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Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 4:45 am
by pLANETv33n3ss
stupid junk mails filling up my SCHOOL inbox

im 15, i do not need a job at a bank, i do not need a home lone

and i'm a 15 year old GIRL

i certainly don't need 50% off on nasel technology to enlarge my penis... :roll:

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:39 pm
by WomanofMystery
Zanity: I tried explaining that to my mother once, it didn't go down well. :lol:

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:41 pm
by KarenEvans
pLANETv33n3ss wrote:and i'm a 15 year old GIRL

i certainly don't need 50% off on nasel technology to enlarge my penis... :roll:
:lol: I'm with you girl!
I get ones about solving my erectile problems :lol:

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 7:46 pm
by Fehrbaby
I'm sick of my parents trying to put me in the middle of their messy divorice. I'm their daughter, not their liason.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:39 pm
by dreamer19
I'm sick of fighting with my boyfriend. :(

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:37 am
by Lady_vixen
I am sick of followers telling me (not a follwers) to get in line and face forward. I have found in my life that standing up for yourself can go 2 ways. 1. People respect that you stood up for yourself or 2. people fear you becasue you don't just except the norm and label you "troublemaker". I think where would the world be if no one faught for change?
Ugh I am over evil dictators and the flock of sheep walking behind.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:50 am
by Lillie
I am sick and tired of insecure women. Well, mostly one woman. Okay, the story goes like this. I have a male friend who is a bartender, we're pretty good friends, talk on the phone, hang out, you know. Well, male bartender is in some sort of weird relationship with a female bartender we work with. Now, he says they are not together and that she's crazy and doesn't know how to get her to leave. But of course, he sleeps with her and helps her to get deluded. *I know, he's an idiot.*

Well, female bartender is so insecure that she believes that she needs to tell me something new every day about their so called relationship. Once I was telling her something about another guy and what does she say? She mentions male bartender in some apparently random way. She frustrates me, and I know that she only talks to me because she sees me as a threat. Is there any nice way to tell her that I don't freaking care about her so called relationship with male bartender?


Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 4:09 pm
by Morning Dreamgirl
Lillie wrote:Is there any nice way to tell her that I don't freaking care about her so called relationship with male bartender? :roll:

In fact, you've answered your own question:
I don't freaking care about her so called relationship with male bartender?
Just change the '?' to a '!" and the 'her' to a 'your' and 'male bartender' to the guy's name!

Say that if you were a threat you wouldn't be talking about your own relationships, and then pour her a drink and tell her to relax/chill out.


I'm tired of paperwork piling up. It's gotten to that point where I know once it's taken care of I won't ever have to worry about it again, but right now a bonfire sounds good! (And that should let you know how bad it is since I live in TX and it's July!)


Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:59 pm
by LovinGuerin2Much
Im tired of feeling tired. Theres always a hundred and one things to do, get, buy, clean, pay...whatever.... you catch my drift.

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 3:05 am
by pLANETv33n3ss
computers... and when programs, i.e. paint..., mysteriously disappear... grrr :twisted: