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Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 69, 1/29/16, p. 58

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 5:17 pm
by Roswelllostcause
So happy that Maxis going to be OK! So Max and Liz are safe for now. When in the hell did Jeff find out? I am guessing they are at some kind of hospital or clinic. Still waiting for more answers.


Don't worry I am not stupid! I won't go hunting for Command! I will just find out where that scumbag is hiding and send a team of FBI snippers after him!

Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 69, 1/29/16, p. 58

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:05 pm
by Natalie36
so happy they are safe

Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 69, 1/29/16, p. 58

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:00 am
by begonia9508
It is getting better!! :oops: :oops: :lol:

After this part and Liz's questioning, I was wondering who are the aliens who first came to Roswell? Because in last part, when he was dying, Sean's father turned into a hideous alien...

So putting two and two, I was thinking that the chiefs were the only aliens pure race, and the rest were half/half alien-human.

That was why they were second zone aliens, if I can explain it this way (must know I don't think in english, I think in french, if my words are wrong...

The good in it is, the more they get involved with humans and have kids, the less aliens they are...

Wow! :lol: :lol: :lol: Happy with it! EVE :P :wink:

Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 69, 1/29/16, p. 58

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 9:22 am
by keepsmiling7
I'd love to see Max in his costume......perfect!
Thanks, Carolyn


Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:52 pm
by max and liz believer
L-J-L 76
Wow Max knew Liz was there without even waking up.
Yup, even when sedated he responds to Liz's presence.

Thank you for the feedback!

Helen (roswelllostcause)
When in the hell did Jeff find out?
Feels like I'm saying this a lot, but... More info on that later :wink:
I am guessing they are at some kind of hospital or clinic.
Hmmm... :roll:
Don't worry I am not stupid! I won't go hunting for Command! I will just find out where that scumbag is hiding and send a team of FBI snippers after him!
Good idea! :wink:

Thank you for the feedback!

Natalie36 - Thank you :D

Eve (begonia9508)
After this part and Liz's questioning, I was wondering who are the aliens who first came to Roswell? Because in last part, when he was dying, Sean's father turned into a hideous alien...
The "original" aliens presumably arrived on Earth in 1947. So considering the Sergeant's age, he's second generation pure alien. Since he got a child with another pure alien, Sean is pure alien too. But several of the aliens have had children with humans, meaning that there is an increasing population of hybrids.
The good in it is, the more they get involved with humans and have kids, the less aliens they are...
Yep, right you are :D
(must know I don't think in english, I think in french, if my words are wrong...
I know the feeling :roll: 8)

Thank you for the feedback!

Carolyn (keepsmiling7) - Thank you :D


"We'll talk more later," Isabel said and took a step back from the bed. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but try and not think about anything right now. You're safe here."

That last statement alone roused several questions in my head. Like: was there a rebellion? And in that case, had they won? Was it over? Where was Command? What had happened to the council? Was Max and I still 'needed' or were we free to be together?

Alex's bemused voice interrupted my worried train of thought. "She said 'No thinking'." He reached out and squeezed my shoulder, sending me a wave of warmth and calmness. "I'll be right outside if you need me."

"Thank you," I whispered, a bit confused about all this care and love all of the sudden after so many days in complete ruthless coldness.

"Try not to do any magic tricks if Max happens to wake up early, okay?" Isabel asked and I caught her wink as she walked around the foot of the bed towards the door.

"I'll leave the lamps alone, I promise," I said and saw Alex smile at me brightly.

He probably thought I was getting better, because I was making jokes.

Obviously, I wished that he was right. Unfortunately, I feared that he wasn't.


"Do you want to play a game?" he asked with a smile, angling his head inquisitively to the side.

A heavy metal bracelet was digging into my wrist, rubbing against wounds that were already chafed into my skin. The chain that was attached to that two inch thick 'bracelet' made clinking sounds of iron against iron as I scooted further back up against the cold wall.

The bricked wall was rough against my bare back, scratching against my chilled skin, but my attention was on the silver gun Sean was holding in his hands. Wiggling it back and forth like a toy gun. He kept spinning the cylinder, where I knew that the bullets were housed, while his taunting and challenging eyes were locked on my face to gloat in my fear.

"No," I whispered, pulling my exposed legs to my chin, making myself as small and compact as possible.

It was cold and I felt vulnerable, positioned in my underwear in front of him.

"Come on." He rolled his eyes at my answer. "Don't be a partypooper." He flipped open the cylinder and shook the gun. The bullets made small innocent sounds when they hit the floor in a sporadic pattern.

