Believing in Destiny (AU,CC,Teen/Mature)BookII,Pt5 4/25 [WIP

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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Part 3:

“When is the dig at Mojave Desert supposed to start?” Jeff asked his mother curiously.

“Within the next few months and it may go for about an year or so.” Claudia answered.

Recently she had been offered to dig up a site in the Mojave Desert and she hadn’t been sure whether to take it or not. But now, this was the perfect opportunity to stay close to the kids and at the same time help them with their powers.

“Liz will be very excited to hear that you will be staying with us,” Nancy said smiling.

Claudia nodded and smiled as she recalled her conversation with the kids.

“Do you also want to show me what you can do, Honey?” Claudia asked Michael gently.

For the past few minutes Liz had been excitedly showing her what she could do and Claudia had noticed Michael watching them silently with an unreadable expression on his face. Hoping to make him comfortable, Claudia had suggested Michael to show her what he could do but he simply shook his head.

“I won’t be scared, Honey. I promise,” Claudia assured, assuming that he thought she might see him as a freak.

There was silence for a moment and then, “I can’t,” Michael whispered miserably.

“He doesn’t know how to make the light come out of his hand,” Liz piped up when Claudia looked confused. “He sometimes blasts things but,” Liz’s voice lowered, “I think it happens only when he is mad.”

“It doesn’t” Michael scowled at her. Though he didn’t hear what she told Grandma he had heard her clearly in his head.

Claudia was silent for a minute and then looked at Michael, “Would you like to practice? That way you can control your blasts. I will take you both to the desert and no one will be there. And you both can practice a lot till you get it right...” She trailed off as Michael shook his head quickly.

~ I can’t Rina…~

~ But you can’t control it till you do it many times, like me. ~

~ I don’t wanna do that. I will hurt you…~

“You can never hurt me Tris,” Liz said quietly as Michael continued shaking his head and then she turned to her grandma and blurted out, “Michael’s scared he will hurt us if he practices.”

For a second Claudia looked surprised as to how Liz knew this without Michael saying even a word but she quickly turned her attention back to Michael seeing his fear.

“Michael honey, there will be no one in the desert and both me and Liz will be far away from you when you practice. Once you practice it for a few days, you never need to be scared of hurting Liz or me, sweetheart. Don’t you want to control how you blast, so that you are never scared of hurting anyone?”

Michael reluctantly nodded his head as Liz hugged him in delight.

“Shall I take you tomorrow to the desert?”

Liz nodded eagerly then frowned when she heard Michael’s thoughts. Liz glared at him while Michael looked at her defiantly.

“Michael can’t come tomorrow. There’s a hockey game on T.V. and he’s watching with dad,” Liz grumbled dejected.

Once again amazed at their communication, Claudia asked cautiously, “And how do you know that Honeybear? Michael didn’t say anything now.”

A quick look passed between the siblings before Michael rushed out, “We… we can talk in our heads.”

“What?” Claudia asked bewildered.

“We have been able to do it always even before we met. We are telepathic,” Liz exclaimed proudly using the new word that she had learnt recently.

“Telepathic!” Claudia exclaimed shocked just as Michael simultaneously wondered puzzled, “Tele…what?”

“Telepathic Michael. Telepathy means mind-to-mind communication, like how we speak to each other with our minds,” Liz explained patiently while Michael continued to look at her confused. “I asked mom about it and no, she doesn’t know about us,” Liz said knowing exactly what Michael’s next question will be. “I then looked it up in the dictionary. So telepathy is one of our talents,” Liz finished excited looking at her grandma.

“Right, Honeybear!” Claudia quickly recovered, though her thoughts reminded her that there was something more about her grandkids. They seemed to have too many special abilities for it to be just a coincidence.

“Dicti…diti…”Michael gave up frustrated, “is it the big book you always have with you?”

“Dictionary, Michael. And it’s more than a big book. It teaches us…” Liz began animated.

“Whatever. I have to go now. Mr. Parker said he will tell everything about hockey to me,” Michael rushed away from the room but then stopped just at the door, turned back and said cheekily “Rina, you should play more or you will become a nerd.”

“Michael Guerin! I’m not a nerd. You are…” Liz began heatedly but Michael had already gone by then.

Claudia laughed as this only proved to her that in spite of their many abilities, they were just like other little kids, playing, teasing and fighting with one another. And she vowed to herself that they would always have this normal, no matter what happened in the future.

It was a couple of weeks later when Liz was admiring her latest creation that she felt a tiniest brush against her mind. Claudia Parker, true to her word, had taken her grandkids to the desert to practice and both Liz and Michael had improved a lot in the past two-weeks. Michael could now start and stop his blasts when he wanted though his aim was still poor and Liz had found that she could change the molecular shape of small things. And much to her great delight, Michael couldn’t do that, yet.

Liz once again closed her eyes and passed her hand over the small rock. When she opened her eyes, it had changed into a beautiful crystal shimmering in colors of red, blue and green. She grinned and then sighed when she once again felt a pull on her mind.

~ What is it Tris? ~

There was no reply and slightly miffed, Liz passed her hand over another rock when there was another tug. Becoming irritated, Liz once again telepathed to Michael but there was no reply though the pull against her mind became more insistent. Annoyed, Liz finally walked towards her window from where she could clearly see Michael’s bedroom, his bed and him sleeping on it. Angry that he was playing games with her, she yelled into his head.

~ OW….Rina! ~

Michael jerked his head up and looked sleepily through his window. Seeing Liz glaring at him from her room with her hands on her hips, Michael mumbled “Not again!” and simply lifted his hand.

His window shut with a bang as Michael once again fell asleep thinking it wasn’t his fault that she couldn’t blast while he could easily change colors.

Liz stared at Michael’s window in shock, a sudden fear in her heart. She had clearly heard Tris and felt whoever had been calling her in her mind, simultaneously. Tentatively, she reached out with her mind and the next second drew back in alarm when she felt the presence of someone else. Someone who wasn’t her brother but someone who she instinctively knew was just like them, different.

~ Tris, Tris! Wake up! Wake up! ~

Liz finally gave up on waking Michael knowing that it was useless to wake him once he slept. Liz scrunched her face, Tris always slept like a log. By now, her fear had turned into interest, as she had felt no harm from whoever had been calling her. Feeling excited, she once again reached out with her mind.

