Page 7 of 10

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:50 am
by ~Ruby~
Moving on sounds good to me. :)

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:58 pm
by magikhands
Moving on to the meeting as suggested...I know these are going to be short but maybe other will jump in and help me out...oh,and I hope a little background is ok with Michael. Let me know if you don't like it and I'll change it.


I stand behind my King, arms crossed, and expression hidden behind mask of arrogance. It was how I got through the court politics that I hated so much. I was only there because Isabel requested that I be there. I was a trained warrior. The King, Queen, and Princess had their own guards but I think Isabel always felt safer when I was around. Though I was Max's long time friend, as was my brother, Isabel and I were close also. I had always found ways to protect her as we grew up.

I sigh and wish I was back in my bed with a warm body lying next to me, no, more like I wish I was buried deep in a gorgeous woman taking pleasure time and time again. Instead, I'm standing here waiting for some stranger.


I shift from one foot to the other feeling anxious and more than a little nervous. These people were strangers. How will I know if I can trust them? Do they have another motive? This is the worst part of the job, deciding what was best for his people.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 12:54 am
by StormWolfstone

As word came again from the surface, letting us know that the other King had also accepted a meeting, I felt more comfort when we were informed by the girl that spoke that her King had not set any form of considerations on the contingence of our arrival. With that, I could feel more safety for the man who had been my brother and best friend for ages. "I, Lady Maria, greet you. On behalf of King Kyle of Natori I am informing you that he has accepted the proposal of meeting with a Lythar representative and in turn will welcome whomever is sent." She'd said and I had nodded.

"Inform your King, that Prince Raxar of Lythar will arrive within two hours at which point he will have five of his personal guard with him for his ease. When he arrives, he'll be carrying a gift for your kingdom. A sample of the technology we are offering should the alliance be accepted by both sides." I'd given the reply and the woman had nodded. After a few more moments, we'd ended the communication and I'd contacted Raxar to inform him of the status. He'd shrugged and I knew he hadn't cared which side he went for.

Now, as I rode in the shuttle, I glanced out the side port and watched as his went in the opposite direction. Instead of having a guard with me at all, I'd chosen to go it alone. Flying the shuttle was easy enough and I didn't need any men when it came to my own protection. I was far more battle skilled then my brother. Our sister was pleased that the meetings were in order and I hoped more then anything to be able to give her news within the week that the alliance was to be forged. Of course, I also knew that should that be the case, Danai herself would be coming to cement the alliance. Landing the shuttle less then twenty minutes later, I climbed out, shut things down and input the security locks on it so that none of the locals of Matai would have the chance to toy with it. In my hands, I held a device that was known for aiding in the building department and had every intention of giving the King and his Court the chance to see it in action.

The news of Colt and Mara had been relayed back home and I also knew my sister was going to be giving the sad news to their parents. It was important that I also learn of their life gems. We had to know why they had not survived the crash when the gems should have aided in healing them. Had they been injured so badly that the gems were destroyed or damaged beyond repairing itself? Though it was rare to hear such a thing, I knew that it could happen. I remembered being at Colt's birthing and Mara's, the thought of them being gone and not dying near our home brought sadness to my eyes as I felt the stares of the people.

Guards of Matai surrounded me as I walked toward the palace, not once speaking as I was simply led into the halls and straight into the throne room. Once I was there, I announced myself as I dropped to a knee as was our custome, placed my hand over my chest in a fist and spoke, "I am Raelena, Ambassador of Lythar and sister to the Prince and Queen. I have come without guard and without harm being meant to you and your people." Once I had finished speaking, I placed my gift on the floor before me and stood, backing up. "I bring a gift from Queen Danai. She wished you to see the technology we have that can aid in rebuilding your kingdom. It is a sample of what we will offer your people should there be an alliance forged."

With that, I kept my fist over my chest and bowed my head respectfully while awaiting a reply of some sort.


I love Rae to death, I do. But, I am really beginning to get annoyed with her. I'm so glad that I now have the chance to get away from her for a while and I have Lax as well as four of my other guards with me. Of course, Lax was given the order to guard me personally so I was definitely looking forward to having him guard my body while I guarded his. Of course, being in a room alone in a strange palace was bound to make things even more interesting.

Smiling, I sat back in the shuttle and closed my eyes waiting for the guards to inform me of when we made out landing. I could have piloted myself, but I wasn’t really worrying about it. At the moment, all I could really focus on was the guard whose mouth was wrapped around my erection. Okay, so maybe I shouldn’t have been having this time of pleasure just before a meeting with the head of a kingdom, but it was just more relaxing then much of anything else. Besides, it wasn’t as though it would get back to my sisters.

I wrapped my hands in Lax’s hair and knew that without a doubt having my lover, one of the few men that actually meant something to me, was going to be the best part of visiting here. Just as I heard the sound of one of the guards call that we were about to land, I felt the pressure build and released in my lovers mouth, moaning out his name. Yes, he was good with his mouth.

When I removed my hands, he drew back after lapping up every drop and I smiled, “Wash me.” He nodded and moved to get a cloth, washing me off before I stood and got dressed completely.

When I was dressed, I strode toward the exit when the shuttle actually landed and had Lax standing at my side as we disembarked. Some of the guards from this kingdom surrounded me and mine as we were led to the palace and I simply walked, head held high. When we were led into the palace, I glanced around idly and felt that this place could definitely use some touches of Lythar to their décor. Smiling, I was led into the throne room and when I was nearly to the throne where I saw several people standing, I knelt on a knee, crossed my right fist across my chest and lowered my head. “Greetings, I am Prince Raxar, ambassador for my Queen of Lythar.” I stated calmly, letting my voice remain almost a whisper and using a small thread of power to allow the air to carry my words to all those gathered.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 11:25 am
by Anna-Liisa
Just one question before I do my post, Storm: Will Kyle be able to read Raxar's thoughs? He won't in the next post, but I want to be sure.

