Loves Awakening Revealed (AU, M/L, ADULT) {COMPLETED}

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Pt 27 p8 April 17

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Part 27 continued

“No, it’s not that. I love seeing you like this. You’re so beautiful and you’re my wife. It just still amazes me that we are really married. We and don’t have to sneak around anymore, and my parents know who we really are. Everything good that has ever happened to me is because of you, Liz. I love you and our family so much,” says Max as he lovingly touches her bare stomach and then takes her still wet body and holds her close to him.

“Max, I’m getting cold. Are you going to get naked and get in that tub with me or do I have to finish enjoying my bath by myself?” asks Liz teasing him with gentle kisses she rains on his face, neck, and then she nibbles on his ear. She continues her nibbling seduction on his ear. She then lets her warm breath blow a little in his ear. She occupies her hands by slowly unbuttoning his shirt, one button at an agonizing time. She whispers in his ear in seductive voice, “So, is my hot sexy husband going to join me in the tub or what?” asks Liz.

“Definitely, but can I bring the cheesecake? We could feed it to each other, and we’re going to be in the tub so there won’t be any mess,” says a hopeful Max.

“Fine, but Max cleaning up any cheesecake mess is half the fun. You know, licking off the cheesecake mess and making sure there isn’t any left on your lips, or around your mouth. Oh I almost forgot about the crumbs. They just seem to go everywhere. One must be thorough in crumb removal,” says Liz giving him a heated stare sure to make the water and Max both heat up.

“Liz, bathtub now!” says Max anxiously getting undressed. His frustration grows while finishing getting undressed and decides the hell with it and uses his powers to free himself from his clothes as he moves closer to his idea of heaven.

“Oh Honey, don’t forget the cheesecake. I’m kind of hungry,” says Liz appreciatively watching him step into the tub handing her the cheesecake as he gets situated in the tub with her.

“God Liz, did you have to say that. You’re killing me here,” says Max groaning at her words just moments ago.

“We may start in the tub, but we are most definitely wind up in our bed later,” says Max. He kisses her with unbridled passion.

“Max, I think we’re in for a long dessert eating, crumb cleaning, and passion filled night,” says Liz gazing into his amber eyes full of love and desire.

“I’m definitely up for that plan,” jokes Max. They remain in the bathtub lavishly feeding each other cheesecake and making love, until the water gets cold. Max and Liz retire to their bed to continue their hot romantic evening in each others arms cherishing their time together. They fall asleep hours later, spent in each others arms in a peaceful sleep.

Meanwhile, across town at the DeLuca House Michael and Maria get settled in for the night able to stay together without fear of her mother’s interruption; or her wrath if she caught them in Maria’s bed definitely in a compromising position. “I’m glad the talk with your mom went well the other night,” says Michael softly sensing that Maria wants to talk about something.

“Spaceboy, are you okay with how things went with telling the Evan’s tonight?” asks Maria.

“Yeah, I’m happy that they took it well for Max and Isabel’s sake. I think deep down I knew that the Evans would be okay with our secret. I’ve been around them enough to know that they really are kind people and they adore Isabel and Max. They’ve always loved them and treated them well….. Maria? Are you okay with the talk you had with your mom and going to the Colony with me?” asks Michael. He runs his fingers through her long blonde hair. Her head rests on his chest as they lie in bed talking and holding each other.

“Michael, the talk with my mom went extremely well since she was thinking about making arrangements for me to stay here alone anyways. This way all the bases are covered and she’s happy knowing that I’ll finish high school and be able to have job skills and maybe even college.
Your name did get mentioned. She wanted to know if we were getting serious. I told her honestly that you’re the only one for me, which is true. We are bonded mates, I left that part out. I didn’t think telling about the alien aspect was a good idea just yet,” says Maria.

“Maria…thank you for understanding me and loving me inspite of myself,” smirks Michael.
“You’re a Goddess for putting up with me half the time,” says Michael.

“Yes, I know that. For once I won’t argue with you on that,” teases Maria. “Seriously Michael, I’m not the easiest person either to be in a relationship with. Thank you for sticking around to find out who I really am, and loving me anyways; and for the spectacular arguments which are followed with equally spectacular other things we do,” blushes Maria as she lay partially across his chest and legs. “No one can make my blood boil or make me want you like the way you do. I didn’t even know that I could feel that way about someone, ever. It may not be romantic ala Max and Liz exactly, but it’s what works for us,” smiles Maria looking into his warm dark brown eyes. “Face it Spaceboy, you’ve been bagged and tagged,” teases Maria. “I love you, and you love me and we are bonded mates and we’ll stay that way.”

“Wait! What did you mean by the bagged and tagged comment?” asks Michael.

“Michael, never mind. Spaceboy, you’re talking again,” says Maria kissing his lips mating them with hers. “I’ll tell you another time. Right now there is entirely too much talk happening in my bed, let’s work on changing that,” says Maria taking in Michael’s heated stare and look of desire on his handsome face. They make love and later awaken to the usual sound of the alarm clock.

“God, I understand why Max blasts those damn things in the morning,” grumbles Michael to himself.

****************At Isabel’s Evans house.
“Alex, its okay. You can use your key and come in. Mom and Dad know all about us now, it’s not a problem. Although we might have to tone down our usual antics in my bedroom, you know volume control etc…Mr. One shoe,” teases a playful Isabel.

“Isabel! I didn’t think my princess would even say anything like that,” says Alex mocking his semi shocked mood. Isabel this feels weird that your folks both know we are here in your bedroom and I’m sleeping in your bed and they’re okay with it. I don’t know if I’m living every teenage guys dream or a bizarre nightmare. I mean it’s great to be with you like this and not having to worry about us getting caught. Another other hand, knowing that they know we are here in this bed together seems unnatural, like I should be sneaking in your room instead. Not that I’m complaining here. I’m certainly not. It’s just kind of a bizarre thing to know that your parents know what we’ve been up to,” explains Alex.

“Alex, Sweetie, are you going to talk all night or are you going to kiss me,” says Isabel as she finishes brushing her long blonde locks.

“You never have to tell me twice Princess,” says Alex as he wraps her in his arms and kisses her breathlessly and makes her dizzy.

“Alex, you’d better help me to bed,” feeling momentarily dizzy. “Wow, now that was an amazing kiss Alex,” says Isabel. A few hours later sunrise peaks through the curtains in Isabel’s bedroom. They hear a knock at the door…

“Isabel? Alex? Breakfast is ready,” says a cheerful Diane. Isabel sleeps curled up in Alex’s arms as they sleep spooning each other. When Diane knocked on Isabel’s door it caused Alex to awaken with a start and instant panic. He releases Isabel abruptly and rolls onto the floor making a large thud noise.

“Alex? Are you okay in there? I’m sorry I didn’t mean to give you such start. Please wake Isabel and come on down for breakfast you two. I made your favorite Alex, you’d better hurry. Before Phillip eats all of my Blueberry pancakes,” says a smiling Diane.

“Princess wake up, come on please. Isabel sweetheart, for me will you open those gorgeous brown eyes and wake up,” pleads Alex. Isabel yawns, and opens her eyes.

“Did you want me to wake up because you wanted to talk; or because my Mom just informed you about the blueberry pancakes she made for breakfast,” asks Isabel playfully. Alex sputters and is taken off guard by her words.

“Princess, you know I love you. You’re my bonded mate, remember. I thought I proved already how much I love you Iz,” says a sincere Alex. “Sweetheart, you do know my weakness besides you,” smiles Alex, “is food. I have to admit I do love good food. It’s a gift, really, an appreciation for fine food, and my beautiful bonded mate.”

“Well since you put it like that,” smiles Isabel waving her hand over her mouth then his and then gives Alex a good morning kiss that curls his toes. “We’d better hurry up and shower and dress. Wait! Shower? No there’s no time. I’ll just use my powers on us to take the alien equivalent of a shower,” says Isabel. She uses her powers again to do her hair and make up with a wave of her hand. Come on Alex, get dressed we have to move fast if we want to see any of those pancakes with my Dad here,” says Isabel smiling and laughing at Alex’s cute klutziness.


“Well, we’re here. Max I really need you to be my rock tonight with my mom and dad. I’m afraid they are going to freak out. My dad, I’m not sure. My Mom, definitely will freak. She’ll think I’ve gone insane. I guess we all might have to put on our own floor show with our powers showing them what we can do. My mom will demand proof. I know her,” says Liz rambling nervously about this talk with her parents.

“Liz, Honey, it’s going to be okay. I love you and I’ll be right by your side the whole time.
I won’t allow anything to upset you or the twins,” says Max stoking her stomach thinking about how amazing it is to have Liz as his wife and pregnant with their children. Max notices two cars pull up beside his. “So are we ready to do this thing, one down and one to go,” says Max looking from Liz’s worried face to the rest of the gang in the other two parked vehicles next to them.

“Hi, Liz and Max. How’s my favorite sister-in-law tonight,” asks a concerned Michael.

“Aside from nervous, I’m okay. Thanks for being here to help out with this,” says Liz.

“Liz, judging from that happy glow on your face I can tell you’re feeling better than okay. You’re just nervous. Liz everyone here tonight is family to you and we all are here for you,” says a reassuring Michael.

“What are we waiting for?” asks Michael let’s go ahead and go up to the Parkers apartment.

“We can’t Michael. We’re waiting for Mom and Dad; they should be here any minute. In fact that’s them pulling in now,” says Isabel smiling and waving at her parents. “Okay, Liz and Maria, you’d better make sure everyone is presentable, this is another big moment. Kyle, could you come here please?” asks Isabel. Isabel looks over her checklist. Okay I think you’ll pass says,” Isabel.

“What? I look fine,” says Kyle bothered by her scrutiny. “Alex, she’s turning into the list Nazi again, help. You’d better get over here, and help calm her down. Isabel needs you Alex she’s getting nervous and stressed out. That’s when she breaks out the lists,” says Maria.

“Okay Iz, take a deep breath and let it out. We’re here and it’s all going to be okay,” says Michael trying to calm his sister’s nerves.

“Here we go,” says Liz looking at her husband and family assembled to support her in telling her parents about who they, Max, Isabel, Michael and she really are.

“Mom, Dad Hi,” says Liz receiving warm hugs and greeting from them.

“Hi kids, Diane, and Phillip. Why doesn’t everyone come in side and tell us what the meeting is all about,” says a warm and welcoming Nancy Parker.

“Jeff, the kids and Diane and Phillip are here,” says Nancy loud enough for Jeff to hear in the other room.

“Good, you’re all here. I have to say Nancy and I have been curious about what this meeting is all about. She said that Liz told her she was okay so were the twins. Everyone let’s get comfortable and take a seat,” says Jeff directing the group to his living room. “Oh and does anyone need anything to drink, coffee, soda’s anyone?” asks Jeff before they start the meeting.
Everyone shakes their heads no, and tell him no thank you.

“Dad, Mom, this is really tough for me…well for all of us to have to tell you. I’m just going to say this straight out and then you can ask your questions at the end okay,” says Liz. Her parent’s nod their acknowledgment. “You see Michael, Isabel, Max, and I have more in common than you think. There really was an alien spaceship or UFO that crashed here in Roswell in 1947 and the four of us were on it. We came from a planet called Antar. I know we don’t look like we could possibly be that old. We are 17 years old just as we appear to be. We were kept in stasis pods which act like incubation chambers. The four of us were to remain there until we reached maturity and released from the pods. Our protector was to watch over us while we remained in the pods reaching maturity. The crash changed that. Our protector had to remove our pods quickly from the crash site before the army discovered them. Our protector’s name is Cal, you’ve already met him as Max’s uncle. He has been watching us from a distance ever since. Cal moved my pod to a different location away from Max, Isabel, and Michael’s pods. He did this to protect us and keep our existence and location concealed from our enemies. All four pods together, when they release their occupants, will emit an energy signature that is unique to us. This signal would let our enemies know that we did survive the crash and reveal our location. I’m telling you this because that’s how my pod came to be at the reservation. Grandma’s friend, River dog, protected my pod and kept it hidden from people. He told Grandma Claudia all about it. He knew she’d understand and keep the secret. Grandma asked for him to call you when I emerged from my pod and tell you that I was abandoned encouraging you to adopt me. I had no memory of that day I emerged from the pods. I did not know that I was a hybrid. That’s what we are. We are a unique species, a blend of both human and alien. There’s more to tell, but how are you guys taking all this? Do you believe me?” asks a concerned Liz reading the expression of both of her parents faces. “Mom?...Dad?... Nancy is frozen by this unexpected information and remains silent as if she’s still hearing Liz’s words replaying in her head making sure she did hear Liz correctly.

“You can’t be serious about this. You’re trying to tell me that you are alien, and so is Max, Isabel, and Michael,” says a disbelieving Nancy. This is a joke right?” asks Nancy only to be met with silence and Liz’s eyes filling with tears.

“No Mom, it’s no joke. It is who we really are. I’m sorry you don’t believe me,” says a tearful Liz finding comfort in Max’s arms that are wrapped around her. Isabel, Alex, Maria, Michael and Kyle all move to Liz and Max’s side offering their silent support. “Dad? You haven’t said anything yet. Do you believe me?” asks a hopeful Liz that at least there’s a chance one of her parent’s will believe her.

“Yes… Honey, I do believe you… I know all about it,” says Jeff with his eyes filled with emotion as his carefully guarded admission is finally revealed.

*****************************To Be Continued*********************************
Off Behr hunting for the amber eyed one

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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Pt 28 p10 April 24

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Thank you Mia Nora for this wonderful Banner, you rock girl. :D

Hi Everyone and Welcome! :D Here's this weeks post. I have a surprise for you, okay no it's nothing bad. I just thought I'd let you all breathe a sigh of releif no cliffie this time. Okay, see some of you might be disappointed. Well, I tried. Just thought you could use a break from the cliffies for this week. I hope you all enjoy this next part. Welcome to any and all new readers. FYI I update once a week on Saturdays. So I hope that helps. I started posting this story in October 2003 so far I haven't missed a weekly post yet. I hope you like this next part. Have a great weekend and enjoy... Oh please do leave feedback, it's how I know how I'm doing for you guys, okay. Thanks! Your support and feedback means everything to me. You guys are the best, but that's pretty much true of all Roswellians, right! :wink:

p.s. Please do vote for this round of fan fics. First you have to read the rules and post a reply. Then vote. We authors love to be nominated and love the acknowledgement since this is something we do as a labor of love and in our spare time for free. Also there are some awesome artists out there that make amazing banners who also deserve to be acknowledged. So please do read the rules and vote. Even if you don't choose to nominate this story, please do nominate the other authors and their works. It's so important... Thanks for your time. :D

roswellluver-Hi Thanks for reading. I appreciate your regular support. It means a lot. Yes, Diane and Phillip did come around and their support is most helpful, especially now. You have to read this weeks part to find out how Jeff knew. Thanks again for your reading and feeding I appreciate all the support and interest. Many thanks and take care.

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley! (Nora waves) Hmm. You’ll have to read this new part as to why Jeff knows, okay. I promise it is discussed. The Evans are wonderful people they did take the news well, didn’t they. It’s fun to see Alex, Michael, and Kyle share the same love of food. It must be true. The way to get to a man is through his stomach. In this case these guys are so bagged and tagged. LOL!!! Mr. Evans and Alex are cute totally sharing the love of food and Isabel. They are too cute. Well, as for how well Mrs. Parker takes this news…. Well, you have to read it. It’s in this part I promise. It’s always a pleasure to read your feedback. Thanks for taking the time to read my story and leave feedback. It really does mean so very much to me. Thank you, girl!

LoveIsForever- I’m sorry last weeks post was late. I’m flattered that you’d want to reread my story while you’re waiting me to post the next part. Diane had a hard time at first trying to process this amazing information. Yeah seeing all the men give Liz puppy dog eyes was cute. It’s nice that Alex and Phillip have that in common, the love of good food and Cheesecake. LOL!! Thanks for your comments about Nancy Parker. I wanted to try and make her reactions and comments are somewhat realistic. Yes, Liz is scared about telling her parents, but she has the love and support of Max, and her extended family and her in-laws. You gotta love that part. Go team Liz!! Thanks for reading and leaving your always incredible feedback, it’s a privilege to read, Thank you

Roswellian504- Hi, I’m glad you’re back. Thanks for reading and leaving your feedback. I love reading it. Excellent question about Jeff knowing and about why didn’t Nancy know about it.
Okay, gees so many questions. I love it. Okay, 98% of those questions will be answered in this part, so I can’t answer those ones now. Just read this weeks post okay. They’ll be leaving for the Colony very soon, on Friday in the story. You’re going to be happy in this new part it’s about three more pages longer than the last part. I think you’ll like where this one leaves off. No angsty stuff to leave you hanging on ….this time anyways. Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

Kitkat405- Hi Cassie! Is this Cassie from the spare Behrs? Sorry, I had to ask. Thanks so much for the compliments. I always thought the Evans and the Parker should’ve been brought on board with the alien secret much sooner than on the show. Ah…how is Jeff included in this, well you have to read this weeks part to find out. I’m getting them headed in the direction of leaving for the Colony they’re almost there, but not yet. Thank you for the great comments it helps me to keep up the efforts writing. It does mean a lot. Thank you, I’m glad you’re enjoying the story so far. Thanks for reading and I look forward to reading what you think about the new part. Have a great weekend, and take care.

Ash_maxliz- This does feel funny being the one to throw you a curve ball with me as the writer and you as the reader. Yeah the Evans did take the news very well. Yes, you’re right I’ll let you know in this part as to how Jeff knew. Yeah that case of cedar oil is looking better all the time isn’t it. I still say we have to split it, or maybe chocolate or something. LOL!! Damn, I hate it when RL is a pain in the granolith, it totally sucks doesn’t it. Hang it there girl. Is this about Uni or whatever? If I can help just pm, email, or instant message me I’m usually online. I live there LOL!!

Frenchkiss70- Hi! Thanks for reading and posting feedback, I love it and it does mean a lot, so thank you. I’m afraid I can’t answer your other questions without ruining this next part, so you might want to just read it. I’m glad the Evan’s did take the news so well. I always liked them and thought they should’ve been told much sooner. Thanks for reading and it’s really fun to read your feedback. It’s one of this weeks highlight, thanks. Take care.

Dreamer 4 Ever- Hi Jen (Nora waves) it’s great to hear from you. Lucky you, going to the Tribeca Film Festival. Yes, I’d dearly love it if you emailed any pics of our amber eyed one to me. I can’t wait to hear about the Tribeca Film Festival. So definitely email me any pics and details. Remember, I’m stuck in Oregon so I have to live vicariously through you, okay. I hope you’re enjoying the story so far. I think you’ll like this next part too. Oooh a new Nick video is up? Okay, I missed that part. Darn, is there a link so I could check it out. You can get back to me on that. Take care and have fun Behr hunting, I only wish I could be there with you guys.

Cherie- Hi (Nora waves) I’m glad you laughed at the Nick quote. I knew I just had to work that into my story some how when he said that at BAT. He’s just too damn funny and that line was great, so I had to borrow it. The Evans did take the news well. I always felt that they should’ve been told about it much earlier in the show. I really love my Diane and Phillip they’re great people. Yeah, Jeff’s was a shocker, huh. Well you’ll get to find out about that in this part as to who and how he found out and if he knew about the others it’s all covered in this weeks post. See I learned from Wayne, WR, one of my favorite people and writing mentors. He’s taught me well. I always try to learn all that I can from the best I can. So my many thanks go to Wayne, and my other friend Carol000/aka space mom for mentoring me on my first writing attempt. Oh you go girl, have fun at Tribeca, and please I’d dearly love to have you email any pics you get of the amber eyed Behr one. Have a safe trip and remember to bring lots of film.

AKJ001- Hi ! Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate them soo much. Yes the Evans did take the news very well. Now as for Jeff, well you have to read in this weeks post to see how he takes the news from Liz. I’m really happy to have you reading my story and leaving feedback. I love reading your comments. Thanks for your words of encouragement they mean a lot.

Majklmoon-Hi Majik. Thanks for the compliments. I love reading your stuff too. I’m behind on my reading, but I swear I’ll work on getting caught up after I post mine and I swear your story is at the top of my list and I will definitely leave feedback. So you like what you’re reading so far of my story, then. Wow!!! Thanks… Take care.

Sylvia37- Hi Sylvia!! It’s nice to see you here again, welcome back. Me? Love cliffhangers, no they drive me crazy to read. You know that I’ve pmed and posted you plenty of feedback about that sort of thing. I know its funny the irony. I don’t think of them as cliffhangers that I write. Although, they do make it more interesting doesn’t it. Okay, so it’s Wayne’s (WR’s) influence on me that’s it, yeah you can blame him. I do have a surprise for you this part…shush! It’s a secret no cliffie in this one. See I’m being nice…this time. LOL!!!

Smac- Hi welcome! (Nora waves) Thanks so much for reading my story and posting your feedback. I love to hear from new readers, it encourages me to keep at it. I’m glad you’re enjoying all the funny parts I’ve written for the characters. I’m happy to hear the funny parts that I thought were funny were received that way. My sense of humor people either like it or just don’t get it. I’m glad you do get it. It’s probably obvious to you that I’m a first time writer. It’s true this is my first fan fic so this is all new territory for me, but my love of Roswell is not new. I’m happy to hear that you love my Max and Liz and the way I’ve written them. I’m a dreamer fan that much I’m sure is obvious, but I try to write all the characters as I feel that they should’ve been written. I even made Isabel nice, funny, and best friends with Liz and Maria. Which is how I thought it should’ve been on the show. I mean heck, they already new the big secret why not be friends. At least you know they like you for you, right. I love all these characters and wanted to write them in a way that honors best elements of Roswell and builds on them sort of my homage to the show and the characters I grew to love and care about. Okay, so I love Max/Jason more than the others. It’s hard not too. LOL!!! I did meet Nick, Majandra, deputy Hanson, and Melinda Metz in person. All are very nice people. I’d have to say Nick was my favorite though, since I got to talk to him the most. Great guy and wicked sense of humor, gotta love that. I hope you’ll enjoy this new part and I’m really looking forward to reading your feedback in the future. Welcome aboard!!! Thanks for Visiting! A little roswellian humor there.
Take care.

Now on with this weeks part, let me know what you think, okay. :wink:

Part 28

Last time we left off with Liz telling her parents ………………………

“You can’t be serious about this. You’re trying to tell me that you are alien, and so is Max, Isabel, and Michael,” says a disbelieving Nancy. “This is a joke right?” asks Nancy only to be met with silence and Liz’s eyes filling with tears.

“No Mom, it’s no joke. It is who we really are. I’m sorry you don’t believe me,” says a tearful Liz finding comfort in Max’s arms that are wrapped around her. Isabel, Alex, Maria, Michael and Kyle all move to Liz and Max’s side offering their silent support. “Dad? You haven’t said anything yet. Do you believe me?” asks a hopeful Liz that at least there’s a chance one of her parent’s will believe her.

“Yes… Honey, I do believe you… I know all about it,” says Jeff with his eyes filled with emotion
as his carefully guarded admission is finally revealed.


“What do you mean that you know all about it? How? Who told you?” “Grandma Claudia, right? It had to have been her,” says Liz surprised by this revelation.

“Yes, it was Grandma Claudia, Liz. Mom told me that night we brought you home. She waited until Nancy went to sleep. Mom explained how she and River Dog took care of and watched over your pod for forty years waiting for your emergence. One day, River Dog discovered you outside your pod. He called Mom right away and had her come to the reservation. She was already in New Mexico on research for an upcoming archeological dig. Mom knew right away who should raise you. Although Grandma Claudia told me that you’re alien, I never noticed anything alien about you. She did make me promise that Nancy and I would never leave Roswell. She was adamant about that. Mom insisted it was imperative that you be raised here in hope the others of your kind could find you. Mom thought it was likely that the others would stay here seeking out their lost member. I thought mom was wrong and never thought anything about it again, until now. It all seemed kind of out there, but Mom always was a trailblazer; one to believe in what was possible, rather than probable,” says Jeff.

“Jeff, you knew all this and you kept this from me all these years! How could you? I can’t believe this,” exclaims an angry Nancy.

“Well, I guess this makes us even. You kept Liz’s wedding day from me, Nancy!” shouts an angry Jeff.

“Yeah, well that was different, and you know it! Besides you know now, and you’re okay with it,” defends Nancy.

“So now you know this secret too, so there. Consider the memo delivered, deal with it,” says a furious Jeff.

“Mom…Dad…hi, alien daughter here. Remember, I kind of thought you’d rather talk and ask us questions instead going ten rounds with each other,” says Liz trying to stop her parents heated discussion. Her parents continue to argue not hearing Liz’s attempt to interrupt them.

“Oh, like you would’ve believed me if I told you what my mother told me about Liz. I hardly think so. Just now you told Liz you didn’t believe her and thought she was joking. Clearly you aren’t ready to hear any of this. That’s why Mom and I never told you,” explains a fuming Jeff.

“Max, Honey, I think we need to use some of Isabel’s tactics here for ending arguments. Except that you and I’ll have to provide the power source. Come on; let’s use our shield to separate them. That ought to make them stop or at least shock them in to stopping so we can talk to them,” suggests Liz.

“Sure Babe, it’ll be fun. You know this will bring up the discussion about our powers, right?” says Max.

“Exactly! Then they’d have to stop yelling at each other. Besides, you know we’ll have to talk to them about our powers sooner or later, that part is inevitable,” says Liz. “Okay, ready Max lets show them our shield,” says Liz. Max and Liz touch their tattooed palms together and hold hands. They focus their powers effortlessly to deploy the eerie green transparent cylindrical shield.

“What the heck is that?” startles Nancy looking at the shield, then to Max and Liz. She’s stares at them as if they really are aliens and from another world. “Oh my God, Jeff did you see that? Get back,” warns Nancy.

“Nancy, it’s still Liz and Max. Quit acting so weird towards the kids you’ve known since they were just young children. I’m sorry, kids. She’s just a little on edge right now,” reassures Jeff. “That’s pretty cool. What exactly is that you just did?” asks a now fearless but curious Jeff.

“Dad, this is called a shield. Only Max and I are able to create this. It’s just one of our special abilities or powers. We each have our own powers and only use them when necessary. Even Alex and Maria, both human by the way, have powers. It’s a long story, they were genetically enhanced to be compatible and compliment their bonded mate’s abilities. By bonded mate we mean that Alex’s mate or hybrid wife is Isabel, and Maria’s bonded mate or hybrid husband is Michael,” replies Liz.