~ Who are you? ~

Her only reply was a tighter hold on to her presence by that person.

~ I’m Liz but my daddy calls me Lizzie. What’s your name? ~

This time she sensed a mild curiosity and after a few more unsuccessful tries to talk, she became frustrated. Not knowing what to do, Liz walked towards her balcony, that faced the back of the house and seeing the bright stars twinkling in the sky she grinned and sent an image of the sky with the stars. For a few seconds she sensed complete wonder from the person and then she gasped in surprise at the image that suddenly popped in her head.

What were those four weird and big round glowing things, that seemed to be in a dark place?

“Why didn’t you tell me aunty Sally’s here?” Michael burst into Liz’s room, furiously brushing his cheeks.

Nancy’s sister from Florida had recently come for a visit and much to Michael’s displeasure she constantly kissed and pinched his cheeks. He always managed to avoid her whenever she came except this time he had had no warning from Liz and had to endure the kisses, which he absolutely hated.

“Liz! You didn’t…what are you doing?” Michael looked suspiciously at the various books and things spread out in front of her. For the past few days, Liz had seemed somewhat distant from him and Michael had a feeling that she was hiding something from him.

“Liz!” Michael yelled to get her attention, frowning at the smile on her face.

“Wha…Michael!” Liz exclaimed, as if coming from a trance. “What…when did you come?”

“What’s going on?”

What? Nothing! I was reading…” Liz looked down guiltily.

“What?” Michael walked near her and picked up a book. “The alphabet book?”

Michael stared at her incredulously wondering what was going on. She always knew whenever he was near and now, she didn’t even know when he was in her room? And what was with the apple, ball, toy car, doll and the coloring book?

“I just wanted to read about the alphabets,” Liz replied defensively.

“You are lying!” Michael stated beginning to get angry now.

“Am not!” Liz started arranging the drawings of cat, dog and other pictures that were spread out in front of her.

“Then how come you are not looking at me?” Michael demanded, seeing her biting her lip. “You are biting your lip,” Liz nervously tucked her hair behind her ear, “and you are doing That!” Michael smugly pointed and Liz hastily withdrew her hand. “So you are lying!”

“I’m not.” Liz denied once again, avoiding looking at him.

She didn’t know why, but she had still not told Michael about the other person she could sense. Liz was now convinced that whoever he was, that person didn’t mean her any harm and in fact, he only made her feel nice and happy.

“Hey! Get out of my head! Michael!” Liz yelled annoyed, when she found him trying to find out whatever was happening.

~ What? You are not telling me. I just wanna know ~ Michael telepathed, simultaneously deepening their connection to find out what she was hiding.

~ Tris! ~ Liz tried to push him out of her head, her temper rising fast. ~ GET OUT ~

~ Li… Lizz…zie? ~

Michael stared at Liz stunned just as she pushed him out of her head. That hadn’t been him calling her.

“Who…who was that?” Michael asked, an unknown dread growing in his stomach.

“My friend!” Liz told him, still annoyed at the way he had tried to find out her secret.

“I…I’m not your friend?” Michael’s voice was small and hesitant.

Immediately sensing his hurt and panic, Liz hugged him. “You’re my bestest friend.”

“Then…who…” Michael’s voice hitched a bit even as his hands came around her tightly. “Who’s that person?”

“He is like us, special Michael,” Liz began animated and pulled back from him a bit. “And he also talks to me in my head.” Liz frowned then, “Well, not talk coz he can’t talk yet but he sent me images and I’m teaching him,” she quickly picked up the alphabet book, “how to read and talk.”

“But how come he didn’t talk to me?” Michael was now suspicious and his long suppressed apprehension that she might be taken away from him once again, started to grow.

Liz shook her head puzzled. “I dunno. But you were sleeping when he called me for the first time and so maybe, you didn’t hear him?”

“Where is he?”

“Dunno. He doesn’t know where he is. But he showed me a cave and lotsa sand.”

“Maybe…maybe you shouldn’t talk to him,” Michael blurted out, “ever.”

Liz looked up at him surprised sensing his fear but she didn’t know why he was scared. She reached to touch him and then gasped.

***** Flash*****
“You can never be with her! It’s for both your safety. And stop whining,” the man muttered pulling the 3-year old boy from the car, ignoring the heart-wrenching cries and the tears from his eyes, whose sight never left the car.
***** Flash*****

“What was that?” Liz’s eyes were wide and her heart was still thumping from the complete fright she felt from the image.

Michael held Liz desperately and mumbled incoherently, “The bad man that took you away from me…He wants to take you again. But I won’t let him…”

“But…”Liz’s own fear had started to grow added on by Michael’s terror and the flash. “But the boy is good,” Liz said softly. She had only felt warmth and nice feelings from him. He couldn’t be bad, could he?

“Then why he talked only with you?” Michael demanded. “He called you Lizzie and…and when he knows where you live he will come and take you away from me. Do you…” Michael paused and then looked at her desperately, “do you wanna go away from me?”

Liz’s eyes became wide as she started shaking her head and Michael sighed in relief.

“Me too. I don’t wanna you to go away from me,” Michael whispered embracing her. He then spoke to her urgently. “Rina, you should not talk to him again. Don’t tell him where you live.”

“But, he is always here,” Liz touched her heart then, “like you. How can I not talk to him?”

“We will hide your mind from him,” Michael replied, instinctively knowing how to do that. “So he can’t know where you are.”

“Ok,” Liz muttered quietly, still not sure whether this was a good idea. She wanted to talk with the boy but she also didn’t want to go away from Tris.

“Look at me.”

As their eyes met and their breathing synchronized, the connection between them easily deepened and the next second Michael was in her head. With Liz guiding him, he quickly reached the place where he could now clearly sense the boy’s distress in Liz’s mind and after a moment of hesitation blocked Liz’s connection with the boy.

Michael gave a gasp of breath as he broke the connection, fully relieved that no one can take his Rina from him now.

“You okay?” Michael cupped her right cheek, alarmed at seeing tears flowing down Liz’s cheeks.

Liz sniffled and then nodded her head but quickly burst into tears as Michael held and comforted her. She didn’t know why but she suddenly felt empty and her heart hurt as if it would not be whole again till she met the boy who gave her the warm nice feelings and always made her feel safe.


