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Post by isabelle »


"... these people seem to know our powers more then we do," Xavier says. The words send a shiver through me although that much was already pretty clear from the tests they gave us last night and the gloves they've locked onto Liz's hands. I hate that -- not knowing the whole truth, not having any real information about my powers -- what I can do or how it works. And I really hate knowing that the FBI knows more about my secrets than I do. All because they captured and tortured an alien fifty years ago while Isabel and Michael and I were left alone with no clues, no guidelines, no answers...

And now we're all in the same boat. Maria should be able to use her powers to get the gloves off of Liz, but I don't think she's tried yet. I wonder if they've done anything to prevent that...

I stop my musings and try to listen to what Xavier is saying. His power seems very interesting. I guess his body would still be trapped even if his mind wandered, but if he can go everywhere, why doesn't he know where we are?

He asks about Maria's powers and she tells him. There's really no reason to keep it secret, I suppose. Obviously our enemies already know, so why should we hide it from the only ones who could be friends? Pausing for only a moment as I press my lips tightly together, I then tell him. "I'm a healer."

That will do for now. I don't need to tell him about being an alien. Not yet.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


The music thumping over my eardrums, I do the usual and tune out everyone and everything around me. That is, until my player's battery decides to die on me and I look up to see a huge congregation of people sitting around Xavier and Phillip. It's like the whole new crew decided to all make friends at once. A little creepy. And a few too many people for my tastes.

Before making it known that I've come back to 'the world', I listen in to their conversation with my earbuds still in. They're all talking about powers. Great topic. Be nice if I had one. Shaking my head, I pull out the earbuds and turn to the new people. There's three girls, two with darker hair and one who's blonde, and then there's a dark haired guy, and another one sleeping. Wow, I wish I could just tune out the world that easily. He's not even listening to music.

"So, what are we all talking about?" I ask in a half nice, half sarcastic sort of way. Hopefully it'll get them to introduce themselves and possibly get off the talent topic. Not that I'm bitter. Okay, so I am. Extremely so. But I don't want to be horribly rude and just get up and leave. Because Xavier would probably call me out on it later. And I don't feel like dealing with that.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »

ooc: Maougha, you can post a Kyle if you'd like, and Nadine, I'll get a post up soon, still trying to find a Michael.


"Sure, sounds good. Anywhere in particular you want to walk to tonight? Because you can't walk into my room and expect to see me sleep if Im walking with you, Unless I have a twin, or a second power I dont know about..." Keith rambles on, and I just smile. From his voice, I can tell that he's happy I've invited him, and inside, I'm mentally smacking myself for not asking him sooner. I would have thought he might've said no, since normal people sleep at night, but then I should have taken it into consideration that he's my best friend here...I'm such an idiot.

"Well, I already asked your twin, but he said no," I joke, giggling lightly as I look in Keith's general direction. "Seriously though, you can pick where we go if you want, I mean, I invited you, so it's your choice." It's not like I haven't walked every inch of this place that we're allowed to, anyways, but it never gets old. Ever. Seeing things still feels new to me, and I've been doing it for years.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Well, I already asked your twin, but he said no," she jokes looking towards me. I can't help but snort when she giggles. Her giggle is adorable. "Seriously though, you can pick where we go if you want, I mean, I invited you, so it's your choice." I try to think where we could go that I would most like to go, but my mind comes up with a big, huge blank. How would I know wheres the best places to go? I wouldn't have a clue. I don't know what to do during the day, let alone at night!

I shrug. "I really don't mind. Your the know the best places to go" I say with a grin. "Where would you recommend miss?" I say with a smirk as I return to the pretending Im all posh. I love mucking around with Eliza. For some strange reason she likes my humour!
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


Keith lets out a snort, which only serves to make me laugh harder, and then replies, being his usually clowny self. "I really don't mind. Your the know the best places to go. Where would you recommend miss?" There goes the whole old fashioned gentleman act again. I don't even know why I think it's so funny.

"You're such a clown," I tell him, before thinking again. And suddenly I've got an idea. "How about the pool? I know how to get in there when it's closed." There's this pool in the basement, but it's hardly open as it is. Of course, being able to only sneak around, I found my way in a while ago.

"You wanna?"
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Post by isabelle »


"So, what are we all talking about?" Keirian asks, suddenly taking part in the conversation.

"We were planning a formal dance party to welcome the newbies. Do you know any place where we can hire a band?" I ask sarcastically. I can't believe we're getting all cozy with them all of a sudden. How do we know they're not spies? Maybe all that yelling and crying from the testing rooms was fake, right?

Or Maybe they're all just as screwed as we are. The people in charge wanted a few new toys. It certainly seems like they have some interesting powers to play with. Wonder why they're restraining fire-girl there. They must really be afraid of her...

Of course, I noticed that Isabel hasn't said anything about what she can do yet. My imagination takes off, thinking of several rather pleasant possibilities...


I wanna kick Phillip in the shins for acting this way. Keirian is just a kid. I can't imagine why Phillip would treat him like that. Maybe he's just pissed off at us and is taking it out on Keirian. Is he mad 'cause we're here? I wish I could leave since that would make me happy, too.