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:09 pm
by StormWolfstone
I think because of the difference in race he wouldn't be able to read his mind. However, he might be able to sense that there isn't anything negative on Raxar's mind. His emotions are basically relaxed and resting.

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:21 pm
by ~Ruby~

I watch Max shift anxiously from foot to foot. I hadn’t realized how nervous he was until now. I subtly brush my hand against his, hoping to soothe him. It is so important for him to be at his best right now. Our people need him to make the right choices concerning this alliance.

I thank the Gods that Michael and Isabel were present because Max isn’t the only leader feeling nervous. I’m filled with so much nervous energy that its hard to keep still. I desperately want to pace up and down, anything to release this energy and kill time while we wait. It’s the wait, which is making this unbearable.

Finally a messenger arrives with the news that the Ambassador of Lythar has arrived and that she was being accompanied by our guards and sure enough it is mere moments before she arrives and I have my first real look at a Lytharian. I have to admit she is not what I expected. She looks more or unless like an Antarian.

She drops to her knee before speaking, "I am Raelena, Ambassador of Lythar and sister to the Prince and Queen. I have come without guard and without harm being meant to you and your people. I bring a gift from Queen Danai. She wished you to see the technology we have that can aid in rebuilding your kingdom. It is a sample of what we will offer your people should there be an alliance forged."

“Welcome to Matai, Ambassador.” I murmur with a small nod. “I trust your journey to the palace was enjoyable.”

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:25 pm
by magikhands

"I am Raelena, Ambassador of Lythar and sister to the Prince and Queen. I have come without guard and without harm being meant to you and your people. I bring a gift from Queen Danai. She wished you to see the technology we have that can aid in rebuilding your kingdom. It is a sample of what we will offer your people should there be an alliance forged." Our 'guest' said.

I was impressed that she would come alone. I had felt uneasy with this meeting and was certain that they would object to my rule of only one guard, but this woman had none. I took a moment to study her while my wife easily played hostess.

“Welcome to Matai, Ambassador.” I murmur with a small nod. “I trust your journey to the palace was enjoyable.”

I step forward and touch the woman on the should. "Please rise so we may begin our meeting." I say, my words soft. Neither of us mean harm to the other but I wanted to make sure she understood that she was safe here as long as she was peaceful.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 2:15 pm
by Anna-Liisa

I'm standing nervously as I'm waiting for the one from Lythar arrive. I have never been this nervous before - okay, there was a time when I almost told Liz I liked guys more than girls. Still this situation seems so... exciting, weird and unsure at the same time. What is going to happen in this meeting? Then I see them coming and I can't move because all the 'oh my gosh, what's going to happen' excitement goes through my body since Percy feels so too, and he's standing right behind me. I can feel his hand on my back, and it feels good to know he wants to give me his calm feelings... which just didn't come.

"Oh no, I'm supposed to calm him not to make him feel this," I hear Percy thinks and I wish I could look at him to say it was okay, but I need to focus on the Lytharians. Percy lets of me when a man kneels and crosses his first on his chest. I can feel his emotions thought, he's really easy to feel. I look at the man before me when he introduces himself as Prince Raxar, ambassador for Queen of Lythar. I'm not sure what I should do. Ask him to stand up and then introduce myself or the other way around. "Introduce yourself, sir," I hear Percy think and I smile calmly. Thank you, Percy. He always knows when to guide me.

"I'm Kyle, the king Natori. Welcome to my kingdom," I say to him and gently signal him to stand up. I can't hear his thoughs nor feel his emotions... that didn't make me feel comfortble. But when he gets up and I see his face, I almost blush. Wow... "I'm sure you will enjoy your stay here," I tell him and shake hands with him. I can't feel any bad emotions. Only good ones. I know it's safe. Lythar isn't going to do us harm.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 8:08 am
by Anna-Liisa
*pokes thread*

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 8:10 am
by StormWolfstone

As I remain kneeled, I hear the Queen greeting me. “Welcome to Matai, Ambassador. I trust your journey to the palace was enjoyable.” Without actually lifting my head, as it was what we were taught, I inclined my head.

"Your lands are indeed lovely. Your people seem to have joy even with following hardship." I comment and then fall silent.

I see a pair of boots a moment later and then feel a gentle hand on my shoulder, "Please rise so we may begin our meeting." I'd never felt the strange shock that went through my system at his touch, but his soft words allowed my mind to focus on something else and I gave a nod, and with a grace known for all my people, I stood swiftly.

"Your Magesties, I thank you for welcoming this meeting." I draw out the small device that I'd brought as a gift and held it aloft. "Before we begin, I wish to demonstrate this gift from our Queen. It is a prototype of the larger machines we have that will allow reconstruction of your buildings to be made easier."

As if to prove the point, I murmured a single power word and used it to create a small pile of stones and rubble. Then, placing the device down, I spoke, "Liat' Naro't." Once those words were spoken, the device began shifting and then moved forward and spun around the pile, little arms moving and within five minutes, the device shut down and a small home was now in place of the pile.

"Dia'li." I spoke to the machine and it hovered up until it rested once again in my hand and I held it out to the King. "You can have anyone you wish check this device over, as well as check the sample abode for structural integrity."

I take a moment to peruse the others that stood there. One who I could instantly tell was a Princess and the other standing there must have been a warrior of sorts. It was rather interesting, to say the least. "My people are not big on formality," I comment before looking back at the King and Queen, "So, I request that though I am here as an Ambassador for my Queen, that you please address me instead as Rae. Danai has stated that if these meetings go well that she herself will bring the agreed upon items for both Kingdoms. It will be her final signature on any treaty agreements."