Hope you guys liked it :)
check out my fic:
Believing in Destiny
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2004 7:27 pm

Post by foreverdreamer15 »

A/N: Hey Everyone :D

I'm back with a new part! And yup, most of you guessed it right. Liz was talking to Max :D Max sensed the presence of another person connected to him as soon as he came out of the pod and tried communicating with that person. Finally he did learn her name but Michael unknowingly closed off their connection.

Thank you for your feedback

Welcome :D and I'm happy that you are enjoying this! Most of your questions about who Liz really is, whether Gia or Serena or neither :wink:, and why she hates Zan would be revealed in their past itself.
Ace Roswell

and of course to my dear beta Behrsgirl77. Thanks!

Hope you all like the new part!
Part 4:
Five years later:

“LIZ…” Michael shouted as he came down into the Parker’s basement. “LIZ!”

He peered into the darkness cautiously and not getting any response, he casually raised his hand and the light switched on illuminating the whole basement. The Parkers, on Claudia’s idea, had furnished the whole basement a couple of years ago, with a bed, cupboard, a big couch, refrigerator and a study table with a chair. Michael had immediately tried to claim that as his room, resulting in a long fight between him and Liz. Claudia had finally put an end to it explaining to them to use the basement for practice and other stuff related to their talents, since it had no windows and they couldn’t be seen by anyone. Both Liz and Michael had reluctantly agreed.

Michael sighed lying down on the bed and shut the door with his powers. He then started playing with a baseball, by bouncing it against the wall and then halting it in mid-air with his powers, and then again bouncing it against the wall. Michael had discovered his telekinetic powers about a year ago and had become adept at sometimes using only his mind to move small objects. Michael casually looked around while the baseball still hit the wall without missing a beat and seeing the table a sudden idea popped into his head.

“Ouch!” Michael yelped as the ball hit him when he lost his concentration.

Glaring at the ball, he got up and went near the table that was filled with some thick books Liz had got from the library and her most prized possession, the Microscope. Since grandma had got that for her last year, she was always poring over that studying something, much to Michael’s annoyance as that meant he had to be silent and not practice his powers in the basement.

Stretching out his hands, Michael carefully lifted the table with his powers and then removed his hands, concentrating on holding it up using his mind only. The table wobbled dangerously but Michael focused all his attention and powers till it stilled and then gradually raised it higher. So intent was he on the path of the table that he completely missed the door opening with a creaking sound. But he definitely heard the high piercing shriek from behind him followed by a bag hitting the ground.


Startled Michael turned back just as Liz cried out horrified, “My MICROSCOPE!”

Michael instantly turned towards the table desperately holding his hands out in front of him with his eyes closed. There was a second of absolute silence and Michael opened his eyes cringing, surprised and thankful that he didn’t hear the sound of the table falling down. And then his eyes widened in shock.

The table seemed to be resting on a pale white mist that was floating above the floor. Looking at his hands, Michael experimentally lifted them and then watched in amazement as the white mist also rose along with the table.

“Liz,” Michael turned back excitedly, “did you see…” and then stopped at the look in her eyes.

“Michael Guerin,” Liz began dangerously, walking towards him “You drop that table and I promise Tammy coming after you will seem like nothing after I get done with you!”

Michael visibly blanched at the reminder of the girl Tammy who had been after him for almost a whole year. Tammy had somehow gotten into her thick head that Michael loved her and was determined to get him to admit that much to his disgust. She had constantly pestered him following him everywhere, leaving small notes in his locker and made him the laughing stock of the whole 5th grade. Michael glared at Liz, knowing fully well who convinced Tammy in the first place that Michael secretly liked her. It wasn’t as if he had deliberately destroyed Liz’s science project and she got a C in that.

“Don’t move,” Liz warned trying to get a grip on the table.

“Hey, Don’t!” Michael yelled moving away the table and the mist from her reach. At her fierce look, he hastily continued, “Don’t touch that…that…white thing. What if it hurts you?”

For a second Liz’s look softened and she shrugged, “Nothing about you would hurt me Michael,” as she slowly touched the white transparent thing. “It’s solid,” she whispered in wonder, as tingles raced up and down her arm but it didn’t seem to cause her any harm. “Bring that down carefully.”

Michael heaved a sign of relief as the table touched the ground, then gasped when the white mist vanished and then grinned when realization struck in.

“I got a new power! YES!” Michael danced with joy. “Did you see that Liz? Wasn’t that amazing? I bet I can do it again. I should now probably give it a name. Did you…”

“Take a breath Michael!” Liz sounded annoyed, as she inspected her precious microscope to see if any damage had been done to it. She then started removing books from her bag.

Michael looked at her puzzled for a second wondering why she wasn’t excited then smirked picking up on her feelings.

“You are jealous!” he stated crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“I’m not!” Liz’s face colored a bit and she chastised herself for not hiding better her feelings from him.

“Of course, you are.” Michael was thoroughly enjoying himself now. “I have 2 more powers than you now. I mean, you can only blast weakly and change stuff,” When Liz opened her mouth, he reworded rolling his eyes, “okay, change molecular structure of things and we both can heal slight wounds but you are not telekinetic or can do this thing. I can do more than you.” Michael gloated. “But I guess its coz I’m a boy.”

“I don’t want your stupid powers,” Liz growled annoyed but the truth was, she resented not having telekinetic abilities or more blast power like Michael.

It had become a sort of friendly competition between the two to see who had more abilities or powers like Michael called them and who discovered them. For the past year Michael had been driving her crazy making her objects fly and a few times he had also tried to lift Liz with his powers, much to her irritation as she ended up falling down each time. And now, he seemed to have one more power, Liz thought in dismay.

“Sure you don’t,” Michael laughed at her, deliberately bouncing the baseball with his mind and then held his hand in front of him. A minute later, the white transparent thing appeared like a wall between him and Liz and he whooped in delight.

“Get out Michael! I have to read,” Liz said irritated at his display of powers and started opening one of the books that she had brought from the library.

“Jeebeesus Liz, it’s summer!” Michael made a face, “Why do you wanna read now?”

“To make sure that I learn how to change our blood so that the next time you think you are Superman, I’m ready!” Liz stated smugly.

Michael’s face immediately flushed, as he demanded indignantly, “Hey, how do you know that flying isn’t one of your powers unless you try it, huh?”

“Right! That’s exactly why you jumped from the tree,” Liz quipped sarcastically, laughter dancing in her eyes though she had been really scared when it had happened.