To think that just one of those small things had the power to end someone's life.

Sean reached out and took one of the bullets that had rolled next to my foot. Grinning at me, he slowly caressed the top of my naked foot before he grabbed the bullet and put it in one of the chambers, making a show out of spinning the cylinder several times before clicking it back in position.

"You might have heard of it," he mused, shuffling closer so that his crosslegged knee pressed against my shin. "Apparently, someone in the Russian army came up with it." He looked down at the gun and laughed softly, "The Russians sure know how to have fun." He cocked the weapon and pointed it at my head. "Ladies first?"

My heart was pounding wildly in my chest as I looked down the barrel of the gun. My hands were so sweaty that they were losing their grip on my knees, my legs sliding forward and colliding with Sean's before I pulled them back up again.

"Please, Sean, don't..." I pleaded and jumped in blinding fear as he pulled the trigger. There was no bang. There was no pain.

Only the click of the cylinder moving to the next chamber.

Sean laughed at my reaction. Laughed so hard that tears seeped out of the corners of his eyes. He laughed while I was on the verge of throwing up.

Tears were seeping out of my eyes too. But not because of cold-hearted amusement.

"You should have seen your face," Sean sniveled breathlessly with a big smile as he wiped his eyes. He was still in the process of wiping his tears at my fear when he quickly put the gun to his forehead, cocked it, and pulled the trigger.

I squeezed my eyes closed and jumped at the anticipated loud sound of a gun going off. But it didn't come this time either.

"Isn't this fun?" Sean breathed, true joy in his voice, and I opened my eyes to look straight into the darkness of the barrel once again. "Maybe if you're the lucky winner I can just call for Dr. Evans and have him heal you. And we can do this all over again."

I pushed my head towards my knees, huddling together, as my tears ran down my legs. I was so afraid I was numb.

"I can think of much funnier games," a voice said to my left and I froze.

Lifting my head to the gun in front of me, I noticed that Sean had become immobilized as well. The gun in his hand lowered slightly as he turned to look at the owner of that voice. I mimicked the turn of his head, the blood rushing through my head because I already knew who would be standing there.

He was still wearing his black jeans and his black T-shirt. He looked thin but strong, his eyes commanding as they stared at Sean calmly. He wasn't looking at me.

I felt like my eyes were about to pop out of my head. What was he doing here?

Max hitched his head towards Sean's hand and asked, eyebrows raised with curiosity, "What game is that, really? The flower game?"

I looked back at the gun - well, what used to be a gun. Instead Sean was now holding a soft flower in his hand, its pink petals as harmless as its smooth green stem.

"What the hell...?" Sean mumbled and dropped the flower.

"Wait..." Max continued, making me look back at him, my mouth falling open in astonished bewilderment. Max gestured towards Sean yet again and added, "Is this some kind of fucked up version of strip poker?"

Being very aware of my own dressed-down clothing situation, I blushed as I turned to look at Sean.

Who was now...naked.

Sean gave a high-pitched yelp and pulled his legs up to his chest - reflecting my position - as he tried to shield his nudity.

A surprised short laugh tumbled over my lips, before I whipped my head back to Max. Who was now walking towards us. Stopping right next to us, I had to strain my neck to look up at him as he looked down at Sean.

His voice was cold and hard. "Do me a favor, Carter? Get out of here. You're disgusting."

Sean looked completely out of place, flicking his gaze between Max and me a couple of times, before he scrambled to his feet and ran out of the room, his hands pressed over his manhood.

I swallowed slowly and looked up at Max again, catching him shaking his head with a 'tsk tsk' at Sean's behavior before giving me the warmest smile. "That skinny ass need some sun."

But the joke flew straight over my head as I whispered for confirmation, "Max?" Was he really here? Was it really him?

He crouched down in front of me, his eyes as warm and gentle as his smile. He leaned in and slowly brushed his thumb across my cheekbone, catching one of my escaping tears. "It's time to go."

I shook my head slowly at the impossibility, saying quietly, "I can't. I'm attached to the wall. My hand..." My voice trailed off as I looked down at my previously bonded wrist and noticed that it was free. "I..."

"You're free," Max whispered, took a hold of my previously injured wrist and placed a kiss on the inside, over my pulse. "It's time to wake up."

I looked up into his eyes and felt myself falling.

With a gasp, I was awake.

And Max's eyes were still looking into mine.

"Hey," he whispered over my gasp.