“You mentioned that each of you have different powers. Like what for example?” asks Jeff as Nancy still stares in amazement and partially in fear. Nancy observes Diane and Phillip seem curious and calm about this display.

“Well, Max’s able to heal, do the shield, move objects with his mind, manipulate molecular structure of things, and use a burst of concentrated power, much like a blast.. I can do all those things, but my healing powers aren’t as extensive as his. My specialty is seeing future and past events by getting images from objects or people that I touch. Also, I can blast objects with laser like beam precision. Michael can blast, too. He also has stealth like sneaky mode he can utilize to approach people and remain unseen. Maria can blast and do some of the usual things we all can. Isabel’s special abilities are dream walking and reading people’s emotions, along with the usual powers that we all seem to have. Alex, as her bonded mate, has some of Isabel powers. Alex and Maria are both genetically enhanced so they can amplify their mate’s powers, sort of like a battery reserve or power boost. All of us, but Kyle can communicate telepathically. Kyle doesn’t have any powers or abilities…yet. He’s supposed to meet someone at the Colony and maybe find the one he’s supposed to be with. Kyle’s a very good friend and a welcomed addition to our extended family. I think that’s pretty much the cliff notes version of our powers. How are you doing with this news, Dad? Mom?” asks Liz watching and reading each of their faces carefully.

“I have to admit Honey that, uh shield of yours is quite the show stopper. I’m curious about all of that. I’m not afraid of your powers. I mean you’re still the same kids that I’ve known since forever,” says Jeff.

“Liz, is that why you haven’t been to the doctor with the pregnancy? Can your kind give normal birth outside the pods, I mean?” asks a curious and spooked Nancy. She is still unsure if this isn’t just some kind of elaborate practical joke being played on her.

“Yes Mom. Max and I think it would be best to wait until we get to the colony where doctors are familiar with both Antarian and hybrid pregnancies. Max is able to use his powers to check on the health of the babies,” says Liz with a gentle smile. “We already are getting to know the twins. Mom, they are so bright and loving. We love them so much already and knowing their personalities and seeing them is so special. It makes me feel lucky to be a hybrid to do those things and share them with Max. I’m not ashamed of being a hybrid, Mom. It’s who I really am,” says Liz unafraid of her mother’s disapproval.

“Is this something that Max did to you, making you a hybrid?” asks Nancy struggling to grasp this revelation of Liz being an alien hybrid.

“Mrs. Parker, I did not make her a hybrid. She was one of us from the start. Liz’s memories were repressed so that she wouldn’t recall any of her alien side until after our bonding ceremony. It’s the equivalent of an alien wedding ceremony, but very different than what we had at the courthouse,” assures Max earning him a round of laughs from everyone other than the parkers in the room.

“Mom! He didn’t make me a hybrid. I was born that way. All Max has ever done is heal me and love me completely. Do not accuse or insult him, Mother,” says Liz coolly as a warning. Diane and Phillip decide it’s time for them to step in and try to calm things down before things get out of hand.

“Nancy and Jeff, we understand what a shock this news can be to hear at first, but please understand that they are still our children and we love them. You’re happy about Liz and Max’s marriage and about the twins, why not embrace this news as well. Nancy and Jeff please listen. Our kids need all of our love, support, and understanding especially now,” says Diane urging
them to listen, especially Nancy. “The kids all came over to Max and Liz’s last night and they all told us the same news your hearing tonight. So we have had a little more time than you to process this news. One thing remains true through it all. They are our kids that we chose to take into our homes and into our hearts. We know who they are and who we’ve taught them to be. There’s nothing to fear from them or their powers. In fact, I cut my hand really bad last night at Max and Liz’s. I would have needed a few stitches, but Max used his healing powers and healed my badly cut hand. It was completely healed and the skin was unblemished, as if it never happened. They are an incredible group of young people,” defends Diane.

“You mean that you and Phillip are okay with the kids telling you that there are actually aliens,” says Nancy still getting used to the idea.

“Yes, after all they are still our kids and that hasn’t changed. Nancy, you can’t tell me that you aren’t proud of the people they’ve become. I mean just the other day you were bragging to me about how happy Max has made Liz, and how you think he’s the perfect son-in-law,” states Diane.

“Oh God, not another Max worshipper,” says Kyle rolling his eyes in sarcasm. “What? Did I say that out loud? Gees, I was just kidding. You know, trying to lighten the moment here people,” says Kyle with his usual flair.

“What Kyle means is this doesn’t have to be anything bad. It’s all up to you. Mr. and Mrs. Parker, you’ve know me forever. I’ve been Liz and Maria’s childhood best friend. I even think of them as my sisters. There’s nothing for you to be frightened of with us. None of us are planning to take over Earth or anything like that. You now have irrefutable proof that aliens do exist, and we ask that you please keep the secret,” says Alex.

“Keep this secret, why?” asks Nancy not understanding the underlying concern.

“Mom, the government would be extremely interested in taking us into custody and treating our entire group like lab rats to experiment on and torture for information. Just the fact that you’re our parents and we’re alien could put you at risk. The government may see us all as threats to national security to justify any actions they take, no matter how extreme or deadly. That is why I’m begging you to please keep this secret, my family’s secret. Please mom, if you’ve ever cared for me as your daughter, please do this for me. If not for me, then for your unborn grandchildren,” says Liz with tears pooling in her eyes ready to stream down her delicate pretty face.

“Nancy if you ever do anything to put any of these kids and my grandchildren in any danger I’ll never forgive you, ever,” says Jeff feeling unsure of his wife’s comprehension and true feelings after her initial shock of hearing the news.

“Oh my God, you mean there are people in our government that would do such a thing to a bunch of kids,” exclaims a horrified Nancy. “Of course I’ll keep your secret. I didn’t mean to make everyone think that I’d turn you in… God, no never! Liz, I’m so sorry this news was much more of a shock than having Max ask about marrying you. I sort of anticipated that conversation at some point. But this… there was no way of anticipating this type of topic of conversation. Forgive me everyone, I did freak out there. I just have so many questions swirling around in my brain right now trying to process all of this. Liz, Max, I’m so sorry kids. I didn’t mean to hurt you by my reaction. I’m not rejecting you at all. It’s just such an amazing thing to have someone I know and care about tell me and prove to me. Can you understand my reaction?” asks Nancy imploring them to see she reacted out of shock and fear of the unknown. She now sees that everyone is right. These are the same kids that she’s always known. They have always proved to be nice decent people, the same people she thought of as an extended family. It’s just that now she has a little more info about them and understands a new facet of each of their personalities. This makes them seem even more amazing and interesting as individuals and as a group of young people. “I have one really big question right now and I want to know the whole truth. No more hiding anything back okay,” says Nancy waiting for everyone to acknowledge they understand and will be honest. The group all nods nervously awaiting Nancy’s question. “Are there any more secrets of this kind, at all? If so, let’s get it all out right here and now, please; if you don’t mind,” states a Nancy with a relieved sigh that she was able to ask her question.

“Mom, yes there is more. Max and I and the others are all part of a prophecy. We must prepare to fight our enemy Smitak who is coming to Earth. He’s after two other of our enemies that we have defeated and he will seek us out now as well. He plans to take over Earth and our home planet Antar. Our group is known as the Destined 6.1. We must leave Roswell at the end of the week. We have a duty to both worlds. As the leaders of Antar, we must prepare our people at the Colony to ready ourselves for the battle to come with Smitak. That’s why we are telling you about our secret. We couldn’t find a way to explain to you why we suddenly left town. So we opted that it was time that Max’s and my parents know. We’ll miss school but not to worry, Cal is getting the curriculum from West Roswell and he made arrangements for us to all be tutored in our studies. We will be gone for a while. How long we don’t know for sure, but we will return to Roswell when it’s safe to do so; only after we have defeated Smitak. You’ll probably have to cover for us at school saying that we went to finish our junior year in another state staying with an aunt or uncle. We’ll talk to the school tomorrow and let them know that’s where we’re going. I’d appreciate if both sets of parents could tell the school something along those lines backing up what we tell them. It’s important not to raise too many questions as to where we are. Mr. and Mrs. Evans, Mom and Dad, can you do this for us, please,” asks Liz after her explanation.

“Yes, of course Liz. Anything you and Max need done we’ll take care of for you. All you have to do is just ask,” says Diane smiling at her daughter-in-law, then to her son, daughter and then Michael.

“Thanks so much,” says Liz as she goes to Mr. and Mrs. Evans and gives them hugs for their unwavering support and love.

“Mom…Dad? Can you help us with the school and anyone that asks about us. Will you back up our official story, too?” asks Liz biting her lower lip nervously.

“Yes, of course Honey. All I ask is that Max looks out for my girl and the precious cargo. Something tells me that won’t be a hardship for Max at all,” says Nancy now embracing Liz in a hug of acceptance and love. “Oh come here, you too Max,” Nancy includes him in her hug as well. You know what, now that I think about it. I think I feel somewhat relieved to know that my daughter, her husband, their friends, and family are able to look out and defend themselves. That gives me as a mother some sense of relief,” says Nancy warming to the idea and becoming receptive to the kids confession.
“Okay, so were all good then with this topic of aliens among us then,” says Alex waiting for everyone to nod yes. I don’t know about anyone else, but all this talk has made me hungry. Liz did mention earlier that you wanted to try out a new cake recipe. Alex Whitman here reporting with a smile on my face for Taste Testing duties, Mrs. Parker,” says Alex with goofy smile and puppy dog eyes.

“Hey Whitman! You’re not the only one who wants to…uh help out Mrs. Parker with the taste testing,” says Kyle. “Kyle Valenti is at your service. My stomach is all yours, Mrs. P,” says Kyle giving her the same puppy dog eyes.

“Oh and I think I’d better join in on the taste testing just to make sure you get an accurate broad spectrum taste appeal,” says Michael trying to sound scientific as he reaches for the delectable chocolate torte cake and his own bottle of Tabasco sauce he keeps with him.

“Ah…Nancy, could I…uh…be a taste tester too, that cake looks amazing. If it tastes half as good as it looks, it’ll be a keeper to add to the Crash Down’s menu for sure,” says Phillip.

“Yes, of course, Phillip the more the merrier. Anyone else for cake?” asks a smiling and more at ease Nancy. Liz, Isabel and Maria stand together watching their men get their cake. They shake their heads.

“Well, it’s true, the way to a man’s heart is through their stomach,” comments Diane and Nancy nodding their heads in agreement as they watch the girls watching the guys get so excited about her cake. “Oh my God, did I just see Michael and Max put Tabasco sauce on their cake. Yuck!” says Nancy unfamiliar with the Tabasco sauce must have on all foods that the aliens eat.

“Oh that’s right, you didn’t know about that. They all like everything very sweet and spicy. It’s sort of a dietary quirk,” informs Diane.

“Well, that explains why Liz always liked spicy foods, ice cream, and chocolate. Lately, she’s been eating tons of Tabasco sauce on everything I’ve noticed,” says Nancy.

“Mom! I’m right here. I can hear you. I’ll tell you that I started eating food with Tabasco sauce on it after Max and I bonded. Now with the pregnancy, my body seems to demand more of it,” explains Liz to her mom and mother-in-law.

Maria opens her connection to Liz and Isabel, ‘Her increased demand for Tabasco sauce isn’t the only noticeable increased cravings she’s had. Have you noticed how she and Max glow, shamelessly. God, those two are trying to set a world record for love making,’ says Maria trying to embarrass her friend and make her laugh.

‘Maria!’ exclaims Liz. ‘That’s none of your business,’ says Liz blushing furiously trying to hold back her laughter at Maria’s comments through their shared telepathic connection.

‘Maria!’ says Isabel. ‘That’s my brother and sister-in-law you’re talking about! I so do not need those visuals in my head okay,’ says Isabel telepathically.

Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Evans notice Liz blushing and staring at each of her friends as if they’re having a silent discussion. Then they notice Max stop what he’s doing and look at Liz. Both begin to blush uncontrollably.

‘Hang in there Babe. I’ll be there in a second to rescue you from Maria and her antics,’ telepaths Max.

‘Thanks Honey, I was missing you anyways,’ telepaths a smiling Liz.

“Liz what just happened with you girls now, and then with you and Max?” asks a curious Nancy. This causes the girls to all blush furiously and turn away. Max overhears this and starts sputtering and coughing from the piece of cake in his mouth.

Max telepaths Alex and Michael, ‘Help me! Change the subject or something fast! Please guys’.

“Mrs. Parker, ah…do you think you could give Isabel the recipe for this cake? It’s really fantastic,” states Alex.

“Yeah, I…I’d like the recipe too,” says Michael. “I’ve been thinking of trying out a fancy cake recipe just to see if I could make it,” says Michael. Phillip hears that Michael wants Nancy’s cake recipe.

“Oh, please give him the recipe, Nancy. Our Michael here is an amazing chef. He’s very impressive and skilled in the kitchen,” says Phillip. “He cooked for us two nights in a row and needless to say I’m a big fan of his cooking now,” says Phillip singing Michael’s culinary praises.

Max telepaths Michael, ‘Thanks bro, I owe you one.’

Michael telepaths back, ‘I’ll hold you to that. Perhaps much later when Maria gets around to telling her mom. I may need you to save me from her wrath. I think I’ll take a page out of your book and get married to Maria by Earth customs before telling her. It might make my survival rate go up, ’jokes Michael with his short smirk and cocky smile.

‘Have you talked to Maria about getting married yet?’ asks Max through their connection.

‘We’ve sort of hinted at it after our bonding ceremony, but I have a feeling that there will be two more married couples in the family after we deal with Smitak,’ telepaths Michael.

‘Well, I’ll be there for you if you need my support Michael, when the time comes that is,’ Max telepaths. These two friends by choice and brothers by birth exchange knowing grins of support and unrivaled loyalty of the other. The diversion of the recipe got the mothers off the topic of why the kids were blushing and what they were all saying to each other telepathically. After dessert, the gang and the parents sit around and savor the relaxed manor now with the burden of hiding their secret lifted from their shoulders. This of course doesn’t include the embarrassing telepathic discussions, which are strictly exempt. Max and Liz talk excitedly about what Cal has shared with them about the Colonists.

“When we arrive at the colony, one of the first things on my agenda is to have Liz checked out by the doctor. I want to know how things are going along and what is to be expected for us during the pregnancy. I want to be present when Liz goes to see the doctor and ask some of my own questions,” says Max beaming talking about Liz, the pregnancy, and their babies still safely cared for in Liz’s womb.

“See, Diane. Didn’t I tell you he’s the perfect son-in-law. You and Phillip raised him right and it shows in how he takes care of my Liz. I’m probably one of the few mother-in-laws you’ll ever hear bragging about her son-in-law,” says Nancy taking in the way Max cares for Liz and vice-a-versa.

“We feel pretty fortunate to have Liz as our daughter-in-law. She’s a great girl and really has made Max so happy and come out of his shell. He’s really sort of come to life since Liz came into his life. Liz has been a great friend to Isabel for years now and it’s nice to see. I’ve never seen a group of kids be as close as they are. They are so lucky to have each other, especially since they’ll be away from us for a while no telling how long. It makes me feel better just knowing that,” says Diane in a thoughtful mood.

“Liz, I forgot to ask. How long is a hybrid pregnancy?” asks Diane and Nancy both listening intently for Liz’s answer.

“Well, uh…you might want to sit down for this part,” urges Liz.

“Oh it can’t be that bad, Liz. Come on,” says Nancy.

“If you’re sure you really want to know. It’s any where from 9 months to 13 months,” says Liz wincing waiting for their response.

“What? I’m sorry did I hear you right? I didn’t, did I Nancy? Did Liz just say 9 to 13 months?” asks a flabbergasted Diane.

“Max! My God she’s going to be pregnant that long and with twins. You had better treat her like a queen,” says Nancy with Diane nodding in agreement.

“I always treat her that way. But you’re right, she’s definitely getting extra attention from me with lots of spoiling along the way,” says Max as he looks at Liz giving her one of his secret smiles he holds only for her.

Liz beams up at Max, “I think I can stand to get some of that spoiling starting now. I hate to be a party pooper but the twins and I need our rest. It’s been a long day for all of us. I hope you don’t mind if Max and I call it a night, Mom,” says Liz innocently.

“No, of course not Honey. You two go on home. We can handle everything here,” says Nancy giving Liz and Max a good bye hug. Max and Liz say their good byes to the Evans and the gang. Michael, Alex, and Kyle can’t resist telling Max how to take care of Liz as they hover over her asking her if her feet need rubbed and how’s she feeling and asking if she ate enough food.
“Gees, Mom see what I have to deal with. Max is plenty protective and takes great care of me. You can just see how bad Alex, Michael, and now Kyle are with me being pregnant. They seem to think they all have dibs on hovering over me. They are like the hybrid alliance pregnancy police or something,” says Liz rolling her eyes. “Not that I don’t love all of you guys, it’s just a little less hovering might be nice too. Mom it’s like I suddenly have three brothers, with Michael, Alex, and now Kyle hovering over me when Max isn’t around me,” says Liz.

“Gee thanks Liz, after one look at your soul mate, Max, I’m suddenly reduced to brother material now. Oh how the mighty have fallen. And to think I was the big man on campus too. Oh well, those were the glory days,” jokes Kyle. “Now I’m just part of a prophecy and helping my extended family take on an alien bad ass to save Earth and Antar. Hmmm, now that I think about… I think it’s a promotion,” smiles Kyle. “Maybe one of the ladies at the Colony would be appreciative of such a stud like me,” grins Kyle.

“I don’t know, Kyle. Hybrid women seem to be more advanced than your typical average human girls,” states Alex teasing Kyle. “Don’t be offended Maria, I did say typical and average human girl. You’re none of those things, okay girlfriend,” Alex Adds.

“Thank you Alex, for clarifying that,” says Maria.

“Good for you men, keep up the good work,” says Jeff padding each of the guys on the back. “You’re considered family now, looking out for my Liz, the babies, and Max. I’m glad to know that you guys all look out for each other so well,” adds Jeff.

“Well guys, it’s getting late and we need our rest. Good night,” says Liz and Max waving their good byes as they walk to the jeep. Max lovingly helps Liz into her seat and makes sure she has secured her seat belt before driving home. Max’s cell phone rings.

“Hello. Hi, Cal. What’s going on? Yes, we can meet you at the school tomorrow morning regular time. Great, you’re going to help us with the school expediting our excuses and getting our course curricula for the remainder of this term and the next. That’s great! We can use the help to make this seem as ordinary as possible, thanks Cal. We’ll see you tomorrow then. Yes, Liz and I will tell the others. So, we still leave Friday right. Right, okay what time then Friday? Oh, Friday at 5pm. Yeah, that’ll give us all time to get things in order. Thanks again Cal, see ya tomorrow. Bye,” says Max.

“We had better teleconference the others right now, so they can tell our parents as well. I’m sure our parents will want us to have some sort of get together for lunch to say good bye,” says a quiet Liz.

“What’s wrong Liz?” ask a concerned Max.

“I guess just knowing we’re down to the final hours before Friday gets here and we have to leave. I’ll miss our parents Max. I’m going to miss our home. We should probably ask your mom and dad to check in on it for us while we’re gone. We have so many great memories in our home, Max,” says Liz already feeling homesick.

“Liz, let’s spend our remaining time together when we aren’t at school. We can still spend time in our cabin before we have to leave. We can enjoy making new memories that will be there for us to come home to later, after we’re finished with our official duties,” says Max.

“I’ll miss our cabin. You’re my home Max. Wherever, you are…is home to me. As long as we are together that’s what matters to me,” says a tearful Liz.

“I feel the same way. Come on we’re home, let’s get you in there and see about that foot rub,” smiles Max after parking the jeep and hurrying around to help Liz out of her side of the jeep.

“Okay, but I need to take care of some official business and let the others know about what Cal told us,”

“No! Liz you’re tired, let me do it,” says an assertive Max. Max opens his connection to the others and fills them in on all pertinent details asking them to tell their parents and Kyle since everyone is still there at the Parkers apartment. Max closes his connection to the others receiving their acknowledgements. As predicted, their parents want everyone to come over to the Evans house Friday at noon for a good bye lunch. Max smiles. “I hope Dad decides to barbeque. Either way it’ll be nice to see them again before we leave for the Colony,” says Max.

Liz and Max sit on the love seat by the fireplace holding each other. “Max do you think you could do something for me,” asks Liz so innocently.

“You know I’ll do anything for you. What do you want me to do?” asks Max.

“Well, I’d love to have a fire in the fireplace. Its a little cold in here and a fire would take the chill off the cabin. If it’s not too much trouble,” says Liz.

“Anything you want, Liz. No problem. Here Honey, wrap this blanket around you until I get the fire going. I’ll be right back,” says Max.

Liz waits for Max to shut the door and hears his retreating footsteps going out to the shed outside. She then runs to their bedroom and finds her sexy red lingerie that Isabel and Maria gave her for their wedding night. Liz quickly changes out of her clothes and into her red sexy nightie. She runs back to the loveseat and covers up with the blanket to hide her surprise for Max. She struggles to rid herself of her smile and think of something plain and boring so as not to give away what she’s up to. Max enters and builds the fire expertly, lights it. He sits down next to Liz and puts his arm around her while they talk.

“Thanks for making the fire, Honey. Oh you know what sounds really good? Mmm…I’m having a craving for smores, again. They sound really good. Don’t you think it’s a nice night for smores by the fire, Max?” asks Liz looking at him with a mixture of desire and innocence.

“You want smores. Sure I’ll go see if we have the necessary ingredients. Did you pick up any of that stuff at the store the other day, Liz?” asks Max while standing in the kitchen searching the cupboards.
******************************To Be Continued in Just a Sec*****************
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sat May 01, 2004 2:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Pt 28 p10 April 24

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Part 28 Continued

“Ahh…Liz, I remembered the roasting sticks for the Marshmallows. I just found everything else we needed. What did you say, Liz?”

‘You think I’d ask you to satisfy a craving without the proper ingredients on hand. I’m disappointed, Max. I thought you knew I always like to be prepared and do my homework,’ says Liz in a breathy sexy tone even through their connection. Max hurries with fumbling anxious fingers putting together a tray for them with all the necessary ingredients. He enters the living room carrying the tray and wearing a very flushed face and a heated stare at her.

“Are you okay Max? You look a little funny, Babe. Come here, sit by me. What’s wrong?” asks Liz not expecting this reaction from him.

“Liz, I just want our last two nights here in our home to be memorable for us,” says Max looking into her eyes, then smiles. Have you been planning this evening with the smores and the fire?” asks a curious Max. “Last time I checked we ran out of these ingredients Liz,” says Max grinning at her mischievously.

“What? I have no idea what you’re talking about. The grocery faeries must have left it,” says Liz shrugging her shoulders innocently.

“Liz! It’s okay. You can tell me. I appreciate you’re remembering the first time I brought you to the cabin and how memorable a day that worked out to be for us,” says Max reaching for her hand.

“That day was pretty amazing. You were trying to talk to me and I kept walking away. Then you just grabbed me and wouldn’t take no for an answer. You threw me over your shoulder going ‘Cave Man’ on me. That was so funny. My sweet innocent, shy Max pulled that stunt with the fire alarm that day. You were just full of surprises that day, Max. Not that I’m complaining because I’m definitely not. No complaints here,” smiles Liz.

Max takes her hand as he stands, “come with me Liz and sit by the fire with me so we can make our smores,” says Max in a velvet sexy voice. Liz gathers her blanket that is wrapped around her more securely not ready to reveal her surprise. She takes his hand and is warmed by the heat of his hand and his thoughts.

They sit infront of the fireplace and roast their marshmallows on sticks. She prepares his smore and feeds it to him. He then does the same, feeding her the smore he’s prepared for her. He purposefully gets some smudged around her mouth.

“Liz, let me help you with that,” says Max. He moves in closer to her and lowers his face to hers taking her lips to his and then tenderly uses his tongue to remove the excess on the edges of her mouth.

“Max, I have a surprise for you. I hope you don’t mind unwrapping this present,” says Liz. She stands and notices the disappointed and confused look on Max’s handsome face. She then drops the blanket revealing her red silky nightie. Max stares in awe at her beauty, and revels in the fact she’s his, all his for all eternity.
“Liz! You look so beautiful,” says Max nearly speechless by her seduction.

“Thank you, Honey. You know one of us is very overdressed for the occasion. Don’t you think?” asks a teasing Liz.

“What,” asks Max. He is still trying to fathom her words, he shakes his head. He stares at Liz still enjoying his view of his present and getting anxious to unwrap it.

“Ahh…Liz, I remembered the roasting sticks for the Marshmallows. I just found everything else we needed. What did you say, Liz?”

“Honey, I know you like that shirt and pair of cargo pants. If you want to keep them, then take them off now or I’ll use my powers and rip them to shreds. That is unless of course, you had other plans for this evening. Did you Max? Have other plans for us this evening?” asks Liz using her most seductive voice.

“No, I was thinking more of something along this line of spending valuable time with you, my hot hybrid wife,” says Max glancing seductively at her. Liz, you’ve given me more than I ever hoped to have in this life. I love you Liz,” Max says tenderly running his hand through her long silky dark hair.

“You’ve given me more love than I thought I’d ever experience, Max”, says Liz looking into his eyes taking in the love she finds there reflected in the warmth and heat of his amber pools.
“Well, loving you is a rough job, but some hybrid soul mate had to do it. So I volunteered,” teases Liz.

“I appreciate your sacrifice then. You know that I’m married right?” asks Max.

“Oh I heard about that rumor. It’s true then, damn! I guess you didn’t want to unwrap your present after all then, being married and all. Some girls, have all the luck,” say Liz with a feral grin.

“Wait, don’t get dressed and go. I mean you’ve went to all this trouble it would be rude of me not to at least unwrap the package and see if I want it,” says Max in a heated gaze.

“You’re sure your wife isn’t going to be upset,” says Liz.