About 6 months back, Liz had been startled when she had felt sudden pain in her left land. Immediately realizing it was Michael, she had rushed outside only to find him lying on the ground with a grimace on his face and clutching his hand painfully. Michael had then passed out from the pain and Liz had started crying. Fortunately for them, her grandmother was the only one at home and she had quickly taken him to the hospital and made sure that his blood wasn’t taken for any tests.

Though, Michael had healed faster than normal boys, Liz could still remember the scare she felt at the hospital because they were different and hoping that no one discovered that. It was then she had resolved to find out how to change their blood so it looks normal and since then had been diligently working on that.

“Laugh all you want now Liz but one day when I fly in front of you, then you will know!” Michael finished haughtily and then scowled when Liz howled with laughter.

“We aren’t related to Superman,” Liz teased him. “Besides Aliens do not exist.”

“How do you…”Michael stopped baffled, when he saw Liz simply turning the pages of a book and then pause to write something in her journal. “What did you just do?”

“What?” Liz asked without pausing in her writing.

“That,” he pointed out when she again started turning the pages, as if reading.

“Oh, this” Liz had a guilty look on her face, “I…uhm…I was looking at the pictures…”

“And you already finished reading the other thick books?” Michael looked at her surprised and then frowned when she bit her lip, a classic sign that she was nervous and hiding something. “Okay, what is it?”

Liz sighed at the determined look on his face. “I was reading fast or rather scanning all the information from the book into my mind.”

“You did what?” Michael looked at her blankly for a second then he became angry. “You found a new power and didn’t tell me?”

“It’s not anything big Tris. It’s like having a photographic mind. You can store these pages in your mind and whatever you read you will not forget.”

“Really?” Michael had a sudden gleam in his eyes.

“That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you,” Liz glared at him.

“What do you mean?” Michael asked innocently.

“I know what are you thinking Michael Guerin and I’m not going to teach you to scan so that you can escape studying for school.”

“Chill Liz!” Michael held his hand up and then continued arrogantly. “Now that I know scanning can be done, I will easily learn it. I don’t need you to teach it to me.”

“Fine! Get out then,” Liz shouted exasperated.

“Oh! Are you mad Rina?” He teased her laughing, stretching out his arms. “That I am more talented than you? That I have more powers than you, Lizzie…”

“Put me down, Michael,” Liz gritted out, feeling more annoyed than actually scared as Michael easily lifted her up with his powers.

Michael grinned at her, “Nah. I think I might just see how strong my powers have become.”

“You put me down right now Tris or…” Liz stretched her hands up against the ceiling trying to push herself down and prevent her head from hitting the ceiling.

“Or what?” Michael smirked at her.

Liz glared at him wishing with all her might, that she could blast him. If only she was near him.

“What are you doing?” Michael questioned puzzled, looking at a suddenly seemingly unconscious Liz. “You do know I’m not going to fall for that.” He continued loudly when she didn’t reply back. “You cannot scare me!”

“Wanna bet?”

Michael’s heart nearly stopped in fright at the sudden whisper in his ear and he immediately turned his head back. The next second his heart started beating double time at the sight of a smug Liz standing behind him, with her hands crossed across her chest. Michael swiftly turned his head back up front and stared in disbelief at a sleeping Liz floating in the air.

“Hey, watch my head,” the Liz behind him scowled, as the head of the floating Liz went too close to the ceiling.

Michael gulped quickly bringing the floating Liz a bit down with one of his hands and then kept looking back and forth between the two Liz’s, his eyes wide open. Finally his mouth unglued itself.


“Watch your language, Young Man!” Liz said in her best impersonation of her grandmother.

And then to Michael’s utter shock, his grandmother was suddenly standing beside him instead of Liz. Michael blinked his eyes a few times but nope, one Liz was still floating above the couch and his grandma was still standing there looking at him disapprovingly.

“Grandma?” he queried uneasily, wondering whether he was in some weird dream.

Liz frowned at him. Was he mocking at her? So she imagined their grandma being there and scolding him but that doesn’t mean he could call her grandma.

“What’s wrong with you?” Liz snapped irritated. “I’m your extremely talented and brilliant sister, Elizabeth, not grandma.”

Michael gasped as suddenly Liz was beside him again and there was no sign of his grandma. He then scowled as he realized Liz was messing up with him and he strode towards her angrily.

“What are you…” He then cried out shocked as his hand passed right through her and he immediately held both his hands in front of him creating a shield between him and whatever the hell was happening.

The next instant, the Liz in front of him disappeared and there was a cry and a thud as Liz fell down to the couch hard with her eyes wide open. She felt completely winded as the breath rushed back into her body.

“That hurt, you jerk!” Liz yelled, as she stood up unsteadily, looking at herself. “Wow! I’m back in my body.”

“Liz?” Michael asked a bit apprehensively and at her patented half annoyed half glare, he put down his shield and rushed towards her worriedly. “Are you alright Liz? The weirdest shit happened right now…”

“Language Michael,” Liz reminded him, “and of course, I know what happened.”

“What happened? How can you be at two places at once?”

Liz crossed her arms and looked at him haughtily. “Well guess you aren’t the only one with new powers anymore!”

January ’98:

“Liz! It was just a stupid New Year’s party!” Michael whined but instantly regretted it at the look on her face.

“Okay, I didn’t mean it like that. Your parents throw it every year and I’m sure it must be great but Liz the only people who attend it are like forty.” At Liz’s glare, he amended, “Yeah you attended it and I know I should have attended but I really, really forgot about it…”

“Coz you were watching a stupid hockey game,” Liz muttered angrily striding towards her locker and ignored the indignant “Hey! It’s not stupid,” from Michael.

“A stupid recorded hockey game,” she opened her locker forcefully and started getting the books needed for the first hour.

“Liz, What do you want me to do? I didn’t even hear you calling …”

“Stop lying! You would have heard me even if you had blocked yourself from me,” Liz shut her locker with a bang.

“Well, I was watching hockey,” Michael simply said as if that explained everything and at the incredulous look on her face complained, “Liz! You know how I’m like when I’m watching… what do you want?” He suddenly growled at someone behind her and Liz turned back surprised.

Her expression softened when her eyes met her cute lab partner.

“Hey, Josh,” she softly greeted the tall dark-haired boy.

