Darkened Doorways (UC/CC ADULT) *Liz/Sean needed*

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Post by madroswellfan »

(ooc: Since characters are strating to move I'm going to make the bell ring soon if thats ok with everyone. If no one object I'll move it on tommorow or saturday :))
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Post by KarenEvans »

OOC-no problem with that
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Post by Anna-Liisa »

Sounds good to me. Sorry for not replying -> Inspiration is a bit down.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

OOC: Sounds good to me.


"Wassup Liz?...Max let you go free for a while?" Alex says sarcastically with a smirk.

I recoil in shock. Alex has never spoken to me like that before. What is with all the hostile energy around here today? Alex suddenly looks ashamed and reaches out to touch my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Liz, I didn't mean to sound so bitchy...just in a cranky mood today. How's your day going?"

“Its going okay,” I say briefly. “How about yours? What has gotten you in such a crappy mood? Or do I even need to ask?”
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Post by RiaRath101 »

OOC : Sounds good to me too
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Post by KarenEvans »


“Its going okay,” she replies after getting over the initial shock of me answering her so rudely “How about yours? What has gotten you in such a crappy mood? Or do I even need to ask?”

I shrug my shoulders i an effort not to make it sound like such a big deal,"The usual...I have decided that I should keep a little distance between Isael and myself.SO...me being mean to you back there was probably the result of withdrawal symptoms." I say with a grin

"You know the drug like effect she has on me.I turn in to a puppy dog instantly,drooling and ready to go fetch.Anyway enough about me.Who was that guy who came up to your table at lunch?" I ask as we amble towards the next class which luckily we have together
Last edited by KarenEvans on Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by madroswellfan »

(ooc: Okay moving on :) )

The bell suddenly rings and I look up in surprise. I try to hide the fact that I welcome the bell. I had noticed Zan and... God I HAVE to start getting there names right. I mean I had noticed Max and Isabel leave while the brunette had gone off with a human. Hmm...intresting. I turn apologetically to Kyle.

"Thanks for sitting with me Kyle, but I had better go...I don't want to be late for my first class..." I realise my huge mistake and immediately correct myself by adding "...not that I'm a geek, but I find when I go to a new place that if I get teachers to like me on the first day there more leniant over all. It normally works for me so..." I shrug.

I stand up. "Anyway...perhaps I'll see you later...bye Kyle"
And then I walk away at a reasonable pace. In truth, I want to be walking alone incase I see one of the other three to say hello to. But as I walk through the halls I don't see anyone. I sigh to myself as I find the correct classroom and walk inside.

The teacher smiles at me immediately. "Clark Kent I presume?"
I nod. "Yes sir."
The teacher smiles. "Well stay here a moment and when the class arrives I'll pair you up with someone. Everyone already has a pair I'm afraid...but I'm sure one of the advvanced students can manage on there own..."

I watch as he goes over to his desk. "Yes...I'll put you with Evans...want you with a female of course...I do mixed pairs in my class..." he mutters to himself more than me. I stand at the front waiting for the others to arrive.

(ooc: Ok...anyone can use the male teacher...I wanted to use the name of the male science teacher but I've currently forgotten it so if someone knows what it is feel free lol. I was thinking that either everyone could be in the same class....although that would mean all nine of them would be...so if anyone wants to get another class going feel free.)
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


He growls in responce and I feel my knees buckle at the primal sound. I swear if I didn't think we'd get caught I'd have him right here and right now. The temptation is so great that I ponder that thought intensely debating on our odds of keeping it quiet. In all honesty, Slim to none. Hmmm. "I'll have the sheets clean. I want to have you all to myself as much as possible." The boy is usually pretty nonverbal ,but when he does speak it's always the right thing.