“Oh I can tell a gift like this could only be from her. She’d be upset if I didn’t open this gift she so carefully selected for me to enjoy,” says Max taking her tattooed palm to his mouth and kissing her palm and the works his way up her arm standing as he does so. He stands infront of her as they look into each others eyes. He runs his hand gently down the length of her arm, then focuses on her long hair that goes past her shoulders. Max moves her hair aside with his hands on each of her shoulders he places his thumbs under the straps of her red nightie. He teases her by not moving further to remove it from her body.

“Max? What are you doing?” asks a now slightly frustrated Liz.

“Nothing,” Max smiles innocently.

“My point exactly, Max! If you don’t do something in the next 60 seconds, that’s it for your present unveiling,” says Liz.

“What do you want me to do?” Max asks teasing her further.

“Maybe this was a bad idea. Just forget it, Max,” says Liz now feeling unsure she reaches for the blanket to cover herself up.

“NO! Liz I was just trying to tease you. Don’t cover up. Besides, that blanket would just get in my way,” says Max smiling. “Don’t ever think that I don’t want you, ever. I’ll always want you, Liz. Don’t ever doubt my love or desire for you okay,” says Max.

Liz slowly lifts her face to stare into his eyes. “I’m sorry, Max. It’s just being pregnant and our having to leave in two days is making me emotional,” says Liz.

“You know I love unwrapping you’re presents, come here, Love,” says Max. He swiftly removes her nightie and watches as the red silk cascades flowing down to rest on the floor. “Liz, the things you do to me defies words,” says Max appreciatively gazing at her.

“Well how about you show me what you mean then. I mean, we wouldn’t want anything left to interpretation. Now would we,” says Liz in a breathy voice standing infront of him. She presses herself against his tight hard masculine frame.

“Liz, I need you… right here, right now,” says Max in a passion induced haze.

“I’m not going anywhere, Max. I’m all yours, but then you already know that,” says Liz still eyeing him like she’s ready to pounce if he doesn’t first. He uses his powers to move the blanket out of his way and onto the loveseat along with their plates. Max wraps his arms around her and skillfully kisses her showing her all of his love and leaves them both breathless for a moment. He then takes her hand. Max lowers them to the floor infront of the fire place. His arms wrapped around her protectively lowering her on to her back. He lowers himself onto her and kisses her lips, mouth and works his way down to her breasts. He stops and gives extra attention and continues to caress her by the firelight. Max stops abruptly and stands.

“Max, what’s wrong?” says Liz mourning the loss of his touch.

“I have to take my clothes off,” says Max.

“Do you need any help?” asks Liz with an amorous grin hoping he’ll say yes.

“Yeah, I can’t get this shirt unbuttoned fast enough, it’s new. Damn small buttons,” swears Max.

“Why do you think I bought that shirt? Besides, you’re looking amazing in it. You look even better without it; but for my eyes only of course,” explains Liz.

“There that’s much better,” says Liz.

Before Liz can say another word Max has swiftly lowered them both on to the floor once again, this time without the obstructions. He positions himself on top of Liz, and continues to kiss and caress every part of her. He takes his time to love her thoroughly.

“Max, I need you now,” says Liz gasping for air. Their passion intensifies, Liz is unable to withstand anymore of his sensual assault.

“I need you now too, Love,” says Max. He then takes his rigid manhood and joins their two bodies as they begin a perfect sensual rhythm. They move slowly so as to savor this incredible feeling of belonging and touching each others very soul. The time passes as they continue in the same pace and rhythm. The fire in the fireplace burns down, but not out. Their pace increases as does their insatiable craving for each others thorough loving. Max and Liz, now drenched in sweat continue to make love feeling their inevitable cadence increase once again heralding the climb to their release. Max and Liz resist as long as they can for the other to join them at the exact moment, as revealed through their connection. Max and Liz feel their peak arrive. He entwines his fingers with hers then offers deep probing open mouthed kisses, needing to savor more of each other. The lovers move in tandem grinding and thrusting driving them near completion. They each end the kiss to say the other’s name aloud as if to claim the other as theirs. Liz and Max feel their orgasm rip through them with a more powerful magnitude than any they’d experienced before. They continue to pump and grind into each one another riding out their orgasm to its natural resolution. Max collapses in Liz’s arms and lies there for a while.

“Wow! Babe, that was beyond amazing. I’ve said this before Liz but if that’s a hybrid perk, I’m glad that were hybrids”, says Max as he quickly recuperates from their lovemaking.

“Speaking of your hybrid perks,” teases Liz. “Yes, it’s an alien perk. A very nice alien perk too, I might add,” says a playful Liz. Still with there fingers entwined. They whisper sweet words of their love and share their dreams of the future together. The blissful couple rests for a while in the comfort of the others arms.

“Max do you think we should check in on the twins?” asks Liz.

“Yes, I was just going to ask you about that, Babe,” says Max. “Do you need to rest some more before we try and communicate with them?” asks Max.

“Max, Honey, I hate to break it to you. You’re not the only hybrid with amazing recuperative powers here,” says Liz giving him a longing look.

“We’d better hurry up and check in with our babies and then uh…test those recuperative powers further, don’t you think Liz,” says Max.

“I love the way you think. Even you’re mind is sexy as hell,” says Liz. “Okay focusing now. Yes, let’s check on the twins.”

Max sits up resting on one elbow and takes her tattooed palm in his. They widen their always present connection to each other and then place their combined tattooed palms around Liz’s lower abdomen. In an instant the powerful family telepathic connection is formed. Max and Liz smile broadly as they receive visual images from their babies. The twins send them images of them playing with each others feet and sucking their little thumbs and smiling sensing their parents love for them. Liz and Max send images from that evening at the Parkers with everyone so happy and accepting of their secret. Liz slows the images and introduces them to each person present earlier at her parents. She tells them about how excited their grandparents are about them. She then tells them about their uncles. Liz shows them the images of Michael, Alex, and Kyle. Liz shares with the twins, ‘Just know that these guys are your uncles. Your uncles are all good guys and are part of our family. Even big guys like them are all excited about the two of you. They try to help out Daddy taking care of me when he’s in a class that I’m not in. Not to worry, Daddy has first dibs on all spoiling of me or you two. I love you two, be nice to each other. Oh, we are going to be moving to the Colony and help our people with a really big thing to help make it safe for everyone to live here, so you too need to be extra good for Mommy and Daddy okay,’ says Liz through their telepathic connection. The twins send back the same images to Liz and Max that Liz had sent them, as their acknowledgement. Liz beams with motherly pride. She feels a slight movement in her abdomen. Looking down, she sees two tiny silver glowing hand prints. Liz and Max place their palms over them, touching the children’s silver palm prints in amazement.

“Max did you see that? I felt movement for the first time, even though I’m not even showing yet. Those little silver palm prints, Honey, were so cute,” says Liz moved to happy tears.

‘Hi, this is Daddy. How are my precious ones?’ asks Max brimming with fatherly pride. The twins send him their acknowledgement by sending him an image of himself. ‘Yes, that’s me. I’m your Daddy. Can you show me which person is Mommy?’ asks Max encouraging his children in this game of recognition. The twins show him an image of Liz from their wedding day. ‘Yes, that’s your beautiful Mommy,’ says Max. Max stunned by there intelligence already. He continues this game as long as the babies are willing. They continue to answer Max’s questions recognizing the name with the right person that goes to them. The twins were able to place an image with each person’s name correctly. Liz senses the twins are getting sleepy.

“Honey, I think they’ve had enough for now,” says Liz aloud.

“Darn, I was having fun playing with my babies,” says Max with a huge smile on his face.

“I know it was fun. But they need their rest and we need some more us time,” says Liz playfully sexy tone.

“Okay, let’s say good night to them then, Babe,” says Max.

Max and Liz boost their telepathic connection to the twins. They continue to send telepathic images how much they love them, and just now how they enjoyed spending time with them. Max, shares the same technique in communicating. He shows them how happy he was that they knew everyone at the party. Max was proud that the babies were able to recognize and put a name with a face, correctly. ‘We love you both so much. We are proud of you two. Now go to sleep my little ones. I think we tired you out playing that new game. We’ll check in on you again later. Sleep for now little ones,’ says Max.

‘Yes. Your Daddy is right. Go to sleep now, my sweethearts. We’ll check back in on you two later. Sleep now, our angels,’ says a blissfully teary eyed Liz.

‘Daddy here, I just wanted to add now is a good time to sleep. Mommy and Daddy plan on staying up for a while doing….Mommy and Daddy things. So sleep now. Good night, little ones’, says Max.

“Max! Why do you keep saying that to them?” asks a teasing Liz.

“Because it’s fun to see you blush, and get embarrassed,” says a mischievous Max offering her a kiss.

“Really, Mr. Evans, care to wager on that one,” says Liz daring him.

“You’ve been spending far too much time around Alex, Michael and Kyle talking about wagering. Babe, I didn’t mean anything by it. Don’t be upset with me,” pleads Max.

“Okay then,” says Liz.

“Liz, what were you going to bet on?” asks curious Max.

“Okay, I’ll tell you. I was going to bet on which one of us could get the fire going and make more study food the fastest,” says Liz wiggling her eyebrows at him.

Max jumps up in all his naked glory and grabs the extra fire wood he brought in and adds it to the fire giving it an alien burst to take off better to heat the room. Max then hurries to the loveseat with the plates and assembles the smores in record time. He then uses his powers to heat it just a little.

“Wow, I’m impressed. I’ll have to remember that,” says a cryptic Liz.

“Remember what?” asks Max.

“Nothing you need to worry about,” smiles a playful Liz.

“Honey, I wonder how the others are spending there last couple of nights in Roswell for a while”, asks Liz. “Max, do you think we should teleconference Michael, Alex and the gang and tell them what the twins just did?” asks an excited Liz.

“No! I have a feeling they’ll each be pretty much spending it the way we are. Except for Kyle, he’s probably wishing he was spending it the way we are,” laughs Max. “We can tell them our news in the morning when we meet,” says Max. “Besides you know they’d all be over here ruining our romantic alone time. I can just see Michael and the others all hovering over my Liz. No thanks. I want our remaining nights alone in our home in Roswell to be just us, not that I don’t love our family too. We need our time Liz,” says Max.

“Okay, you’re right Max. We should enjoy our time here alone in our home before we have to leave. I’m going to miss our home, Max,” says Liz.

“I know…but at least we’ll be together. Our family…well most of them will be there with us, Liz. We’ll get through this Babe, I promise,” reassures Max in a comforting embrace. “So, how’s my energizer bunny?” teases Max.

“Max!” says Liz playfully slapping him on the arm as she blushes. “I’m fully recharged,” laughs Liz.

“I’ll make you eat your words, take that back,” teases Liz.

“Make me…Your going to make me repeat myself? Well okay. If you insist” teases Max as he grabs her, throwing her over his shoulder he carries her off to their bed.

“Max! Are you abducting me again…Oh better yet, is my Cave Man back?,” asks Liz. Max answers her with a growl, “Yes!!!” Cheers Liz. I was hoping he’d make an appearance. I missed him,” says Liz.

“I’ll make you pay for that comment Liz. Babe, even if it takes all night. You had better hope you’re fully charged,” growls Max. “Now quiet, Woman,” he says as he slaps her on her bare behind.

“Bring it on, my alien Cave Man,” says Liz amorously.

“What about the hot tub? We haven’t used it in a while, unless you’re not up to it,” teases Liz.

“Liz…Mine…Now. Grrr. Hot tub later,” manages Max as Liz’s shameless grin widens. She thinks to herself this going to be an amazing night. “Yes, it definitely is good to be a hybrid,” says Liz smiling ear to ear.

**********************************To Be Continued****************************
Off Behr hunting for the amber eyed one

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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 29 p11 May 1

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Thanks Mia Nora, I love this banner. You Rock! :D

Hi guys, some of you are in New York Behr hunting. God, I soo wanted to be there, but the evil air fare powers that be priced me right out of going. I'll just have to live vicariously through you. I have requested pics, and stories. You know who you are. I'm looking forward to seeing pics and hearing all the stories. Have fun ladies. So much for a fun birthday for me. OH well. :cry: On a brighter note. I have a new part for you guys. I hope you'll like this one. Let me know, okay. :wink:
Have a great week all, and don't forget to vote for the fic/artwork you find here at fanatics. Even if it's not for my story. Please do read the rules and register then vote. Thanks so much.

Kittens- Thanks again for reading and I loved your comment about ‘Cave Max’. He’s cute like that isn’t he? I know Liz loves it. LOL!!

LoveIsForever- I agree with you Nancy only kept a secret from Jeff a few day a week tops. He kept his secret from her for many years; even then he didn’t really seem to believe it. I think that’s what made it easier for him to dismiss it, at least in his mind. Jeff was cool with the idea I think because his mother, Claudia was very cool about the whole thing and completely unafraid of Liz. Even though Liz, never exhibited any powers or differences until after she and Max bonded. That’s what unlocked a lot of information about their pasts and their reason for being there on Earth etc… I’m glad you liked how my group is very close together very much a family always there to support each other in good times and in bad. Thanks for your always inspirational and kind feed back. I love reading your comments. I hope you enjoy this week’s part as well.

Kitkat405- Hi Cassie! I’m glad you like my Max and Liz and their little talks with their babies. Max is going to be such a great Daddy and Liz a great Mommy. Oh, and gees the Uncle’s and Aunt’s situation too. So much love for these babies when they get here. They are powerful little tykes already. Yeah, Nancy and Jeff did have a heck of an argument, did they? I loved how Liz resolved to stop the arguing. Good thing there wasn’t a hose around. LOL!!! Thanks I’m glad you like what you’re reading that’s important to me to read your feedback. So please, keep it coming and I’ll keep up the writing. Okay? Deal? Thanks again for reading and the feedback.

roswellian504- Yes the twins are very strong and so cute and sweet too! The talk with the Parkers had its rocky moments with Nancy’s reaction that was kind of touch and go there for a little while. Jeff was right there defending the kids. Interesting he knew, I always thought Grandma Claudia was cool and new way more about things than she had a chance to explain to Liz. Yes, the telepathic teleconferencing does come in handy, but it can get them in trouble too when the parents notice something’s up. Good thing the others came to the rescue diverting the parents attention else where. News Alert! Yes, they are going to the Colony and are there. I though you’d like to know at least that much. LOL!! Thanks for reading. I love your feedback, please keep it coming, okay.

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansely (Nora waves) Yes the talk with the Parker in the end went well, thank goodness. I’m glad that both set of parent now know about the kids being alien hybrids that can only help them in not having to lie or worry about them saying too much to people either. Kyle’s really funny. He’s a lot of fun to write. I’m glad you’re enjoying my Kyle. The twins although very tiny are extremely powerful and smart babies already. Did we have any doubts on that since they are Max and Liz’s children of course they’re smart, advanced, and no doubt will be gorgeous.

roswellluver- Yes, I’m glad Nancy came around too. She had me worried there for a while, but Jeff kind of pulled her back into reality and away from her silly imaginings. Thanks for reading and your feedback it’s always great to see it posted. Thanks so much.

Ash_maxliz- Yeah, it’s good that both Max and Liz’s parent know the truth now. Nancy was a little bit iffy on accepting this news, but it did help to have every else there to help explain and calm her fears. Hang in there Ash, is it okay if I call you Ash? I don’t know what your real first name is... Studies can be such a pain. Hang in there study hard, and then go have fun and reward yourself, okay. Good on you for working so hard in school and being a Roswellian that makes you extra special. Take care and hang in there, okay. Thanks for reading and for taking the time to leave your feedback. I always read it . Thank you!

Frenchkiss70- Thanks for the compliment. I’m happy you liked it. Yes, you were right about Claudia. I don’t feel that Jeff really believed what his mother told him about Liz. He and Nancy were just so grateful to have a daughter they never really questioned very much about the circumstances in which they got Liz as a 6 year old. Nancy was a little difficult at first to accept the news. She and Jeff got passed that argument thanks to Max and Liz’s ingenious ice breaker. She did come around in the end and was very supportive too. It did tickle me that you quoted that line of Kyle’s “Oh God, not another Max worshipper,” says Kyle rolling his eyes in sarcasm. When I write I actually see the characters saying stuff and that’s what I write. I write it as they would say it. Good I’m glad you liked it and the Dreamer Nookie. Hey, I’m a dreamer fan, it just sort finds its way in there. LOL!!! Not that I don’t love my other characters, I do. It’s just Max and Liz deserve special attention I think. I loved your feedback. In fact I’ve reread it several times this week and it makes me smile and laugh thanks so much. I love reading your feedback and thanks for reading. I hope you’ll like this next part too. Let me know.

Smac- Yeah, I’m with you and Liz on that one there’s no such thing as too much “Cave Man Max” and yes Liz is damn lucky. Phillip and some of the guys are totally shameless around good food. They are funny though and cute. Kind of surprising for Nancy and Jeff to have a all out fight there with everyone there. Not what many people expected. It was good though for all of that to get dealt with and learn the truth about the kids alien hybrid origins. Yeah Phillip got all excited about Michael asking for Nancy’s cake recipe. He’s sooo shameless around food. That’s all behind them now that the parents know the truth so they don’t need to worry there. Thanks well I’m really thrilled your reading and liking my story and even better posting your feedback letting me know what you think of it. I love reading your feedback. I hope you’ll enjoy this post as well. Take care and have a great weekend.

Cherie- Hi thanks for the compliments. Yeah, I’m glad that Nancy and Jeff know the truth now, as well as the Evan’s. Jeff should’ve told her you’re right. Truth is I don’t think he believed it himself. I had fun writing the scenes with the babies. Max and Liz are so cute with them. Yeah, Max was funny with his telling them to go to sleep they had Mommy and Daddy things to do. LOL!! I’m glad that made somebody besides me laugh when I wrote it. There babies are exceptional and smart, and probably be gorgeous just like them. Hey thanks, I don’t often get compliments on the Nookie. You noticed I hadn’t written an actual scene like that for them in a while. Yeah well, what can I say he inspires me….to write yeah, that’s it. LOL!!! About your email. I did email you back. I liked your idea that sounds like a good plan to me. Have a great time in New York and yes, thank you please send me pictures of my JB, the amber eyed hot one himself. Damn he should be illegal he’s soo hot. He could easily challenge Nick for melt your face hotness status, don’t you think? LOL!! Have a great week too. Keep in touch, I want to hear details girl!
I hope you like this week’s post too. Take care.

AJK001- Hey you’re more than welcome. It’s my pleasure to write and have you read it and leave me feedback. I’m grateful to all my readers and feedbackers. It’s what keeps me writing. Thank you for reading and posting your feedback. Yeah, I always thought Grandma Claudia knew way more than she was able to tell Liz. I wished we could’ve seen more of that so I decided that we should and I made it an important part of the story early on. I’m glad you liked that part. Thank you, I’m happy that you like what you are reading of my story. It means a lot to me. Cyber hugs!

Abbs007- Hey Abby! Welcome. It’s nice to see you here. I’m thrilled you’re liking my story. Oh up to part 5. Oh boy do things get interesting there. It gets better from there too! Just so you know. It explains so much about Max and Liz’s connection that the others didn’t experience. I hope you will continue to read it and let me know what you think of it as you go. It’s been a lot of fun fixing the things that bugged me about the show. Not that I don’t love Roswell I do, I’m passionate about it. It’s just that they left so many storylines and threads undone. It does make great ideas for us writers to write about though. This story is my tribute to what I loved about much of season one before the Gerbil came to town. I just really wanted to strengthen the relationships and the characters. That part does vary from the show. It’s my own crazy ideas on that. Thanks for reading and for the feedback. I’m looking forward to reading more of your thoughts as you continue to read it. Thanks so much, and take care…

Majiklmoon_ Majik , Wow girl. I’m both stunned and grinning like an idiot to get such praise from one of my favorite fan fic writers I love to read. Thank you so much! Big cyber hugs! I do plan to get caught up on my fan fic reading, I’m hoping to read some today and part of tomorrow. Rest assured you’re on the top of the list. I hope you’ll like this part too. It’s a much lighter part than last weeks. Let me know what you think, okay. Take care and have a great weekend.

Thanks everyone, :D On with this week's post.........

Part 29

“So Cal, the kids told me that everything went well with the school and Principal Smith yesterday,” says Diane with an interested Nancy and Jeff listening intently.

“Yeah the other parents and I were wondering why everything went smoothly getting the kids junior year requirement course curricula,” comments Phillip as he mans the barbeque.

“Well, let’s just say after a recent situation at the school with the principal, he didn’t want to push his luck with causing any problems for Max, Liz, and the others. Principal Smith was very jumpy when I mentioned that I have a team of lawyers on permanent retainer. Let’s just say he’s properly motivated to make sure everything goes smoothly for the kids. He didn’t want to entertain any more visits from me or my team of lawyers regarding the debacle that had occurred in his office, under his own lack of supervision,” says Cal. Alex inhales the amazing aroma that can only belong to Phillips barbequed chicken.

“Mr. Evans how’s the chicken coming along. It must be just about done because it smells incredible,” says Alex.

“Oh Kyle, could you bring me a beer from the cooler please?” asks Mr. Evans.

“Sure Mr. Evans. So, what is your barbeque secret ingredient you use for your famous barbeque chicken?” asks Kyle savoring the aroma of the chicken. Phillip grins at Kyle and suggests for Kyle to check for him.

“Okay, Mr. Evans, wow it must be a secret you won’t even say it out loud. Sure I’ll check on it for you. Kyle lifts the hood of the barbeque grill. He looks away to talk to Mr. Evans before he sees the chicken. “Do you remember that cool beer commercial from that one super bowl? I can’t remember which one it was,” asks Kyle. Kyle turns and looks at the chicken under the hood of the barbeque and sees it actually sitting on a beer can. “What the…talk about your wardrobe malfunction,” says Kyle. “Mr. Evans I have to say, of all the things to do with a can of beer, this one never occurred to me,” says Kyle laughing and shaking his head.

“You asked what my secret ingredient was…it’s beer. First, you have to barbeque the chicken with a half a can of beer. Just place the beer can inside the chicken allowing the chicken to rest on top of it. I call it Butt Beer Chicken, fitting name for the recipe don’t you think.” “Wait, until you taste it. It’s the best chicken you’ll ever have the pleasure of eating,” says Phillip.

“Really?” says Alex chiming in on this near and dear conversation of food.

“Here try some,” says Phillip taking off a small piece of the now finished chicken and offers it to Alex, and then another to Kyle.

“Man that is the best chicken I’ve ever eaten and so moist it just melts like butter in your mouth,” says Alex.
“Mr. Evans this is amazing. Do you think there’s enough chicken to go around?” asks a worried Kyle.

“I appreciate your concern Kyle and Alex. Rest assured that there’s plenty of chicken to go around at my barbeque. I love this stuff just as much as you do,” says Mr. Evans.

“Liz! Can I talk to you for a minute?” asks Kyle.

“Yeah, sure Kyle what’s up?” asks Liz taking Max’s hand as she walk with him over to Kyle.

“Uh…Liz, Max can you guys drink alcohol? I’m asking because you’re Dad is making his famous Butt Beer Chicken, and I was worried about what this might do for Liz in her condition or the rest of you,” says a concerned Kyle.

Liz looks at Kyle and laughs, “Kyle…when you cook the food it cooks the alcohol content out of the food leaving only the flavor. I thought everyone knew that. But I think it’s sweet that you were concerned for me and the others. Thanks Kyle, but I’ll be fine and so will everyone else,” says Liz.

“Okay, well I didn’t know…I thought I should check with you guys first. So, you never did answer me if you can drink alcohol?” asks a now curious Kyle.

“We don’t know. We’ve never tried, and we probably shouldn’t…no telling what kind of effects it would have on our systems. We try to avoid finding that out by not drinking any alcohol,” says Max.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but thank you. Finally, something I can partake in and you can’t. It’s nice to know there’s at least one area that I have that’s all mine. Yes! I can drink beer and you can’t,” grins Kyle chanting that over and over again like a little kid.

“Kyle! Cut it out,” demands Liz.

“Oh you can’t stand that there’s something I can do, that you feel excluded from,” smiles Kyle.

“No, that’s not it at all, Kyle. You’re just being silly, that’s all. Not even your precious beer could compete with the way Max and I feel about each other. Believe me Kyle, beer pales in comparison by far. I could see how that beer could be a comfort for you or even a substitute…for other things. Besides, a cold beer might help to cool you off Kyle,” teases Liz.

“Ouch Liz, that really hurt hitting below the belt like that,” says Kyle. “Max, you must be slipping keeping her happy. She’s a little cranky today isn’t she,” says Kyle with a mischievously
glint in his eye.

“I’m perfectly happy today, Kyle. Max makes me more than happy, thank you very much. If I were you Kyle, I wouldn’t push my luck. Don’t make me get out the dust buster Kyle,” warns Liz in teasing manner.

“You need to get used to being around hybrid females Kyle, and learn to get along. Remember, although we maybe female we aren’t the weaker sex at all. My powers are very formidable, as are Isabel’s. Even Maria has some powers as Michael’s mate,” says Liz looking satisfied with the now worried look on Kyle’s face.

“In other words, Kyle you had better make changes to your attitude. Your in enemy territory,” jokes Max. “I’m afraid you won’t be getting any sympathy here, at least not from me. Sorry, buddy. I’m a lot of things, but stupid isn’t one of them,” says Max smiling at Liz.

“Gees, thanks buddy,” teases Kyle. “Talk about sleeping with the enemy,” laughs Kyle.

“Kyle, who says we sleep,” adds Liz not willing to let Kyle’s teasing get the better of her. If you’re nice I’ll let you in on one tiny secret about us hybrids... we only need 3 to 4 hours of sleep a night. So that frees up a lot of time for other priorities and activities, if you know what I mean. You’ll just have to be on your best behavior at the Colony and see what happens in terms of meeting your destined mate,” says Liz.

“What? No, wait a minute. You didn’t just imply that you two can go all night and then basically take a nap and still be okay. God, this just can’t be true. Max, tell me this isn’t true,” pleads Kyle. Max simply stands next to Liz and pulls her into his embrace and looks over the top of her head at Kyle and smiles at him and nods yes. Max continues to look at Kyle amused by his reaction and acts very proud of himself for being a hybrid male and the perks he enjoys because of it.