“Hey Liz,” he began nervously which only increased when he saw Michael glowering at him from behind Liz’s back.

“I was…uh…wondering whether uhm,” he gulped as Michael made a show of clenching and flexing his right fist, “I could borrow your bio…never mind.”

He swiftly ran away but not before throwing Michael a quick glance while Liz stared at him bewildered. She then looked at Michael suspiciously but fortunately for Michael, the bell rang at that moment and Liz rushed away mumbling about some test.

“I don’t like that guy,” Michael muttered, his eyes following the movement of one Alexander Thornton, who stopped and dramatically waved in their direction eliciting a laugh from Liz, before exiting the cafeteria.

“You don’t like any of the guys,” Liz said wryly, clearing up their lunch and packing up her books.

Michael grimaced. “That’s not true. I like…” he paused for a moment wondering. Then, “I like me and I’m a guy.” Michael said triumphantly and then continued scowling, “Besides whoever talks to lowly freshmen? And this guy is a Sophomore Liz. Plus this is like the 3rd time he is having lunch with us. What’s with that huh? I don’t like this….”

Liz rolled her eyes at the typical Michael’s response when a paper caught her eye.

“I don’t want you talking to him…”

“You got another A at bio?” Liz questioned him surprised, looking from the paper in her hands.

“What? You are the only one who gets A’s? I do study sometimes,” Michael defended himself.

“I didn’t mean it like that.” Liz mumbled a bit apologetic, then “Wait a minute! This is last week’s test.”


“None of the students got an ‘A’ Michael…”

Michael grinned at her, “You mean even you didn’t get one but I got an ‘A’.”

Liz glared at him. “According to Mrs. Teague, only one of the students got the top marks coz she had included a few advanced questions that she didn’t even teach in our class. So she was really praising this student who knew things that weren’t even mentioned in the book.”

Michael’s smug look vanished from his face and he cleared his throat uneasily.

Tris,” Liz hissed at him, as her voice lowered. “What book did you scan?”

“I didn’t scan anything.” Michael replied hotly. “So, instead of my usual book I read your AP book, the green book with the skeleton and plant picture that you have but that doesn’t…”

“That’s a college level book, you moron!” Liz said furiously. “You didn’t even care to see what book you are scanning, did you? What did you do, scan all the books I had?” At Michael’s guilty look, she knew she had guessed it right on the spot.

Unbelievable! You promised me after the last time that you would never use scanning to get grades…”

“Okay, fine. I won’t do it again alright?” Michael got up annoyed. “Besides it’s just a stupid test. Who cares about it anyways? And no offense, but Mrs. Teague is really a bad teacher. Sometimes she teaches crap…”

Michael’s eyes widened at the slight glowing of Liz’s clenched fists and he looked around nervously only to see the others going on without giving them a second look. Instantly he realized that Liz was projecting an image of both of them happily talking when in reality his ass was about to be kicked. It was never a smart thing to make Liz’s mad and maybe he had gone a teeny tiny bit far in criticizing her favorite teacher.

“Liz, we are in the school cafeteria and your hand’s glowing,”

Seeing her glare intensify Michael slowly started backing away. Her zaps had the power of electricity bolts and he definitely didn’t want to experience one now.

“So, yeah I gotta go now. Hmm…see you after school or maybe never? Yeah see you…” and the next second he ran for his life.

check out my fic:
Believing in Destiny
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 63
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2004 7:27 pm

Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Hey Everyone! I am back and I am so sorry for not updating for so long but it will be difficult for me to update regularly till the end of May due to exams and projects :( I will try to update as often as possible though guys. Your feedback rocks!

Thanks Roswellgurlygirl16, FSUMSW94, purpleant, Ace Roswell, SmileeUk and kay_b and of course to lurkers very much for your feedback :D

kay_b:Yup, Max was the one connecting to Liz but he connected with her as soon as he came out of the pod, not when he was in the pod. It was instinctive on Max's part :wink: Though he doesn't remember anything about that now.

And a huge thanks to my beta Behrsgirl77

Hope you all like this new part!


Book II, Part 5:

“Hey Parker!” A voice greeted her and she looked up to find herself caught in the clear blue gaze of Alexander.

He then whistled appreciatively looking at her knee-length black skirt, v-necked red top and the black jacket. Her hair was let down over her shoulders and to him she looked simply amazing.

"Looking good Parker!”

Liz looked down, as her cheeks turned slight pink. “Thanks,” she murmured and continued blushing as her eyes roamed over him quickly, “So do you.”

He was wearing casual blue jeans and a tight black shirt that showed off his well built muscles and the wind-swept look of his brown hair gave him a sexy look. That combined with the cute dimple in his right cheek when he grinned made him harder to resist for Liz.

For a few seconds, they stared at each other and then Xander gently tugged at her bag. “Here! Let me carry it,” and he took it ignoring her protests, as they started walking together.

He then made a show of looking all around her as if searching for something and then looked up at her worried.


“I don’t seem to see your shadow?”

“My what?”

“You know, the tall brooding 6 feet thing that scowls at anyone talking to you?” Xander grinned as Liz’s mouth fell open in surprise.

“No!” Liz giggled. “I don’t know where Michael is but he better not hear what you just said.”

“Are you gonna snitch on me Parker?” Xander asked with a pout.

“Maybe, maybe not! It depends.” Liz said teasingly.


Liz grinned at him. “How much do you have on you?”

“Elizabeth Parker demanding money?” Xander brows rose exaggeratedly. “Hmm…Tell you what Parker. I don’t have much with me right now but,” he came closer to her as they neared a corner and looked into her eyes, “maybe I can convince you,” his voice lowered, “in other ways…”

Liz’s eyes widened as she stared at him and her heart skipped a beat. But she forced herself to look away from him, as she quickly put some distance between them.

Liz laughed nervously, “In your dreams, Thornton.”

“Doesn’t hurt to try.” And then sensing her uneasiness, he changed the subject. “I haven’t seen you around in a couple of days?”

“I…yeah. I was really busy.”

“And here I was thinking that maybe you were avoiding me,” Xander teased with a knowing grin.

“Uh…” Liz’s face flushed, as she avoided looking at him. “No…uhm…I didn’t. Why would you think that?”

