Roswell Next Generation (Thread 2) (ADULT/UC/CC)

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Post by magikhands »


After hanging up with Kyle I turn to Liz. "There's a fire where the girls are. Kyle is on the way." I grab my keys and phone and start toward the door. Liz is right behind me.

On our way, I dial Michael's number. "Come on...pick up...pick up.."

ooc: Ok, off to bed...will let others catch up and will pick up tomorrow :P
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Post by StormWolfstone »

ooc: I'm also off to bed... catch up tomorrow evening if I can.


In the midst of making love to my husband for the first time in months, I hear the phone ring and sigh. Damn it. I can't believe this. Then, the thought hits me. What if something's wrong with the kids? Drawing back reluctantly, I reach over for the phone beside the bed and pick it up. "Hello." I respond and wait.

Suddenly, I hear Max's voice as he hurriedly explains what's going on and I feel panic fill me even as I am instantly alert. "We'll be there as quickly as we can." I reply and as much as I hate to, I hang up the phone and look at my husband. "There's a fire out at the place the kids are having the party at. The others are on their way out there."

Kissing Michael a final time, I climb out of bed and rush to get dressed even as I imagine all sorts of horrible things happening to my youngest children.
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Post by magikhands »

ooc: Sorry, couldn't resist one more post


I was completely surprised to hear Maria's voice answer the phone. But it only threw me a second before I explained to her what was happening. Hanging up, I looked over at Liz who'd said very little since Kyle's call.

"They are on their way." I say softly and take her hand. "Liz? You ok? You haven't seen anything else, have you?"
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"Are you ok?" I hear Erik ask me, and I turn to him, opening my eyes as I cough again.

"Yeah," I mumble out, smiling at him. I take his hand in mine, and notice that in the confusion it's begun to return to it's normal color again.

Then another voice breaks through the chaos and I see an older boy with pale hair standing above us. "Are you two alright?" He asks, and I nod up at him.

"I think she needs help though," I say quietly, pointing over at Sabrina, who looks to have fainted in Ty's arms.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


Panic gnaws at my stomach as we head into the crowd, searching for Marie and Amy. I don’t know how the fire started and I don’t really care, all I want to do is find my sister and Marie.

Gripping James’s hand tightly so that I won’t lose him in the crowd, I scan the place for traces of Marie and Amy but it seems hopeless, I don’t even know if Amy and Oliver made it here. I wish that Amy and I had a connect like other twins seem to share. You hear all these stories about twins who are best friends, who finish each others’ thoughts and sentences and are linked. I think that Amy and I are the only twins in the world who don’t act like twins should or even how sisters should.

“James! Lily!”

I turn sharply and see Marie pushing her way through the crowd towards us.

“Are you okay Marie?!” I ask, grapping one her hands with my free hand. “Have you seen Amy and Oliver? And what about Christina and my cousins?”

She shakes her head, “I saw Amy earlier but I haven’t seen the others.”

I nod, the panic quickly turning to fear, “James, can you see her?”
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Post by StormWolfstone »

Andrew and Eileen are now open, I'll temp them if we can't find someone interested in taking them.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

ooc: Sorry sorry sorry! I'm here, and I'm caught up. I've been really busy.

Storm, I'm really wondering what you thought of my other ooc post, because I need to know what I can and can't do with Liz's powers.

<center> Liz </center>

I was about to answer Max's question when the phone rang. I felt a sense of cold dread; somehow I just knew there was bad news at the other end of the line. Before I could say anything - though I couldn't think of any way to stop the news from coming - Max picked up the phone. Just as I feared, the frown on his face got deeper and deeper until he blanched in panic.

"There's a fire where the girls are. Kyle is on the way." He said hurriedly after hanging up, and I felt the blood drain from my face. We rushed toward the car, Max pulling out his cell phone and dialing rapidly. Someone picked up, and I heard Max quickly explain what was going on. It must have been someone in our group.

"Liz? You ok? You haven't seen anything else, have you?" Max asked, suddenly turning to look at me with worried eyes.

I nodded and said shakily, "I'm not important. We have to get over there. Maybe you can use your powers to control the blaze. Or you might need to heal them... oh God, Max."
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>
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Post by magikhands »


I reach over and take Liz's hand in mine. I give it a reassurring squeeze. "You are important. I don't know what I would do without you Liz." I try telling her knowing that her mind is probably creating the worse senerios about this. Mine certainly is. "I'm sure Kyle can handle things until we get there...he has always in the past. If what you say is true...that the kids have powers, then we have to have faith that they will use them only if it's life threatening. Amy and Lily are smart...just like their mother." I risk a glance and a slight smile.

"Only a few more minutes." I say looking out at the horizon. There are sirens squalling faintly a distance away and a strange glow litters just beyond the trees. I have to hope that those images racing in my head won't greet us when we pull up
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Post by StormWolfstone »

ooc: my biggest thing is... Liz never had the ability to see that there were strangers.... newcomers... she'd have visions about dangers... or alien things that were important at that time... but she wouldn't have recieved images or even a sense of the newcomers... especially seeing as how Roswell always had new people around because of being the alien capital of the world....
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Post by StormWolfstone »


I slowly make my way over to the girl who's lying unconscious and kneel down after the girl motioned to her. Placing my fingers to her neck, I feel for a pulse and give a light smile. "Seems she'll be fine, though when an ambulance get's here, you may want to see to it they give her a small breathing treatment. She probably had a bit of smoke inhalation." I tells the boy near her as I stand.

"I'm going to try and see to it that others are all safely evacuated." I add and make my way into the building again. I instantly see the steam being created by my sisters waterworks. I can hear the sirens growing near and speak to her telepathically, we have to go.

Not yet. We need to make certain everyone is safely out of the building. Check the other rooms.

I sigh as I begin walking through the building, checking rooms and ushering out any kids that seemed oblivious to the disaster.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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