“Well so much for trying to bug and tease you two about being the way that you are. Gees, all night long…Damn, that’s got to be on every guys wish list, human or hybrid,” says Kyle as he shakes his head still trying to fathom that newly revealed fact. “You know if guys knew that if aliens abducted and experimented on them that maybe they could you know…make it so they could be that way too, there would be mile long lines for volunteers to become abductees. Gees, really? pulling all niters. I’ve got to say I’m more than impressed. I’m envious and now depressed, but damn that’s one hell of perk over us humans. Do you think I could ask the doctors there to alter me so I could be like that?” asks Kyle.

“Kyle, that’s more information than I really wanted to know about you. No offense, but when you feel the need to share this sort of thing with us again, please fight it okay,” smiles Liz. “I doubt that the doctors at the Colony will be able to help you out with that. Maybe you should just focus on being a great guy, and just be your funny usual sarcastic witty self. Besides, like the old Porsche TV ad used to say, “Accept no substitutes,” teases Liz.

“Oh now that was just cruel, you just had to rub it in didn’t you Liz,” says Kyle.

“Sorry, Kyle you just made it so easy to do that to you. I’ll be nice if you will,” says Liz.

“Okay, truce. You play dirty. She’s good Max, watch out for our sweet little Liz, she has a nasty side, watch out,” teases Kyle.

“Okay everybody, it’s time to eat,” smiles Phillip. He looks at everyone there and realizes that his children and their friends will be leaving in a few short hours to go to the Colony preparing to fight their enemy. His eyes get watery with emotion acknowledging this fact. Phillip wipes his eyes and decides he’s going to hold it together and enjoy these remaining hours with his family and extended family. This assembly of friends and family enjoy their last meal with each other for a while. They happily talk and share laughs. A short time after finishing eating, they relax and share more conversation and hugs from family and friends. The time has arrived for them to say their good byes.

“I hate to say this guys, but it’s about time for us to leave. All you’re bags are packed and loaded,” says Cal. Everyone reluctantly says their good byes and tearfully board their separate vehicles. The Caravan of five cars bound for the Colony drive to Artesia. The caravan includes Cal in his car, Kyle in his, and the others paired up as couples in the other three vehicles. Kyle calls Max and Liz on his cell phone as they get outside Roswell city limits.

“Hey, I was wondering if we should stock up on munchies before we reach the Colony. There’s no telling what kind of alien food they serve there, no offense guys,” says Kyle now concerned about his stomach’s future yearnings.

“Kyle is that all you think about?” asks a laughs Max.

“Well no, now that you mention it. There are at least two or maybe three things other than food that I think of. I’m sure you can guess what at least one of them is,” teases Kyle.

“Let me talk to Kyle, Max,” says Liz.

“Kyle, are you causing more trouble?” smiles Liz taking the phone from Max.

“What? Me cause trouble? Nah, not me. I was just having some guy talk with Max,” grins Kyle.

“Kyle, you behave. If you get my Max in trouble you will be one sorry horny human, got it Kyle,” warns Liz. “I mean we could keep you from meeting whoever this girl is that you’re supposed to be with,” laughs Liz at Kyle.

“Gees Liz, now that one really hurt. Yes, I’ll be a good boy, I promise. Do you think you could
talk Max into stopping before we get to the Colony to get some munchies? Hey, look up ahead. That road sign we just passed says there’s a convenience store up ahead. Pretty please Liz, ask Max to pullover so Alex and I can load up on the munchies. Oh and get you girls anything you’d like to of course,” adds Kyle.

“Max, Kyle wants for all of us to stop at the convenience store that’s up a head. Can we? It would make him really happy if we did, and I’m sure Alex would love it too,” says Liz.

“Sure, tell him yes. We don’t want to find out what a grumpy Alex and Kyle going through junk food withdrawals is like. We better play it safe and stop at the store then,” jokes Max.

“Thanks Honey,” Liz gives him her patented secret smile meant just for him, and a quick kiss on the lips.

“No problem. Anything for my wife,” replies Max returning her secret smile with one of his own.

“Anything huh, that leaves me open to many possibilities Max,” says Liz gives him a heated stare.

“Gees, you think you two would get enough of each other. It’s not bad enough I get to see it now I get to listen to it too. God, help me to hang in there. You two cool it, gees you two need a chaperone just to be around other people in public,” exclaims Kyle. Max and Liz are ignoring Kyle’s usual tirade of jealous longings. Max and Liz are lost in each others stare, not good when driving though, any other time would be okay.

“Liz! Are you trying to make me have a wreck?” grins Max. “Oh okay. You can tell Kyle we’ll be stopping at the convenience store up ahead. We’ll contact the others and Cal and let them know,” says Max. The Colony bound caravan agrees to stop at the store so Kyle and Alex can stock up on their precious munchies.

“Can you believe those two, eating like that,” comments Isabel to Liz as they both watch with amusement and amazement at these two guys gleefully loading up their hand held baskets full of junk food.

“I know. Can you believe that I’m the one that’s pregnant here and they are the ones with the food cravings,” jokes Liz and Isabel.

“I think they are loading up to hibernate,” laughs Isabel. Maria walks in behind Liz and Maria to view the spectacle that is Alex and Kyle and food, a sight truly to behold.

“They are a shameful display of man’s inner food cravings gone wild,” says Maria. “Hey, get your hands off of the Ben and Jerry’s that’s sacred stuff not for the likes of you two Cretans. Besides Iz, Liz and I have dibs on that,” warns Maria.

“Down girl, what if we don’t want to leave the Ben and Jerry’s alone?” asks Kyle spitefully enjoying the look of sheer rage in Maria’s eyes.

“Kyle! What do you think you are doing?” asks Liz. “You know that we have a standing rule. As the co-leader I’m putting my foot down. Step away from the Ben and Jerry’s and nobody gets hurt, got it Kyle,” warns Liz.

“No way,” exclaims Kyle.

“Hey, he’s got Chunky Monkey and New York Super Fudge Chunk,” says Isabel glaring at Kyle.

“Give me that now Kyle…Now! Don’t make me handle this other ways,” growls Isabel.

“Yikes! And they say that women are the weaker sex. Whoever said that is an idiot and has never met these women and their fierce loyalty to their favorite ice cream flavors. Help me Alex, I think Iz is about to kick my ass,” says Kyle.

“Isabel…Honey, please don’t zap Kyle okay. He is our friend and a family member. Please for me Princess. Okay, tell you what…I’ll buy you girls the ice cream. Why don’t you get a few more, enough for all of you to share and enjoy other flavors too,” suggests Alex as a peace offering. “Now, Kyle let go of the ice cream and give it to the girls please,” says Alex.

“No, I don’t want to. I was here first. Its mine. Get your own,” shouts Kyle as Isabel and Maria lunge toward him to grab the heavenly treasured ice cream from his grip.

“We can’t Kyle. That’s the last of our favorite flavors, hand them over or be prepared for us to unleash a little example of Antarian whoop ass,” demands an angry Maria.

“Ah…Liz help me please,” pleads Kyle.

“God, what is it? Are Maria and Iz pmsing or what? God save us all if that’s what’s going on here,” says a sarcastic Kyle.

“Hey, don’t look at me. Pmsing is not an issue with me for about another 13 months so deal with them. But, leave me a Vanilla please if you would Kyle,” says Liz. Kyle decides to use his athletic expertise to fake out the girls by faking left then right and goes straight up the middle to get away from their clutching hands. He starts to smile, thinking he’s beat them. Kyle turns around to smirk at them as Isabel looks around and quickly uses her powers to have Alex bump into Kyle knocking over a pretty brunette about 5’3” with unusual violet colored eyes. Kyle stares at her positively spell bound by her beauty.

He immediately surrenders the ice cream, “here girls, enjoy. Why didn’t you just say you wanted the ice cream? Of course being the gentlemen that I am, I would gladly give it to you ladies,” Kyle smirks never taking his eyes off this unknown girl as he slyly runs his hand through his hair. Kyle offers his hand to help her stand. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize my friends would start a free for all over ice cream,” stammers Kyle.

“Well you did have it coming after that line about the weaker sex and the pmsing comment,” smirks the girl not really giving him a smile or a frown. She thinks to herself, I wonder who he is… and which one he is of this group. I can tell already he belongs but, he’s not quite like the others, she thinks to herself. The unknown girl gets up and brushes herself off and turns around to leave.

“Wait, you can’t just run into a guy, take his breath away and then leave with out so much as a name…Wait! Who are you? What’s your name? And do you live around here? My name is Kyle,” adds Kyle, after he quickly fires off his questions. Kyle watches this stunning girl walk out of his life just as easily as she bumped into it. Max enters the store and sees the girl walk past him. He notices her only because of Kyle’s weird look on his face.

“What’s wrong with him?” asks Max as he walks over to Liz and takes her in his arms.

“Where were you, Babe?” asks Liz.

“I had to put the top up on the jeep. It looks like their might be rain coming tonight,” explains Max. “I can’t have my wife getting all drenched in the rain and getting chilled, now can I?” asks Max. Then Max whispers in her ear. “It’s not like we have our fireplace to keep us warm, or smores to snack on,” smiles Max.

“Max! Thanks Honey. That reminds me we need stuff to make smores later,” grins Liz causing Max to swallow hard.

“Yeah, let’s go find those,” smiles an enthusiastic Max. “Uh…Alex, any idea where I can find the graham crackers, chocolate bars, marshmallows, and Tabasco sauce,” asks Max.

“Sure Max, the graham crackers are on aisle three third shelves on your right. The chocolate bars are on aisle two on the bottom right. You’ll find the marshmallows further down that same aisle. Almost to the end of the aisles you’ll find a small section of condiments that’s where you’ll find the Tabasco sauce. I already grabbed a couple for Isabel,” adds Alex.

“How did you know all that Alex?” asks Max impressed with his friend, who is his sister’s bonded mate.

“Well I sort of have a photographic memory about something’s like, Isabel, food, and computers,” smiles Alex. “I was already down most of the aisle’s looking for munchies and saw that stuff. That’s how I knew,” explains Alex.

“Gees, what’s the deal. You guys have been in here forever, what’s the hold up?” asks Michael.

“Michael, care to rephrase that,” says Kyle noting the nervous look on the clerk’s face.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean…never mind. I was just trying talk to my friends, I wasn’t talking to you. Sorry that was just a really bad choice of words,” smirks Michael walking over to Maria. “So Blondie, have you been behaving in here?” asks Michael.

“I was until Kyle decided to be mean and hoard the Ben and Jerry’s from me and Isabel. Then things got kind of ugly. He wouldn’t cough it up, so we sort of fought for it,” states Maria.

“Okay, so how bad did you and Isabel hurt Kyle? And most importantly, did you get the ice cream?” asks Michael as he takes her in his arms looking her over. “Kyle didn’t hurt you did he?” asks a semi-concerned Michael. “I mean I know my Blondie can take him, but you’re okay?” Maria nods, and smiles.

“Like I’d let him get a shot in,” smirks Maria cockily.

“That’s what I thought. So what did Iz do to him?” asks Michael.

“Ask her yourself Michael,” says Maria.

“I sort of let him get nudged or gave him a slight shove by Alex into Kyle, who then turned and knocked down that girl that just left.” Isabel looks as though she’s pondering something.

“What is it Iz?” asks Max.

“It’s probably nothing, Max. It’s Just a feeling that she was one of us,” smiles Isabel. “Oh and she did have a few thoughts about Kyle being a klutz and other stuff,” says a cryptic Isabel smiling from ear to ear.

“What? What other stuff did she think about me, Iz?” asks a now anxious and curious Kyle.

“Why should I tell you after the Ben and Jerry’s incident? That was just wrong Kyle, you know how Liz, Maria, and I crave and need ice cream sometimes. Your taking those last favorite flavors of ours was really cruel and you knew it. That’s just as bad as taking chocolate away from us. Just for safety sake, during certain times of the month do not pull that again; or I can’t promise what I’ll do,” warns Isabel with a smile that dares him to challenge her.

“Gees, you’re right ladies, my apologies. As much private and personal stuff that we all know about each other, I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry Isabel, Maria, and Liz. Am I forgiven now?” asks Kyle eagerly.

“Yes, that’s better, you’re forgiven,” says Isabel after receiving nods and smiles from Liz and Maria.

“So what did that girl think about me?” urges Kyle.

“Oh that. Well, she thought you were a klutz and kind of goofy,” smiles Isabel.

“Come on Isabel, I said I was sorry. Please tell me, I know you got to read some kind of emotions from her what did she think of me,” pleads Kyle.

“No, that’s all I’m telling you for now,” grins Isabel.

“Alex, watch out for your hybrid wife, she’s in a mood. I feel your pain buddy, to have to deal with this once a month,” says Kyle looking over at Alex and then back again to see a now fuming Isabel.

“It’s a good thing death ray vision isn’t one of your special talents. I know I’d be dead right about now,” teases Kyle.

“Okay Isabel, Kyle are you two done with the show down at the convenience store, because I want to arrive at the Colony and get settled in before the rain begins,” adds Max. Alright then, kiss and make up,” smiles Max.

“Ah… fearless leader, you don’t mean for Kyle to kiss my Princess. That was a joke, right,” pleads Alex.

“Okay, so maybe not a kiss. How about a handshake then?” asks Max diplomatically in full leader mode. You do realize that we need to count on each other in the situations we will face ahead and there’s no room for this kind of bickering and feuds. We’re family, so quit fighting. Let’s all try to get along,” states Max. Cal enters the store.

“I thought you were only going to be a minute. Is everything okay here,” asks Cal.

“Yeah, we’re okay. Come on, lets go pay for our stuff and leave,” says Max.

“Cal, I was going to ask you something? Did you see that girl that just walked out of here a few minutes ago?” asks Kyle determined to get more info on that girl.

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I did Kyle,” says Cal. “Now, go pay for your stuff and let’s go Kyle, Alex, Ladies, and Max,” says Cal as he looks at each of them. He pauses when he looks at Kyle and smirks and shakes his head keeping whatever it is to himself. This does not go unnoticed by Kyle.

“Why is it that I have a feeling this has to do with me,” asks Kyle to himself aloud.

“Because you’re paranoid, that’s why,” says Maria convinced that’s all that is going on here. The gang boards their individual vehicles and continues on to the Colony. The drive from the convenience store to the Colony in Artesia is about 25 miles.

“Well, we’re here,” says Max pulling off the highway on to the dirt road. Max follows behind Cal’s car since he knows exactly where he’s going.

“Max and Liz look around at their new surroundings as they drive further and further onto the Colony grounds. This is before they see Cal’s car pull off to a secluded area by some cabins that seem to stand away from the rest of the compound, and parks. He waits for the others to catch up before he gets out of his car. Max and Liz look behind them watching their family arrive, one after the other.

“So that over there is the Colony. Why did you have us follow you over here to this isolated spot, separate from the rest of the Colony?” asks Liz.

“I thought I’d save us time. This way I can show you directly to your cabins that have been stocked for each of your own needs. Obviously, there are four cabins. The cabins are divided up for the couples. Kyle you’ll be in one by yourself…for now,” smirks Cal. “I’m sure you will all be quite comfortable. If you need anything just let me know. Why don’t you all get unpacked and relax, maybe take a nap or check out your cabins. I’ll be back for you in a while for dinner. I need to go and check and see if some of the other things I requested on your behalf have been arranged,” says Cal excusing himself quickly to leave the group alone.

“Okay is it me, or was Cal a little bit cryptic about me staying in this one cabin alone, for now,” says Kyle.

“Gees would you quit already. I bet you’re a wreck on Christmas morning too, aren’t you Kyle?” asks Liz.

“That’s easy for you and Max to say Liz, you’re married bonded mates and with the one you’re meant to love and be happy with. The others have their bonded mates with them as well. Me? I’m still waiting for my ship to come in. It’s not easy for me, knowing the girl of my dreams is someone I’m going to meet here and she’s an alien hybrid. Talk about your suspense and pressure all rolled up into one,” says Kyle wringing his hands nervously as he slowly paces back and forth.

“Kyle why don’t you just go and take your stuff to your cabin and get unpacked and relax take a shower; just do something to relax before one of us uses our powers on you,” says Liz.

Cal points out to Isabel and Alex, “Your cabin is to the right of this one with the porch. That one is Liz and Max’s,” adds Cal.

“Max! No way. That looks just like the front porch on our cabin at home,” exclaims Liz grabbing Max’s hand as they run to their cabin anxious to check it out and see if their suspicions are correct. They enter their cabin and stand there with their jaws dropped open. “Oh my God Max, this cabin appears to be an exact replica of our cabin. Come on lets check out the rest of it,” says an excited Liz running to each room and checking it for herself. “Max, you got to see this. Cal made sure it was an exact duplicate. These cabins must have been built for us that is why they stand away from the rest of the Colony,” speculates Liz. She finds their Master bedroom exactly as it looked when they left. “Max, let’s find out if it feels the same as our bed at home. You do realize what this means,” says Liz grinning fervently at him.

“I was hoping you’d say that,” says Max.

“Yep! Tonight, we christen the cabin all over again,” smiles Max from ear to ear. “I can’t wait,” says Max.


Isabel and Alex enter their cabin and enjoy how theirs has a bit more sophistication yet still homey feel. Alex notices immediately the computer workstation and great computer gadgets there ready and waiting for Alex’s expertise. Alex can’t help but run to the computer and check it out, boots it up and immediately checks the computer’s system tools and systems information display. This is Alex’s computer of his dreams now infront of him in this desk top model that’s fueled with a little hybrid ingenuity. Isabel shakes her head enjoying the sparkle in Alex’s eyes looking over all this state of the art hi tech gadgets and gizmos. Isabel checks the rest of their cabin finding the master bedroom’s closet full of designer clothes for her and some nice choices for Alex as well that he would enjoy wearing. She’s delighted with what she finds there.

“Alex, come in here,” says Isabel. Alex walks in to find Isabel standing in the master bedroom by their bed in a red silk teddy.
**********************************To Be Continued in a Sec********************
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sat May 08, 2004 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 29 p11 May 1

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Part 29 Continued

“Isabel, Wow!” says Alex. “Not that your not always Wow, because you definitely are. That teddy should come with a warning label,” grins Alex. “So what did you have in mind, my Princess,” asks a playful Alex.

“Come hear Mr. One Shoe, let’s start with getting you down to wearing one shoe or less and I’ll work from there,” says Isabel in a sexy breathy tone.


Michael and Maria enter their cabin and find a big screen plasma TV complete with surround sound and multiple remote controls. Michael runs to the TV with delight and awe. “No way! I’ve died and gone to heaven. Man I’ve wanted one of these, but I never thought I’d get to own one.” Michael finds the closest remote and begins pushing buttons. He finds that this TV has the Hockey Channel and he stands with his mouth dropped open in awe and his eyes sparkle with glee. “Maria this is like a fantasy for me this cabin, you that TV and the Hockey channel too! God if this is foreplay, I’m a dead man. Does life get any better than this?” Maria picks up a pillow and hits him with it.

“Michael, would you quit drooling at that TV? God, I’m beginning to get jealous,” says Maria. Michael, look this entertainment center even comes equipped with a DVD player and look what movie is sitting up there “Brave Heart.” Is this make all of Michael’s fantasies come true day and I didn’t get the memo,” says a exasperated Maria. “Michael, Michael! Whatever, I’m going to go take a shower. You want to join me?” asks Maria. “Never mind, I can see you’re doing your own bonding with the TV,” Maria walks off in a huff and decides to go find their bedroom and unpack her things. She opens the drawers of the wardrobe hutch and finds a TV and DVD player in there, she smiles. “It won’t hurt for me to see what’s on.” She quickly flips the channels and smiles, “This is too cool.” Maria opens a small cupboard next to it and finds a CD collection stalked with her and Michael’s favorite music CD’s. Maria finds a remote, but can’t figure out what this remote goes to so she points it at everything in the room. Finally, she discovers it goes to this painting above the bed. The painting slides down and a stereo system emerges from the receding wall. She points the remote again pushes another button and music begins to fill their bedroom. She flops back onto the bed and listens to the music and smiles even more still. “Michael’s right, this cabin is heaven.” Maria decides to get up and go take that shower. She walks into the bath room and finds an amazing stocked bath room with aromatherapy and herbal body washes, scrubs, shampoos, conditioners, and soaps. “Wow this place even has a towel warming rack. I always wanted one of those ever since I saw one in a magazine once,” says Maria. She notices the unusual large roman style tub with jets to make it more like a hot tub. “Okay, I officially love this cabin. Michael can have the big screen plasma TV, the bedroom sound system and the bathroom are mine,” says Maria aloud to herself. Michael checks on Maria and finds her in the shower and joins her. “I’ve decided I’m already getting used to the idea of living here in this cabin with you, as your bonded mate definitely has its perks,” says Maria.

“Funny I was just going to say the same thing about you. Everything good that’s ever happened to me is because of you,” says Michael with thoughtful tender look.

“Well, I’m glad you noticed that too. Don’t ever forget that,” says Maria noticing his stare at her.

“You’re right; this is a great cabin for us. I wonder what the others think of theirs,” adds Michael.

“Come here Spaceboy, you’re going to get so lucky,” teases Maria.

“Can I do this after the game,” asks a hopeful Michael.

“No can do. You see right now, there’s only one way to score and its’ not by watching Hockey. Do you get my drift Michael,” says Maria with her green eyes scanning his form hungrily. “But, if you’d rather watch the Hockey game, be my guest,” says Maria.


Max and Liz already wrapped in each others arms are wasting no time on the christening efforts of their look-a- like bed. “Babe, we really should test the strength of this bed and the mattress. I mean we can’t have you sleeping in a bed that’s not been adequately tested and put through its paces. In the name of science and your health we should make love and see how it holds up,” smiles Max.

“Sounds like the best offer I’ve had all day Honey,” says Liz staring at him like she’s ready to rip the clothes right off of him.


Kyle finds his cabin with a Lazy boy reclining chair. He and looks across on the wall and he sees the plasma big screen TV. “Oh man this is awesome,” grins Kyle at this happy discovery. “If I’m dreaming don’t wake me,” says Kyle looking up to the ceiling as if offering a prayer of thanks. “I might as well see what’s in the fridge, nice… I can’t get cut a break. It’s stocked with root beer,” says Kyle resting his head against the refrigerator door in frustration. “Oh well, all is not lost I still have that killer TV of my dreams in the living room.” Kyle sits down to watch a foot ball game on TV realizing this is one of those specialty channels. Kyle uses the remote to surf the channels he’s got on his new TV and finds many sports only channels. “Hey, there’s hockey. Oh I have to tell Michael about that,” grins Kyle. He contentedly watches the game on TV, and gets comfortable putting his feet up on the coffee table.


“Max, you’re cell phone is ringing, it’s not the alarm so don’t blast it,” says Liz smiling at him.
Max answers the phone and talks briefly.

“That was Cal. I told him earlier to call us on the cell phones. He says he’ll call again in about an hour and a half for everyone to be ready to eat dinner in the Colony communal dinning room. I asked Cal to call everyone and tell them what he just told me. I delegated and told Cal I’d do it, but I was sort of in the middle of something when he called. Cal said, he’d remember to call first to avoid any embarrassing situations,” blushes Max.

“I like the way Cal thinks. Now, get back here mister we have to start on the christening before we need to get ready for dinner. Remember Max, dessert first snack later,” says Liz with her dark brown eyes answering his own passion filled eyes. An hour and a half later like clock work, each couple receives there phone call from Cal. He then calls Kyle last

“Hi Kyle, this is Cal. I’m calling, to tell you I’ll be over shortly to collect all of you. Please try to dress up a little bit. I’m not saying for you to wear a suit, but do try and clean up and put on a nice shirt and fresh jeans,” informs Cal. “Oh and please be on your very best behavior. Remember you and the others are all the Destined 6.1. You are the leaders of these people. You may not be Antarian, but you do play a role in the Antarian prophecy that sort of makes you honorary Antarian dignitary or VIP,” says Cal. “Do I need to go over proper behavior again and what protocols are for this sort of dinner? Do I need to tell you again about girls in this society and what kinds of things are acceptable and what are not?” contends Cal.

“No Mom, I’ll be a good boy and wash my hands before I eat and promise to keep them off the hybrid girls. Okay Cal,” says a sarcastic and witty Kyle rolling his eyes.

“Good! We understand each other then,” states Cal.

“So is the girl I’m supposed to meet going to be there,” asks Kyle with a big broad smile on his face bright enough to light a dark room with out the aid of artificial light.

“In a word…yes, she’ll be there, and yes you will be introduced at that time,” says Cal.

“Well, get the lead out Cal, times a wasting,” says Kyle gleefully. “I can’t wait!” says an excited Kyle trying so hard not to scream “Yes,” from the top of his lungs. “Oh the hell with it,” Kyle screams. “Yes, it my turn I get to get the girl… It’s about damn time. Yes! Whooo hooo!” Shouts Kyle.

******************************To Be Continued******************************
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 30 p.12 May8

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Great job on the banner! Thank you and big hugs to Mia Nora. You rock girl!

Hi Everyone! Welcome those of you that are lurkers. And those of you that went to New York. I’m waiting for my Behr sighting reports and Pictures just a FYI for those of you that saw the amber eyed Adonis himself. I’m still bummed about my plans not working out. Oh well maybe October will work out better for me. Okay, let’s see. New part this week warning! You may laugh uncontrollably. It’s just a feeling. I hope so anyways. Let me know what you think. Also I just wanted to mention. Please vote in this round of the fan fiction awards. There are so many great authors and feed backers, and fan fic artists that really would appreciate your voting. Okay, yes, of course you can feel free to vote for mine if you like. But please do go to the thread about the voting, read the rules, register and vote. Your votes mean a lot to all of us doing this for fun and even if you don’t vote. The feed back is really helpful and important for me to keep doing this. It’s as much fun to write for you guys, as it is for you to read it. We got a good thing going on here so you do your thing, and I’ll do mine, deal? You can get back to me on that, okay.

Have a terrific Mother’s day tomorrow to those out there that are Mom’s or Mom’s to be. The rest of you have a wonderful rest of the weekend and have a great week. Take care all.