And then Liz gave an awkward laugh. The truth was, Michael wasn’t the only one who had noticed Xander’s attentions. Liz wasn’t ready to be more than friends with anyone and she had also told Xander that firmly to which he had seemingly agreed real quick. But friends don’t normally wait for her after every class and walk her to her next class, when the said friend and she didn’t share any of the classes nor do they leave little notes or flowers in her locker. Of course she loved it but that was beside the point. She had had a hard time hiding those from Michael and even Michael’s constant presence with her and his infamous growl hadn’t scared Xander away like the others. So she had been trying to avoid Xander for the past few days, hoping he would get the hint.


“So?” Liz asked having missed what he said.

“You are not?”

“Not what?” Liz’s brows raised puzzled.

Xander’s lips twitched at the cute frown on her face. “Avoiding me.”

“No,” Liz denied vehemently, looking at him steadily.

“So you wouldn’t mind me giving you a ride home?” Xander looked charmingly at her, as they reached the parking space, beside the school.

Liz bit her lip hesitatingly, unsure of how to reject his offer. “Uhm…”

“As a friend only,” Xander hurriedly went on then gave a cute pout. “Pretty please Parker? I promise I won’t try anything,” he paused and then grinned, “Unless you want me to, of course.”

Liz finally gave into the smile threatening to break over her lips, as she rolled her eyes good-naturedly at him. Only he would say friend and contradict himself the next second.

She opened her mouth to agree when an arm was casually put around her shoulders. “ Nope, she isn’t going with you Thornton,” Michael said scowling at him.

Liz looked up at him annoyed.

“How did you get out of detention?” Xander asked him with a puzzled look.

“Detention? Why did you get detention?”

“How did you know I had…” Michael simultaneously began suspiciously but quickly amended hearing Liz’s question. “Detention? Who me?” Michael scoffed and glared at Xander while answering Liz. “Thornton is mistaken Liz.”

“Oh, I am not” Xander replied gleefully. “I work in the school office and I printed out today’s detention sheet.”

~ TRIS ~

“He is lying, Liz,” Michael gritted his teeth at Xander wishing that he was alone with Xander right now. “And Liz doesn’t want to go with you,” Michael said as he once again pulled Liz to his side.

“Maybe, we should let her decide.”

“Maybe, you should get the hell out of here...” Michael stepped closer to him, pulling Liz behind him at the same time.

“Michael!” Liz cried out horrified unable to believe this was happening. Fortunately, most of the kids had already gone and the parking lot was nearly empty.

“I got it covered, babe” Xander gave a dazzling smile in Liz’s direction and smirked at Michael. “Or what?”

Liz’s mouth fell open in shock.

“Babe!” She growled. He did not just call her that! And her already foul temper rose when she picked up on Michael’s feelings. Jerks!

Michael laughed silently enjoying himself immensely. This was going way better than he expected. If there was one thing Liz hated most, it was being treated like a trophy girlfriend, a thing to be displayed to others and of course to quote her, “those derogatory chauvinist remarks”.

Michael shrugged. “Believe me, you wouldn’t want to know Preppy boy!”

Xander glowered and his eyes narrowed, as he drew up to his full height of 6 feet 3 inches that brought him face to face with Michael. “I would like to see you try Metallica wannabe!”

Michael's nostrils flared. “I already warned you Thornton. Stay the hell away from Liz. And the next time, it won’t be me doing the talking,” Michael made a show of punching his right fist onto his left palm.

“What’s the matter Guerin? Afraid she would leave you…”

The next moment, Xander’s head snapped back as Michael’s fist rammed into his face.

“You don’t know shit about me or Liz so keep your damn mouth shut!”

Xander quickly recovered as he sidestepped Michael’s next punch and gave one of his own. “I know enough to make out that you follow her around like a puppy, beat anyone whoever even talks to her…”

Michael proved him right by punching him again and Xander continued angry capturing Michael in a headlock, “you treat her like she is a little kid who needs her big protector…”

“Well, with guys like you, she does,” Michael’s eyes bored into him and the next second Xander flew about 5 feet away from Michael.

“Mr. Thornton and Mr. Guerin,” the coach, who was coming after finishing practice, yelled. “Inside NOW!”

Xander stared stupefied around him, wondering what the hell had just happened and it was then that he realized Liz was nowhere to be found. One look at a smug Michael proved his suspicions right. Michael knew exactly when and where she had gone.

“What are you doing here?” Xander glared at Michael, who was now casually leaning against the gate with his arms crossed.

Michael stared at him. Doesn’t he ever give up? And then smirked. “I live here.”

“No, you don’t!” Xander frowned at him. “Liz does.”

Michael shrugged. “Me, Liz. It’s all the same Preppy boy.”

Xander bit back the retort forming on his mouth, not wanting to antagonize Liz’s one and only friend. He had been waiting in front of Liz’s house for the past thirty minutes to apologize to Liz but apparently she wasn’t back yet from wherever she had gone. The last thing he expected was to see Michael stroll out of her house. He didn’t want to start another fight but seeing Michael’s belligerent stance, he realized that Michael was more than ready to continue what their coach had interrupted and with his luck, Liz would probably see that too.

“Look Michael, I’m not here to fight,” Xander raised his hands as a peace sign. “I just wanted to apologize to Liz and in fact,” there was a pause, “I’m sorry for saying those things to you and hitting you. I didn’t mean to do that. I just…was just…I only want to be her friend and hopefully yours too? Let’s forget whatever happened and try to start over? What do you say?”

Xander waited nervously for Michael’s reply. He had been trying to become close to Liz for the past few weeks but she was rarely seen without Michael Guerin at her side and every time he had tried talking to her, Michael had thwarted it. Finally today, knowing that Michael was in detention, he had approached her and she had even seemed to agree to him taking her home and then Guerin had somehow come and foiled it…again. It was as if he knew exactly what was going on with Liz at all times and vice versa. It was really creepy but at the same time, Xander wanted that. He wanted that with Liz.

He was jealous of Michael Guerin’s relationship with Liz, their closeness and friendship and yes, he admitted to himself, he wanted to know if they were only friends or more. So if being friends with Michael was the only way he can be with Liz, then he was going to do it.

“That yours?” Michael asked, after a beat of silence.

Turning, Xander saw exactly where Michael’s attention lay and he nodded proudly.

“Wow!” Michael touched the cables, handles, and seat of the black Harley reverently and then looked up. “Can I test drive?”