What can I say? My man gives good talk. Well, to me at least. It never ceases to amaze me the beautiful things he utters behind closed doors. It's not that he's ashamed he just likes to keep private emotions between us. No one needs to know our business except us. We also try to keep public shows of affection to a bare minimum but sometimes we can't help ourselves. Keeping my hands off of him at times becomes to difficult to bare. Thus the retreating to the Eraser room for a lil one on one time.

He captures my lips for a breath taking kiss and I can feel my body heat against his from the lightest amount of touch. His grip tightens and I bask in the feeling of him. I wish we could be skin to skin. I detest all boundries that keep us from being together. That includes clothing. We haven't slept together ,but to my calculations it's only a matter of time. I mean we love each other and there comes a certain point where there's return. You can't go back on this kind of attraction. I'm done fighting it. Something in me craves that thing that only he can give me.

He moves from my mouth to line of my jaw and drops down until he reaches the pulse on my neck. Leaning into him I allow him to take all of myself. I can't help the tiny cries of pleasure I moan as he sucks hungerily on the sensitve skin. After a moment he draws back and seems to eye me proudly. Shit... Did he give me another hickey? Don't get me wrong... I love being marked by him. I want everyone to know that I belong to him ,and he belongs to me ,but I'm tired of getting the intense stares and goofy grins in the hallway.

Good thing Michael doesn't notice. Otherwise he'd be in a bunch of fights and he can't afford to get into any more trouble. I have to bribe him with Eraser room time to get him to show up at school as it is. I can't be mad though. Looking up at that face I see my whole future and it's looking pretty....


Damn. That was the bell. We are late again. Sighing I meet his eyes to convey my disappointment. "We've got to put this on ice." I reveal unhappily. "We are late for Bio Lab... Again." I can't let him get another tardy slip. I rack my brain for excuses ,but alas not a stroke of brillance hits me oh well. "Come on Space Boy. Let's go face the executioner." Leaning up on my tip toes I place a quick but meaningful kiss on his lips. I take his hand in mine and lead him down the hall to our classroom.

"Mr. Guerin. Ms. Deluca. Thank you for gracing us with your presence. Your late... yet again. Perhaps you would find detention would motivate you to be punctual." Trying to hold back the fiesty part of me that screams to argue I pipe back. "No sir. That will not be neccessary." The bug eyed teacher eyes us both suspiciously before repsonding. "Consider yourself warned. Next time I won't be so forgiving. All right class. Where was I? Oh yes..." Then he trailed off but I was no longer listening. Taking a seat I look down and realized we hadn't had time to grab our books. Damn.
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Post by RiaRath101 »


I hear the bell ring and know we need to get to Bio. She looks into my eyes and said, "We've got to put this on ice," unhappily. I sigh knowing we have to but still not wanting to go to class. "We are late for Bio Lab... Again."she says. I nod my head while knowing she is thinking of excuses that we might be able to tell the teacher. "Come on Space Boy. Let's go face the executioner." says which makes me smirk as she stands on her tiptoes and gives me a quick but meaningful kiss. She takes my hand in hers and we leave the eraser room.

We walk into class a moment later and the bio teacher looks at both of us. "Mr. Guerin. Ms. Deluca. Thank you for gracing us with your presence. Your late... yet again. Perhaps you would find detention would motivate you to be punctual." I am not surprised that he threatens us with detention. I remian silent as she says, "No sir. That will not be neccessary." I know that if I say anything he will probably give us detention.

He stares at us for a moment before saying, "Consider yourself warned. Next time I won't be so forgiving. All right class. Where was I? Oh yes..." I tone out the teacher and walk over to my desk. Sitting down I continue to pretend to be listening to the teacher. Glancing at the clock, I hope the bell rings soon knowing we only have a couple more classes and this day is over. Then I could have her all to myself again.
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Post by isabelle »

OOC --

If Ms "Remedial Science" DeLuca and Mr. "I don't see the point of an Earth Education" are in this class, then maybe Max and Liz and Alex are in a different one? What do you guys think?

I believe the teacher's name is Mr. Siegman. -- but I'm not certain.
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