LoveIsForever- Hi great to see more of your wonderful feedback. It always makes my day. Thank you for reading and taking the time to leave feedback it’s very important to me. Yeah the guys definitely love food don’t they? Kyle’s concern about the affects of beer on Liz and the others was very sweet. Although you know Kyle he’s just got to keep things stirred up. Hence the ice cream war with the girls. My Max and Liz are most assuredly very deeply in love and very happy together. I can see how you’d think Kyle’s jealous. I see him feeling more envious wanting what they have for himself with his own hybrid girl. Some how I don’t see Max suffering TV envy. After all Max and Liz have their own entertainment for two that seems to keep them both blissful, content, and glowing shamelessly. LOL!!! I think we need to start a support group Max /Jason worshipers anonymous. Although, I’m not sure how anonymous it would be I’d probably know quite a few of you and many familiar faces from BAT in the crowd. I’ll bring my Roswell Season 1 DVD’s and we can make a party of it. What do you say? LOL!!

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley! I’m glad you enjoyed the custom cabins for each couple, and Kyle of course. Your question about the mysterious girl at the store.. I don’t know you’ll have to wait and read this part and find out who his mate to be is… Can’t really answer that right now you’ll have to read on to find out what’s happening with that part. Thanks for reading and for your great feedback. I hope you will enjoy this new part. Let me know.

Smac- Hi and welcome back. I’m happy you enjoyed the banter of Kyle, Liz, and Max. Kyle will get to meet this mysterious girl, whoever she is very soon, but you’ll have to read this part. I hope you won’t be too disappointed no smores in this part. But hey the evening is still young where this part leaves off, so who knows. My Max and Liz fall down on their cabin christening duties, No! never I think not. Thanks for you reading my story and the great feedback you leave.

Sylvia37- Not to worry, if Kyle plays his cards right, help is not only on the way but, very near. He’s just got to behave and control his enthusiasm and frustration a little better not rushing things.
Yeah, the rest of the group is all very happy and contented campers if you know what I mean. At the center of happy and contented bliss of our Max and Liz everyone aspires to have what they have. Heck, who doesn’t. LOL!!

roswellluver- Hi! Thanks for your continuing to read my story and leave your feedback. You rock! Let’s just say he’s highly motivated to have what Max and Liz have found together. Yes, that’s Kyle enthusiastic and motivated. LOL!!! I hope you’ll enjoy this weeks part as well.

frenchkiss70- Hi welcome once again. Kyle, Alex, and Mr. Evans are shameless in their love of good food. Kyle was a bit mischievous wasn’t he trying to get Liz and Max ticked off. Max is a good husband and won’t upset Liz and takes her side. Got to love that. Can we please clone Max/Jason ? Any scientists in the group? What do you think, would a bribe of chocolate help? You can get back to me on that. If so I would like to place an order, and I think I can find a few others who might be interested. LOL!! Yeah, a few thousand more like it. LOL!!! Hey, that’s why I’m a dreamer, just living for the dreams. Yes!!! Thankyou, you enjoyed the ice cream scene. That was so much fun to write. I hoped it would come across funny to you guys too. Yeah, everyone likes their cabins for various reasons. Like my Max and Liz ever need a reason to christen anything, but go guys!!! Have fun. Oh about meeting Kyle’s girl…ummm. You’ll have to read this part that’s all I can say. I hope you will like it. Let me know what you think, okay. Thanks for your feedback it always cheers me on to keep writing my little story although now I’m more like around 500 pages or so in word. I guess that doesn’t qualify as a little story. I don’t know. What do you think?

Ash_maxliz- Hi Ash! I have a lot of sympathy for Kyle. Really I do, but all good things come to those that wait. Let’s just say Kyle’s situation and requests have been duly noted so read this part I think you’ll like it. Yes!! You liked my ice cream scene and my bizarre sense of humor. I had a blast writing that it was so much fun it practically wrote it’s self. Scary huh. Kyle’s a riot. I like him and the great dynamic he adds to this already great group of people that we care about. Oh great I can call you Ash then. I will. I’m never sure with some of the screen names some people have and I didn’t want to offend you. I’m so glad you’re back on the boards posting. I hope life is easing up on you a bit. I know keep the cedar oil handy, right. LOL!! Hang in there girl. I will if you will. Take care and I hope you’ll like this new part. Let me know, okay. Thanks for reading. ‘Thanks for visiting.’ More Roswellian humor, sorry.

roswellian 504- Hi! Thanks I’m thrilled you liked the last part. Yeah, Michael and Maria have a nice cabin. I tried to make each cabin have special appeal just to that couple or in Kyle’s case just Kyle having things that would make them feel happy enjoying some creature comforts. Although, I think I’d have to opt to take Max even over Michael and Maria’s cabin. Sorry, it’s just a matter of priorities. Hey, I’m a dreamer fan. It’s my story and I can drool if I want too, right? Right! Okay, bib in place. I’m ready now. LOL!! Gees, I’m not that bad….yet. LOL!! Ah poor sweet smart ass Kyle. He’s fun isn’t he? I like him. Now about your guess as to who Kyle’s bonded mate is to be I can’t tell you. Well okay, Max could make me talk, but no comment. LOL!!! I really shouldn’t be writing response feedback after a hot mocha it get me into trouble. I feel pretty confident that you will be surprised, laugh, and be pleased with the next part. If you want anymore info out of me either read the new part or brings Max and I’ll sing like the Soprano I am. LOL!! How’s that? Enjoy, and let me know what you think.

AJK001- Hi! Welcome back. I just wanted to say that I love that you’re here every week reading and leaving me feedback. Thank you so much and cyber hugs. I really appreciate all of my readers and feedbackers so much. Again thank you. I hope you’ll enjoy this part too! Have a wonderful weekend/Mother’s Day if it applies.

Part 30

Last time we left off with………………..

“Hi Kyle, this is Cal. I’m calling, to tell you I’ll be over shortly to collect all of you. Please try to dress up a little bit. I’m not saying for you to wear a suit, but do try and clean up and put on a nice shirt and fresh jeans,” informs Cal. “Oh and please be on your very best behavior. Remember you and the others are all the Destined 6.1. You are the leaders of these people. You may not be Antarian, but you do play a role in the Antarian prophecy that sort of makes you honorary Antarian dignitary or VIP,” says Cal. “Do I need to go over proper behavior again and what protocols are for this sort of dinner? Do I need to tell you again about girls in this society and what kinds of things are acceptable and what are not?” contends Cal.

“No Mom, I’ll be a good boy and wash my hands before I eat and promise to keep them off the hybrid girls. Okay Cal,” says a sarcastic and witty Kyle rolling his eyes.

“Good! We understand each other then,” states Cal.

“So is the girl I’m supposed to meet going to be there,” asks Kyle with a big broad smile on his face bright enough to light a dark room without the aid of artificial light.

“In a word…yes, she’ll be there, and yes you will be introduced at that time,” says Cal.

“Well, get the lead out Cal, times a wasting,” says Kyle gleefully. “I can’t wait!” says an excited Kyle trying so hard not to scream “Yes,” from the top of his lungs. “Oh the hell with it,” Kyle screams. “Yes, it’s my turn. I get to get the girl… It’s about damn time. Yes! Whooo hooo!”


Kyle paces expectantly as he waits for Cal to come and collect him and the others to attend the dinner with the Colonists. He practices just how he should introduce himself and the correct tone and inflection to use in his voice.

“God, I have to get a grip. It’s not like I haven’t met a girl before, or know how to act around girls. Heck, I was the school jock, big man on campus, captain of both football and basketball teams.” Kyle runs his hand through his hair nervously and then rubs his hands on his jeans while he paces. “Why am I so damn nervous about meeting this girl, whoever she is?” Kyle asks himself aloud. Kyle answers himself, “Because dummy, she’s going to be the one that’s your soul mate and become your hybrid wife, and someday mother of your children. Yeah”, laughs Kyle nervously… “No pressure there, is there? Talk about your performance anxiety,” smirks Kyle. Just then he hears voices and a knock on his cabin door.

“Hi Kyle, we came over to see if you were ready for dinner. Cal called and told us he’d be over soon to take all of us to dinner at the Colony. He suggested that we might want to check on how you were doing,” says Max.

“Guys, help me. I’m a nervous wreck and can’t seem to stop freaking out about how important it is that I don’t do anything stupid tonight. Does what I’m wearing look okay?…I mean…I can go change if you think this isn’t a good choice? Ah…God, did I just say that. Help! I’m starting to sound like a girl. Please guys, help me here,” pleads Kyle.

“Kyle, breathe,” says Liz. “You’re way too nervous, calm down. Things will be fine, just be you…only a little more restrained, at least for the very first meeting,” smiles Liz.

“That’s great coming from the girl I used to date and now is my friend married to my other friend. Man, does that ever sound weird or what?” jokes Kyle.

“Kyle, which way is your room?” asks Isabel.

“It’s just through there…why?” asks Kyle puzzled by her question.

“Because the three of us are going to help you get over your nerves and performance anxiety,” reassures Isabel. Isabel quickly opens her connection to Liz and Maria filling them in on her plans. The three girls nod in agreement.

“What? No way,” exclaims Kyle. Liz stands on one side of Kyle and links her arm with his, and Isabel on the otherside does the same.

“Come Kyle, we have a lot of work to do on you,” says Isabel. Kyle looks at the sheer look of determination on Isabel’s, Liz’s, and Maria’s faces. They look like women on a mission. Kyle casts a very worried look over his shoulder towards the rest of his friends, the husbands, and says, “Ah…guys I have no idea what they’re up to, I swear,” pleads Kyle hoping that they won’t blast his sorry butt to kingdom come. Maria walks infront of Kyle and the girls, walking in the general direction Kyle indicated. She turns around walking backwards and faces Kyle, Liz and Isabel. Maria notices worried looks from the other guys. Maria wiggles her finger beckoning Kyle to follow her bringing the girls.

“Kyle come on, we’re going to teach you how to make a favorable impression on a girl and how to be thoughtful, caring, and gentle with her,” says Maria.

“What! Oh my God what are you trying to do? Get the guys to kill me or something. Did any of you pack the dust buster?” adds Kyle. The three girls all exchange a knowing look and nod as if they are about to implement a plan to help out Kyle tonight. The three girls and Kyle pass the threshold of his bedroom Liz turns around to see three very worried men running to Kyle’s bedroom door. Liz throws up her shield immediately to keep them out, and shuts the bedroom door.

“That’s just great Max! Your wife throws her shield, and now we can’t get to them. Unless you think you can get through her shield?” asks Michael. “Max, Alex, do you think we can combine our blasting power to break through Liz’s shield?” asks Michael.

“No Michael. Remember at the rock quarry you and Maria blasted at Liz and me with everything you had and still you weren’t able to penetrate her shield. Michael, no it won’t work,” says an abrupt and nearly irate Max.

“Great! So what do we do now while our wives are in there with Kyle? Any ideas, suggestion, somebody please,” says Michael.

“I have one,” offers Alex. “Let’s open our connections to our wives and talk to them asking them politely,” says Alex with speaking through grit teeth “to explain what the Hell is going on in Kyle’s bedroom with the three of them”.

“Okay, I’m willing to try anything,” agrees Michael and Max to Alex’s suggestion.

The three men each focus to call upon their own telepathic link to their bonded mates. They get through and begin to talk with their own individual mate.

‘Max, Honey, I know this looks bad, but you have to trust me. You’re the only man for me. We’re just trying to help Kyle to look presentable and distract him from his attack of nerves. This was part of Isabel’s impromptu plan. Please trust me; nothing inappropriate is going on here, no matter how bad it looks. You know I love you. Please Max. You know me. You know my soul, the truth of my love for you, how I could ever betray that. I’ll explain further after we get Kyle ready for dinner. We’ll just be a few more minutes. He’s a hopeless mess,’ telepaths a laughing Liz.

‘Liz! Thank God! So, that’s what is going on in there. I’m not totally clear on what the three of you are up to, but of course I trust you Babe. You definitely owe me details and very soon. The clock is ticking on how long I can hold off Michael and Alex. Gees, you should see Alex, he’s talking with gritted teeth. I never thought I’d see the day Alex would be the jealous enraged type. He really loves Iz. And I was feeling that way myself. I love you Liz and please hurry up in there. I really need to see you right now,’ says Max urging Liz not to draw this situation out too long.

Michael and Alex are able to sense their mates via their connection to them, but are shut out as soon as Maria and Isabel sense them. “Hey, did you get shut out too?” asks Alex.

“Max did you get through to Liz? What’s going on in there?” asks Michael.

“Yes, I did get through to Liz. She told me that they were just trying to help Kyle dress presentably and distract his uncharacteristic bad case of nerves. She reassured me it’s not like what it looks like, and asks for patience for a few more minutes,” explains Max.

“What? That’s all she told you?” asks a still upset Alex.

“That’s the reason she gave you, for all of this…I’m still not happy or feeling reassured by that answer,” says Michael. “Maria’s got some explaining to do and fast before I decide to use our friend Kyle for target practice,” says Michael half way joking.

“Now, Michael calm down…You too Alex. Liz told me what’s going on in there and it has nothing to do with them seducing Kyle. They’re just trying to help him, nothing more. Besides I trust Liz and she’d never lie to me,” adds Max. “Come on, since when does Isabel, Liz, and Maria ever come up with a plan to seduce a guy?” laughs Max as he looks at Michael and Alex. “I mean Kyle’s just a friend, like family to them. Think about it guys,” says a now calm and reasonable Max.

“Well, I don’t care! Isabel’s my hybrid wife and I don’t want her in a bedroom with another guy, even if it’s Kyle,” says a jealous Alex.

“Ditto what he said only about my Maria,” says Michael with clinched fists.

“Okay, believe me I understand how you’re feeling. I’m not thrilled either with the way this looks, but Liz has never lied to me about anything. I trust her with my life, and I have to trust her on this one too. Let’s just be a little more patient, okay. They should be out soon. I mean how long could it take to help put together something for Kyle to wear, he’s a guy,” reassures Max.

“Thanks bro,” says Michael.

“For what?” asks Max.

“For always being the voice of logic and reason. I tend to react first, and then think it through later,” confesses Michael.

“Hey listen. Get closer to the bedroom door, and listen. I hear Isabel’s voice,” says Alex.

“Kyle, you can forget about any funny business. We’re here to help you dress nice so you can make a good impression on your future bonded mate,” says Isabel.

“What Isabel is trying to tell you is that we all think of you as family…you know like a brother,” says Liz.

“Great! I finally get to have the fantasy of having three beautiful women in my bedroom, and sitting on my bed no less. Only to have them tell me they think of me as a brother! Liz, do you have any more confidence building words of encouragement for me? What about you Maria or Isabel. Care to add anything to what Liz just said?” asks Kyle.

“Kyle you know that our thinking of you as a brother and dear friend is not news to you. So you can quit the act. What’s really bothering you?” asks Maria.

“You really want to know?” asks Kyle.

“No actually, we thought it would be fun to tick off our husbands and endanger your life expectancy by spending some of this evening in your bedroom as our men plan your painful and untimely death. But seriously Kyle, spill. I don’t see Michael as the patient type. Especially as bad as this must look to him, not to mention Max and Alex,” adds Maria.

“Now, think carefully before you speak Kyle. Remember we have powers too,” teases Isabel.
“Oh and here try these on….NO! Not in front of us. That’s just a little too much sharing if you know what I mean. Here take these khaki’s and shirt and go in the bathroom over there. Try them on and then come out and model them for us. We’ll let you know if it looks okay or not, Kyle,” says Isabel nudging him towards his master bathroom off his bedroom. Kyle’s unable to let a moment like this pass without saying something funny.

“I love it when women get bossy and vocal in the bedroom,” jokes a sarcastic Kyle.

“KYLE!” The girls all shout in unison. Kyle quickly ducks and narrowly misses getting hit with a pillow by Isabel. The guys still are listening with their ears to the door. Max, Michael, and Alex all look at each other and smile happily with relieved expressions on their faces.

“That’s our girls. See, nothing to worry about,” says Max grinning from ear to ear right along with Alex and Michael.

“Oh please, like Kyle could ever get that lucky and even still, not with our girls,” says Michael.

“We really need to make sure he meets this hybrid girl that’s he’s destined to be with. I for one certainly hope he meets her tonight. We don’t need anymore repeats of the girls in there helping Kyle,” states Alex.

“I second that,” says Max.

“Ditto,” adds Michael in agreement.

“Way to be wordy there Michael,” teases Alex.

“Hey, watch it there Mr. One Shoe,” warns a teasing Michael.

“Quiet! I think I hear Kyle again,” says Max as the guys quickly put their ears to the door and begin to listen.

“Kyle, fix your collar on your shirt. I don’t know. What do you think, Maria? Liz?” asks Isabel.

“I don’t think Kyle is a Dockers kind of guy,” says Liz.

“How about a really nice new looking pair of jeans that fit properly?” suggests Isabel.

“What’s wrong with the way my jeans fit?” Kyle frowns. “I think those jeans fit me fine, what’s the big deal, ladies?” says a slightly defensive sounding Kyle.

“Men! They all need to be taught how to dress and put things together,” says Isabel rolling her eyes at Kyle.

“Okay Kyle. You’d better show us the rest of what you got. There’s bound to be something that’s useable,” says Maria.

“I know, Isabel. If we have to, we could alter his clothes. You know, a little alien hocus pocus on the color or fit to make it work,” adds Liz.

“Liz Evans using words like hocus pocus. Liz you’ve been around Michael too long,” jokes Maria.

“Now be nice. Michael’s not so bad, and you know that better than any of us Maria,” says Liz in defense of Michael.

“That’s my favorite sister-in-law in there,” declares Michael while continuing to listen at the door.

“All right Liz and Maria. We have work to do here and we’ll need to use our powers to pull off this bachelor’s makeover,” announces Isabel in full fashion police mode.

“Why is it I have a feeling that this is going to be a painful experience?” Kyle sighs. Kyle closes his eyes as if in prayer. “Okay, let’s get this over with ladies. All I ask is that you are kind and gentle with me, other than that I’m in your more than capable hands,” says Kyle admitting defeat to the will of Isabel, Maria, and Liz.

“I didn’t like the way that sounded one bit!” says Alex abruptly.

“Come on, you heard them. They’re just helping the guy dress right for meeting his future bonded mate. There’s no way he’d make a move on any of our girls. Kyle’s got past all that,” says Max in a reassuring tone.

“You’re right Max. I need to calm down, this whole green eyed monster is getting to me,” states Alex.

“It’s okay Alex. I think we’ve all been guilty of a little of that tonight. The girls will probably think it’s cute,” says Max rolling his eyes with a smirk.

“I’ve just about reached the limit of my patience here guys. Maria had better get out of there soon and the others too,” warns an impatient Michael.

“Kyle turn around, we want to see if your jeans fit you right in the hips, waist, and inseam. So we can make the necessary alterations,” states Isabel. She studies the fit and cut of the jeans. Then determines how best to alter them for a fit that accentuates Kyle’s so-called assets.

“What do you think Liz?” asks Isabel.

“I think they are a little too loose fitting through the thighs and hips. Perhaps take them in just a bit. Can you do your thing, Iz?” asks Liz.

“I agree,” adds Maria. “I think his jeans could be a half inch or so longer though,” suggests Maria. She stands back and looks at Kyle’s jeans carefully trying to decide what would look better.

“This is just great. Two of you are aliens the other has alien like abilities and I’m the one that feels like he’s under the microscope being studied. Not that I’m complaining about three beautiful women studying my attributes and how better to put them on display. But, you are beginning to deflate my fragile male ego with all the criticism here. I always thought I did a pretty damn good job filling out a pair of jeans; I mean, I haven’t had any complaints before now,” says a nervous and self conscious Kyle.

“Kyle, relax we’re trying to help you out. You know, make certain you look your absolute best and making a great impression on this hybrid girl you’re going to meet. Come on Kyle, how many guys can say that he had a team of women help him do his best to win the affections and heart of another woman. See Kyle, you’re lucky to have us to help you. Besides, good friends and family like us are hard to come by, so count your lucky stars that we have decided to help you. Think of it as us using our powers for good instead of evil. This gives you the inside track on what a woman might want in her dream guy,” says Liz.

“So does Max fill any of your dream guy ideal qualities?” asks Kyle with a smirk.

“Kyle! Max is my ideal dream guy. Yes, he has all of those perfect qualities and more. He’s the total package,” sighs Liz. ‘God I’m so lucky, and he’s my husband too,” adds Liz.

“Okay, enough. Sorry I asked. I really don’t want to hear the endless list of Max worshipping qualities,” says Kyle rolling his eyes.

“Hey, you’re the one that brought it up,” says Liz.

“Okay, you two; let’s implement don’t ask don’t tell rule here at least while I’m in the room,” says Isabel. “Max is my brother and I do not wish to hear Liz mention anything that a sister shouldn’t be hearing,” adds Isabel.

“Thank you Isabel. I appreciate the support,” comments Kyle.

“No problem. I didn’t say that for just you. It was mainly for me too,” says Isabel with shrug.

“How are the alterations looking to you Maria?” asks Isabel as she stands back and looks at Kyle like a mannequin, deciding if necessary changes are acceptable.

“Could you three girls please not look at me like I’m a piece of meat,” demands Kyle.

“Oh come on, Kyle. Can’t you take it? You love to treat women that way. Now that the shoe appears to be on the other foot, you’re suddenly uncomfortable with it. Consider that a bonus lesson tonight Kyle. Treat this girl with respect, no one likes being looked at like a piece of meat,” says Maria.

“I can’t believe I just complained about three women eyeing me like a piece of meat. I’m definitely loosing it here. Are you three done? I mean, am I done? Do I look presentably hot now ladies?” asks Kyle. Liz, Maria, and Isabel all huddle up together whispering. Then the three women stop to look at Kyle again, then back to whispers again. The girls finally stop, indicating they have reached a decision. Isabel receives nods from Liz and Maria.

“Okay, Kyle this is our official opinion. The jeans, after significant alterations are a big thumbs up. Now for the shirt, we think the other one, the light blue polo shirt would be a nice choice. It’s our recommendation in dressing for success. This is important Kyle: you never get the second chance to make a first impression, remember that Kyle,” says Isabel.

“Oh okay the light blue polo shirt. Just a second and I’ll put that one on,” says Kyle.

“No! Not in front of us, go in the bathroom and do that please,” states Liz.

“What you afraid you can’t handle me being hotter than your guys,” teases Kyle.

“Kyle, fine you want to be that way. I’ll quote a line from Jack Nicholson in the movie, ‘A Few Good Men.’ “You can’t handle the truth.” You know we only have eyes for our guys, so don’t even try Kyle. Save it for your hybrid mate, okay,” says Liz with a smirk on her pretty face.

“Yeah, well I hope the guys know just how lucky they are to have you. I really appreciate this ladies. Boy, am I lucky you’re on my side. It makes me shudder at what you three would do to me if you were against me. It’s a very scary thought,” jokes Kyle. “Come here girls,” says Kyle as he embraces each of them. “Okay, now group hug and make me feel the love,” laughs Kyle.

On that note Liz releases her shield barrier. The release of the resistance of her shield forced the guys to fall forward and pop the closed door open with the combined force of their weight. The three guys fall spilling through the door way and on to the floor of Kyle’s bedroom.

“Hi guys, so nice of you to drop in,” says Kyle with a mischievous grin on his face. “Let me see what brings you here…Wait, I know this one…Ummm. Your wives, right? Yes! I got that one right,” says Kyle feeling especially daring and confident after the girls help tonight. Michael stands giving Kyle his patented Michael angry glare, with Max and Alex joining in standing behind him.

“You had better start talking Valenti and pronto before I decide to blast now and ask questions later,” says Michael in what appears to be a threatening tone.

“Hey, Michael you have to share. Remember my Isabel, your sister, was in there too with him. The man has to pay for that,” says Alex. Max looks at Alex and Michael and then gives a slight nod of agreement to a plan that’s been discussed telepathically.

“Kyle, you do realize of course that my wife being in here is a problem, right. I mean even you have to admit it doesn’t look good. I’ve had a hard time keeping Michael, Alex, and myself from blasting a hole through your bedroom, enough to put a meteorite storm to shame. I do trust my wife and love her. I also know my sister and Maria. It might just prolong your life if you speak up about what’s been going on in here, NOW!” yells the normally calm and reasonable Max.
Liz looks at Max and opens her connection wider to him.

‘Max, I know that you know the truth. I told you what happened and you were okay with it. What’s this all about?’ asks Liz through their connection.

‘Babe, just humor me. I do trust you and I’m okay with what you told me. We’re just messing with Kyle for a minute or two,’ reassures Max.

‘Oh, what can I do to help? Should I play along and act upset or what?’ asks a giggling Liz.

‘Just make sure that Maria and Isabel know what’s going on, okay Babe. Meanwhile, Michael, Alex, and I will bug Kyle a little bit more,’ says Max trying hard not to let his feelings be mirrored in his poker face at the moment.

“While you were in here with my WIFE, I might add Cal stopped by. He said that we had to leave right then with him. I explained there was no way in hell any of us were leaving with our wives in Kyle’s bedroom. Cal said he was really upset by this information and about the arrangements he had made for you, Kyle. Cal mentioned he’d pass along that info to the hybrid girl that you were supposed to meet tonight. It’s too bad. I know you were looking forward to meeting her for sometime now. Oh well, better luck next time Kyle,” says Max with a smirk.

“Cal was here and you let him go! NO! I don’t get to meet my soul mate?” asks a horrified Kyle.

“Kyle calm down it’ll be okay. Max, Honey, tell him now please,” says Liz.

“Well if I have to, Liz . . . I’m kidding. Kyle, listen to me very carefully, gotcha!” says Max with a big smile.

“What? You guys were just yanking my chain about Cal leaving and about telling the girl,” says Kyle realizing the guys got him back, but good. Kyle smiles and says, “Even a smart ass like me has to appreciate the brilliance of that one, my friends,” laughs Kyle.

“Oh, Kyle we really did want to blast a hole through your bedroom to get to the girls and get them out of there Kyle. So in the future should you need our wives fashion advice and commentary, just know that it will be a family affair with us present as well. Right guys,” says Max looking to Alex and Michael’s support and backing on that one.

“Lucky for you Kyle, Liz explained everything to me earlier while we were out in the hall. I shared it with the guys,” says Max.

“So I guess this is the part where we have a big family group hug,” says Kyle. “Come on, you had me going on that one guys. Kyle motions everyone together for a group hug. Okay, not to seem ungrateful of our little makeshift family or anything. But, I have a question. Does this mean that I still get to meet my soul mate at dinner with the colonists?” asks Kyle.

