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Post by isabelle »

btw, Storm. I'm assuming they're just regular aliens here, is that right? Or are we using the messy re-incarnated royalty stuff?


I look up with surprise as I realize someone is walking right at our table. I recognize Maria and stop my conversation with Tess. Maria's kinda flighty but I like her. Still, she's not one of us so our friendship has never been as close at it seems. There's too much being kept hidden, all the time.

Maria addresses Tess, so I just shrug. "Hey, Maria," I tell her, but I don't say any more. I'll let Tess answer her sister's question.
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Post by M »

OOC: Sorry to leave you alone Is, but I think Isabel is on her way :)


Max eases my tension for a second when he smiles and thanks me for the dance. My stress returns however when he asks to do it again later. I try to ignore the feelings of lust and panic fluttering in my stomach and concentrate on what he's saying. He's talking about the missing kids again, something about how we could help them, when Maria walks up to the table Hey, sis…when did you get here?

Almost sighing with relief I try to think quickly while Max greets her. My sister is the best person I can think to talk to about this, after all I can't really talk to Isabel, and I want to talk to someone, but to do so I have to come up with a reason to talk to her alone.
'Hey chiquita. I got here a while ago but you were talking to Kyle.' I turn to Max, who is looking for Liz again. ' You know what Max? I'm going to talk to Maria for a little while, if you don't mind. I'll be back soon'

He frowns at me, but I smile to reassure him and grab my drink in one hand and Maria's arm in the other before hauling her off to a nearby table.
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Post by isabelle »

OOC - not a problem, 'M'. :wink:


Tess excuses herself so I pick up my soda and take another long sip. She was right. I shouldn't be brooding here at the side of the dancefloor. I'm here at the club, I should be doing something fun. It's just that I can't seem to get into the mood.

Maybe I should head home, I think, but not yet. I look around the floor again, wondering if there's anything else to do to occupy myself. Maybe Michael's around somewhere...
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Post by StormWolfstone »


I make my way back over to the VIP section and find that Drake hasn't yet returned. Strange. I would have thought he'd be there by now. Sighing, I sit down beside my brother and quickly apologize, "Sorry I left so abruptly, Max. I was distracted by something very strange that I'm not even certain I was seeing..." I trail off as I glance toward where the scene had taken place. "I must have been seeing things, yet it seemed so real.." I add for no apparent reason.

Shaking my head, I turn to look at Max, "So, I hope you haven't been sitting here brooding all night?" I make it a question because he doesn't look quite like he had when I'd first arrived.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


"Not exactly," I admit when Isabel asks if I've been alone. I raise my hand to alert the server again, wishing that I'd thought to get a drink for Isabel earlier. Of course, I had no way of knowing when she'd be back at the table, so I guess it's no problem.

"Tess came by for a little and we danced a bit," I tell her before taking another sip of my own soda. "So what was it that you thought you saw?" I ask.
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Post by BrokenAngel »


Isabel responds and then exits almost too quickly for my liking. But it was probably a good thing, I was starting to feel that familiar tingle, I was starting to be sucked into isabel agian. I was wanting to be with her agian. And I knew where that road led. It would put me right back here, trying to be her friend, trying not to go too far.

"Thanks..." I call after her, as she turns her back and starts walking away from me and back to Drake. And whe I realize she's not turning around to even acknowledge that I'm speaking, I trail off,"...isabel." The word gets more and more mummbled as she dissappears into the people.

Do not be upset. I try to convince myself to not let this encounter upset me like so many others have. I can't find a reason though and I begin to walk to the bar dejectedly. Why did she always seem to not notice how much I love her?

I sigh as I reach the abr and then I see a familiar face. The girl who had answers. And I decided to focus all my energy on that. I tried to forget Isabel, but that was impossible. "Hey," I siad when I reached Cameron.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


I shook my head feeling uncertain, "I'm not sure." I begin, leaning back in my seat as the server makes her way to our section. I order a Shirley Temple with Vodka and then wait as Max makes his order and the woman has wandered away. "There was some strange girl dancing with Alex. It was as though he was in a trance. Next thing I knew, I saw a few strange lights that looked as though they were coming from necklace's that some new people were wearing and I thought Alex was going to pass out."

I really wasn't certain what to make of it, "The girl's eyes were phosphorescent, Max. That's why I believe that I was seeing things. Yet, I felt it, like there was some dark shadow. And as I watched she seemed to melt into the shadows."


As Alex approached I could feel the turmoil of his emotions without touching his mind. Turning to face him as he simply said, "Hi." I smiled lightly.

"I'm glad you sought me out, Alex. There are so many things you haven't been able to know about your true destiny." I stopped for a moment, feeling myself redden because I knew I was more then likely confusing him. "Let me start at the beginning," she held out her hand toward him.

"My name is Cameron and I'm glad to have the chance to have found you and met you, Alex. I'm here to guide you to someone that can help explain why you have the ability you do.." I let my voice trail off, the word ability was stressed so that he would catch my meaning and I wanted to give him the chance to respond.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by emmylala »


"What's doing Max!" I say, realizing how rude it must have looked to address my sister and totally ignore Max.

Hey chiquita. I got here a while ago but you were talking to Kyle.Tess says to me, I watch her turn to Max, who is looking for Liz again and say You know what Max? I'm going to talk to Maria for a little while, if you don't mind. I'll be back soon

He frowns at her, but she smiles reassuringly at him and grabs her drink in one hand and my arm in the other and pulls me over to a nearby table.

"I hope I wasn't interuppting anything, Tessie." I say, because a) its the kind of thing your supposed to say when you have obviously just interupted two people and b) I've been calling her Tessie for years, still not sure how she feels about it, though.

" and Max Evans, huh?" I ask, with one eyebrow raised.
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Post by M »


Maria and I sit at a nearby table and I can't help myself- I look back at Max, a little disappointed that Isabel has returned and his atttention has totally moved on.
I hope I wasn't interuppting anything, Tessie. I guess I shake my head a little too vehemently as she goes on and Max Evans, huh? . she raises her eyebrows suggestively and I blush.

'Ria- I think I need help. I didn't mean to- I mean we were dancing and then we were dancing but Isabel and Liz and it's MAX! What was I thinking? What am I thinking?'

I drop my head on my arms on the table. Sometimes it's a little to apparent that I'm related to Maria, when we get excited, well, you can see what happens.

When she doesn't respond immediately I chance a peek up and see her smiling and shaking her head at me.

'I think I like him- and I know it's dumb, I know it! He likes Liz, and she likes him- even though they'll never say anything. And Is- Isabel will kill me- or die of puking first. We were just dancing- but then he touched me- and it was SO sexy- not at all like that time with Tommy at Homecoming. and then I started thinking- 'cause he's always so nice., but what am I thinking?'

I collapse again on my arms. 'help' I squeak- still afraid to look up again.

How did I get to this place? I had it all together when I walked in tonight- and now I am a gibberring wreck- thank god my sister is here and can help me before I do something really dumb.
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Post by isabelle »


I stared at Isabel feeling something like shock. Of all the things I thought Isabel might say I never imagined something so bizzarre. Something affecting Alex...

It was enough to get my mind off of Liz and Tess for a little while.

My voice dropped even lower than it had been. "Do you think it could have been something... you know ... from 'home'?" I asked. Phospherscent eyes weren't something I'd ever heard of before and it certainly sounded like it could be alien to me.

I wondered also, if it might have anything to do with the missing kids. Isabel said Alex looked hypnotized. That word could describe some of the kids in school these days, walking around in a daze... Is Alex going to be next? Or did Isabel actually save him, without knowing it?
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