There's a strange pressure in my chest that's slowly turning into pain.

I stare at the ceiling, trying to remember how to breathe.

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Post by Luvya »


Oh God. Its total and utter chaos, and then there's a bang. Max is on the ground. Guess it's time to introduce some people to the "I know an alien club" I immedatly go down to try and help Max. I hold him up while Maria and Michael both try and get the crowd of people away.
"MAX!" I hear Kyle yelling in the background but everything closes off as I place my hand where he had gotten shot.
"Come on Max look at me please!" I say desperetly trying to get my lab partner to connect. Finally he looks up and I instently go to work. I then get flashes of Max's past and finally the shot is healed. I then spot a bottle of ketchup near us and spilt it over Max.

"You spilt a bottle of ketchup when you ducked alright?" I asked panicked. Max only nodds as Kyle finally breaks through.

"MAX are you alright?" Max nods his head.

"Yeah I just spilt this bottle of ketchup when I ducked it just splattered all over me" I hear him say as I walk over to Michael.

"That was by far the most stupidest thing you have EVER done" Michael hisses.

"And how different is it from you saving Maria's life?"

"Well disscuss this tonight." Michael says quickly spotting Maria coming over.


Somethings off with Max. I know the gun went off. And I know something happened between Liz and Max I just don't know what. Unless.... Maybe Liz some how healed Max??? I'm not sure but I'm sure as hell going to find out.
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Post by isabelle »

Well, Serena was going to meet up with Tess and Isabel. She could leave Tom and do that, or she could decide to hang with him, instead, I guess. *shrugs*


I'm not sure what happened. I was sure I'd been shot, but Liz said it was ketchup. For a moment, I almost believe her, but I know it's not true. Still, when Kyle asks, that's what I tell him.

Kyle takes my arm, and we go back to our booth. In the space of those few steps, I'm feeling a lot more normal. Still, the pie doesn't seem all that interesting right now. I pick up a wad of napkins and start blotting my shirt.

"You're a mess," Kyle says, eyeing my shirt. "And I think there's a hole in your shirt."

"Oh yeah?" I say, looking. Yup. A little squarish hole from the bullet. "Guess I wasn't paying attention when I got dressed this morning."

"I didn't notice the hole earlier today," Kyle says sounding thoughtful.

"Good," I laugh. "Maybe nobody else noticed either." I really am a mess 'though. I'm covered in Ketchup and maybe blood. "Look Kyle, this isn't working. I think I gotta get home and get a clean shirt."

I put a couple dollars on the table and get up to go.



I can't believe Liz did that. I was out from behind the grill as soon as the screaming started, but I never expected her to do something like that in front of everyone. Fortunately, Max had fallen half under a table. Maria was there, too, and the two of us were able to keep the customers from seeing what really happened.

I hope.

Everyone looks pretty shaken up, and nobody seems to be moving. The two creeps went running out as soon as the gun went off, so they're nowhere to be seen.

Dad comes running out from the office. "What happened?" he demands.

"It's okay, Dad," I tell him. "Nobody's hurt. Somebody had a gun, but it didn't hit anyone."

Dad's eyes widen and he looks all around. "Where where they? Did you see them?"

"Over there," Liz points. "I'd just taken their order."

"Give everyone a free drink, or something. Make sure they're okay, and don't let them go. I'm calling the sheriff," Dad says, and he heads for the phone.

I trade a glance with Liz, hoping she realizes how much trouble this could be. We can't let anyone suspect that anything unusual happened here. Well, anything more unusual than a nut firing a gun in a crowded restaurant.

"It will be okay," she whispers at me.

"It better be," I tell her. I look over and see that Max is getting up to leave. Good. We don't need the sheriff asking him what happened.

Liz and Maria start going down the aisle asking the customers if they're all okay, and if they want a drink, or something while we wait for the sheriff.
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Post by FallenMagic »

isabelle if you want me to change this post just let me know.

~*~* Maria ~*~*

I didn’t even know when the gun went off. One minute I’m standing near the kitchen, giving Michael his order and then next I’m on the floor, with Michael’s arm around me, pinning me down. Dazed I look up when the chaos break loose. I see Liz and Max on the floor and to my horror I see Liz trying to heal Max.

“Liz!” I whisper in shock. Michael also looks stunned and furious. Pushing his arm away, I scramble to my feet and rush towards the gathering crowd who are approaching Liz and Max.

“Calm down!” I yell over the din. “Please, just calm down!”

I glance at Michael to find him hissing something at Liz and I know he’s furious. I’m still in shock over Liz’s actions. It isn’t like her to do something like that. In public! Well…Michael did it to me too, but he’s like that. Not overtly cautious but Liz?!

When Max staggers to his feet I head towards Liz and Michael. I think a referee might be needed. They immediately shut up when I approach. I look at them in exasperation.

“Liz, that has got to be the most stupidest thing you have ever done!” I tell her but with no real anger. Then abruptly I pull her into a hug, holding her tightly. “Are you okay?” I ask, my concern finally showing.

When I feel her nod, I let her go. “We’ll talk later. Right now we need to get the place under control.” I say to them. I look at Michael. “You okay, space boy?” I ask, though I sound calm I am anything but. Just thinking of all that could have happened right now… If it had been Liz or Michael….But it was Max who was shot, Max who’s life Liz saved…

“I’m fine.” He says. I look at him just to make sure and then I nod, saying softly, “Thank you.” And as I quickly head back to help calm the people, I can still feel Michael’s arms around me when he pulled me down.

~*~* End Maria ~*~*
<center>There are endings and beginnings and then there are Crossroads; and, somehow, in the end all that's left are Pieces Of A Dream</center>
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Post by isabelle »

FallenMagic, I loved what you did with Michael. I wish I'd thought of it. I've been kinda waiting for a Liz/Kyle post to go on, but I'll try something quick, here.
Destinysucks, I'm thinking it'll be interesting if Tom and Serena are at the Evans' place when Max wanders in covered in Ketchup. :wink:



I go back to my grill and watch Maria and Liz through the pass-thru window. I can't help but remember how Maria felt when I had my arm wrapped around her, my body over hers on the floor to protect her from the gunfire. Sure, I wanted to protect Liz, too, but Maria was closer and Liz has her alien powers to protect herself, too.

It was only a moment. An instant, before I was up and keeping the customers away from Liz and Max. But that instant is seared in my memory. It felt so right. My arm around her. It felt so right.



I move away from the table, stepping towards the door. I don't know if Kyle's going to come with me or not, and I can't worry about that. I just have to get out of here. It's way too weird. I don't want to have to talk to anyone about it.

Well, there's one person I'd like to talk to about it.

I look over at Liz. She's leaning over a table, calming the customers. She glances in my direction and holds my gaze for just a moment before turning away again. I know I can't talk to her now, but I'm going to have to get her to tell me what she did.

I turn away quickly before anyone notices that I'm looking at her, and then head for the door.

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Post by Luvya »


Okay somethings defently up here. One mintue Max is on the ground the next he claiming that he spilt 'Ketchup' over himself. Sure. I believe that. I defently felt a power splerge. Could Liz have some answers? Maybe I should... Nah must keep an eye on Max first.

I watch him as he stares at Liz for a moment and then quickly looks down. That would have to be the shortest Max gazing at Liz in history. I quickly follow Max out the door.
"Yo Man what's up with you?" I ask him as I follow him out.


With that one glance I felt more than I had in a year. I'm still processing eveything that happened. I SAVED Max Evans. The same Max Evans who's my Biology Partner. Why Did I save him though? That's the question that keeps on going on in my mind. Why? Why? Why?