“Yes, Kyle. You still get to meet her tonight at dinner with the rest of us, okay. It’s the absolute truth Kyle, we swear. Now are you through primping and having the girls fuss over dressing you,” teases Michael. Kyle looks around at the guys, and then looks at the girls.

“Yeah, I’m good for now thanks,” says Kyle.

“Smart ass,” says Alex.

“I try, it’s what I do. I owe that to the girls using their alien hocus pocus to custom fit my jeans. I just hope that my hybrid girl to be likes the look too,” smiles a hopeful Kyle.

“All right already. Can we please go and wait on the porch for Cal to come and get us to take us to dinner? I’m getting hungry,” adds Alex. Everyone gets ready for Cal to pick them up and wait on the porch.

“Cal! You’re here,” says a happy and emotional Kyle giving Cal an uncharacteristic hug of enthusiasm. The gang laughs and jokes with Kyle. “Gee’s Kyle, could you possibly try and be more excited to meet this girl?” says Isabel shaking her head and smiling at his antics.

“Isabel you said you guys just wanted to help me with getting ready to meet this girl. Why all the drama with the guys? You didn’t really say why, other than helping me to get dressed. So I’m naturally wondering why my three best female, married friends would do this?” asks Kyle.

“We have our reasons. You can ask us tomorrow, okay,” says Isabel with a smile.

“Isabel, please I would really like to know why. Liz? Maria? Will one of you tell me please,” pleads Kyle. Liz steps forward with Max’s arms wrapped around her. The three of us girls wanted to help you with your clothes like Isabel said plus we wanted to distract you from your major case of nerves, leaving you more relaxed for later. You needed a break from all of your anxiety,” admits Liz.

“Wow, thanks girls. I guess I’m a lucky guy to have friends like all of you, and that you’re husbands didn’t kill me earlier,” jokes Kyle. “You guys are closer to me than friends. We really are more like family. Thanks for doing that for me,” adds Kyle. The group of friends and family climb into the Limo Cal surprises them with. They are driven to the dinner at the Colony. They are to be treated as dignitaries or as royalty as leaders of the people of Antar. The mighty prophesied Destined 6.1 are the very saviors of Antar and Earth. Cal has made all the necessary preparations for Kyle’s meeting and for the others to enjoy their dinner and the first meeting with a large group of fellow hybrids like themselves.

“Why do we have to ride in the Limo if this dinner is on the property? We can just walk. Why the Limo?” asks Maria.

“You are leaders and must present yourselves in a manner that shows the colonists that you are in fact the leaders the prophecy has foretold,” says Cal.
*************************************To Be Continued In a Sec*********************
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sat May 15, 2004 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 30 p.12 May8

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Part 30 continued.......

The limo arrives infront of the area of the compound that houses the dining area. Cal climbs out of the limo first and greets his hand picked entourage and gives them their orders for the evening regarding the additional security for the ‘Destined 6.1’. He then motions for Max and Liz and others to depart the limo. They all climb out and walk into the building as they look around taking in their new surroundings. Michael, Max, and Alex all take note of the additional security detail following them.

“Why all the added security? I thought we were going to be amongst other hybrids like yourselves, our own people,” says Kyle.

“Just because we’re among our own kind, doesn’t mean that there can’t be a Smitak spy waiting to strike when it’s most opportune for him or her,” says Michael. Cal turns and looks at Michael.

“Precisely right,” says Cal. The Destined 6.1 and Cal approach the steps leading to the entrance of the dinning room hall and rest of the facility. Kyle turns his attention to Max and Liz deep in conversation with them. Kyle trips, and tries to catch himself by reaching out and grabbing on to whatever can help him to regain his balance and save face from falling on his ass again today. Just then two soft feminine arms reach out and catch Kyle.

“Hey thanks,” says Kyle as he begins to look up and address who has caught him. He slowly realizes that he was just caught by a girl. He looks up noticing her shoulder length shining dark brown hair glistening in the light. Kyle looks up further to look her in the eyes and realizes this is the mysterious girl from the store earlier today. He drinks in her violet colored eyes, once again. He’s lost in her eyes and her beauty as her very presence begins to consume him. Kyle’s speechless and awestruck by her.

“I can see you haven’t lost your step, still trying to knock a girl off of her feet,” teases the new-comer whose name is still unknown to him at the moment. “If you promise to master the art of walking I promise to tell you my name, deal?” asks the captivating girl who now has Kyle’s full attention.

“Uh…Yeah…I think I can do that.” He steadies himself and straightens up as he stands. “My name is Kyle incase you didn’t hear earlier. I’m here with my friends we are …” stops Kyle.

“I know who you are. I’m not completely out of this world you know. You guys are the ‘Destined 6.1.’ I’m guessing with your mastery of gravity there, you’re the .1. Oh and since you’re now standing, my name is Mystic. I understand that you’ve wanted to meet me for some time now,” smiles Mystic grinning from ear to ear.

Kyle stutters and stammers helplessly, until Liz and Max come to his aid. “Hi. I’m Liz and this is my husband Max. I see you’ve met Kyle. He’s not usually this klutzy. Kyle happens to be quite the athlete back home, sort of the resident jock extraordinaire in the group. He’s a nice guy. He has a wicked sense of humor. Just give him a chance to warm up to you. He’s in shock right now. He’ll be okay after he eats,” says Liz.

“It’s an honor to meet you all. Well, should we go find our table? I know everyone at the Colony has been working closely with Cal on the menu to prepare a special dinner for all of you,” says Mystic letting her smile reach her eyes.

“What, aren’t you joining us?” speaks Kyle finally.

“Wow, Liz do you think Mr. stumblin’, bumblin’, fumblin’ will be okay to eat dinner,” asks Mystic.

“Do you by any chance watch ESPN and like sports?” asks Kyle with his fingers crossed behind his back.

“Yes, some of the more coordinated of us do watch and like to participate in all sorts of sports, Kyle. Can you handle that?” says Mystic.

“I’d be more than happy to handle that,” says Kyle warming up and breaking the ice, sounding more like his usual smart ass quick witted self. Kyle looks over his shoulder to find the rest of his friends/family, ‘the Destined 6.1’ giving him smiles, nods, and thumbs up of approval.

*****************************To Be Continued********************************
Off Behr hunting for the amber eyed one

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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 31 p13 May 15

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Thank you Mia Nora for the wonderful banner, I love it. :D

Okay, just briefly please read the rules and vote in this round of Fan Fic awards, okay. If you choose to vote for me, or not please vote. Thanks.
Also, I'm getting concerned no one has figured out my inside joke with the name Smitak. If someone doesn't guess it I'll have to tell you guys. I'd rather someone figure it out first. When you do you might just find yourself laughing out loud. Depending on how you feel about this person. So please guess, I'd love to see if any of you get it. Oh should I continue this story on like a lot longer. I kind of feel like I should until it feels concluded, but I don't know let me know what you think. Have a great week and my thanks to everyone that reads my story.

Smac- Hi thanks for your reading and feedback. Yeah, well our guys did get jealous and the green eyed monster definitely made an appearance. Can you blame the guys, things did really look bad, even though the girls motive’s were purely innocent. They didn’t know any of that until Liz and Max connected and she shared some info with him. Kyle is captivated by Mystic. Well, we’ll just have to see if they hit it off. As far as Mystic and Kyle go so far so good through part 30. You’ll have to see what happens next though in part 31. Take care and thanks so much for your time reading and leaving feed back for my story. It does mean a lot to me.

LoveIsForever- Hi welcome back and Thanks as always for your reading and your great feed back. Kyle is surrounded by friends that all have the one that they love, their bonded mates. Kyle sees how happy they all are with each other. At the center of that is Max and Liz he longs for finding someone to love him and to be loved by someone with such intensity and unwavering devotion like Max and Liz have. He’s not jealous of what they have, just envious and feeling a little left out on that one aspect of the group dynamic. I’m glad you liked the scene with the girls walking off with Kyle to his bedroom and Liz throws up her shield. It was fun too see the guys get all jealous their vision clouded by the green eyed monster. A jealous Alex was cute too. Thank goodness Liz let Max in on what was going on. I don’t think I’d want to push a jealous Max too far, it could lead to major remodeling of the cabin. LOL!!! A jealous Michael also is a dangerous thing too. He has such a temper that Spaceboy. I’m glad you liked this part. I enjoyed reading your feedback. I hope you’ll like this weeks post as well. Thanks again!

roswellluver- Hi thanks for reading and your feedback as usual. Isabel’s plan to get Kyle’s mind off of meeting Mystic and keeping him distracted by the three girls worked like a charm to get rid of his mountain size case of nerves. Kyle did loosen up and I think he kind of enjoyed the idea of having Max, Michael, and Alex a little jealous even though he knew nothing was going on. It still has the effect of giving Kyle a bit of an ego boost. I hope you like this week’s part as well. Thanks for reading and your comments.

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley! Welcome back! You liked the guys getting all jealous. They were cute and funny weren’t they? I’m thrilled you liked that part. It was fun to write it. Ansley, as for your question about any evil Antarians at the Colony...hmmm if you mean enemies that are in league with Smitak, no not so far. You’ll have to read the next part to see for yourself. I’m so glad you are reading and enjoying my story. I greedily read all my feed back and cherish it. Thanks for your feed back, it’s very much appreciated.

Ash_Maxliz- Hi Ash! I hope RL is treating you better these days. I’m keeping my fingers crossed and thinking happy thoughts for you on that front, okay. Kyle has met his intended Mystic and so far so good. They seem to like each other. You’ll have to read this new part to see what you think about the Kyle and Mystic situation. Yeah, I’d like to see Kyle all happy with his own girl settling into the whole couple’s dynamic of the group. He’s a good guy and deserves to have some one he can love and who will love him back. Let me know what you think about this new part… Take care Ash.

Frenchkiss70- Hi! Thanks for reading and leaving awesome feed back as usual. I appreciate every bit of it. I had fun writing the guys jealous it was funny to show two things going on at the same time the girls with Kyle in his bedroom being one. The other part of the scene is with the guys outside his bedroom door trying to figure out if they could blast their way through to get their girls. It was too funny seeing them all jealous. I’m glad that you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. I agree with you Kyle does deserve his chance a happiness. He’s met Mystic and they do seem to like each other and things can only get better from that point on. I want to see Kyle be happy with the love of his life like Max and Liz are and the others. Kyle is a good guy and deserves that too. I hope you’ll like this week’s post as well. Let me know what you think, okay.

out of this world- Hi Carol! Did you get a chance to catch up on my story since your return for New York, you lucky girl. Oh definitely, please do email me any pics of the amber eyed one. Email me and I’ll give you my other email address. I’m getting high speed internet Tuesday and my main email addy is changing. I have a yahoo email addy you can email the pics too, so just email me before Tuesday and I’ll email you back with that info. Okay, girl I want a full report on his hunky swoon/drool worthiness. I have been so incredibly depressed I couldn’t be there and for my birthday no less. I was majorly bummed. I mean no matter what the occasion Jason is the perfect gift don’t you think? LOL!!! I’d better calm down now. Phew! Don’t get me started on his Behrness. Is it getting hot in here or is it just him… Oh it’s definitely him. Okay, I hope you like this part assuming you’ve gotten all caught up. Let me know what you’ve read and your thoughts on all of that so far, okay. I’m Glad to hear that your back. I’m sure you had a great time. I am looking forward to hearing your story and more pics. Welcome back and have a great weekend.

AJK001- Thank you for your kind words. I’m really happy to hear that you think this story keeps getting better. Does that mean you don’t want to see this one end then? I’m not sure how long to make it or if I should just keep it going like a continuous season of Roswell minus the summer hiatus etc…going straight into the next fall season… You can let me know what you think about that part. This part has some interesting elements to it. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts on that as well. Have a great weekend, and take care.

Cherie- Hi girl Welcome back! OH and many cyber hugs on those pics you emailed me. Lucky you! I know I’d still be glowing like a thousand watt light bulb if I were you. You like my Kyle. Meeting Nick at BAT and spending time getting to know him a little has made writing Kyle very easy for me. Nick’s a great guy and a lot of fun to be around. I tried to let some of Nick’s personality show through in my Kyle. You like the name Mystic. I thought that was pretty good one too. My beta came up with that name. You liked the part where Mystic tells Kyle he must be the .1 part of the Destined 6.1. She’s every bit Kyle’s match in here sarcastic dry smart wit as he is. Kyle’s never met a girl like her before. She’s definitely has Kyle’s attention. Go Mystic and Kyle! That’s what I say. Thanks again on those amazing pics you emailed me. Definitely keep in touch with me about any future Behr outings for us Behrians at his film premiere’s I know about the biggie for “The Grudge” no details though, and some one mentioned “Shooting Livien” again no details. If you hear anything please email me. I’d love to go…I’m on a mission now “Operation …Bag the Behr… Ooops! I mean meet the Behr one. LOL!!! Sorry about the slip there. LOL!!! Okay, I hope you’ll like this new part, let me know. Have a great week. Take care.

roswellian504- I’m glad you thought that last part was cute and funny. That’s what I was aiming for so I’m happy to hear that it turned out right then. Yes, you were right about the violet eyed girl, Mystic, is Kyle’s intended. She’s great I like her so far. I hope you’ll like this part too, it’s got it’s elements of funny and cute as well as a little angst but not like you’ll think. You’ll have to read it to understand what I meant by that. Let me know what you think about this new part too, okay. I love reading feed back. So please keep it coming it’s very much appreciated. Have a great week, and take care.

On with this weeks new part.....

Part 31

The seven friends, Mystic, and Cal are seated at a special table that is elaborately decorated by comparison with the others. A waiter approaches them. “Is there anything I can get you right now or anything I can do for you?” asks the waiter directing his question to Max and Liz.

“Yes, can you tell us why this table is decorated more elaborately than the others?” asks Max.

“Sir, well...everyone knows who you all are and the importance you play in our future. You are the leaders, almost like royalty and we wanted to show our respect or place of honor by acknowledging that,” replies the waiter.

“I would like for you to remove all these extra adornments that are on our table. We are leaders of our people, yes. We are not some sort of exiled royalty or figureheads. We would like our table to look like the others we see here. Is that going to be a problem?” asks Max.

“NO, no sir whatever you wish. May I ask why?” asks the waiter.

“We don’t want to be served as royalty or set apart as figureheads. We want to live among the rest of you while we are here combining our skills working along side our people, getting ready for the battle and everything that is to come with Smitak. Sure we are different but we want to be treated as equals. Is that clear?” asks Max.

“Yes sir, can I show everyone to another more appropriate table then,” suggests the waiter.

“Yes, that would be great. Thank you,” says Max. Their party gets up from the table to be escorted to another one. This doesn’t go unnoticed by those attending this very important dinner introducing the ‘Destined 6.1’ to the rest of the Colony. They feel everyone’s eyes on them as they get situated before their meals arrive. Cal returns from checking on things and is surprised to see the group sitting at another table.

“Hi Max, Liz, and gang; was there something wrong with your other table?” asks Cal curious as to the reason for the change.

“Oh we decided that we didn’t want to be seen as separate or above the Colonists. We are their leaders and they are our people. We need to work together combining our efforts to prepare and stand ready for whatever Smitak throws at us. The ‘Destined 6.1’ needs to be seen as leaders that are willing and able to work together with our people. That’s pretty hard to do when it’s not on equal footing. We do not wish to be treated as some sort of exiled royalty or politicians who are all show and unwilling to roll up their sleeves or stand along side their people to help overcome a common foe. We are not royalty and we do not want to be seen that way. That’s not what our role is in the prophecy nor is it how the leaders of our people should to be seen. We are making a statement about who we are by sitting at a regular table. Can you understand that Cal?” asks Max.

“Yes, I do understand your point. It’s just that I don’t know how well this will be received by the Colonists,” says Cal. “They have tried to remain here with little or no contact with humans. The Antarians here have always feared being discovered” adds Cal. “The Colonists have very traditional Antarian viewpoints on this and other issues,” adds Cal looking at Kyle and Mystic.

“What? Why are you looking at me and Mystic like that? What did we do?” asks Kyle.

“Nothing, it’s just you worry me Kyle, and so do you Mystic. You both tend to be sarcastic and witty. That’s not something that goes down well among the colonists,” says Cal.

“Tell me about it. I’ve had to live here my whole life just to be treated as an outcast and yelled at for it,” adds Mystic.

Kyle gulps nervously, “So what does that mean. Do I get a special pass for being one of the Destined 6.1,” asks Kyle. “What has Mystic done? I’ve just met her and I can say she hasn’t done anything wrong, really,” adds Kyle. Cal turns his attention to Max and Liz and makes further comments and observations.

“Also Max and Liz, I think it would be best if you two weren’t so outwardly affectionate in public. It’s something the Colonists don’t understand and is generally thought of as abnormal behavior for Antarians,” warns Cal. The group all looks at Cal and then at Max and Liz realizing this is not going to be tolerated by Max or Liz.

“Oh boy, batten down the hatches. We’re in for a bumpy ride,” says Alex.

“Yeah, talk about barking up the wrong tree,” says Michael with a smirk.

“Here we go. This should be good seeing our mild mannered calm reasonable Max, open up a can of alien whoop ass on Cal for even suggesting such a thing to him and Liz,” says Kyle.

“What! Liz is my wife and I will not change how I act around her. They need to learn to deal with it. I don’t care if they think this is inappropriate or not. If I want to kiss my wife in public you can bet I will and to hell with them! No one dictates my relationship with Liz. We are married by both Earth and Antarian customs. Besides, it’s about time these people learn to expand their thinking on what’s acceptable and not just in terms of personal relationships between men and women. We are their leaders and here to help prepare everyone to defeat our enemy Smitak. Hopefully we can save two planets in the process; and live to tell the tale afterwards. I have my family with me and we refuse to conform to some set of imposed Antarian standards of social behavior. We aren’t here to carry on tradition, but to save everyone’s ass. Got it Cal! My wife and my family, the Destined 6.1, we are here to complete our mission and take care of business. What we do, and how we choose to interact with each other is no ones business but our own. It was originally planned for our people to integrate and co exist with humans. Eventually at some point there would’ve been some blending of species. I’m sure this has happened since the crash. Arianna has told me that this is so. Now, if you’d like to explain that to the Colonists fine, if not I’ll tell them myself. Okay, I’m calming down now and I want you to tell them. I understand that we seven must seem very different than what they are used to. Simply put, we are. We were raised by humans, so yes we are different. That doesn’t change who we are and what our purpose here is. Please tell them that Cal. Also make it clear that those of us that have a mate are not changing how we act around them just to make the Colonists more comfortable. They need to see this is a non negotiable issue as their leaders. I don’t see where it’s any of their business in the first place. Will you speak to them or shall I?” asks Max standing with Liz at his side holding his hand. The others all stand showing there unanimous support.

“Yes Max, I’ll tell them. They won’t like it, but tough. They aren’t the leaders of the prophecy either,” smiles Cal proud of Max’s ability to lead and fight for what’s important to him. “I’ll make an announcement after dinner that way you can field any questions they may wish to ask you. Alright, Max?” asks Cal.

“That will be fine. I’m sure we have some of our own questions,” replies Max.

“Alright Max, as you wish. I’ll see what I can arrange in the way of making an announcement after dinner. I’ll be right back and let you know what I find out,” says Cal.

“Uhh…Mystic, so what do you eat around here for dinner…usually?” asks Kyle with Alex and Michael’s riveted attention awaiting her answer.

“Well of course we eat the finest cuisine,” says Mystic.

“Really,” smiles a hopeful Alex watching and waiting for dinner to be served.

“Yeah, really Alex. What is that name of that show about flying around in space and encountering aliens….Oh yeah, Star Trek, that’s it. Yeah we serve the finest Klingon food, blood pie etc… I hope you’re hungry Alex, because the kitchen staff has gone all out for you guys,” teases Mystic in her own unique sarcastic wit.

“What! Ha ha ha very funny. I think you’ve already been around Kyle too long. Heaven help us all, not two of them,” pleads Alex as he looks up to the ceiling. “That was a good one Mystic, but I’ll get you back for that one,” teases Alex. Kyle sits there grinning from ear to ear beaming proudly at her. Mystic’s outspoken and good natured wit teasing Alex earns her some points with Kyle and the group of friends noting how well she fits in with them.

“We’re all set Max for later after dinner. When you’re ready I can say a few words and introduce you all,” says Cal.

“Thanks Cal,” says Max. Alex and Kyle’s attention is diverted to the kitchen and notice the waiters emerging with platters of food.

“Yes! It’s a about time. I was getting hungry,” says Kyle rubber necking trying to get a glance at what is being served.

“Gees, Kyle would look at yourself. You are embarrassing,” says Alex mimicking the rubber necking movements moments ago by Kyle.

“Don’t make me get out of this chair and kick your scrawny butt, Mr. One Shoe. You know that I can,” says Kyle reminding Alex of his obvious jock status.

“Kyle, I have powers now, you can’t just throttle me. Besides, you mess with me I’m telling Iz and she’ll haunt you in your dreams. Also, I can tell Liz or Maria. They’ll help me. They’re my girls,” smiles Alex proudly with a cheesy grin.

Mystic listens and watches with concern as if she might have to break up a fight. “Guys, calm down. If I had known I’d start something like this. I wouldn’t have brought the subject up,” interjects a concerned Mystic.

“Oh that, that’s nothing. They’re always doing stuff like that. You notice that Liz, Maria and I didn’t get concerned. We are used to it and usually ignore it, unless things get out of hand,” grins Isabel. “You might as well get used to it now, it’s pretty much standard for the guys. It’s just how they relate to each other, yet maintains the illusion of being macho tough guys,” informs Isabel.

Kyle, Alex, Max, and Michael all turn and say, “Illusion of being tough macho guys…What illusion? It’s a point of fact! Funny, I don’t recall hearing any of you ladies complaining about your guys,” Kyle adds quickly to rebuff Isabel’s comments with the guys chiming in agreement. “Who says the female of the species… any species isn’t the more vicious or deadly,” jokes Kyle.

“Kyle!” says Liz. “I’m sorry Mystic. We should’ve warned you we are like family and like siblings tend to fight with each other as such. But it’s all done with love and we always wind up making up and apologizing to one another,” explains Liz. “Besides, since when have I complained about being with Max,” asks Liz addressing Isabel.

“Okay, I stand corrected. Those two are glued at the hip and trust me they are the model of what two people completely totally madly in love look like,” says Isabel smiling at Liz and Max’s sitting with their chairs very close together with Max’s arm around Liz.

“I’m sorry I don’t understand that last comment. What do you mean about Max and Liz being in love? What is love? Please explain,” requests Mystic.

“What? You don’t know what is meant by the word love? Or how that it applies to people and personal relationships with members of the opposite sex?” asks Liz trying to understand the nature of Mystic’s question and how to tailor it to answer her question.

“Hmm. How should I explain this… you asked about this in regards to me and Max? Well, as you know he’s my husband and bonded mate. We love each other very much meaning that he’s the only man that I want to hold me, and have a family with etc…By love we mean like outwardly showing your affections to your bonded mate. Max and I are always affectionate with each other. This earns us a lot of teasing from our family, but we are really happy together and don’t mind their teasing,” says Liz.

“Oh, okay. I think understand now. I have listened to you and watched you and Max together;
And I just find your behavior very different than the way bonded couples act around each other here. Here they don’t show any signs of outward affection or adoration like the two of you. Well, like any of you guys do. This is all so very new and different for me to see. Forgive me if my reactions and questions seem odd or naive to you,” replies Mystic.

“Don’t worry about it. If you have any questions about us feel free to ask one of us,” smiles Isabel.

“Thanks I will,” replies Mystic. “So what can you tell me about Kyle?” asks a curious Mystic.

“Hey! I’m right here don’t talk about me while I’m still here to listen,” says Kyle with a smile and a smirk. “Gees, as least have the decency to talk about me behind my back like everyone else does,” says Kyle sarcastically. Isabel and Liz burst out laughing with Mystic joining in on the fun laughing at Kyle’s funny comment.

Mystic turns to Kyle and says, “Kyle, you are so funny. Tell me, do you ever take your show on the road?” asks Mystic.

“For the right audience I would,” says Kyle. “Any takers here?” asks Kyle. Mystic finds herself blushing at his comments.

“Aww how cute, Liz. I think our Kyle is growing up, don’t you think,” says Isabel enjoying making Kyle take his turn blushing. Kyle takes some small prepackaged pats of butter already on the table and throws them at Isabel then Liz.

“Cool, check it out. Food fight!” says Alex reaching for a dinner roll to bean Michael one for earlier. Then he picks up another roll, arming himself for another round to fire upon Kyle. Alex hits his target squarely on the forehead. Alex shouts, “Yes!! Two points for the Geek vs. the Jock. Thank you very much,” announces Alex proudly bowing to the rest of the table.

Cal looks at the antics being played out in before him. “Great! This is just great. These are the individuals that hold the fate of two worlds in their hands. Here they are, the Destined 6.1, starting a food fight at an important first meeting with the Colonists,” says Cal shaking his head and covering his eyes with one hand and rubbing them hoping he can wipe away this display.

“Hey! Watch it,” shouts Maria looking to see who just nailed her with the dinner roll. She finds Michael looking at her smiling as Kyle quickly ducks behind an unaware Michael.

“What? I didn’t throw anything at you,” says Michael enjoying the look of pure fire in her green eyes. “But I wish that I did,” adds Michael looking at her appreciatively.

“You wouldn’t dare, Spaceboy,” says Maria. Maria notices just behind Michael that Liz is aiming at Michael so Maria continues to keep him occupied while she gives Liz a wink as a signal to fire. Michael finds himself getting beaned a hard one right in the back of the head. He looks at Maria suspiciously.

“Blondie! You just set me up didn’t you? It must’ve been you and Liz. I’m right aren’t I?” asks Michael.

“No flies on you Michael,” says Max implying the obvious.

“Great, a family food fight. You’re going to pay for that one Liz, my favorite sister-in-law. Liz I having something just for you”, says Michael quickly loading up with a few rolls ready to fire at Liz. Michael fires at Liz. Mystic unexpectedly joins in on the fun. Mystic takes aim at Michael and makes a great direct shot connecting expertly.

Kyle smiles, “That’s my girl. Good shot Mystic!” Kyle says loudly. Max stands next to Isabel and decides to act like a teenager for once and takes a few remaining dinner rolls. He fires at Kyle and Michael then Alex.