Xander’s heart missed a beat when he heard the question. His precious brand new bike? No one even touched it and Michael Guerin wanted to ride it? He looked at his Harley and then at the excited glimmer in Michael’s eyes and shuddered. No! I won't do this! Not on my life!

Michael laughed to himself, as he sped off in the sleek motorcycle, his entire body thrumming in tune with the bike’s engine. That had been too easy, better than taking a candy from a kid. Of course, he had seen the indecision on Xander’s face but one mention of Liz’s name and he was now cruising along at 90 miles/hour on the highway.

This is the life, Michael grinned.

“Wow! Your bike rocks man!” Michael giddily got down from the bike as Xander rushed towards him and started examining the bike.

“Oh baby, you are alright! You are all right! There is a God!” and he lifted his head awed towards the sky.

Michael rolled his eyes at his display. He only took it for a test drive, not a freaking collision course.

“Okay Guerin, where’s Liz now?”

“She works at the library from 5 to 9 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and 2 to 5 on Saturdays.”

“What about the remaining weekdays?”

Michael eyed the bike longingly, “Can I have another test drive?”

Xander glared at him, “Keys!” He could work with Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Michael reluctantly returned the keys then, just as Xander was about to take off Michael held his hand out.

“To the start of a beautiful friendship.”

For a second Xander was startled and then he eyed Michael’s hand warily not at all liking the unusual glimmer in his eye or the odd words, odd for Michael that is. But it was only a handshake. What could go wrong in that?

Hesitatingly he held his hand out and for a second was surprised by Michael’s firm grip but then gradually relaxed as they only shook hands. He was so anxious to go and meet Liz that he never noticed the wicked smile on Michael’s face.

check out my fic:
Believing in Destiny
User avatar
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 63
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2004 7:27 pm

Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Hey Everyone! I am back and I am so sorry for not updating for so long but it will be difficult for me to update regularly till the end of May due to exams and projects :( I will try to update as often as possible though guys. Your feedback rocks!

Thanks Roswellgurlygirl16, FSUMSW94, purpleant, Ace Roswell, SmileeUk and kay_b very much for your feedback and of course to lurkers too.

kay_b:Yup, Max was the one connecting to Liz but he connected with her as soon as he came out of the pod, not when he was in the pod. It was instinctive on Max's part :wink: Though he doesn't remember anything about that now.

And a huge thanks to my beta Behrsgirl77

Hope you all like this new part!


Part 5:

“Hey Parker!” A voice greeted her and she looked up to find herself caught in the clear blue gaze of Alexander.

He then whistled appreciatively looking at her knee-length black skirt, v-necked red top and the black jacket. Her hair was let down over her shoulders and to him she looked simply amazing.

"Looking good Parker!”

Liz looked down, as her cheeks turned slight pink. “Thanks,” she murmured and continued blushing as her eyes roamed over him quickly, “So do you.”

He was wearing casual blue jeans and a tight black shirt that showed off his well built muscles and the wind-swept look of his brown hair gave him a sexy look. That combined with the cute dimple in his right cheek when he grinned made him harder to resist for Liz.

For a few seconds, they stared at each other and then Xander gently tugged at her bag. “Here! Let me carry it,” and he took it ignoring her protests, as they started walking together.

He then made a show of looking all around her as if searching for something and then looked up at her worried.


“I don’t seem to see your shadow?”

“My what?”

“You know, the tall brooding 6 feet thing that scowls at anyone talking to you?” Xander grinned as Liz’s mouth fell open in surprise.

“No!” Liz giggled. “I don’t know where Michael is but he better not hear what you just said.”

“Are you gonna snitch on me Parker?” Xander asked with a pout.

“Maybe, maybe not! It depends.” Liz said teasingly.


Liz grinned at him. “How much do you have on you?”

“Elizabeth Parker demanding money?” Xander brows rose exaggeratedly. “Hmm…Tell you what Parker. I don’t have much with me right now but,” he came closer to her as they neared a corner and looked into her eyes, “maybe I can convince you,” his voice lowered, “in other ways…”

Liz’s eyes widened as she stared at him and her heart skipped a beat. But she forced herself to look away from him, as she quickly put some distance between them.

Liz laughed nervously, “In your dreams, Thornton.”

“Doesn’t hurt to try.” And then sensing her uneasiness, he changed the subject. “I haven’t seen you around in a couple of days?”

“I…yeah. I was really busy.”

“And here I was thinking that maybe you were avoiding me,” Xander teased with a knowing grin.

“Uh…” Liz’s face flushed, as she avoided looking at him. “No…uhm…I didn’t. Why would you think that?”

And then Liz gave an awkward laugh. The truth was, Michael wasn’t the only one who had noticed Xander’s attentions. Liz wasn’t ready to be more than friends with anyone and she had also told Xander that firmly to which he had seemingly agreed real quick. But friends don’t normally wait for her after every class and walk her to her next class, when the said friend and she didn’t share any of the classes nor do they leave little notes or flowers in her locker. Of course she loved it but that was beside the point. She had had a hard time hiding those from Michael and even Michael’s constant presence with her and his infamous growl hadn’t scared Xander away like the others. So she had been trying to avoid Xander for the past few days, hoping he would get the hint.


“So?” Liz asked having missed what he said.

“You are not?”

“Not what?” Liz’s brows raised puzzled.

Xander’s lips twitched at the cute frown on her face. “Avoiding me.”

“No,” Liz denied vehemently, looking at him steadily.

“So you wouldn’t mind me giving you a ride home?” Xander looked charmingly at her, as they reached the parking space, beside the school.

Liz bit her lip hesitatingly, unsure of how to reject his offer. “Uhm…”

“As a friend only,” Xander hurriedly went on then gave a cute pout. “Pretty please Parker? I promise I won’t try anything,” he paused and then grinned, “Unless you want me to, of course.”

Liz finally gave into the smile threatening to break over her lips, as she rolled her eyes good-naturedly at him. Only he would say friend and contradict himself the next second.

She opened her mouth to agree when an arm was casually put around her shoulders. “ Nope, she isn’t going with you Thornton,” Michael said scowling at him.

Liz looked up at him annoyed.

“How did you get out of detention?” Xander asked him with a puzzled look.

“Detention? Why did you get detention?”

“How did you know I had…” Michael simultaneously began suspiciously but quickly amended hearing Liz’s question. “Detention? Who me?” Michael scoffed and glared at Xander while answering Liz. “Thornton is mistaken Liz.”