I was back in bed. With Max. Hooked up to an IV-drip in a sparsely decorated room. The sunlight was gone, instead the room was dimly lit up with one small lamp on the bedside table and one floor lamp over by the door.

Not really knowing what to say, I echoed his greeting, "Hey."

His eyes were slowly searching my face, the connection calm and expectant between us even when there was controlled worry on his face. "Did that happen? Did Sean do that to you?"

The dream. The nightmare.

I saw movement behind Max's shoulder, caught my father's soft smile as he rose from his seat and quietly left the room. Giving us privacy.

I returned my attention to Max.

"No," I whispered, my voice breaking. "No. That never happened."

That was just something my traumatized mind had made up.

I frowned. "Were you in my dream?"

"You were in pain," he said slowly, gauging my reaction. "I couldn't just lay here and watch you being in pain."

"It would have been easier to wake me up..." I suggested, a bit confused. Why wouldn't he just end my nightmare as quickly as possible?

He shook his head slightly, sending movement through the pillow we were sharing. "That wouldn't help you. Only temporarily."

I pulled on the connection for an explanation to his vague replies and realized that he was trying to heal me. He was trying to turn horrible memories into good ones. Starting with my nightmares.

"You..." I breathed, my heart doing that funny thing again. Aching. As if it was splitting apart.

His arm, still resting in the curve of my waist, tightened and pulled me closer. Looking deeply into my eyes as if he was searching through my whole being (and with the connection as an assisting tool, I guess, in a way, he was), he asked quietly, "Are you okay?"

I shook my head and thought about telling him 'no', but realized that that one voiced confession would break me and instead redirected the conversation, "How long have you been awake?"

He didn't answer at first, his eyes caressing every detail of my face in contemplation, before he decided to move on from my avoidance of the subject and answered lightly, "About two minutes."

He had basically immediately entered my dream then.

I worried my lip in deep thought as I brushed my hand up his T-shirt covered chest, over the area across his heart where he had been bleeding. Where Sean had jabbed a knife into him. "You almost died."

"Yeah," he whispered, giving me a soft smile to take off some of the seriousness of that statement, "I was walking into the light and everything."

Even if he was trying to make me smile, my face was serious as I nodded in quiet reflection, my fingers still tracing the indents of his muscles, palpable through the shirt. "I can't believe I'm here." I looked up at him, into his familiar eyes. "I can't believe I'm here with you."

Insecurity moved through the connection a second before Max asked, "Do I scare you?"

I frowned. "Scare me?"

"Sean was me. He was me in that memory you showed me. When you burned him."

It was a legitimate question, considering how badly I had reacted to Max after just having dreamt of Sean portraying Max. And in my dream he was only trying to make me go with him.

Now it had actually happened. Sean had turned into Max and his actions had been far worse than some coercing. He had tried to rape me. He had assaulted me. Threatened me.

But oddly enough, I wasn't scared of Max. The real Max. I had only been frightened as long as I hadn't been sure it had been him. When they had brought me into that room with him. The room in which they stabbed him.

I shivered at the direction my mind took, before I was back to contemplating Max's question.

He already knew my answer before I spoke it out loud. He had been listening in, his briefly tensing body relaxing at my speculations. But I said it anyway. "Without the connection, I probably would have been afraid of you. I would only have your physical appearance to go on. The inconsistencies in your personality could be overlooked in that situation as you being stressed and wanting to get out of there."

"He pretended that he was coming to rescue you..." Max filled in.

I nodded. "Yes. Which was all very plausible at first. Until he wanted to heal me first. And he needed to have eye contact to do so."

"Right," Max said with a grimace. The tips of his fingers unconsciously dug into my side.

"Which didn't seem like something you would have to do, considering our connection. It wasn't how I thought you would react in that situation. You would try and get us out of there as soon as possible. As long as I wasn't dying. Which I wasn't."

He looked at me silently, his eyes shining with unshed tears.

"He didn't smell right," I said.

Max's eyes twitched with confused amusement. "I smell?"

"Yeah," I replied, wanting to smile, but failing. "I love your smell." I inhaled deeply and continued, "But I brushed it aside at first, thinking that captivity had changed your scent. But then... His touches weren't right. The expressions on his face, in his eyes, weren't right. He might have looked like you, but he wasn't anywhere close to actually being you."

"He shouldn't have passed up on that drama class in school," Max mused and I wanted to roll my eyes at him. Wanted to get back into the norms that my body was used to. The normal responses to situations and things being said.