“Incoming!” shouts Kyle scrambling to take cover grabbing Mystic to hide under the table. Just then Cal clears his throat.

“Are you guys quite through with the juvenile human food fight antics,” says Cal. Isabel opens the group connection and they all take aim at Cal hitting their target with ease. The Destined 6.1 and Mystic all laugh hysterically at Cal and his uptight attitude. Cal, after a few moments of standing embarrassed, decides oh what the heck and laughs along with the group of teenagers.
“Okay, now that we have that out of our systems we should try to behave a little more seriously,” says Cal. The waiter approaches their table with extreme caution.

“Ah..Is it safe to serve you now?” asks the timid waiter.

“Kyle, looks around and answers for the group. “Yes, I think we’re feeling we’ve reached a cease fire agreement for now, but we’ll get back to you if that should change.” Cal addresses the group now seated at the table.

“I don’t think this first time encounter and meeting with the Colonists could get any less dignified than it is already,” says Cal.

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that. You’re way to pessimistic, Cal. Sure it could’ve been worse. They could’ve served us our food first instead of the dinner rolls,” says Alex with a cocky grin on his smiling face.

“Gees Cal lighten up. That’s nothing. In fact this was down right tame compared to some of the classic legendary food fights we’ve started at the quad and blamed on the football and basketball teams,” beams Isabel.

“That was you?” shouts Michael surprised by Isabel’s admission.

“We’ll it was me, Liz, and Maria. Who’d believe we three innocent girls would do such a thing. We sort of cheated a little with powers, it made for some nice lunchtime entertainment,” says Isabel confessing their scheming ways…at least on this one account.

“I have to say this; you got me in so much trouble with my Dad and my coach over that one. Everyone had me pinned as the guy that started it,” says Kyle.

“Oh you mean like with the fire alarm incident,” laughs Max and Michael.

“Oh no, don’t tell me you two were really behind that. You were weren’t you? I knew it! I was framed; damn you did a great job of it too! Okay, come clean with me now. How did you pull that off with a hall full of witnesses and everything,” asks a smiling Kyle.

“Well, ah… I used my powers and I had Michael act as lookout and blocked anyone from seeing me do it. I didn’t touch the fire alarm at all. I just sent a small burst of my energy into it and your hand was so close to the alarm that it was a give me,” laughs Max.

“I gotta hand it to you guys. That was brilliant, even if I do say so myself,” smiles Kyle. The group enjoys their meal and exchanges of relaxed family conversation. Cal waits for everyone to finish eating and the table to be cleared. Alex and Kyle protest because they were wanting seconds. Cal approaches Max and informs the group to be ready for the introductions and to act more dignified. Cal receives nods and half hearted salutes of compliance to his request from the entire group before he dares to approach the podium and address the Colonists and introduce the Destined 6.1.

“Good evening Colonists and fellow Antarians. As many of you know, I am Cal. I’m the protector of the ‘Destined 6.1’. They are all here and I’m sure you’d like to meet them and address whatever questions you may have for them.” Cal motions for the group. The ‘Destined 6.1’ rise from their seats. The individual couples hold hands as they approach the podium. Kyle being the last to approach looks over his shoulder at Mystic and winks as he leaves her to sit at the table. Max approaches the microphone first and introduces him and then the others.

“I know that many of you have heard of the prophecy, the folklore, and some myths that surround it. We are the ‘Destined 6.1’. I know many of you are thinking the prophecy only speaks of the ‘Destined four’ there is a reason for that. The prophecy that you are familiar with didn’t take into account for our bonded mates and their unique purpose that was only known previously to Arianna and the Granilith,” says Max taking in the expressions on the faces of the group. “We changed the name of the group to the ‘Destined 6.1’ to include our bonded mates and friend,” adds Max. “Our behavior may seem a little odd to you because we were raised by humans and had to suppress or hide our abilities to avoid detection by government authorities like those that were scouring the original crash site. Although we are your leaders, we are very much your equals and want to be treated as such. We will work together to defeat Smitak and his goals for conquest of both our worlds,” finishes Max. Max waits for a few long seconds before the Colonists react with applause and smiles. Liz steps forward taking Max’s hand standing by his side.

“Is there any questions that you have for us?” asks Liz looking at the crowd nervously.

“Yes, I have one,” says Mystic walking toward the crowd directly facing the podium. “What was it like growing up and living amongst humans? Do the humans that raised you know who you really are?” asks Mystic receiving mumbles of agreement that they wanted to know the answers to that too. Liz answers Mystic’s questions and the others that arise fielding them between the different members of their group that want to answer. Max curiously notes that the older members of the Colony are more concerned about details and strategies on defeating Smitak; whereas, the younger members are more interested in the human hybrid interactions.

Mystic asks the last question, “Kyle, what was the significance of the display at our dinner table earlier? Please explain. Was there a disagreement or argument of some kind? Did you not like the dinner rolls?” asks Mystic sarcastically and smiling.

“Well those are good questions, thank you for asking them Mystic,” says Kyle. “The display at the dinner table earlier was about us just making our own fun and my trying to get everyone to relax since we were a little nervous to meet all of you. As for the rolls they were the perfect ammunition for our family food fight. It’s sort of a way that teenagers in human society sometimes blow off steam or relax easing tensions,” smirks Kyle now blushing furiously at Mystic as she stares at him admiring his jeans.

Max and Liz see this exchange of looks going on between Mystic and Kyle as he still stands at the podium staring back at Mystic. Kyle is completely unaware of the colonists’ presence still being there. “Max, we know that look. We had better go rescue him up there,” says Liz. She and Max approach the microphone.

“We thank you all for your kind hospitality and for this lovely dinner tonight. It’s been a pleasure meeting you all. Good night,” says Liz as she and Max wave and nudge Kyle it’s time to leave.
The group exits the facility, and is ushered to the limo Cal rented to take them back to their cabins. Kyle stalls. He waits for Mystic to say good night to her before he enters the limo. Kyle turns and waves to her, then closes the door behind him looking longingly out the window.

Mystic walks home while reminiscing about the evening and meeting Kyle. She ponders all these new feelings and her unexpected draw to Kyle. Mystic’s father impatiently waits for her return.
Mystic is excited and bubbly and wants to share with her father about Kyle. Her father paces contemplating his next words trying to reign in his concerns and anger.

“How could you spend so much time with a human? I know there was mention he would be a part of the ‘Destined ones’ but I had no idea he would be completely human,” says a disgusted
and irksome Rasmus. “This is completely unacceptable for an Antarian hybrid to be a future bonded mate to a human and so called member of this alleged ‘Destined 6.1’.

“But Daddy! How could you say that? Mother was a human and I know you cared for her in your own way. It bothers you that I’m more like her than you. I’m a hybrid. I’m not a pure Antarian like you are, so does that mean that I’m somehow unworthy in your eyes. I am . . . I am unworthy in your eyes. It all makes sense to me now,” shouts Mystic.

“I’m just concerned about carrying on the heritage of Antar and our people on Earth. I know some of us have accepted humans as mates; but that is only a few of us, so small in number it poses no threat to the overall populous or gene pool.

“God, Daddy you make us sound like a cross between prized pedigree dogs and a science experiment. It seems we have more to worry about acceptance from those who share your thinking than that of the few humans who know about us and accept us,” yells Mystic walking angrily to her bedroom and away from her father as he continues to spew his prejudice at her.

“You will not go around that Kyle person ever again. I forbid you to bond with him, prophecy or not. Do you understand me?” demands Rasmus.

“How dare you say those things to me or defy the prophecy? You are but a man with a small mind unable to accept and adapt to what is to be. I will not allow you to stand in the way of my future or with my future bonded mate and me. You can not stop me either, Daddy. You will regret taking this stand with me,” answers Mystic with passionate defiance in her voice as her anger explodes.

“You can leave. No daughter of mine is going to defy me and speak to me in this manner,” says Rasmus. “Pack your things and get out. I have no daughter from this day forward,” says Rasmus turning his back to her and walking away. He retires to the living room and resumes reading a book. Mystic hurriedly packs her bags and takes one last look around her childhood room and leaves. She walks past her father silently and heads toward the door. Mystic walks in the night trying to think and console herself. Without realizing it she finds herself at a cabin, one she senses is Kyle’s. Mystic tells herself, “I hope Kyle won’t turn me away. I don’t know where else I could go, or who I could stay with,” says Mystic wiping away her tears. She prepares herself for more rejection just as she’s always been used to. Deep down she seems to understand that Kyle and the others are different. Mystic feels the pull within her resonating stronger, indicating that Kyle is there just inside the cabin. She musters her courage, then knocks.

Kyle hears a knock on his door and the sounds of someone sniffling. Kyle answers his door curious as to who this could be at this late hour knowing how early the Colonists go to sleep.
“Mystic hi, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” asks a now worried Kyle.

“Hi Kyle, I hate to ask you this, but I have nowhere else to go. Can I stay here with you, please?” asks a tearful Mystic.

“Wait! What happened?” asks Kyle as he looks down and notices her suitcase and bag sitting infront of her.

“My father forbids me to be your future mate, and he disowned me. He said all these really stupid hateful ignorant things to me about you. I wouldn’t allow him to say or do anything like that. I refused to give in to his prejudice and go along with his demands. So I’ll ask you again, can I stay here with you? Look if this is uncomfortable, I’ll try and figure something else out. I don’t exactly have a circle of friends that I can go to,” says Mystic leaning over to reach for her suitcase and bag.

“Mystic, of course you can stay here with me. I’m so sorry that I’ve caused all this to happen to you just from meeting me and spending a short time together at dinner,” says Kyle offering her a hug of support. “Come on in, let me bring in your bags in and I’ll show you around okay,” Kyle offers her a gentle thoughtful smile to comfort her. “Hey, it’s going to be alright. I’m here and I do care and want to help you. I haven’t known you very long, but I already have this magnetic pull or attraction to you, and I think I’m starting to have feelings for you. Okay, I’ll shut up now before I start to sound like a Dr. Phil convert,” jokes Kyle. “Now, what was I going to do?” asks Kyle. He loses all train of thought staring into her uniquely beautiful violet eyes that are framed by her barely shoulder length silky brown hair.

Kyle shakes his head to clear his thoughts and bring him back to reality. “Oh now I remember. Please allow me to give you the tour of my humble cabin. It’s not too terribly humble being equipped with an awesome TV and sports channels,” smiles Kyle hoping this will bring a smile to her face.

“No way! You have the 24 hour sports channels,” brightens Mystic.

“Yeah sure. We can stay up all night long watching sports, if you like,” offers Kyle sporting the patented Valenti smile and charm.

“Really Kyle. That sounds like it might be fun to stay up all night with you …watching sports I mean,” says Mystic as her face flushes with color in an instant.

*********************************To Be Continued*************************
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sat May 22, 2004 12:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 32 p15 May 22

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Thanks for the awesome banner Mia Nora!

Hi everyone! Thanks for reading and your great feed back all you guys rock. Lurkers feel free to read and decloak every once in a while and let me know what you think too, okay. :D

On with my feed back replies to part 31 last weeks posted part....

LoveIsForever- Hi! Thank you and cyber hugs to you for the amazing feed back you left. I truly appreciate it and it made me sport a big dopey grin all weekend long, so thank you. Okay, yes Mystic does have many things in common with our Kyle. She‘s fun and has a great witty personality. Yes, Max definitely gave Cal an earful about telling him to tone down his affections toward Liz in public. I say you go Max, and tell him and the colonists should they say anything to but out and look and learn, you go Max! Don’t ya just love seeing him blow his stake defending his and Liz’s right to be a married couple and show their affections toward each other as they always have. He’s such a keeper. Mystic does fit in well with the group. They all seem to interact well with her and vice-a-versa. She seems to be Kyle’s equal, which should be interesting to see. Yes, Mystic being the social out cast in the Colony has made it difficult for her to make friends, let alone for her to be seen as a viable member of their society let alone as a girl. Oh I’m happy to hear you liked the food fight scene Kyle was clever to start it and lighten everyone’s nerves it was just what the group needed. Okay, so it wasn’t the most dignified thing for the Colonists to see. The point was that they aren’t what the Colonists are used to and this group isn’t going to be like them so they’d just better recognize that now about them. About Rasmus, Mystic’s father yes, he’s a racist pig and what he did to Mystic was really out of line and just wrong. He’s a complete Jerk! I think Mystic will be happier with Kyle and our gang than she’d ever be with her fathers stupid bigotry. Yes, Mystic is better definitely better off and feels more welcomed with our group than a lifetime living on the Colony among her own kind as her father put it. I hope you’ll like this next part too! Also thanks for the post-high school thumbs up! I appreciate your input on that, thanks.

Ash_maxliz- Hi Ash! I’m glad that you like Mystic with our Kyle. Interesting choice in words that you think they are a “Perfect Match” I did notice that Ash~ LOL!!! Alex and Kyle are funny those two are quite a combination aren’t they. This is such a fun group of people to be around. I adore Max and Liz, too can you tell? LOL!! I hope you’ll like this part too, thanks so much for reading and leaving me the feed back. Cyber hugs!

Sylvia37- Hi girl! You made my whole week figuring out who Smitak was, Kudo’s on that one. I loved your description of Katims that’s exactly how I feel about him too! So high five on that one! Oh you felt sorry for Cal with the gang having a food fight. Well, I think he kind of liked it a little bit. This was Kyle’s way of making everyone relax since everyone was extremely nervous about this meeting. Okay, so it wasn’t the most appropriate thing to do, but this is Kyle, his heart is in the right place though. It did definitely break the ice for the gang and lighten their moods. It did even calm Max a bit. It was good clean fun. Good thing they didn’t serve them dinner first or it could’ve gotten messy on many levels. LOL!! I hope you’ll enjoy this new part. Thank you so much for reading and you’re most enjoyable feedback. You rock!! I’m anxiously awaiting an update for both of your stories… You did a great job with the new one that I’ve read so far. Kudo’s on that one too. It is harder to write that stuff than people may think. I know that for me writing love scenes is tough. I try to do a good job of it and honor my characters and respect them. I try not to get overly graphic or use slang terms that could taint the overall imagery I’m trying to create. I want to really show the love and passion more than the physical act. I’m knew at this so I try and do my best. I hope I do that ,it’s what I’m aiming for anyways. Good work on both of your amazing stories. I love them both. “Everything to You” is one I always love to read and look for the updates. It’s a powerful story that’s masterfully crafted. I’m still thinking Liz and Max need to have another over niter though. LOL!!! I’m a total fan of them and shamelessly champion my favorite couple on. I freely admit it. Take care.

Smac- Hi nice to see you again. Good I’ll note that you would like to me to continue on with this post-high school as well. Thanks!! Yes!! You liked Kyle’s food fight scene. It was an unexpected way to introduce themselves and make a first impression on the colonists. Max and Liz would never honor such a unreasonable demand as to keep their hands off of each other in public just to make the colonists comfy with them. They’d fight that every step of the way, as they should. They are their leaders. They are not there to indulge their cultural norms but to lead them against a common foe, Smitak. Besides they weren’t raised as Antarians, but rather as humans and yes the colonists need to see them as they really are. Not as some mythical esoteric legends from a prophecy that they don’t have all the facts too. The gang want to be seen for who they are as people and not willing to compromise on any aspect of who they are via their relationships to their bonded mates etc…. Thanks for reading and loved your feed back.. I hope you’ll like this next part too. Mystic is a nice compliment to the group, the poor girl has been though a lot though. She does understand out being a outsider even amongst her supposed own kind. Yet, she’s more welcomed with Kyle and his friends than she is among the Colonists.

Kitkat405- Hi Cassie! You like Mystic, she’s something isn’t she. I like her too. Her father is an ass. He may have done her a favor by kicking her out and disowning her. You’ll see what I mean when you read this next part. Yeah it was cute how they included Cal in the food fight too, its kind of hard to stay made at people when they make you smile or laugh at their antics. Yeah, Cal was definitely barking up the wrong tree with requesting Max and Liz limit their affections and physical contact in public. There was bound to be a strong reaction from Max on that one, and he’s right they do need to deal with it. You Go Max!!! I love that guy, lucky Liz. Really? I had you laughing the whole time, great. I’m glad you’re enjoying my story that much; it makes me really happy to know that. I hope you’ll like this new part. Thank you for reading and the great and much welcomed feed back. Let me know what you think and take care.

roswellluver- Thank you. You’re very welcome, and thank you for reading and leaving feedback I live for it. Thanks! Let me know what you think about this new part too.

Ansleyrocks- Hi Ansley. You’re another food fight fan. That was fun to write. I could picture it all in my head, too funny. Mystic’s father, Rasmus, is a real jerk to put it mildly. He really hurt her reacting to her and Kyle that way. Yes, it’s a good thing she has Kyle and the rest of the the Destined 6.1 to be her friend and make her feel like she belongs. I think the rest of the gang is beginning to see her as a nice addition to their group. She and Kyle really did hit it off didn’t they. I think you’ll be pleased with the new part. Let me know what you think okay, Ansley.
Thank you once a gain for reading and leaving me feedback. It’s important to me and I do read them all. I’m grateful for all the feedback I get. Take care now.

Frenchkiss70- Yes! I love that you like Mystic with Kyle. I think they are so right for each other and so cute together. They are both full of fun and mischief they compliment each other nicely. I love hearing that you enjoyed the food fight scene too! That was soo much fun. Hey, you read that about Smitak. I was really hoping someone would catch that. I’m glad the cat is out of the bag now it was killing me that no one had gotten it before now. Most assuredly they are both evil and need their asses kicked. They must pay for their treachery sorry ways. LOL!!! Girlfriend if you liked that part with Max and Liz you’re going to love this part with Max and Liz. Shush it’s a secret!! Okay, so another vote for continuing this story post high school then. I loved reading your feedback. Thank you so much for reading and leaving me the awesome feed back. I always read them and respond. It’s all very appreciated by me. Thank you. Let me know what you think with this next part, okay. Have a great weekend.

roswellian504- Hi! It’s great to hear that you like the food fight. That was a fun scene to write. I’m glad it came across the way I wanted it to. Yes, Mystic’s father, Rasmus, was a jerk to kick her out and disown her. Yes, she’s lucky to have Kyle. Mystic seems to have made a hit with the group and with Kyle. Mystic and Kyle are cute together. They have good chemistry together.
I’m glad you liked it. Thanks so much for the kind words; I’m happy that you’re enjoying this story so much. You liked the name Smitak…I just wanted the enemy villain to have a very unique sounding name and needed for him to be worthy of hating and despising so of I couldn’t resist and came up with the name Smitak. Sneaky huh, spelling the Katims backwards to come up with Smitak... I was inspired what can I say. It was a creative day when I came up with that one. So you liked my inside joke then. Yes, Sylvia37 did get it but now everyone can know and comment on it. It’s just more of my whacky sense of humor at work. I’m glad you’re enjoying everything so far. I hope you’ll like this next part too, let me know okay. Take care and have a great weekend.

Cherie- Hi ! Mystic’s father, Rasmus, is a complete sorry excuse of an Antarian isn’t he. The man needs a major attitude adjustment plain and simple. Oh well, doubt he’ll change his thinking on that. The pics were awesome, thank you I look at them all the time. Yes, definitely keep me informed on “Shooting Livien” and “The Grudge” I definitely want my shot at bagging the Behr. You did read that part about the inside joke with Smitak is Katims spelled backwards. Told you it was funny if you got the inside joke. I have this wicked sense of humor that not everyone gets, so I’m thrilled you got it.

AJK001- Hi! I’m happy to hear that you liked the last part and agreed with everyone else that you liked Mystic and that she’s a good match for Kyle. I appreciate your comments on whether to continue this story post high school. It seems every does want to see that happen. Which makes me happy to hear. I don’t know if I’ll make this a stand alone or just make it a sequel yet. But you did offer me some very good suggestions, thank you. I hope you’ll like this next part.
Let me know, and have a great week. Thank you for reading and your timely feed back.

Aussie_Dreamer- Hey Girlfriend! Actually Craig has educated me very well on the time change. You’re 17 hours ahead of the US. It’s so funny, now when people ask me what time or what day it is. I have to stop and think about it my heads is divided between Aussie time and US time. I listen to Nova 969 all the time so I automatically forget not every American is thinking in terms of Aussie time. What can I say, I’m a hybrid especially with, getting by on 3 hours of sleep and liking the Vegemite thing too. Craig wonders about me most of the time. Oh well everybody needs a hobby, right? LOL!! I’m kidding. It’s the two mocha’s talking you know that Nicki. I’m so very flattered that you like the whole premise of how my story takes off from the end of balance and starts it’s on its own direction from there. That episode always bothered me the ending of it. I just thought oh no way that’d really happen. See what happens when Roswell eps bug you…They call and haunt you into writing them and fixing up the mess Katims left in his wake. You liked the inside joke of Smitak being Katims spelled backwards. I thought this was a villain I could truly loathe passionately sparing no mercy. In other words do not mess with my Roswell gang, people. Especially Max and Liz or I might just go all “Buffy” on you. Hey I take my fandom and official status as protector of Max and Liz very seriously. I mean after all somebody’s got to be willing to guard him…mmm… I mean them.. Ooops! I guess the Cats out of the bag. LOL!!! Yes, it’s true I’m a Jason worshiper big time. Scary, huh? Damn two mocha’s kick in hard now with the caffeine and chocolate rush. Forgive the loopiness, it’s what it does to me amongst other things. LOL!! I hope you like this new part Nicki. I feel your pain about having to use public computers. I was without my computer for month or so over a year ago it was known as the mean season around my house. Not a pretty sight at all. Talk about your unhappy camper. Finally! I was able to call Dell and order my Max. Phew!! Then Life got all happy again. Oh yeah, I named my desk top computer Max/Jason. Max for short. I just got a notebook for official Behr hunting excursions. I named my notebook Zan, he’s everything Max is but in a notebook I transferred everything from Max to Zan. Now I will never be Maxless. LOL!!! I love computers I’m such a geek. I hope you like this new part, and Cheers!

Part 32

“Hey, Mystic it’s going to be alright, I promise. I won’t let it be any other way,” says Kyle putting his arm around her and pulling her into his chest. He holds her close to him and allows her to let go of all the emotions he somehow senses that she’s holding back. “Your safe, I’ll keep you safe and care for you,” says Kyle as he tenderly wipes away her tears with his hand. “That’s assuming I don’t drive you completely nuts and you turn out to be an ax murderer or something,” jokes Kyle. Mystic looks up into his warm kind eyes and feels safe, accepted, and cared for. She smiles. “I promised you a tour of my humble yet awesome abode; and a tour you shall have, Milady,” says Kyle offering one arm out to her as he reaches down for her bags. He escorts her from room to room and finally shows her the bedrooms. He informs her that there are 3 bedrooms in his cabin and two of them have their own private bathroom, plus there’s a bathroom down the hall as well. This bedroom on the right is mine…ah…just in case you get scared or something in the middle of the night. You can wake me up, okay,” stumbles Kyle blushing furiously. This bedroom across from mine is available. I think you might like that one. It has its own bathroom so you can have your privacy. Unless you’d rather take the other bedroom down the hall,” offers Kyle nervously running one hand through his hair and the other pointing in the direction of the third bedroom.

“No, that won’t be necessary,” blurts out Mystic.

“Oh, uh…Did I say something wrong?” asks Kyle in earnest.

“No, you’ve been so kind to me. I…I like this room across from yours, the one with its own bathroom. Is it okay if I take that one?” asks Mystic.

“Okay, great. This bedroom it is then,” smiles Kyle as he sits her suitcase and bag on what is now her bed in her new bedroom.

“Thank you Kyle, for everything. You’ve been so kind to me,” says Mystic. She points behind her to the suitcase. “I should probably unpack then,” says Mystic smiling shyly at Kyle.

“Oh sure, I’ll just be in the living room checking out the sports channel. You’re welcome to join me on the couch to watch it if you like. I’ll even make some popcorn,” offers a smiling Kyle.

“Thanks. That sounds great,” smiles Mystic as she watches Kyle turn and walk away. She thinks to herself, man he look great in those jeans. She smiles with a sigh.

Kyle walks down the hall and into the living room. Kyle stops dead in his tracks. “What the?” Kyle asks aloud feeling flattered and desired, but mostly shocked. He gets the distinct feeling that she’s checking him out as he walked away just then. “No freaking way… Man is this how that connection thing works? I’ll have to be sure to get Max aside and ask him tomorrow,” mumbles Kyle contemplating all of this. “Heck I’d use my cell phone and call them now if I didn’t know with absolute certainty they’re probably having marathon sex christening the cabin. Most likely their phones are turned off,” sighs Kyle wistfully.

Mystic emerges from her room after putting away her things and settling in. She walks into the living room wearing a night shirt that hits her mid thighs. She smiles. Kyle instantly does a double take as he attempts to open the bag of freshly popped microwave popcorn. He takes one look at her as he opens the popcorn bag ripping it and forcing the hot popcorn to burst forth from the bag and all over the couch and floor. Kyle stares at her completely lost in her eyes taking in her clothing she’s changed into. Kyle realizes he’s having certain reactions to seeing her like that. His face flushes. Kyle quickly takes in a deep breath and grabs a cushion from the couch and puts it squarely on his lap and clutches it. He picks up the popcorn that fell on the couch and puts it on the coffee table, unwilling to get up right now and reveal his body’s obvious reaction to the sight of her in only two pieces of clothing. Kyle wonders how the heck Max managed to keep himself in check around Liz before they took that step and became bonded. Kyle ponders another good question for Max to answer tomorrow. Kyle looks at Mystic smiling at him warmly. “Yeah. If I can last that long,” thinks Kyle to himself. “I hope the plumbing works in this newly built cabin. I can tell my future has a lot of cold showers in it between now and any hybrid human bonding,” says Kyle silently to himself.


Meanwhile in Max and Liz’s cabin…..

“I think Kyle and Mystic hit it off, don’t you Max?” asks Liz as she climbs out of their bed and puts on her red silk robe. “Come on, I’m hungry Max. Let’s go see what they put in the refrigerator down stairs for us,” says Liz.

“Yes, I think Kyle and Mystic is a perfect match. What we think about it doesn’t matter. It’s up to them and strictly their choice. So Liz no meddling with you, Maria, or my dear sister,” adds Max.