“Oh, I am not” Xander replied gleefully. “I work in the school office and I printed out today’s detention sheet.”

~ TRIS ~

“He is lying, Liz,” Michael gritted his teeth at Xander wishing that he was alone with Xander right now. “And Liz doesn’t want to go with you,” Michael said as he once again pulled Liz to his side.

“Maybe, we should let her decide.”

“Maybe, you should get the hell out of here...” Michael stepped closer to him, pulling Liz behind him at the same time.

“Michael!” Liz cried out horrified unable to believe this was happening. Fortunately, most of the kids had already gone and the parking lot was nearly empty.

“I got it covered, babe” Xander gave a dazzling smile in Liz’s direction and smirked at Michael. “Or what?”

Liz’s mouth fell open in shock.

“Babe!” She growled. He did not just call her that! And her already foul temper rose when she picked up on Michael’s feelings. Jerks!

Michael laughed silently enjoying himself immensely. This was going way better than he expected. If there was one thing Liz hated most, it was being treated like a trophy girlfriend, a thing to be displayed to others and of course to quote her, “those derogatory chauvinist remarks”.

Michael shrugged. “Believe me, you wouldn’t want to know Preppy boy!”

Xander glowered and his eyes narrowed, as he drew up to his full height of 6 feet 3 inches that brought him face to face with Michael. “I would like to see you try Metallica wannabe!”

Michael's nostrils flared. “I already warned you Thornton. Stay the hell away from Liz. And the next time, it won’t be me doing the talking,” Michael made a show of punching his right fist onto his left palm.

“What’s the matter Guerin? Afraid she would leave you…”

The next moment, Xander’s head snapped back as Michael’s fist rammed into his face.

“You don’t know shit about me or Liz so keep your damn mouth shut!”

Xander quickly recovered as he sidestepped Michael’s next punch and gave one of his own. “I know enough to make out that you follow her around like a puppy, beat anyone whoever even talks to her…”

Michael proved him right by punching him again and Xander continued angry capturing Michael in a headlock, “you treat her like she is a little kid who needs her big protector…”

“Well, with guys like you, she does,” Michael’s eyes bored into him and the next second Xander flew about 5 feet away from Michael.

“Mr. Thornton and Mr. Guerin,” the coach, who was coming after finishing practice, yelled. “Inside NOW!”

Xander stared stupefied around him, wondering what the hell had just happened and it was then that he realized Liz was nowhere to be found. One look at a smug Michael proved his suspicions right. Michael knew exactly when and where she had gone.

“What are you doing here?” Xander glared at Michael, who was now casually leaning against the gate with his arms crossed.

Michael stared at him. Doesn’t he ever give up? And then smirked. “I live here.”

“No, you don’t!” Xander frowned at him. “Liz does.”

Michael shrugged. “Me, Liz. It’s all the same Preppy boy.”

Xander bit back the retort forming on his mouth, not wanting to antagonize Liz’s one and only friend. He had been waiting in front of Liz’s house for the past thirty minutes to apologize to Liz but apparently she wasn’t back yet from wherever she had gone. The last thing he expected was to see Michael stroll out of her house. He didn’t want to start another fight but seeing Michael’s belligerent stance, he realized that Michael was more than ready to continue what their coach had interrupted and with his luck, Liz would probably see that too.

“Look Michael, I’m not here to fight,” Xander raised his hands as a peace sign. “I just wanted to apologize to Liz and in fact,” there was a pause, “I’m sorry for saying those things to you and hitting you. I didn’t mean to do that. I just…was just…I only want to be her friend and hopefully yours too? Let’s forget whatever happened and try to start over? What do you say?”

Xander waited nervously for Michael’s reply. He had been trying to become close to Liz for the past few weeks but she was rarely seen without Michael Guerin at her side and every time he had tried talking to her, Michael had thwarted it. Finally today, knowing that Michael was in detention, he had approached her and she had even seemed to agree to him taking her home and then Guerin had somehow come and foiled it…again. It was as if he knew exactly what was going on with Liz at all times and vice versa. It was really creepy but at the same time, Xander wanted that. He wanted that with Liz.

He was jealous of Michael Guerin’s relationship with Liz, their closeness and friendship and yes, he admitted to himself, he wanted to know if they were only friends or more. So if being friends with Michael was the only way he can be with Liz, then he was going to do it.

“That yours?” Michael asked, after a beat of silence.

Turning, Xander saw exactly where Michael’s attention lay and he nodded proudly.

“Wow!” Michael touched the cables, handles, and seat of the black Harley reverently and then looked up. “Can I test drive?”

Xander’s heart missed a beat when he heard the question. His precious brand new bike? No one even touched it and Michael Guerin wanted to ride it? He looked at his Harley and then at the excited glimmer in Michael’s eyes and shuddered. No! I won't do this! Not on my life!

Michael laughed to himself, as he sped off in the sleek motorcycle, his entire body thrumming in tune with the bike’s engine. That had been too easy, better than taking a candy from a kid. Of course, he had seen the indecision on Xander’s face but one mention of Liz’s name and he was now cruising along at 90 miles/hour on the highway.

This is the life, Michael grinned.

“Wow! Your bike rocks man!” Michael giddily got down from the bike as Xander rushed towards him and started examining the bike.

“Oh baby, you are alright! You are all right! There is a God!” and he lifted his head awed towards the sky.

Michael rolled his eyes at his display. He only took it for a test drive, not a freaking collision course.

“Okay Guerin, where’s Liz now?”

“She works at the library from 5 to 9 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and 2 to 5 on Saturdays.”

“What about the remaining weekdays?”

Michael eyed the bike longingly, “Can I have another test drive?”

Xander glared at him, “Keys!” He could work with Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Michael reluctantly returned the keys then, just as Xander was about to take off Michael held his hand out.

“To the start of a beautiful friendship.”

For a second Xander was startled and then he eyed Michael’s hand warily not at all liking the unusual glimmer in his eye or the odd words, odd for Michael that is. But it was only a handshake. What could go wrong in that?

Hesitatingly he held his hand out and for a second was surprised by Michael’s firm grip but then gradually relaxed as they only shook hands. He was so anxious to go and meet Liz that he never noticed the wicked smile on Michael’s face.

check out my fic:
Believing in Destiny