"We're just saying hello," I say, "My name is Max. This is Maria, Liz and Isabel. That one sleeping over there is Michael," I say giving the quick introductions. Xavier said Keirian had no powers so I don't understand why he's here. Why would they grab him in the first place? There must be some reason to expect that he's going to get powers. Is he an alien or half-alien? Or maybe the others here have been subjected to some radiation experiment or gene therapy and that's why they can do stuff.

"What can you do, beautiful?" Phillip asks, looking at Isabel.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"We were planning a formal dance party to welcome the newbies. Do you know any place where we can hire a band?" Phillip says sarcastically, and I give him a look that screams 'shove it'. Just because he's a year older than me does not make him any better. Besides, he's got serious anger management issues that he needs to work out.

Then one of the newbies pipes in, sounding apologetic. God, have they been here long enough to already feel embarrassed at having Philip around? Maybe they aren't so bad after all. "We're just saying hello, My name is Max. This is Maria, Liz and Isabel. That one sleeping over there is Michael," he says, introducing himself and his posse.

"Well, my name's Kieran, if one of them hasn't already told you," I say, glaring at Phillip again, after turning to Xavier to question whether or not I've been introduced.

"Lovely place, isn't it?" I add, feeling the need to be sarcastic. It's what get's me by.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"So, what are we all talking about?" Keirian jumps in as if he's actually going to socialize with the rest of the group. Interesting."We were planning a formal dance party to welcome the newbies. Do you know any place where we can hire a band?" Phillip adds sarcastically. Wow, he's a real piece of work. I'm sure if he applied for a position in'The Sunshine Committe' he'd get recruited right away. I sit with a clearly unamused expression while Max plays hero and comes to the boys rescue.

"We're just saying hello," He states with a trust worthy smile. "My name is Max. This is Maria, Liz and Isabel. That one sleeping over there is Michael," Now that we've played the name game once more I find that I'm bored with the entire situation. I want to find the answers that will get us released from this prison now. Surely they know something helpful seeing as how they've been here for years. "What can you do, beautiful?" Phillip questions with a look I am none too pleased with.

Not letting him get the better of me I respond in my usual ice cold manner. Showing him his remark doesn't affect me in the slighest. "I eat little boys like you for breakfast." The smile never waivers from my face as I take the elastic hair bow from my wrist and pull my long blonde locks up into a ponytail. "Well, my name's Kieran, if one of them hasn't already told you," He imputs before glaring at Phillip respectively. "Lovely place, isn't it?"

Unable to curb the urge to just let it go I retort. "Oh yes. It's swell. I can't imagine why it's not on the travel channels top ten places to visit." I sigh realizing that all this hostility is not getting us closer to reaching our goal. To go home. Tilting my head to the side I try to relieve the built of tension. "I'm a dream walker. I can visit peoples dreams." Silenty I beg whatever God may exist that there are no girl of my dreams cracks.
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Post by maougha »


"So, what are we all talking about?" Kieran asks, surprising me a little.

"We were planning a formal dance party to welcome the newbies. Do you know any place where we can hire a band?" replies Phillip. Oh great here we go. But before the two can get into it Max starts playing hero.

"We're just saying hello, My name is Max. This is Maria, Liz and Isabel. That one sleeping over there is Michael.” oh we are back at introductions again maybe I can start ignoring every one now?

"What can you do, beautiful?" Phillip asks the new girl Isabel I glance between the two. Yeah Pepe is way out of his league. I wonder what she is going to say.

She responds in an icy no nonsense manor. "I eat little boys like you for breakfast." I laugh out loud at that. The smile she is wearing never leaves her face as she puts her hair up.

"Well, my name's Kieran, if one of them hasn't already told you, Lovely place, isn't it?"

She seems to snap at this. "Oh yes. It's swell. I can't imagine why it's not on the travel channels top ten places to visit." And just when I think she is working herself into a nice long rant she sighs. "I'm a dream walker. I can visit peoples dreams."

Wow cool power, kind of like astrol projection I guess. Though I’ve never been in any ones dreams before the scientists once force me into a sleeping persons head once. It’s the only time I can read a mind or something but it’s hard and tiring. I’ve never done it since. I see Phillip still giving her that look and snicker. “Hey look Pepe it’s the woman of your dreams.”
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Post by isabelle »


She eats little boys like me for breakfast? Sweet. I know just where I'd like her to start with that amazing mouth. Afterwards, maybe I can take a little nibble or two in a different place.

While I'm contemplating this, Keiran and Isabel start talking about the place. It's so boring. I know we don't have much else to talk about but it's bad enough to BE here. I don't see wasting my time describing the situation.

“Hey look Pepe it’s the woman of your dreams.” Xavier says after Isabel describes her power.

"I haven't seen her there yet, but I'm looking forward to it," I say with a straight expression.


I pinch my lips together in frustration at this banter. It's not helping anything. Isabel's dreamwalking would do us a lot better if she could get into one of the scientists' dreams. Then we might have a clue about what's really going on here. I doubt very much that she'll be visiting Phillip any time soon.

I turn my attention to Kieran, feeling he might just be the key here. "Why would they keep you all this time? Do you know why they can do these things? Why do the ... scientists ... think you can, too?" I ask.

The world 'scientists' tastes bad in my mouth. It used to make me think of Liz as a micro-biologist like she's always talking about. Now it's just another word for 'torturers.'

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