“What? Me plan or scheme to help a friend get a guy?” Liz bats her eyes at him innocently.

“Come here my wicked, plotting, scheming sexy wife,” says Max grabbing her in a hug pulling her into his chest as he takes her lips tasting her sweet unique flavor he finds completely intoxicating. Uh Liz, are you sure we need to go down stairs to satisfy your hunger? I kind of thought I was doing a pretty damn good job of it up here. I guess I’ll just have to give it my all,” says Max looking at her as if he’s about to devour her.

“Wow, an offer like that is pretty hard to refuse, especially from my incredible hot husband,” says Liz exchanging the same devouring heated gaze aimed at him.

“Okay, one last time. Food first or satisfy our mutual hunger?” asks Max.

Liz nibbles on his neck and strokes his bare sculpted chest with one hand. “Well if you have to ask that, then you don’t know me very well,” says Liz as she begins to move from the haven of his arms.

“And where do you think you’re going Liz?” asks a now slightly ticked off Max. He refuses to let go of her one hand that was releasing his. He quickly spins her around and back into his welcoming arms and holds her close. “This is where you belong, in my arms always,” says Max looking at her as if she’s priceless treasure. Liz smiles up at him.

“God I love you,” says Liz.

“I love you too,” says Max.

“Max, what about a compromise? It’s just I’m feeling a little weak and my stomach is grumbling. Maybe we could fix a plate of something to keep our strength up and bring it up here,” says Liz smiling at him hoping he would agree.

“Hmm. Okay, I think that’s a compromise that I can live with. Come on Babe, come with me and help pick out something good for us to eat,” says Max taking her hand and leading her down the stairs with him.

“Well okay, Babe, only because you’re looking at me that way. You know you could get me to do anything when you look at me like that,” says Liz.

“Oh really?! I’ll definitely have to remember to look at you like that more often,” says Max with a sexy smile. Liz looks into his warm magnetic eyes, and smiles.

“Something tells me you’re going to get lucky tonight,” laughs Liz as she decides to run past him beating him to the kitchen.

“Liz! No more running down stairs in your condition, okay? Please, for me and the twins,” pleads Max full of loving concern for her and their twins safety.

“Oh I’m sorry, you’re right. I need to remember that just because I’m not showing yet; does not make me any less pregnant. I do need to be more careful for the twins’ sake,” says Liz.

“Thank you, Babe. Besides I’m happy to help you anywhere you want to go. I’ll carry you if need be. I’m always happy to carry you to bed,” smiles Max as he looks in the refrigerator. Max finds fresh strawberries, whipping cream, and sparkling cider amongst other usual less romantic food staples.

“Wow, I didn’t expect to find this in our refrigerator,” says Liz.

“Yeah me neither. I think we need to thank Cal for the thoughtful gesture,” adds Max. Max quickly prepares one bowl full of strawberries and a second bowl full of whipping cream.

“Liz, can you get the sparkling cider and glasses for us?” asks Max. “Now, I believe you and I have some unfinished business to take care of finishing up christening the cabin. I thought we could finish up in our nice big bathtub with a nice long cozy candle lit bath for two. What do you think Liz?” teases Max flirtatiously.

“That sounds perfect Babe,” replies Liz. They climb the stairs carrying their romantic snack up to their bedroom to refuel for the rest of the nights loving making efforts.
“Do you suppose we are normal, making love so much each and every day?” asks Liz.

“I don’t know. We’re both hybrids. I don’t know if that’s really par for the course or if that’s just us. I’d like to think it’s just us, and I hope we’ll always be that way with each other. Besides, what’s so great about what’s normal for other people? This is our normal, and I know we’re happy about things being this way for us. Our love has always been powerful and all consuming beyond the depths of any norms. I’m happy being abnormal by other people’s standards as long as it’s with you my love,” says Max in a sexy velvety tone.

“I’m so glad were married, because at the rate we’re always together we’d definitely get caught in the act by our parents, most likely sooner than later. It’s a relief to be together like this whenever we want. I can wake up with you in the morning and fall asleep with your arms around me at night. I can’t believe I’ve ever slept any other way, before we bonded,” says Liz.

“I know what you mean. Our being together like this is completely natural and is meant to be. I can honestly say I wouldn’t have it any other way,” says Max leaning down to Liz’s beautiful face to kiss her breathless.

“Mmm. I think I had better eat something so I don’t faint or blackout. I haven’t had that happen for a while now because you’re always insisting I eat little meals all the time. I don’t have any spells like those again. We wouldn’t want anything like that to happen in the middle of…our bath now would we?” asks Liz after breaking off her kiss from Max.

“No, definitely not,” replies Max. “Why don’t you let me draw the bath for us and when its ready you can get in and I’ll follow you with the strawberries and whipped cream. We can feed each other. If we make a mess, it’s no problem to clean each other off,” grins a seductively playful Max.

“Wow, Babe you have been thinking about this a lot. I can tell,” laughs Liz.

“Hey, you’re not the only one who can plot and scheme in this relationship,” teases Max.

“Yeah, well mine and Iz’s plan was way better than yours and Michael’s. Alex and Michael are still completely oblivious as to what we girls were up to. You guys had no idea what you were up against,” says Liz smiling and laughing playfully at the look on Max’s face.

“So you’re saying we were out gunned and out witted,” replies Max.

“You said it, not me,” grins Liz.

“Oh so you knew I’d go all ‘Caveman’ on you and whisk you off to the cabin and spend most of that incredible memorable day there. Is that right, Liz?” asks Max teasing her.

“Actually Max, I had no idea what you were going to do. You were acting so different I wasn’t sure how to read you, except to know that you wouldn’t harm me. Your outward appearance and drastic change in behavior and personality was alarming to say the least,” says Liz. “I just knew deep inside of me that you would never hurt me, no matter what things looked like. I still loved and trusted you. I was powerless to feel anything else, except deep pain and loss at the thought of us never being a couple. I knew that was a deep soul wrenching pain that resonated in my very core and that was unacceptable. I refused to let that happen to you or to me, and most importantly to us. Max, we complete each other; our connection is proof of that. We truly are soul mates that once were separated and now have found our home again, in each other. This time we will cherish and protect what we have; taking nothing for granted,” Liz replies as she looks into his intense love filled eyes. She puts her hand on his handsome face, cradling his cheek. He leans into her touch and then pulls away to kiss her hand. Max takes her hand and guides her over to the bath tub and he slowly removes her silk robe to reveal her bare skin to him. His eyes take her in as if it’s the first time he’s seen her like this. Max worships her with his eyes and cherishes her with his gentle searing caresses filled with his intense love and desire.

“Liz, let me love you and show you how much you mean to me,” requests Max as he helps Liz into the warm welcoming bubble filled tub. Liz settles into the tub sinking into the bubbles that now cover her once bare skin. She watches Max’s every move. Liz watches him undress and her eyes wash over his sculpted physique admiring all that she sees. Liz scans his body from his feet on up. She feels his fiery passion through their unique connection. This only serves to ignite and further wet their appetites for each other. Max climbs in the tub joining her in their luxurious over-sized bathtub. He smiles at her and reaches for a strawberry from the bowls set beside the tub. Max dips the strawberry in the whipping cream and then offers it to Liz feeding it to her. Too much whip cream on the strawberry gets all over his fingers, along with Liz wearing some of it around her mouth. Liz is completely lost in moments like this to the one man who holds her heart and soul, as she holds his for all eternity. Max lowers his head to kiss and lick away the excess whip cream from Liz’s mouth. Liz in turn feeds him a strawberry covered in whip cream. She brings his strong fingers still wearing whip cream to her mouth and begins sucking each finger lovingly and thoroughly. He watches and closes his eyes lost to the incredible sensations Liz fills him with. Max opens his eyes again unable and unwilling to endure anymore of this sweet torture.

“No more Liz, I can’t take it,” pleads Max. He takes her in his arms allowing the warm bubbly water to fill in the few gaps between their now entwined bodies. Max greedily kisses Liz with an unquenchable hunger needing more and more of her. Liz answers each of his searing kisses with her own building and multiplying the intensity of each kiss. They begin to let their hands wander freely over the others body as they savor each and every touch and passionate caress. Liz breaks off their kiss for a moment for air.

“Max, I love you and I’ll always want you. Baby, I need you now,” says Liz beckoning him to claim and love her just as he earlier requested.

“I need you now too, Babe,” says Max. He makes a trail of teasing kisses and love bites around her neck and shoulders as he positions himself with Liz lying underneath him. He reaches down and looks longingly at Liz and caresses her breasts and still flat stomach. He fingers her feminine heat and guides his rock hard desire inside, gently feeling her warm tight feminine walls enclose around and sheath him. They both breathlessly moan each others names at the initial intimate contact that is always so powerful between them. They pause briefly to catch their breath once again. Max steadies himself and focuses his concentration on a determined slow gentle pace and begins to thrust and grind into Liz’s hips. She meets every thrust concentrating on trying to feel as much of Max inside her as possible, feeling as though she’ll never get enough of him, craving his touch. The lovers pant more as the intensity grows and increases the pace of their lovemaking. Max and Liz open their every ready connection and whisper gentle words of love and tenderness. The young lovers express their reassurances they each want to fulfill the others desires and satisfy their partner utterly and completely. This encouragement raises the bar on the pressure and intensity level once again as if a balloon about to pop from the sheer force from all the intense pressure that lies around and inside it begging to find it’s own release. Liz feels her own building orgasm, not yet there but definitely closing ground fast. Max senses this through their connection and begins to thrust harder, deeper, and faster into Liz. He too feels his impending release gaining ground quickly.

‘Liz I don’t think I can take this much longer,’ telepaths Max.

‘I know, me neither. Just let go together, Baby,’ Liz telepaths her reply. They both wrap their arms snugly around each other demanding their bodies to have maximum contact, making them flush with each other. Their momentum becomes frenzied as they both reach for their now mercifully welcomed completion. They tumble over the edge together. The spent lovers remain in each others arms regaining their breath. Max and Liz then exchange softly whispered tender words of love and commitment, along with soothing gentle caresses. In the comfort of each others arms the exhausted lovers fall into a peaceful sleep. They sleep comfortably in each others embrace for a half hour before waking and drying off. They finish their snack and cuddle up in their bed for the night.

The next sound Max and Liz hear is the digital alarm clock’s incessant beeping going off. Liz groans and then remembers.

“Max, Honey, that’s the alarm clock. Don’t blast it, okay,” informs Liz. “Baby wake up,” says Liz nudging him. She becomes concerned. Max has his back facing her. He lies still and motionless. She touches him noting his body temperature is normal and she turns him toward her to look at his face. As soon as she turns him over she sees his eyes are open and he’s got a big dopey grin on his face. “Gotcha Babe!”

“You were tricking me…do you have any idea how worried I was getting about you. I thought maybe I killed you or something because of last night!” says a now perturbed, mixed with concern Liz. “Max Evans! How dare you pull a stunt like that,” exclaims a slightly ticked Liz. She’s unwilling to let him get the better of her. Well fine, be that way. Don’t count on anymore repeats of last night any time soon,” says Liz climbing out of bed and putting on her red silk robe.

“What? Liz! Honey…Baby, I was just playing a joke on you. Obviously it was a bad joke. I’m sorry. Liz! Please Baby come back here,” pleads Max. He hurriedly grabs a clean pair of boxers puts them on and runs after her.

“Liz? Where did you go?” asks a very worried sounding Max.

“I’m in the kitchen,” says Liz.

Liz keeps her back to him as she putters in the kitchen.

“Honey, please. I’m soo sorry, I promise I’ll never pull any more stupid stunts like that again on you, okay. Baby, please forgive me. What can I do to make it up to you?” asks a pleading Max.

Liz turns around and smiles at him and looks him up and down, teasing Max, “I’m sure I’ll think of something, Babe, not to worry. I have just one question for you? How much time do you have?” asks Liz with her hands seductively on her hips as she shoots him a heated stare.

“You little Vixen you tricked me... you mean you weren’t mad at me?” asks Max.

“Yes, I was mad at you. You scared me half to death with worry. How could you do that to me? You probably upset the babies too with that. They can sense how I’m feeling, Max. I can tell you are sincere in your apology so I forgive you… But don’t ever do that again. I couldn’t bare the thought of anything ever happening to you and us being separated again,” says a now tearful Liz.

“Baby, I’m sorry. You’re right; it was a terrible thing to do. I won’t do that again, I promise,” informs a very apologetic Max. Max takes her in his arms and holds her tight. “So what can I do to make it up to you?” asks a sincere Max as he runs his hands through her long silky dark strands.

“Let’s see, I’m thinking you could make me breakfast in bed for starters and we take it from there,” says Liz grinning fervently.

“Anything my beautiful wife wants, she gets,” say a sincere Max.

“Oooh careful Babe, we might wind up killing each other,” winks Liz.

“Is that a challenge… because you know I’ll gratefully take you up on that one,” says Max standing with his shoulders squared and looking at her in a determined heated sort of way.

“Hmmm. Let’s just begin with you making me breakfast in bed, and see about whatever else I can think of later, okay Babe,” she walks past him and pinches him playfully on his swoon worthy butt.

“Honey? What did you want to eat for breakfast?” asks Max innocently as he watches her walk toward the stairs to go back to their bedroom.

Liz stops dead in her tracks. She laughs out loud, “You are making this way too easy for me to say things here, Max. Let me just say it this way, you know what I like and what my tastes are. So surprise me, Baby. I’ll be waiting and keeping the bed warm for you… Don’t be long now Max,” teases Liz. Max works in a frenzied flurry of activity to make something quick and nutritional for Liz and get back up stairs fast.

Meanwhile in Michael and Maria’s cabin…..

Poor Michael is in that ever complex catch-22 of choosing between watching the Hockey channel on his new beloved big screen TV or spending some quality couple time with Maria. It’s as if the little angel and devil each appeared on his shoulder helping to weigh the benefits of their opposing arguments.

“Michael, are you still in there watching TV? God forbid I tear you away from your beloved Hockey channel. I have a major bone to pick with Cal for adding that to our TV. Michael, come on. I was hoping we could spend some romantic couple time together,” pleads Maria walking into the living room finding Michael practically drooling at the TV. Maria locates some scented candles and positions them around the room and lights them as she tries to set the mood. Michael is too wrapped up in watching his Hockey game to notice the effort Maria is making for a romantic evening with him.

“Yes!!!! He shoots, he scores, victory! Yes!!! My team won,” shouts an excited and joyful Michael.

“Yeah, well it looks like that’s the only scoring that’s happening around here tonight. So I hope you and the Hockey channel will be very happy together. I’ve had it! Good night Michael. Do whatever you want, like you usually do,” says Maria.

“What are you going on about Blondie?” asks Michael allowing his vision to leave the TV screen. He looks around noticing that Maria has lit the candles and put her own style to the cabin they now live in together. Recognition dawns on Michael, “Oh crap! I messed up,” he says to himself as he hears Maria storm off to the bedroom slamming the door behind her. “I’d better let her cool down first before I even think of talking to her. That fiery temper of hers that I love so much tends to swing at me when she gets like this. It’s my fault for ignoring her. I got sucked into that Hockey channel, but man can you blame me, it’s awesome,” confesses Michael to the walls in the living room. He walks around perplexed trying to think of a way to make it up to her. “Who am I kidding? I so suck at this. I need some advice,” says Michael aloud to himself. “I really need to talk to Max. Should I call or just go over there?” Michael weighs the possibilities. I’ll just go over there. It’s harder to ignore someone knocking on your front door than it is to just turn off the cell phone,” decides Michael. Michael walks the short distance to Max and Liz’s cabin. Michael notices the lights are still on down stairs and upstairs as well. He is encouraged by this and is determined to speak with Max. He knocks on the front door of their cabin several times. Michael see’s a disheveled Max answer the door with his hair all messed up and a bit sweaty.

“Hello Michael what can I do for you tonight,” says Max in a semi grumpy tone.

“Hi Bro, nice to see you too. I needed some advice. I saw that your lights were still on so I thought it was safe to knock on your door. I can tell from looking at you, that uhh…I interrupted something here between you and Liz. Sorry, I didn’t know. I can just leave if you like,” offers Michael. Just then Liz’s arms suddenly appear wrapping around Max from behind to hug him. “Uhh.. Hi Liz I didn’t mean to wake you,” smiles Michael noticing Max’s shock that Liz is behind him and he whispers to her making sure she’s covered up. Michael smiles and smirks at Max’s embarrassment.

“Hi Michael, no you didn’t wake me or Max. We were definitely awake,” smiles Liz beaming at Max as they both blush. Michael takes in Liz’s appearance. It is much like Max’s. “There is no doubt as to what they’ve been up to,” he smirks to himself.

“Hi Michael,” waves Liz from infront of Max as she peaks over his shoulder and smiles. “Michael could you do me a favor and wait on the porch for a second please?” asks Liz.

“We’ll be just a minute Michael,” says Max after getting Michael’s surprised nod, not understanding why he’s been ask to wait on the porch. A few moments later Max and Liz greet Michael and let him in to their cabin to talk about whatever is troubling him. “So what’s brought you to our door step at this hour bro?” asks Max.

“Max, be nice to my favorite brother-in-law,” says Liz with a smile. “Why don’t you and Michael talk down here? I need to go call Maria,” says Liz.

“Okay, spill Michael. What did you say or do to Maria now to get her ticked at you?” asks Max unwilling to exchange small talk.

“Uhh…I think I really ticked her off big time. I wasn’t even aware I did anything until she stormed out of the room and slammed the bedroom door shut behind her,” says Michael.

“So that tells me you must’ve ignored her or something is my guess. Did you ignore her? Is that what this is all about and now you’re here to ask my advice how to make it up to her, right Michael. I’m right, aren’t I?” asks Max.

“Yeah that’s about the size of it. So what do I do to make it up to her?” asks a lost Michael.

“Okay, the degree of making up depends on how deep a hole you dug for yourself. So I need details. What did you actually do or rather not do that got Maria so upset,” states Max.

“Well, have you checked out your TV yet?” asks Michael.

“No we’ve been kind of busy,” smiles Max raking his hand through his dark raven locks as he blushes.

“Oh why not…Oh never mind I get it,” says a now blushing Michael. “I’ll tell you. Maria had went around the living room putting candles all around and lighting them and she even put on some nice Chaka Khan mood music, but I was too big of an idiot to notice. I was absorbed in watching my Hockey team win. It was quite an impressive last minute shot. Anyways, Maria tried to talk to me but I didn’t respond. She got ticked and stormed off. When I finally did turn to look and talk to her, it was too late. What can I do to make up for a general attack of clueless ness?” asks a sincere Michael.

“Boy Michael, you just don’t make it easy on yourself with Maria, do you?” states Max.

“I know I messed up that’s why I’m here. I need your help. You understand the whole relationship thing and I need coaching. I’m sure Maria would say a lot of coaching,” sighs a desperate Michael. “Help me, Max. Tell me what to do and how to get back into her good graces. I can’t stand it when she stays mad at me. The fighting part is fun and kind of a turn on, but the staying mad at me thing really sucks,” says Michael.

“Okay, I think I know what you need to do; but it’s going to be really hard for you to deliver,” says Max.

“Hey, I’m man enough for her. What do you mean hard for me to deliver?” says Michael in a slightly offended macho tone.

“You’ll need to talk to Maria, and really tell her how you feel. Make Maria understand how you feel about her and that you didn’t mean to ignore her. You just got lost in watching the game and that you’d like to make it up to her somehow. Just tell her that,” says Max.

“I have to tell her how I feel? Yikes, are you sure there isn’t another choice, like a plan B?” smirks Michael.

“No, that’s pretty much the plan. Oh and be sure to grovel. That can only help in your case,” teases Max.

“Okay well, I guess I’d better go and bite the bullet so to speak. I’ll duck when she answers the door; that’s assuming she’ll even let me back in our cabin,” say Michael.

“Hang in there bro. Liz is upstairs talking to her so I’m sure you’ll get this all worked out. Just do what I suggested and you should be okay. Just talk from your heart and be honest with her, and it should be okay. Just be a little more observant next time and listen to her,” says Max reassuring Michael’s anxiety.

“Okay, thanks Max. Wish me luck. Tell Liz good bye for me,” says Michael.

“No problem bro, will do. Now go home and make it up to her,” says Max. Max watches Michael leave. He smiles and shakes his head knowing it’ll be okay for Michael and Maria. They just need to be a little more understanding and patient with each other. Liz joins Max back down stairs moments after Michael leaves.

“So how did it go with Maria?” asks Max concerned about his bonded sister-in-law.

“Oh she’s better now. I explained to her that she needs to be mindful of who Michael is and how he grew up. He never had anyone there to show him how to treat people right, let alone a sister or a mother there to teach him about how to treat women. He’s not a jerk, he’s a nice guy. He just doesn’t have any experience with male and female interactions so she needs to cut him some slack. I told her yes, he did ignore her and that made her angry with him. I told her that maybe approaching him about anything remotely romantic would be impossible with him watching a championship game of his favorite team. Perhaps the better choice would be to say something to him before the game or right after. Then she’d have his full attention. Plus she could use her powers to turn off the TV to get his attention, as a last resort.
******************************To Be Continued in a Sec******************** ****
Last edited by NorafanofMaxandLiz on Sat May 29, 2004 10:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Loves Awakening Revealed AU M/L NC17 New Part 32 p15 May 22

Post by NorafanofMaxandLiz »

Part 32 Continued********

I urged her to talk to him and try and be more understanding where Michael is concerned. Maria knows he loves her like crazy and she loves him like crazy too. When Maria and I were through talking she seemed to have a better handle on things and was ready to talk with Michael. I think she understands now. It’s going to be fine with them. They just need to trust their love and try to understand each other. So how did it go with Michael?” asks Liz.

“Boy those two are so much alike. I basically had the same conversation, only about Michael. He’s going to make an effort to talk to Maria and tell her how he feels. I told him to talk to her and be honest. I explained that he wasn’t purposefully ignoring her. I also told him to learn from this and be prepared to grovel for her forgiveness,” informs Max.

“I bet he wasn’t too happy with your advice, but he’ll take it none the less,” says Liz.

“Okay, now that we have done our family duty for Michael and Maria. Let me think, I remember we were doing something before Michael knocked on our door. Any ideas Max?” asks Liz seductively standing infront of him in her red silk robe.

“Ideas?” asks Max completely mesmerized by her. He gazes at her in that red silk robe and observes the desire in her eyes as she looks back at him and licks her lips. I have several ideas right now, and they all involve us enjoying some much needed Uninterrupted Honeymooning,” says Max with his heated stare aimed at the object of his desire, Liz.

“Wait a minute before we get started here! I’d better check in with Maria and Michael and Isabel and Alex via teleconference. We don’t want any more relationship crises interruptions,” says Liz preemptively.

“Michael and Maria are doing just fine, so that’s a relief. Now for Isabel and Alex.” Liz focuses her energy and she realizes quickly that she just had an image that made her blush. “Isabel just sort of quickly let me know she and Alex were uh, having fun checking out the different rooms of their cabin too, apparently. Don’t ask. Well good for Alex and Iz then. I’m glad they are so happy together and so in love,” says Liz smiling and blushing at her sister-in-law and Alex’s antics. “They’re all good, now its time for us,” says Liz as she walks away from Max and then stops and looks over her should back at him. “Max, aren’t you coming? I thought we still had some making up to do, as I recall,” asks Liz.

“Slave driver, you know I love every minute of it though,” smiles Max.


The gang agrees to meet later in the morning and discuss the situation with the colonists. They’ve all agreed to this except Kyle. They set up the meeting time via teleconference, which excludes Kyle and no one bothered to call him either.

“It’s just Kyle. We can go over there. He won’t mind if we show up without calling,” says Max.
Max and Liz are tired and sporting blissfully dopey contented faces as they hold hands and walk to Kyle’s cabin. They knock on the door several times before a sleepy Kyle opens the door.

“Hi Kyle,” greets Max and Liz. “Good morning, can we come in? The others will be here shortly,” adds Liz.

“I didn’t know you were a heavy sleeper, Kyle,” states Max.

Kyle squints desperately trying to focus, “I’m not,” says Kyle.

“But I am,” says a yawning and stretching Mystic wrapping a blanket around her to stand beside Kyle. “Hey, you stole the blankets Kyle, you blanket hog,” teases Mystic.

“We’re even then, since you stole my pillow,” teases Kyle. Max and Liz are stunned by seeing Mystic at Kyle’s cabin, and by her comments. She apparently spent the night there.

“Mystic! Ah… Hi, how are you this morning?” asks Liz. “I’m sorry, it’s just we didn’t expect to see you here at Kyle’s cabin this morning,” offers Liz.

“Yeah, it’s a long story, come on in guys make yourselves at home,” says Mystic. Max and Liz come in and sit on Kyle’s couch noting the disheveled appearance of it. They hear several knocks on the door.

“Well that’s the rest of the gang no doubt,” says Kyle.

“I’ll get it,” says Mystic. “Good morning Isabel, Alex, Maria and Michael.”

“Hi Mystic…is Kyle around?” asks Michael. “I brought over these freshly baked cinnamon rolls and thought it would be nice to have for our meeting,” offers Michael.

Mystic inhales the wonderful smell of the cinnamon rolls, “Wow, I didn’t know you cooked or baked. Gees, Maria he’s a keeper, lucky you,” winks Mystic.

“Hey now! I have to put my foot down about any kind of hybrid worshipping going on in my cabin, unless of course it’s done by me,” says Kyle smiling at Mystic. Michael motions to Kyle to come here.

“Yeah Michael, what is it?” asks Kyle.

“I just wanted to say good for you, and I like her,” says Michael.

“Kyle, Liz and I can’t help but be curious about what’s going on here,” says a curious Max.

Kyle smiles at Max, “Finally I’ve got a moment that makes you and Liz wonder and blush for second. I never thought I’d see that happen. Although, I have to say you and Liz both look exhausted. You don’t mean, you and Liz pulled another all niter?” jokes Kyle.

“I’ll just plead the fifth on that one,” says Max with a big dopey grin.

“Damn, really? Of course! This is Max and Liz, how could it be any other way,” teases Kyle lifting his arms in exasperation. “Okay where do I sign up for becoming a hybrid?” jokes Kyle. “Damn! Really? All night? Man!” says Kyle shaking his head. Max, you are the king!

********************************To be Continued************************
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