Instead, I whispered, "Probably," and buried my face against his chest, pressing my nose into his shirt. He slightly moved us so that he could put both of his arms around me, pulling me halfway up across his body, my leg falling in between his and my arms cradling the sides of his upper body. I felt the slight tug on the IV attached to my hand at the movement.

"But if I do flinch or get spooked just before I realize that it's you... When I wake up or you take me off guard or something..." I whispered with my cheek pressed against his heart. "I can't control that-"

"I know," Max interrupted fiercely, as if I had just called him an idiot, but I hushed him.

"No, let me say this." I took a deep breath and looked up at him. "I could never be afraid of you, but it might take me awhile to be okay with the memory of him being you."

"You're telling me to not take it personally?" Max guessed, his voice trembling some in his attempt to keep it light.

We were touching upon his deepest fears again. Fears of being rejected. Fears of being feared - especially because of his origin. Especially because he loathed who he was. Where he came from. Even more now, considering what had happened. Considering what his race had just put me - us - through.

"Exactly," I replied, dropped my head and snuggled closer to him.

"I'll try," he whispered, brushing his hand through my hair.

In those thirteen seconds before Mr. Evans entered the room, things were as good as they could be (considering the situation). I was too occupied with the relief of being in Max's arms again, the relief of him being alive, that I didn't have any time to dwell on what I had been through.

All of that would soon come crashing down around me.

"Oh good, you're awake," Mr. Evans announced as a means of greeting as he stepped into the room.

I startled at the sudden voice, Max reflectively tightened his hold on me, and as the two traumatized teenagers that we were, our hearts flew off in adrenaline-spiked gallop rhythms before we realized that it was someone that could be trusted.

Mr. Evans had probably noticed our common flinch, because his voice was regretfully much softer and gentler as he added, "Let's get you up to speed."


Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 70, 1/30/16, p. 59

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 2:24 pm
by Roswelllostcause
So we maybe getting some answers soon. That was a really bad bdream that Liz was having.


Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 70, 1/30/16, p. 59

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:29 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Poor Liz that was a horrible nightmare she had. Glad Max was there for Liz. Love Max and Liz little moment. Good Mr. Evans is going to tell Max and Liz what has been going on. Hopefully now Max and Liz can be together forever.

L-J-L 76

Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 70, 1/30/16, p. 59

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:09 pm
by mela3
More, more! Great quality writing of characters with depth. I can't wait to read more.

Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 70, 1/30/16, p. 59

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:23 am
by fadedblue
Ummmm...okay, so here's the deal. I was mindlessly browsing through the boards this morning -- truthfully, waiting for an update in the AUwo/A boards because that's where I tend to live nowadays -- and clicked through to AUw/A on a pure lark. It's been quite awhile since I'd paid attention to the goings ons over here...a couple of fics have caught my fancy from time to time but I'm afraid I'm very neglectful of this category as a whole. I couldn't tell you what exactly made me click on your fic but enough curiosity was there to move the finger in place and well, I find myself hurled into the most marvelous rabbit hole EVER.

Girl, this fic gives me chills. Like, "have I just been transported back in time to the height of the Rosficdom?!" because this is the kind of amazingly written, twisty-turny, emotionally wrecking fics I remember from the heyday, the kind of story that turns the whole concept we love so elegantly on its head but stays so true to our characters that I just. Can't. Stop! And I'm not going to lie. It's been a longgggg time since I've been sucked into a deliciously dreamer centric fic, but ugh, you've tapped into my weakness, which happens to be a sexy, snarky high school Max paired with a mistrustful Liz, who soon realizes that hot playboy hunk isn't all he seems and is actually incredible, thoughtful, and amazing. And then they kick ass together and get into sci-fi-esque shenanigans within the context of an incredibly developed alternate mythology. I mean, your fic does WAY MORE than that, but you're hitting my buttons!

I'm not even going to attempt to leave any kind of meaningful feedback because I literally main lined your story in the course of a day and I'm just in fic junkie mode right now waiting for more :wink:. But know you have another huge fan over here and I might have to go and track down all of your fics now. Thanks for sharing this incredible story with us and I cannot wait for the next chapter!

Re: Unbreakable - A Beautiful Lie (AU M/L ADULT) Ch 70, 1/30/16, p. 59

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:27 am
by fadedblue
Well. Now it all makes sense, I've read a great deal many of your stories before and LOVED THEM. Mystery solved! Everyone, continue on with your lives! I'm just so much of a usual lurker that my brain didn't make the connection sooner :wink: :wink: :wink: